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Toru Takimoto K. Gopal Murti Tatiana Bousse Ruth Ann Scroggs Allen Portner 《Journal of virology》2001,75(23):11384-11391
Paramyxoviruses are assembled at the surface of infected cells, where virions are formed by the process of budding. We investigated the roles of three Sendai virus (SV) membrane proteins in the production of virus-like particles. Expression of matrix (M) proteins from cDNA induced the budding and release of virus-like particles that contained M, as was previously observed with human parainfluenza virus type 1 (hPIV1). Expression of SV fusion (F) glycoprotein from cDNA caused the release of virus-like particles bearing surface F, although their release was less efficient than that of particles bearing M protein. Cells that expressed only hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) released no HN-containing vesicles. Coexpression of M and F proteins enhanced the release of F protein by a factor greater than 4. The virus-like particles containing F and M were found in different density gradient fractions of the media of cells that coexpressed M and F, a finding that suggests that the two proteins formed separate vesicles and did not interact directly. Vesicles released by M or F proteins also contained cellular actin; therefore, actin may be involved in the budding process induced by viral M or F proteins. Deletion of C-terminal residues of M protein, which has a sequence similar to that of an actin-binding domain, significantly reduced release of the particles into medium. Site-directed mutagenesis of the cytoplasmic tail of F revealed two regions that affect the efficiency of budding: one domain comprising five consecutive amino acids conserved in SV and hPIV1 and one domain that is similar to the actin-binding domain required for budding induced by M protein. Our results indicate that both M and F proteins are able to drive the budding of SV and propose the possible role of actin in the budding process. 相似文献
Eike Steinmann Juliane Doerrbecker Martina Friesland Nina Riebesehl Corinne Ginkel Julia Hillung Juliane Gentzsch Chris Lauber Richard Brown Anne Frentzen Thomas Pietschmann 《Journal of virology》2013,87(24):13297-13306
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is highly variable and associated with chronic liver disease. Viral isolates are grouped into seven genotypes (GTs). Accumulating evidence indicates that viral determinants in the core to NS2 proteins modulate the efficiency of virus production. However, the role of the glycoproteins E1 and E2 in this process is currently poorly defined. Therefore, we constructed chimeric viral genomes to explore the role of E1 and E2 in HCV assembly. Comparison of the kinetics and efficiency of particle production by intragenotypic chimeras highlighted core and p7 as crucial determinants for efficient virion release. Glycoprotein sequences, however, had only a minimal impact on this process. In contrast, in the context of intergenotypic HCV chimeras, HCV assembly was profoundly influenced by glycoprotein genes. On the one hand, insertion of GT1a-derived (H77) E1-E2 sequences into a chimeric GT2a virus (Jc1) strongly suppressed virus production. On the other hand, replacement of H77 glycoproteins within the GT1a-GT2a chimeric genome H77/C3 by GT2a-derived (Jc1) E1-E2 increased infectious particle production. Thus, within intergenotypic chimeras, glycoprotein features strongly modulate virus production. Replacement of Jc1 glycoprotein genes by H77-derived E1-E2 did not grossly affect subcellular localization of core, E2, and NS2. However, it caused an accumulation of nonenveloped core protein and increased abundance of nonenveloped core protein structures with slow sedimentation. These findings reveal an important role for the HCV glycoproteins E1 and E2 in membrane envelopment, which likely depends on a genotype-specific interplay with additional viral factors. 相似文献
Emmanuel Adu-Gyamfi Michelle?A. Digman Enrico Gratton Robert?V. Stahelin 《Biophysical journal》2012,103(9):L41-L43
