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We have analyzed the relaxation properties of all 31P nuclei in an RNA cUUCGg tetraloop model hairpin at proton magnetic field strengths of 300, 600 and 900 MHz in solution. Significant H, P dipolar contributions to R 1 and R 2 relaxation are observed in a protonated RNA sample at 600 MHz. These contributions can be suppressed using a perdeuterated RNA sample. In order to interpret the 31P relaxation data (R 1, R 2), we measured the 31P chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) by solid-state NMR spectroscopy under various salt and hydration conditions. A value of 178.5 ppm for the 31P CSA in the static state (S 2 = 1) could be determined. In order to obtain information about fast time scale dynamics we performed a modelfree analysis on the basis of our relaxation data. The results show that subnanosecond dynamics detected around the phosphodiester backbone are more pronounced than the dynamics detected for the ribofuranosyl and nucleobase moieties of the individual nucleotides (Duchardt and Schwalbe, J Biomol NMR 32:295–308, 2005; Ferner et al., Nucleic Acids Res 36:1928–1940, 2008). Furthermore, the dynamics of the individual phosphate groups seem to be correlated to the 5′ neighbouring nucleobases.  相似文献   

Menger M  Eckstein F  Porschke D 《Biochemistry》2000,39(15):4500-4507
The dynamics of RNA hairpin tetraloops of the GNRA type [sequence G- any ribonucleotide (N)-purine (R)-A] was analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy and by fluorescence-detected temperature-jump relaxation, using RNA oligomers with 2-aminopurine (2AP) substituted in two different positions of the loop sequence, Gp2APpApA (HP1) and GpAp2APpA (HP2), as indicator. The fluorescence of HP1 is much higher than that of HP2, indicating a lower degree of 2AP-stacking in HP1. Addition of Mg(2+) or Ca(2+) ions leads to an increase of fluorescence in HP1, whereas a decrease of fluorescence is observed in HP2. In both cases at least two ion-binding equilibria are required to fit titration data. T-jump experiments using fluorescence detection show a relaxation process with a time constant of 22 micros for HP1, whereas two relaxation processes with time constants 5 and 41 micros, are found for HP2. These results clearly demonstrate the existence of more than the single conformation state detected by NMR analysis. The T-jump amplitudes decrease with increasing bivalent ion concentration, indicating that one of the states is favored in the presence of bivalent ions. The loop relaxation processes are slower than standard stacking processes, probably because of activation barriers imposed by a restricted mobility of loop residues, and are assigned to a stacking rearrangement, probably between the 5' and the 3'-side. A similar process has been observed previously for the anticodon loop of tRNA(Phe). The rate constants of the transition are in the range of 10(4) s(-1) in the case of HP1. The data demonstrate the existence of structures that are not resolved by standard NMR because of fast exchange and are not found by X-ray analysis because of restrictions by crystal packing.  相似文献   

Intramolecular dynamics of a 14-mer RNA hairpin including GCAA tetraloop was investigated by (13)C NMR relaxation. R(1) and R(1rho) relaxation rates were measured for all protonated base carbons as well as for C1' carbons of ribose sugars at several magnetic field strengths. The data has been interpreted in the framework of modelfree analysis [G. Lipari and A. Szabo. J Am Chem Soc 104, 4546-4559 (1982); G. Lipari and A. Szabo. J Am Chem Soc 104, 4559-4570 (1982)] characterizing the internal dynamics of the molecule by order parameters and correlation times for fast motions on picosecond to nanosecond time scale and by contributions of the chemical exchange. The fast dynamics reveals a rather rigid stem and a significantly more flexible loop. The cytosine and the last adenine bases in the loop as well as all the loop sugars exhibit a significant contribution of conformational equilibrium on microsecond to millisecond time scale. The high R(1rho) values detected on both base and sugar moieties of the loop indicate coordinated motions in this region. A semiquantitative analysis of the conformational equilibrium suggests the exchange rates on the order of 10(4) s(-1). The results are in general agreement with dynamics studies of GAAA loops by NMR relaxation and fluorescent spectroscopy and support the data on the GCAA loop dynamics obtained by MD simulations.  相似文献   

