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Poly (A) binding proteins are intimately implicated in controlling a number of events in mRNA metabolism from nuclear polyadenylation to cytoplasmic translation and stability. The known poly(A) binding proteins can be divided into three distinct structural groups (prototypes PABP1, PABPN1/PABP2 and Nab2p) and two functional families, showing that similar functions can be accomplished by differing structural units. This has prompted us to perform a screen for novel poly(A) binding proteins using Xenopus laevis. A novel poly(A) binding protein of 32 kDa (p32) was identified. Sequence analysis showed that p32 has about 50% identity to the known nuclear poly(A) binding proteins (PABPN1) but is more closely related to a group of mammalian proteins of unknown function. The expression of Xenopus laevis ePABP2 is restricted to early embryos. Accordingly, we propose that p32 is the founder member of a novel class of poly(A) binding proteins named ePABP2.  相似文献   

The nuclear poly(A)-binding protein (PABPN1) is involved in the synthesis of the mRNA poly(A) tails in most eukaryotes. We report that the protein contains two RNA binding domains, a ribonucleoprotein-type RNA binding domain (RNP domain) located approximately in the middle of the protein sequence and an arginine-rich C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain also promotes self-association of PABPN1 and moderately cooperative binding to RNA. Whereas the isolated RNP domain binds specifically to poly(A), the isolated C-terminal domain binds non-specifically to RNA and other polyanions. Despite this nonspecific RNA binding by the C-terminal domain, selection experiments show that adenosine residues throughout the entire minimal binding site of approximately 11 nucleotides are recognized specifically. UV-induced cross-links with oligo(A) carrying photoactivatable nucleotides at different positions all map to the RNP domain, suggesting that most or all of the base-specific contacts are made by the RNP domain, whereas the C-terminal domain may contribute nonspecific contacts, conceivably to the same nucleotides. Asymmetric dimethylation of 13 arginine residues in the C-terminal domain has no detectable influence on the interaction of the protein with RNA. The N-terminal domain of PABPN1 is not required for RNA binding but is essential for the stimulation of poly(A) polymerase.  相似文献   

Binding of the chloroplast poly(A)-binding protein, RB47, to the psbA mRNA is regulated in response to light and is required for translation of this mRNA in chloroplasts. The RNA binding activity of RB47 can be modulated in vitro by oxidation and reduction. Site-directed mutations to individual cysteine residues in each of the four RNA binding domains of RB47 showed that changing single cysteines to serines in domains 2 or 3 reduced, but did not eliminate, the ability of RB47 to be redox-regulated. Simultaneously changing cysteines to serines in both domains 2 and 3 resulted in the production of RB47 protein that was insensitive to redox regulation but retained the ability to bind the psbA mRNA at high affinity. The poly(A)-binding protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacks cysteine residues in RNA binding domains 2 and 3, and this poly(A)-binding protein lacks the ability to be regulated by oxidation or reduction. These data show that disulfide bond formation between RNA binding domains in a poly(A)-binding protein can be used to regulate the ability of this protein to bind mRNA and suggest that redox regulation of RNA binding activity may be used to regulate translation in organisms whose poly(A)-binding proteins contain these critical cysteine residues.  相似文献   

A DNA binding protein has been isolated, by affinity chromatography on DNA cellulose, from mitochondria and from purified mitDNA-protein complexes from oocytes of Xenopus laevis. This 12,500 daltons protein is polymeric in its native form and binds to DNA with a high efficiency. It exhibits an apparently preferential binding to the single-stranded fiber of the D loop structures.  相似文献   

The relative amounts of newly synthesized poly(A)+ and poly(A)? mRNA have been determined in developing embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis. Polysomal RNA was isolated and fractionated into poly(A)+ and poly(A)? RNA fractions with oligo(dT)-cellulose. In normal embryos the newly synthesized polysomal poly(A)+ RNA has a heterodisperse size distribution as expected of mRNA. The labeled poly(A)? RNA of polysomes is composed mainly of rRNA and 4S RNA. The amount of poly(A)? mRNA in this fraction cannot be quantitated because it represents a very small proportion of the labeled poly(A)? RNA. By using the anucleolate mutants of Xenopus which do not synthesize rRNA, it is possible to estimate the percentage of mRNA which contains poly(A) and lacks poly(A). All labeled polysomal RNA larger than 4S RNA which does not bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose in the anucleolate mutants is considered presumptive poly(A)? mRNA. The results indicate that about 80% of the mRNA lacks a poly(A) segment long enough to bind to oligo(dT). The poly(A)+ and poly(A)? mRNA populations have a similar size distribution with a modal molecular weight of about 7 × 105. The poly(A) segment of poly(A)+ mRNA is about 125 nucleotides long. Analysis of the poly(A)? mRNA fraction has shown that it lacks poly(A)125.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis eggs and gastrula stage embryos were fractionated into three equal sections normal to the animal-vegetal axis, and poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from each section. Hybridization of these poly(A)+ RNAs with [32P]cDNA synthesized using animal or vegetal poly(A)+ RNAs showed no detectable differences in the extents or rates of reaction. Thus, the vast majority of poly(A)+ RNAs are not segregated along the animal-vegetal axis. To increase the sensitivity of these experiments, [32P]cDNAs were prepared which had reduced levels of RNA sequences from the animal region of the gastrula stage embryo or spawned unfertilized egg. Hybridization reactions with these probes showed that 3 to 5% of the input cDNA represents poly(A)+ RNA sequences enriched 2- to 20-fold in the vegetal region of the egg or gastrula stage embryo.  相似文献   

