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Insulin regulates blood glucose by promoting uptake by fat and muscle, and inhibiting production by liver. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is mediated by GLUT4, which translocates from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane. GLUT4 traffic and insulin secretion both rely on calcium-dependent, regulated exocytosis. Deletion of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 results in constitutive expression of GLUT4 at the plasma membrane. Inhibition of channel activity stimulated GLUT4 translocation through a calcium dependent mechanism. The synaptotagmins (Syt) are calcium sensors for vesicular traffic, and Syt VII mediates lysosomal and secretory granule exocytosis. We asked if Syt VII regulates insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells, and GLUT4 translocation in insulin-sensitive tissues mouse model. Syt VII deletion (Syt VII -/-) results in glucose intolerance and a marked decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vivo. Pancreatic islet cells isolated from Syt VII -/- cells secreted significantly less insulin than islets of littermate controls. Syt VII deletion disrupted GLUT4 traffic as evidenced by constitutive expression of GLUT4 present at the plasma membrane of fat and skeletal muscle cells and unresponsiveness to insulin. These data document a key role for Syt VII in peripheral glucose homeostasis through its action on both insulin secretion and GLUT4 traffic.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmins are synaptic vesicle proteins containing two calcium-binding C2 domains which are involved in coupling calcium influx through voltage-gated channels to vesicle fusion and exocytosis of neurotransmitters. The interaction of synaptotagmins with native P/Q-type calcium channels was studied in solubilized synaptosomes from rat cerebellum. Antibodies against synaptotagmins I and II, but not IV co-immunoprecipitated [125I]omega-conotoxin MVIIC-labelled calcium channels. Direct interactions were studied between in vitro-translated [35S]synaptotagmin I and fusion proteins containing cytoplasmic loops of the alpha1A subunit (BI isoform). Gel overlay revealed the association of synaptotagmin I with a single region (residues 780-969) located in the intracellular loop connecting homologous domains II and III. Saturable calcium-independent binding occurred with equilibrium dissociation constants of 70 nM and 340 nM at 4 degrees C and pH 7.4, and association was blocked by addition of excess recombinant synaptotagmin I. Direct synaptotagmin binding to the pore-forming subunit of the P/Q-type channel may optimally locate the calcium-binding sites that initiate exocytosis within a zone of voltage-gated calcium entry.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant, a mixture of lipids and proteins, reduces the surface tension at the air-water interface of the lung alveoli by forming a surface active film. This way, it prevents alveoli from collapsing and facilitates the work of breathing. Surfactant protein C (SP-C) plays an important role in this surfactant function. SP-C is expressed as a proprotein (proSP-C), which becomes posttranslationally modified with palmitate and undergoes several rounds of proteolytical cleavage. This results in the formation of mature SP-C, which is stored in the lamellar bodies (LB) and finally secreted into the alveolar space. Recently, new insights into the sorting, processing and palmitoylation of proSP-C have been obtained by mutagenesis studies. Moreover, reports on the association of development of lung disease with SP-C deficiency have led to new insights into the importance of SP-C for proper surfactant homeostasis. In addition, new information has become available on the role of the palmitoyl chains of SP-C in surface activity. This review summarizes these recent developments in the processing and function of SP-C, with particular emphasis on the signals for and role of palmitoylation of SP-C.  相似文献   

Stevens CF  Sullivan JM 《Neuron》2003,39(2):299-308
Synaptotagmin is a synaptic vesicle protein that has been proposed to be the calcium sensor responsible for fast neurotransmitter release at synapses. Synaptotagmin's two C2 domains, C2A and C2B, each provide a calcium binding pocket lined with negative charges contributed by five conserved aspartates. We find that even when all of C2A's conserved aspartates are neutralized by replacement with asparagines, neurotransmitter release still occurs at hippocampal synapses in culture. Because exocytosis continues to be dependent on extracellular calcium concentration, the C2A domain cannot represent the entire calcium sensor. C2A does appear to be part of the calcium sensor, however, because substitution of D232 alters the calcium dependence of release, perhaps by reducing the number of calcium ions that must bind to trigger exocytosis. We conclude that neutralization of the negative charge at D232 by coordination of a calcium ion is necessary--but not sufficient--for fast neurotransmission at mammalian CNS synapses.  相似文献   

