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Hepatitis B core antigen has been intensively studied. Recently, cryoelectron microscopy studies have determined the structure of human and duck hepatitis B virus nucleocapsids at low resolution. Both viruses assemble into core particles of two sizes with icosahedral dimer-clusteredT= 3 andT= 4 symmetries. Both capsids present tightly clustered dimers composed of a shell and a protruding domain. The present work introduces a model for HBc folding, dimer formation, and assembly. The model is based in multiple alignments of HBc sequences from 20 mammalian and avian isolates and secondary structure predictions. The 54% α-helical conformation predicted is in good agreement with CD results reporting 53–71% content of α-helices. Despite the sequence divergence of mammalian and avian proteins, the secondary structure prediction of both shows a high degree of coincidence, according to the multiple sequence alignment. The proposed fold of HBc monomers is built from five α-helices. In dimers, pairs of two of those helices conform the protruding domain. The model also suggests the convergence of the region preceding the protamine domain around the sixfold symmetry axes. The model gives answers to most of the standing questions concerning the nucleocapsid assembly and antigenic behavior of HBc protein.  相似文献   

Unlike those of the S and the L envelope proteins, the functional role of the related M protein in the life cycle of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is less understood. We now demonstrate that a single N glycan, specific for M, is required for efficient secretion of M empty envelope particles. Moreover, this glycan mediates specific association of M with the chaperone calnexin. Conversely, the N glycan, common to all three envelope proteins, is involved neither in calnexin binding nor in subviral particle release. As proper folding and trafficking of M need the assistance of the chaperone, the glycan-dependent association of M with calnexin may thus play a crucial role in the assembly of HBV. Beyond being modified by N glycosylation, M is modified by O glycosylation occurring within its amino acid sequence at positions 27 to 47. The O glycans, however, were found to be dispensable for secretion of M but may rather support viral infectivity. Surprisingly, nonglycosylated M localizes exclusively to the cytosol, either for degradation or for a yet-unknown function.  相似文献   

重组蛋白NE2包含了戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)衣壳蛋白(pORF2)的aa394~606片段.在NE2上已鉴定出了2个HEV中和表位,并获得了3个识别中和表位的单克隆抗体(MAb)8C11、13D8和8H3.这3个MAb间的交叉阻断ELISA实验发现,8C11和13D8可以彼此完全阻断,8H3对8C11和13D8均不能阻断,而8C11非但不能阻断8H3,反而显著增强了8H3与抗原的结合.用生物传感器进行的抗体与抗原结合的动力学分析也证实了这一现象.这些结果提示,在NE2上8H3表位区域受到抗原上某些结构的掩盖,而8C11与NE2的结合引起了抗原空间结构的改变,导致了掩盖8H3表位的结构的去除和8H3表位的充分暴露.免疫捕获RT-PCR发现,8C11同样可以显著增强8H3对天然HEV病毒的捕获能力,提示这种结合诱导的衣壳蛋白空间构象改变在天然HEV病毒颗粒上同样存在.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus consists of an outer envelope and an inner capsid, or core, that wraps around the small genome plus the viral replication enzyme. The icosahedrally symmetric nucleocapsid is assembled from multiple dimeric subunits of a single 183-residue capsid protein, which must therefore contain interfaces for monomer dimerization and for dimer multimerization. The atomic structure of the protein is not known, but electron microscopy-based image reconstructions suggested a hammerhead shape for the dimer and, very recently, led to a tentative model for the main chain trace. Here we used a combination of interaction screening techniques and functional analyses of core protein variants to define, at the primary sequence level, the regions that mediate capsid assembly. Both the two-hybrid system and the pepscan technique identified a strongly interacting region I between amino acids (aa) 78 and 117 that probably forms part of the dimer interface. Surprisingly, mutations in this region, in the context of a C-terminally truncated but assembly-competent core protein variant, had no detectable effect on assembly. By contrast, mutations in a second region, bordered by aa 113 and 143, markedly influenced capsid stability, strongly suggesting that this region II is the main contributor to dimer multimerization. Based on the electron microscopic data, it must therefore be located at the basal tips of the dimer, experimentally supporting the proposed main chain trace.  相似文献   

