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In an effort to understand the regulation of the transition of a mature neuron to the growth, or regenerating, state we have analyzed the composition of the axonally transported proteins in the retinal ganglion cells of the toad Bufo marinus after inducing axon regeneration by crushing the optic nerve. At increasing intervals after axotomy, we labeled the retinal ganglion cells with [35S]methionine and subsequently analyzed the labeled transported polypeptides in the crushed optic nerve by means of one- and two-dimensional electrophoretic techniques. The most significant conclusion from these experiments is that, while the transition from the mature to the regenerating state does not require a gross qualitative alteration in the composition of axonally transported proteins, the relative labeling of a small subset of rapidly transported proteins is altered dramatically (changes of more than 20-fold) and reproducibly (more than 30 animals) by axotomy. One of these growth-associated proteins (GAPs) was soluble in an aqueous buffer, while three were associated with a crude membrane fraction. The labeling of all three of the membrane-associated GAPs increased during the first 8 d after axotomy, and they continued to be labeled for at least 4 wk. The modulation of these proteins after axotomy is consistent with the possibility that they are involve in growth-specific functions and that the altered expression of a small number of genes is a crucial regulatory event in the transition of a mature neuron to a growth state. In addition to these selective changes in rapidly transported proteins, we observed the following more general metabolic correlates of the regeneration process: The total radioactive label associated with the most rapidly transported proteins (groups I and II) increased three to fourfold during the first 8 d after the nerve was crushed, while the total label associated with more slowly moving proteins (group IV) increased about 10-fold during this same period. Among these more slowly transported polypeptides, five were observed whose labeling increased much more than the average. Three of these five polypeptides resemble actin and alpha- and beta-tubulin in their electrophoretic properties.  相似文献   

Goldfish retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) can regrow their axons after optic nerve injury. However, the reason why goldfish RGCs can regenerate after nerve injury is largely unknown at the molecular level. To investigate regenerative properties of goldfish RGCs, we divided the RGC regeneration process into two components: (1) RGC survival, and (2) axonal elongation processes. To characterize the RGC survival signaling pathway after optic nerve injury, we investigated cell survival/death signals such as Bcl-2 family members in the goldfish retina. Amounts of phospho-Akt (p-Akt) and phospho-Bad (p-Bad) in the goldfish retina rapidly increased four- to five-fold at the protein level by 3-5 days after nerve injury. Subsequently, Bcl-2 levels increased 1.7-fold, accompanied by a slight reduction in caspase-3 activity 10-20 days after injury. Furthermore, level of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), which activates the phosphatidyl inositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt system, increased 2-3 days earlier than that of p-Akt in the goldfish retina. The cellular localization of these molecular changes was limited to RGCs. IGF-I treatment significantly induced phosphorylation of Akt, and strikingly induced neurite outgrowth in the goldfish retina in vitro. On the contrary, addition of the PI3K inhibitor wortmannin, and IGF-I antibody inhibited Akt phosphorylation and neurite outgrowth in an explant culture. Thus, we demonstrated, for the first time, the signal cascade for early upregulation of IGF-I, leading to RGC survival and axonal regeneration in adult goldfish retinas through PI3K/Akt system after optic nerve injury. The present data strongly indicate that IGF-I is one of the most important molecules for controlling regeneration of RGCs after optic nerve injury.  相似文献   

Like other neurons of the central nervous system (CNS), retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are normally unable to regenerate injured axons and instead undergo apoptotic cell death. This regenerative failure leads to lifelong visual deficits after optic nerve damage and is partially attributable to factors located in the inhibitory environment of the forming glial scar and myelin as well as to an insufficient intrinsic ability for axonal regrowth. In addition to its ophthalmological relevance, the optic nerve has long been used as a favorable paradigm for studying regenerative failure in the CNS as a whole. Findings over the last 15 years have shown that, under certain circumstances, mature RGCs can be transformed into an active regenerative state enabling these neurons to survive axotomy and to regenerate axons in the optic nerve. Moreover, combinatorial treatments overcoming the inhibitory environment of the glial scar and optic nerve myelin, together with approaches activating the intrinsic growth program, can further enhance the amount of regeneration in vivo. These findings are encouraging and open the possibility that clinically meaningful regenerationmay become achievable in the future.  相似文献   

