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Caenorhabditis elegans RAB-10 functions in endocytic recycling in polarized cells, regulating basolateral cargo transport in the intestinal epithelia and postsynaptic cargo transport in interneurons. A similar role was found for mammalian Rab10 in MDCK cells, suggesting that a conserved mechanism regulates these related pathways in metazoans. In a yeast two-hybrid screen for binding partners of RAB-10 we identified EHBP-1, a calponin homology domain (CH) protein, whose mammalian homolog Ehbp1 was previously shown to function during endocytic transport of GLUT4 in adipocytes. In vivo we find that EHBP-1-GFP colocalizes with RFP-RAB-10 on endosomal structures of the intestine and interneurons and that ehbp-1 loss-of-function mutants share with rab-10 mutants specific endosome morphology and cargo localization defects. We also show that loss of EHBP-1 disrupts transport of membrane proteins to the plasma membrane of the nonpolarized germline cells, a defect that can be phenocopied by codepletion of RAB-10 and its closest paralog RAB-8. These results indicate that RAB-10 and EHBP-1 function together in many cell types and suggests that there are differences in the level of redundancy among Rab family members in polarized versus nonpolarized cells.  相似文献   

Germ granules are cytoplasmic assemblies of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) required for germ cell development and fertility. During the first four cell divisions of the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, regulated assembly of germ (P) granules leads to their selective segregation to the future germ cell. Here we investigate the role of DLC-1, a hub protein implicated in stabilization and function of diverse protein complexes, in maintaining P granule integrity. We find that DLC-1 directly interacts with several core P granule proteins, predominantly during embryogenesis. The loss of dlc-1 disrupts assembly of P granule components into phase-separated organelles in the embryos, regardless of whether or not DLC-1 directly interacts with these proteins. Finally, we infer that P granule dispersal in the absence of dlc-1 is likely independent of DLC-1’s function as a subunit of the dynein motor and does not result from a loss of cell polarity.  相似文献   

Signaling by the centrosomal asters and spindle midzone coordinately directs formation of the cytokinetic furrow. Here, we explore the contribution of the asters by analyzing the consequences of altering interaster distance during the first cytokinesis of the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Delaying aster separation, by using TPXL-1 depletion to shorten the metaphase spindle, leads to a corresponding delay in furrow formation, but results in a single furrow that ingresses at a normal rate. Preventing aster separation, by simultaneously inhibiting TPXL-1 and Gα signaling-based cortical forces pulling on the asters, delays furrow formation and leads to the formation of multiple furrows that ingress toward the midzone. Disrupting midzone-based signaling, by depleting conserved midzone complexes, results in a converse phenotype: neither the timing nor the number of furrows is affected, but the rate of furrow ingression is decreased threefold. Simultaneously delaying aster separation and disrupting midzone-based signaling leads to complete failure of furrow formation. Based on these results, we propose that signaling by the separated asters executes two critical functions: 1) it couples furrow formation to anaphase onset by concentrating contractile ring proteins on the equatorial cortex in a midzone-independent manner and 2) it subsequently refines spindle midzone-based signaling to restrict furrowing to a single site.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial structural dynamics are regulated through the opposing processes of membrane fission and fusion, which are conserved from yeast to man. The chronic inhibition of mitochondrial fusion as a result of genetic mutation is the cause of human autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome type 2A (CMT-2A). Here, we demonstrate that genetic fragmentation of the mitochondrial network in Caenorhabditis elegans induces cellular acidification in a broad range of tissues from the intestine, to body wall muscles, and neurons. Genetic epistasis analyses demonstrate that fragmentation itself, and not the loss of a particular protein, leads to acidosis, and the worm''s fitness matches the extent of acidification. We suggest that fragmentation may cause acidification through two distinct processes: oxidative signaling after the loss of the ability of the mitochondrial inner membrane to undergo fusion and lactic acidosis after the loss of outer membrane fusion. Finally, experiments in cultured mammalian cells demonstrate a conserved link between mitochondrial morphology and cell pH homeostasis. Taken together these data reveal a potential role for acidosis in the differing etiology of diseases associated with mitochondrial morphology defects such as ADOA and CMT-2A.  相似文献   

From a screen for meiotic Caenorhabditis elegans mutants based on high incidence of males, we identified a novel gene, him-19, with multiple functions in prophase of meiosis I. Mutant him-19(jf6) animals show a reduction in pairing of homologous chromosomes and subsequent bivalent formation. Consistently, synaptonemal complex formation is spatially restricted and possibly involves nonhomologous chromosomes. Also, foci of the recombination protein RAD-51 occur delayed or cease altogether. Ultimately, mutation of him-19 leads to chromosome missegregation and reduced offspring viability. The observed defects suggest that HIM-19 is important for both homology recognition and formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks. It therefore seems to be engaged in an early meiotic event, resembling in this respect the regulator kinase CHK-2. Most astonishingly, him-19(jf6) hermaphrodites display worsening of phenotypes with increasing age, whereas defects are more severe in female than in male meiosis. This finding is consistent with depletion of a him-19-dependent factor during the production of oocytes. Further characterization of him-19 could contribute to our understanding of age-dependent meiotic defects in humans.  相似文献   