Among the three viral proteins present in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) envelope, both the small and large polypeptides, but not the middle polypeptide, are necessary for the production of complete viral particles. Whereas it has been established that the C-terminal extremity of the pre-S1 region is required for HBV morphogenesis, whether the pre-S2 region of the large surface protein plays a critical role remains questionable. In the present study, we have analyzed the role of the large-polypeptide pre-S2 region in viral maturation and infectivity. For this purpose, mutants bearing contiguous deletions covering the entire pre-S2 domain were generated. First, the efficient expression of all the mutant large envelope proteins was verified and their ability to substitute for the wild-type form in virion secretion was tested. We found that distinct deletions covering the domain between amino acids 114 and 163 still allowed virion production. In contrast, the polypeptide lacking the first 5 amino acids of pre-S2 (amino acids 109 to 113) was unable to support viral secretion. This result shows that the domain of the large surface protein, required for this process, must be extended to the N-terminal extremity of pre-S2. We then demonstrated that all the mutants competent for virion release were able to infect normal human hepatocytes in primary culture. Taken together, these results indicate that only 10% of the large-protein pre-S2 region at its N-terminal extremity is essential for virion export and that the remaining part, dispensable for viral secretion, is also dispensable for infectivity.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin conjugation to lysine residues regulates a variety of protein functions, including endosomal trafficking and degradation. While ubiquitin plays an important role in the release of many viruses, the requirement for direct ubiquitin conjugation to viral structural proteins is less well understood. Some viral structural proteins require ubiquitin ligase activity, but not ubiquitin conjugation, for efficient release. Recent evidence has shown that, like other viruses, hepatitis B virus (HBV) requires a ubiquitin ligase for release from the infected cell. The HBV core protein contains two lysine residues (K7 and K96), and K96 has been suggested to function as a potential ubiquitin acceptor site based on the fact that previous studies have shown that mutation of this amino acid to alanine blocks HBV release. We therefore reexamined the potential connection between core lysine ubiquitination and HBV replication, protein trafficking, and virion release. In contrast to alanine substitution, we found that mutation of K96 to arginine, which compared to alanine is more conserved but also cannot mediate ubiquitin conjugation, does not affect either virus replication or virion release. We also found that the core lysine mutants display wild-type sensitivity to the antiviral activity of interferon, which demonstrates that ubiquitination of core lysines does not mediate the interferon-induced disruption of HBV capsids. However, mutation of K96 to arginine alters the nuclear-cytoplasmic distribution of core, leading to an accumulation in the nucleolus. In summary, these studies demonstrate that although ubiquitin may regulate the HBV replication cycle, these mechanisms function independently of direct lysine ubiquitination of core protein.The hepatitis B virus (HBV) particle consists of an enveloped nucleocapsid that contains the viral polymerase (Pol) and an incomplete 3.2-kb double-stranded DNA genome (9). In the cytoplasm, the viral core structural proteins interact to form homodimers, which further self-assemble into capsid particles that package Pol and the viral pregenomic RNA. Encapsidated Pol subsequently reverse transcribes pregenomic RNA to give rise to mature double-stranded relaxed circular DNA-containing capsids. HBV DNA-containing capsids are released from the cell as mature virions after acquiring an envelope consisting of cellular membrane lipids and the viral small, middle, and large envelope proteins (4, 9, 41). Due to the directed insertion of the envelope proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi membrane, and the requirement of the large envelope protein for virion release, nucleocapsids are hypothesized to bud at intracellular membranes for release through the constitutive secretory pathway (5). Although the mechanism and site of HBV nucleocapsid envelopment and release remain poorly understood, emerging evidence indicates that the cellular ubiquitin pathway may play a role in this process.Structural proteins of some enveloped RNA viruses contain highly conserved sequences [PPXY, P(T/S)AP, and YPXL] termed late (L) domains that mediate interactions with proteins of the endocytic pathway to facilitate virus budding and release (1). The P(T/S)AP motif binds Tsg101 (8, 10, 19, 27, 47), a key ESCRT (for endosomal sorting complex required for transport) component for the recognition and sorting of ubiquitinated proteins to internal vesicles of the multivesicular body (MVB), while the YPXL motif binds Alix, an ESCRT-associated protein (26, 44, 48). The PPXY motif binds proteins of the Nedd4 family ubiquitin ligases, which are responsible for ubiquitination of proteins targeted for endocytosis and sorting to the MVB (20), suggesting a link between ubiquitin and viral budding (3, 