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Olfactory bulb ensheathing glia (OEG) have attracted special attention during the last few years because of their unique properties in promoting regeneration of adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) components. However the molecular and cellular characteristics responsible for this capacity remain to be revealed. Such studies are presently hindered by the lack of a plentiful source of homogenous OEG. Thus the availability of immortalized OEG lines maintaining the regenerative characteristics of the primary cultures would represent an unlimited source of OEG for use not only in biochemical analyses of neuroregenerative mechanisms but also to characterize their regenerative properties in models in culture and in vivo. We have immortalized primary rat OEG using the SV40 large T antigen expressed from a constitutive cellular promotor, and report here the isolation and characterization of clonal lines. These OEG clonal lines were comparable to primary OEG and Schwann cells in the promotion of axonal regeneration of mature rat retinal ganglion neurons (RGN) but, significantly, this culture assay system more closely reflects the in vivo reparative properties of OEG on transected nerves than other assays of neuritogenesis in that it revealed OEG cells to promote the growth of a larger number of long axons than Schwann cells. Using this assay we were able to grade our OEG lines for their neuroregenerative capacity, opening the possibility of identifying molecules with correlative expression levels in these cells. Our preliminary characterization revealed that the expression level of a classical OEG marker, the p75-NGF receptor, does not correlate with neuroregenerative capacity.  相似文献   

(-)-Deprenyl ( L-deprenyl, selegiline hydrochloride), a selective monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitor employed in the pharmacological therapy of Parkinson's disease, increases neuronal survival in both animal models of neurodegenerative disorders and acute CNS lesions. Despite intensive investigations, the mechanisms of (-)-deprenyl-mediated neuroprotection remain poorly understood. To test the hypothesis that (-)-deprenyl might have a beneficial effect not only on neuronal survival, but also on axonal regeneration, we describe here experiments performed in vitro and in vivo which clearly demonstrate that (-)-deprenyl fails to promote axonal regeneration of severed rat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Furthermore, (-)-deprenyl was not able to overcome free-radical-induced RGC axon degeneration. These results challenge the notion that (-)-deprenyl might be useful as a monotherapy for acute CNS lesions and give rise to a more critical viewpoint of the trophic-like function of this widely used therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

The mAb E 21 recognizes a cell surface glycoprotein selectively associated with fish retinal ganglion cell axons that are in a state of growth. All retinal axons and ganglion cells in goldfish embryos stained for E 21. In adult fish, however, E 21 immunoreactivity exhibited a patterned distribution in ganglion cells in the marginal growth zone of the continuously enlarging fish retina and the new axons emerging from these cells in the retina, optic nerve, and optic tract. The E 21 antigen was absent from older axons, except the terminal arbor layer in the tectum, the Stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale where it was uniformly distributed. Upon optic nerve transection, the previously unlabeled axons reacquired E 21 positivity as they regenerated throughout their path to the tectum. Several months after ONS, however, E 21 staining disappeared from the regenerated axons over most of their lengths but reappeared as in normal fish in the terminal arbor layer. The immunoaffinity-purified E 21 antigen, called Neurolin, has an apparent molecular mass of 86 kD and contains the HNK1/L2 carbohydrate moiety, like several members of the class of cell adhesion molecules of the Ig superfamily. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence has homologies to the cell adhesion molecule DM-Grasp recently described in the chicken. Thus, retinal ganglion cell axons express Neurolin during their development and are able to reexpress this candidate cell adhesion molecule during axonal regeneration, suggesting that Neurolin is functionally important for fish retinal axon growth.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is known to promote the survival and foster neuritic outgrowth of different subpopulations of CNS neurons during development. Together with its corresponding receptor c-mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor (Met), it is expressed in the developing and the adult murine, rat and human CNS. We have studied the role of HGF in paradigms of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) regeneration and cell death in vitro and in vivo. After application of recombinant HGF in vitro, survival of serum-deprived RGC-5 cells and of growth factor-deprived primary RGC was significantly increased. This was shown to be correlated to the phosphorylation of c-Met and subsequent activation of serine/threonine protein kinase Akt and MAPK downstream signalling pathways involved in neuronal survival. Furthermore, neurite outgrowth of primary RGC was stimulated by HGF. In vivo, c-Met expression in RGC was up-regulated after optic nerve axotomy lesion. Here, treatment with HGF significantly improved survival of axotomized RGC and enhanced axonal regeneration after optic nerve crush. Our data demonstrates that exogenously applied HGF has a neuroprotective and regeneration-promoting function for lesioned CNS neurons. We provide strong evidence that HGF may represent a trophic factor for adult CNS neurons, which may play a role as therapeutic target in the treatment of neurotraumatic and neurodegenerative CNS disorders.  相似文献   

