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在中国和北美大陆分别收集53和15株高卢蜜环菌Armillaria gallica菌株,并用ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeat)分子标记对这些菌株进行了亲缘关系及系统发育分析。结果表明:中国和北美大陆的A. gallica因地理隔离产生明显的遗传分异,在系统发育树上分别形成了各自的进化分支;北美大陆的分支内部遗传分化尚不明显,而中国的进化分支遗传分化程度相对较大且更为古老,中国菌株可能是两个大陆A. gallica的祖先株系。  相似文献   

浅论天麻和蜜环菌及其共生关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天麻块茎是一种名贵的中药材。它有息风镇痛作用,对神经性头痛、高血压性头痛等都有显著疗效。天麻除开花结果期外,常年以块茎生活在土中,无根无绿叶。在山林生态系统中,组成了一条特殊的食物链:阔叶树—蜜环菌—天麻。其中的天麻和蜜环菌于同—土壤环境中建立了共生关系。这种共生关系,影响着天麻的生长和繁殖,决定了人工栽培天麻的成败。  相似文献   

蜜环菌Armilla riella mcllea(Vahl:Ff.)Kgtst·侵入猪苓Gri[ola umbe』zd‘4(PetsFr.)PilOt)菌核,激活了猪苓菌抵御异体侵染免疫反应的本能,猪苓菌丝细胞木质化,形成与菌核表皮结构相似的隔离腔,将蜜环菌素和部分猪苓菌丝包围。在隔离腔中蜜环菌消化分隔在腔中的猪苓菌丝,另外猪苓菌丝也可侵入或附着在蜜环菌索及侵染带细胞间隙吸收其代谢产物,猪苓菌核即可萌发出新苓正常生长。当隔离腔中的猪苓菌丝被消化后,蛮环菌生活力也减弱,解体后被猪苓菌吸收利用,隔离腔变成空腔。从广义角度看,仍可把蜜环菌与猪苓菌寄生与反寄生的营养关系概括为共生关系。  相似文献   

猪苓与蜜环菌的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
徐锦堂  郭顺星 《真菌学报》1992,11(2):142-145

目的 对4株昭通乌天麻(Gastrodia elata)共生蜜环菌(Armillaria mella)的生理生化活性进行研究,并鉴定其分类地位。方法 通过测定不同碳源和氮源对蜜环菌生长的影响以及胞外酶活性,掌握该蜜环菌生理生化特性,再结合rDNA-IGS序列分析方法进行鉴定。结果 不同蜜环菌需要不同的碳源、氮源;3种胞外酶活性中木聚糖酶活性最大,其次是羧甲基纤维素酶,漆酶活性最小;供试蜜环菌与云南、贵州地区天麻共生蜜环菌以及猪苓共生蜜环菌的亲缘关系比较远。结论 蜜环菌能否作为天麻共生菌与其分类地位无关。  相似文献   

蜜环菌能为药用真菌伞形多孔菌菌核(猪苓)的生长提供营养,其自身也是一种重要的食药用真菌。筛选优良的蜜环菌菌株既可用于猪苓的栽培生产,也可为蜜环菌的进一步开发提供参考。本研究将从野生猪苓中分离得到的47株蜜环菌菌株划分形态型,选取12个代表性菌株进行液体培养,研究菌丝体多糖含量,以及发酵液中的羧甲基纤维素酶(CMC酶)、木聚糖酶、漆酶的活性变化。结果显示,蜜环菌菌株M8-3生长较快,生物量累积最高,3种关键酶的活性也较高,为较优质菌株,可用于猪苓的栽培实验;菌株M3和M8-3菌丝体多糖含量较高,可作为蜜环菌开发利用的候选菌株。  相似文献   

天麻与蜜环菌的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
天麻(Gastrodia elata Bl.)除开花结实期外,蜜环菌对天麻幼苗的形成、营养器官的更新以及营养生长转向生殖生长,都起决定性的作用。块茎潜伏芽的萌动及其后的发育程度也完全由蜜环菌的侵染部位和程度所决定,不存在内在的顺序性。观察了蜜环菌对天麻侵染的详细过程,并发现有正常生理侵染和病理侵染两种状况。病理侵染的突出表现是入侵的菌索可冲破消化层而瓦解深层的组织,致使新生块茎生长不良。不仅块茎可以同化蜜环菌,营养茎也起同化蜜环菌的作用。幼苗期营养茎是唯一的同化器官;以后的营养生长期,它仍占重要地位;只是进入生殖生长期以后,营养茎才居于次要地位。正生长的块茎不能同化蜜环菌,只有经过越冬以后才能执行同化器官的作用。  相似文献   