16, 17, 22, 43, 55). The observation that proteasome inhibition, which depletes free cellular ubiquitin by interfering with ubiquitin recycling, results in a viral budding defect similar to that seen in virus L domain mutants further supports the implication that ubiquitin plays a role in mediating virion release (15, 31, 40, 43). Furthermore, fusion of ubiquitin to the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) PPPY-containing Gag protein and the equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) Gag protein containing a heterologous PTAP or PPPY motif rescues the virus-like particle release defect induced by proteasome inhibition (18, 31). While the role of L domains in mediating virion release is relatively well established, it remains unclear whether direct ubiquitination of viral structural proteins is generally required for virion release. Mutation of ubiquitin acceptor lysine residues in the RSV Gag protein inhibits virus budding, but such mutations in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) or murine leukemia virus Gag protein exert no effect on virus release (29, 42). Recently, a retroviral (i.e., prototypic foamy virus) Gag protein engineered to lack ubiquitin acceptor lysines and encoding either the PSAP or PPXY motif of the L domain displayed no defect in viruslike particle release (58). Altogether, these results suggest that recruitment of host proteins to the L domain and ubiquitination of interacting proteins, but not the viral structural proteins, is required for ubiquitin-dependent virion release, at least for some viruses.The HBV core structural protein contains two potential ubiquitin acceptor lysine residues (K7 and K96) and an L-domain-like PPAY motif (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). Structural studies indicate that residue K96 and the PPAY motif may be exposed on the surface of HBV capsid particles, at least transiently (4, 32, 37). Studies aimed at identifying interaction factors important for HBV particle release demonstrated a number of interesting findings. First, γ2-adaptin, a cellular trafficking adaptor that contains a ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM), interacts with both the viral large envelope protein and HBV core, and disruption of the HBV/γ2-adaptin interaction inhibits virus secretion (14, 39). Second, core protein interacts with the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase through the PPAY motif in core (39). Mutation of the tyrosine in the PPAY motif results in disrupted binding of Nedd4, and overexpression of a catalytically inactive Nedd4 mutant inhibits HBV particle secretion (39). Third, mutation of core K96, but not K7, to alanine results in a defective release phenotype, suggesting that K96 may serve as a ubiquitin conjugation site that aids virion release (32, 39). Recently, overexpression of dominant-negative proteins of the MVB machinery, such as the Vps4 ATPases and the ESCRT-III complex-forming CHMP proteins, were also shown to disrupt HBV budding and virion release, while subviral particles comprised only of envelope proteins were released efficiently (21, 24, 49). This suggests that nucleocapsids may release from the cell by a mechanism distinct from constitutive secretion. These studies show that similar to RNA viruses, HBV utilizes components of the cellular protein trafficking machinery to mediate virion release.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Generation of core lysine mutants. (A) The 21-kDa HBV core structural protein contains two lysine residues at positions 7 and 96 that serve as potential ubiquitin conjugation sites. These residues are highly conserved among the four major HBV genotypes (6). Core contains a late-domain-like PPXY motif that serves as a binding site for the Nedd4 E3 ubiquitin ligase. Core additionally contains a potential noncanonical SUMOylation motif at position 96. (B) Lysine mutations were generated by site-directed mutagenesis in the core gene contained within the HBV genome under the control of a CMV promoter. K7R contains a lysine-to-arginine mutation at position 7, K96R contains a lysine-to-arginine mutation at position 96, K96A contains a lysine-to-alanine mutation at position 96, and K7R/K96R contains arginine substituted at position 7 and position 96.Although these findings imply that core ubiquitination may be necessary for HBV particle release, direct evidence of core ubiquitination has been elusive (33, 39; unpublished results). As suggested by previous Gag lysine mutagenesis studies, however, ubiquitin may instead indirectly be required through conjugation to an interacting protein that is essential for mediating HBV release (29, 58). Although core K7 and K96 have been previously assayed in the context of virion release by mutation of the lysine residues to alanine (32, 39), we expanded these studies by assaying core mutants with an arginine substitution at position K7 (K7R) and K96 (K96R), as well as a double lysine-to-arginine mutation (K7R/K96R). Compared to alanine, arginine serves as a more conserved mutation for lysine while still abolishing the potential ubiquitin conjugation site. In the present study, we utilized these mutants to comprehensively examine the role of the core lysines in HBV virus release, the formation of replication intermediates, intracellular localization of core, and the interferon (IFN)-mediated antiviral response.  相似文献   

