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Summary The haemocytes of larvae and young pupae of Calliphora erythrocephala are studied by phase contrast and electron microscopy and three cell lineages are distinguished: plasmatocytes, thrombocytoids and oenocytoids. The plasmatocytes show important modifications during larval development and at the time of histolysis, which are described and discussed in relation to the function of these cells in the physiology of Calliphora. The thrombocytoids, haemocytes which had not been recorded so far, are characterized by a strong tendency to fragmentation, this process leading to the formation of the anucleated cytoplasmic fragments and the naked nuclei referred to by earlier authors. The ability of the cell fragments, which retain normal cytological characteristics, to agglutinate and form intricate networks, is discussed in relation to haemostasis in Calliphora.The ultrastructural study of the haemocyte accumulations in the vicinity of the posterior part of the dorsal vessel reveals the basic organization of haemocytopoetic tissue, as described recently in orthopteran insects. The functional importance of this tissue in the production of haemocytes is demonstrated by X-irradiation and ligation experiments in larvae of Calliphora.
Résumé L'étude en microscopie en contraste de phase et au microscope électronique permet de distinguer dans le sang circulant de larves et de jeunes pupes de Calliphora erythrocephala trois lignées cellulaires: les plasmatocytes, les thrombocytoïdes et les oenocytoïdes. Les plasmatocytes, numériquement les plus importants, présentent au cours du développement larvaire et chez les pupes des modifications considérables, qui sont décrites et discutées en rapport avec la fonction évidente de ces hémocytes chez Calliphora. Les thrombocytoïdes, inconnus dans la littérature, se caractérisent par une forte tendance à la fragmentation, qui aboutit à la formation des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés» et des «noyaux nus» signalés par divers auteurs. Les phénomènes d'agglutination des «fragments cytoplasmiques anucléés», dont les caractères cytologiques restent normaux, sont discutés en rapport avec le problème de l'hémostase chez cet insecte.L'étude ultrastructurale des accumulations hémocytaires autour du vaisseau dorsal dans la partie postérieure de l'abdomen montre une organisation de base comparable à celle décrite dans les organes hématopoïétiques des Insectes Orthoptères. L'importance fonctionelle de ce tissu hématopoïétique de Calliphora dans la production des hémocytes au cours de la vie larvaire est démontrée par des irradiations de ce tissu et par des ligatures de la partie postérieure de l'abdomen.

Summary The distribution of putative cholinergic neurons in the lamina of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala was studied by immunocytochemical and histochemical methods. Three different antibodies directed against the AChsynthesizing enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), revealed a cholinergic population of fibres running parallel to the laminar cartridges, which have branch-like structures at the distal lamina border. Cell bodies in the chiasma next to the lamina border were also labelled by the anti-ChAT antibodies. Monopolar cell bodies in the nuclear layer were faintly labelled. The distribution of the acetylcholine hydrolyzing enzyme, acetylcholine esterase (AChE), was revealed by histochemical staining and was similar to the ChAT immunocytochemistry. The arrangement of ChAT positive fibres in transverse and longitudinal sections and the distribution of AChE stained fibres indicate that the amacrine cells of the lamina are cholinergic cells.We dedicate this work to Prof. F. Zettler who passed away in fall 1988: K.-H. Datum, I. Rambold  相似文献   

 In one of his classical studies on insect metamorphosis, Weismann compared the imaginal anlagen of the ancestral phantom midge, Chaoborus, with those of advanced brachycerans. We have expanded his findings on the relationships between larval and imaginal organs using electron microscopy and cobalt backfilling of the antenna and leg anlagen and the axonal trajectories of corresponding larval sensilla. We show that both primordia are confluent with the larval antennae and ”leg” sensilla (an ancestral Keilin organ), respectively. These fully developed larval organs represent the distal tips of the imaginal anlagen rather than separate cell clusters. The axons of the larval antenna and leg sensilla project across the corresponding anlagen to their target neuromeres within the central nervous system (CNS). Within the discs, nerves composed of these larval axons, developing afferent fibres and efferences ascending from the CNS are found. Both the structure of the primordia and the axonal trajectories thus relate the situation found in advanced brachycerans with that seen in more ancestral insects. In addition, the larval antennae, legs, wings and even the eyes possess very similar afferent pioneer trajectories supporting the idea that the described pattern is generally used in the ontogeny of sensory systems. Received: 30 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary Neurosecretory cells in the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of the adult female Calliphora