王洋洋  涂璇  王传华  金冠  赵俊 《菌物学报》2019,38(3):313-326
蜜环菌属Armillaria真菌是世界范围内广泛分布的担子菌,既是引起森林病害的重要病原菌,也是天麻和猪苓生长的必须共生真菌,具有重要的经济价值。本文对我国鄂西天麻主产区即神农架林区、大老岭自然保护区、宜昌市所属的夷陵区和五峰县、恩施自治州等地进行了系统的调查采样,共获得45份蜜环菌子实体样本及其二倍体菌株,其中通过孢子印分离获得约320个单孢菌株。在此基础上,采用IGS、ITS和elongation factor-1 alpha(EF1-α)分子标记对45份二倍体菌株进行测序和系统发育分析,对有单孢株的样本采用遗传互交不育性实验进行生物种鉴定。结果表明,鄂西地区的蜜环菌分为4个clade,共有6个不同的蜜环菌生物种,分别为CBS J,CBS L,CBS N,CBS O,CBS F和Armillaria mellea,具有丰富的遗传多样性。其中,24个样本鉴定为CBS L,是鄂西地区的优势种;9个样本鉴定为CBS J;9个样本鉴定为CBS N;另有3个样本分别鉴定为CBS O,CBS F和Armillaria mellea。其中CBS L、CBS N、CBS O首次在湖北地区报道,扩大了这3个生物种的分布范围。本研究为了解鄂西地区蜜环菌的资源情况提供基础数据,对天麻生产蜜环菌菌种选育具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)是一类古老、专性活体营养的共生菌物, 尚未获得纯培养, 在一定程度上限制了人们对AMF的深入研究。以DNA分析技术为基础的分子生物学技术增加了AMF检测的敏感性与特异性, rDNA序列的同源性和变化性可更真实地反映物种之间的亲缘关系及进化地位, 因而被广泛应用于AMF分类、鉴定、遗传、生态及物种多样性等研究中。本文简要综述了rDNA序列分析技术在AMF系统发育、分子检测及群落结构特征研究中的应用现状。  相似文献   

本文利用3H-葡萄糖以打孔浇灌法标记天麻。用标记的天麻伴栽蜜环菌,追踪标记化合物是否存在蜜环菌中。显微放射自显影的结果表明:天麻自身能吸收标记物,同化的标记物其长距离运输靠天麻的纵向维管组织进行。天麻表皮外的蜜环菌菌索的光镜、电镜自显影显示,蜜环菌能从天麻中获取营养,蜜环菌和天麻之间存在营养物质的相互交流,菌麻之间存在着特殊的共生关系。  相似文献   

蜜环菌Armillaria是一种广泛分布的担子菌,是栽培中药天麻所必须的共生菌。为揭示我国天麻栽培用和鄂西地区部分野生蜜环菌资源的遗传多样性和生物学特性,本文收集了9个省市EF-1-α的19个蜜环菌商品菌株和鄂西地区20株野生蜜环菌菌株,以IGS、ITS和elongation factor-1-alpha(EF-1-α)为分子标记对这些菌株进行系统发育与遗传多样性分析,并对影响与天麻共生的生物学特性(菌索发育和胞外水解酶活性)进行对比研究。结果表明,这19株蜜环菌商品菌株分别归属于2个clade。其中,有18个菌株聚在cladeⅢ,说明不同来源的蜜环菌商品菌株之间系统发育关系很近;通过对蜜环菌的系统发育、菌索生长以及胞外水解酶活性的研究,总体上商品种优于鄂西的野生蜜环菌生物种。从鄂西野生蜜环菌中筛选出4个具有潜在栽培价值的菌株。本研究为天麻栽培生产中蜜环菌菌种的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

猪苓与蜜环菌共生亲和性是猪苓人工栽培成功的关键因素。为获得猪苓与蜜环菌的高亲和性组合,本文采用了5株猪苓菌株与4株蜜环菌菌株进行筛选。通过将猪苓菌株与蜜环菌菌株共培养,比较不同组合的生长速度、拮抗线形成情况,以及两种菌丝生长过程中形态学变化等指标,结果发现组合GU-06&AM-08生长速度最快,为3.36mm/d。GU-06和GU-07-2菌株与每株蜜环菌共培养均可产生拮抗线,共培养28d后,产生拮抗的猪苓菌丝分枝较多,可以看到菌丝束。被蜜环菌菌索侵染的猪苓菌核,切面可以明显观察到侵入猪苓菌核中的蜜环菌菌索,侵染到猪苓菌核中的蜜环菌菌索分枝较多,中空,表皮细胞细长。发生侵染现象的组合有7组:GU-04与AM-06;GU-06与AM-06,AM-08,AM-13;GU-07-2与AM-06,AM-08;GU-15与AM-06,其中以GU-06与AM-06,AM-13两组组合侵染最严重,其余组合没有发现侵染现象。综合以上共生筛选指标获得GU-06&AM-08、GU-06&AM-06、GU-07-2&AM-08以及GU-06&AM-13 4组高亲和性的组合。  相似文献   