Many of the unanswered questions associated with hepatitis C virus assembly are related to the core protein (HCVcp), which forms an oligomeric nucleocapsid encompassing the viral genome. The structural properties of HCVcp have been difficult to quantify, at least in part because it is an intrinsically disordered protein. We have used single-molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer techniques to study the conformational dimensions and dynamics of the HCVcp nucleocapsid domain (HCVncd) at various stages during the RNA-induced formation of nucleocapsid-like particles. Our results indicate that HCVncd is a typical intrinsically disordered protein. When it forms small ribonucleoprotein complexes with various RNA hairpins from the 3′ end of the HCV genome, it compacts but remains intrinsically disordered and conformationally dynamic. Above a critical RNA concentration, these ribonucleoprotein complexes rapidly and cooperatively assemble into large nucleocapsid-like particles, wherein the individual HCVncd subunits become substantially more extended.  相似文献   

Core protein is the major component of the core particle (nucleocapsid) of human hepatitis B virus. Core particles and core proteins are involved in a number of important functions in the replication cycle of the virus, including RNA packaging, DNA synthesis, and recognition of viral envelope proteins. Core protein is a phosphoprotein with most, if not all, of the phosphorylation on C-terminal serine residues. In this study, we identified a serine kinase activity from the ribosome-associated protein fraction of cytoplasm that could specifically bind and phosphorylate the C-terminal portion of recombinant core protein. This kinase is referred to as core-associated kinase (CAK). CAK could be inhibited by the kinase inhibitors heparin and manganese ions but not by spermidine, DRB, H89, or H7, indicating that CAK is distinct from protein kinase A and protein kinase C. CAK could be partially purified by heparin-Sepharose CL-6B and phosphocellulose P11 columns. By using a far-Western assay, three specific proteins, of 46, 35, and 13 kDa, were shown to interact with the C-terminal part of the core protein. These three proteins were present only in the eluted fractions that contains the CAK activity. An in-gel kinase assay showed that a 46-kDa kinase in the same fraction could bind and phosphorylate the C-terminal part of the recombinant core protein. These results indicate that this 46-kDa kinase is most probably CAK. A similar 46-kDa kinase, which exhibits the same profile of sensitivity to kinase inhibitors as that of CAK, is present in both purified intracellular core particles and extracellular 42-nm virions, suggesting that CAK is a candidate for the core particle-associated kinase.  相似文献   

Protein Kinase Activity in Hepatitis B Virus   总被引:3,自引:19,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Protein kinase activity was found in hepatitis B virions (Dane particles) purified from the plasma of hepatitis B virus-infected patients, in virion cores, and in hepatitis B core antigen particles purified from hepatitis B virus-infected hepatic tissue and was not found in purified hepatitis B surface antigen particle preparations free of Dane particles. Only a fraction of the major polypeptide (apparent size, 19,700 daltons) in Dane particle cores and hepatitis B core antigen particles from infected liver appeared to be phosphorylated, and phosphorylation changed the electrophoretic mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels to that expected for a polypeptide of 20,600 daltons. Five minor polypeptides with apparent sizes between 38,000 and 63,000 daltons were phosphorylated in Dane particles and Dane particle core preparations but were not detected in hepatitis B core antigen particles from infected liver. None of these had electrophoretic mobilities corresponding to those of known hepatitis B surface antigen polypeptides. Prolonged storage of purified hepatitis B core antigen particles or incubation with human immunoglobulin G preparations containing antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen with or without antibody to the hepatitis B e antigen resulted in the conversion of the polypeptide with an apparent size of 20,600 daltons to ones with apparent sizes of 14,700 and approximately 6,000 daltons, suggesting proteolytic cleavage of the 20,600-dalton polypeptide under these conditions.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒X蛋白(HBx):一种多功能的病毒调节因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的慢性感染是导致肝细胞癌(HCC)的主要危险因子。X蛋白(HBx)被认为在肝细胞癌的发生发展中起重要作用。X基因是HBV基因组最小的开放读码框,它编码的X蛋白含154个氨基酸,分子量约为16.5kD。HBx是一种多功能的病毒调节因子,通过调节细胞和病毒的转录活性、信号传导途径、基因毒性压力反应、蛋白质降解等,直接或间接地影响HBV的复制和增殖。HBx亦可影响细胞周期调控、细胞凋亡,从而可能在慢性活动性肝炎和肝硬化的病程中起到起始肿瘤形成的作用。  相似文献   

