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Host cell-mediated proteolytic cleavage of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp160 precursor glycoprotein into gp120 and gp41 subunits is required to generate fusion-competent envelope glycoprotein (Env) spikes. The gp120-directed broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bNabs) isolated from HIV-infected individuals efficiently recognize fully cleaved JRFL Env spikes; however, nonneutralizing gp120-directed monoclonal antibodies isolated from infected or vaccinated subjects recognize only uncleaved JRFL spikes. Therefore, as an immunogen, cleaved spikes that selectively present desired neutralizing epitopes to B cells may elicit cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies. Accordingly, we inoculated nonhuman primates (NHPs) with plasmid DNA encoding transmembrane-anchored, cleaved JRFL Env or by electroporation (EP). Priming with DNA expressing soluble, uncleaved gp140 trimers was included as a comparative experimental group of NHPs. DNA inoculation was followed by boosts with soluble JRFL gp140 trimers, and control NHPs were inoculated with soluble JRFL protein trimers without DNA priming. In the TZM-bl assay, elicitation of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 tier 1 isolates was robust following the protein boost. Neutralization of tier 2 isolates was detected, but only in animals primed with plasmid DNA and boosted with trimeric protein. Using the more sensitive A3R5 assay, consistent neutralization of both clade B and C tier 2 isolates was detected from all regimens assessed in the current study, exceeding levels achieved by our previous vaccine regimens in primates. Together, these data suggest a potential advantage of B cell priming followed by a rest interval and protein boosting to present JRFL Env spikes to the immune system to better generate HIV-1 cross-clade neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

CD4+ helper T cells specific for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are associated with control of viremia. Nevertheless, vaccines have had limited effectiveness thus far, in part because sequence variability and other structural features of the HIV envelope glycoprotein deflect the immune response. Previous studies indicated that CD4+ T-cell epitope dominance is controlled by antigen three-dimensional structure through its influence on antigen processing and presentation. In this work, three disulfide bonds in the outer domain of gp120 were individually deleted in order to destabilize the local three-dimensional structure and enhance the presentation of nearby weakly immunogenic epitopes. However, upon immunization of groups of BALB/c mice, the CD4+ T-cell response was broadly reduced for all three variants, and distinct epitope profiles emerged. For one variant, antibody titers were sharply increased, and the antibody exhibited significant CD4-blocking activity.The development of an effective vaccine against HIV has been hampered by an incomplete understanding of the correlates of protection against the virus. It is generally accepted that a robust antibody response and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response are required to control the disease and to prevent progression to AIDS (2, 17, 19, 20, 36, 38-42). Both of these arms of the immune system require help from CD4+ helper T cells (1, 27, 48). However, several important aspects of the CD4+ helper T-cell response remain poorly defined; these include the factors that determine epitope immunodominance in the CD4+ T-cell response, the relationship of specificity in the CD4+ T-cell response to specificity in the antibody and CD8+ responses, and the investment made by HIV (or any pathogen) to control the CD4+ T-cell response.Previous studies of mice showed that antigen structure modulates antigen processing and presentation of CD4+ helper T-cell epitopes (3-6, 9, 10, 23, 24, 43). Immunodominant CD4+ helper T-cell epitopes raised in response to immunization with the HIV envelope glycoprotein gp120 were found adjacent to flexible loops between elements of secondary structure (10). This was rationalized by the fact that flexible loops more readily conform to protease active sites and therefore are preferentially cleaved by proteases during antigen processing (10, 14, 15). Helper T-cell epitopes of gp120 in humans infected with HIV were also found flanking flexible loops (30). Dominant epitopes were located in the outer domain, an average of 12 residues C-terminal to flexible loops. In the less immunogenic inner domain, epitopes were found an average of five residues N-terminal to conserved regions of the protein, once again placing the epitopes C-terminal to flexible loops (30). These results suggested that antigen structure plays a significant role in the shaping of the helper T-cell response against HIV gp120 in both mice and humans.In reviewing previous studies mapping the helper T-cell response to gp120, we noted a marked absence of CD4+ T-cell responses to regions of the outer domain that coincided with the locations of highly conserved disulfide bonds (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Disulfide bonds have previously been shown to interfere with presentation of nearby helper T-cell epitopes (13, 26). Thus, we hypothesized that disulfide bonds stabilized these regions of the protein, protecting them from proteolysis. This resulted in the exclusion of these regions from presentation to helper T cells. We further hypothesized that the deletion of these disulfide bonds would result in the production of new helper T-cell epitopes by creating localized regions of flexibility that could now be processed and presented to T cells. The creation of new helper T-cell epitopes could also potentially lead to changes in the antibody response.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Gaps in helper T-cell epitope frequency in the outer domain of HIV gp120 coincide with the locations of disulfide bonds. The graph illustrates the frequencies of responses by residue for the combined profiles from immunized BALB/c and CBA mice (gray area) and for a group of seven HIV-infected human subjects (black line) (10, 30).For the present work, we constructed three disulfide-bond variants of gp120 by replacing paired cysteines in the outer domain with alanines. Characterization of the variants revealed that the proteins were structurally distinct from one another and from wild-type gp120. Groups of 10 BALB/c mice immunized with these proteins produced patterns of helper T-cell responses that were very different from each other and from that of a group of 10 BALB/c mice immunized with wild-type gp120. In general, the T-cell response was reduced in mice immunized with the variant proteins. For one of the variants, anti-gp120 antibody titers were increased and exhibited CD4-blocking activity.  相似文献   

