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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) is a culture-independent method of obtaining a genetic fingerprint of the composition of a microbial community. Comparisons of the utility of different methods of (i) including peaks, (ii) computing the difference (or distance) between profiles, and (iii) performing statistical analysis were made by using replicated profiles of eubacterial communities. These samples included soil collected from three regions of the United States, soil fractions derived from three agronomic field treatments, soil samples taken from within one meter of each other in an alfalfa field, and replicate laboratory bioreactors. Cluster analysis by Ward's method and by the unweighted-pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) were compared. Ward's method was more effective at differentiating major groups within sets of profiles; UPGMA had a slightly reduced error rate in clustering of replicate profiles and was more sensitive to outliers. Most replicate profiles were clustered together when relative peak height or Hellinger-transformed peak height was used, in contrast to raw peak height. Redundancy analysis was more effective than cluster analysis at detecting differences between similar samples. Redundancy analysis using Hellinger distance was more sensitive than that using Euclidean distance between relative peak height profiles. Analysis of Jaccard distance between profiles, which considers only the presence or absence of a terminal restriction fragment, was the most sensitive in redundancy analysis, and was equally sensitive in cluster analysis, if all profiles had cumulative peak heights greater than 10,000 fluorescence units. It is concluded that T-RFLP is a sensitive method of differentiating between microbial communities when the optimal statistical method is used for the situation at hand. It is recommended that hypothesis testing be performed by redundancy analysis of Hellinger-transformed data and that exploratory data analysis be performed by cluster analysis using Ward's method to find natural groups or by UPGMA to identify potential outliers. Analyses can also be based on Jaccard distance if all profiles have cumulative peak heights greater than 10,000 fluorescence units.  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of PCR-amplified genes is a widely used fingerprinting technique in molecular microbial ecology. In this study, we show that besides expected terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs), additional secondary T-RFs occur in T-RFLP analysis of amplicons from cloned 16S rRNA genes at high frequency. A total of 50% of 109 bacterial and 78% of 68 archaeal clones from the guts of cetoniid beetle larvae, using MspI and AluI as restriction enzymes, respectively, were affected by the presence of these additional T-RFs. These peaks were called “pseudo-T-RFs” since they can be detected as terminal fluorescently labeled fragments in T-RFLP analysis but do not represent the primary terminal restriction site as indicated by sequence data analysis. Pseudo-T-RFs were also identified in T-RFLP profiles of pure culture and environmental DNA extracts. Digestion of amplicons with the single-strand-specific mung bean nuclease prior to T-RFLP analysis completely eliminated pseudo-T-RFs. This clearly indicates that single-stranded amplicons are the reason for the formation of pseudo-T-RFs, most probably because single-stranded restriction sites cannot be cleaved by restriction enzymes. The strong dependence of pseudo-T-RF formation on the number of cycles used in PCR indicates that (partly) single-stranded amplicons can be formed during amplification of 16S rRNA genes. In a model, we explain how transiently formed secondary structures of single-stranded amplicons may render single-stranded amplicons accessible to restriction enzymes. The occurrence of pseudo-T-RFs has consequences for the interpretation of T-RFLP profiles from environmental samples, since pseudo-T-RFs may lead to an overestimation of microbial diversity. Therefore, it is advisable to establish 16S rRNA gene sequence clone libraries in parallel with T-RFLP analysis from the same sample and to check clones for their in vitro digestion T-RF pattern to facilitate the detection of pseudo-T-RFs.  相似文献   

Genetic fingerprinting methods, such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), are used in microbial ecology for the analysis of mixed microbial communities but are associated with various problems. In the present study we used a new alternative method: denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC). This method was previously shown to work with samples from water and gut flora but had not yet been applied to complex environmental samples. In contrast to other publications dealing with dHPLC, we used a commonly available HPLC system. Samples from different origins (fermentor sludge, compost, and soil), all ecologically significant, were tested, and the 16S rRNA gene was amplified via PCR. After optimization of the HPLC elution conditions, amplicons of pure cultures and mixed microbial populations could be separated successfully. Systematic differentiation was carried out by a cloning approach, since fraction collection of the peaks did not result in satisfactory fragment separation. dHPLC was evaluated as a tool for microbial community analysis on a genetic level and demonstrated major improvements compared to gel-based fingerprinting methods, such as DGGE, that are commonly used in microbial ecology.  相似文献   