Expression studies have shown that the coronavirus small envelope protein E and the much more abundant membrane glycoprotein M are both necessary and sufficient for the assembly of virus-like particles in cells. As a step toward understanding the function of the mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) E protein, we carried out clustered charged-to-alanine mutagenesis on the E gene and incorporated the resulting mutations into the MHV genome by targeted recombination. Of the four possible clustered charged-to-alanine E gene mutants, one was apparently lethal and one had a wild-type phenotype. The two other mutants were partially temperature sensitive, forming small plaques at the nonpermissive temperature. Revertant analyses of these two mutants demonstrated that the created mutations were responsible for the temperature-sensitive phenotype of each and provided support for possible interactions among E protein monomers. Both temperature-sensitive mutants were also found to be markedly thermolabile when grown at the permissive temperature, suggesting that there was a flaw in their assembly. Most significantly, when virions of one of the mutants were examined by electron microscopy, they were found to have strikingly aberrant morphology in comparison to the wild type: most mutant virions had pinched and elongated shapes that were rarely seen among wild-type virions. These results demonstrate an important, probably essential, role for the E protein in coronavirus morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) Core protein encodes a late (L)-domain like motif (129PPAYRPPNAP138) that has been purported to serve as a docking site for recruitment of host factors such as Nedd4 that can mediate viral particle release from infected cells. However, mutation of this region of Core typically disrupts nucleocapsid formation in the cytoplasm, making it difficult to ascertain if the Core PPAY motif constitutes a functional L-domain that mediates HBV release in the context of replicating virus. Since many viral L-domains are functionally interchangeable between different virus families, and such swapping experiments have been used as a tool to identify other viral sequences with L-domain activity, we generated chimeric constructs between murine leukemia virus (MLV) Gag and HBV Core to determine if the potential HBV L-domain motif is sufficient to stimulate virus release. We found that the HBV Core PPAY motif, but not the PNAP motif, demonstrates L-domain activity in the context of MLV replication to direct virus release and infectious virion production. Additionally, we found that overexpression of the cellular Nedd4 or WWP1 ubiquitin ligases stimulates release of a partially defective PPAY domain mutant, providing further evidence supporting a role for the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase in promoting HBV release. These studies lend further insight into the mechanisms used by HBV to mediate its release from infected cells.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, a serious public health problem leading to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, is currently treated with either pegylated alpha interferon (pegIFN-α) or one of the five nucleos(t)ide analogue viral DNA polymerase inhibitors. However, neither pegIFN-α nor nucleos(t)ide analogues are capable of reliably curing the viral infection. In order to develop novel antiviral drugs against HBV, we established a cell-based screening assay by using an immortalized mouse hepatocyte-derived stable cell line supporting a high level of HBV replication in a tetracycline-inducible manner. Screening of a library consisting of 26,900 small molecules led to the discovery of a series of sulfamoylbenzamide (SBA) derivatives that significantly reduced the amount of cytoplasmic HBV DNA. Structure-activity relationship studies have thus far identified a group of fluorine-substituted SBAs with submicromolar antiviral activity against HBV in human hepatoma cells. Mechanistic analyses reveal that the compounds dose dependently inhibit the formation of pregenomic RNA (pgRNA)-containing nucleocapsids of HBV but not other animal hepadnaviruses, such as woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) and duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV). Moreover, heterologous genetic complementation studies of capsid protein, DNA polymerase, and pgRNA between HBV and WHV suggest that HBV capsid protein confers sensitivity to the SBAs. In summary, SBAs represent a novel chemical entity with superior activity and a unique antiviral mechanism and are thus warranted for further development as novel antiviral therapeutics for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.  相似文献   

三链DNA的形成抑制DNA结合蛋白与启动子的结合   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
电泳迁移分析方法及DNaseⅠ足迹实验表明21nt脱氧寡核苷酸G3TG2T GT2G5TG2TGT(CP1)与乙肝病毒(HBV)核心启动子(Cp)片段之间三链DNA的形成有较高的特异性及稳定性.凝胶滞留实验显示, 在大鼠肝细胞核提取物体外转录系统中, CP1可特异地抑制DNA结合蛋白与Cp片段的结合, 而不能与Cp结合形成三链DNA的脱氧寡核苷酸CP3(TGTG2TG5T2GTG2TG3)对蛋白与Cp的结合并无抑制作用.这些结果表明, 三链DNA的形成有可能抑制HBV DNA的转录.  相似文献   

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