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J M Simonet  D Schneider  J N Volff  A Dary  B Decaris 《Gene》1992,115(1-2):49-54
DNA amplification and deletions occur at high frequency in unstable regions localized on the Streptomyces ambofaciens chromosome. The structure of these regions was investigated, leading to the identification of internal reiterations which could play a role in the deletion and/or amplification mechanism(s). UV irradiation and treatments with mitomycin C, oxolinic acid and novobiocin were shown to efficiently induce genetic instability. Finally, mutator strains were isolated, in which genetic instability was dramatically increased. The involvement of an SOS-like response in genetic instability in S. ambofaciens is proposed.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the streptomycin produced by Streptomyces griseus in the middle of the last century, members of this bacterial genus have been largely exploited for the production of secondary metabolites with wide uses in medicine and in agriculture. They have even been recognized as one of the most prolific producers of natural products among microorganisms. With the onset of the genomic era, it became evident that these microorganisms still represent a major source for the discovery of novel secondary metabolites. This was highlighted with the complete genome sequencing of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) which revealed an unexpected potential of this organism to synthesize natural products undetected until then by classical screening methods. Since then, analysis of sequenced genomes from numerous Streptomyces species has shown that a single species can carry more than 30 secondary metabolite gene clusters, reinforcing the idea that the biosynthetic potential of this bacterial genus is far from being fully exploited. This review highlights our knowledge on the potential of Streptomyces ambofaciens ATCC 23877 to synthesize natural products. This industrial strain was known for decades to only produce the drug spiramycin and another antibacterial compound, congocidine. Mining of its genome allowed the identification of 23 clusters potentially involved in the production of other secondary metabolites. Studies of some of these clusters resulted in the characterization of novel compounds and of previously known compounds but never characterized in this Streptomyces species. In addition, genome mining revealed that secondary metabolite gene clusters of phylogenetically closely related Streptomyces are mainly species-specific.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of the Streptomyces ambofaciens element pSAM2.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
pSAM2 is an 11-kb element integrated in the Streptomyces ambofaciens ATCC23877 genome and found additionally as a free replicon present at several copies per chromosome in strain JI3212, the derivative of ATCC23877 isolated after uv irradiation. In spite of its small size, this element specifies numerous functions including maintenance, site-specific integration, self-transmissibility, pock formation, and mobilization of chromosomal markers. After transfer of the free form of pSAM2 to Streptomyces lividans, the free and the integrated forms coexist. A functional map of pSAM2 was deduced from phenotypes exhibited in S. lividans by numerous deletion or insertion derivatives. In addition to the previously characterized regions sufficient for site-specific integration we have shown that separate regions are involved in either plasmid maintenance as a free molecule, plasmid transfer, and pock formation. Transfer of pSAM2 could depend on its ability to be maintained in a free form, since plasmids deficient in this function are transferred at very low frequency. Deletions of some regions of the plasmid are lethal for the plasmid or the host, but if some other regions are deleted simultaneously, transformants can be obtained.  相似文献   

The genome of four Streptomyces ambofaciens strains from different geographical origins (ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9247 and ETH 11317) was analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The PFGE technique has allowed the study of the extrachromosomal content of these strains and the characterization of their genomic DNA by restriction analyses. Electrophoretic migration of undigested DNA allowed us to detect a 80 kb-length linear molecule with concatemeric forms in S. ambofaciens ATCC15154. These extrachromosomal molecules were shown to be homologous to the circular plasmid pSAM1 (80 kb) suggesting that pSAM1 could exist not only in circular form but also in linear form. In the same way a 45 kb-length linear molecule was detected in S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317. In contrast, no extrachromosomal DNA could be detected in S. ambofaciens DSM40697. The analysis of the macrorestriction patterns using the rate-cutting enzymes AseI and DraI indicated a close relationship between the DSM- and ETH- strains. Indeed, three types of restriction patterns were distinguished: while S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317 were characterized by the same pattern and share more than 75% of comigrating fragments with the strain DSM40697, S. ambofaciens ATCC15154 exhibited a restriction pattern different from the other three. The total genome sizes of S. ambofaciens ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9427 and ETH11317 were estimated to be about 6500, 8000, 8200 and 8200 kb, respectively.  相似文献   