Although the binding of synaphin (also called complexin) to the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex is critical for synaptic vesicle exocytosis, the exact role of synaphin remains unclear. Here, we show that synaphin directly binds to synaptotagmin 1, a major Ca2+ sensor for fast neurotransmitter release, in a 1:1 stoichiometry. Mapping of the synaphin site involved in synaptotagmin 1 binding revealed that the C-terminal region is essential for the interaction between these two proteins. Binding was sensitive to ionic strength, suggesting the involvement of charged residues in the C-terminus region. Mutation of the seven consecutive glutamic acid residues (residues 108–114) at the C-terminal region of synaphin to alanines or glutamines resulted in a dramatic reduction in synaptotagmin 1 binding activity. Furthermore, a peptide from the C-terminus of synaphin (residues 91–124) blocked the binding of synaptotagmin 1 to synaphin, an effect that was abolished by mutating the consecutive glutamic acid residues to alanine. Immunoprecipitation experiments with brain membrane extracts showed the presence of a complex consisting of synaphin, synaptotagmin 1, and SNAREs. We propose that synaphin recruits synaptotagmin 1 to the SNARE-based fusion complex and synergistically functions with synaptotagmin 1 in mediating fast synaptic vesicle exocytosis.  相似文献   

The synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin I (syt) promotes exocytosis via its ability to penetrate membranes in response to binding Ca(2+) and through direct interactions with SNARE proteins. However, studies using full-length (FL) membrane-embedded syt in reconstituted fusion assays have yielded conflicting results, including a lack of effect, or even inhibition of fusion, by Ca(2+). In this paper, we show that reconstituted FL syt promoted rapid docking of vesicles (<1 min) followed by a priming step (3-9 min) that was required for subsequent Ca(2+)-triggered fusion between v- and t-SNARE liposomes. Moreover, fusion occurred only when phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate was included in the target membrane. This system also recapitulates some of the effects of syt mutations that alter synaptic transmission in neurons. Finally, we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic domain of syt exhibited mixed agonist/antagonist activity during regulated membrane fusion in vitro and in cells. Together, these findings reveal further convergence of reconstituted and cell-based systems.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin I has two tandem Ca(2+)-binding C(2) domains, which are essential for fast synchronous synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. We have solved four crystal structures of the C(2)B domain, one of them in the cation-free form at 1.50 A resolution, two in the Ca(2+)-bound form at 1.04 A (two bound Ca(2+) ions) and 1.65 A (three bound Ca(2+) ions) resolution and one in the Sr(2+)-bound form at 1.18 A (one bound Sr(2+) ion) resolution. The side chains of four highly conserved aspartic acids (D303, D309, D363, and D365) and two main chain oxygens (M302:O and Y364:O), together with water molecules, are in direct contact with two bound Ca(2+) ions (sites 1 and 2). At higher Ca(2+) concentrations, the side chain of N333 rotates and cooperates with D309 to generate a third Ca(2+) coordination site (site 3). Divalent cation binding sites 1 and 2 in the C(2)B domain were previously identified from NMR NOE patterns and titration studies, supplemented by site-directed mutation analysis. One difference between the crystal and NMR studies involves D371, which is not involved in coordination with any of the identified Ca(2+) sites in the crystal structures, while it is coordinated to Ca(2+) in site 2 in the NMR structure. In the presence of Sr(2+), which is also capable of triggering exocytosis, but with lower efficiency, only one cation binding site (site 1) was occupied in the crystallographic structure.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO; EC or EC, a thylakoid-lumen protein encoded by a nuclear gene, plays a role in the defense of plants against both herbivores and pathogens. Although previously reported to be a Tat ( t win- a rginine-dependent t ranslocation) protein, the import of PPO by isolated chloroplasts was inhibited by azide, a diagnostic inhibitor of the Sec-dependent pathway. Import of PPO inhibited thylakoid translocation of a Tat protein and did not affect translocation of Sec-dependent proteins. In contrast, a pre-accumulated iPPO competed with Sec-dependent but not with Tat proteins. A previously reported second processing step in the stroma removes a twin-Arg that is part of a 'Sec-avoidance' motif in the thylakoid targeting domain of PPO. When the second processing site was mutated, the import of the resulting precursor showed Sec-dependent characteristics. The PPO transit peptide could drive thylakoid translocation of a Tat protein in the dark. Azide inhibited the secretion of a PPO intermediate that lacks a twin-Arg to the periplasm of Escherichia coli , but had no effect on the export of the intermediate containing the twin-Arg. PPO is synthesized in plants in response to wound and pathogen-related signals and it is possible that when the Tat pathway is unable to translocate adequate amounts of newly synthesized PPO, translocation is diverted to the Sec-dependent pathway by processing the intermediate at the second site and removing the twin-Arg.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial serine protease Omi/HtrA2 has a proapoptotic role in mammalian cells. However, neither the topology nor the processing of Omi in mitochondria is clearly understood. To determine the topology of Omi in the mitochondrial IMS, EGFP fusions were expressed with the entire N-terminal segment of full-length Omi (FL-Omi) (133-EGFP), and that without the transmembrane region (DeltaTM-EGFP) in the cells. Immunocytochemical staining and alkaline extraction experiments revealed that the TM determines the topology of Omi in the IMS and anchors the pro form into the inner membrane. As a result, the protease and the PDZ domains are exposed to the IMS. Mature Omi largely exists in the IMS as a soluble form. The processing sites of the precursor protein were examined by in vitro import experiments. The import of the processing mutants revealed importance of Arg80, Arg91, and Arg93 residues for the processing of the N-terminal segment of FL-Omi. These results suggest that the N-terminal segment of FL-Omi contains multiple processing sites processed by matrix processing proteases.  相似文献   

