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Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binds to the entire surface of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm, and inhibits the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction. The binding was found to be species dependent and was completely inhibited by 5 mM N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Blockage of the acrosome reaction by WGA was bypassed by a combination of the ionophores A23187 and monensin, although neither ionophore was effective individually. These experiments suggest that WGA blocks both Ca2+ uptake and Na+/H+ exchange in these sperm, which was confirmed by direct measurements of 45Ca2+ uptake and H+ efflux. The target of WGA in S. purpuratus sperm appears to be a membrane glycoprotein of Mr = 210,000. Treatment of this protein with neuraminidase or endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F abolished WGA binding.  相似文献   

Relationships among several of the ion movements associated with the acrosome reaction of S. purpuratus were investigated. Egg jelly initiates 45Ca2+ and 22Na+ uptake, and K+ and H+ efflux. H+ efflux and 22Na+ uptake occur with approximately equivalent stoichiometries as rapidly as the appearance of acrosomal rods, perhaps reflecting a linked process. Most K+ loss, as measured either by 42K+ efflux or K+-ion-selective electrodes, occurs after the acrosome reaction is complete. Since an elevation of seawater K+ (from 10 to 15 mM) or the addition of 0.5 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA), an inhibitor of K+ channels, inhibits the acrosome reaction half-maximally, K+ movements or alterations of K+-dependent membrane potentials may regulate the triggering by jelly. Most, but not all, of the 45Ca2+ influx is inhibited with a mixture of 10 μM FCCP, 1 mM CN?, and 2 μg/ml oligomycin, suggesting that the mitochondria store most of the Ca2+. The extracellular Na+ concentration affects Ca2+ fluxes: sperm placed into 5 mM Na+ seawater have enhanced 45Ca2+ uptake, but do not undergo the acrosome reaction, unless 30 mM Na+ is also added. Low Na+ concentrations lead to spontaneous triggering, by allowing for both Ca2+ influx and Na+-dependent H+ efflux. At least one early Ca2+ requirement precedes the Na+ and H+ movements, as inferred from attempts at reversing the inhibitors of jelly induction of the acrosome reaction. When sperm are incubated with jelly in the absence of Ca2+, then washed and incubated with jelly in the presence of Ca2+, the acrosome reaction is triggered only upon the second incubation. However, when sperm are mixed with jelly in the presence of the other inhibitors (verapamil, TEA, 5 mM Na+ seawater, low pH, or elevated K+), they are altered so that even upon subsequent washing, jelly-mediated triggering is no longer possible. This suggests the existence of an intermediate state in the reaction pathway, that follows an event for which Ca2+ is required, but that precedes the Na+ and H+ movements, which are inhibited by all inhibitors of the acrosome reaction. These data are used to develop a partial sequence of ionic changes associated with the triggering mechanism.  相似文献   

Sperm capacitation is necessary for the fertilization of oocytes. During capacitation intracellular and membrane changes occur, that culminate with an exocytotic event called the acrosome reaction. The aim of this work was to study the participation of the superoxide anion (O2-.) and of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the capacitation process and acrosome reaction in spermatozoa from cryopreserved bovine semen. Samples were capacitated with heparin or treated with the xanthine-xanthine oxidase-catalase system (X-XO-C) for the production of O2-. The percentage of capacitated spermatozoa was determined using the chlortetracycline (CTC) technique, by means of epifluorescence microscopy. Addition of X-XO-C to the incubation medium significantly induced capacitation (P < 0.05), but there were no differences with samples incubated with heparin. When the medium contained heparin or the X-XO-C, addition of superoxide dismutase (SOD, 0.5 mg/mL) significantly inhibited capacitation (P < 0.05). In samples treated with heparin and with diverse concentrations of H2O2 (10, 25, 50 and 250 microM) in the incubation medium, the percentage of capacitated spermatozoa was significantly reduced (P < 0.05); however, acrosome reaction was produced at concentrations of 10 and 25 microM H2O2. At concentrations greater than 25 microM H2O2 a deleterious effect was observed on sperm motility. From these results it may be inferred that O2-. is required in the capacitation process and that H2O2 may participate as an inductor of the acrosome reaction in spermatozoa from cryopreserved bovine semen.  相似文献   

