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All living cells accumulate high concentrations of K+ in order to keep themselves alive. To this end they have developed a great diversity of transporters. The internal level of K+ is the result of the net balance between the activities of the K+ influx and the K+ efflux transporters. Potassium fluxes have been extensively studied and characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, this is not the case in the fission yeast and, in addition, the information available indicates that both yeasts present substantial and interesting differences. In this paper we have reviewed and summarized the information on K+ fluxes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have included some unpublished results recently obtained in our laboratory and, in particular, we have highlighted the significant differences found between the well-known yeast S. cerevisiae and the fission yeast Sch. pombe.  相似文献   

Meiosis requires copper to undertake its program in which haploid gametes are produced from diploid precursor cells. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, copper is transported by three members of the copper transporter (Ctr) family, namely Ctr4, Ctr5, and Ctr6. Although central for sexual differentiation, very little is known about the expression profile, cellular localization, and physiological contribution of the Ctr proteins during meiosis. Analysis of gene expression of ctr4+ and ctr5+ revealed that they are primarily expressed in early meiosis under low copper conditions. In the case of ctr6+, its expression is broader, being detected throughout the entire meiotic process with an increase during middle- and late-phase meiosis. Whereas the expression of ctr4+ and ctr5+ is exclusively dependent on the presence of Cuf1, ctr6+ gene expression relies on two distinct regulators, Cuf1 and Mei4. Ctr4 and Ctr5 proteins co-localize at the plasma membrane shortly after meiotic induction, whereas Ctr6 is located on the membrane of vacuoles. After meiotic divisions, Ctr4 and Ctr5 disappear from the cell surface, whereas Ctr6 undergoes an intracellular re-location to co-localize with the forespore membrane. Under copper-limiting conditions, disruption of ctr4+ and ctr6+ results in altered SOD1 activity, whereas these mutant cells exhibit substantially decreased levels of CAO activity mostly in early- and middle-phase meiosis. Collectively, these results emphasize the notion that Ctr proteins exhibit differential expression, localization, and contribution in delivering copper to SOD1 and Cao1 proteins during meiosis.  相似文献   

In the Escherichia coli genome, five putative open reading frame (ORF) clusters, mdlAB, ybjYZ, yddA, yojHI, and yhiH, have been assumed to be possible genes for ABC drug efflux transporters (I. T. Paulsen, M. K. Sliwinski, and M. H. Saier, Jr., J. Mol. Biol. 277:573-592, 1998). We cloned all of these ORFs in multicopy plasmids and investigated the drug resistance of drug-supersensitive host cells lacking constitutive multidrug efflux transporter genes acrAB. Among them, only ybjYZ gave significant erythromycin resistance and significantly decreased the accumulation of [(14)C]erythromycin. Therefore, ybjYZ was renamed macAB (macrolide-specific ABC-type efflux carrier). Plasmids carrying both the macA and -B genes conferred resistance against macrolides composed of 14- and 15-membered lactones but no or weak resistance against 16-membered ones. Neither of the two genes produced resistance alone. The DNA sequence suggests that MacB is an integral membrane protein with four transmembrane segments and one nucleotide-binding domain, while MacA belongs to a membrane fusion protein (MFP) family with a signal-like sequence at its N terminus. The expression of the histidine-tagged proteins confirmed that MacB is an integral membrane protein and MacA is a peripheral membrane protein. In addition, MacAB required TolC for its function in a way similar to that of most of the MFP-dependent transporters in E. coli. MacB is thus a novel ABC-type macrolide efflux transporter which functions by cooperating with the MFP MacA and the multifunctional outer membrane channel TolC. This is the first case of an experimentally identified ABC antibiotic efflux transporter in gram-negative organisms.  相似文献   

A vacuolar membrane protein, Vba2p of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, is involved in basic amino acid uptake by intact cells. Here we found evidence that Vba2p mediated ATP-dependent lysine uptake by vacuolar membrane vesicles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vba2p was also responsible for quinidine sensitivity, and the addition of lysine improved cell growth on quinidine-containing media. These findings should be useful for further characterization of Vba2p.  相似文献   

The abc1 /coq8 gene deletion respiratory-deficient mutant NBp17 of fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe displayed a phenotypic fermentation pattern with enhanced production of glycerol and acetate, and also possessed oxidative stress-sensitive phenotypes to H2O2, menadione, tBuOOH, Cd2+, and chromate in comparison with its parental respiratory-competent strain HNT. As a consequence of internal stress-inducing mutation, adaptation processes to restore the redox homeostasis of mutant NBp17 cells were detected in minimal glucose medium. Mutant NBp17 produced significantly increased amounts of O2•− and H2O2 as a result of the decreased internal glutathione concentration and the only slightly increased glutathione reductase activity. The Cr(VI) reduction capacity and hence the OH production ability were decreased. The mutant cells demonstrated increased specific activities of superoxide dismutases and glutathione reductase (but not catalase) to detoxify at least partially the overproduction of reactive oxygen species. All these features may be explained by the decreased redox capacity of the mutant cells. Most notably, mutant NBp17 hyperaccumulated yellow CdS.  相似文献   

