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Global warming and sexual plant reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Arabinogalactan proteins in plant sexual reproduction   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A. Y. Cheung  H. -M. Wu 《Protoplasma》1999,208(1-4):87-98
Summary Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are a class of plant extracellular-matrix proteins believed to participate in a broad range of processes involving the plant cell surface. They are extremely abundant in female reproductive tissues and in pollen tubes, the haploid male structures that traverse the diploid female reproductive tissues to deliver sperms to the egg cells. The prevalence of AGPs in reproductive tissues has led to speculations that they play significant functional roles ranging from serving as nutrient resources to cell-cell recognition in plant reproduction. Recent research from several laboratories demonstrated functional participation by AGPs in reproductive processes and began to examine the mechanisms underlying these functional roles. An overview of these recent studies will be discussed with a historical perspective as well as with a view towards future studies in establishing the significance of AGPs that, as a class, they have prominent roles in plant sexual reproduction in multiple and diverse ways.  相似文献   

植物在个体发育的各个阶段都与不同的群落成员相互作用,如竞争的植物、有益的传粉者和敌对的植食动物。昆虫植食在各类生态系统中普遍存在,并可能对植物有性生殖产生各种影响。植食昆虫可通过对植物有性生殖结构的消耗直接对植物生殖产生影响,也可通过影响植物资源分配和花性状等改变传粉者服务,从而间接对植物有性生殖带来正面、负面或中性的影响。同一植物的植食昆虫和传粉者往往对植物的吸引性状 (如花大小、气味、颜色等)有相同的偏好,因此植食者与传粉者均能对植物有性生殖性状施加选择压力。本文从昆虫植食对植物有性生殖的直接影响、间接影响以及植食昆虫对植物有性生殖性状选择的影响三个方面进行综述,以期为昆虫植食和生物资源多样性保护相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Rosa multiflora Thunb., (Rosaceae), an invasive plant in the eastern U.S., was introduced into the U.S. in the early 1800s and was widely planted in the 1940s as a living fence, for wildlife cover, and to prevent soil erosion. This species spread rapidly from these original plantings via seed dispersal (sexual reproduction) and clonal spread, invading pasture and wooded areas. In this study we used allozyme markers to test for significant differences in the levels of asexual and sexual spread in large (>9 m cirumference) verses small (<2 m circumference) patches of R. multiflora and in pasture verses park settings. Although larger patches of R. multiflora tended to be dominated by one genotype, they exhibited significantly greater genetic diversity and inputs from sexual reproduction than did small patches; all large patches (N = 10) contained multiple unique genotypes. In contrast six of ten smaller patches of R. multiflora, consisted of a single genotype, though three patches had two genotypes and one had three unique genotypes. Similar analyses revealed clonal structure in R. multiflora populations both park and pasture habitats but with significantly greater genetic diversity and sexual inputs in the former than the latter. These results are consistent with a model of invasive spread involving clonal spread, sexual reproduction, and bird-mediated seed dispersal into established patches. Sexual inputs appear to be highest in larger patches and park habitats where perching sites for birds are most abundant. This flexible reproduction system likely contributes to the invasiveness of R. multiflora and to current management failures.  相似文献   

SAXIFRAGA BRYOIDES L. is one of the plant species reaching the upper limits of distribution for flowering plants in the European Alps. Because of its abundance in the subnival and nival zones, we expected S. BRYOIDES to reproduce efficiently in the highly stochastic climate at higher altitudes. Investigations were carried out at two subnival sites (2650 m and 2880 m a.s.l.) in the Austrian Alps. We studied flowering phenology, dynamics of seed development, and reproductive success in the climatically different years from 2001 - 2004. For a nival plant species, S. BRYOIDES showed a particularly long prefloration period (6 - 9 weeks). From onset of anthesis until seed maturity took an individual flower another 6 - 7 weeks and all individuals at a site 9 - 10 weeks. The length of the prefloration period and seed histogenesis was temperature-dependent, whereas seed maturation seemed to be endogenously controlled. Only in the exceptionally long and warm growing season of 2003 did all fruits mature at a site. In the other years, the onset of winter conditions halted development in many fruits before maturity. The seed/ovule ratio of mature fruits was around 0.7 in all years. The relative reproductive success (RRS) ranged from zero to 0.7, depending on the site and year. In conclusion, S. BRYOIDES needs an unexpectedly long time to undergo reproductive development. Though fruit maturation is uncertain, the high S/O ratio of single intact fruits results in at least a small seed crop in most years. This seems to be sufficient to assure the spread and maintenance of S. BRYOIDES at higher altitudes. As a seed-risk strategist (Molau,1993), S. BRYOIDES would clearly benefit from a prolonged growing season, which might occur more often if climate warming continues.  相似文献   