Neuritin 1 (Nrn1) is an extracellular glycophosphatidylinositol-linked protein that stimulates axonal plasticity, dendritic arborization and synapse maturation in the central nervous system (CNS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective and axogenic properties of Nrn1 on axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in vitro and on the in vivo optic nerve crush (ONC) mouse model. Axotomized cultured RGCs treated with recombinant hNRN1 significantly increased survival of RGCs by 21% (n=6–7, P<0.01) and neurite outgrowth in RGCs by 141% compared to controls (n=15, P<0.05). RGC transduction with AAV2-CAG–hNRN1 prior to ONC promoted RGC survival (450%, n=3–7, P<0.05) and significantly preserved RGC function by 70% until 28 days post crush (dpc) (n=6, P<0.05) compared with the control AAV2-CAG–green fluorescent protein transduction group. Significantly elevated levels of RGC marker, RNA binding protein with multiple splicing (Rbpms; 73%, n=5–8, P<0.001) and growth cone marker, growth-associated protein 43 (Gap43; 36%, n=3, P<0.01) were observed 28 dpc in the retinas of the treatment group compared with the control group. Significant increase in Gap43 (100%, n=5–6, P<0.05) expression was observed within the optic nerves of the AAV2–hNRN1 group compared to controls. In conclusion, Nrn1 exhibited neuroprotective, regenerative effects and preserved RGC function on axotomized RGCs in vitro and after axonal injury in vivo. Nrn1 is a potential therapeutic target for CNS neurodegenerative diseases.Central nervous system (CNS) trauma and neurodegenerative disorders trigger a cascade of intrinsic and extrinsic cellular events resulting in regenerative failure and subsequent damage to neurons.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The intrinsic factors include deregulation in growth-promoting factors, apoptotic factors, intracellular signaling molecules and trophic factors.6 Similarly, the extrinsic factors correlate to growth inhibition due to inhibitory cues3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 that include myelin and myelin associated inhibitors, glial scarring,5, 14 slow clearance of axonal debris,7 incorrect development of neuronal projections6 and CNS inflammation.15, 16 Progressive degeneration of mature retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) has been associated with loss of trophic support,8, 9 detrimental inflammatory processes/immune regulation10, 11 and apoptotic effectors.9, 12, 13, 15, 17After injury, mammalian RGC axons show only a short-lived sprouting response but no long-distance regeneration through the optic nerve (ON).16 Glial responses around the affected area are initiated by injured CNS axons.18 Axons undergoing Wallerian degeneration are surrounded by astrocytes that upregulate glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) expression and these reactive astrocytes contribute to trauma-induced neurodegeneration.19 Glial scarring inhibits axonal transport after ON crush (ONC)5, 14 decreasing transport of proteins involved in neuroprotection and synaptic plasticity. Regenerative failure is a critical endpoint of these destructive triggers culminating in neuronal apoptosis3, 20, 21 and inhibition of functional recovery. Intrinsic factors affecting axonal regeneration after CNS injury are crucial for recovery and thus, dysregulation of genes involved in axonal plasticity and outgrowth can prove detrimental to the neuronal recovery.22, 23, 24Current neuroprotection approaches include promoting survival of RGCs by intraocular injections of recombinant factors like ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and peripheral nerve (PN) transplantations in vitro25 and in vivo after injury.26 Studies performed with glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor and neurturin protect RGCs from axotomy-induced apoptosis.27 Further, in the ON injury model, RGC survival was promoted after deletion of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein homologous protein28 and enhanced regeneration observed with co-deletion of kruppel-like factor 4 (Klf4) and suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (Socs3).29 Intraocular administration of neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) after ON transection has also exerted neuroprotective effects on axotomized RGCs. In addition, PNs transplanted adjacent to ONs, ex vivo PN grafts with lenti-viral transduced Schwann cells, and stimulation of inflammatory processes have strong pro-regenerative effects on injured RGCs.26, 30, 31, 32, 33In addition, using adeno-associated-virus (AAV) therapy, AAV mediated expression of CNTF in bcl2 overexpressing transgenic mice increases cell viability and axonal regeneration,34 whereas BDNF promotes survival of RGCs.35 Likewise, experiments with AAV–BDNF, –CNTF and –growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43) have shown that AAV–CNTF was the most crucial for promoting both long-term survival and regeneration.36 The positive effects of CNTF are observed mainly through simultaneous deletion of both PTEN and SOCS337 and the concurrent activation of mTOR and STAT3 pathways.38 Although CNTF shows robust increase and sustained axon regeneration in injured ONs of rodents, it causes axonal misguidance and aberrant growth.39 Furthermore, it has been shown that CNTF acts as a chemoattractant. CNTF administration onto autologous PN grafts transplanted within transected ON increased regeneration, but these effects were significantly reduced after removal of macrophages from this site.40 In addition, the effects of CNTF using PN grafts at ON transection sites are further subject to debate, as previously it has been shown that Ad-CNTF injections preserved RGC axons but did not induce regeneration of axotomized RGCs.41 Thus, other studies have addressed RGC survivability and axonal regeneration with CNTF and other growth factors,35, 36 but most trophic factors affect neuronal survival and regeneration differentially.Previous studies targeting neuronal apoptosis by overexpressing intrinsic growth factors, inhibiting apoptosis and enhancing regeneration in CNS trauma models have established that a multifactorial approach is required for successful and long-lasting therapeutic outcomes.6, 36 Current gaps still exist for a key gene that could effectively target neuroprotection, enhance neuron regeneration and sustain neuronal function.One key gene implicated in neuronal plasticity is Neuritin 1 (Nrn1), also known as candidate plasticity gene 15. It has multiple functions and was first identified and characterized when screening for candidate plasticity genes in the rat hippocampal dentate gyrus activated by kainate.42, 43, 44 Nrn1 is highly conserved across species45 and translates to an extracellular, glycophosphatidylinositol-linked protein (GPI-linked protein), which can be secreted as a soluble form. Nrn1 stimulates axonal plasticity, dendritic arborization and synapse maturation in the CNS.46 During early embryonic development, Nrn1 promotes the survival of neural progenitors and differentiated neurons,47 while later in development it promotes axonal and dendritic growth and stabilization, allowing maturation and formation of synapses.43, 46, 48 In the adult brain, Nrn1 has been correlated with activity-dependent functional plasticity45, 49 and is expressed in post mitotic neurons.Nrn1 may be a crucial gene for neuroprotection and regeneration because growth factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF), BDNF and NT-3 as well as neuronal activity can potentiate the expression of Nrn1.44, 50 In addition, we reported that Nrn1 mRNA expression appears to be biphasic after ON axonal trauma, indicating a transient attempt by RGCs at neuroprotection/neuroregeneration in response to ONC injury.51 The dynamic regulation of Nrn1 coupled with neurotrophic effects may promote axonal regeneration in the CNS. To overcome CNS trauma, a new therapy geared towards neuroprotection and effective axonal regeneration is required to enhance a future multifactorial approach. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the therapeutic effects of Nrn1 in mouse RGC cultures as well as in the mouse ONC model. We have identified a distinct neuroprotective and regenerative strategy that prevents neurodegeneration after ON injury. AAV2–hNRN1 expression vectors partially rescued RGCs from apoptosis, maintained RGC function, and initiated regeneration of injured axons.  相似文献   