A procedure for efficient transformation of Streptomyces ambofaciens and Streptomyces fradiae protoplasts with plasmid DNA was developed. Transformation frequencies with S. fradiae protoplasts were strongly influenced by the temperatures for cell growth, protoplast formation, and protoplast regeneration. Transformation frequencies for both species were also influenced by the culture age before protoplast formation, the source and concentration of polyethylene glycol, the transformation-inducing agent, the concentration of protoplasts used in the transformation procedure, and the number of protoplasts added to regeneration plates. Transformation frequencies were substantially higher for both species when calf thymus DNA and protamine sulfate were added to the transformation mix. With S. fradiae, transformation frequencies were much lower with plasmid DNA prepared from other species than with the same plasmids prepared from S. fradiae, suggesting that S. fradiae expresses restriction and modification. With the modified transformation procedures using DNA prepared from homologous hosts, S. ambofaciens and S. fradiae are now transformed routinely at frequencies of 10(6) to 10(7) transformants per micrograms of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis in Streptomyces chrysomallus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A circular linkage map was developed for Streptomyces chrysomallus, a producer of actinomycin C. The map order of various marker loci was deduced from matings and to a minor extent from protoplast fusions. The map strongly resembles that of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). The recombination frequencies were low and highly variable (from 10(-9) to 5 X 10(-6]. Plasmid pIJ303 expressed its thiostrepton resistance gene in S. chrysomallus but did not promote chromosomal transfer or induce the Ltz+ phenotype. The data provide a background of genetics for investigations of antibiotic synthesis in this strain.  相似文献   

Many Streptomyces species exhibit a very high degree of genetic instability which is usually manifested as genomic rearrangements such as large deletions. In Streptomyces ambofaciens DSM40697, two levels of genetic instability were previously described: (i) a basic genetic instability similar to that reported for other strains, and (ii) hypervariability, a phenomenon that we believe to be a new aspect of instability closely associated with DNA amplification. A large DNA region undergoes deletions, amplifications and large genomic changes strictly associated with both aspects of genetic instability. The genetic and molecular analyses of the different aspects of genetic instability allow us to propose that they result from a cascade of molecular events and to investigate the relationships between genetic instability phenomena and genome fluidity.  相似文献   

The physiological significance of trans unsaturated fatty acids, which are constituents of membrane lipids of the phenol-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas putita P8, was studied. The addition of phenol or phenol derivatives to the cells induced the formation of trans unsaturated fatty acids, yielding an overall maximal amount of 41.3% of total fatty acids. The inhibition of de-novo lipid synthesis by cerulenin prevented the change in the degree of saturation in the lipids. However, the cells could still respond to phenols with an amplified conversion of cis into trans unsaturated fatty acids, which is apparently a post-synthesis mechanism of isomerization of the double bond. The cis/trans conversion correlated with growth inhibition induced by toxic concentrations of 4-chlorophenol, whereas only growing cells were able to change the degree of saturation. In cells that were protected against phenol by immobilization in calcium alginate, the conversion of cis into trans fatty acids occurred at higher toxin concentrations compared with free cells. Cells entering the stationary growth phase increased the prodortion of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids but maintained a constant trans/cis ratio.P. putida P8 reacted to an increase or decrease in the growth temperature with an appropriate change in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids and in cells inhibited by cerulenin with a change in the trans/cis ratio. This study shows that the physiological role of the cis/trans conversion is probably the regulation of membrane fluidity when the most important mechanism for this, the modification of the degree of saturation, cannot by used by the cells due to inhibition of growth and lipid biosynthesis. Correspondence to: H. Keweloh  相似文献   

A gene (cabA) encoding a calcium-binding protein was cloned from Streptomyces ambofaciens. CabA was 180 amino acid residues long and contained four typical EF-hand motifs bearing high sequence similarity to the calcium-binding sites in calmodulin. Consistent with this, CabA showed distinct calcium-binding activity, comparable to bovine brain calmodulin. cabA was transcribed throughout growth, as found by S1 nuclease mapping. Southern hybridization experiments showed that a single copy of cabA was present in various Streptomyces species. A hypothetical relationship between CabA and aerial mycelium formation in this strain was examined, since S. ambofaciens showed calcium-dependent aerial mycelium formation. However, disruption of cabA or overexpression of cabA in S. ambofaciens caused no detectable phenotypic changes.  相似文献   

