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Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 (HIP1) interacts with huntingtin, the protein whose gene is mutated in Huntington's disease. In addition, a fusion between HIP1 and platelet-derived growth factor beta receptor causes chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. The HIP1 proteins, including HIP1 and HIP1-related (HIP1r), have an N-terminal polyphosphoinositide-interacting epsin N-terminal homology, domain, which is found in proteins involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. HIP1 and HIP1r also share a central leucine zipper and an actin binding TALIN homology domain. Here we show that HIP1, like HIP1r, colocalizes with clathrin coat components. We also show that HIP1 physically associates with clathrin and AP-2, the major components of the clathrin coat. To further understand the putative biological role(s) of HIP1, we have generated a targeted deletion of murine HIP1. HIP1(-/-) mice developed into adulthood, did not develop overt neurologic symptoms in the first year of life, and had normal peripheral blood counts. However, HIP1-deficient mice exhibited testicular degeneration with increased apoptosis of postmeiotic spermatids. Postmeiotic spermatids are the only cells of the seminiferous tubules that express HIP1. These findings indicate that HIP1 is required for differentiation, proliferation, and/or survival of spermatogenic progenitors. The association of HIP1 with clathrin coats and the requirement of HIP1 for progenitor survival suggest a role for HIP1 in the regulation of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Endocytic cargo such as the transferrin receptor is incorporated into clathrin-coated pits by associating, via tyrosine-based motifs, with the AP2 complex. Cargo-AP2 interactions occur via the mu2 subunit of AP2, which needs to be phosphorylated for endocytosis to occur. The most likely role for mu2 phosphorylation is in cargo recruitment because mu2 phosphorylation enhances its binding to internalization motifs. Here, we investigate the control of mu2 phosphorylation. We identify clathrin as a specific activator of the mu2 kinase and, in permeabilized cells, we show that ligand sequestration, driven by exogenous clathrin, results in elevated levels of mu2 phosphorylation. Furthermore, we show that AP2 containing phospho-mu2 is mainly associated with assembled clathrin in vivo, and that the level of phospho-mu2 is strongly reduced in a chicken B cell line depleted of clathrin heavy chain. Our results imply a central role for clathrin in the regulation of cargo selection via the modulation of phospho-mu2 levels.  相似文献   

The HA2 adaptor complex, comprising alpha-, beta-, 50-kDa, and 16-kDa subunits, was partially dissociated into its constituents with 3 M urea, and the beta-subunit was purified from the mixture by hydroxylapatite and affinity chromatography. The renatured beta-subunit behaves hydrodynamically as a single polypeptide of Mr approximately 128,000. In a sedimentation assay the purified beta-polypeptide co-sediments with pre-formed clathrin cages. The beta-polypeptide, however, will not induce assembly of clathrin triskelia. Our results support the conjecture that the beta-type subunits (beta and beta') of the HA2 and HA2 adaptor complexes serve to attach the HA-2 adaptor complex to clathrin (Ahle, S., Mann, A., Eichelsbacher, U., and Ungewickell, E. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 919-929), while the other subunits may determine the specificity of binding to docking proteins and receptors on cytoplasmic membrane surfaces.  相似文献   

The classical view suggests that adaptor proteins of the clathrin coat mediate the sorting of cargo protein passengers into clathrin-coated pits and the recruitment of clathrin into budding areas in the donor membrane. In the present study, we provide biochemical and morphological evidence that the adaptor protein 1 (AP-1) adaptor of the trans-Golgi network clathrin interacts with microtubules. AP-1 in cytosolic extracts interacted with in vitro assembled microtubules, and these interactions were inhibited by ATP depletion of the extracts or in the presence of 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate. An overexpressed gamma-subunit of the AP-1 complex associated with microtubules, suggesting that this subunit may mediate the interaction of AP-1 with the cytoskeleton. Purified AP-1 did not interact with purified microtubules, but interaction occurred when an isolated microtubule-associated protein fraction was added to the reaction mix. The gamma-adaptin subunit of AP-1 specifically co-immunoprecipitated with a microtubule-associated protein of type 1a from rat brain cytosol. This suggests that type 1a microtubule-associated protein may mediate the association of AP-1 with microtubules in the cytoplasm. The microtubule binding activity of AP-1 was markedly inhibited in cytosol of mitotic cells. By means of its interaction with microtubule-associated proteins, we propose novel roles for AP-1 adaptors in modulating the dynamics of the cytoskeleton, the stability and shape of coated organelles, and the loading of nascent AP-1-coated vesicles onto appropriate microtubular tracks.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) sort proteins at the plasma membrane, endosomes and trans Golgi network for multiple membrane traffic pathways. Clathrin recruitment to membranes and its self-assembly into a polyhedral coat depends on adaptor molecules, which interact with membrane-associated vesicle cargo. To determine how adaptors induce clathrin recruitment and assembly, we mapped novel interaction sites between these coat components. A site in the ankle domain of the clathrin triskelion leg was identified that binds a common site on the appendages of tetrameric [AP1 and AP2] and monomeric (GGA1) adaptors. Mutagenesis and modeling studies suggested that the clathrin-GGA1 appendage interface is nonlinear, unlike other peptide-appendage interactions, but overlaps with a sandwich domain binding site for accessory protein peptides, allowing for competitive regulation of coated vesicle formation. A novel clathrin box in the GGA1 hinge region was also identified and shown to mediate membrane recruitment of clathrin, while disruption of the clathrin-GGA1 appendage interaction did not affect recruitment. Thus, the distinct sites for clathrin-adaptor interactions perform distinct functions, revealing new aspects to regulation of CCV formation.  相似文献   

