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DNA复制压力(replication stress,RS)是一个广泛定义DNA复制障碍的术语,通常是指那些能够扰乱复制进程,造成复制叉减慢或停滞的情况。复制压力的过度累积是肿瘤发生和基因组不稳定的主要驱动因素。细胞染色体在复制过程中会不断地遭受来自外源性或内源性复制压力,而端粒及常见脆性位点(common fragile sites,CFSs)是一类对复制压力高度敏感的区域,在复制压力较高的情况下,这些区域往往难以被完全复制。近年的研究发现,有丝分裂期DNA合成(mitotic DNA repair synthesis,MiDAS)区别于S期的复制,可以帮助难以复制的区域在进入有丝分裂期后仍然能够保证复制的进行,因此,MiDAS也被称为“复制的挽救机制”。由于端粒的维持依赖于端粒酶活性及端粒替代性延长机制(alternative lengthening of telomeres,ALT),而具有更多端粒脆性的ALT细胞中端粒-MiDAS表现出高度的活性,因此本文就MiDAS的发生机制及在不同端粒维持机制下难以复制的端粒如何应对复制压力在有丝分裂期完成DNA的合成进行综述。  相似文献   


Telomeres protect the chromosome ends and consist of guanine-rich repeats coated by specialized proteins. Critically short telomeres are associated with disease, aging and cancer. Defects in telomere replication can lead to telomere loss, which can be prevented by telomerase-mediated telomere elongation or activities of the Werner syndrome helicase/exonuclease protein (WRN). Both telomerase and WRN attenuate cytotoxicity induced by the environmental carcinogen hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), which promotes replication stress and DNA polymerase arrest. However, it is not known whether Cr(VI)-induced replication stress impacts telomere integrity. Here we report that Cr(VI) exposure of human fibroblasts induced telomeric damage as indicated by phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX) at telomeric foci. The induced γH2AX foci occurred in S-phase cells, which is indicative of replication fork stalling or collapse. Telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of metaphase chromosomes revealed that Cr(VI) exposure induced an increase in telomere loss and sister chromatid fusions that were rescued by telomerase activity. Human cells depleted for WRN protein exhibited a delayed reduction in telomeric and non-telomeric damage, indicated by γH2AX foci, during recovery from Cr(VI) exposure, consistent with WRN roles in repairing damaged replication forks. Telomere FISH of chromosome spreads revealed that WRN protects against Cr(VI)-induced telomere loss and downstream chromosome fusions, but does not prevent chromosome fusions that retain telomere sequence at the fusion point. Our studies indicate that environmentally induced replication stress leads to telomere loss and aberrations that are suppressed by telomerase-mediated telomere elongation or WRN functions in replication fork restoration.  相似文献   

The Relation of Mitotic Recombination to DNA Replication in Yeast Pedigrees   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
Judith Wildenberg 《Genetics》1970,66(2):291-304