Eliciting neutralizing antibodies capable of inactivating a broad spectrum of HIV-1 strains is a major goal of HIV-1 vaccine design. The challenge is that envelopes (Envs) of circulating viruses are almost certainly different from any Env used in a vaccine. A novel immunogen composed of a highly diverse set of gp140 Envs including subtypes A, B, C, D and F was developed to stimulate a more cross-neutralizing antibody response. Env heterotrimers composed of up to 54 different gp140s were produced with the aim of focusing the response to the conserved regions of Env while reducing the dominance of any individual hypervariable region. Heterotrimeric gp140 Envs of inter- and intra-subtype combinations were shown to bind CD4 and a panel of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies with similar affinity to monovalent UG37 gp140. Macaques immunized with six groups of heterotrimer mixtures showed slightly more potent neutralizing antibody responses in TZM-BL tier 1 and A3R5 tier 2 pseudovirus assays than macaques immunized with monovalent Env gp140, and exhibited a marginally greater focus on the CD4-binding site. Carbopol enhanced neutralization when used as an adjuvant instead of RIBI in combination with UG37 gp140. These data indicate that cross-subtype heterotrimeric gp140 Envs may elicit some improvement of the neutralizing antibody response in macaques compared to monovalent gp140 Env.  相似文献   

We describe cryo-electron microscopic studies of the interaction between the ectodomain of the trimeric HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) and Z13e1, a broadly neutralizing antibody that targets the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of the gp41 subunit. We show that Z13e1-bound Env displays an open quaternary conformation similar to the CD4-bound conformation. Our results support the idea that MPER-directed antibodies, such as Z13e1, block viral entry by interacting with Env at a step after CD4 activation.  相似文献   

HIV-1 variants transmitted to infants are often resistant to maternal neutralizing antibodies (NAbs), suggesting that they have escaped maternal NAb pressure. To define the molecular basis of NAb escape that contributes to selection of transmitted variants, we analyzed 5 viruses from 2 mother-to-child transmission pairs, in which the infant virus, but not the maternal virus, was resistant to neutralization by maternal plasma near transmission. We generated chimeric viruses between maternal and infant envelope clones obtained near transmission and examined neutralization by maternal plasma. The molecular determinants of NAb escape were distinct, even when comparing two maternal variants to the transmitted infant virus within one pair, in which insertions in V4 of gp120 and substitutions in HR2 of gp41 conferred neutralization resistance. In another pair, deletions and substitutions in V1 to V3 conferred resistance, but neither V1/V2 nor V3 alone was sufficient. Although the sequence determinants of escape were distinct, all of them involved modifications of potential N-linked glycosylation sites. None of the regions that mediated escape were major linear targets of maternal NAbs because corresponding peptides failed to compete for neutralization. Instead, these regions disrupted multiple distal epitopes targeted by HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies, suggesting that escape from maternal NAbs occurred through conformational masking of distal epitopes. This strategy likely allows HIV-1 to utilize relatively limited changes in the envelope to preserve the ability to infect a new host while simultaneously evading multiple NAb specificities present in maternal plasma.  相似文献   

We evaluated four gp140 Envelope protein vaccine immunogens that were derived from an elite neutralizer, subject VC10042, whose plasma was able to potently neutralize a wide array of genetically distinct HIV-1 isolates. We sought to determine whether soluble Envelope proteins derived from the viruses circulating in VC10042 could be used as immunogens to elicit similar neutralizing antibody responses by vaccination. Each gp140 was tested in its trimeric and monomeric forms, and we evaluated two gp140 trimer vaccine regimens in which adjuvant was supplied at all four immunizations or at only the first two immunizations. Interestingly, all four Envelope immunogens elicited high titers of cross-reactive antibodies that recognize the variable regions V1V2 and are potentially similar to antibodies linked with a reduced risk of HIV-1 acquisition in the RV144 vaccine trial. Two of the four immunogens elicited neutralizing antibody responses that neutralized a wide array of HIV-1 isolates from across genetic clades, but those responses were of very low potency. There were no significant differences in the responses elicited by trimers or monomers, nor was there a significant difference between the two adjuvant regimens. Our study identified two promising Envelope immunogens that elicited anti-V1V2 antibodies and broad, but low potency, neutralizing antibody responses.  相似文献   

