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The pssB gene of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii encodes a protein of 284 amino acids with sequence similarity to eukaryotic inositol monophosphatases. The gene was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified gene product of pssB showed inositol monophosphatase activity with a Km of 0.23 mM, and a Vmax of 3.27 mumol Pi min-1 (mg protein)-1. Its substrate specificity, Mg+2 requirement, Li+ inhibition, and subunit association (dimerization) were studied and compared to those of other inositol monophosphatases. Western immunoblotting with anti-PssB antibodies showed the presence of PssB in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain TA1 and lack of this protein in the pssB mutant strain Rt12A. The presence of PssB protein in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 was correlated with phosphatase activity with myo-inositol 1-phosphate as a substrate. Evidence for a regulatory function of PssB protein in exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesis is presented. The mutation in pssB caused EPS overproduction, and introduction of pssB into the wild-type TA1 strain reduced EPS synthesis. The changes in the level of EPS production were correlated with a non-nitrogen-fixing phenotype of rhizobia.  相似文献   

A collection of 121 isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar (bv.) trifolii was obtained from root nodules of Trifolium subterraneum L. (subclover) plants growing in an established pasture. The collection consisted of a single isolate from each of 18 plants sampled from seven microplots. The following year, a further 28 and 27 isolates were collected from the first and seventh sampling points, respectively. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of both chromosomal and Sym (symbiotic) plasmid DNA and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) were used to assess the diversity, genetic relationships and structure of this population. Symbiotic effectiveness tests were used to examine the symbiotic phenotype of each isolate collected in the first year. Analysis of RFLPs of the first year isolates revealed 13 chromosomal types and 25 Sym plasmid types. Similar Sym plasmid types were grouped into 14 families containing 1–6 members. No new chromosomal types and six new Sym plasmid types were detected in the second year. The symbiotic effectiveness of the first year isolates of the same Sym plasmid type was similar. Significant differences in symbiotic effectiveness were detected between different Sym plasmid types in the same plasmid family. Representative isolates of each chromosomal type Sym plasmid type identified in the first year were analysed using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Mean genetic diversity per locus was high (0.559). Enzyme electrophoresis revealed 17 electrophoretic types (ETs). Ouster analysis of the enzyme data revealed large genetic diversity amongst the ETs. Strong linkage disequilibrium was observed for the population as a whole, i.e. clonal population structure, but significantly less disequilibrium was observed among a cluster of ETs suggesting that recombination occurred between ETs within the cluster. Our results revealed that a population of naturally occurring isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii can be genetically diverse and support the possibility that recombination plays a role in generating new genotypes.  相似文献   

The symbiotic plasmid (pSym) of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii 4S5, which carries Tn5-mob, was successfully transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens A136 by using a conjugation method. The resulting transconjugants induced the development of ineffective nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of white clover seedlings. Depending on the manner in which the pSym was retained, the transconjugants were divided into two groups of strains, Afp and Afcs. pSym was retained as a plasmid in the Afp strains but was integrated into the int gene encoding a phage-related integrase on the linear chromosome of A. tumefaciens A136 in strain Afcs1 (one of the Afcs strains) to form a symbiosis island. Conjugation was performed between strain Afcs1 and R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii H1 (a pSym-cured derivative of wild-type strain 4S), and the Rhizobium H1tr strains were screened as transconjugants. Eighteen of the H1tr strains induced effective nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of the host plants. pSym was transferred into all of the transconjugants, except for strain H1tr1, at the same size as pSym of strain 4S5. In strain H1tr1, pSym was integrated into the chromosome as a symbiosis island. These data suggest that pSym can exist among Rhizobium and Agrobacterium strains both as a plasmid and as a symbiosis island with transposon mediation.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae strain 3841 is a motile alpha-proteobacterium that can establish a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis within the roots of pea plants. In order to determine the contribution of chemotaxis to the lifestyle of R. leguminosarum, we have characterized the function of two chemotaxis gene clusters (che1 and che2) in controlling motility behaviour. We have found that both chemotaxis gene clusters modulate the motility swimming bias of R. leguminosarum cells and that the che1 cluster is the major pathway controlling swimming bias and chemotaxis. The che2 cluster also contributes to swimming bias, but has a minor effect on chemotaxis. Using competitive nodulation assays, we have demonstrated that a functional che1 cluster, but not the che2 cluster, promotes competitive nodulation of the peas. This finding implies that the environmental cue(s) triggering chemotaxis of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae cells towards the roots of pea and facilitating colonization are likely to be processed through the che1 cluster despite the contribution of both che clusters to swimming behaviour. A phylogenetic analysis of the distribution of che1 and che2 orthologues in the alpha-proteobacteria together with our results allow us to propose that che1 homologues are major controllers of chemotaxis and host association in the Rhizobiaceae.  相似文献   