Potassium channels are controlling K+ transport across plasma membrane and thus playing a central role in all aspects of osmolarity as well as numerous other functions in plants, including in sexual reproduction. We have used whole-cell and single-channel patch-clamp recording techniques investigated the regulation of intracellular free Ca2+-activated outward K+ channels in Pyrus pyrifolia pollen tube protoplasts. We have also showed the channels could be inhibited by heme and activated carbon monoxide (CO). In the presence of oxygen and NADPH, hemoxygenases catalyzes heme degradation, producing biliverdin, iron and CO. Considered the oxygen concentration approaching zero in the ovary, the heme will inhibit the K+ outward flux from the intracellular of pollen tube, increasing the pollen tubes osmolarity, inducing pollen tube burst. Here we discuss the putative role of K+ channels in plant sexual reproduction.Key words: pear, pollen, K+ channels, heme, carbon monoxideIon channels in the pollen tube play critical roles in mediation pollen germination and pollen tube growth.13 Early studies were focus on the plasma membrane calcium channel regulation and cytosolic free calcium concentration variation in the pollen tube reason by which was one of the most important second messengers in plants.37 However, reports have also showed that the potassium channels in the pollen tubes were also involved in several important steps of plant sexual reproduction.819 Recently, more reports further demonstrated this phenomena.2024 In the report by Lu et al. they demonstrated that two cation/proton exchangers (CHX), CHX21 and CHX23, are essential for pollen tube growth guidance in Arabidopsis.22 chx21 chx23 double mutant induces the fertility impaired, but which is unchanged in both single chx21 or chx23 mutants. They have also found that the double mutant pollen grains germination and pollen tube growth in the transmitting tract were not difference with the wild-type, however, the double mutant pollen tubes fail to turn toward ovules.22 Protein localization experiments show CHX23 is expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum of pollen tubes; functional analysis results showed that CHX23 as a K+ transporter mediates K+ uptake in a pH-dependent manner. So, these protein affect the signal transduction pathway of pollen tube growth toward to the ovule by controlling the cation balance and pH in the pollen tube.22 Amien et al. identified a signaling ligand of defensin-like (DEFL) protein, ZmES4, which expressed in maize synergid. ZmES4 activates the maize pollen tube tip plasma membrane K+ Shaker channel KZM1.20 This finding is also very interesting. Pollen tube bursting suggested to be based on the osmotic stress; the influx of K+ mediated by ZmES4-activated KZM1 will trigger rapid plasma membrane depolarization, which induced the pollen tube tip burst.20 Furthermore, the osmotic increasing induced by too much K+ in the cytosolic of pollen tube was not only resulted by inward K+ channel activation, but also resulted by outward K+ channel inhibition in the pollen tube plasma membrane. In our report, we find a intracellular Ca2+-sensitive outward K+ channel in pear pollen tube plasma membrane, which could be inhibited by heme and activated by heme oxidative production, carbon monoxide (CO), may play a functional role in the pollen tube brusting.23In the presence of oxygen and NADPH, hemoxygenases catalyzes heme degradation, producing biliverdin, iron and CO.25 Early reports showed that oxygen plays an important role in plant sexual reproduction. Pollen tubes grow through the style toward the ovary with high speed, a process that consumes tremendous amounts of energy and requires rapid oxygen uptake by pollen tubes.26 Pollen grains have roughly 20 times the level of mitochondria and respire 10 times faster than vegetative tissue.12,2729 Furthermore, oxygen has been proposed as a possible cue for pollen-tube guidance.30 Indeed, the existence of an oxygen gradient in the unpollinated style has been shown in some species such as Hipeastrum hybridum. Oxygen pressure is high in the stigma and style but suddenly decreases at the base of the style, approaching zero in the ovary. Moreover, pollen-tube growth itself creates hypoxic regions within the style.31 Therefore, we suggest that the outward K+ channel inhibited by heme is dominant compared with which activated by CO when pollen tubes reach the ovary, based on where the hypoxic condition (Fig. 1). However, the gene encode the outward K+ channel in the pear pollen tube remains to be determined in the further study.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Reciprocal regulation of heme and carbon monoxide in putative Ca2+-activated outward K+ channel. Under normal condition, in the presence of NADPH, heme is metabolized by hemeoxygenase to generate carbon monoxide (CO), which activates outward K+ channel. However, without the oxygen, heme cannot be metabolized. The accumulated heme acts as an inhibitor of outward K+ channel, even in the presence of NADPH. The accumulated K+ in the cytosolic of pollen will induced the pollen tube depolarized, then burst.  相似文献   