Amphiphysin 1 and 2 are proteins implicated in the recycling of synaptic vesicles in nerve terminals. They interact with dynamin and synaptojanin via their COOH-terminal SH3 domain, whereas their central regions contain binding sites for clathrin and for the clathrin adaptor AP-2. We have defined here amino acids of amphiphysin 1 crucial for binding to AP-2 and clathrin. Overexpression in Chinese hamster ovary cells of an amphiphysin 1 fragment that binds both AP-2 and clathrin resulted in a segregation of clathrin, which acquired a diffuse distribution, from AP-2, which accumulated at patches also positive for Eps15. These effects correlated with a block in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. A fragment selectively interacting with clathrin produced a similar effect. These results can be explained by the binding of amphiphysin to the NH(2)-terminal domain of clathrin and by a competition with the binding of this domain to the beta-subunit of AP-2 and AP180. The interaction of amphiphysin 1 with either clathrin or AP-2 did not prevent its interaction with dynamin, supporting the existence of tertiary complexes between these proteins. Together with previous evidence indicating a direct interaction between amphiphysin and membrane lipids, these findings support a model in which amphiphysin acts as a multifunctional adaptor linking the membrane to coat proteins and coat proteins to dynamin and synaptojanin.  相似文献   

Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 related (Hip1R) is a novel component of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles and is a mammalian homologue of Sla2p, an actin-binding protein important for both actin organization and endocytosis in yeast. Here, we demonstrate that Hip1R binds via its putative central coiled-coil domain to clathrin, and provide evidence that Hip1R and clathrin are associated in vivo at sites of endocytosis. First, real-time analysis of Hip1R-YFP and DsRed-clathrin light chain (LC) in live cells revealed that these proteins show almost identical temporal and spatial regulation at the cell cortex. Second, at the ultrastructure level, immunogold labeling of 'unroofed' cells showed that Hip1R localizes to clathrin-coated pits. Third, overexpression of Hip1R affected the subcellular distribution of clathrin LC. Consistent with a functional role for Hip1R in endocytosis, we also demonstrated that it promotes clathrin cage assembly in vitro. Finally, we showed that Hip1R is a rod-shaped apparent dimer with globular heads at either end, and that it can assemble clathrin-coated vesicles and F-actin into higher order structures. In total, Hip1R's properties suggest an early endocytic function at the interface between clathrin, F-actin, and lipids.  相似文献   