Raibon  E.  Sauvé  Y.  Carter  D. A.  Gaillard  F. 《Brain Cell Biology》2002,31(1):57-71
Intravitreal injection of the microglia inhibitor tuftsin 1-3 leads to an increase in retinal ganglion cell axonal regeneration into peripheral nerve grafts and a decrease in phagocytic cells in the retina. However, the relation of phagocytic cells and particularly microglia towards axonal regeneration remains unclear. Initially, to assess this, tuftsin 1-3's effect on axonal regeneration was reexamined by doing a dose-response study. Optimal doses were found to be 2.5 μg/ml and 250 μg/ml in rats and hamsters respectively. We then studied retinal phagocytic cells in rats. Microglial cells were classified as resting or activated based on their morphology following OX42 immunolabelling. In controls, most microglial cells were in the resting state. Optic nerve cut led to an increase in the total number of microglia and a ten-fold elevation in the proportion of activated cells; changes were more pronounced at the optic nerve stump. Anastomosis of an autologous segment of sciatic nerve to the stump of the freshly cut optic nerve minimized the overall increase in microglia, and combined with 2.5 μg/ml tuftsin 1-3, lead to a marked blunting of activation. Preservation within the retina of a higher proportion of resting over active form of microglia, and not the prevention of microglial proliferation per se, may be a crucial factor in allowing additional retinal ganglion cell axons to regenerate into peripheral nerve grafts.  相似文献   