泛素/蛋白酶体途径及其在高等植物有性生殖中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泛素/蛋白酶体途径是真核细胞内蛋白质降解的主要途径之一,涉及细胞内一系列基本生理过程。本文就蛋白泛素/酶体途径的组成及生化特性,泛素/蛋白酶体途径的一些生物学功能,研究泛素/蛋白酶体途径的一些技术和方法,泛素/蛋白酶体途径与高等植物有性生殖等方面作了较全面论述。  相似文献   

植物有性繁殖与资源分配的关系研究对于揭示植物生活史特征及繁育系统进化具有重要意义。新疆郁金香(Tulipa sinkiangensis)是新疆天山北坡荒漠带特有的一种多年生早春短命植物。在自然生境中,该物种仅以有性繁殖产生后代,每株能产生1-8朵花,且不同植株上的花数及果实数以及花序不同位置上的花与果实大小明显不同。本文通过对新疆郁金香有性繁殖与营养生长及植株大小的关系以及花序中不同位置花及果实间的资源分配研究,旨在揭示营养生长、个体大小及开花次序对其繁殖分配的影响。结果表明:在开花和果实成熟阶段,新疆郁金香植株分配给营养器官(鳞茎和地上营养器官)与繁殖器官的资源间均存在极显著的负相关关系(P<0.01),说明其植株的营养生长与生殖生长间存在权衡关系。多花是新疆郁金香的一个稳定性状,其植株上花数目、花生物量、果实生物量和种子数量与植株生物量间均呈极显著的正相关关系(P<0.01),说明新疆郁金香植株的繁殖分配存在大小依赖性。在具2-5朵花的新疆郁金香植株中,花序内各花的生物量、花粉数和胚珠数、结实率、果实生物量、结籽数、结籽率及种子百粒重按其开花顺序依次递减,说明花序内各花和果实的资源分配符合资源竞争假说。植株通过减少晚发育的花或果实获得的资源来保障早发育的花或果实获得较多的资源,从而达到繁殖成功。  相似文献   

Despite the obvious efficiencies of many forms of asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction abounds. Asexual species, for the most part, are relatively short-lived offshoots of sexual ancestors. From the nineteenth century, it has been recognized that, since there is no obvious advantage to the individuals involved, the advantages of sexual reproduction must be evolutionary. Furthermore, the advantage must be substantial; for example, producing males entails a two-fold cost, compared to dispensing with them and reproducing by parthenogenetic females. There are a large number of plausible hypotheses. To me the most convincing of these are two. The first hypothesis, and the oldest, is that sexual reproduction offers the opportunity to produce recombinant types that can make the population better able to keep up with changes in the environment. Although the subject of a great deal of work, and despite its great plausibility, the hypothesis has been very difficult to test by critical observations or experiments. Second, species with recombination can bunch harmful mutations together and eliminate several in a single “genetic death.” Asexual species, can eliminate them only in the same genotype in which they occurred. If the rate of occurrence of deleterious mutations is one or more per zygote, some mechanism for eliminating them efficiently must exist. A test of this mutation load hypothesis for sexual reproduction, then, is to find whether deleterious mutation rates in general are this high-as Drosophila data argue. Unfortunately, although molecular and evolutionary studies can give information on the total mutation rate, they cannot determine what fraction are deleterious. In addition, there are short discussions of the advantages of diploidy, anisogamy, and separate sexes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is evidence that asexual reproduction has a long-term disadvantage when compared to sexual reproduction. This disadvantage is usually assumed to arise from the more efficient incorporation of advantageous mutations by sexual populations. We consider here the effect on asexual and sexual populations of changes in the fitness of harmful mutations. It is shown that the re-establishment of equilibrium following environmental change is generally faster in sexual populations, and that the mutational load experienced by the sexual population can be significantly less during this period than that experienced by an asexual one. Changes in the fitness of harmful mutations may therefore impose a greater long-term disadvantage on asexual populations than those which are sexual.  相似文献   

I studied the effects of introducing phenotypic variation into a well-known single species model for a population with discrete, non-overlapping generations. The phenotypes differed in their dynamic behaviour. The analysis was made under the assumption that the population was in an evolutionary stable state. Differences in the timing of the competitive impacts of the phenotypes on each other had a strong simplifying effect on the dynamics. This result could also be applied to competition between species. The effect of sexual reproduction on the dynamics of the population was analysed by assuming the simplest genetic model of one locus with two alleles. Sexual reproduction made the system much more stable in the (mathematical) sense that the number of attractors was reduced and their basins of attraction enlarged. In a dominant system sex tended to increase the frequency of the recessive allele, and in an overdominant system it induced gene frequencies of 1/2. Whether the attractors in the dominant system tended to be simpler or more complex than the attractors in the asexual system depended on the phenotype of the recessive homozygote. The overdominant sexual system tended to have simpler dynamics than the corresponding asexual population. A 2-locus model was used to study whether sexuals can invade an asexual population and vice versa. One locus coded for sexual and asexual reproduction, while the other coded for the dynamics. Enhanced stability through sexual reproduction seemed to be the reason why there was a clear asymmetry favouring sex in this evolutionary context.  相似文献   

