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Summary Normal epithelial cells from the rat mammary gland proliferated in culture when plated with lethally irradiated cells of the LA7 rat mammary tumor line. Proliferation of the normal rat cells occured as the LA7 cells slowly died from the radiation. By labeling the cultures with3H-thymidine it was determined that most of the proliferating rat cells were those adjacent to the LA7 feeder cells. The epithelial cells from the primary culture proliferated after subsequent passages if the cells were plated at each subculture with newly irradiated LA7 cells. If the cells were plated at a ratio of ∼1:8 rat:LA7 a confluent layer of normal rat cells covered the plastic substrate after 6 to 7 wk. The cells have so far been carried up through Passage 7, which amounted to ∼19 doublings in cell number, and still proliferate vigorously. The growth medium for this culture system was Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium:Ham’s F12 1:1 supplemented with fetal bovine serum, insulin, and antibiotics. The presence in the cells of keratin, desmosomes, and cell junctions attested to their epithelial origin. The cultures were composed of cells with diploid or near diploid chromosome numbers. Samples of the cultured cells were implanted into the cleared fat pads of nude mice. Most of the implants from Passage 2 formed normal mammary ductal structures, but the incidence of outgrowths decreased significantly with later passages until no out-growths resulted from the implantation of cells from Passage 5. The one unusual, feeder-independent cell line that arose from a primary culture seemed to be immortal in culture, contained a hyperdiploid chromosome complement, and formed abnormal structures when implanted into cleared fat pads. This work was supported by the Veterans Administration, Washington, DC, and by CA grant 05388 from the U.S. Public Health Service, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration of Ca++ in culture media profoundly affected the growth and differentiation properties of normal human mammary epithelial cells in short-term culture. In media where Ca++ was above 0.06 mM, longevity was limited to an average of three to four cell divisions. The extended growth fraction (those cells able, to divide more than once) was only approximately 50% and diminished to zero quickly with time. Stationary cells inhibited from dividing appeared differentiated in the formation of lipid vacuoles and accumulation of α-lactalbumin. Growth of stationary cultures could be reinstituted in about half the cells, either by disruption and transfer or by a reduction in Ca++ to less than 0.08 mM. The reduction of Ca++ to levels below 0.08 mM extended the longevity of normal cells to eight to nine divisions. The extended growth fraction was 100%. Under these conditions, cells did not differentiate. The effects of Ca++ on growth and differentiation were specific (Mg++ and Mn++ variations were without effect) and reversible and in many respects resembled Ca++ effects on epidermal cells. One major difference is that the dual pathways of growth and differentiation in mammary cells were controlled by glucocorticoid and insulin. Based on the kinetics of the reversible Ca++-induced coupling and uncoupling of proliferation and the program of differentiation, we propose that Ca++ may be an essential trigger for cell divisions that commit a mammary cell to differentiate progressively in a permissive hormonal milieu. This study was supported by grants NIH-CA18175 and CA36399 and an institutional grant from the United Foundation of Greater Detroit.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for culturing human mammary epithelial cells in primary culture and allowing more than 50 generations and a 1000-fold increase from starting inocula without need of enzymatic transfers. Organoids dissociated from breast tissue are plated in medium containing 1.05 mM Ca++ to effect attachment and growth to monolayer density. Medium is then switched to one containing 0.06 mM Ca++ to overcome “renewal inhibition” and to stimulate growth. In low Ca++ media, primary cultures become a long-term, continuous source of free-floating viable cells free of fibroblasts. A fundamental requirement for extended growth in primary culture is maintaining calcium levels at approximately 0.06 mM. Above 0.06 mM Ca++, cells divide only 3 to 4 times in primary cultures before terminal differentiation occurs. At 0.06 mM Ca++, cells continue to divide for periods of time determined partly by feeding schedule, but up to 6 mo. and 50 generations of (linear) growth. Cells released from monolayer were greater than 90% viable and yielded 105 cells/cm2 of attached cells every 72 h. Free-floating single cells readily replated and cloned, when transferred, without need of trypsin for dissociation. Long-term free-floating cells were typical mammary epithelium: (a) they formed domes and exhibited renewal inhibition, (b) they produced ductlike formations in collagen gels, (c) they contained epithelium-specific keratin filaments, and (d) they were diploid.  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro serum-free culture system provides an important approach to the understanding of local hormonal regulation of mammary epithelial and fibroblast cells, avoiding the complexity of the in vivo environment and the influence of undefined serum factors. The substratum conditions and medium components have been examined for the basal growth of epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and combined epithelial and fibroblast cells in monolayer cultures. Epithelial cells and mixed cells exhibit good attachment and maintenance on a collagen-coated surface in a minimal medium supplemented with fetuin and insulin. In contrast, fibroblast-enriched cultures require a plastic substratum and a medium supplemented with insulin, fetuin, and hydrocortisone. In mixed cell culture, fibroblasts are maintained well in the minimal media which supports the maintenance of epithelial cells. These results indicate that the presence of epithelial cells in mixed cell cultures can influence fibroblast function. The media developed in the present study can be used in future studies of fibroblast and epithelial cell interactions with regard to hormone and growth factor regulation of their growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of lobules of acini from bovine mammary gland and their storage in liquid nitrogen is described. After further dissociation of freshly prepared or frozen lobules, clumps of cells are obtained which attach to collagen gels and give rise to colonies which, on morphological criteria, appear predominantly epithelial. Storage for up to 6 months did not adversely affect viability. Increase in colony area involved cell division, was more rapid in air than in 95% oxygen and was enhanced by fetal calf serum.  相似文献   