Simulations of an RNA hairpin containing a GNRA tetraloop were conducted to allow the characterization of its secondary structure formation and dynamics. Ten 10 ns trajectories of the folded hairpin 5'-GGGC[GCAA]GCCU-3' were generated using stochastic dynamics and the GB/SA implicit solvent model at 300 K. Overall, we find the stem to be a very stable subunit of this molecule, whereas multiple loop conformations and transitions between them were observed. These trajectories strongly suggest that extension of the C6 base away from the loop occurs cooperatively with an N-type-->S-type sugar pucker conversion in that residue and that similar pucker transitions are necessary to stabilize other looped-out bases. In addition, a short-lived conformer with an extended fourth loop residue (A8) lacking this stabilizing 2'-endo pucker mode was observed. Results of thermal perturbation at 400 K support this model of loop dynamics. Unfolding trajectories were produced using this same methodology at temperatures of 500 to 700 K. The observed unfolding events display three-state behavior kinetically (including native, globular, and unfolded populations) and, based on these observations, we propose a folding mechanism that consists of three distinct events: (i) collapse of the random unfolded structure and sampling of the globular state; (ii) passage into the folded region of configurational space as stem base-pairs form and gain helicity; and (iii) attainment of proper loop geometry and organization of loop pairing and stacking interactions. These results are considered in the context of current experimental knowledge of this and similar nucleic acid hairpins.  相似文献   

Hairpin secondary structural elements play important roles in the folding and function of RNA and DNA molecules. Previous work from our lab on small DNA hairpin loop motifs, d(cGNAg) and d(cGNABg) (where B is C, G, or T), showed that folding is highly cooperative and obeys indirect coupling, consistent with a concerted transition. Herein, we investigate folding of the related, exceptionally stable RNA hairpin motif, r(cGNRAg) (where R is A or G). Previous NMR characterization identified a complex network of seven hydrogen bonds in this loop. We inserted three carbon (C3) spacers throughout the loop and found coupling between G1 of the loop and the CG closing base pair, similar to that found in DNA. These data support a GNRA motif being expandable at any position but before the G. Thermodynamic measurements of nucleotide-analogue-substituted oligonucleotides revealed pairwise-coupling free energies ranging from weak to strong. When coupling free energies were remeasured in the background of changes at a third site, they remained essentially unchanged even though all of the sites were coupled to each other. This type of coupling, referred to as "direct", is peculiar to the RNA loop. The data suggest that, for small stable loops, folding of RNA obeys a model with nearest-neighbor interactions, while folding of DNA follows a more concerted process in which the stabilizing interactions are linked through a conformational change. The lesser cooperativity in RNA loops may provide a more robust loop that can withstand mutations without a severe loss in stability. These differences may enhance the ability of RNA to evolve.  相似文献   

The 5' noncoding region of the picornaviral genome begins with a cloverleaf which is required for viral replication, due at least in part to an interaction with the viral RNA polymerase as part of a fusion with the predominant viral protease. The necessary region of the cloverleaf has previously been narrowed to a highly conserved stem-loop. The solution structure of a 14-nucleotide RNA hairpin, which is part of the conserved stem-loop from human rhinovirus isotype 14, is presented here. The secondary structure of the hairpin is identical to predictions: a five base pair stem is bounded by a triloop with sequence UAU. However, the fold of the triloop is novel, with stacking of the second loop base onto the closing base pair of the stem, and deviations from A form geometry are introduced into the stem regions bordering the triloop, particularly on the 3' side. These deviations and the associated triloop structure could help to explain the distinct sequence conservation and mutational analysis data observed for the stem region of the hairpin, as compared to a second sequentially similar stem in the intact stem-loop.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of the RNA tetraloop 5'-CGCUUUUGCG-3' with high melting temperature and significant conformational heterogeneity in explicit water solvent are presented and compared to NMR studies. The NMR data allow for a detailed test of the theoretical model, including the quality of the force field and the conformational sampling. Due to the conformational heterogeneity of the tetraloop, high temperature (350 K) and locally enhanced sampling simulations need to be invoked. The Amber98 force field leads to a good overall agreement with experimental data. Based on NMR data and a principal component analysis of the 350 K trajectory, the dynamic structure of the tetraloop is revealed. The principal component free energy surface exhibits four minima, which correspond to well-defined conformational structures that differ mainly by their base stacking in the loop region. No correlation between the motion of the sugar rings and the stacking dynamics of the loop bases is found.  相似文献   