SNAREs provide a large part of the specificity and energy needed for membrane fusion and, to do so, must be localized to their correct membranes. Here, we show that the R-SNAREs VAMP8, VAMP3, and VAMP2, which cycle between the plasma membrane and endosomes, bind directly to the ubiquitously expressed, PtdIns4,5P(2)-binding, endocytic clathrin adaptor CALM/PICALM. X-ray crystallography shows that the N-terminal halves of their SNARE motifs bind the CALM(ANTH) domain as helices in a manner that mimics SNARE complex formation. Mutation of residues in the CALM:SNARE interface inhibits binding in vitro and prevents R-SNARE endocytosis in vivo. Thus, CALM:R-SNARE interactions ensure that R-SNAREs, required for the fusion of endocytic clathrin-coated vesicles with endosomes and also for subsequent postendosomal trafficking, are sorted into endocytic vesicles. CALM's role in directing the endocytosis of small R-SNAREs may provide insight into the association of CALM/PICALM mutations with growth retardation, cognitive defects, and Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Binding of AP180 to clathrin triskelia induces their assembly into 60-70 nm coats. The largest rat brain cDNA clone isolated predicts a molecular weight of 91,430 for AP180. Two cDNA clones have an additional small 57 bp insert. The deduced molecular weight agrees with gel filtration results provided the more chaotropic denaturant 6 M guanidinium thiocyanate is substituted for the weaker guanidinium chloride. The sequence and the proteolytic cleavage pattern suggest a three domain structure. The N-terminal 300 residues (pI 8.7) harbour a clathrin binding site. An acidic middle domain (pI 3.6, 450 residues), interrupted by an uncharged alanine rich segment of 59 residues, appears to be responsible for the anomalous physical properties of AP180. The C-terminal domain (166 residues) has a pI of 10.4. AP180 mRNA is restricted to neuronal sources. AP180 shows no significant homology to known clathrin binding proteins, but is nearly identical to a mouse phosphoprotein (F1-20). This protein, localized to synaptic termini, has so far been of unknown function.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated pits at the cell surface select material for transportation into the cell interior. A major mode of cargo selection at the bud site is via the micro 2 subunit of the AP-2 adaptor complex, which recognizes tyrosine-based internalization signals. Other internalization motifs and signals, including phosphorylation and ubiquitylation, also tag certain proteins for incorporation into a coated vesicle, but the mechanism of selection is unclear. Disabled-2 (Dab2) recognizes the FXNPXY internalization motif in LDL-receptor family members via an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain. Here, we show that in addition to binding AP-2, Dab2 also binds directly to phosphoinositides and to clathrin, assembling triskelia into regular polyhedral coats. The FXNPXY motif and phosphoinositides contact different regions of the PTB domain, but can stably anchor Dab2 to the membrane surface, while the distal AP-2 and clathrin-binding determinants regulate clathrin lattice assembly. We propose that Dab2 is a typical member of a growing family of cargo-specific adaptor proteins, including beta-arrestin, AP180, epsin, HIP1 and numb, which regulate clathrin-coat assembly at the plasma membrane by synchronizing cargo selection and lattice polymerization events.  相似文献   

In yeast, certain resident trans-Golgi network (TGN) proteins achieve steady-state localization by cycling through late endosomes. Here, we show that chitin synthase III (Chs3p), an enzyme involved in the assembly of the cell wall at the mother-bud junction, populates an intracellular reservoir that is maintained by a cycle of transport between the TGN and early endosomes. Traffic of Chs3p from the TGN/early endosome to the cell surface requires CHS5 and CHS6, mutant alleles of which trap Chs3p in the TGN/early endosome. Disruption of the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) restores Chs3p transport to the plasma membrane. Similarly, in AP-1 deficient cells, the resident TGN/early endosome syntaxin, Tlg1p, is missorted. We propose that clathrin and AP-1 act to recycle Chs3p and Tlg1p from the early endosome to the TGN.  相似文献   

Synaptojanin 1, a polyphosphoinositide phosphatase, is expressed as two major alternatively spliced isoforms of 145 kDa (SJ145) and 170 kDa (SJ170) [1] [2], which are thought to have pleiotropic roles in endocytosis, signaling and actin function [3] [4] [5]. SJ145 is highly enriched in nerve terminals where it participates in clathrin-dependent synaptic vesicle recycling [1] [5]. SJ170, which differs from SJ145 by the presence of a carboxy-terminal extension, is the predominant isoform in developing neurons and is expressed in a variety of tissues [2]. The carboxy-terminal domain unique to SJ170 was previously shown to bind Eps15 [6], a protein involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis. Here, we show that the same domain also binds clathrin and the clathrin adaptor AP-2. These interactions occur both in vitro and in vivo and are direct. Binding of AP-2 is mediated by the ear domain of its alpha-adaptin subunit and binding of clathrin by the amino-terminal domain of its heavy chain. Overexpression in chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells of full-length SJ170 or its unique carboxy-terminal region caused mislocalization of Eps15, AP-2 and clathrin, as well as inhibition of clathrin-dependent transferrin uptake. These findings suggest a close association of SJ170 with the clathrin coat and provide new evidence for its physiological role in the regulation of clathrin coat dynamics.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves a coordinated series of molecular events regulated by interactions among a variety of proteins and lipids through specific domains. One such domain is the Eps15 homology (EH) domain, a highly conserved protein-protein interaction domain present in a number of proteins distributed from yeast to mammals. Several lines of evidence suggest that the yeast EH domain-containing proteins Pan1p, End3p, and Ede1p play important roles during endocytosis. Although genetic and cell-biological studies of these proteins suggested a role for the EH domains in clathrin-mediated endocytosis, it was unclear how they regulate clathrin coat assembly. To explore the role of the EH domain in yeast endocytosis, we mutated those of Pan1p, End3p, or Ede1p, respectively, and examined the effects of single, double, or triple mutation on clathrin coat assembly. We found that mutations of the EH domain caused a defect of cargo internalization and a delay of clathrin coat assembly but had no effect on assembly of the actin patch. We also demonstrated functional redundancy among the EH domains of Pan1p, End3p, and Ede1p for endocytosis. Of interest, the dynamics of several endocytic proteins were differentially affected by various EH domain mutations, suggesting functional diversity of each EH domain.  相似文献   