The Ebola virus causes severe hemorrhagic fever and has a mortality rate that can be as high as 90%, yet no vaccines or approved therapeutics, to our knowledge, are available. To replicate and egress the infected host cell the Ebola virus uses VP40, its major matrix protein to assemble at the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. The assembly and budding of VP40 from the plasma membrane of host cells seem still poorly understood. We investigated the assembly and egress of VP40 at the plasma membrane of human cells using single-particle tracking. Our results demonstrate that actin coordinates the movement and assembly of VP40, a critical step in viral egress. These findings underscore the ability of single-molecule techniques to investigate the interplay of VP40 and host proteins in viral replication.The actin cortex below the plasma membrane of mammalian cells is essential for maintenance of cell shape and for cell movement. This cortex has also been found to play an essential role in the replication process of a number of viruses including West Nile virus (1), respiratory syncytial virus (2), influenza (3), and vaccinia virus (4). Additionally, actin has been found to play a central role in the assembly and budding of HIV-1 (5) whereas Marburg virus has been shown to use actin-enriched filopodia to exit the host cell (6). Actin has also been found to be packaged into Ebola-virus-like particles (VLPs) (7). Ebola virus, which causes severe hemorrhagic fever, harbors a single-stranded negative-sense RNA genome encoding seven proteins. Of these seven proteins, VP40 is the most abundantly expressed and has been found to play a central role in the budding of the virus from the plasma membrane (8). Whereas actin has been found in Ebola VLPs (7), the role of actin in Ebola VP40 assembly is still seemingly unknown. Here, we have used Raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) (9) and three-dimensional single-particle tracking (see Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material) (10) to investigate the dynamics of Ebola VP40 and actin. We report that preassembled VLPs (pVLPs) of Ebola VP40 require actin for directed movement and assembly.Ebola VP40 has been demonstrated to colocalize with actin and actin is found in VP40 VLPs (7), suggesting an important role for actin in the replication cycle of the virus. To confirm the colocalization between VP40 and actin in HEK293 and CHO-K1 cells, we used confocal microscopy to examine the distribution of EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-actin. EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-actin displayed colocalization at the plasma membrane of HEK293 and CHO-K1 cells (see Fig. S2
A), which was markedly reduced in response to treatment with LAT-A (see Fig. S2
B and Fig. S3
A), an actin polymerization inhibitor. VP40 plasma membrane localization was not disrupted by LAT-A treatment (not unexpected, as VP40 is a lipid-binding protein (11) where high affinity for the PM drives its cellular localization (E. Adu-Gyamfi and R. V. Stahelin, unpublished)). To test whether this VP40-actin interaction is important to viral egress, we detected EGFP-VP40 with an anti-EGFP antibody used to measure VLPs formed from cells expressing EGFP-VP40. This was also performed to assess the effect of pharmacological treatment on EGFP-VP40-expressing cells with LAT-A or with the microtubule polymerization inhibitor nocodazole (see Fig. S3
B). LAT-A treatment led to a significant reduction in VLP formation whereas nocodazole did not display detectable effects.To test whether the VP40 and actin are engaged in synchronized movement, we performed time-lapse imaging in both the green and red channels. We observed that the pVLPs move with actin fibers extending from the plasma membrane (see Movie S1 in the Supporting Material). The movement was rapid, and caused smaller particles to merge into larger filamentous forms. To further demonstrate that the motion of actin and VP40 spatially overlapped, we used RICS to obtain correlation maps of EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-actin (Fig. 1). The spatial cross-correlation map indicated significant overlap of VP40 and actin movement (Fig. 2, A–C) at the plasma membrane (Fig. 1 and see Fig. S6), but not in the cytosol (see Fig. S5 and Fig. S7). In contrast, EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-α-tubulin (see Fig. S8, Fig. S9, and Fig. S10) displayed no significant spatial cross-correlation at the plasma membrane (Fig. S11) or other regions of the cell (see Fig. S12), supporting the VLP egress data where inhibition of microtubule polymerization did not influence viral egress.Open in a separate windowFigure 1EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-actin RICS analysis at the membrane. (A) HEK293 cells expressing EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-actin were imaged for 100 frames at 256 × 256 pixels. (White scale bar = 2 μm.) (B) Average intensity image of EGFP-VP40 across the 100 collected frames. (Pink box) Used to select a region of interest to yield the (C) average EGFP-VP40 intensity image. (D) Average intensity image of mCherry-actin taken for 100 frames at 256 × 256 pixels was used to select the same region of interest as in panel B (pink box) to yield the (E) average intensity image of the mCherry-actin signal in this region. (F) The two-dimensional spatial cross-correlation analysis of panels C and E demonstrates significant cross-correlation of VP40 and actin signals.