Somatodendritic (STD) dopamine (DA) release is a key mechanism for the autoregulatory control of DA release in the brain. However, its molecular mechanism remains undetermined. We tested the hypothesis that differential expression of synaptotagmin (Syt) isoforms explains some of the differential properties of terminal and STD DA release. Down-regulation of the dendritically expressed Syt4 and Syt7 severely reduced STD DA release, whereas terminal release required Syt1. Moreover, we found that although mobilization of intracellular Ca(2+) stores is inefficient, Ca(2+) influx through N- and P/Q-type voltage-gated channels is critical to trigger STD DA release. Our findings provide an explanation for the differential Ca(2+) requirement of terminal and STD DA release. In addition, we propose that not all sources of intracellular Ca(2+) are equally efficient to trigger this release mechanism. Our findings have implications for a better understanding of a fundamental cell biological process mediating transcellular signaling in a system critical for diseases such as Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin II is a type I signal-anchor protein, in which the NH(2)-terminal domain of 60 residues (N-domain) is located within the lumenal space of the membrane and the following hydrophobic region (H-region) shows transmembrane topology. We explored the early steps of cotranslational integration of this molecule on the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and demonstrated the following: (a) The translocation of the N-domain occurs immediately after the H-region and the successive positively charged residues emerge from the ribosome. (b) Positively charged residues that follow the H-region are essential for maintaining the correct topology. (c) It is possible to dissect the lengths of the nascent polypeptide chains which are required for ER targeting of the ribosome and for translocation of the N-domain, thereby demonstrating that different nascent polypeptide chain lengths are required for membrane targeting and N-domain translocation. (d) The H-region is sufficiently long for membrane integration. (e) Proline residues preceding H-region are critical for N-domain translocation, but not for ER targeting. The proline can be replaced with amino acid with low helical propensity.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter release requires the direct coupling of the calcium sensor with the machinery for membrane fusion. SNARE proteins comprise the minimal fusion machinery, and synaptotagmin I, a synaptic vesicle protein, is the primary candidate for the main neuronal calcium sensor. To test the effect of synaptotagmin I on membrane fusion, we incorporated it into a SNARE-mediated liposome fusion assay. Synaptotagmin I dramatically stimulated membrane fusion by facilitating SNAREpin zippering. This stimulatory effect was topologically restricted to v-SNARE vesicles (containing VAMP 2) and only occurred in trans to t-SNARE vesicles (containing syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25). Interestingly, calcium did not affect the overall fusion reaction. These results indicate that synaptotagmin I can directly accelerate SNARE-mediated membrane fusion and raise the possibility that additional components might be required to ensure tight calcium coupling.  相似文献   



