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A new beta-lactamase that hydrolyses methicillin was found in the membrane fraction of two clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus with borderline susceptibility to this drug. 'Methicillinase' activity was detected in renatured sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms of staphylococcal membrane proteins. The enzyme activity appeared to be inducible and was more easily detected using penicillin G (or methicillin) rather than nitrocefin as substrate. Similar activity was not detected in the membrane fraction of a methicillin-susceptible strain. These results suggest that, in the two borderline susceptible strains, rather than a hyperproduction of the penicillinase a specific methicillin-hydrolysing activity is responsible for the borderline susceptible phenotype.  相似文献   

Abstract Although considerable homology exists between the translation products of the rplL, rpoB and rpoC genes of the β operons of the Gram-negative organism Escherichia coli and the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus the region between the rplL and rpoB genes is quite different in the two bacterial species. In E. coli the 324 bp has three centres of dyad symmetry in the first half of the sequence and multiple nonsense codons in all three reading frames. By contrast, the corresponding region in S. aureus consists of 1000 bp capable of forming a similar arrangement of stem-loop structures but with an open reading frame, sited 177 bp downstream of the end of rplL and 217 bp upstream of the beginning of the rpoB gene, with consensus initiation and termination signals, which if translated would generate a 22,665 Da protein with 202 amino acids. In view of the inability to find any significant homology with other proteins in the data bank and because the evidence suggests, as in E. coli , that the rplL-rpoB intergenic sequence is involved in regulation it is proposed that the expression product of orf202 may be a further element of control in the S. aureus β operon.  相似文献   

The proteolytic cleavage of BlaI was shown to correlate with beta-lactamase synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus. BlaI was found to be autoregulatory when expressed from the blaZ promoter. Insertion of a 10-bp linker into the SnaBI site of blaRI resulted in constitutive synthesis of beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

The effects of tazobactam, a relatively new beta-lactamase inhibitor, were investigated on growth and penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of Borrellia burgdorferi. A previous communication from our group demonstrated several proteins capable of binding labelled penicillin in this organism. Of these proteins, 94-kDa and 57-kDa PBPs possessed the highest affinity for penicillin and were assumed to be essential proteins involved in cell-wall synthesis. In these experiments, tazobactam was used in competition binding experiments as well as on whole spirochetes. Only the 94-kDa and 57-kDa PBPs were affected by increasing amounts of tazobactam during competition-binding experiments and growth of B. burgdorferi was also inhibited. These results may explain the in vitro activity of beta-lactamase inhibitors in general and suggest a utility for these compounds when examining PBPs with hydrolysing activity and/or organisms with beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

Summary. A method is described for identifying variants at the bovine β-lactoglobulin locus by combining polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and molecular hybridation.  相似文献   