Summary Intraocular injection of colchicine in doses which do not affect the protein synthesis in the retina has profound effects on the axonal transport of protein in the retinal ganglion cells of the rabbit. Rapid axonal transport in these cells is completely inhibited after treatment with relatively low amounts of colchicine. In contrast to this, a certain fraction of the slow axonal transport is resistant to colchicine treatment. Colchicine in doses which completely inhibits fast axonal transport caused discrete morphological changes in the perikaryon and in the axon of the retinal ganglion cell. No disappearance of microtubules and no general proliferation of neurofilaments was observed in the perikaryon of the retinal ganglion cells. There was a slight or moderate increase in the number of filaments in the intra-retinal part of the axons of the retinal ganglion cells.This work has been supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B71-12X-2543-03, B71-13X-2226-05A) and the Swedish National Cancer Society (265-B70-02X).  相似文献   

The constituent proteins of the fast (110–150 mm/day) and slow (1.5–2 mm/day) components of axonal transport in the retinal ganglion cells of the rabbit were investigated. The fast and slow components were labelled by intraocular injection of (3H)- and (14C)-leucine, respectively. Subcellular fractionation of the optic nerve and tract and subsequent gel electrophoresis of the fractions showed that most of the soluble proteins moved with the slow phase of axonal transport, whereas only some of the soluble proteins were transported with the rapid phase. Extraction of the microsomal fraction with triton X-100 resulted in the solubilization of highly labelled proteins belonging to the rapid phase. These proteins showed a relatively low electrophoretic mobility.  相似文献   