erythrocephala have been studied in the light microscope. The paraldehydefuchsin stain (PAF) gave by far the clearest pictures.The medial neurosecretory cells of the protocerebrum (m.n.c.) show definite cyclic changes as to the size of the nuclei and the content of secretory material. The cytological changes depend on the age of the fly and the diet given and are correlated with ovarian development.The nuclear size is held to express the metabolic activity of the cells. Cells with large nuclei, as found in young sugar-flies (S1D) and meat-fed flies with developing ovaries (S4D/M2D), contain less secretory material which is released through the axons, while the m.n.c. of old sugar-flies (S6D) have small nuclei and are stuffed with secretory material which is stored in the perikarya.These results confirm those obtained by darkfield microscopy of living m.n.c. by Lea and E.Thomsen (1962 and unpublished).No really convincing evidence for the existence of more than one type of m.n.c. was found.Two small groups of lateral cells were observed. Possibly neurosecretory are further: 1-(2) cells at the base of each optic lobe, two groups of 2–3 cells on the caudal side of the brain, and 2 cells ventrally in the suboesophageal ganglion.Giant neurons of unknown function are situated very near the m.n.c. Their axons join those from the m.n.c., but end in the suboesophageal ganglion.The same region comprises a number of peculiar cells, each containing a large, fluid-filled vacuole (the vacuolated cells). Similar cells are associated with the possibly neurosecretory cells on the caudal side of the brain.My sincere thanks are due to my wife Dr. Ellen Thomsen, who made all the excisions of the brains and the measurements of the nuclei, to T.C.Normann for valuable assistance with the photographic work, and to Mrs. K. Bahnert for technical help with the gallocyanin method. The Carlsberg Foundation has supported the work with grants.  相似文献   

Summary The histology of the corpus cardiacum (c. card.) and the hypocerebral ganglion of Calliphora has been described from sections mainly stained with paraldehyde-fuchsin (PAF) and counterstained with Halmi's mixture. Concurrently the nervous connections of these organs with the neurosecretory system and the stomatogastric nervous system were studied.Neurosecretory material from the medial neurosecretory cells of the brain (m.n.c.) could be traced through the cardiac-recurrent nerve, and passing through the c. card. it was seen to be abundantly present in the wall of the aorta and the two pairs of nerves leaving the c. card.-hypocerebral ganglion complex posteriorly, i.e. the aortic and the oesophageal nerves. However, in some old, fed flies a considerable amount of neurosecretory material was also observed in anastomosing branches of the cardiac-recurrent nerve inside the c. card. Thus storage of neurosecretory material originating in the m.n.c. may take place both in the aorta wall and in the c. card. This observation is relevant to the interpretation of previous experiments of E. Thomsen (1952).The c. card. cells proper (the c.n.c.) were not stained by the PAF, although they are known to be neurosecretory.This work was supported by grants from the Carlsberg Foundation. I am grateful to Professor C. Overgaard Nielsen for laboratory facilities.  相似文献   

Summary In continuation of previous light microscopical investigations using darkfield microscopy of the living cells and sections stained with paraldehyde-fuchsin, an electron microscopical study of the medial neurosecretory cells (m.n.c.) of virgin females of Calliphora has been performed. The neurosecretory material consists of elementary granules corresponding in quantity to the amount of secretory material found by the two other methods in flies of the same age and kept on the same diet. The majority of the cells (m.n.c. I) contain granules measuring c. 2000–3000 Å, while fewer cells (m.n.c. II) show a smaller granular diameter (c. 1000–1500 Å). Due to the Tyndall effect the elementary granules are visible when using darkfield microscopy.The granules were seen to be pinched off from the Golgi complexes. These are numerous and well-developed, except in the less active m.n.c. I of the six days old sugar-flies. The reticulum and mitochondria are described. Axoplasmic channels were observed in the m.n.c. I, probably corresponding to structures found by Wigglesworth (1959 and 1960) in other insect neurons with another technique.The fine structure of the giant neurons and the vacuolated cells has been studied, the observations supporting the conclusions of M. Thomsen in a light microscopical study (1965). Lacunae in the ramifying glia are interpreted as belonging to the glial lacunar system described by Wigglesworth (1960).Dedicated to the memory of Ernst Scharrer (1905–1965), pioneer in the study of neurosecretion.We are grateful to the Carlsberg Foundation and the State General Scientific Foundation for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the imaginal discs ofDrosophila melanogaster was compared with that of other chitogenous tissues with different developmental capacities, namely, embryonic, larval, pupal and adult epidermis. Attention was paid to features which might be correlated with specific morphogenetic activities. Previous morphological studies of imaginal discs of Diptera