We previously demonstrated that simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen (LT) binds to the Bub1 kinase, a key regulator of the spindle checkpoint and chromosome segregation. Bub1 mutations or altered expression patterns are linked to chromosome missegregation and are considered to be a driving force in some human cancers. Here we report that LT, dependent on Bub1 binding, causes micronuclei, lagging chromatin, and anaphase bridges, which are hallmarks of chromosomal instability (CIN) and Bub1 insufficiency. Using time-lapse microscopy, we demonstrate that LT imposes a Bub1 binding-dependent delay in the metaphase-to-anaphase transition. Kinetochore fibers reveal that LT, via Bub1 binding, causes aberrant kinetochore (KT)-microtubule (MT) attachments and a shortened interkinetochore distance, consistent with a lack of tension. Previously, we showed that LT also induces the DNA damage response (DDR) via Bub1 binding. Using inducible LT cell lines, we show that an activated DDR was observed before the appearance of anaphase bridges and micronuclei. Furthermore, LT induction in serum-starved cells demonstrated γ-H2AX accumulation in cells that had not yet entered mitosis. Thus, DDR activation can occur independently of chromosome segregation defects. Replication stress pathways may be responsible, because signatures of replication stress were observed, which were attenuated by exogenous supplementation with nucleosides. Our observations allow us to propose a model that explains and integrates the diverse manifestations of genomic instability induced by LT.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis during transition from the lysogenic state to the lytic cycle and throughout the latter has been studied in Haemophilus influenzae BC200 (HP1c1). Following exposure to ultraviolet light, there is a 30-min delay in DNA synthesis after which there is a rapidly increasing rate of phage DNA synthesis. The phage genome is replicated without extensive utilization of segments or of breakdown products of the bacterial chromosome. The mode of phage DNA replication was investigated by zonal sedimentation of labeled DNA in 5 to 20% neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients. Tritiated thymidine, incorporated during a 2-min pulse given at 38 min, chases rapidly into DNA, sedimenting like linear DNA of approximately 2 x 10(8) daltons, and then, at the expense of label in this peak, chases into slower-sedimenting phage DNA (2 x 10(7) daltons). The fast-sedimenting, rapidly labeled DNA satisfies certain criteria for being a concatenated replicative intermediate. Observations in the electron microscope revealed linear concatemers in the faster-sedimenting material and circular phage-sized DNA in the slower-sedimenting DNA. When induced cells are gently lysed with lysozyme and Brij 58 to maintain DNA-membrane associations and sedimented in neutral sucrose over a cesium chloride shelf, the concatemer is found with the cell-membrane-wall complex. Membrane-associated label chases to membrane-free material sedimenting like deproteinized HP1c1 DNA. When membrane-associated DNA from the cesium chloride shelf is deproteinized and resedimented in neutral sucrose, the sedimentation profile reveals that sedimentation rates of labeled DNA from this complex are indicative of sizes ranging from 2 x 10(8) daltons down to phage-sized pieces of 2 to 3 x 10(7) daltons. A model is presented which places HP1c1-DNA replication on the cell membrane where a concatemer of phage DNA is synthesized and subsequently degraded to phage-equivalent DNA. Phage-equivalent DNA is then either released from the membrane for packaging or is packaged while still membrane associated. Thus, the cell membrane is not only the site of DNA replication during which phage DNA is synthesized in multiple phage-equivalent concatemers but it is also the site at which these concatemers are selectively reduced to phage-sized pieces.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2020,77(1):3-16.e4
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The intra-S phase checkpoint kinase of metazoa and yeast, ATR/MEC1, protects chromosomes from DNA damage and replication stress by phosphorylating subunits of the replicative helicase, MCM2-7. Here we describe an unprecedented ATR-dependent pathway in Tetrahymena thermophila in which the essential pre-replicative complex proteins, Orc1p, Orc2p and Mcm6p are degraded in hydroxyurea-treated S phase cells. Chromosomes undergo global changes during HU-arrest, including phosphorylation of histone H2A.X, deacetylation of histone H3, and an apparent diminution in DNA content that can be blocked by the deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate. Most remarkably, the cell cycle rapidly resumes upon hydroxyurea removal, and the entire genome is replicated prior to replenishment of ORC and MCMs. While stalled replication forks are elongated under these conditions, DNA fiber imaging revealed that most replicating molecules are produced by new initiation events. Furthermore, the sole origin in the ribosomal DNA minichromosome is inactive and replication appears to initiate near the rRNA promoter. The collective data raise the possibility that replication initiation occurs by an ORC-independent mechanism during the recovery from HU-induced replication stress.  相似文献   

A strain of Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 with no functional Fe superoxide dismutase (SOD), designated sodB, was characterized by its growth rate, photosynthetic pigments, and cyclic photosynthetic electron transport activity when treated with methyl viologen or norflurazon (NF). In their unstressed conditions, both the sodB and wild-type strains had similar chlorophyll and carotenoid contents and catalase activity, but the wild type had a faster growth rate and higher cyclic electron transport activity. The sodB was very sensitive to methyl viologen, indicating a specific role for the FeSOD in protection against superoxide generated in the cytosol. In contrast, the sodB mutant was less sensitive than the wild type to oxidative stress imposed with NF. This suggests that the FeSOD does not protect the cell from excited singlet-state oxygen generated within the thylakoid membrane. Another up-regulated antioxidant, possibly the MnSOD, may confer protection against NF in the sodB strain. These results support the hypothesis that different SODs have specific protective functions within the cell.  相似文献   