Summary Normal and neoplastic mouse mammary epithelial cells were cultured in nutrient medium containing D-valine substituted for L-valine. Fibroblast overgrowth was prevented and epithelial cell functions and morphology were retained in cultures maintained in, D-valine medium up to 2 months. A nonenzymatic technique was devised to dissociate epithelial cell monolayers. The combined use of this dissociation buffer and D-valine nutrient medium made it possible to passage serially normal and neoplastic mammary epithelial cells. Normal cells were derived from mammary glands of animals stimulated with exogenous hormones for various periods. The period of in vivo hormonal stimulation influenced the ability of normal mammary epithelial cells to attach and proliferate in primary and serially passaged cultures. A greater proportion of cells derived from glands following 2 to 4 weeks of hormonal stimulation were recovered after replating and showed higher labeling indices during serial passage than cells from unstimulated or 5- to 7-week stimulated groups. This investigation was supported by Grant No. CA 05388 from the National Cancer Institute and by Cancer Research Funds of the University of California.  相似文献   

Summary Single-cell-cloned cell lines have been established from primary cultures of neonatal rat mammary glands. A representative cuboidal cell line, Rama 704, shows the presence of intermediate filamental proteins keratin and vimentin, and occasional cells express milk fat globule membrane antigens on their apical surfaces. Rama 704 cells grow as a cuboidal pavement in culture and produce hemispherical blisters or domes when confluent. Noteworthy ultrastructural features are the presence of junctional complexes, desmosomes, and apical microvilli typical of epithelia. Cells seeded within floating collagen gels with form a variety of multicellular outgrowths, some of which are ductlike in morphology and are composed of polarized cells surrounding a central lumen. The cuboidal cells produce elongated cells under conditions of high cell density and also when cells float off collagen gels and reattach to the plastic substrate. The former elongated cells have been cloned and three cel lines established: Rama 710, 711, and 712; the latter uncloned elongated cells are termed Rama 704E. The cloned elongated cells show an increase in the amounts of basement membrane proteins deposited, a lack of junctional complexes and microvilli, and an increase in the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum compared with their parental cells. Rama 704E cells show an enhanced deposition of basement membrane proteins and increased amounts of actin in the cytoplasm over the elongated cell lines and contain microfilaments and pincocytotic vesicles similar to those seen in myoepithelial cells. All the elongated cells and lines fail to form ductlike structures within collagen gels. None of the cell lines form tumors in syngeneic rats although they all produce some tumors in nude mice, which are composed of cords of epithelioid cells and spindle cells in varying proportions. In addition, some of the Rama 704 tumors contain rhabdomyoblastic elements that penetrate the host fat pad. This is the first report of the isolation and characterization of a stable cuboidal cell line from a neonatal rat mammary gland. The Rama 704 cell line shows morphological and biochemical features of mammary epithelial cells and converts at high cell density to elongated cells that have also been cloned.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of hormone-dependent rat mammary tumors in response to serum and hormones were determined in collagen gel matrix culture. Epithelial cells from 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary adenocarcinomas were embedded in collagen gel and the effect of estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, insulin, and serum was tested. The total cell number and [3H]thymidine incorporation were used to determine the growth pattern of the cells in culture. It was found that in medium containing 20% porcine serum and supplemented with insulin, estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, both the cell number and [3H]thymidine labeling index increased with time, after an initial lag. Serum seemed to be essential to maintain growth of the tumor cells, because hormones alone, in the absence of serum, were unable to sustain growth of the cells. When estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, and insulin were tested individually in the presence of 20% porcine serum, only estrogen demonstrated a significant stimulatory effect.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the growth and morphology of normal, dysplastic and malignant human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) in medium containing 5% human serum, a serum-free medium (32) and serum-free medium with a low Ca++ concentration. Tissues were dissociated and epithelial organoids or single cells were seeded onto collagen-coated dishes. The cells grew in serum-containing medium, but growth of fibroblasts was also stimulated. The serum-free medium consistently selected for and stimulated the growth of epithelial cells. There was little advantage in reducing the Ca++ concentration to further increase cell yield. This serum-free primary culture system allows us to routinely prouce sufficient numbers of HMEC from small tissue samples for molecular biological investigations. Furthermore, the maintenance of cells in a defined medium can provide a system for evaluating the direct effects of factors on gene expression. This work was supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada and funds contributed by Mr. B. T. Wharton in memory of his wife, Nadia.  相似文献   

