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Nuclei purified from chicken embryo fibroblast cells infected with influenza (fowl plague) virus contain an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The in vitro activity of this enzyme is insensitive to actinomycin D, and is completely destroyed by preincubation with ribonuclease. Enzyme induction is prevented if cells are treated with actinomycin D or cycloheximide at the time of infection. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity increases rapidly in cell nuclei from 1 h postinfection, reaches a maximum at 3 to 4 h, then declines; a similar RNA polymerase activity in the microsomal cell fraction increases from 2 h postinfection and reaches a maximum at 5 to 6 h. The characteristics of the nuclear and microsomal enzymes in vitro are similar with respect to pH and divalent cation requirements. The in vitro products of enzyme activity present in the nuclear and microsomal fractions of cells infected for 3 and 5 h were characterized by sucrose density gradient analysis, and annealing to virion RNA. The microsomal RNA polymerase product contained 67 and 93% RNA complementary to virion RNA at 3 and 5 h, respectively; for the nuclear RNA polymerase product these values were 40% in each case.  相似文献   


Polyadenylic acid (poly A) and polyguanylic acid (poly G) have been modified to give polymers containing and Gpm5C termini. Polymers containing methylated (Gpmf C) termini are inactive as templates for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Influenza A virus.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒的RNA聚合酶由PB1、PB2和PA 三个亚基组成,在病毒的生命周期中负责行使病毒基因组的转录与复制等多方面功能. 甲型流感病毒由于频繁变异,导致其对传统抗病毒药物的敏感性降低,因此开发疗效好、针对性强、毒性低的新型抗病毒药物已成为当前亟待解决的问题.由于RNA聚合酶是甲型流感病毒生命周期重要的调控蛋白,并且编码聚合酶各亚基的基因序列具有高度保守性,故成为当前抗病毒药物的重要靶点.  相似文献   

Strong determinants of the host range of influenza A viruses have been identified on the polymerase complex formed by the PB1, PB2, and PA subunits and on the nucleoprotein (NP). In the present study, molecular mechanisms that may involve these four core proteins and contribute to the restriction of avian influenza virus multiplication in human cells have been investigated. The efficiencies with which the polymerase complexes of a human and an avian influenza virus isolate assemble and interact with the viral NP and cellular RNA polymerase II proteins were compared in mammalian and in avian infected cells. To this end, recombinant influenza viruses expressing either human or avian-derived core proteins with a PB2 protein fused to the One-Strep purification tag at the N or C terminus were generated. Copurification experiments performed on infected cell extracts indicate that the avian-derived polymerase is assembled and interacts physically with the cellular RNA polymerase II at least as efficiently as does the human-derived polymerase in human as well as in avian cells. Restricted growth of the avian isolate in human cells correlates with low levels of the core proteins in infected cell extracts and with poor association of the NP with the polymerase compared to what is observed for the human isolate. The NP-polymerase association is restored by a Glu-to-Lys substitution at residue 627 of PB2. Overall, our data point to viral and cellular factors regulating the NP-polymerase interaction as key determinants of influenza A virus host range. Recombinant viruses expressing a tagged polymerase should prove useful for further studies of the molecular interactions between viral polymerase and host factors during the infection cycle.  相似文献   

Two RNA polymerase activities were characterized in the cytoplasm of influenza Ao/NWS infected cells. Their relationship to the virion-associated RNA polymerase was studied.  相似文献   

Structures with RNA polymerase activity were isolated from influenza virus-infected cells, and consisted of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes, similar in morphology to the viral internal component or nucleocapsid. The isolation procedure involved fractionation of infected cells in a discontinuous sucrose gradient, in which enzyme activity was concentrated in a fraction of intermediate density which contains both smooth and rough cytoplasmic membranes. The RNPs with polymerase activity were further purified in a velocity gradient, after which the peak fractions showed a 35-fold purification of the polymerase activity when compared with cytoplasmic extracts. The NP polypeptide, which is the subunit of the virion RNP, was the only virus-specific polypeptide detected in these RNP structures.  相似文献   

HCV NS5B基因片段克隆入BAC-TO-BAC^TM重组杆状病毒表达系统的pFASTHTc载体质粒,转化DH10BAC^TM感受态细菌获得重组的Bacmid质粒,将重组Bacmid质粒转染Sf细胞,获得的重组杆状病毒可表达目的蛋白。免疫印迹和体外活性检测表明,所表达蛋白为HCV NS5B蛋白,具有多聚酶活性。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒RNA多聚酶在昆虫细胞中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HCV NS5B基因片段克隆入BAC-TO-BACTM重组杆状病毒表达系统的pFASTHTc载体质粒,转化DH10BACTM感受态细菌获得重组的Bacmid质粒,将重组Bacmid质粒转染Sf9细胞,获得的重组杆状病毒可表达目的蛋白.免疫印迹和体外活性检测表明,所表达蛋白为HCV NS5B蛋白,具有多聚酶活性.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-dependent ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase activity was assayed on nuclear preparations of chick embryo fibroblast cells at various times after infection with an influenza A virus (fowl plague virus) and was compared with the activity of uninfected cells. Polymerase activity was increased by about 60% by 2 hr after infection, and this increase coincided with an increase in RNA synthesis in infected cells, as determined by pulse-labeling with uridine. No difference could be detected between the polymerases of infected and uninfected cells as to their requirements for DNA primer, divalent cations, and nucleoside triphosphates, and they were equally sensitive to addition of actinomycin D to the reaction mixture. It is possible that host cell DNA-dependent RNA polymerase is involved in the replication of influenza virus RNA.  相似文献   

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