Culture-independent DNA fingerprints are commonly used to assess the diversity of a microbial community. However, relating species composition to community profiles produced by community fingerprint methods is not straightforward. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) is a community fingerprint method in which phylogenetic assignments may be inferred from the terminal restriction fragment (T-RF) sizes through the use of web-based resources that predict T-RF sizes for known bacteria. The process quickly becomes computationally intensive due to the need to analyze profiles produced by multiple restriction digests and the complexity of profiles generated by natural microbial communities. A web-based tool is described here that rapidly generates phylogenetic assignments from submitted community T-RFLP profiles based on a database of fragments produced by known 16S rRNA gene sequences. Users have the option of submitting a customized database generated from unpublished sequences or from a gene other than the 16S rRNA gene. This phylogenetic assignment tool allows users to employ T-RFLP to simultaneously analyze microbial community diversity and species composition. An analysis of the variability of bacterial species composition throughout the water column in a humic lake was carried out to demonstrate the functionality of the phylogenetic assignment tool. This method was validated by comparing the results generated by this program with results from a 16S rRNA gene clone library.  相似文献   

The variability of terminal restriction fragment polymorphism analysis applied to complex microbial communities was assessed statistically. Recent technological improvements were implemented in the successive steps of the procedure, resulting in a standardized procedure which provided a high level of reproducibility.Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a robust, high-resolution, high-throughput, rapid, and cost-effective method for studying the structures of microbial communities (3, 10). T-RFLP analysis is based on group-specific variations in the restriction patterns of molecular markers essential to all life forms (i.e., rRNA genes) or unique to a particular physiological group (e.g., ammonia-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing bacteria) which generate specific and characteristic terminal restriction fragment (T-RF) patterns from mixed fluorescently labeled amplicon pools of environmental nucleic acid extracts. This analysis has developed recently into one of the favorite techniques for the rapid assessment of the structures of bacterial communities. Refinements of the technique and data analysis have been introduced (5, 8, 11, 14, 20-22). Improvements have been made to the sampling procedure (16), to the DNA extraction and amplification steps (17, 19, 26), and to enzymatic restriction digestion (2, 6). Statistical analysis has also been improved in the treatment of the raw data and the selection of logical binning and clustering algorithms resulting, for instance, in the alignment of replicate profiles into a single consensus profile (1, 13). Finally, recent developments have been proposed for the statistical analysis of the profiles using multivariate techniques from numerical ecology (4, 7, 9, 23-25, 27).Both the resolution and reproducibility of T-RFLP analysis have already been assessed using artificially created bacterial communities (12) comprising up to 30 different clones or bacterial species. However, to the best knowledge of the authors, so far no study has been conducted to assess statistically the dissimilarities obtained in the electropherogram profiles when more complex bacterial communities from natural samples have been analyzed. The main purpose of this report is then to assess statistically the resolution and reproducibility of a standardized T-RFLP protocol, as applied to the analysis of 16S rRNA gene pools from complex communities. The statistical analysis was carried out at successive steps of the procedure, from the initial PCR amplification to the sizing of the obtained T-RFs.The samples used for this study were taken from a sequencing batch bubble column reactor inoculated with activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant and operated in such a way as to produce aerobic granular sludge able to remove carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate from an artificial wastewater sample containing acetate, ammonium, and phosphate. Samples were taken at different steps of operation of the reactor systems. The standardized protocol used in the present report is presented in detail in the supplemental material. Note that the methodology implied in the extraction of the total bacterial DNA is not discussed in the context of this work. The T-RFLP protocol was conceived on the basis of recent developments made in the protocol at various stages of the T-RFLP analysis and was implemented with optimized procedures allowing us to minimize potential biases and to ensure a high degree of reproducibility. Whenever possible, technological advances in instrumentation were included, as for instance with the application of optimized electrophoresis conditions and the use of more complex sizing standards and brighter fluorochromes. The use of relatively large and precise amounts of digested PCR fragments (200 ng per replica) also contributed to a drastic reduction of the background noise, which was usually observed to be equal to only about 10 relative fluorescence units (RFU).Numerical treatment and analysis of the data were carried out with R (R Development Core Team) and the Vegan library (18). We used asymmetric dissimilarity indices to compare T-RFLP profiles using the Jaccard formula, so that the double absence of a T-RF was not considered a resemblance between two profiles (15). The Jaccard dissimilarity was applied to binary data, i.e., the presence/absence of T-RFs. Moreover, to take into account the relative intensity of T-RF areas within each profile in the comparison, we used Ruzicka dissimilarity, which is the Jaccard index applied to quantitative data. Both dissimilarity measures range from 0 (identical profiles) to 1 (different profiles with no T-RF in common). Numerical treatment of the data was also carried out on the modified results, so as to reduce potential biases induced by the inconsistent presence of T-RFs showing very small amounts of fluorescence. T-RF signals just above the detection threshold (low signal-to-noise ratio) can be a cause of suboptimal fingerprinting reproducibility. For this reason, small-area T-RFs (<300 RFU) were suppressed when they were not present in all replicate profiles of a sample.  相似文献   