Normal human bronchial epithelial cells (BE) and adenovirus-12 SV40 hybrid virus transformed, non-tumorigenic human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) were cultured for 7 days in a serum free hormone supplemented medium. BE cells after 3 days in culture were exposed to conditioned medium (CMt) from confluent BEAS-2B cells. By day 7, CMt-treated BE cells exhibited a lower colony forming efficiency (CFE), fewer cells per colony, and a reduced mitotic index (MI) and BrdU (bromodeoxyuridine) labeling index. CMt also enhanced the expression of a terminally differentiated squamous phenotype in BE cells. Cell free lysates from BEAS-2B cells (CFLt) had effects similar to CMt on the MI and morphology of BE cells. In contrast, CMt and CFLt did not inhibit the growth, or alter the morphology of BEAS-2B cells. Conditioned medium from BE cells (CMn) did not reduce the growth of BEAS-2B cells, and had little effect on the morphology of BE cells. In co-culturesAbbreviations BE normal bronchial epithelial cells - BEAS-2B adenovirus-12 SV40 hybrid virus transformed bronchial epithelial cells - CMn conditioned medium from BE cells - CMt conditioned medium from BEAS-2B cells - CFn cell free lysate from BE cells - CFLt cell free lysate from BEAS-2B cells - BrdU bromodeoxyuridine - KGM keratinocyte growth medium - TGF- transforming growth factor type - NCI-LHC National Cancer Institute-Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis Contribution No. 2801 from the Pathobiology Laboratory, University of Maryland.  相似文献   

Injection of D -myo-inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) was found to induce a transient increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration in cancerous mammary cells (MMT060562) and in normal mammary cells treated with epidermal growth factor. Responses to injection of either D -myo-inositol-1,4-bisphosphate (IP2) or D -myo-inositol-1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (IP4) were small or absent. Furthermore, normal mammary cells cultivated with low-protein serum replacement alone or in the presence of differentiation-inducing hormones (insulin + cortisol + prolactin) were less sensitive to IP3. Thapsigargin induced a transient increase of Ca2+ due to the release of Ca2+ from an intracellular pool. There was no difference in the peak heights of the thapsigargin-induced Ca2+ increase when mammary cells were cultivated in the presence or absence of epidermal growth factor or insulin + cortisol + prolactin. These findings suggest that the releasable intracellular Ca2+ pool remained unchanged whereas sensitivity to IP3 increases during the proliferation stage. Mechanical stimulus of a mammary cell induces an increase of intracellular Ca2+ in the stimulated cell. A certain stimulating factor is released from the mechanically stimulated cell into the extracellular space, and it induces an increase of Ca2+ in surrounding cells.18 In contrast, the IP3-induced Ca2+ increase in both cancerous and epidermal growth factor-treated normal mammary cells did not spread to adjacent cells. Therefore, increase of Ca2+ is not sufficient to account for the release of stimulating substances from mammary cells in the mechanically-induced spreading response.  相似文献   

Summary Addition of cholera toxin to human mammary epithelial cultures derived from reduction mammoplasties and primary carcinomas greatly stimulated cell growth and increased the number of times the cells could be successfully subcultured. Other agents known to increase intracellular cAMP levels were also growth stimulatory. The increased growth potential conferred by cholera toxin enhances the usefulness of this cell culture system. This work was supported by USPHS Grant CA-24844 from the National Cancer Institute and Grant CD-61B from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Feeder cells are commonly used to culture embryonic stem cells to maintain their undifferentiated and pluripotent status. Conventionally, mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), supplemented with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), are used as feeder cells to support the growth of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) in culture. To prepare for fresh MEF feeder or for MEF-conditioned medium, sacrifice of mouse fetuses repeatedly is unavoidable in these tedious culture systems. Here we report the discovery of a human endothelial cell line (ECV-304 cell line) that efficiently supports growth of mESCs LIF-free conditions. mESCs that were successfully cultured for eight to 20 passages on ECV-304 feeders showed morphological characteristics similar to cells cultured in traditional feeder cell systems. These cells expressed the stem cell markers Oct3/4, Nanog, Sox2, and SSEA-1. Furthermore, cells cultured on the ECV-304 cell line were able to differentiate into three germ layers and were able to generate chimeric mice. Compared with traditional culture systems, there is no requirement for mouse fetuses and exogenous LIF does not need to be added to the culture system. As a stable cell line, the ECV-304 cell line efficiently replaces MEFs as an effective feeder system and allows the efficient expansion of mESCs.  相似文献   