were analyzed in detail and a somewhat revised view of imaginal disc structure emerged. The results reveal that the imaginal discs ofD. melanogaster consist of three types of cells: cells of the single layered disc epithelium, adepithelial cells and nerves. Four types of specialized junctions connect the cells of the disc epithelium: zonulae adhaerens, septate desmosomes, gap junctions and cytoplasmic bridges. The junctions are discussed in relation to their possible roles in adhesion and intercellular communication. It was concluded that gap junctions may be a more likely site for the intercellular communication involved in pattern formation than septate desmosomes. Evidence is presented that adepithelial cells are the precursors of imaginal muscles and that some cell lines (atelotypic) are in fact lines of adepithelial cells which can differentiate into muscle.Specific imaginal discs can be easily recognized by their overall morphology, i.e. patterns of folds. However, no ultrastructural features were found which we could correlate with the state of determination of the cells. Most differences in the ultrastructure of different discs at several developmental stages were attributable to different phases of cuticle secretion. The cells of the imaginal disc epithelium are packed with ribosomes but very little rough ER. The amount of rough ER increases rapidly at puparium formation. Cuticulin is recognizable 4–6 hours after puparium formation. Six hours after puparium formation, the cells of the disc epithelium are secreting the epicuticle of the pupa. As the imaginal disc of a leg everts from a folded sac to the tubular pupal leg, the cells of the disc epithelium change from tall columnar to cuboidal. A loss of microtubules in the long axis of the columnar cells accompanies this change. Prepupal morphogenesis of the leg appears to be caused by the change in cell shape. Evidence is presented which is incompatible with previous explanations of the mechanism of eversion of imaginal discs.There is some turnover of the cells of the disc epithelium as evidenced by autophagy and the occasional heterophagy of a dead neighbor. However this does not appear to be an important factor in the morphogenesis of discs. Plant peroxidase which was used as a tracer of proteins in the blood was taken up from the hemolymph by the disc epithelium. Imaginal disc cells contain many lipid droplets which coalesce and are replaced by glycogen during the prepupal period.
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstrukturen der Imaginalscheiben, der embryonalen, larvalen, pupalen und adulten Epidermis, alles chitinbildende Gewebe, wurden untersucht und miteinander verglichen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit legten wir auf ultrastrukturelle Merkmale, die mit spezifischen morphogenetischen Vorgängen korreliert sein können. Frühere Untersuchungen über die Morphologie der Imaginalscheiben bei Dipteren wurden kritisch analysiert und führten mit unseren Resultaten zu einem etwas veränderten Bild der Scheibenstruktur. Die Imaginalscheiben vonDrosophila melanogaster bestehen aus drei Zelltypen: Zellen des einschichtigen Epithels, adepitheliale Zellen und Nerven. Die Epithelzellen weisen vier spezialisierte Zellverbindungen auf: zonulae adherens, septate desmosomes, gap junctions und zytoplasmatische Brücken. Die Funktion dieser Zellverbindungen wird im Zusammenhang mit der Zelladhäsion und Zellkommunikation diskutiert. Es scheint, daß während der Musterbildung, die gap junctions, eher als die septate desmosomes, die Orte der Zellkommunikation sind. Wir haben gezeigt, daß adepitheliale Zellen Vorläufer der imaginalen Muskeln sind. Einige atelotypische Linien, die sich als Kulturen adepithelialer Zellen erwiesen, differenzieren Muskeln.Die Imaginalscheiben können leicht an ihrer Gesamtmorphologie, d.h. an ihrem Faltenmuster erkannt werden. Ultrastrukturelle Merkmale wurden jedoch nicht beobachtet, die mit dem Determinationszustand der Zelle korrelierbar wären. Während der Entwicklung sind die meisten Unterschiede in der Feinstruktur auf verschiedene Phasen der Kutikulasekretion zurückzuführen. Die Epithelzellen der Imaginalscheiben zeigen viele Ribosomen, besitzen aber nur sehr wenig endoplasmatisches Reticulum. Dieses nimmt erst bei der Pupariumbildung stark zu. 4–6 Std nach Puparisierung ist Kutikulin nachweisbar und nach 6 Std scheiden die Epithelzellen die Epikutikula aus. Während sich die Beinscheibe vom gefalteten Sack zum röhrenförmigen Bein ausstülpt, werden die länglichen Epithelzellen kubisch. Gleichzeitig mit dieser Formänderung verschwinden die Microtubuli in der Längsachse der Zellen. Die Morphogenese des Beines im Vorpuppenstadium scheint auf eine Änderung der Zellform zu beruhen. Früher beschriebene Erklärungen für den Mechanismus der Ausstülpung sind mit unseren Beobachtungen nicht vereinbar. Autophagozytose und gelegentlich Heterophagozytose einer toten Nachbarzelle konnten in den Epithelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Dies scheint jedoch kein wesentlicher Faktor für die Morphogenese der Scheibe zu sein. Pflanzenperoxydase, als Tracer-Protein im Blut, wird vom Scheibenepithel aus der Hämolymphe aufgenommen. Scheibenzellen enthalten viele Lipidtröpfchen, die sich vereinigen und während des Vorpuppenstadiums durch Glycogen ersetzt werden.

