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These studies sought to investigate quantitative relationships between the complex composite structure and mechanical properties of tendon. The isolated mouse tail tendon fascicle was chosen as an appropriate model for these so-called "structure-function" investigations. Specifically, collagen fibril diameters and mechanical properties were measured in fascicles from immature (3 week) control, adult (8 week) control, and adult (8 week) MovI3 transgenic mice. Results demonstrated a moderate correlation between mean fibril diameter and fascicle stiffness (r = 0.73, p = 0.001) and maximum load (r = 0.75, p < 0.001), whereas a weak correlation with fascicle modulus (r = 0.39, p = 0.11) and maximum stress (r = 0.48, p = 0.04). An analysis of pooled within-group correlations revealed no strong structure-function trends evidenced at the local or group level, indicating that correlations observed in the general structure-function analyses were due primarily to having three different experimental groups, rather than significant correlations of parameters within the groups.  相似文献   

We introduce the use of commercially available locked nucleic acids (LNAs) as a functional probe in RNA. LNA nucleotides contain a covalent linkage that restricts the pseudorotation phase of the ribose to C3'-endo (A-form). Introduction of an LNA at a single site thus allows the role of ribose structure and dynamics in RNA function to be assessed. We apply LNA probing at multiple sites to analyze self-cleavage in the lead-dependent ribozyme (leadzyme), thermodynamic stability in the UUCG tetraloop, and the kinetics of recognition of U1A protein by U1 snRNA hairpin II. In the leadzyme, locking a single guanosine residue into the C3'-endo pucker increases the catalytic rate by a factor of 20, despite the fact that X-ray crystallographic and NMR structures of the leadzyme ground state reported a C2'-endo conformation at this site. These results strongly suggest that a conformational change at this position is critical for catalytic function. Functional insights obtained in all three systems demonstrate the highly general applicability of LNA probing in analysis of the role of ribose orientation in RNA structure, dynamics, and function.  相似文献   

Stereology applied to structure-function relationships in pharmacology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Testicular morphology of vertebrate testis indicates requirement of local control. In urodeles, the testis is organized in lobes of increasing maturity throughout the cephalocaudal axis. The anuran testis is organized in tubules. Spermatogenesis occurs in cysts composed by Sertoli cells enveloping germ cells at synchronous stages. Moreover, in numerous species germ cell progression lasts a year which defines the sexual cycle. Due to the above quoted features, research on factors regulating germ cell progression in amphibians may reach greater insight as compared with mammalian animal models. In particular, studies on endocrine and paracrine/autocrine factors involved in the regulation of germ cell functions reveal that fos activation and a J protein, previously specifically found in mouse testis, exert an important role in spermatogonial proliferation and maturation of post-meiotic stages, respectively.  相似文献   

A bacteriocin from cells with a mutant Clo DF13 plasmid (cloacin clp03· immunity protein complex) and a bacteriocin from cells containing the recombinant plasmic Clo DF13 :: Tn901 (cloacin pJN82) have been isolated. Both bacteriocins like wild-type cloacin DF13, are still able to inhibit in vitro protein synthesis, but their in vivo killing activity is absent. Comparison of some physicochemical characteristics of the cloacin clp03 · immunity protein complex and wild-type cloacin complex showed no significant differences.From a comparison of the binding capacity to specific receptors on sensitive cells, the translocation through the cell wall, and the interaction with cytoplasmic membranes, it could be concluded that the cloacin clp03 complex is hampered in its translocation from the outer membrane receptor site to the cytoplasmic membrane, resulting in the observed lack in killing activity.Cloacin pJN82 is shortened at the C-terminal of the molecule by approximately ten amino acid residues. Together with its loss of in vivo killing activity it has lost its capacity to bind immunity protein. Since the immunity protein probably not only provides cloacin-producing cells with “immunity” but is also involved in the translocation of the bacteriocin to the interior of sensitive cells, the absence of this protein is probably the reason for the lack of killing activity of cloacin pJN82.The implications of these findings for the topography of the cloacin molecule as suggested by de Graaf et al. (de Graaf, F.K., Stukart, M.J., Boogerd, F.C. and Metselaar, K. (1978) Biochemistry, in press) are discussed.  相似文献   

A bacteriocin from cells with a mutant Clo DF13 plasmid (cloacin clp03 . immunity protein complex) and a bacteriocin from cells containing the recombinant plasmic Clo DF13 :: Tn901 (cloacin pJN82) have been isolated. Both bacteriocins like wild-type cloacin DF13, are still able to inhibit in vitro protein synthesis, but their in vivo killing activity is absent. Comparison of some physicochemical characteristics of the cloacin clp03 . immunity protein complex and wild-type cloacin complex showed no significant differences. From a comparison of the binding capacity to specific receptors on sensitive cells, the translocation through the cell wall, and the interaction with cytoplasmic membranes, it could be concluded that the cloacin clp03 complex is hampered in its translocation from the outer membrane receptor site to the cytoplasmic membrane, resulting in the observed lack in killing activity. Cloacin pJN82 is shortened at the C-terminal of the molecule by approximately ten amino acid residues. Together with its loss of in vivo killing activity it has lost its capacity to bind immunity protein. Since the immunity protein probably not only provides cloacin-producing cells with "immunity" but is also involved in the translocation of the bacteriocin to the interior of sensitive cells, the absence of this protein is probably the reason for the lack of killing activity of cloacin pJN82. The implications of these findings for the topography of the cloacin molecule as suggested by de Graaf et al. (de Graaf, F.K., Stukart, M.J., Boogerd, F.C. and Metselaar, K. (1978) Biochemistry, in press) are discussed.  相似文献   