Strongylocentrotus purpuratus outer doublet microtubules were prepared by extraction of sperm tail axonemes with 0.6 m-KCl. Sonication of the outer doublet microtubules in 5 mm-2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulphonic acid, 1 mm-ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethyl ether) N,N′-tetraacetic acid, 1 inm-MgSO4 (pH 6.7) solubilized up to 35% of the outer doublet protein, depending on the power input, in a manner which was non-selective for either subfiber. Tubulin comprised 75 to 85% of the total solubilized protein in a 200,000 g supernatant obtained from the sonicated suspension. Colchicine-binding assays demonstrated that the tubulin was largely in a native form (KA = 106, liters mole?; 0.74 mole of colchicine bound per mole of tubulin at infinite concentration of colchicine).Microtubule self-assembly from the 200,000 g supernatants in the absence of added seeds or glycerol was quantitated by light-scattering at 350 nm. The critical protein concentration for assembly was 0.55 mg ml?1 at 37 °C and the reaction occurred optimally in the presence of 2 mm-GTP and 150 mm-KCl. The solubilized outer doublet tubulin formed singlet microtubules upon reassembly under our in vitro conditions. The authenticity of the microtubules was verified by both negative stain and thin-section electron microscopy. Polymerization was prevented by colchicine and podophyllotoxin, and depolymerization occurred rapidly on cooling the microtubules to 0 °C.The susceptibility of the reassembled microtubules to low temperature suggested that they could be “recycled” by the warm assembly-cold disassembly procedure developed for vertebrate brain (Borisy et al., 1974). Twice recycled outer doublet tubulin was devoid of high molecular weight microtubule-associated proteins, as judged by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. However, trace amounts (less than 5%) of intermediate molecular weight material was visible on heavily overloaded gels. The function of this material is uncertain, but it is not chemically equivalent to the tau factor of vertebrate brain (Weingarten et al., 1975), since it cannot be separated from the tubulin by phosphocellulose adsorption. In addition, phosphocellulose-treated tubulin reassembled to the same extent as untreated tubulin, suggesting that the reassembly of outer doublet tubulin does not require the protein equivalents of brain microtubule-associated proteins or tau factor. If accessory proteins are required for the reassembly of outer doublet tubulin, they are not removed by phosphocellulose under the conditions employed, and they must comprise less than 5% of the total protein.  相似文献   

Signaling pathways in sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The binding to the egg's zona pellucida stimulates the spermatozoon to undergo acrosome reaction, a process which enables the sperm to penetrate the egg. Prior to this binding, the spermatozoa underago in the female reproductive tract a series of biochemical transformations, collectively called capacitation. The first event in capacitation is cholesterol efflux leading to the elevation of intracellular calcium and bicarbonate to activate adenylyl cyclase (AC) to produce cyclic-AMP, which activates protein kinase A (PKA) to indirectly phosphorylate certain proteins on tyrosine. During capacitation, there is also an increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation dependent actin polymerization and in the membrane-bound phospholipase C (PLC). Sperm binding to zona-pellucida causes further activation of cAMP/PKA and protein kinase C (PKC), respectively. PKC opens a calcium channel in the plasma membrane. PKA together with inositol-trisphosphate activate calcium channels in the outer acrosomal membrane, which leads to an increase in cytosolic calcium. The depletion of calcium in the acrosome will activate a store-operated calcium entry mechanism in the plasma membrane, leading to a higher increase in cytosolic calcium, resulting in F-actin dispersion which enable the outer acrosomal and the plasma membrane to come into contact and fuse completing the acrosomal reaction.  相似文献   