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Three-dimensional RICS correlation maps of VP40 and actin cross-correlate at the plasma membrane. (A) EGFP-VP40 and (B) mCherry-actin (Fig. 1 and see Fig. S6 in the Supporting Material) RICS autocorrelation functions. (C) Appreciable cross-correlation is observed for EGFP-VP40 and mCherry-actin at the plasma membrane.To test whether the motion of the pVLPs is directed by actin, we applied the three-dimensional orbital tracking method first introduced by Levi et. al. (10). Tracking of isolated particles (Fig. 3
A) in five different cells allowed determination of the pVLPs trajectories (Fig. 3
D), which suggested that the VP40 particles undergo a directed motion. To verify this, we plotted the mean-square displacement (MSD) curves for the pVLPs (Fig. 3
C), which confirmed the trajectory was characteristic of directed motion. Analysis of the intensity profile of the dynamic VP40 particles suggested that the intensity of the particle changes with respect to time. Bleaching is expected if the molecule is exposed to the laser beam for an extended period of time; however, an increase in intensities was observed along the trajectory of the green channel due to addition of VP40 molecules. This suggests that the movement of the particles along actin fibers promote multimerization and maturation of the pVLPs. When actin polymerization was inhibited in four different cells with LAT-B, the rapid movement (see Fig. S13) and the directed trajectories of the pVLPs were lost (Fig. 3, E and F). This was reflected in a change from directed motion to movement indicative of random then constrained diffusion (Fig. 3, E and F).Open in a separate windowFigure 3Actin directs the movement of VP40 particles. HEK293 cells transfected with EGFP-VP40 were imaged with an electronic zoom of 2000 mV, corresponding to 72 nm/pixel in both X and Y. (A) An isolated and representative VP40 particle (highlighted by white box, inset) was tracked as described in the Supporting Material. (B) Intensity profile of the pVLP in A demonstrates increases in EGFP-VP40 intensity along the trajectory. (C) MSD of the pVLP, which follows a ballistic motion with a velocity of 0.067 ± 0.01 μm2 s−1. (D) The three-dimensional trajectory of the particle shown in panels A–C. (E) MSD curve of VP40 particles yields random then constrained diffusion after LAT-B treatment with a mean velocity of 0.017 ± 0.006 μm2 s−1 (p < 0.001). (F) Three-dimensional trajectory of the same particle shown in panel E displays a random then constrained diffusion.Taken together, our findings demonstrate that the movement of the pVLPs is driven by actin. Analysis of the pVLPs trajectories also suggests that the motion of pVLPs on actin enables further addition of VP40 molecules. These findings raise important questions regarding contemporary understanding of Ebola assembly and egress. VP40 lacks a consensus actin-binding motif, suggesting an adaptor protein such as an actin motor protein may function in this process. For instance, Myo10 has been found to be essential to Marburg virus release (6); however, Marburg VP40-Myo10 direct interactions were not observed, suggesting other cellular adaptor proteins may function in this process. Given the pathogenic nature of the Ebola virus and the necessity of VP40 to the assembly and egress of the virus (8), the VP40-actin coordination represents, to us, a novel target for therapeutic development. 相似文献
Martin J. Vincent Lawrence R. Melsen Annelet S. Martin Richard W. Compans 《Journal of virology》1999,73(10):8138-8144
In polarized epithelial cells, the assembly and release of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) occur at the basolateral side of the plasma membrane, and the site of assembly is determined by the site of expression of the Env protein. In order to investigate whether the expression of the Env proteins exclusively in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) can alter the site of virus assembly, we coexpressed the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag protein and mutant SIV Env proteins having an ER retrieval signal (KKXX motif). In cells expressing the wild-type (wt) Env protein or coexpressing Env and Gag proteins, the Env protein was processed into the surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) proteins. In contrast, in cells expressing the mutant Env proteins alone or in combination with Gag, the Env