Applications of intrinsic fluorescence measurements in the study of Ca2+-transport ATPases are reviewed. Since the initial reports showing that the fluorescence emission was sensitive to Ca2+ binding, a substantial amount of work has focused on the use of both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to investigate structure-function relationships in sarcoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases. These studies have revealed ligand-induced conformational changes, as well as provided information on protein-protein, protein-solvent and/or protein-lipid interactions in different functional states of these proteins. The main results of these studies, as well as possible future prospects are discussed.  相似文献   

Electrical circuit analysis was used to study the structural development of occluding junctions (OJs) in cultured monolayers composed to T84 cells. The magnitude of the increments in transepithelial resistance predicted by such analysis was compared with the magnitude of the measured increments in resistance. Confluent sheets of epithelial cells were formed after cells were plated at high density on collagen-coated filters. Using Claude's OJ strand count-resistance hypothesis (1978, J. Membr. Biol. 39:219-232), electrical circuit analysis of histograms describing OJ strand count distribution at different time points after plating predicted that junctional resistance should rise in a proportion of 1:21:50 from 18 h to 2 d to 5 d. This reasonably paralleled the degree of rise in transepithelial resistance over this period, which was 1:29:59. The ability to predict the observed resistance rise was eliminated if only mean strand counts were analyzed or if electrical circuit analysis of OJ strand counts were performed using an OJ strand count-resistance relationship substantially different from that proposed by Claude. Measurements of unidirectional fluxes of inulin, mannitol, and sodium indicated that restriction of transjunctional permeability accounted for the observed resistance rise, and that T84 junctional strands have finite permeability to molecules with radii less than or equal to 3.6 A but are essentially impermeable to molecules with radii greater than or equal to 15 A. The results suggest that general correlates between OJ structure and OJ ability to resist passive ion flow do exist in T84 monolayers. The study also suggests that such correlates can be obtained only if OJ structural data are analyzed as an electrical circuit composed of parallel resistors.  相似文献   

The fern gametophyte is a good model system for studying cell biological, physiological, and photobiological aspects of the fundamental processes of plant development and physiological phenomena, because of its autotrophic characteristics and its simple structure. The cells, moreover, are not surrounded by tissue, so observation and manipulation of the cells are very easy. Here I summarize a part of my knowledge of fern systems, which I have studied for nearly 40 years. Masamitsu Wada is the recipient of the BSJ Research Award for 2004.  相似文献   

Seasonal breeding is associated with sequential increases in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin in the short-day breeding emu, and in long-day breeding birds that terminate breeding by the development of reproductive photorefractoriness. A model of the avian neuroendocrine photoperiodic reproductive response is proposed, incorporating a role for prolactin, to account for neuroendocrine mechanisms controlling both long- and short-day breeding. The breeding season terminates after circulating concentrations of prolactin increase above a critical threshold to depress gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neuronal and gonadotrope (LH) activity. Subsequently, photorefractoriness develops for prolactin secretion and for LH secretion, independently of high plasma prolactin. The breeding season in the emu is advanced compared with long-day breeders, because after photorefractiness for both LH and prolactin secretion is dissipated, plasma concentrations of both hormones increase to maximum values while days are still short.  相似文献   

Activation of virulence in pathogenic fungi often involves differentiation processes that need the reset of the cell cycle and induction of a new morphogenetic program. Therefore, the fungal capability to modify its cell cycle constitutes an important determinant in carrying out a successful infection. The dimorphic fungus Ustilago maydis is the causative agent of corn smut disease and has lately become a highly attractive model in addressing fundamental questions about development in pathogenic fungi. The different morphological and genetic changes of U. maydis cells during the pathogenic process advocate an accurate control of the cell cycle in these transitions. This is why this model pathogen deserves attention as a powerful tool in analyzing the relationships between cell cycle, morphogenesis, and pathogenicity. The aim of this review is to summarize recent advances in the unveiling of cell cycle regulation in U. maydis. We also discuss the connection between cell cycle and virulence and how cell cycle control is an important downstream target in the fungus-plant interaction.  相似文献   

The melanosome as a model to study organelle motility in mammals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Melanosomes are lysosome-related organelles within which melanin pigment is synthesized. The molecular motors that allow these organelles to move within melanocytes have been the subject of intense study in several organisms. In mammals, melanosomes travel bi-directionally along microtubule tracks. The anterograde movement, i.e., towards microtubule plus-ends at the periphery, is accomplished by proteins of the kinesin superfamily, whereas the retrograde movement, i.e., towards microtubule minus-ends at the cell center, is achieved by dynein and dynein-associated proteins. At the periphery, melanosomes interact with the actin cytoskeleton via a tripartite complex formed by the small GTPase Rab27a, melanophilin and myosin Va, an actin-based motor. This interaction is essential for the maintenance of a dispersed state of the melanosomes, as shown by the perinuclear clustering of organelles in mutants in any of the referred proteins. In the retinal pigment epithelium, a similar complex formed by Rab27a, a melanophilin homolog called MyRIP and myosin VIIa is probably responsible for the tethering of melanosomes to the actin cytoskeleton. The coordination of motor activities is still poorly characterized, although some models have emerged in recent years and are discussed here. Unraveling regulatory mechanisms responsible for melanosome motility in pigmented cells will provide general insights into organelles dynamics within eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

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