Torsin proteins are AAA+ ATPases that localize to the endoplasmic reticular/nuclear envelope (ER/NE) lumen. A mutation that markedly impairs torsinA function causes the CNS disorder DYT1 dystonia. Abnormalities of NE membranes have been linked to torsinA loss of function and the pathogenesis of DYT1 dystonia, leading us to investigate the role of the Caenorhabditis elegans torsinA homologue OOC-5 at the NE. We report a novel role for torsin in nuclear pore biology. In ooc-5–mutant germ cell nuclei, nucleoporins (Nups) were mislocalized in large plaques beginning at meiotic entry and persisted throughout meiosis. Moreover, the KASH protein ZYG-12 was mislocalized in ooc-5 gonads. Nups were mislocalized in adult intestinal nuclei and in embryos from mutant mothers. EM analysis revealed vesicle-like structures in the perinuclear space of intestinal and germ cell nuclei, similar to defects reported in torsin-mutant flies and mice. Consistent with a functional disruption of Nups, ooc-5–mutant embryos displayed impaired nuclear import kinetics, although the nuclear pore-size exclusion barrier was maintained. Our data are the first to demonstrate a requirement for a torsin for normal Nup localization and function and suggest that these functions are likely conserved.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic β- and γ-actin proteins are 99% identical but support unique organismal functions. The cytoplasmic actin nucleotide sequences Actb and Actg1, respectively, are more divergent but still 89% similar. Actb–/– mice are embryonic lethal and Actb–/– cells fail to proliferate, but editing the Actb gene to express γ-actin (Actbc–g) resulted in none of the overt phenotypes of the knockout revealing protein-independent functions for Actb. To determine if Actg1 has a protein-independent function, we crossed Actbc–g and Actg1–/– mice to generate the bG/0 line, where the only cytoplasmic actin expressed is γ-actin from Actbc–g. The bG/0 mice were viable but showed a survival defect despite expressing γ-actin protein at levels no different from bG/gG with normal survival. A unique myopathy phenotype was also observed in bG/0 mice. We conclude that impaired survival and myopathy in bG/0 mice are due to loss of Actg1 nucleotide-dependent function(s). On the other hand, the bG/0 genotype rescued functions impaired by Actg1–/–, including cell proliferation and auditory function, suggesting a role for γ-actin protein in both fibroblasts and hearing. Together, these results identify nucleotide-dependent functions for Actg1 while implicating γ-actin protein in more cell-/tissue-specific functions.  相似文献   

During development, the establishment of cell polarity is important for cells to undergo asymmetric cell divisions that give rise to diverse cell types. In C. elegans embryos, cues from the centrosome trigger the cortical flow of an actomyosin network, leading to the formation of anterior-posterior polarity. However, its precise mechanism is poorly understood. Here, we show that small GTPases have sequential and crucial functions in this process. ECT-2, a potential guanine nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF) for RHO-1, was uniformly distributed at the cortex before polarization, but was excluded from the posterior cortex by the polarity cue from the centrosomes. This local exclusion of ECT-2 led to an asymmetric RHO-1 distribution, which generated a cortical flow of the actomyosin that translocated PAR proteins and CDC-42 (Refs 4, 5) to the anterior cortex. Polarized CDC-42 was, in turn, involved in maintaining the established anterior-cortical domains. Our results suggest that a local change in the function of ECT-2 and RHO-1 links the centrosomal polarity cue with the polarization of the cell cortex.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are dynamic cytoskeletal elements involved in numerous cellular processes. Although they are highly rigid polymers with a persistence length of 1–8 mm, they may exhibit a curved shape at a scale of few micrometers within cells, depending on their biological functions. However, how MT flexural rigidity in cells is regulated remains poorly understood. Here we ask whether MT-associated proteins (MAPs) could locally control the mechanical properties of MTs. We show that two major cross-linkers of the conserved MAP65/PRC1/Ase1 family drastically decrease MT rigidity. Their MT-binding domain mediates this effect. Remarkably, the softening effect of MAP65 observed on single MTs is maintained when MTs are cross-linked. By reconstituting physical collisions between growing MTs/MT bundles, we further show that the decrease in MT stiffness induced by MAP65 proteins is responsible for the sharp bending deformations observed in cells when they coalign at a steep angle to create bundles. Taken together, these data provide new insights into how MAP65, by modifying MT mechanical properties, may regulate the formation of complex MT arrays.  相似文献   