proteins were retrieved to the ER and were not proteolytically processed. Coexpression of the Gag and ER-retained mutant Env proteins resulted in a transient decrease in the release of the Gag protein into the medium, suggesting an interaction between the Gag and ER-retrieved Env proteins. Using saponin-permeabilized cells coexpressing Gag and Env proteins, we obtained further evidence for Env-Gag interaction. A monoclonal antibody specific to the SIV Gag protein was found to coimmunoprecipitate both the Gag and Env proteins. The interaction was specific, as coexpressed SIV Env proteins without the cytoplasmic tail or a chimeric HIV-1 Env proteins with the CD4 cytoplasmic tail were not coimmunoprecipitated by the Gag-specific antibody. Electron microscopic analyses indicated that assembly of virus particles occurred only at the surfaces of cells in which the Gag protein was coexpressed with either the wt or ER-retrieved mutant Env protein. These data indicate that although the Env and Gag proteins interact intracellularly, the site of assembly of SIV is not redirected to an intracellular organelle by the retrieval of the Env protein to the ER. 相似文献
A modified polyoma virus genome which can encode the middle T protein but not the large or small T proteins transforms rat cells in culture with an efficiency about 20% that of the wild-type genome. Although middle T-transformed cells grow as tumors when transplanted into nude mice or syngeneic rats, the middle T gene alone is totally inactive when used in a more stringent and rigorous assay for tumorigenicity such as the injection of DNA into newborn rats. Thus, functions other than those expressed by middle T antigen are required for the elaboration of all the properties associated with tumorigenesis. To assess whether a complementary function could be exerted by the large or the small T antigen, we constructed plasmids containing two modified early regions which independently encoded middle T and one of the two other proteins. Both recombinants were tumorigenic in newborn rats. Cell lines derived by transfer of these plasmids under no special selective conditions did not acquire the property of growth in low-serum medium but exhibited the same tumorigenic properties as wild-type polyoma DNA-transformed cells. Furthermore, a recombinant which encoded the middle and small T antigens, but not the large T antigen, was tumorigenic in newborn rats. Although the small T antigen provides a complementary function for tumorigenicity, it cannot complement the middle T antigen for an efficient induction of transformation of cultured cells. This suggests that the complementary function exerted by the small T antigen is different from that of the N-terminal fragment of the large T protein. 相似文献
Intracellular Distribution of Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Gag Proteins Is Independent of Interaction with Intracellular Membranes

Isabelle LeBlanc Vincent Blot Isabelle Bouchaert Jean Salamero Bruno Goud Arielle R. Rosenberg Marie-Christine Dokhlar 《Journal of virology》2002,76(2):905-911
Retrovirus Gag proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes, and are sufficient to govern the assembly and release of virus particles. Like type C retroviruses, human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) assembles and buds at the plasma membrane. After immunofluorescence staining, HTLV-1 Gag proteins appear as punctuated intracellular clusters, which suggests that they are associated either with intracellular membranes or with the plasma membrane. However, colocalization experiments using a panel of markers demonstrated that Gag proteins were not associated with the membranes involved in the secretory or endocytosis pathway. Small amounts of Gag proteins were detected at the plasma membrane and colocalized with the envelope glycoproteins. Moreover, Gag proteins were excluded from streptolysin-O permeabilized cells and in this respect behaved like cytoplasmic proteins. This suggests that the trafficking of HTLV-1 Gag proteins through the cytoplasm of the host cell is independent of any cell membrane system. 相似文献
Raquel Mu?oz-Moreno Miguel ángel Cuesta-Geijo Carles Martínez-Romero Lucía Barrado-Gil Inmaculada Galindo Adolfo García-Sastre Covadonga Alonso 《PloS one》2016,11(4)
The interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) protein family is a group of antiviral restriction factors that impair flexibility and inhibit membrane fusion at the plasma or the endosomal membrane, restricting viral progression at entry. While IFITMs are widely known to inhibit several single-stranded RNA viruses, there are limited reports available regarding their effect in double-stranded DNA viruses. In this work, we have analyzed a possible antiviral function of IFITMs against a double stranded DNA virus, the African swine fever virus (ASFV). Infection with cell-adapted ASFV isolate Ba71V is IFN sensitive and it induces IFITMs expression. Interestingly, high levels of IFITMs caused a collapse of the endosomal pathway to the perinuclear area. Given that ASFV entry is strongly dependent on endocytosis, we investigated whether IFITM expression could impair viral infection. Expression of IFITM1, 2 and 3 reduced virus infectivity in Vero cells, with IFITM2 and IFITM3 having an impact on viral entry/uncoating. The role of IFITM2 in the inhibition of ASFV in Vero cells could be related to impaired endocytosis-mediated viral entry and alterations in the cholesterol efflux, suggesting that IFITM2 is acting at the late endosome, preventing the decapsidation stage of ASFV. 相似文献
Functional Replacement of the Intracellular Region of the Notch1 Receptor by Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 2 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2

Takashi Sakai Yoshihito Taniguchi Kumiko Tamura Shigeru Minoguchi Takataro Fukuhara Lothar J. Strobl Ursula Zimber-Strobl George W. Bornkamm Tasuku Honjo 《Journal of virology》1998,72(7):6034-6039
《Cell communication & adhesion》2013,20(3):249-255
The specific adhesion of cells to other cells or to particular tissue microenvirorvments is a basic function of cell migration and recognition, and underlines many biologic processes including embryogenesis, repair and immunity. Leukocytes express an array of surface receptors broadly known as “accessory adhesion molecules.” which mediate most cell -cell interactions, direct lymphocyte traffic between anatomical compartments, and facilitate cellular adhesion to the inflammation or alloantigenic sites (Springer 1990). In addition, adhesion molecules are involved in the process of antigen recognition, and may costimulate cell activation and transformation. These proteins are thought to affect the very early antigen independent events between host leukocytes and vascular endothelium. Because of these activities, the subject of adhesion molecules is gaining interest in the field of organ transplantation, in both conceptualization and development of novel therapeutic strategies (de Sousa et al. 1991, Kupiec-Weglinski et al. 1993a, Heemann et al. 1993). 相似文献
Ana J. Coito Maria de Sousa Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski 《Cell communication & adhesion》1994,2(3):249-255
The specific adhesion of cells to other cells or to particular tissue microenvirorvments is a basic function of cell migration and recognition, and underlines many biologic processes including embryogenesis, repair and immunity. Leukocytes express an array of surface receptors broadly known as “accessory adhesion molecules.” which mediate most cell -cell interactions, direct lymphocyte traffic between anatomical compartments, and facilitate cellular adhesion to the inflammation or alloantigenic sites (Springer 1990). In addition, adhesion molecules are involved in the process of antigen recognition, and may costimulate cell activation and transformation. These proteins are thought to affect the very early antigen independent events between host leukocytes and vascular endothelium. Because of these activities, the subject of adhesion molecules is gaining interest in the field of organ transplantation, in both conceptualization and development of novel therapeutic strategies (de Sousa et al. 1991, Kupiec-Weglinski et al. 1993a, Heemann et al. 1993). 相似文献
Previous data have shown that reducing agents disrupt the structure of vaccinia virus (vv). Here, we have analyzed the disulfide bonding of vv proteins in detail. In vv-infected cells cytoplasmically synthesized vv core proteins became disulfide bonded in the newly assembled intracellular mature viruses (IMVs). vv membrane proteins also assembled disulfide bonds, but independent of IMV formation and to a large extent on their cytoplasmic domains. If disulfide bonding was prevented, virus assembly was only partially impaired as shown by electron microscopy as well as a biochemical assay of IMV formation. Under these conditions, however, the membranes around the isolated particles appeared less stable and detached from the underlying core. During the viral infection process the membrane proteins remained disulfide bonded, whereas the core proteins were reduced, concomitant with delivery of the cores into the cytoplasm. Our data show that vv has evolved an unique system for the assembly of cytoplasmic disulfide bonds that are localized both on the exterior and interior parts of the IMV. 相似文献