T-RFLP技术是一种新近发展起来的分析微生物多样性的分子生物学方法,与其它多样性分析技术相比,具有一些不可比拟的优势,但T-RFLP技术操作流程将对结果产生系统误差的程度鲜有报道。实验以紫茎泽兰入侵过程中4种土样中的nifH基因多样性分析为例,进行了只改变T-RFLP操作流程中一个步骤的3次重复分析,结果表明:限制性内切酶种类对T-RFLP分析结果的可重复性影响最大,PCR次之,而毛细管电泳对结果的可重复性几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) is a rapid, robust, inexpensive and simple tool for microbial community profiling. Methods used for DNA extraction, PCR amplification and digestion of amplified products have a considerable impact on the results of T-RFLP. Pitfalls of the method skew the similarity analysis and compromise its high throughput ability. Despite a high throughput method of data generation, data analysis is still in its infancy and needs more attention. Current article highlights the limitations of the methods used for data generation and analysis. It also provides an overview of the recent methodological developments in T-RFLP which will assist the readers in obtaining real and authentic profiles of the microbial communities under consideration while eluding the inherent biases and technical difficulties.  相似文献   

New primer-enzyme combinations for terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) targeting of the 16S rRNA gene were constructed by using the T-RFLP analysis program (designated TAP T-RFLP) located at the Ribosomal Database Project website, and their performance was examined empirically. By using the fluorescently labeled 516f primer (Escherichia coli positions 516 to 532) and 1510r primer (positions 1510 to 1492), the 16S rRNA gene was amplified from human fecal DNA. The resulting amplified product was digested with RsaI plus BfaI or with BslI. When the T-RFLP was carried out with fecal DNAs from eight individuals, eight predominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were detected with RsaI and BfaI digestion and 14 predominant OTUs were detected with BslI digestion. The distribution of the OTUs was consistent with the results of the computer simulations with TAP T-RFLP. The T-RFLP analyses of the fecal DNAs from individuals gave characteristic profiles, while the variability of the T-RFLP profiles between duplicate DNA preparations from the same samples were minimal. This new T-RFLP method made it easy to predict what kind of intestinal bacterial group corresponded to each OTU on the basis of the terminal restriction fragment length compared with the conventional T-RFLP and, moreover, made it possible to identify the bacterial species that an OTU represents by cloning and sequencing.  相似文献   