The effectors of monomeric GTP-binding proteins can influence interactions with GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in two ways. In one case, effector and GAP binding to the GTP-binding protein is mutually exclusive. In another case, the GTP-binding protein bound to an effector is the substrate for the GTPase-activating protein. Here predictions for these two mechanisms were tested for the Arf1 effector GGA and ASAP family Arf GAPs. GGA inhibited Arf GAP activity of ASAP1, AGAP1, ARAP1, and Arf GAP1 and inhibited binding of Arf1.GTPgammaS to AGAP1 with K(i) values correlating with the K(d) for the GGA.Arf1 complex. ASAP1 blocked Arf1.GTPgammaS binding to GGA with a K(i) similar to the K(d) for the ASAP.Arf1.GTPgammaS complex. No interaction of GGA with ASAP1 was detected. Consistent with GGA sequestering Arf from GAPs, overexpression of GGA slowed the rate of Arf dissociation from the Golgi apparatus following treatment with brefeldin A. Mutational analysis revealed the amino-terminal alpha-helix and switch I of Arf1 contributed to interaction with both GGA and GAPs. These data exclude the mechanism previously documented for Arf GAP1/coatomer in which Arf1 is inactivated in a tripartite complex. Instead, termination of Arf1 signals mediated through GGA require that Arf1.GTP dissociates from GGA prior to interaction with GAP and consequent hydrolysis of GTP.  相似文献   

In addition to the conserved translation elongation factors eEF1A and eEF2, fungi require a third essential elongation factor, eEF3. While eEF3 has been implicated in tRNA binding and release at the ribosomal A and E sites, its exact mechanism of action is unclear. Here, we show that eEF3 acts at the mRNA–tRNA translocation step by promoting the dissociation of the tRNA from the E site, but independent of aminoacyl‐tRNA recruitment to the A site. Depletion of eEF3 in vivo leads to a general slowdown in translation elongation due to accumulation of ribosomes with an occupied A site. Cryo‐EM analysis of native eEF3‐ribosome complexes shows that eEF3 facilitates late steps of translocation by favoring non‐rotated ribosomal states, as well as by opening the L1 stalk to release the E‐site tRNA. Additionally, our analysis provides structural insights into novel translation elongation states, enabling presentation of a revised yeast translation elongation cycle.  相似文献   

The removal of the clathrin coat is essential for vesicle fusion with acceptor membranes. Disassembly of the coat involves hsc70, which is specifically recruited by members of the auxilin protein family to clathrin lattices. In vitro, this function of auxilin does not require the globular amino-terminal domain of the clathrin heavy chain, which is known to play a prominent role in the interaction of clathrin with adaptors and numerous endocytic accessory proteins. Here we report the unexpected finding that the neuron-specific form of auxilin (auxilin 1) can also associate with the clathrin amino-terminal domain. This interaction is mediated through tandemly arranged sites within the auxilin 1 carboxyl-terminal segment 547-910. The overlapping auxilin 1 fragments 547-714 and 619-738 bind the clathrin terminal domain with high affinity, whereas auxilin 1-(715-901) interacts only poorly with it. All three fragments also associate with the clathrin distal domain and the alpha-appendage domain of AP-2. Moreover, they support efficient assembly of clathrin triskelia into regular cages. A novel uncoating assay was developed to demonstrate that auxilin 1-(715-901) functions efficiently as a cofactor for hsc70 in the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles. The multiple protein-protein interactions of auxilin 1 suggest that its function in endocytic trafficking may be more complex than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotes utilize a single pool of clathrin to assemble clathrin-coated transport vesicles at different intracellular locations. Coat assembly is a cyclical process. Soluble clathrin triskelia are recruited to the membrane surface by compartment-specific adaptor and/or accessory proteins. Adjacent triskelia then pack together to assemble a polyhedral lattice that progressively invaginates, budding off the membrane surface encasing a nascent transport vesicle that is quickly uncoated. Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to follow clathrin dynamics close to the cell surface, we find that the majority of labeled clathrin structures are relatively static, moving vertically in and out of the evanescent field but with little lateral motion. A small minority shows rapid lateral and directed movement over micrometer distances. Adaptor proteins, including the alpha subunit of AP-2, ARH, and Dab2 are also relatively static and exhibit virtually no lateral movement. A fluorescently labeled AP-2 beta2 subunit, incorporated into both AP-2 and AP-1 adaptor complexes, exhibits both types of behavior. This suggests that the highly motile clathrin puncta may be distinct from plasma membrane-associated clathrin structures. When endocytosed cargo molecules, such as transferrin or low density lipoprotein, are followed into cells, they exhibit even more lateral motion than clathrin, and gradually concentrate in the perinuclear region, consistent with classical endosomal trafficking. Importantly, clathrin partially colocalizes with internalized transferrin, but diverges as the structures move longitudinally. Thus, highly motile clathrin structures are apparently distinct from the plasma membrane, accompany transferrin, and contain AP-1, revealing an endosomal population of clathrin structures.  相似文献   