The sclerotia of Polyporus umbellatus were collected from three locations in Japan and three locations in China. All the collected sclerotia were adhered to by rhizomorphs of the symbionts. When the sclerotium of P. umbellatus was cross sectioned, the internal part of the sclerotium was cream colored, and many black regions surrounding the invading rhizomorphs were observed. The surrounding zone contained string-like, gelatinous masses composed of hyphae, and its outside was brown in color. All isolates were similar in colony morphology and grew well on PDA medium with well-developed rhizomorphs. All the isolates showed typical morphology of Armillaria. The isolated fungi were identified via the ITS region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence. Phylogenetic analysis based on the neighbor-joining method showed that all the isolates clustered with fungi belonging to Armillaria species. Among them, five species (A. sinapina, A. calvescens, A. gallica, A. cepistipes, and A. nabsnona) and the symbiont formed a highly supported clade. We report on the case where Armillaria has a relationship in the sclerotium of Polyporus umbellatus.  相似文献   

We have done a series of experiments on the biological relationship of G. elata and Armillaria mellea (Vahl ex Fr.) Quel on the basis of popular experience. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The whole ontogenetic pattern of G. elata may be generally divided into four stages: seedling formation, tuber formation, flowering and fruiting. Except for the flowering and fruiting stage, the activity of Amella determines the formation of G. clara seedlings, the renewal of its vegetative organs, and transformation of vegetative growth to reproductive growth. The germination of tile dormant buds and their development are also decided by the sites and the influence of infection of A mellea . In some cases, when the mixed bud of G. elara was injured, it could also form several tubers with the infection of A. mellea . 2. The infecting process of A. mellea on G. elata has been studied in detail. Some of our observations are not well fitted with Kusano's experimental results. We find that there are two modes of infection of A. mellea on G. clara: physiological infection and pathological infection. Under normal environmental conditions, A. mellea infects the tissues of cortical layer only, and may also lead to the enlargment and malformation of nuclei. On the other hand; the digestive cells possess both the functions of defense and infecting hyphae. The pathological infection often exists under unfavorable conditions. 3. The tuber of G. data is not the only organ to assimilate the A. mellea, the vegetative stem also has a function of assimilation. 4. The growihg tuber would not become an assimilating organ until winter was over.  相似文献   

我国猪苓研究的进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
猪苓菌核同密环菌建立起共生关系才能继续生长。从猪苓菌核生长、菌核与蜜环菌的关系、猪苓菌种培养与猪苓多糖提取、猪苓人工栽培等方面进行了综述  相似文献   

Three undescribed zinniol derivatives, arcopiniols A-C (1-3), together with three known compounds zinniol (4), 8-zinniol methyl ether (5), and maristachone B (6), were isolated from the endophytic fungus Arcopilus sp. YUD20001 associated with Gastrodia elata using various chromatographic separation techniques. Arcopiniol A (1) was a new compound, while the spectroscopic data of arcopiniols B-C (2-3) are reported here for the first time. Their structures were determined using spectroscopic methods and their absolute configurations were confirmed by performing TDDFT calculations. A putative biosynthetic pathway for all the compounds was proposed. The anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities of compounds 1-3 were investigated.  相似文献   

The hyphae of Armillaria mellea Fr. invade the large ceils of Gastrodia elata BI. Through the wall pits of cortical cells. During early stage the plasmalemma of large cell invaginates and the cell wall forms papillary thickenings to restrain the hyphae from invading. When a hypha enters a large cell, it is encircled tightly by the invaginated plasmalemma which is surrounded by a large number of vesicles coated by a unit membrane. As these vesicles fusing with their membranes to the plasmalemma and discharging their contents into the space around the hypha, the space lined by the invaginated plasmalemma enlarges gradually and becomes a digestive vacuole in which a hypha is completely digested. Reaction product form acid phosphatase activities in the vesicles and digestive vacuoles testifies that the vesicles and digestive vacuoles are identical with primary and secondary lysosomes of plant lysosomal system respectively.  相似文献   

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