Effective management of human cryptosporidiosis requires efficient methods for detection and identification of the species of Cryptosporidium isolates. Identification of isolates to the species level is not routine for diagnostic assessment of cryptosporidiosis, which leads to uncertainty about the epidemiology of the Cryptosporidium species that cause human disease. We developed a rapid and reliable method for species identification of Cryptosporidium oocysts from human fecal samples using terminal restriction fragment polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of the 18S rRNA gene. This method generated diagnostic fragments unique to the species of interest. A panel of previously identified isolates of species was blind tested to validate the method, which determined the correct species identity in every case. The T-RFLP profiles obtained for samples spiked with known amounts of Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts generated the two expected diagnostic peaks. The detection limit for an individual species was 1% of the total DNA. This is the first application of T-RFLP to protozoa, and the method which we developed is a rapid, repeatable, and cost-effective method for species identification.  相似文献   

The diversity of prokaryotes inhabiting solar saltern ponds was determined by thermal melting and reassociation of community DNA. These measurements were compared with fingerprinting techniques such as terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) analysis, denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and cloning and sequencing approaches. Three ponds with salinities of 22, 32, and 37% (NaCl saturation) were studied. The combination of independent molecular techniques to estimate the total genetic diversity provided a realistic assessment to reveal the microbial diversity in these environments. The changes in the prokaryotic communities at different salinity (22, 32, and 37% salt) were significant and revealed that the total genetic diversity increased from 22% to 32% salinity. At 37% salinity the diversity was reduced again to nearly half that at 22% salinity. Our results revealed that the community genome had a DNA complexity that was 7 (in 22% salinity pond), 13 (in 32% salinity pond), and 4 (in 37% salinity pond) times the complexity of an Escherichia coli genome. The base composition profiles showed two abundant populations, which changed in relative amount between the three ponds. They indicated an uneven taxon distribution at 22% and 37% salinity and a more even distribution at 32% salinity. The results indicated a large predominating population at 37% salinity, which might correspond to the abundance of square archaea (SPhT) observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and also indicated by the same T-RFLP fragment as the SPhT. The SPhT phylotype has also been reported to be the most frequently retrieved phylotype from this environment by culture independent techniques. In addition, two different operational taxonomic units (OTU) were detected at 37% salinity based on PCR with bacterial specific primers and T-RFLP. One of these predominant phylotypes is the extreme halophilic bacterium belonging to the bacteroidetes group, Salinibacter ruber.  相似文献   

Ecological diversity indices are frequently applied to molecular profiling methods, such as terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), in order to compare diversity among microbial communities. We performed simulations to determine whether diversity indices calculated from T-RFLP profiles could reflect the true diversity of the underlying communities despite potential analytical artifacts. These include multiple taxa generating the same terminal restriction fragment (TRF) and rare TRFs being excluded by a relative abundance (fluorescence) threshold. True community diversity was simulated using the lognormal species abundance distribution. Simulated T-RFLP profiles were generated by assigning each species a TRF size based on an empirical or modeled TRF size distribution. With a typical threshold (1%), the only consistently useful relationship was between Smith and Wilson evenness applied to T-RFLP data (TRF-Evar) and true Shannon diversity (H′), with correlations between 0.71 and 0.81. TRF-H′ and true H′ were well correlated in the simulations using the lowest number of species, but this correlation declined substantially in simulations using greater numbers of species, to the point where TRF-H′ cannot be considered a useful statistic. The relationships between TRF diversity indices and true indices were sensitive to the relative abundance threshold, with greatly improved correlations observed using a 0.1% threshold, which was investigated for comparative purposes but is not possible to consistently achieve with current technology. In general, the use of diversity indices on T-RFLP data provides inaccurate estimates of true diversity in microbial communities (with the possible exception of TRF-Evar). We suggest that, where significant differences in T-RFLP diversity indices were found in previous work, these should be reinterpreted as a reflection of differences in community composition rather than a true difference in community diversity.  相似文献   


Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) of PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes was used to investigate microbial communities in the sediments of Ria Formosa, Portugal. Five replicates of surface sand sediments were collected at an artificial inlet to the sea, between June 2001 and July 2002. Restriction enzymes Msp1 and Hha1 provided 57 different terminal fragments (T-RFs). The sediments were essentially dominated by the same ribotypes throughout the year, with seasonal shifts attributed to minor ribotypes. Principal component analysis of the T-RFs profile revealed no consistent pattern of temporal variation and no consistent grouping of replicate sediment samples. The results suggest that the small-scale spatial variability outweighs the seasonal variability. Phylogenetic affiliations suggested that the dominant bacteria were representatives of the α-Proteobacteria group.  相似文献   