The CD4 binding site (CD4bs) on the envelope glycoprotein is a major site of vulnerability that is conserved among different HIV-1 isolates. Many broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) to the CD4bs belong to the VRC01 class, sharing highly restricted origins, recognition mechanisms and viral escape pathways. We sought to isolate new anti-CD4bs bNAbs with different origins and mechanisms of action. Using a gp120 2CC core as bait, we isolated antibodies encoded by IGVH3-21 and IGVL3-1 genes with long CDRH3s that depend on the presence of the N-linked glycan at position-276 for activity. This binding mode is similar to the previously identified antibody HJ16, however the new antibodies identified herein are more potent and broad. The most potent variant, 179NC75, had a geometric mean IC80 value of 0.42 μg/ml against 120 Tier-2 HIV-1 pseudoviruses in the TZM.bl assay. Although this group of CD4bs glycan-dependent antibodies can be broadly and potently neutralizing in vitro, their in vivo activity has not been tested to date. Here, we report that 179NC75 is highly active when administered to HIV-1-infected humanized mice, where it selects for escape variants that lack a glycan site at position-276. The same glycan was absent from the virus isolated from the 179NC75 donor, implying that the antibody also exerts selection pressure in humans.  相似文献   

A major goal of efforts to develop a vaccine to prevent HIV-1 infection is induction of broadly cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies (bcnAb). In previous studies we have demonstrated induction of neutralizing antibodies that did cross-react among multiple primary and laboratory strains of HIV-1, but neutralized with limited potency. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that immunization with multiple HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Envs) would result in a more potent and cross-reactive neutralizing response. One Env, CM243(N610Q), was selected on the basis of studies of the effects of single and multiple mutations of the four gp41 glycosylation sites. The other two Envs included R2 (subtype B) and 14/00/4 (subtype F), both of which were obtained from donors with bcnAb. Rhesus monkeys were immunized using a prime boost regimen as in previous studies. Individual groups of monkeys were immunized with either one of the three Envs or all three. The single N610Q and N615Q mutations of CM243 Env did not disrupt protein secretion, processing into, or reactivity with mAbs, unlike other single or multiple deglycosylation mutations. In rabbit studies the N610Q mutation alone or in combination was associated with an enhanced neutralizing response against homologous and heterologous subtype E viruses. In the subsequent monkey study the response induced by the R2 Env regimen was equivalent to the trivalent regimen and superior to the other monovalent regimens against the virus panel used for testing. The 14/00/4 Env induced responses superior to CM243(N610Q). The results indicate that elimination of the glycosylation site near the gp41 loop results in enhanced immunogenicity, but that immunization of monkeys with these three distinct Envs was not more immunogenic than with one.  相似文献   

HIV-1 infection begins with the binding of trimeric viral envelope glycoproteins (Env) to CD4 and a co-receptor on target T-cells. Understanding how these ligands influence the structure of Env is of fundamental interest for HIV vaccine development. Using cryo-electron microscopy, we describe the contrasting structural outcomes of trimeric Env binding to soluble CD4, to the broadly neutralizing, CD4-binding site antibodies VRC01, VRC03 and b12, or to the monoclonal antibody 17b, a co-receptor mimic. Binding of trimeric HIV-1 BaL Env to either soluble CD4 or 17b alone, is sufficient to trigger formation of the open quaternary conformation of Env. In contrast, VRC01 locks Env in the closed state, while b12 binding requires a partial opening in the quaternary structure of trimeric Env. Our results show that, despite general similarities in regions of the HIV-1 gp120 polypeptide that contact CD4, VRC01, VRC03 and b12, there are important differences in quaternary structures of the complexes these ligands form on native trimeric Env, and potentially explain differences in the neutralizing breadth and potency of antibodies with similar specificities. From cryo-electron microscopic analysis at ∼9 Å resolution of a cleaved, soluble version of trimeric Env, we show that a structural signature of the open Env conformation is a three-helix motif composed of α-helical segments derived from highly conserved, non-glycosylated N-terminal regions of the gp41 trimer. The three N-terminal gp41 helices in this novel, activated Env conformation are held apart by their interactions with the rest of Env, and are less compactly packed than in the post-fusion, six-helix bundle state. These findings suggest a new structural template for designing immunogens that can elicit antibodies targeting HIV at a vulnerable, pre-entry stage.  相似文献   