Mutator Phenotype Induced by Aberrant Replication   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified thermosensitive mutants of five Schizosaccharomyces pombe replication proteins that have a mutator phenotype at their semipermissive temperatures. Allele-specific mutants of DNA polymerase δ (polδ) and mutants of Polα, two Polδ subunits, and ligase exhibited increased rates of deletion of sequences flanked by short direct repeats. Deletion of rad2+, which encodes a nuclease involved in processing Okazaki fragments, caused an increased rate of duplication of sequences flanked by short direct repeats. The deletion mutation rates of all the thermosensitive replication mutators decreased in a rad2Δ background, suggesting that deletion formation requires Rad2 function. The duplication mutation rate of rad2Δ was also reduced in a thermosensitive polymerase background, but not in a ligase mutator background, which suggests that formation of duplication mutations requires normal DNA polymerization. Thus, although the deletion and duplication mutator phenotypes are distinct, their mutational mechanisms are interdependent. The deletion and duplication replication mutators all exhibited decreased viability in combination with deletion of a checkpoint Rad protein, Rad26. Interestingly, deletion of Cds1, a protein kinase functioning in a checkpoint Rad-mediated reversible S-phase arrest pathway, decreased the viability and exacerbated the mutation rate only in the thermosensitive deletion replication mutators but had no effect on rad2Δ. These findings suggest that aberrant replication caused by allele-specific mutations of these replication proteins can accumulate potentially mutagenic DNA structures. The checkpoint Rad-mediated pathways monitor and signal the aberrant replication in both the deletion and duplication mutators, while Cds1 mediates recovery from aberrant replication and prevents formation of deletion mutations specifically in the thermosensitive deletion replication mutators.  相似文献   

DNA sequences capable of adopting non-canonical secondary structures have been associated with gross-chromosomal rearrangements in humans and model organisms. Previously, we have shown that long inverted repeats that form hairpin and cruciform structures and triplex-forming GAA/TTC repeats induce the formation of double-strand breaks which trigger genome instability in yeast. In this study, we demonstrate that breakage at both inverted repeats and GAA/TTC repeats is augmented by defects in DNA replication. Increased fragility is associated with increased mutation levels in the reporter genes located as far as 8 kb from both sides of the repeats. The increase in mutations was dependent on the presence of inverted or GAA/TTC repeats and activity of the translesion polymerase Polζ. Mutagenesis induced by inverted repeats also required Sae2 which opens hairpin-capped breaks and initiates end resection. The amount of breakage at the repeats is an important determinant of mutations as a perfect palindromic sequence with inherently increased fragility was also found to elevate mutation rates even in replication-proficient strains. We hypothesize that the underlying mechanism for mutagenesis induced by fragile motifs involves the formation of long single-stranded regions in the broken chromosome, invasion of the undamaged sister chromatid for repair, and faulty DNA synthesis employing Polζ. These data demonstrate that repeat-mediated breaks pose a dual threat to eukaryotic genome integrity by inducing chromosomal aberrations as well as mutations in flanking genes.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress (OS), as a signal of aberrant intracellular mechanisms, plays key roles in maintaining homeostasis for organisms. The occurrence of OS due to the disorder of normal cellular redox balance indicates the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or deficiency of antioxidants. Once the balance is broken down, repression of oxidative stress is one of the most effective ways to alleviate it. Ongoing studies provide remarkable evidence that oxidative stress is involved in reproductive toxicity induced by various stimuli, such as environmental toxicants and food toxicity. Zearalenone (ZEA), as a toxic compound existing in contaminated food products, is found to induce mycotoxicosis that has a significant impact on the reproduction of domestic animals, especially pigs. However, there is no information about how ROS and oxidative stress is involved in the influence of ZEA on porcine granulosa cells, or whether the stress can be rescued by curcumin. In this study, ZEA-induced effect on porcine granulosa cells was investigated at low concentrations (15 μM, 30 μM and 60 μM). In vitro ROS levels, the mRNA level and activity of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase were obtained. The results showed that in comparison with negative control, ZEA increased oxidative stress with higher ROS levels, reduced the expression and activity of antioxidative enzymes, increased the intensity of fluorogenic probes 2’, 7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate and dihydroethidium in flow cytometry assay and fluorescence microscopy. Meanwhile, the activity of glutathione (GSH) did not change obviously following 60 μM ZEA treatment. Furthermore, the underlying protective mechanisms of curcumin on the ZEA-treated porcine granulosa cells were investigated. The data revealed that curcumin pre-treatment significantly suppressed ZEA-induced oxidative stress. Collectively, porcine granulosa cells were sensitive to ZEA, which may induce oxidative stress. The findings from this study clearly demonstrate that curcumin is effective to reduce the dysregulation of cellular redox balance on porcine granulosa cells in vitro and should be further investigated for its protective role against ZEA in animals.  相似文献   