Bovine mammary epithelial cells cultured on floating gels of rat tail collagen showed two principal cell types, columnar and squamous, with ultrastructural features resembling secretory and myoepithelial cells respectively. Cultures of freshly prepared cells released alpha-lactalbumin into the culture medium and in some cases contained fat droplets, although these did not appear to be released. No ultrastructural evidence of casein synthesis was observed. A notable feature was the failure to secrete a continuous basement membrane. Intermediate filaments were present in abundance in squamous epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of normal mammary epithelial and 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced adenocarcinoma cells derived from rats and grown in monolayer culture were compared. Normal mammary epithelial cells exhibited different morphology and agglutinability by plant lectins, slower growth rate, and lower saturation density and cloning efficiency. In addition, the normal cells were sensitive to the toxic effect of DMBA, and were unable to grow in soft agar or to form tumors, when inoculated into newborn Sparague-Dawley rats. The converse was true in each case for the adenocarcinoma cells. Supported by Public Health Service Research Grant CA 01237603 from the National Cancer Institute Portions of this paper were presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research at Houston, Texas, 1974.  相似文献   

Summary A serum-free primary culture system has been developed which allows for three-dimensional growth and differentiation of normal rat mammary epithelial cells (RMECs) within an extracellular matrix preparation. RMECs were isolated from mamary glands of immature 50- to 60-d-old rats and the organoids embedded within a reconstituted basement membrane matrix prepared from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma. Cells grown in a serum-free media consisting of phenol red-free Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium-F12 culture medium containing 10 μg/ml insulin, 1 μg/ml prolactin, 1 μg/ml progesterone, 1 μg/ml hydrocortisone, 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor (EGF), 1 mg/ml fatty-acid-free bovine serum albumin (BSA), 5 μg/ml transferrin, and 5 μM ascorbic acid proliferated extensively (15- to 20-fold increase in cell number as quantitated using the MTT dye assay) over a 2- to 3-wk culture period and remained viable for months in culture. Several types of colonies were observed including the alveolarlike budding cluster which predominates at later times in culture, units with no or various degrees of ductal-like projections, stellate colonies, and two-and three-dimensional web units. Optimal proliferation required insulin, prolactin, progesterone, EGF, and bovine serum albumin. Hydrocortisone was not required for proliferation, but the colonies developing in its absence were morphologically altered, with a high frequency of colonies that formed an extensively branched network with many fine projections. Cell proliferation was also dependent on substratum, with significantly less growth and development occurring in RMECs grown within a type I collagen gel matrix compared to RMECs grown within the reconstituted basement membrane. In conjunction with other studies demonstrating extensive differentiation as well as proliferation, it is concluded that this model should prove to be an improtant tool to study the hormonal regulation of the growth and development of rat mammary cells. This work was supported by grants CA 33240 and CA 35641 and by core grant CA 24538 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells from normal pig bladders proliferated when cocultured with lethally irradiated feeder cells of the LA7 rat mammary tumor line. When the bladder cells and feeders were plated together at a confluent density, the bladder cells proliferated as the feeder cells died, resulting in a confluent culture of bladder cells. The bladder cells were successfully subcultured by plating with freshly irradiated LA7 feeder cells. In this way, bladder cells from five pigs were carried to confluency in passages 1, 4, 7, 7, and 13, amounting to at least 6, 18, 24, 26, and 45 doublings in culture, respectively, and none showed signs of slowed proliferation at the time of culture termination. Fibroblasts never became a prominent feature of these cultures, and their frequency was determined to be about 26 fibroblasts per 10(5) cells in passage 9. Pig bladder cells in 0.5% serum doubled in number in slightly over 3 d, whereas cells in 5.0% serum doubled in about 6 d. In fresh medium without feeder cells only minimal proliferation of bladder cells occurred. In LA7-conditioned medium the bladder cell numbers decreased, leading to the conclusion that the stimulus from LA7 cells is mechanically or physically transmitted. The bladder cells reacted with antibodies to keratins 7 and 18 but not to keratin 14 or vimentin. Tight junctions, visualized with an antibody to the ZO1 protein, connected all the cells to their neighbors. Most cells in passage 9 carried the diploid chromosome number of 38.  相似文献   