Ouellet M  Doucet JD  Voyer N  Auger M 《Biochemistry》2007,46(22):6597-6606
We have investigated the interaction between a synthetic amphipathic 14-mer peptide and model membranes by solid-state NMR. The 14-mer peptide is composed of leucines and phenylalanines modified by the addition of crown ethers and forms a helical amphipathic structure in solution and bound to lipid membranes. To shed light on its membrane topology, 31P, 2H, 15N solid-state NMR experiments have been performed on the 14-mer peptide in interaction with mechanically oriented bilayers of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC), dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). The 31P, 2H, and 15N NMR results indicate that the 14-mer peptide remains at the surface of the DLPC, DMPC, and DPPC bilayers stacked between glass plates and perturbs the lipid orientation relative to the magnetic field direction. Its membrane topology is similar in DLPC and DMPC bilayers, whereas the peptide seems to be more deeply inserted in DPPC bilayers, as revealed by the greater orientational and motional disorder of the DPPC lipid headgroup and acyl chains. 15N{31P} rotational echo double resonance experiments have also been used to measure the intermolecular dipole-dipole interaction between the 14-mer peptide and the phospholipid headgroup of DMPC multilamellar vesicles, and the results indicate that the 14-mer peptide is in contact with the polar region of the DMPC lipids. On the basis of these studies, the mechanism of membrane perturbation of the 14-mer peptide is associated to the induction of a positive curvature strain induced by the peptide lying on the bilayer surface and seems to be independent of the bilayer hydrophobic thickness.  相似文献   

Du Z  Yu J  Andino R  James TL 《Biochemistry》2003,42(15):4373-4383
Stable RNA tetraloop motifs are found frequently in biologically active RNAs. These motifs carry out a wide variety of functions in RNA folding, in RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions. A great deal of knowledge about the structures and functions of tetraloop motifs has accumulated largely due to intensive theoretical, biochemical, and biophysical studies on three most frequently occurring families of tetraloop sequences, namely, the cUNCGg, the cGNRAg, and the gCUUGc sequences. Our knowledge surely is not exhaustive, and efforts are still being made to gain a better understanding. Here we report the NMR structure of a uCACGg tetraloop that occurs naturally within the cloverleaf RNA structure of the 5'-UTR of coxsackievirus B3. This tetraloop is the major determinant for interaction between the cloverleaf RNA and viral 3C protease, which is an essential part of a ribonucleoprotein complex that plays a critical role in the regulation of viral translation and replication. Our structure shows that the CACG tetraloop is closed by a wobble U.G base pair. The structure of the CACG tetraloop is stabilized by extensive base stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions strikingly similar to those previously reported for the cUUCGg tetraloop. Identification of these hallmark structural features strongly supports the existence of an extended YNCG tetraloop family. The U.G base pair closing the stem and the A residue in the loop introduce some small structural and themodynamic distinctions from the canonical cUUCGg tetraloop that may be important for recognition by the viral 3C protease.  相似文献   

High-resolution NMR structure of an AT-rich DNA sequence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have determined, by proton NMR and complete relaxation matrix methods, the high-resolution structure of a DNA oligonucleotide in solution with nine contiguous AT base pairs. The stretch of AT pairs, TAATTATAATTATAATTA, is imbedded in a 27-nucleotide stem-and-loop construct, which is stabilized by terminal GC base pairs and an extraordinarily stable DNA loop GAA (Hirao et al., 1994, Nucleic Acids Res. 22, 576–582). The AT-rich sequence has three repeated TAATTA motifs, one in the reverse orientation. Comparison of the local conformations of the three motifs shows that the sequence context has a minor effect here: atomic RMSD between the three TAATTA fragments is 0.4–0.5 Å, while each fragment is defined within the RMSD of 0.3–0.4 Å. The AT-rich stem also contains a consensus sequence for the Pribnow box, TATAAT. The TpA, ApT, and TpTApA steps have characteristic local conformations, a combination of which determines a unique sequence-dependent pattern of minor groove width variation. All three TpA steps are locally bent in the direction compressing the major groove of DNA. These bends, however, compensate each other, because of their relative position in the sequence, so that the overall helical axis is essentially straight.  相似文献   