Morphometrics has been pursued by graphical and computational means since the European Renaissance,drawing on core geometric principles first discovered in China and Classical Greece.Through the late 1800s,two distinct approaches to such analyses were pursued:a deformationist approach,epitomized by D'Arcy Thompson's graphical trans-formation grids and the statistical approach popularized by Francis Galton,Karl Pearson,and Julian Huxley in which Cartesian spaces were employed to summarize patterns of variation in size and/or shape variables.Unification of these approaches was an oft-stated goal throughout the 20th century,but proved elusive until the mid-1980s when David Kendall,Fred Bookstein,and Colin Goodall proposed a radically new way of tmderstanding form — as the locations of configurations of landmarks on the surfaces of a nested series of hyperdimensional manifolds.Once this new mathematics of form was understood development of basic concepts,procedures,graphical tools,and statistical tests followed quickly such that the core of the long-hoped for synthesis took less than a decade to achieve.The result — geometric morphometrics — continues to develop into an ever-more extensive toolkit that can be used by researchers to describe and understand a wide range of problems involving the characterization of morphological similarities and differences in all of their many and varied contexts.In particular,the new approaches involving the direct analysis of image pixels and new tools such as machine learning and artificial intelligence are set to reinvigorate (and possibly to revolutionize) the field once again.  相似文献   

Most plants combine sexual reproduction with asexual clonal reproduction in varying degrees, yet the genetic consequences of reproductive variation remain poorly understood. The aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus exhibits striking reproductive variation related to ploidy. Diploids produce abundant viable seed whereas triploids are sexually sterile. Diploids also produce hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils, whereas triploids exhibit only limited clonal multiplication through rhizome fragmentation. We investigated whether this marked difference in reproductive strategy influences the diversity of genotypes within populations and their movement between populations by performing two large-scale population surveys (n = 58 populations) and assaying genotypic variation using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs). Contrary to expectations, sexually fertile populations did not exhibit higher genotypic diversity than sterile populations. For each cytotype, we detected one very common and widespread genotype. This would only occur with a very low probability (< 10-7) under regular sexual recombination. Compatibility analysis also indicated that the pattern of genotypic variation largely conformed to that expected with predominant clonal reproduction. The potential for recombination in diploids is not realized, possibly because seeds are outcompeted by bulbils for safe sites during establishment. We also failed to find evidence for more extensive movement of fertile than sterile genotypes. Aside from the few widespread genotypes, most were restricted to single populations. Genotypes in fertile populations were very strongly differentiated from those in sterile populations, suggesting that new triploids have not arisen during the colonization of North America. The colonization of North America involves two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that, despite striking reproductive differences, exhibit largely clonal population genetic structures.  相似文献   

In distylous, self-incompatible plants, clonal propagation, unbalanced floral morph frequencies, and reduced population size can interfere with the functioning of distyly by compromising legitimate intermorph pollinations, resulting in reduced reproductive output. Here, we examined the mating system and the impact of mate availability, population size, and spatial aggregation of morphs on reproductive output in the distylous, clonal, aquatic plant Hottonia palustris. Controlled pollinations under greenhouse conditions detected no spontaneous selfing without the action of a pollen vector (autonomous autogamy) and demonstrated very low fruit and seed development after self-pollination. Intermorph (legitimate) crossings resulted in high reproductive output in both floral morphs (long- and short-styled individuals), whereas intramorph (illegitimate) crossings decreased fruit and seed development by more than 50%, indicating that the species has partial intramorph-incompatibility. In natural populations, small population size and increasing deviation of floral morph frequencies negatively affected reproductive outcome. Individuals of the majority morph type developed significantly fewer fruit and seeds than individuals of the minority morph type. This rapid decline in fecundity was symmetrical, indicating that regardless of which morph was in the majority, the same patterns of negative frequency-dependent mating occurred. Increasing spatial isolation between compatible morphs significantly reduced fruit and seed set in both morphs similarly. This study provides clear indications of frequency- and context-dependent mating in natural populations of a distylous plant species.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TE) are prominent components of most eukaryotic genomes. In addition to their possible participation in the origin of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes, they may be also involved in its maintenance as important contributors to the deleterious mutation load. Comparative analyses of transposon content in the genomes of sexually reproducing and anciently asexual species may help to understand the contribution of different TE classes to the deleterious load. The apparent absence of deleterious retrotransposons from the genomes of ancient asexuals is in agreement with the hypothesis that they may play a special role in the maintenance of sexual reproduction and in early extinction for which most species are destined upon the abandonment of sex.  相似文献   

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