利用T_RFLP(末端限制性片段长度多态性)技术,分析硝化细菌富集反应器中的微生物群落结构,并对硝化细菌的丰度进行半定量研究。结果表明,培养48h后,硝化细菌富集效果最佳,多样性指数与初始培养相比下降了62.80%,富集出的硝化细菌主要为亚硝酸盐氧化菌(Nitrobacter)。同时对投加该硝化细菌前后的对虾养殖水体进行微生物多样性的动态研究,并推测了虾塘水中可能稳定存在的几种主要细菌种类,其中投加富集硝化细菌前后均存在的细菌种类包括短芽孢杆菌Brevibacillus brevis、微杆菌Microbacterium lactium、固氮弧菌Azoarcus indigens或者霍氏鲍特菌Bordetella holmesii。  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis has the potential to be useful for comparisons of complex bacterial communities, especially to detect changes in community structure in response to different variables. To do this successfully, systematic variations have to be detected above method-associated noise, by standardizing data sets and assigning confidence estimates to relationships detected. We investigated the use of different standardizing methods in T-RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA genes to elucidate the similarities between the bacterial communities in 17 soil and sediment samples. We developed a robust method for standardizing data sets that appeared to allow detection of similarities between complex bacterial communities. We term this the variable percentage threshold method. We found that making conclusions about the similarities of complex bacterial communities from T-RFLP profiles generated by a single restriction enzyme (RE) may lead to erroneous conclusions. Instead, the use of multiple REs, each individually, to generate multiple data sets allowed us to determine a confidence estimate for groupings of apparently similar communities and at the same time minimized the effects of RE selection. In conjunction with the variable percentage threshold method, this allowed us to make confident conclusions about the similarities of the complex bacterial communities in the 17 different samples.  相似文献   

The development of next generation sequencing has challenged the use of other molecular fingerprinting methods used to study microbial diversity. We analysed the bacterial diversity in the rumen of defaunated sheep following the introduction of different protozoal populations, using both next generation sequencing (NGS: Ion Torrent PGM) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Although absolute number differed, there was a high correlation between NGS and T-RFLP in terms of richness and diversity with R values of 0.836 and 0.781 for richness and Shannon-Wiener index, respectively. Dendrograms for both datasets were also highly correlated (Mantel test = 0.742). Eighteen OTUs and ten genera were significantly impacted by the addition of rumen protozoa, with an increase in the relative abundance of Prevotella, Bacteroides and Ruminobacter, related to an increase in free ammonia levels in the rumen. Our findings suggest that classic fingerprinting methods are still valuable tools to study microbial diversity and structure in complex environments but that NGS techniques now provide cost effect alternatives that provide a far greater level of information on the individual members of the microbial population.  相似文献   