Capacitation and the acrosome reaction in equine sperm.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During sexual reproduction, the sperm and oocyte must fuse before the production of a diploid zygote can proceed. In mammals such as equids, fusion depends critically on complex changes in the plasma membrane of the sperm and, not surprisingly, this membrane differs markedly from that of somatic cells. After leaving the testes, sperm cease to synthesize plasma membrane lipids or proteins, and vesicle-mediated transport stops. When the sperm reaches the female reproductive tract, it is activated by so-called capacitation factors that initiate a delicate reorientation and modification of molecules within the plasma membrane. These surface changes enable the sperm to bind to the extracellular matrix of the egg (zona pellucida ZP) and the zona then primes the sperm to initiate the acrosome reaction, an exocytotic event required for the sperm to penetrate the zona. This paper will review the processes that occur at the sperm plasma membrane before and during successful penetration of the equine ZP. It is noted that while several methods have been described for detecting changes that occur during capacitation and the acrosome reaction in bovine and porcine sperm, relatively little has been documented for equine sperm. Special attention will therefore be dedicated to recent attempts to develop and implement new assays for the detection of the capacitation status of live, acrosome-intact and motile equine sperm.  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Arbacia punctulata bind sperm with a high degree of species specificity. By use of an in vitro assay that utilizes bindin (the protein from sperm that mediates sperm-egg binding) egg surface-derived glycoconjugates that function as receptors in this adhesion process have been identified and purified. These glycoconjugates are of extraordinarily high molecular weight and exhibit some properties expected for a proteoglycan. The isolated receptors from both species bind to sperm and inhibit fertilization species specifically. Both receptors contain active carbohydrate-rich fragments that can be liberated by proteolytic digestion. The carbohydrate-rich receptor fragment from S. purpuratus is a very high-molecular-weight (>106), negatively charged glycosaminoglycan-like polymer containing fucose, galactosamine, iduronic acid, and sulfate esters. By contrast, the carbohydrate-rich fragment derived from the A. punctulata receptor is of defined molecular weight (6000) and has no net charge. Incubation of acrosome-reacted sperm with nanomolar amounts of the carbohydrate-rich fragments from either species results in inhibition of fertilization, indicating that these receptor fragments retain sperm binding activity. However, studies utilizing heterologous gametes show that the carbohydrate-rich receptor fragments are not species specific in binding. Thus, it appears that although the carbohydrate chains of the receptor are an adhesive element of the receptor, the intact glycoconjugate is required for species-specific binding.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death through apoptosis is a pan-metazoan character involving intermolecular signaling networks that have undergone substantial lineage-specific evolution. A survey of apoptosis-related proteins encoded in the sea urchin genome provides insight into this evolution while revealing some interesting novelties, which we highlight here. First, in addition to a typical CARD-carrying Apaf-1 homologue, sea urchins have at least two novel Apaf-1-like proteins that are each linked to a death domain, suggesting that echinoderms have evolved unique apoptotic signaling pathways. Second, sea urchins have an unusually large number of caspases. While the set of effector caspases (caspases-3/7 and caspase-6) in sea urchins is similar to that found in other basal deuterostomes, signal-responsive initiator caspase subfamilies (caspases-8/10 and 9, which are respectively linked to DED and CARD adaptor domains) have undergone echinoderm-specific expansions. In addition, there are two groups of divergent caspases, one distantly related to the vertebrate interleukin converting enzyme (ICE)-like subfamily, and a large clan that does not cluster with any of the vertebrate caspases. Third, the complexity of proteins containing an anti-apoptotic BIR domain and of Bcl-2 family members approaches that of vertebrates, and is greater than that found in protostome model systems such as Drosophila or Caenorhabditis elegans. Finally, the presence of Death receptor homologues, previously known only in vertebrates, in both Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Nematostella vectensis suggests that this family of apoptotic signaling proteins evolved early in animals and was subsequently lost in the nematode and arthropod lineage(s). Our results suggest that cell survival is contingent upon a diverse array of signals in sea urchins, more comparable in complexity to vertebrates than to arthropods or nematodes, but also with unique features that may relate to specific requirements imposed by the biphasic life cycle and/or immunological idiosyncrasies of this organism.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction in boar sperm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Induction of the acrosome reaction in boar sperm by the zona pellucida (ZP) was investigated. A modified cytochemical staining method for measuring the acrosome reaction in boar sperm gave equivalent results to those obtained with transmission electron microscopy. Isolated heat-solubilized ZP effectively induced the acrosome reaction in boar sperm at a concentration of 25 micrograms/ml. Electrophoretically purified ZP components were also tested for acrosome reaction-inducing activity; both the 55,000 and 90,000 components of the ZP were effective. The carbohydrate moiety of the 55,000 component was necessary for activity because the polypeptides derived by chemical deglycosylation of the two glycoproteins did not induce the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The sperm acrosome reaction (AR) involves ion channel activation. In sea urchin sperm, the AR requires Ca2+ and Na+ influx and K+ and H+ efflux. During the AR, the plasma membrane fuses with the acrosomal vesicle membrane forming hybrid membrane vesicles that are released from sperm into the medium. This paper reports the isolation and preliminary characterization of these acrosome reaction vesicles (ARVs), using synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) as a marker. Isolated ARVs have a unique protein composition. The exocytosis regulatory proteins vesicle-associated membrane protein and SNAP-25 are inside ARVs, as judged by protease protection experiments, and membrane associated based on Triton X-114 partitioning. ARVs fused with planar bilayers display three main types of single channel activity. The most frequently recorded channel is cationic, weakly voltage dependent and has a low open probability that increases with negative potentials. This channel is activated by cAMP, blocked by Ba2+, and has a PK+/PNa+ selectivity of 4.5. ARVs represent a novel membrane preparation suitable to deepen our understanding of ion channel activity in the AR and during fertilization.  相似文献   