Akt regulates various cellular processes, including cell growth, survival, and metabolism. Recently, Akt's role in neurite outgrowth has also emerged. We thus aimed to identify neuronal function-related genes that are regulated by Akt.  相似文献   

J Lang  M Fukuda  H Zhang  K Mikoshiba    C B Wollheim 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(19):5837-5846
The Ca2+- and phospholipid-binding protein synaptotagmin is involved in neuroexocytosis. Its precise role and Ca2+-affinity in vivo are unclear. We investigated its putative function in insulin secretion which is maximally stimulated by 10 microM cytosolic free Ca2+. The well-characterized synaptotagmin isoforms I and II are present in pancreatic beta-cell lines RINm5F, INS-1 and HIT-T15 as shown by Northern and Western blots. Subcellular fractionation and confocal microscopy revealed their presence mainly on insulin-containing secretory granules whereas only minor amounts were found on synaptic vesicle-like microvesicles. Antibodies or Fab-fragments directed against the Ca2+-dependent phospholipid binding site of the first C2 domain of synaptotagmin I or II inhibited Ca2+-stimulated, but not GTPgammaS-induced exocytosis from streptolysin-O-permeabilized INS-1 and HIT-T15 cells. Transient expression of wild-type synaptotagmin II did not alter exocytosis in HIT-T15 cells. However, mutations in the Ca2+-dependent phospholipid binding site of the first C2 domain (Delta180-183, D231S) again inhibited only Ca2+-, but not GTPgammaS-evoked exocytosis. In contrast, mutations in the IP4-binding sites of the second C2 domain (Delta325-341; K327,328, 332Q) did not alter exocytosis. Synaptotagmin II mutated in both C2 domains (Delta180-183/K327,328,332Q) induced greater inhibition than mutant Delta180-183, suggesting a discrete requirement for the second C2 domain. Thus, synaptotagmin isoforms regulate exocytotic events occurring at low micromolar Ca2+.  相似文献   

Binding of annexin V or the C2A domain of synaptotagmin I to phosphatidylserine expressed on the surface of apoptotic cells can, when labeled with appropriate probe molecules, be used to detect the presence of apoptosis using radionuclide, magnetic resonance, and optical imaging techniques. The preparation of a biotinylated C2A-GST fusion protein is described, and its capability, when used in conjunction with fluorescein-labeled streptavidin, of detecting apoptotic cells by flow cytometry is compared directly with the performance of a commercial preparation of fluorescein-labeled annexin V. Biotinylated C2A-GST, when used in conjunction with streptavidin-conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles or Gd-chelate-avidin conjugates, was shown to be capable of detecting apoptotic cells using T(2)-weighted or T(1)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging experiments, respectively.  相似文献   

Quan R  Lin H  Mendoza I  Zhang Y  Cao W  Yang Y  Shang M  Chen S  Pardo JM  Guo Y 《The Plant cell》2007,19(4):1415-1431
The SOS (for Salt Overly Sensitive) pathway plays essential roles in conferring salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Under salt stress, the calcium sensor SOS3 activates the kinase SOS2 that positively regulates SOS1, a plasma membrane sodium/proton antiporter. We show that SOS3 acts primarily in roots under salt stress. By contrast, the SOS3 homolog SOS3-LIKE CALCIUM BINDING PROTEIN8 (SCABP8)/CALCINEURIN B-LIKE10 functions mainly in the shoot response to salt toxicity. While root growth is reduced in sos3 mutants in the presence of NaCl, the salt sensitivity of scabp8 is more prominent in shoot tissues. SCABP8 is further shown to bind calcium, interact with SOS2 both in vitro and in vivo, recruit SOS2 to the plasma membrane, enhance SOS2 activity in a calcium-dependent manner, and activate SOS1 in yeast. In addition, sos3 scabp8 and sos2 scabp8 display a phenotype similar to sos2, which is more sensitive to salt than either sos3 or scabp8 alone. Overexpression of SCABP8 in sos3 partially rescues the sos3 salt-sensitive phenotype. However, overexpression of SOS3 fails to complement scabp8. These results suggest that SCABP8 and SOS3 are only partially redundant in their function, and each plays additional and unique roles in the plant salt stress response.  相似文献   

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