Genes occupy preferred spatial positions within interphase cell nuclei. However, positioning patterns are not an innate feature of a locus, and genes can alter their localization in response to physiological and pathological changes. Here we screen the radial positioning patterns of 40 genes in normal, hyperplasic, and malignant human prostate tissues. We find that the overall spatial organization of the genome in prostate tissue is largely conserved among individuals. We identify three genes whose nuclear positions are robustly altered in neoplastic prostate tissues. FLI1 and MMP9 position differently in prostate cancer than in normal tissue and prostate hyperplasia, whereas MMP2 is repositioned in both prostate cancer and hyperplasia. Our data point to locus-specific reorganization of the genome during prostate disease.  相似文献   

Endosomes function as a hub for multiple protein-sorting events, including retrograde transport to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and recycling to the plasma membrane. These processes are mediated by tubular-vesicular carriers that bud from early endosomes and fuse with a corresponding acceptor compartment. Two tethering complexes named GARP (composed of ANG2, VPS52, VPS53, and VPS54 subunits) and EARP (composed of ANG2, VPS52, VPS53, and Syndetin subunits) were previously shown to participate in SNARE-dependent fusion of endosome-derived carriers with the TGN and recycling endosomes, respectively. Little is known, however, about other proteins that function with GARP and EARP in these processes. Here we identify a protein named TSSC1 as a specific interactor of both GARP and EARP and as a novel component of the endosomal retrieval machinery. TSSC1 is a predicted WD40/β-propeller protein that coisolates with both GARP and EARP in affinity purification, immunoprecipitation, and gel filtration analyses. Confocal fluorescence microscopy shows colocalization of TSSC1 with both GARP and EARP. Silencing of TSSC1 impairs transport of internalized Shiga toxin B subunit to the TGN, as well as recycling of internalized transferrin to the plasma membrane. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching shows that TSSC1 is required for efficient recruitment of GARP to the TGN. These studies thus demonstrate that TSSC1 plays a critical role in endosomal retrieval pathways as a regulator of both GARP and EARP function.  相似文献   

The action of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) on the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTPases initiates intracellular transport pathways. This role requires ARF GEFs to be recruited from the cytosol to intracellular membrane compartments. An ARF GEF known as General receptor for 3-phosphoinositides 1 (Grp1) is recruited to the plasma membrane through its pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that recognizes phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3). Here, we find that the phosphorylation of Grp1 induces its PH domain to recognize instead phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). This phosphorylation also releases an autoinhibitory mechanism that results in the coil–coil (CC) domain of Grp1 engaging two peripheral membrane proteins of the recycling endosome. Because the combination of these actions results in Grp1 being recruited preferentially to the recycling endosome rather than to the plasma membrane, our findings reveal the complexity of recruitment mechanisms that need to be coordinated in localizing an ARF GEF to an intracellular compartment to initiate a transport pathway. Our elucidation is also remarkable for having revealed that phosphoinositide recognition by a PH domain can be switched through its phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The multisubunit mTORC1 complex integrates signals from growth factors and nutrients to regulate protein synthesis, cell growth, and autophagy. To examine how endocytic trafficking might be involved in nutrient regulation of mTORC1, we perturbed specific endocytic trafficking pathways and measured mTORC1 activity using S6K1 as a readout. When early/late endosomal conversion was blocked by either overexpression of constitutively active Rab5 (Rab5CA) or knockdown of the Rab7 GEF hVps39, insulin- and amino acid–stimulated mTORC1/S6K1 activation were inhibited, and mTOR localized to hybrid early/late endosomes. Inhibition of other stages of endocytic trafficking had no effect on mTORC1. Overexpression of Rheb, which activates mTOR independently of mTOR localization, rescued mTORC1 signaling in cells expressing Rab5CA, whereas hyperactivation of endogenous Rheb in TSC2−/− MEFs did not. These data suggest that integrity of late endosomes is essential for amino acid– and insulin-stimulated mTORC1 signaling and that blocking the early/late endosomal conversion prevents mTOR from interacting with Rheb in the late endosomal compartment.  相似文献   

Laminopathies are a collection of phenotypically diverse diseases that include muscular dystrophies, cardiomyopathies, lipodystrophies, and premature aging syndromes. Laminopathies are caused by >300 distinct mutations in the LMNA gene, which encodes the nuclear intermediate filament proteins lamin A and C, two major architectural elements of the mammalian cell nucleus. The genotype–phenotype relationship and the basis for the pronounced tissue specificity of laminopathies are poorly understood. Here we seek to identify on a global scale lamin A–binding partners whose interaction is affected by disease-relevant LMNA mutations. In a screen of a human genome–wide ORFeome library, we identified and validated 337 lamin A–binding proteins. Testing them against 89 known lamin A disease mutations identified 50 disease-associated interactors. Association of progerin, the lamin A isoform responsible for the premature aging disorder Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome, with its partners was largely mediated by farnesylation. Mapping of the interaction sites on lamin A identified the immunoglobulin G (IgG)–like domain as an interaction hotspot and demonstrated that lamin A variants, which destabilize the Ig-like domain, affect protein–protein interactions more globally than mutations of surface residues. Analysis of a set of LMNA mutations in a single residue, which result in three phenotypically distinct diseases, identified disease-specific interactors. The results represent a systematic map of disease-relevant lamin A interactors and suggest loss of tissue-specific lamin A interactions as a mechanism for the tissue-specific appearance of laminopathic phenotypes.  相似文献   