The sulfated fucan (SF) of egg jelly induces the acrosome reaction (AR) of sea urchin sperm. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Sf) SF is sulfated only at the 2-position. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Sp) has two SF isotypes, each one being female specific. One is rich in sulfate at both the 2- and 4-positionS (SF-1), and the other is rich in sulfate at the 4-position, but not the 2-position (SF-2). Sf SF is poor at inducing the AR of Sp sperm, presumably due to lack of 4-sulfation. Sp SF-1 is better at inducing the AR of Sf sperm than Sp SF-2, hypothetically due to increased 2-sulfation. Chemical oversulfation of Sf SF increases the percentage of AR of Sp sperm, showing that 4-sulfation is important for recognition of SF by Sp sperm. Chemically oversulfated Sp SF-2 is better at inducing the Sf sperm AR, presumably because of increased 2-sulfation. The species, Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis (Sd), has an SF-2 that is exclusively 2-sulfated (like Sf), except the glycosidic linkage in Sd is alpha(1-->4), whereas in Sf it is alpha(1-->3). Sd SF-2 does not induce the AR of Sf sperm, showing the strict requirement for the alpha(1-->3) linkage in recognition between Sf sperm and SF. Egg jelly from Echinometra lucunter (El) contains sulfated galactan (SG) which differs from Sf SF only in that the monosaccharide is L-galactose, not L-fucose. This SG and Sf SF are equally potent in inducing the AR of Sf sperm, showing that modification at C6 of L-fucose is not important for proper recognition between SF and Sf sperm receptors. This system permits study of the structural basis for recognition between sulfated polysaccharide and receptors controlling signal transduction pathways in animal cells.  相似文献   

Effect of sperm diluents on the acrosome reaction in canine sperm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study we investigated the influence of sperm diluting media and temperature on the incidence of the acrosome reaction in dog sperm. Ejaculates were collected from 5 dogs, diluted with six different media and then incubated at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Fluorescein isothiocynate conjugated peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) and ethidium homodimer as a vital stain were used in combination to determine the acrosomal status of viable spermatozoa, the technique was validated using electron microscopy. The outer acrosomal membrane of dog spermatozoa was shown to be the specific binding site for FITC-PNA. After 6 h of incubation, ejaculates diluted in media with a high Ca2+ concentration showed a significantly higher percentage (means +/- SD) of acrosome reacted spermatozoa [64 +/- 7 and 58 +/- 9 in sperm capacitation medium with (SP-TALP-1) and without BSA (SP-TALP-2), respectively] than those diluted in media with a low Ca2+ concentration [36 +/- 5, 39 +/- 4, 18 +/- 2 and 20 +/- 4 in Canine Capacitation Medium (CCM), Egg Yolk Tris dog semen extender (EXT-1), Modified Egg Yolk Tris extender (EXT-2) and Modified CCM (MCCM), respectively]. The increase in the percentage of acrosome reaction (AR) was slower at 20 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. In addition, the percentage of viable acrosome reacted spermatozoa increased significantly from 19 +/- 5 and 22 +/- 3 in non-bound sperm to 27 +/- 4 and 30 +/- 6 in zona pellucida bound sperm (diluted in EXT-2 and MCCM, respectively). We conclude that the composition of the spermatozoa diluent has a marked effect on the incidence of the acrosome reaction. Therefore, both the media used to dilute dog sperm and the temperature at which the spermatozoa are handled are important factors to consider when processing spermatozoa for artificial insemination, IVF procedures or preservation.  相似文献   

Activity of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase was investigated in flagellar plasma membranes of sea urchin sperm (S. purpuratus). Membranes incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP showed in the presence of 1 microM cAMP an increased phosphorylation in multiple polypeptides. Half maximal response was seen at 0.6 microM of cAMP. In contrast, higher concentrations (100 microM) of cGMP were required to cause the same amount of protein phosphorylation. 80% of the protein kinase activity stimulatable by cAMP was resistant to extraction by 10 mM EGTA and sonication but it was entirely recovered in a detergent-solubilized fraction. Membranes pretreated with 200 microM cAMP, ultracentrifuged and resuspended in buffer solution did not undergo cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation in their polypeptides. This study demonstrates that flagellar plasma membranes isolated from S. purpuratus sea urchin sperm have an endogenous cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which may be bound to the membrane via its regulatory subunit.  相似文献   