M Akke  R Fiala  F Jiang  D Patel    A G Palmer  rd 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》1997,3(7):702-709
Intramolecular dynamics of guanine and uracil bases in a 14-nt RNA hairpin including the extraordinarily stable UUCG tetraloop were studied by 15N spin relaxation experiments that are sensitive to structural fluctuations occurring on a time scale of picoseconds to nanoseconds. The relaxation data were interpreted in the framework of the anisotropic model-free formalism, using assumed values for the chemical shift anisotropies of the 15N spins. The rotational diffusion tensor was determined to be symmetric with an axial ratio of 1.34 +/- 0.12, in agreement with estimates based on the ratio of the principal moments of the inertia tensor. The model-free results indicate that the bases of the G x U pair in the tetraloop are at least as rigid as the interior base pairs in the stem, whereas the 5'-terminal guanine is more flexible. The observed range of order parameters corresponds to base fluctuations of 19-22 degrees about the chi torsion angle. The results reveal dynamical consequences of the unusual structural features in the UUCG tetraloop and offer insights into the configurational entropy of hairpin formation.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a GAAA tetraloop receptor RNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
S E Butcher  T Dieckmann    J Feigon 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(24):7490-7499
The GAAA tetraloop receptor is an 11-nucleotide RNA sequence that participates in the tertiary folding of a variety of large catalytic RNAs by providing a specific binding site for GAAA tetraloops. Here we report the solution structure of the isolated tetraloop receptor as solved by multidimensional, heteronuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The internal loop of the tetraloop receptor has three adenosines stacked in a cross-strand or zipper-like fashion. This arrangement produces a high degree of base stacking within the asymmetric internal loop without extrahelical bases or kinking the helix. Additional interactions within the internal loop include a U. U mismatch pair and a G.U wobble pair. A comparison with the crystal structure of the receptor RNA bound to its tetraloop shows that a conformational change has to occur upon tetraloop binding, which is in good agreement with previous biochemical data. A model for an alternative binding site within the receptor is proposed based on the NMR structure, phylogenetic data and previous crystallographic structures of tetraloop interactions.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, a vast number of useful nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments have been developed and successfully employed to determine the structure and dynamics of RNA oligonucleotides. Despite this progress, high-resolution RNA structure determination by NMR spectroscopy still remains a lengthy process and requires programming and extensive calibrations to perform NMR experiments successfully. To accelerate RNA structure determination by NMR spectroscopy, we have designed and programmed a package of RNA NMR experiments, called RNAPack. The user-friendly package contains a set of semiautomated single, double, and triple resonance NMR experiments, which are fully optimized for high-resolution RNA solution structure determination on Varian NMR spectrometers. RNAPack provides an autocalibration feature that allows rapid calibration of all NMR experiments in a single step and thereby speeds up the NMR data collection and eliminates user errors. In our laboratory, we have successfully employed this technology to solve RNA solution structures of domains of the internal ribosome entry site of the genomic hepatitis C viral RNA in less than 3 months. RNAPack therefore makes NMR spectroscopy an attractive and rapid structural tool and allows integration of atomic resolution structural information into biochemical studies of large RNA systems.  相似文献   

RNA tetraloops are common secondary structural motifs in many RNAs, especially ribosomal RNAs. There are few studies of small molecule recognition of RNA tetraloops although tetraloops are known to interact with RNA receptors and proteins, and to form nucleation sites for RNA folding. In this paper, we investigate the binding of neomycin, kanamycin, 2,4-diaminoquinazoline, quinacrine, and an aminoacridine derivative (AD1) to a GAAA tetraloop using fluorescence spectroscopy. We have found that AD1 and quinacrine bind to the GAAA tetraloop with the highest affinity of the molecules examined. The equilibrium dissociation constant of the AD1-GAAA tetraloop complex was determined to be 1.6 microM. RNase I and lead acetate footprinting experiments suggested that AD1 binds to the junction between the loop and stem of the GAAA tetraloop.  相似文献   

5-Fluorouridine residues have been introduced into functionally important bulge and loop regions of 29-mer HIV-1 TAR RNA hairpins I and II to study Mg2+ and Ca2+ binding using 19F-NMR spectroscopy. There was no substantial binding detected up to 20-molar excess in case of both cations, whereas association of argininamide, used as a reference ligand, could be detected at less than 1-molar excess. The deltadelta 19F value of 1.93 ppm observed for (F)U23 upon argininamide binding is in agreement with former NMR studies of TAR RNA/argininamide complex. However, obtained results do not confirm U38 x A27 x U23 base-triple formation. The unmodified HIV-1 TAR RNA hairpin resulted from 600 ps in aqua molecular dynamics simulation was subjected to a molecular mechanics modelling of Mg+ binding.  相似文献   