Three different matrix (M) proteins termed M1, M2 and M3 have been described in cells infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Individual expression of VSV M proteins induces an evident cytopathic effect including cell rounding and detachment, in addition to a partial inhibition of cellular protein synthesis, likely mediated by an indirect mechanism. Analogous to viroporins, M1 promotes the budding of new virus particles; however, this process does not produce an increase in plasma membrane permeability. In contrast to M1, M2 and M3 neither interact with the cellular membrane nor promote the budding of double membrane vesicles at the cell surface. Nonetheless, all three species of M protein interfere with the transport of cellular mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and also modulate the redistribution of the splicing factor. The present findings indicate that all three VSV M proteins share some activities that interfere with host cell functions. 相似文献
Benjamin W. Neuman Gabriella Kiss Hawaa M. N. Al-Mulla Terje Dokland Michael J. Buchmeier Thomas Weikl David Schley 《PloS one》2013,8(2)
Enveloped virus release is driven by poorly understood proteins that are functional analogs of the coat protein assemblies that mediate intracellular vesicle trafficking. We used differential electron density mapping to detect membrane integration by membrane-bending proteins from five virus families. This demonstrates that virus matrix proteins replace an unexpectedly large portion of the lipid content of the inner membrane face, a generalized feature likely to play a role in reshaping cellular membranes. 相似文献
The M13 gene 1 protein is needed continuously for virus production but is not needed directly for the proteolytic conversion of procoat to coat. 相似文献
The shells of molluscs are composed mainly of calcium carbonate crystals, with small amounts of matrix proteins. For more than 50 years, they have attracted attention for their unique mechanical and biological properties. Only recently, however, have researchers begun to realize that it is the matrix proteins that control the formation of calcium carbonate crystals and play key roles in their extraordinary properties, despite the fact that matrix proteins comprise less than 5% of the shell weight. This article reviews the matrix proteins identified to date from the shells of molluscs, their structural characteristics, and their roles in shell formation. Some suggestions are given for further investigation based on the summary and analysis. 相似文献
A region responsible for protease binding by influenza virus A matrix protein M1 was identified. Trypsin binding was observed with the N-proximal 9-kDa fragment obtained by cleaving M1 with formic acid. The binding was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to region 46–70 of M1 and by an antiserum to region 21–45, whereas mAb to the middle and C-terminal regions had no effect. Thus, the protease-binding domain was mapped to the N-terminal part of M1. 相似文献
Liu X Liu C Chen L Sun J Zhou Y Li Q Zheng G Zhang G Wang H Xie L Zhang R 《Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)》2011,13(5):981-991
Considering the continuous and substantive secretory ability of the mantle in vitro, we report a new technique to produce shell-matrix proteins by inducing the mantle, after removal from the organism's body, to secrete soluble-matrix proteins into phosphate buffer. By this method, a large amount of matrix proteins could be obtained in 2 h. Experiments involving in vitro calcium carbonate crystallization and organic framework calcium carbonate crystallization indicated that these proteins retain high bioactivity and play key roles in shell biomineralization. Phosphate buffer-soluble proteins secreted by the margin of the mantles (MSPs) were used to reconstruct the stages in the growth of the prismatic layer of the decalcified organic frameworks. The MSPs were observed to aggregate calcites in vitro, and this ability enabled the mollusk to form big calcites in the prismatic layer. During shell biomineralization, an important stage after the self-assembly of the biomacromolecules and the formation of crystals is the assembly of the two parts to form a firm structure. Moreover, a new type of matrix protein, functioning as the binding factor between the crystals and the organic frameworks, was shown to exist in the phosphate buffer-soluble proteins secreted by the central part of mantles (CSPs). Nanoscale-sized bowl-like aragonites, with heights of ~800 nm, were induced by CSPs in vitro. This method is a successful example of obtaining functional proteins through secretion by animal tissues. 相似文献