Flocculation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,125(6):1289-1301
The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe divides by medial fission and, like many higher eukaryotic cells, requires the function of an F- actin contractile ring for cytokinesis. In S. pombe, a class of cdc- mutants defective for cytokinesis, but not for DNA replication, mitosis, or septum synthesis, have been identified. In this paper, we present the characterization of one of these mutants, cdc3-124. Temperature shift experiments reveal that mutants in cdc3 are incapable of forming an F-actin contractile ring. We have molecularly cloned cdc3 and used the cdc3+ genomic DNA to create a strain carrying a cdc3 null mutation by homologous recombination in vivo. Cells bearing a cdc3-null allele are inviable. They arrest the cell cycle at cytokinesis without forming a contractile ring. DNA sequence analysis of the cdc3+ gene reveals that it encodes profilin, an actin-monomer-binding protein. In light of recent studies with profilins, we propose that Cdc3-profilin plays an essential role in cytokinesis by catalyzing the formation of the F-actin contractile ring. Consistent with this proposal are our observations that Cdc3-profilin localizes to the medial region of the cell where the F-actin contractile ring forms, and that it is essential for F-actin ring formation. Cells overproducing Cdc3-profilin become elongated, dumbbell shaped, and arrest at cytokinesis without any detectable F-actin staining. This effect of Cdc3-profilin overproduction is relieved by introduction of a multicopy plasmid carrying the actin encoding gene, act1+. We attribute these effects to potential sequestration of actin monomers by profilin, when present in excess.  相似文献   

A recent study filling the gap in the genome sequence in the left arm of chromosome 2 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe revealed a homolog of budding yeast Vba2p, a vacuolar transporter of basic amino acids. GFP-tagged Vba2p in fission yeast was localized to the vacuolar membrane. Upon disruption of vba2, the uptake of several amino acids, including lysine, histidine, and arginine, was impaired. A transient increase in lysine uptake under nitrogen starvation was lowered by this mutation. These findings suggest that Vba2p is involved in basic amino acid transport in S. pombe under diverse conditions.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Avt3p and Avt4p mediate the extrusion of several amino acids from the vacuolar lumen into the cytosol. SpAvt3p of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a homologue of these vacuolar amino acid transporters, has been indicated to be involved in spore formation. In this study, we confirmed that GFP-SpAvt3p localized to the vacuolar membrane in S. pombe. The amounts of various amino acids increased significantly in the vacuolar pool of avt3Δ cells, but decreased in that of avt3 +-overexpressing avt3Δ cells. These results suggest that SpAvt3p participates in the vacuolar compartmentalization of amino acids in S. pombe. To examine the export activity of SpAvt3p, we expressed the avt3 + gene in S. cerevisiae cells. We found that the heterologously overproduced GFP-SpAvt3p localized to the vacuolar membrane in S. cerevisiae. Using the vacuolar membrane vesicles isolated from avt3 +-overexpressing S. cerevisiae cells, we detected the export activities of alanine and tyrosine in an ATP-dependent manner. These activities were inhibited by the addition of a V-ATPase inhibitor, concanamycin A, thereby suggesting that the activity of SpAvt3p is dependent on a proton electrochemical gradient generated by the action of V-ATPase. In addition, the amounts of various amino acids in the vacuolar pools of S. cerevisiae cells were decreased by the overproduction of SpAvt3p, which indicated that SpAvt3p was functional in S. cerevisiae cells. Thus, SpAvt3p is a vacuolar transporter that is involved in the export of amino acids from S. pombe vacuoles.  相似文献   

Radiation resistance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe serves as an excellent alternative and complementary model system for the analysis of genes and gene products involved in DNA repair. This brief review outlines the advantages of S. pombe and describes the radiation-sensitive mutants available for the analysis of DNA repair and recombination mechanisms in this organism. The progress in the cloning and characterization of representative genes is also described.  相似文献   

Gene-controlled UV-sensitivity in Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We describe the presence of a minisatellite sequence that displays length polymorphisms in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The minisatellite sequence was found to reside within the propeptide region of the vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y gene. The minisatellite sequence, which was found only at a single locus, was mitotically stable and displayed length polymorphisms between the two varieties of S. pombe (S. pombe var. pombe and S. pombe var. malidevorans). The minisatellite sequence, however, appeared to be species specific and was absent in other members of the Schizosaccharomyces genus. This report constitutes the first experimental demonstration of the presence of such sequences in yeasts.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Pik3p phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol (PI) to produce PI 3-P, which is further phosphorylated by Ste12p to yield PI 3,5-P2. Pik3p is required for both conjugation and sporulation. To test which of PI 3-P and PI 3,5-P2 is required for sporulation, diploid cells defective in production of PI 3,5-P2 were used. They underwent sporulation almost normally provided that the osmotic pressure of the medium was controlled, suggesting that not PI 3,5-P2 but PI 3-P was important. Electron microscopic analysis confirmed normal sporulation in the absence of PI 3,5-P2 although the forespore membrane was found to be less dense in these cells.  相似文献   

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