The authors investigated acrosomal changes occurring in boar sperm that interact with the expanded cumulus matrix surrounding ovulated pig oocytes. Samples of washed boar sperm obtained from six donors were incubated for 4 hr under capacitating conditions and exposed either to solubilized zonae pellucidae (ZP) or solubilized expanded pig cumuli (SEC) obtained from IVM oocytes. Alternatively, hyaluronic acid, laminin, or fibronectin, components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were added to capacitated sperm. Acrosomal integrity was evaluated 1hr later by using FITC-PSA staining. Solubilized cumuli induced acrosome reaction (AR) in a dose-dependent manner with a saturating effect exerted at 2.5 SEC/50 μl. Both 500 nM fibronectin and 500 nM laminin stimulated acrosomal exocytosis, the latter being more effective and inducing saturating levels of AR. By contrast, hyaluronic acid did not affect acrosomal status. Preincubation with anti-laminin antibodies completely prevented the inducing activity of SEC without affecting the activity of solubilized ZP. Consistent with these data, the integrin VLA-6, a receptor with high affinity for laminin, was detected by immunoblotting on the plasma membrane of capacitated boar spermatozoa. In addition, its immunoneutralization, obtained with the preincubation of capacitated sperm with the antibody raised against the α chain of VLA-6 integrin, prevented AR upon exposure to laminin or SEC (10.7 ± 3.2 and 10.2 ± 1.0% respectively), while the samples retained their responsiveness to ZP (29.6 ± 1.2%). The results demonstrate that the interaction between laminin, entrapped in the expanded cumuli, and specific integrins present on the sperm membrane can initiate AR, thus taking part in the process of sperm-egg recognition. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:445–453, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to characterize the effect of progesterone on the hamster sperm acrosome reaction (AR). Progesterone stimulated exocytosis of previously capacitated spermatozoa in a dose-dependent manner Progesterone-3-(O-carboxymethyl)oxime:BSA conjugate also induced AR when added to capacitated sperm suspensions. EGTA and La3+, added 10 min before progesterone, completely abolished the steroid-stimulatory effect. Benzamidine, a trypsin inhibitor, also inhibited AR when added to sperm cells 10 min before progesterone. This effect was avoided when spermatozoa were treated with the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. Conversely, the H+ ionophore PCCP, or the Na+/K+ ionophore nigericin, did not prevent the effect of the inhibitor. Results suggest that progesterone acts on the hamster sperm plasma membrane to stimulate exocytosis, which requires external Ca2+ and presumably Ca2+ influx. In addition, a sperm trypsin like protease may be part of the mechanism by which progesterone stimulates AR. Since the ionomycin-induced AR does not require this proteolytic activity, the possible involvement of such an enzyme in the progesterone-stimulated Ca2+ influx necessary for the occurrence of AR is discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the spontaneous acrosome reaction in ram spermatozoa has been compared with that induced by the ionophore, A23187. The spontaneous event was dependent on incubation for 4 h, on the temperature, and on dilution. Apart from the more rapid occurrence of the ionophore-induced event, the mean diameter and distribution of vesicle size was also different. The ionophore-induced vesicles were larger, more irregular, and heterogeneous in size compared with those occurring in the spontaneous acrosome reaction (average diameter 84 nm vs. 60 nm in the spontaneous acrosome reaction). These observations are interpreted in relation to capacitation.  相似文献   

Effect of progesterone on bovine sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Progesterone (P) appears to stimulate sperm capacitation and/or induce the acrosome reaction (AR) in some species. In bovine, it is now well established that the BSP-A1/-A2 proteins (the major proteins of bovine seminal plasma) promote sperm capacitation. In this study, we investigated the effect of P on bovine sperm cholesterol efflux, capacitation, and the AR. Labeled bovine epididymal sperm were incubated (0-6 h) with different concentrations of P (0.01-10 microg/ml) in the presence or absence of BSP-A1/-A2 proteins (capacitating conditions). At different time intervals, aliquots of sperm were taken to determine the sperm cholesterol efflux, sperm capacitation (AR induced by lysophosphatidylcholine, lyso-PC), and sperm AR. The results show that the presence of P in the media did not affect the membrane cholesterol efflux potential of the BSP-A1/-A2 proteins. P alone did not stimulate the AR with or without lyso-PC unless the epididymal sperm were incubated in capacitating conditions (in the presence of BSP-A1/-A2). When washed ejaculated sperm were continuously incubated with P, the P did not stimulate AR. However, when ejaculated sperm were preincubated (6 h) with heparin (capacitation medium) and then incubated 15 min with P (2 microg/ml), the percentage of AR obtained was similar to that obtained with lyso-PC. The effect of P on sperm AR was concentration dependent with a maximum 2.2-fold increase at 2 microg/ml of P. These results demonstrate a potential role of P in bovine sperm AR but not in capacitation.  相似文献   

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