Yanni  Youssef G.  Rizk  R.Y.  Corich  V.  Squartini  A.  Ninke  K.  Philip-Hollingsworth  S.  Orgambide  G.  de Bruijn  F.  Stoltzfus  J.  Buckley  D.  Schmidt  T.M.  Mateos  P.F.  Ladha  J.K.  Dazzo  Frank B. 《Plant and Soil》1997,194(1-2):99-114
For over 7 centuries, production of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Egypt has benefited from rotation with Egyptian berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum). The nitrogen supplied by this rotation replaces 25- 33% of the recommended rate of fertilizer-N application for rice production. This benefit to the rice cannot be explained solely by an increased availability of fixed N through mineralization of N- rich clover crop residues. Since rice normally supports a diverse microbial community of internal root colonists, we have examined the possibility that the clover symbiont, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii colonizes rice roots endophytically in fields where these crops are rotated, and if so, whether this novel plant-microbe association benefits rice growth. MPN plant infection studies were performed on macerates of surface-sterilized rice roots inoculated on T. alexandrinum as the legume trap host. The results indicated that the root interior of rice grown in fields rotated with clover in the Nile Delta contained 106 clover-nodulating rhizobial endophytes g fresh weight of root. Plant tests plus microscopical, cultural, biochemical, and molecular structure studies indicated that the numerically dominant isolates of clover-nodulating rice endophytes represent 3 – 4 authentic strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii that were Nod Fix on berseem clover. Pure cultures of selected strains were able to colonize the interior of rice roots grown under gnotobiotic conditions. These rice endophytes were reisolated from surface-sterilized roots and shown by molecular methods to be the same as the original inoculant strains, thus verifying Koch's postulates. Two endophytic strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii significantly increased shoot and root growth of rice in growth chamber experiments, and grain yield plus agronomic fertilizer N-use efficiency of Giza-175 hybrid rice in a field inoculation experiment conducted in the Nile Delta. Thus, fields where rice has been grown in rotation with clover since antiquity contain Fix strains of R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii that naturally colonize the rice root interior, and these true rhizobial endophytes have the potential to promote rice growth and productivity under laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

A combined physical and genetic map of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii TA1 (RtTA1) genome was constructed and used in comparison of chromosomal organization with the closely related R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 (Rlv) and Rhizobium etli CNF42 (Rhe). This approach allowed evaluation of chromosome and genome plasticity and provided important insights into R. leguminosarum lineage diversity. MssI, SmiI, PacI, and I-CeuI restriction endonucleases were chosen for the analysis, generating fragments with suitable size distributions for RtTA1 genome mapping. The fragments were assembled into a physical map using a combination of complementary methods, including multiple and partial digests of genomic DNA, hybridization with homologous gene probes, and cross-Southern hybridization. About 100 genetic markers were located on the RtTA1 restriction map. Comparison of genetic maps of RtTA1, Rlv, and Rhe revealed extensive chromosomal colinearity despite differences in the physical maps. The comparison provides bases for comprehensive analysis of the evolution of R. leguminosarum genome, indicating that, at least on the chromosomal level, no major rearrangements had occurred after the evolutionary divergence of R. leguminosarum biovars. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