The karyophilic protein N1 (590 amino acids) is an abundant soluble protein of the nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes where it forms defined complexes with histones H3 and H4. The amino acid sequence of this protein, as deduced from the cDNA, reveals a putative nuclear targeting signal as well as two acidic domains which are candidates for the interaction with histones. Using two different histone binding assays in vitro we have found that the deletion of the larger acidic domain reduces histone binding drastically to a residual value of approximately 15% of the complete molecule, whereas removal of the smaller acidic domain only slightly reduces histone complex formation in solution, but infers more effectively with binding to immobilized histones. In the primary structure of the protein both histone-binding domains are distant from the conspicuous nuclear accumulation signal sequence (residues 531-537) close to the carboxy terminus which is very similar to the SV40 large T-antigen nuclear targeting sequence. Using a series of N1 mutants altered by deletions or point mutations we show that this signal is required but not sufficient for nuclear accumulation of protein N1. The presence of an additional, more distantly related signal sequence in position 544-554 is also needed to achieve a level of nuclear uptake equivalent to that of the wild-type protein. Results obtained with point mutations support the concept of two nuclear targeting sequences and emphasize the importance of specific lysine and arginine residues in these signal sequences.  相似文献   

During vertebrate oogenesis and early embryogenesis, gene expression is governed mainly by translational control. The recruitment of Poly(A) Binding Protein (PABP) during poly(A) tail lengthening appears to be the key to translational activation during this period of development in Xenopus laevis. We showed that PABP1 and ePABP proteins are both present during oogenesis and early development. We selected ePABP as an eRF3 binding protein in a two-hybrid screening of a X. laevis cDNA library and demonstrated that this protein is associated with translational complexes. It can complement essential functions of the yeast homologue Pab1p. We discuss specific expression patterns of the finely tuned PABP1 and ePABP proteins.  相似文献   

The 3' poly(A) tail of eukaryotic mRNAs plays an important role in the regulation of translation. The poly(A) binding protein (PABP) interacts with eukaryotic initiation factor 4G (eIF4G), a component of the eIF4F complex, which binds to the 5' cap structure. The PABP-eIF4G interaction brings about the circularization of the mRNA by joining its 5' and 3' termini, thereby stimulating mRNA translation. The activity of PABP is regulated by two interacting proteins, Paip1 and Paip2. To study the mechanism of the Paip1-PABP interaction, far-Western, glutathione S-transferase pull-down, and surface plasmon resonance experiments were performed. Paip1 contains two binding sites for PABP, PAM1 and PAM2 (for PABP-interacting motifs 1 and 2). PAM2 consists of a 15-amino-acid stretch residing in the N terminus, and PAM1 encompasses a larger C-terminal acidic-amino-acid-rich region. PABP also contains two Paip1 binding sites, one located in RNA recognition motifs 1 and 2 and the other located in the C-terminal domain. Paip1 binds to PABP with a 1:1 stoichiometry and an apparent K(d) of 1.9 nM.  相似文献   

The poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) is the major mRNA-binding protein in eukaryotes, and it is essential for viability of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The amino acid sequence of the protein indicates that it consists of four ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence-containing RNA-binding domains (RBDs I, II, III, and IV) and a proline-rich auxiliary domain at the carboxyl terminus. We produced different parts of the S. cerevisiae PABP and studied their binding to poly(A) and other ribohomopolymers in vitro. We found that none of the individual RBDs of the protein bind poly(A) specifically or efficiently. Contiguous two-domain combinations were required for efficient RNA binding, and each pairwise combination (I/II, II/III, and III/IV) had a distinct RNA-binding activity. Specific poly(A)-binding activity was found only in the two amino-terminal RBDs (I/II) which, interestingly, are dispensable for viability of yeast cells, whereas the activity that is sufficient to rescue lethality of a PABP-deleted strain is in the carboxyl-terminal RBDs (III/IV). We conclude that the PABP is a multifunctional RNA-binding protein that has at least two distinct and separable activities: RBDs I/II, which most likely function in binding the PABP to mRNA through the poly(A) tail, and RBDs III/IV, which may function through binding either to a different part of the same mRNA molecule or to other RNA(s).  相似文献   

RNA binding proteins (RBPs) often engage multiple RNA binding domains (RBDs) to increase target specificity and affinity. However, the complexity of target recognition of multiple RBDs remains largely unexplored. Here we use Upstream of N-Ras (Unr), a multidomain RBP, to demonstrate how multiple RBDs orchestrate target specificity. A crystal structure of the three C-terminal RNA binding cold-shock domains (CSD) of Unr bound to a poly(A) sequence exemplifies how recognition goes beyond the classical ππ-stacking in CSDs. Further structural studies reveal several interaction surfaces between the N-terminal and C-terminal part of Unr with the poly(A)-binding protein (pAbp). All interactions are validated by mutational analyses and the high-resolution structures presented here will guide further studies to understand how both proteins act together in cellular processes.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the Xenopus homologue of cold-inducible RNA binding protein, XCIRP-1, is required for the morphogenetic migration of the pronephros during embryonic development. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we report that XCIRP is essential for embryonic cell movement, as suppression of XCIRP by microinjection of anti-sense mRNA and morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MOs) significantly reduced protein expression, inhibited the cell migration rate, and inhibited eFGF and activin-induced animal cap elongation. By immunoprecipitation and RT-PCR, we further showed that the mRNA of a panel of adhesion molecules, including alphaE- and beta-catenin, C- and E-cadherin, and paraxial proto-cadherin, are the targets of XCIRP. Consistently, in animal cap explant studies, suppression of XCIRP by MOs inhibited the expression of these adhesion molecules, while over-expression of sense XCIRP-1 mRNA fully rescued this inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest for the first time that XCIRP is required to maintain the expression of adhesion molecules and cell movement during embryonic development.  相似文献   

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