Summary By X-irradiation ofM/M + embryos and larvae to induce mitotic recombination, clones ofM +/M+ genotype were obtained (Fig. 1). Since such cells grow faster than the surroundingM/M +-cells they can fill large areas within the compartments of an imaginal disc.The present studies concentrated mainly on the three leg discs. Clones were induced by doses of 1000 r at ages ranging from 3±0.5 h after oviposition to 144 h.All clones induced later than the blastoderm stage were absolutely restricted to either the anterior or the posterior compartment of a disc. The border between the anterior and posterior compartment runs as a straight line along the entire leg and at the distal end separates the two claws (Figs. 5, 6, 7). A further subdivision of the anterior compartment is indicated by clones initiated in the second larval instar (Fig. 11). A parallel subdivision could not be detected in the posterior compartment. Irradiation in the early third instar led to clones which were restricted to single longitudinal bristle rows and leg segments. But no clear-cut compartment borders could be found; in particular a proximo-distal separation appears to be absent.Among the 318 clones induced at the blastoderm stage eleven extended from the wing into the second leg (Fig. 8), or from the haltere into the third leg.With the exception of 3 clones that apparently occupied the anterior as well as the posterior compartment of a wing or a leg, all clones remained confined to either the anterior or the posterior compartment.Frequently clones overlapped left and right forelegs (Fig. 9). Intersegmental overlaps were not observed.The results show that the earliest compartment borders appear in all thoracic discs. This suggests that compartmentalization is a fundamental process common to all discs.Supported bySchweizerischer Nationalfonds Gesuch Nr. 3.480-0.75  相似文献   

Summary Calliphora erythrocephala has cross-striated cardiac muscle cells with A, I and Z-bands. The diameters of the myosin and actin filaments are 200–250 Å and 85 Å respectively and the length of the myosin filaments (A-band) is approximately 1.5 . Usually 8–10 actin filaments surround each myosin filament.The myocardial cells show a well-developed membrane system and interior couplings. A perforated sheet of SR envelopes the myofibrils at the A-band, dilates into flattened cisternae at both A-I band levels before it merges into a three-dimensional net-work between the actin filaments of the I-bands and between the dense bodies of the discontinuous Z-discs. The T-system consists of broad flattened tubules running between the myofibrils at the A-I band levels forming dyads with the SR-cisternae. Longitudinal connections between the transverse (T-) tubules often occur.It is suggested that this well-developed SR may be an adaptation to facilitate a rapid contraction/relaxation frequency by an effective Ca2+ uptake.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies to histamine were used for immunocytochemical studies of the visual system in the flies Calliphora erythrocephala and Musca domestica. Specific immunolabeling of photoreceptors was found both in the compound eyes and ocelli of both species. In the compound eyes histamine-like immunoreactivity (HA-IR) was found in all the short visual fibers (photoreceptors R1–6) and one type of long visual fiber (photoreceptor R8). In addition, the ocellar photoreceptors also show HA-IR. In view of earlier biochemical and pharmacological/physiological findings by Elias and Evans (1983) and Hardie (1987) it thus seems likely that histamine is a neurotransmitter in insect photoreceptors. Interestingly, the second type of long visual fiber (photoreceptor R7) has recently been found to be GABA-immunoreactive (Datum et al. 1986). The two types of long visual fibers may hence use different transmitters which act on different receptors of the postsynaptic neurons in the second visual neuropil, the medulla. In addition to the photoreceptors in the retina and ocelli, we found processes of HA-IR neurons in one of the optic lobe neuropils, the lobula. This finding indicates that histamine may also be a transmitter in certain interneurons in the visual system.Abbreviations HA histamine - GABA -amino butyric acid - GAD glutamic acid decarboxylase - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) - HA-IR histamine-like immunoreactivity - R1-R6 class of short-axoned photoreceptors - R7 and R8 long-axoned photoreceptors - LMC large monopolar neuron of lamina - HSA human serum albumin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - DEPC diethylpyrocarbonate  相似文献   