We describe TRiFLe, a freely accessible computer program that generates theoretical terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) from any user-supplied sequence set tailored to a particular group of organisms, sequences from clone libraries, or sequences from specific genes. The program allows a rapid identification of the most polymorphic enzymes, creates a collection of T-RFs for the data set, and can potentially identify specific T-RFs in T-RF length polymorphism (T-RFLP) patterns by comparing theoretical and experimental results. TRiFLE was used for analyzing T-RFLP data generated for the amoA and pmoA genes. The peaks identified in the T-RFLP patterns show an overlap of ammonia- and methane-oxidizing bacteria in the metalimnion of a subtropical lake.  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) profiling of the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA of unknown fungal communities is currently unsupported by a broad-range enzyme-choosing rationale. An in silico study of terminal fragment size distribution was therefore performed following virtual digestion (by use of a set of commercially available 135 type IIP restriction endonucleases) of all published fungal ITS sequences putatively annealing to primers ITS1 and ITS4. Different diversity measurements were used to rank primer-enzyme pairs according to the richness and evenness that they showed. Top-performing pairs were hierarchically clustered to test for data dependency. The enzyme set composed of MaeII, BfaI, and BstNI returned much better results than randomly chosen enzyme sets in computer simulations and is therefore recommended for in vitro TRFLP profiling of fungal ITSs.Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) profiling was originally developed as a means of genotyping mixed DNA samples (30) and is currently being employed in fungal community ecology studies (3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 19, 22, 26, 27, 29, 33, 38), despite a number of technical and conceptual difficulties (11). Briefly, TRFLP profiling involves amplifying the DNA in pools of mixed genetic material with fluorescently labeled primers, digesting the products with restriction endonucleases, and sizing the labeled terminal fragments in a sequencer. The difference in the positions at which the different restriction enzymes cleave DNA is thought to provide enough variability for such DNA mixtures to be characterized and the contributing organisms to be identified.However, the technique is not without its problems. DNA extraction and PCR amplification biases burden most modern molecular techniques, including TRFLPs (18, 25). Additionally, concerns exist regarding the ability of the differences between primer-enzyme pairs (PEPs) to generate sufficiently different fragment sizes (2), the success of enzymatic cleavage (2), the dependency on the detection threshold of the sequencer (4), and the accuracy of DNA sizing (1). The choice of the primer pairs and restriction enzymes to be used has also been a matter of concern since the appearance of TRFLP profiling. Liu et al. (30) performed virtual digestion of all the bacterial RNA sequences in the Ribosomal Database Project database (release V) with 10 different enzymes and four primer pairs. This pioneering work showed the importance of avoiding enzymes with highly conserved target motifs, something that later became recognized as a major source of TRFLP bias (2, 14, 16, 32). Similar studies have been performed by Osborn et al. (36), Dunbar et al. (12), Engebretson and Moyer (15), and Cardinale et al. (8).The first virtual TRFLP analysis involving a database of fungal DNA sequences was performed by Edwards and Turco (14). This consisted of virtual digestion, by use of six restriction endonucleases, of 316 internally transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences belonging to a number of ectomycorrhizal genera. Avis et al. (2) found only small differences in the diversity of the TRFLPs produced in silico by three PEPs when using their own fungal ITS database, although these differences increased with sample number in iterative analysis. Recent advances using automated resources, such as REPK software (9), have allowed optimal enzyme selection for TRFLP profiling of previously defined communities of organisms. This software selects up to four restriction endonucleases capable of discriminating a desired number of sequence groups. However, this system relies on a priori information, which in real biological communities may not available.The aim of the present work was to improve selection of restriction enzymes for use in the TRFLP profiling of the ITS sequences of unknown fungal communities.  相似文献   

A multiplex terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (M-TRFLP) fingerprinting method was developed and validated for simultaneous analysis of the diversity and community structure of two or more microbial taxa (up to four taxa). The reproducibility and robustness of the method were examined using soil samples collected from different habitats. DNA was PCR amplified separately from soil samples using individual taxon-specific primers for bacteria, archaea, and fungi. The same samples were also subjected to a multiplex PCR with the primers for all three taxa. The terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles generated for the two sets of PCR products were almost identical not only in terms of the presence of peaks but also in terms of the relative peak intensity. The M-TRFLP method was then used to investigate rhizosphere bacterial, fungal, and rhizobial/agrobacterial communities associated with the dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris growing in either open moorland, a mature pine forest, or a transition zone between these two habitats containing naturally regenerating pine trees. Rhizosphere microbial communities associated with Vaccinium myrtillus collected from the native pine forest were also investigated. In this study, individual PCR products from the three taxa were also pooled before restriction digestion and fragment size analysis. The terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles obtained with PCR products amplified individually and with multiplexed and pooled PCR products were found to be consistent with each other in terms of the number, position, and relative intensity of peaks. The results presented here confirm that M-TRFLP analysis is a highly reproducible and robust molecular tool for simultaneous investigation of multiple taxa, which allows more complete and higher resolution of microbial communities to be obtained more rapidly and economically.  相似文献   

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