I J Evans  J A Downie 《Gene》1986,43(1-2):95-101
The nucleotide sequence of a 2-kb fragment immediately downstream of the nodABC genes of the Rhizobium leguminosarum symbiotic plasmid pRL1JI has been determined. Genes corresponding to the two open reading frames identified are named nodI and nodJ. Tn 5 insertions into these genes result in a "nodulation-delayed" phenotype. The predicted amino acid sequence of the nodI gene shows considerable homology to inner-membrane-located gene products involved in active transport systems in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. The predicted product of the nodJ gene is very hydrophobic, suggesting that it may be an integral membrane protein.  相似文献   

An essential gene for symbiotic nitrogen fixation (fixF) is located near the common nodulation region of Rhizobium meliloti. A DNA fragment carrying fixF was characterized by hybridization with Klebsiella pneumoniae nif DNA and by nucleotide sequence analysis. The fixF gene was found to be related to K. pneumoniae nifN and was therefore renamed as the R. meliloti nifN gene. Upstream of the nifN coding region a second open reading frame was identified coding for a putative polypeptide of 110 amino acids (ORF110). By fragment-specific Tn5 mutagenesis it was shown that the nifN gene and ORF110 form an operon. The control region of this operon contains a nif promoter and also the putative nifA-binding sequence. For the deduced amino acid sequence of the nifN gene product a striking homology to the R. meliloti nifK protein was found. One cysteine residue and its adjacent amino acid sequence, which are highly conserved in the R. meliloti nifK, R. meliloti nifN, and K. pneumoniae nifN proteins, may play a role in binding the FeMo cofactor.  相似文献   

Plasmid pAL618 contains the genetic determinants for H2 uptake (hup) fromRhizobium leguminosarum bv.viciae, including a cluster of 17 genes namedhupSLCDEFGHIJK-hypABFCDE. A 1.7-kb segment of insert DNA located downstream ofhypE has now been sequenced, thus completing the sequence of the 20 441-bp insert DNA in plasmid pAL618. An open reading frame (designatedhypX) encoding a protein with a calculated Mr of 62 300 that exhibits extensive sequence similarity with HoxX fromAlcaligenes eutrophus (52% identity) andBradyrhizobium japonicum (57% identity) was identified 10 bp downstream ofhypE. Nodule bacteroids produced byhypX mutants in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants grown at optimal nickel concentrations (100 µM) for hydrogenase expression, exhibited less than 5% of the wild-type levels of hydrogenase activity. These bacteroids contained wild-type levels of mRNA from hydrogenase structural genes (hupSL) but accumulated large amounts of the immature form of HupL protein. The Hup-deficient mutants were complemented for normal hydrogenase activity and nickel-dependent maturation of HupL by ahypX gene provided in trans. From expression analysis ofhypX-lacZ fusion genes, it appears thathypX gene is transcribed from the FnrN-dependenthyp promoter, thus placinghypX in thehyp operon (hypBFCDEX). Comparisons of the HypX/HoxX sequences with those in databases provided unexpected insights into their function in hydrogenase synthesis. Similarities were restricted to two distinct regions in the HypX/HoxX sequences. Region I, corresponding to a sequence conserved in N10-formyltetrahydrofolate-dependent enzymes involved in transferring one-carbon units (C1), was located in the N-terminal half of the protein, whereas region II, corresponding to a sequence conserved in enzymes of the enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerase-family, was located in the C-terminal half. These similarities strongly suggest that HypX/HoxX have dual functions: binding of the C1 donor N10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate and transfer of the C1 to an unknown substrate, and catalysis of a reaction involving polarization of the C=O bond of an X-CO-SCoA substrate. These results also suggest the involvement of a small organic molecule, possibly synthesized with the participation of an X-CO-SCoA precursor and of formyl groups, in the synthesis of the metal-containing active centre of hydrogenase.  相似文献   