During clathrin‐mediated endocytosis, adaptor proteins play central roles in coordinating the assembly of clathrin coats and cargo selection. Here we characterize the binding of the yeast endocytic adaptor Sla1p to clathrin through a variant clathrin‐binding motif that is negatively regulated by the Sla1p SHD2 domain. The crystal structure of SHD2 identifies the domain as a sterile α‐motif (SAM) domain and shows a propensity to oligomerize. By co‐immunoprecipitation, Sla1p binds to clathrin and self‐associates in vivo. Mutations in the clathrin‐binding motif that abolish clathrin binding and structure‐based mutations in SHD2 that impede self‐association result in endocytosis defects and altered dynamics of Sla1p assembly at the sites of endocytosis. These results define a novel mechanism for negative regulation of clathrin binding by an adaptor and suggest a role for SAM domains in clathrin‐mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4 phosphate [PI(4)P] is essential for secretion in yeast, but its role in mammalian cells is unclear. Current paradigms propose that PI(4)P acts primarily as a precursor to phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2), an important plasma membrane regulator. We found that PI(4)P is enriched in the mammalian Golgi, and used RNA interference (RNAi) of PI4KIIalpha, a Golgi resident phosphatidylinositol 4 kinase, to determine whether PI(4)P directly regulates the Golgi. PI4KIIalpha RNAi decreases Golgi PI(4)P, blocks the recruitment of clathrin adaptor AP-1 complexes to the Golgi, and inhibits AP-1-dependent functions. This AP-1 binding defect is rescued by adding back PI(4)P. In addition, purified AP-1 binds PI(4)P, and anti-PI(4)P inhibits the in vitro recruitment of cytosolic AP-1 to normal cellular membranes. We propose that PI4KIIalpha establishes the Golgi's unique lipid-defined organelle identity by generating PI(4)P-rich domains that specify the docking of the AP-1 coat machinery.  相似文献   

The involvement of clathrin and associated adaptor proteins in receptor recycling from endosomes back to the plasma membrane is controversial. We have used an in vitro assay to identify the molecular requirements for the formation of recycling vesicles. Cells expressing the asialoglycoprotein receptor H1, a typical recycling receptor, were surface biotinylated and then allowed to endocytose for 10 min. After stripping away surface-biotin, the cells were permeabilized and the cytosol washed away. In a temperature-, cytosol-, and nucleotide-dependent manner, the formation of sealed vesicles containing biotinylated H1 could be reconstituted. Vesicle formation was strongly inhibited upon immunodepletion of adaptor protein (AP)-1, but not of AP-2 or AP-3, from the cytosol, and was restored by readdition of purified AP-1. Vesicle formation was stimulated by supplemented clathrin, but inhibited by brefeldin A, consistent with the involvement of ARF1 and a brefeldin-sensitive guanine nucleotide exchange factor. The GTPase rab4, but not rab5, was required to generate endosome-derived vesicles. Depletion of rabaptin-5/rabex-5, a known interactor of both rab4 and gamma-adaptin, stimulated and addition of the purified protein strongly inhibited vesicle production. The results indicate that recycling is mediated by AP-1/clathrin-coated vesicles and regulated by rab4 and rabaptin-5/rabex-5.  相似文献   

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