Macroendocytic vacuoles formed by phagocytosis, or the live-cell engulfment program entosis, undergo sequential steps of maturation, leading to the fusion of lysosomes that digest internalized cargo. After cargo digestion, nutrients must be exported to the cytosol, and vacuole membranes must be processed by mechanisms that remain poorly defined. Here we find that phagosomes and entotic vacuoles undergo a late maturation step characterized by fission, which redistributes vacuolar contents into lysosomal networks. Vacuole fission is regulated by the serine/threonine protein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which localizes to vacuole membranes surrounding engulfed cells. Degrading engulfed cells supply engulfing cells with amino acids that are used in translation, and rescue cell survival and mTORC1 activity in starved macrophages and tumor cells. These data identify a late stage of phagocytosis and entosis that involves processing of large vacuoles by mTOR-regulated membrane fission.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) robustness under elevated membrane tension is maintained by actin assembly–mediated force generation. However, whether more actin assembles at endocytic sites in response to increased load has not previously been investigated. Here actin network ultrastructure at CME sites was examined under low and high membrane tension. Actin and N-WASP spatial organization indicate that actin polymerization initiates at the base of clathrin-coated pits and that the network then grows away from the plasma membrane. Actin network height at individual CME sites was not coupled to coat shape, raising the possibility that local differences in mechanical load feed back on assembly. By manipulating membrane tension and Arp2/3 complex activity, we tested the hypothesis that actin assembly at CME sites increases in response to elevated load. Indeed, in response to elevated membrane tension, actin grew higher, resulting in greater coverage of the clathrin coat, and CME slowed. When membrane tension was elevated and the Arp2/3 complex was inhibited, shallow clathrin-coated pits accumulated, indicating that this adaptive mechanism is especially crucial for coat curvature generation. We propose that actin assembly increases in response to increased load to ensure CME robustness over a range of plasma membrane tensions.  相似文献   

Actin filaments are dynamically reorganized to accommodate ever-changing cellular needs for intracellular transport, morphogenesis, and migration. Formins, a major family of actin nucleators, are believed to function as direct effectors of Rho GTPases, such as the polarity regulator Cdc42p. However, the presence of extensive redundancy has made it difficult to assess the in vivo significance of the low-affinity Rho GTPase–formin interaction and specifically whether Cdc42p polarizes the actin cytoskeleton via direct formin binding. Here we exploit a synthetically rewired budding yeast strain to eliminate the redundancy, making regulation of the formin Bni1p by Cdc42p essential for viability. Surprisingly, we find that direct Cdc42p–Bni1p interaction is dispensable for Bni1p regulation. Alternative paths linking Cdc42p and Bni1p via “polarisome” components Spa2p and Bud6p are also collectively dispensable. We identify a novel regulatory input to Bni1p acting through the Cdc42p effector, Gic2p. This pathway is sufficient to localize Bni1p to the sites of Cdc42p action and promotes a polarized actin organization in both rewired and wild-type contexts. We suggest that an indirect mechanism linking Rho GTPases and formins via Rho effectors may provide finer spatiotemporal control for the formin-nucleated actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ∼21-nucleotide-long, single-stranded noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression. Biogenesis of miRNAs is mediated by the two RNase III-like enzymes, Drosha and Dicer. Here we study miRNA biogenesis during maturation of Xenopus oocytes to eggs using microinjection of pri-miRNAs. We show that processing of exogenous and endogenous primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) is strongly enhanced upon maturation of oocytes to eggs. Overexpression of cloned Xenopus Drosha in oocytes, however, boosts pri-miRNA processing dramatically, indicating that Drosha is a rate-limiting factor in Xenopus oocytes. This developmental regulation of Drosha is controlled by poly(A) length addition to the Drosha mRNA, which boosts translation upon transition from oocytes to eggs. Processing of pri-miRNAs by Drosha and Dicer has been shown to be affected by adenosine-to-inosine deamination–type RNA editing. Using activated Xenopus eggs for microinjection experiments, we demonstrate that RNA editing can reduce pri-miRNA processing in vivo. This processing block is determined by the structural but not sequence changes introduced by RNA editing.  相似文献   

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