In Streptomyces ambofaciens ATCC 15154, an 11.1-kilobase element, pSAM2, exists as a single integrated copy in the chromosome. In S. ambofaciens 3212 (a derivative of ATCC 15154), pSAM2 exists as a free, circular plasmid as well as an integrated element. BclI fragments from the free form of pSAM2 were cloned into an Escherichia coli plasmid vector. By using gene transplacement methods, the chromosomally integrated form of pSAM2 was marked with a gene coding for apramycin resistance. This enabled us to isolate both a segregant that had lost the integrated pSAM2 element and a cosmid clone containing integrated pSAM2 along with the flanking chromosomal sequences. One of the BclI fragments derived from free pSAM2 was shown to contain all the plasmid-specified information required to direct site-specific recombination in a derivative of S. ambofaciens lacking the resident pSAM2 element as well as in a number of other Streptomyces strains. The attachment sites used by the plasmid and the chromosome in site-specific recombination and the junctions created after integration were cloned and sequenced. Certain structural features in common with other integrating elements in actinomycetes were noted.  相似文献   

Spiramycin production by Streptomyces ambofaciens in a chemically defined medium, with valine as nitrogen source, was controlled by the nature and the concentration of the carbon source. The production of this antibiotic was better in dextrins than in glycerol-containing medium. The negative effect of glycerol could be attributed in part to an excess of energy and a high specific growth rate. The intracellular ATP content, at the start of spiramycin production, was twofold higher in glycerol than in dextrin-containing medium. Increasing the initial concentrations of glycerol led to an increase in the specific growth rate and a drop in spiramycin production. Comparison between glycerol and a protein synthesis inhibitor effects and the use of resting cell systems (RCS) proved that glycerol exerted both inhibitory and repressive actions on spiramycin production independently from the growth. At the enzymatic level, glycerol interfered with valine catabolism by repressing partially valine dehydrogenase (VDH) and -ketoisoisovalerate dehydrogenase (KIVDH), generator of spiramycin aglycone precursors.  相似文献   

When Streptomyces ambofaciens OSF was crossed with the plasmid-free Streptomyces lividans TK24, almost all S. lividans exconjugants contained the free 11.1-kb plasmid pOS1. Southern hybridizations showed that pOS1 was derived from the integrated copy of previously recognized plasmid pSAM2 present in strain OSF. A shorter derivative of pOS1 was constructed carrying the tsr gene in a non-essential region, and this pOS7 plasmid was used in transformation experiments with protoplasts of S. ambofaciens ATCC23877 (containing pSAM2 only as an integrated sequence) and S. ambofaciens DSM40697 (devoid of pSAM2-related forms). In both cases, some clones carrying pOS7 in an integrated state were found. Integration into strain ATCC23877 was into the pre-existing integrated copy of pSAM2. In contrast, plasmid pOS7 integrated through specific plasmidic and chromosomal sites into strain DSM40697. Thus it is probable that pSAM2 integrates by interaction between preferred regions of the plasmid and host genomes.  相似文献   

Streptomyces ambofaciens is prone to genetic instability involving genomic rearrangements at the extremities of the chromosomal DNA. An amplified DNA sequence (ADS205), including an open reading frame (orfPS), is responsible for the reversible loss of spiramycin production in the mutant strain NSA205 (ADS205+ Spi). The product of orfPS is homologous to polyketide synthase systems (PKSs) involved in the biosynthesis of erythromycin and rapamycin and is overexpressed in strain NSA205 compared with the parental strain RP181110. As PKSs and fatty acid synthase systems have the same precursors, we tested the possibility that overexpression of orfPS also affects lipid metabolism in strain NSA205. This report focuses on comparative analysis of lipids in strain RP181110, the mutant strain NSA205, and a derivative, NSA228 (ADS205 Spi+). NSA205 showed a dramatically depressed lipid content consisting predominantly of phospholipids and triacylglycerols. This lipid content was globally restored in strain NSA228, which had lost ADS205. Furthermore, strains RP181110 and NSA205 presented similar phospholipid and triacylglycerol compositions. No abnormal fatty acids were detected in NSA205.  相似文献   