The fate of 14C-naringenin during its specific activation of nod genes in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae was examined. After incubation with either strain RBL5560 or its pSym-cured derivative in a medium supplemented with 14C-naringenin at nod gene-inducing concentrations of 2 nM (ca. 12.5 kBq) plus cold acetate (0.5 M), a radiocarbon inventory for the cells and supernatant extracts was obtained. The level of 14C-label incorporation was also determined in the fractionated cellular components. Using 14C-acetate at 0.5 M (1036 kBq) and cold naringenin (2 nM) in incubations with strain RBL5560 as a separate treatment, the Nod metabolites were detected by thin layer and high performance liquid chromatographic methods and the data provided the basis for identification of the Nod factors from the supernatant obtained from 14C-naringenin treatments. Subsequent radio-biochemical and chemical analyses revealed that RBL5560 cells assimilated 14C-naringenin during the activation of nod genes. Our analysis also showed that labelled carbon atoms from the 14C-naringenin were incorporated into the acyl moiety of a lipo-oligosaccharide Nod factor, NodRlv IV, present in the culture supernatants of RBL5560. The pSym-cured derivative failed to synthesize any Nod metabolites in a 14C-naringenin supplemented medium. The tracing of flavonoid-derived carbon atoms to the acyl chain of a host-specific Nod factor, a moiety that defines host specificity for this Rhizobium, adds a new dimension to the signalling function of flavonoids in legume-Rhizobium interactions.Abbreviations Ac acyl chain - ca calculated approximately - dpm disintegrations per minute - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - pSym symbiotic plasmid - R. Rhizobium - TLC Thin Layer Chromatography  相似文献   

Two novel genes affecting hexose transport in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been identified. The gene HXT1 (hexose transport), isolated from plasmid pSC7, was sequenced and found to encode a hydrophobic protein which is highly homologous to the large family of sugar transporter proteins from eucaryotes and procaryotes. Multicopy expression of the HXT1 gene restored high-affinity glucose transport to the snf3 mutant, which is deficient in a significant proportion of high-affinity glucose transport. HXT1 was unable to complement the snf3 growth defect in low copy number. The HXT1 protein was found to contain 12 putative membrane-spanning domains with a central hydrophilic domain and hydrophilic N- and C-terminal domains. The HXT1 protein is 69% identical to GAL2 and 66% identical to HXT2, and all three proteins were found to have a putative leucine zipper motif at a consensus location in membrane-spanning domain 2. Disruption of the HXT1 gene resulted in loss of a portion of high-affinity glucose and mannose transport, and wild-type levels of transport required both the HXT1 and SNF3 genes. Unexpectedly, expression of beta-galactosidase activity by using a fusion of the lacZ gene to the HXT1 promoter in a multicopy plasmid was maximal during lag and early exponential phases of growth, decreasing approximately 100-fold upon further entry into exponential growth. Deletion analysis of pSC7 revealed the presence of another gene (called ORF2) capable of suppressing the snf3 null mutant phenotype by restoring high-affinity glucose transport and increased low-affinity transport.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two genes (EMS1 and PRAD1/cyclin D1) in the chromosome 11q13 region that are frequently coamplified and overexpressed in human breast cancer and in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (E. Schuuring, E. Verhoeven, W.J. Mooi, and R.J.A.M. Michalides, Oncogene 7:355-361, 1992). We now report on the characterization of the 80/85-kDa protein that is encoded by the EMS1 gene. Amino acid sequence comparison shows a high homology (85%) to a chicken protein that was recently identified as a substrate for the src oncogene (H. Wu, A.B. Reynolds, S.B. Kanner, R.R. Vines, and J.T. Parsons, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:5113-5124, 1991). Immunocytochemistry reveals that in epithelial cells, the human EMS1 protein is localized mainly in the cytoplasm and, to a very low extent, in protruding leading lamellae of the cell. However, in carcinoma cells that constitutively overexpress the protein as a result of amplification of the EMS1 gene, the protein, except in cytoplasm, accumulates in the podosome-like adherens junctions associated with the cell-substratum contact sites. The protein was not found in intercellular adherens junctions. Our findings, and the previously reported observations in src-transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts, suggest that the EMS1 protein is involved in regulating the interactions between components of adherens-type junctions. Since amplification of the 11q13 region has been associated with an enhanced invasive potential of these tumors, overexpression and concomitant accumulation of the EMS1 protein in the cell-substratum contact sites might, therefore, contribute to the invasive potential of these tumor cells.  相似文献   

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