Horton TE  Maderia M  DeRose VJ 《Biochemistry》2000,39(28):8201-8207
This study analyzes the impact of phosphorothioate substitutions on the thermodynamic stability of a 12-nt RNA hairpin containing a (5')GAAA(3') tetraloop. The thermodynamic consequences of stereospecific phosphorothioate substitutions 5' to each adenosine in the loop region are measured using optical melting and calorimetry experiments. Surprisingly, a single stereospecific phosphorothioate substitution 5' to the second adenosine of the tetraloop, R(p)-A7, results in a stabilization corresponding to a Delta(DeltaG(37)(degrees)(C)) of approximately -2.9 kcal mol(-1) (0.1 M NaCl) when compared with that of an unmodified sample. Five other phosphorothioate-substituted samples did not show significant thermodynamic differences in comparison with the unsubstituted samples. Addition of Mg(2+) to all of the hairpins studied results in increased t(m's) that are fit with a general electrostatic model to a dissociation constant of K(d)(Mg(2+)) approximately 2-3 mM (0.1 M NaCl). The R(p)-A7 phosphorothioate-substituted hairpin showed an unusual decrease in t(m) and apparent increase in enthalpy of unfolding upon addition of Cd(2+). These results may impact the interpretation of interference mapping experiments that use phosphorothioate substitutions to characterize RNAs in solution.  相似文献   

Tetraloops are very abundant structural elements of RNA that are formed by four nucleotides in a hairpin loop which is closed by a double stranded helical stem with some Watson-Crick base pairs. A tetraloop r(GCGAAGGC) was identified from the crystal structure of the central domain of 16S rRNA (727-730) in the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal complex. The crystal structure of the 30S complex includes a total of 104 nucleotides from the central domain of the 16S rRNA and three ribosomal proteins S6, S15 and S18. Independent biochemical experiments have demonstrated that protein S15 plays the role in initiating the formation of the central domain of this complex. In the crystal, the tetraloop interacts with the protein S15 at two sites: one of them is associated with hydrogen bond interactions between residue His50 and nucleotide G730, and the other is associated with the occurrence of residue Arg53 beside A728. This paper uses molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the protein-dependent structural stability of the tetraloop and demonstrates the folding pathway of this tetraloop via melting denaturation and its subsequent refolding. Three important results are derived from these simulations: (i) The stability of nucleotide A728 appears to be protein dependent. Without the interaction with S15, A728 flips away from stacking with A729. (ii) The melting temperature demonstrated by the simulations is analogous to the results of thermodynamic experiments. In addition, the simulated folding of the tetraloop is stepwise: the native shape of the backbone is formed first; this is then followed by the formation of the Watson- Crick base pairs in the stem; and finally the hydrogen bonds and base stacking in the loop are formed. (iii) The tetraloop structure is similar to the crystal structure at salt concentrations of 0.1 M and 1.0 M used for the simulations, but the refolded structure at 0.1 M salt is more comparable to the crystal structure than at 1.0 M. The results from the simulations using both the Generalized Born continuum model and explicit solvent model (Particle Mesh Ewald) generate a similar pathway for unfolding/refolding of the tetraloop.  相似文献   

Tertiary interactions between a new RNA motif and RNA tetraloops were analyzed to determine whether this new motif shows preference for a GCGA tetraloop. In the structural context of a ligase ribozyme, this motif discriminated GCGA loop from 3 other tetraloops. The affinity between the GCGA loop and its receptor is strong enough to carry out the ribozyme activity.  相似文献   

Helical coiled-coils and bundles are some of the most common structural motifs found in proteins. Design and synthesis of alpha-helical motifs may provide interesting scaffolds that can be useful as host structures to display functional sites, thus allowing the engineering of novel functional miniproteins. We have synthesized a 38-amino acid peptide, alpha2p8, encompassing the alpha-helical hairpin present in the structure of p8MTCP1, as an alpha-helical scaffold particularly promising for its stability and permissiveness of sequence mutations. The three-dimensional structure of this peptide has been solved using homonuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques at 600 MHz. After sequence specific assignment, a total of 285 distance and 29 dihedral restraints were collected. The solution structure of alpha2p8 is presented as a set of 30 DIANA structures, further refined by restrained molecular dynamics, using simulated annealing protocol with the AMBER force field. The RMSD values for the backbone and all heavy atoms are 0.65+/-0.25 and 1.51+/-0.21 A, respectively. Excised from its protein context, the alpha-hairpin keeps its native structure: an alpha-helical coiled-coil, similar to that found in superhelical structures, with two helices spanning residues 4-16 and 25-36, and linked by a short loop. This motif is stabilized by two interhelical disulfide bridges and several hydrophobic interactions at the helix interface, leaving most of its solvent-exposed surface available for mutation. This alpha-helical hairpin, easily amenable to synthetic chemistry and biological expression system, may represent a stable and versatile scaffold to display new functional sites and peptide libraries.  相似文献   

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