Iron is essential in many biological processes. However, its bioavailability is reduced in aerobic environments, such as soil. To overcome this limitation, microorganisms have developed different strategies, such as iron chelation by siderophores. Some bacteria have even gained the ability to detect and utilize xenosiderophores, i.e., siderophores produced by other organisms. We illustrate an example of such an interaction between two soil bacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BBc6R8 and Streptomyces ambofaciens ATCC 23877, which produce the siderophores pyoverdine and enantiopyochelin and the siderophores desferrioxamines B and E and coelichelin, respectively. During pairwise cultures on iron-limiting agar medium, no induction of siderophore synthesis by P. fluorescens BBc6R8 was observed in the presence of S. ambofaciens ATCC 23877. Cocultures with a Streptomyces mutant strain that produced either coelichelin or desferrioxamines, as well as culture in a medium supplemented with desferrioxamine B, resulted in the absence of pyoverdine production; however, culture with a double mutant deficient in desferrioxamines and coelichelin production did not. This strongly suggests that P. fluorescens BBbc6R8 utilizes the ferrioxamines and ferricoelichelin produced by S. ambofaciens as xenosiderophores and therefore no longer activates the production of its own siderophores. A screening of a library of P. fluorescens BBc6R8 mutants highlighted the involvement of the TonB-dependent receptor FoxA in this process: the expression of foxA and genes involved in the regulation of its biosynthesis was induced in the presence of S. ambofaciens. In a competitive environment, such as soil, siderophore piracy could well be one of the driving forces that determine the outcome of microbial competition.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of erythromycin production in Streptomyces erythreus   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Streptomyces erythreus produces the 14-membered macrolide antibiotic erythromycin A. The properties of erythromycin A nonproducing mutants and their genetic linkage to chromosomal markers were used to establish the rudiments of genetic organization of antibiotic production. Thirty-three Ery- mutants, produced by mutagenesis of S. erythreus NRRL 2338 and affecting the formation of the macrolactone and deoxysugar intermediates of erythromycin A biosynthesis, were classified into four phenotypically different groups based on their cosynthesis behavior, the type of biosynthetic intermediate accumulated, and their ability to biotransform known biochemical intermediates of erythromycin A. Demonstration of the occurrence of natural genetic recombination during conjugal mating in S. erythreus enabled comparison of the genetic linkage relationships of three different ery mutations with seven other markers on a simple chromosome map. This established a chromosomal location for the ery mutations, which appear to be located in at least two positions within one interval of the map.  相似文献   

Abstract In Streptomyces ambofaciens , an amplifiable unit of DNA ( AUD6 ) contains two homologous sequences, one located on the right extremity of the AUD ( S1R ), the other being internal ( IHS ). This paper presents the molecular analysis of this duplication. The nucleotide sequences are almost identical (95%) and each contains an ORF of about 330 codons, the two ORFs being nearly identical. The two hypothetical proteins, deduced from these sequences, show about 30% identity with different bacterial repressors. They also show a particularly strong similarity (90% identity between the full-length sequences) with hypothetical proteins of Streptomyces lividans 66 encoded by sequences also present on an amplifiable DNA region ( AUD1 ).  相似文献   

Streptomyces ambofaciens is prone to genetic instability involving genomic rearrangements at the extremities of the chromosomal DNA. An amplified DNA sequence (ADS205), including an open reading frame (orfPS), is responsible for the reversible loss of spiramycin production in the mutant strain NSA205 (ADS205(+) Spi-). The product of orfPS is homologous to polyketide synthase systems (PKSs) involved in the biosynthesis of erythromycin and rapamycin and is overexpressed in strain NSA205 compared with the parental strain RP181110. As PKSs and fatty acid synthase systems have the same precursors, we tested the possibility that overexpression of orfPS also affects lipid metabolism in strain NSA205. This report focuses on comparative analysis of lipids in strain RP181110, the mutant strain NSA205, and a derivative, NSA228 (ADS205(-) Spi+). NSA205 showed a dramatically depressed lipid content consisting predominantly of phospholipids and triacylglycerols. This lipid content was globally restored in strain NSA228, which had lost ADS205. Furthermore, strains RP181110 and NSA205 presented similar phospholipid and triacylglycerol compositions. No abnormal fatty acids were detected in NSA205.  相似文献   

Due to its physico-chemical and biological activities, N-10-undecenoyl-phenylalanine (C11’F) is one of the most interesting lipoaminoacids used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Its production is currently based on the Schotten-Baumann chemical reaction, which shows some environmental issues in terms of effluents. As a possible biocatalytic alternative, this study presents the evaluation of the reactional and process conditions allowing the production of C11’F using aminoacylases from Streptomyces ambofaciens culture. These aminoacylases showed the best activity at 45 °C and pH between 7 and 8 with a moderate thermal stability. The influence of substrates concentrations on the kinetic parameters of C11’F synthesis showed a more important impact of the phenylalanine concentration as compared to the 10-undecenoic acid concentration. As a reactional product, C11’F appeared to have an inhibitory effect on the enzymatic N-acylation. Cobalt addition allowed an eleven-fold increase of the reaction rate. Batch reactors were used with free aminoacylases without impact on the final C11’F concentration. For the first time, enzymatically produced C11’F was finally purified at the gram scale as a 99% purity white powder. The evaluation of the biological activity on melanocytes cultures showed the presence of skin lightening activity similar to the one obtained with the chemically produced C11’F.  相似文献   

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