Summary By use of a modified fixation technique, the receptor cells of the compound eye of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala were found to contain a regular, paracrystalline array of alternating rows of hexagonally shaped microvilli. The receptor cells R1 to R6 have a cell-specific number of microvilli per row in a cross section. Every microvillus has a filament cluster connecting the axial skeleton with the microvillar membrane. This cluster is preferentially right-left oriented relative to the longitudinal axis of the microvillar array. Three adjacent microvilli are interconnected by an electron-dense substance. A mirroring technique indicated that this intermicrovillar structure consists of three subunits, although these subunits could not be conclusively demonstrated by classical densitometry or image subtraction techniques. The electron-dense substance can be seen in all cross sections of the proximal and distal parts of the microvilli. They are cylindrical structures separating the microvilli along their entire length. It is suggested that these cylindrical aggregates contain an enzymatic complex separating the rhodopsin-containing microvillar membrane into six compartments.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of photoreceptor cell membranes in the blowfly was investigated in relation to the diurnal cycle, age, and therpa (receptor potential absent) phototransduction mutation. The effect of disturbed membrane assembly on the electrical membrane properties was examined using single-electrode discontinuous current-clamp techniques. In wild-type flies the cross-sectional dimensions of the rhabdomeres were markedly reduced with age, and the quantity of synthetic organelles decreased concurrently, whereas no correlation was found between the diurnal cycle and membrane turnover. Therpa mutation is thought to block the visual transduction cascade in photoreceptor cells and to lead to degeneration of the photoreceptor cell bodies. The volume of rhabdomeres decreased markedly inrpa mutants and the quantity of synthetic organelles was reduced significantly, indicating an imbalance between photoreceptive membrane renewal and degradation. Also, the plasma membrane underwent degenerative changes. The passive electrical properties of photoreceptor cells — resting membrane voltages and input resistances — were only slightly changed from those of wild-type flies, although the photoreceptive membrane did not depolarize in response to light. This indicates no apparent disturbance in the function of the ionic channels in these membranes. Taken together, these results suggest that the photoreceptor cells need a functional phototransduction cascade with its feedback controls to maintain continuous renewal of rhabdomeres, but that the plasma membrane maintains its normal electrochemical properties despite extreme morphological degeneration of photoreceptor cell.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscopical study of the corpus allatum (CA) of the adult female Calliphora was undertaken.The cells have a very irregular shape. Light and dark cells are found. Mitochondria occur in great numbers. Microtubules are frequently observed. Free ribosomes are plenty, but rough-surfaced reticulum is scarce. Golgi complexes are not very conspicuous. Axons, mostly containing neurosecretory granules, are frequently found between the cells.The active corpus allatum is remarkable by the numerous lipid droplets and the abundance of tubular agranular reticulum. The reticulum sometimes forms aggregates from which vacuoles are budded off. The vacuoles lose their membrane, at the same time becoming slightly electron opaque, thus being transformed into lipid droplets.It is tentatively postulated that the hormone (or a precursor) is synthesized in the tubules of the agranular reticulum, collected in the vacuoles, and, when the membrane disintegrates, it is dissolved in lipid. The lipid droplets are thought to be released into the haemolymph through the surface of the gland or via intercellular channels.The inactive corpus allatum of the six days old sugar fed flies is small and more or less shrunken. The agranular reticulum is poorly developed, vacuoles are small, and lipid droplets few. The reticulum tends to form whorls, which eventually may possibly be transformed into myelin figures.We wish to express our gratitude to the Danish Natural Science Research Council for placing a Zeiss electron microscope at our disposal, and to the Carlsberg Foundation for supporting our work with grants. We are grateful to Prof. C. Overgaard Nielsen for laboratory facilities, and we are indebted to Mrs. Eva Jensen for her skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

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