Retinal axons in goldfish regenerate after optic nerve lesion, restore synaptic connections, and become myelinated by oligodendrocytes. The fate of oligodendrocytes during these events is not known and may require generation of new oligodendrocytes or dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of the existing ones. To determine the reaction of oligodendrocytes to optic nerve lesion, we used the terminal transferase technique to detect apoptosis, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation to reveal mitosis, antibodies to identify myelin and oligodendrocytes, and Lucifer yellow injections to reveal cell morphology. Along with the reappearance of the myelin molecules 36K protein, galactocerebroside, and myelin basic protein, myelinating oligodendrocytes (identified by Lucifer yellow injections) reappear 21 days postlesion. Prior to this time, the dye-filled cells had few processes oriented along the regenerating axons. They resembled oligodendrocytes seen both in vitro and in vivo which express the L1-related E587 antigen and synthesize the 36K myelin protein in coculture with axons. No signs of oligodendrocyte apoptosis were detected after lesion and only few of the oligodendrocytes present had recently arisen. 36K/E587 double-labeled oligodendrocytes which were most likely dedifferentiating oligodendrocytes were identified in 8-day postlesion nerves among E587-positive elongate cells whose numbers increased until 14 days postlesion. These findings suggest that oligodendrocytes dedifferentiate-like Schwann cells-from cells which express myelin molecules to elongate cells which express the L1/E587 antigen. They redifferentiate to myelinate axons from roughly 3 weeks onward. These findings suggest an adaptive plasticity of goldfish oligodendrocytes beneficial to the repair of the visual pathway.  相似文献   

We systematically classified goldfish ganglion cells according to their spatial summation properties using the same techniques and criteria used in cat and monkey research. Results show that goldfish ganglion cells can be classified as X-, Y-, or W-like based on their responses to contrast-reversal gratings. Like cat X cells, goldfish X-like cells display linear spatial summation. Goldfish Y-like cells, like cat Y cells, respond with frequency doubling at all spatial positions when the contrast-reversal grating consists of high spatial frequencies. There is also a third class of neurons, which is neither X- nor Y-like; many of these cells' properties are similar to those of the "not-X" cells found in the eel retina. Spatial filtering characteristics were obtained for each cell by drifting sinusoidal gratings of various spatial frequencies and contrasts across the receptive field of the cell at a constant temporal rate. The spatial tuning curves of the cell depend on the temporal parameters of the stimulus; at high drift rates, the tuning curves lose their low spatial frequency attenuation. To explore this phenomenon, temporal contrast response functions were derived from the cells' responses to a spatially uniform field whose luminance varied sinusoidally in time. These functions were obtained for the center, the surround, and the entire receptive field. The results suggest that differences in the cells' spatial filtering across stimulus drift rate are due to changes in the interaction of the center and surround mechanisms; at low temporal frequencies, the center and surround responses are out-of-phase and mutually antagonistic, but at higher temporal rates their responses are in-phase and their interaction actually enhances the cell's responsiveness.  相似文献   

Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in rats were retrogradely labeled with the fluorescent tracer Fluorogold (FG) and subjected to GAP-43 and c-JUN immunocytochemistry to identify those RGSs that are capable of regenerating an axon. After optic nerve section (ONS) and simultaneous application of FG to the nerve stump (group 1 experiments), GAP-43 immunoreactive RGCs (between 2 and 21 days after ONS) always represented a subfraction of both FG-labeled (i.e., surviving) RGCs and RGCs exhibiting c-JUN. GAP-43 immunoreactive RGCs represented 22% of RGCs normally present in rat retinae and 25% of surviving RGCs at 5 days after ONS but were reduced to 2% and 1%, which is 6% and 5% of survivors at 14 and 21 days, respectively. In animals that received a peripheral nerve (PN) graft after ONS (group 2 experiments), RGCs with regenerating axons were identified by FG application to the graft at 14 and 21 days. When examined at 21 and 28 days, all FG-labeled RGCs exhibited GAP-43 immunoreactivity, and FG/GAP-43-labeled RGCs were 3% and 2% of those resent in normal rat retinae. In relation to surviving. RGCs GAP-43 immunoreactive RGCs represented 10% at both time points. FG-/GAP-43 labeled RGCs also exhibited c-JUN, but c-JUN immunoreactive RGCs were at both time points at least twice as numerous a FG-/GAP-43-labeled RGCs. These data suggest that regenerating axons in PN grafts derive specifically from GAP-43 reexpressing RGCs. Appearance of GAP-43 immunoreactivity may therefore identify those RGCs that are capable of axonal regeneration or sprouting. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the mammalian visual system, retinal ganglion cell axons terminate within the LGN in a series of alternating eye-specific layers. These layers are not present initially during development. In the cat they emerge secondarily following a prenatal period in which originally intermixed inputs from the two eyes gradually segregate from each other to give rise to the characteristic set of layers by birth. Many lines of evidence suggest that activity-dependent competitive interactions between ganglion cell axons from the two eyes for LGN neurons play an important role in the final patterning of retinogeniculate connections. Studies of the branching patterns of individual ganglion cell axons suggest that during the period when inputs from the two eyes are intermixed, axons from one eye send side branches into territory later occupied exclusively by axons from the other eye. Ultrastructural studies indicate that these branches in fact are sites of synaptic contacts, which are later eliminated since the side branches disappear as axons form their mature terminal arbors in appropriate territory. In vitro microelectrode recordings from LGN neurons indicate that they can receive convergent synaptic excitation from electrical stimulation of the optic nerves before but not after the eye-specific layers form, suggesting that at least some of the synaptic contacts seen at the ultrastructural level are functonal. Finally, experiments in which tetrodotoxin was infused intracranially during the two week period during which the eye-specific layers normally form demonstrate that it is possible to prevent, or at least delay, the formation of the layers. Accordingly, individual axons fail to develop their restricted terminal arbor branching pattern and instead branch widely throughout the LGN. These results indicate that all of the machinery necessary for synaptic function and competition is present during fetal life. Moreover, it is highly likely that neuronal activity is required for the formation of the eye-specific layers. If so, then activity would have to be present in the form of spontaneously generated action potentials, since vision is not possible at these early ages. Thus, the functioning of the retinogeniculate system many weeks before it is put to the use for which it is ultimately designed may contribute to the final patterning of connections present in the adult.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) signaling results in both neurotoxic and neuroprotective effects in CNS and PNS neurons, respectively, after nerve lesioning. We investigated the role of NO signaling on optic nerve regeneration in the goldfish ( Carassius auratus ). NADPH diaphorase staining revealed that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was up-regulated primarily in the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) 5–40 days after axotomy. Levels of neuronal NOS (nNOS) mRNA and protein also increased in the RGCs alone during this period. This period (5–40 days) overlapped with the process of axonal elongation during regeneration of the goldfish optic nerve. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of NO signaling molecules upon neurite outgrowth from adult goldfish axotomized RGCs in culture. NO donors and dibutyryl cGMP increased neurite outgrowth dose-dependently. In contrast, a nNOS inhibitor and small interfering RNA, specific for the nNOS gene, suppressed neurite outgrowth from the injured RGCs. Intra-ocular dibutyryl cGMP promoted the axonal regeneration from injured RGCs in vivo . None of these molecules had an effect on cell death/survival in this culture system. This is the first report showing that NO-cGMP signaling pathway through nNOS activation is involved in neuroregeneration in fish CNS neurons after nerve lesioning.  相似文献   

The carbocyanine dye, DiI, has been used to study the retinal origin of the uncrossed retinofugal component of the mouse and to show the course taken by these fibres through the optic nerve and chiasm during development. Optic axons first arrive at the chiasm at embryonic day 13 (E13) but do not cross the midline until E14. After this stage, fibres taking an uncrossed course can be selectively labelled by unilateral tract implants of DiI. The earliest ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells are located in the dorsal central retina. The first sign of the adult pattern of distribution of ganglion cells with uncrossed axons located mainly in the ventrotemporal retina is seen on embryonic day 16.5, thus showing that the adult line of decussation forms early in development. A small number of labelled cells continue to be found in nasal and dorsal retina at all later stages. At early stages (E14-15), retrogradely labelled uncrossed fibres are found in virtually all fascicles of the developing nerve, intermingling with crossed axons throughout the length of the nerve. At later stages of development (E16-17), although uncrossed fibres pass predominantly within the temporal part of the stalk, they remain intermingled with crossed axons. A significant number of uncrossed axons also lie within the nasal part of the optic stalk. The position of uncrossed fibres throughout the nerve in the later developmental stages is comparable to that seen in the adult rodent (Baker and Jeffery, 1989). The distribution of uncrossed axons thus indicates that positional cues are not sufficient to account for the choice made by axons when they reach the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

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