Maraviroc (MVC) is a CCR5 antagonist that inhibits HIV-1 entry by binding to the coreceptor and inducing structural alterations in the extracellular loops. In this study, we isolated MVC-resistant variants from an HIV-1 primary isolate that arose after 21 weeks of tissue culture passage in the presence of inhibitor. gp120 sequences from passage control and MVC-resistant cultures were cloned into NL4-3 via yeast-based recombination followed by sequencing and drug susceptibility testing. Using 140 clones, three mutations were linked to MVC resistance, but none appeared in the V3 loop as was the case with previous HIV-1 strains resistant to CCR5 antagonists. Rather, resistance was dependent upon a single mutation in the C4 region of gp120. Chimeric clones bearing this N425K mutation replicated at high MVC concentrations and displayed significant shifts in 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50s), characteristic of resistance to all other antiretroviral drugs but not typical of MVC resistance. Previous reports on MVC resistance describe an ability to use a drug-bound form of the receptor, leading to reduction in maximal drug inhibition. In contrast, our structural models on K425 gp120 suggest that this resistant mutation impacts CD4 interactions and highlights a novel pathway for MVC resistance.  相似文献   

CD4-independent HIV-1 variants can infect coreceptor-expressing cells lacking CD4. The envelope (Env) glycoproteins on these HIV-1 variants expose a coreceptor binding site that overlaps some CD4-induced (CD4i) epitopes. Reports have demonstrated that CD4i antibodies mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Here we investigated the immunogenicity of soluble Env trimers (sgp140) from a CD4-independent HIV-1 in guinea pigs and found that the sgp140 elicited ADCC-mediating antibodies. Therefore, these sgp140 might be useful in vaccine regimens aimed at eliciting ADCC responses.  相似文献   

Recombinant expression systems differ in the type of glycosylation they impart on expressed antigens such as the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins, potentially affecting their biological properties. We performed head-to-head antigenic, immunogenic and molecular profiling of two distantly related Env surface (gp120) antigens produced in different systems: (a) mammalian (293 FreeStyle™ cells; 293F) cells in the presence of kifunensine, which impart only high-mannose glycans; (b) insect cells (Spodoptera frugiperda, Sf9), which confer mainly paucimannosidic glycans; (c) Sf9 cells recombinant for mammalian glycosylation enzymes (Sf9 Mimic™), which impart high-mannose, hybrid and complex glycans without sialic acid; and (d) 293F cells, which impart high-mannose, hybrid and complex glycans with sialic acid. Molecular models revealed a significant difference in gp120 glycan coverage between the Sf9-derived and wild-type mammalian-cell-derived material that is predicted to affect ligand binding sites proximal to glycans. Modeling of solvent-exposed surface electrostatic potentials showed that sialic acid imparts a significant negative surface charge that may influence gp120 antigenicity and immunogenicity. Gp120 expressed in systems that do not incorporate sialic acid displayed increased ligand binding to the CD4 binding and CD4-induced sites compared to those expressed in the system that do, and imparted other more subtle differences in antigenicity in a gp120 subtype-specific manner. Non-sialic-acid-containing gp120 was significantly more immunogenic than the sialylated version when administered in two different adjuvants, and induced higher titers of antibodies competing for CD4 binding site ligand-gp120 interaction. These findings suggest that non-sialic-acid-imparting systems yield gp120 immunogens with modified antigenic and immunogenic properties, considerations that should be considered when selecting expression systems for glycosylated antigens to be used for structure-function studies and for vaccine use.  相似文献   

A global HIV-1 vaccine will likely need to induce immune responses against conserved HIV-1 regions to contend with the profound genetic diversity of HIV-1. Here we evaluated the capacity of immunogens consisting of only highly conserved HIV-1 sequences that are aimed at focusing cellular immune responses on these potentially critical regions. We assessed in rhesus monkeys the breadth and magnitude of T lymphocyte responses elicited by adenovirus vectors expressing either full-length HIV-1 Gag/Pol/Env immunogens or concatenated immunogens consisting of only highly conserved HIV-1 sequences. Surprisingly, we found that the full-length immunogens induced comparable breadth (P = 1.0) and greater magnitude (P = 0.01) of CD8+ T lymphocyte responses against conserved HIV-1 regions compared with the conserved-region-only immunogens. Moreover, the full-length immunogens induced a 5-fold increased total breadth of HIV-1-specific T lymphocyte responses compared with the conserved-region-only immunogens (P = 0.007). These results suggest that full-length HIV-1 immunogens elicit a substantially increased magnitude and breadth of cellular immune responses compared with conserved-region-only HIV-1 immunogens, including greater magnitude and comparable breadth of responses against conserved sequences.  相似文献   

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