Summary The phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (160 nM) and the secondary bile acid, deoxycholic acid (50 μM) stimulated DNA synthesis in quiescent primary epithelial cells from the normal mouse colon as measured by autoradiographic analysis of [3H]thymidine incorporation. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the involvement of protein kinase C in the proliferative response of the normal colonic cells. The protein kinase C inhibitor, bisindolylmaleimide GF 109203X, efficiently blocked the proliferative response of the cells to the phorbol ester and caused a dose-dependent decrease in the response to deoxycholic acid. While the phorbol ester-induced proliferation was unaffected by another inhibitor, H-7, the response of the cells to deoxycholic acid was blocked. Pretreatment of the cells with the phorbol ester (160 nM) for 24 h blocked the proliferative response to deoxycholic acid. Measurement of the intracellular distribution of protein kinase C activity showed a time-dependent and significant translocation of the enzyme activity from the soluble to the particulate cell fractions after exposure to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. While exposure to the bile acid indicated a similar time-dependent translocation of the enzyme activity, the effect was not significant. The phorbol ester induced a time-dependent accumulation of c-fos mRNA and protein as measured by solution hybridization and immunocytochemistry, respectively. No effect of deoxycholic acid on c-fos expression could be observed in the present study. The data support a role for protein kinase C in the growth stimulating effect of physiological concentrations of deoxycholic acid on normal colonic epithelial cells. However, differences in the mechanisms underlying phorbol ester- and bile acid-induced proliferation are indicated.  相似文献   

Summary The production and release of prostaglandins (PGs) into the growth medium by established cultures of neoplastic, mammary epithelial cells derived from (a)N-nitrosomethyl-urea (NMU)-induced and (b) 7,12-dimethylbenz(a) anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors, was assessed using radioimmunoassay techniques. Prostaglandin production was determined, to a considerable extent, by in vitro conditions and the tumor line analyzed. In medium supplemented with bovine calf serum (10%), NMU cells synthesized and released nanogram quantities of PGF2, PGE1, and PGF (6.7, 4.7, and 1.7 ng/106 cells per 48 h, respectively). Concentrations of the two stable protanoid metabolites, 6-keto-PGF and TXB2, were indistinguishable from controls. In cells derived from the DMBA-induced tumor (RBA cells), no net production of immunoreactive PGs was detected. In contrast, in media supplemented with fetal bovine serum (10%), both RBA and NMU cells synthesized and released nanogram quantities of PGE2 (1 and 4 ng/106 cells per 48 h, respectively). PGE2 production by both NMU and RBA cells was inhibited by ibuprofen, an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (EC 1. 14. 99.1). The pattern of PG inhibition by ibuprofen differed in the two cell lines. In NMU cells, a linear dose-response inhibitory pattern was discernable, whereas in RBA cells a biphasic pattern was observed; PGE2 levels incresed at low concentration of ibuprofen and then decreased at higher concentration. At 100 μg/ml ibuprofen, PG synthesis and release was inhibited by 90 and 100% and cell growth by 64 and 66% in NMU and RBA cells, respecively. There was no obvinous dse-response relationship between ibuprofen concentration and cell growth inhibition in either cell line. These results underline the importance of the serum component of growth medium when analyzing PG production in vitro and suggest that the epithelial cell components of experimental mammary tumors are capable of producing physiogically relevant amounts of PGs. This work was supported by Grant CA 29602 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, and Grant PDT-208 from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

L. Waelder 《Protoplasma》1986,133(1):34-38
Summary Communication competent rat cells, communication incompetent (i.e., gap junction defective) rat tumor cells and communication competent rat tumor cells were fused in different combinations and the resultant hybrid cells were tested with regard to their growth properties and communication-competence. The ability to communicate via gap junctions was strictly inherited in a dominant fashion. Hybrids of normal cells and non-communicating tumor cells exhibited normal growth properties,i.e., the transformed phenotype was not expressed. This adds evidence to the hypothesis that the transformed growth of communication-incompetent tumor cells may be due to the loss or closure of their gap junctions.Communication-competent tumor cells behaved different when fused with normal cells in that their transformed growth was observed in each of the hybrids examined. No complementation was observed when different communication-incompetent cells or different tumor cells were fused.  相似文献   

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