We have used high-density DNA microarrays to provide an analysis of gene regulation during the mammalian cell cycle and the role of E2F in this process. Cell cycle analysis was facilitated by a combined examination of gene control in serum-stimulated fibroblasts and cells synchronized at G(1)/S by hydroxyurea block that were then released to proceed through the cell cycle. The latter approach (G(1)/S synchronization) is critical for rigorously maintaining cell synchrony for unambiguous analysis of gene regulation in later stages of the cell cycle. Analysis of these samples identified seven distinct clusters of genes that exhibit unique patterns of expression. Genes tend to cluster within these groups based on common function and the time during the cell cycle that the activity is required. Placed in this context, the analysis of genes induced by E2F proteins identified genes or expressed sequence tags not previously described as regulated by E2F proteins; surprisingly, many of these encode proteins known to function during mitosis. A comparison of the E2F-induced genes with the patterns of cell growth-regulated gene expression revealed that virtually all of the E2F-induced genes are found in only two of the cell cycle clusters; one group was regulated at G(1)/S, and the second group, which included the mitotic activities, was regulated at G(2). The activation of the G(2) genes suggests a broader role for E2F in the control of both DNA replication and mitotic activities.  相似文献   

Human DNA ligase I (hLigI) joins Okazaki fragments during DNA replication and completes excision repair via interactions with proliferating cell nuclear antigen and replication factor C (RFC). Unlike proliferating cell nuclear antigen, the interaction with RFC is regulated by hLigI phosphorylation. To identity of the site(s) involved in this regulation, we analyzed phosphorylated hLigI purified from insect cells by mass spectrometry. These results suggested that serine 51 phosphorylation negatively regulates the interaction with RFC. Therefore, we constructed versions of hLigI in which serine 51 was replaced with either alanine (hLigI51A) to prevent phosphorylation or aspartic acid (hLigI51D) to mimic phosphorylation. hLigI51D but not hLigI51A was defective in binding to purified RFC and in associating with RFC in cell extracts. Although DNA synthesis and proliferation of hLigI-deficient cells expressing either hLig51A or hLig51 was reduced compared with cells expressing wild-type hLigI, cellular senescence was only observed in the cells expressing hLigI51D. Notably, these cells had increased levels of spontaneous DNA damage and phosphorylated CHK2. In addition, although expression of hLigI51A complemented the sensitivity of hLigI-deficient cells to a poly (ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor, expression of hLig151D did not, presumably because these cells are more dependent upon PARP-dependent repair pathways to repair the damage resulting from the abnormal DNA replication. Finally, neither expression of hLigI51D nor hLigI51A fully complemented the sensitivity of hLigI-deficient cells to DNA alkylation. Thus, phosphorylation of serine 51 on hLigI plays a critical role in regulating the interaction between hLigI and RFC, which is required for efficient DNA replication and repair.  相似文献   

In many bacteria the rate of DNA replication is linked with cellular physiology to ensure that genome duplication is coordinated with growth. Nutrient-mediated growth rate control of DNA replication initiation has been appreciated for decades, however the mechanism(s) that connects these cell cycle activities has eluded understanding. In order to help address this fundamental question we have investigated regulation of DNA replication in the model organism Bacillus subtilis. Contrary to the prevailing view we find that changes in DnaA protein level are not sufficient to account for nutrient-mediated growth rate control of DNA replication initiation, although this regulation does require both DnaA and the endogenous replication origin. We go on to report connections between DNA replication and several essential cellular activities required for rapid bacterial growth, including respiration, central carbon metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, phospholipid synthesis, and protein synthesis. Unexpectedly, the results indicate that multiple regulatory systems are involved in coordinating DNA replication with cell physiology, with some of the regulatory systems targeting oriC while others act in a oriC-independent manner. We propose that distinct regulatory systems are utilized to control DNA replication in response to diverse physiological and chemical changes.  相似文献   

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