Sortase enzymes are vitally important for the virulence of gram‐positive bacteria as they play a key role in the attachment of surface proteins to the cell wall. These enzymes recognize a specific sorting sequence in proteins destined to be displayed on the surface of the bacteria and catalyze the transpeptidation reaction that links it to a cell wall precursor molecule. Because of their role in establishing pathogenicity, and in light of the recent rise of antibiotic‐resistant bacterial strains, sortase enzymes are novel drug targets. Here, we present a study of the prototypical sortase protein Staphylococcus aureus Sortase A (SrtA). Both conventional and accelerated molecular dynamics simulations of S. aureus SrtA in its apo state and when bound to an LPATG sorting signal (SS) were performed. Results support a binding mechanism that may be characterized as conformational selection followed by induced fit. Additionally, the SS was found to adopt multiple metastable states, thus resolving discrepancies between binding conformations in previously reported experimental structures. Finally, correlation analysis reveals that the SS actively affects allosteric pathways throughout the protein that connect the first and the second substrate binding sites, which are proposed to be located on opposing faces of the protein. Overall, these calculations shed new light on the role of dynamics in the binding mechanism and function of sortase enzymes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have generated interest in the use of the homologous recombination system of bacteriophage lambda for genetic engineering. The system, called Red, consists primarily of three proteins: lambda exonuclease, which processively digests the 5'-ended strand of a dsDNA end; beta protein, which binds to ssDNA and promotes strand annealing; and gamma protein, which binds to the bacterial RecBCD enzyme and inhibits its activities. These proteins induce a 'hyper-rec' state in Escherichia coli and other bacteria, in which recombination events between DNA species with as little as 40 bp of shared sequence occur at high frequency. Red-mediated recombination in the hyper-rec bacterium proceeds via a number of different pathways, and with the involvement of different sets of bacterial proteins, depending in part on the nature of the recombining DNA species. The role of high-frequency double-strand break repair/recombination in the life cycle of the lambdoid phages is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of two anxiolytic beta-carboline derivatives, ZK 93423 and ZK 91296, on the binding of gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) to brain membrane preparations from rat cerebral cortex were examined. ZK 93423 concentration-dependently enhanced the specific binding of [3H]GABA, with a maximal increase of 45% above control at a 50 microM concentration. A less pronounced increase was induced by diazepam and by the partial agonist ZK 91296. Scatchard plot analysis revealed that the effect of ZK 93423 was due to an increase in the total number of high- and low-affinity GABA binding sites. The action of ZK 93423 was mediated by benzodiazepine recognition sites since it was blocked by the benzodiazepine antagonists Ro 15-1788 and ZK 93426 at concentrations that failed to modify [3H]GABA binding on their own. Moreover the stimulatory effect of ZK 93423 on [3H]GABA binding was also blocked by the beta-carboline inverse agonist ethyl beta-carboline-3-carboxylate. These results are consistent with the view that ZK 93423 and ZK 91296, similarly to benzodiazepines, exert their pharmacological effects by enhancing the GABAergic transmission at the level of the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex.  相似文献   

Abstract: SR 58611A, a selective agonist of gut and brown adipose tissue β3-adrenoceptors (β3ARs), has been reported to have antidepressant-like activity in rodents by indicating brain β3ARs as the sites of this property. SR 58611A and its acid metabolite SR 58878A, as opposed to BRL 37344, ICI 215,001, and CGP 12177, increased cyclic AMP levels in rat frontal cortex. ICI 215,001, differently from BRL 37344, at concentrations in the millimolar range antagonized norepinephrine- or (−)-isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase partially. The increase of cyclic AMP levels induced by SR 58878A was blocked selectively by β1AR antagonist CGP 20712A but not by β2AR antagonist ICI 118,551. In addition, PCR analysis did not reveal β3AR mRNA, and no specific β3AR binding sites were detected by [3H]CGP 12177 in rat frontal cortex. When down-regulation of the β1AR ligand binding and mRNA levels had been induced in frontal cortex by chronic administration of imipramine, SR 58878A as well as norepinephrine and (−)-isoproterenol increased the cyclic AMP production less markedly. Our findings indicate that β3ARs are absent in the adult rat frontal cortex, and that various β3AR agonists differently affect the frontal cortex β1ARs, indicating that SR 58611A may exert its putative antidepressant effect acting on the frontal cortex β1ARs.  相似文献   

The amounts of beta-endorphin- and Met-enkephalin-immunoreactive material are higher in the pituitary of aged rats. However, the aging process decreases the content of beta-endorphin-, but does not affect that of Met-enkephalin-immunoreactive material, in hypothalamus. Thus, it seems that the regulatory mechanisms in the two areas are differentially affected by increasing age. On the other hand, the pituitary increase of these peptides is in line with the assumption that in the elderly the hormonal response to stress is impaired.  相似文献   

The beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) contains a copper-binding site localized between amino acids 135 and 156 (beta-APP(135-156)). We have employed synthetic beta-APP peptides to characterize their capacities to reduce Cu(II) to Cu(I). Analogues of the wild-type beta-APP(135-156) peptide, containing specific amino acid substitutions, were used to establish which residues are specifically involved in the reduction of copper by beta-APP(135-156). We report here that beta-APP's copper-binding domain reduced Cu(II) to Cu(I). The single-mutant beta-APP(His147-->Ala) and the double-mutant beta-APP(His147-->Ala/His149-->Ala) showed a small decrease in copper reduction in relation to the wild-type peptide and the beta-APP(Cys144-->Ser) mutation abolished it, suggesting that Cys144 is the key amino acid in the oxidoreduction reaction. Our results confirm that soluble beta-APP is involved in the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I).  相似文献   

Abstract An extended-spectrum β-lactamase, the gene for which is located on plasmid pMS350 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, hydrolyzes carbapenems and other extended-spectrum β-lactam antibiotics. We cloned the pMS350 β-lactamase gene in an Escherichia coli K-12 strain using the vector plasmid pHSG398, and subcloned it into pMS360, a plasmid with a wide host-range. This resulted in the formation of the recombinant plasmid, pMS363, containing a 4.1-kb DNA insert that includes the extended-spectrum β-lactamase gene. Plasmid pMS363 was introduced into the P. aeruginosa PAO strain or into six species of Enterobacteriaceae, and the specific activities of the β-lactamase and MICs of various β-lactam antibiotics were estimated. The cloned gene was capable of expression in these strains and caused resistance to carbapenem, penem and other β-lactam antibiotics, with the exception of aztreonam.  相似文献   

G. ERHARDT 《Animal genetics》1989,20(3):197-204
Summary. Milk samples from 189 Merinoland Sheep, 145 Black Faced Mutton Sheep, 89 East Friesian Milk Sheep, 36 Rhön, 36 Pleven, 23 Tsigaja, 25 Black Razka and 86 Hungarian Merino x Pleven (F1) sheep were analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under acid conditions and isoelectric focusing in ultrathin layer polyacrylamide gels with carrier ampholytes. Six different β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) phenotypes (A, AB, B, AC, BC and C) were observed by both methods. The occurrence of three codominant alleles (β-LgA, β-LgB, β-Lgc) at an autosomal locus (β-Lg) was supported by family and population data on genetic equilibrium. Differences in gene frequencies between the breeds were observed.  相似文献   

Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) produced by a clinical isolate of Shigella flexneri from chickens were detected with confirmatory phenotypic tests of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, and minimum inhibitory concentrations of several antibacterial drugs against the isolate were determined by the twofold dilution method. The genotype and subtype of the ESBL-producing S. flexneri isolate were identified by PCR amplifying of ESBL genes and DNA sequencing analysis. The results revealed that the isolate was able to produce ESBLs. They were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins such as ceftiofur and ceftriaxone and showed characteristics of multidrug resistance. The ESBL gene from the S. flexneri isolate was of the TEM type. Sequence analysis indicated that the TEM-type gene had 99.1% and 99.2% identity to TEM-1D ESBL and TEM-1 β-lactamase, respectively, at the nucleotide level. The amino acid sequence inferred from the TEM-type gene revealed three substitutions compared with the TEM-1 and TEM-1D enzymes: Ser51Gly, Val82Ila and Ala182Val. When it was compared with TEM-116 (99.8% identity), there were only two mutations (A151G and T403C) in the TEM-type gene, resulting in the substitution of Ser to Gly at position 51 in the amino acid sequence. The TEM type was a TEM-116 derivative.  相似文献   

Abstract p -Toluate-grown cells of Rhodococcus ruber N75, R. corallinus N657, R. rhodochrous N5 and Rhodococcus strains BCN1, BCN2 and 4PH1 metabolized 4-methylcatechol by a modified 3-oxoadipate pathway. Steps in the conversion of this compound to 4-methyl-3-oxoadipic acid were investigated. The conversion of 4-carboxymethyl-3-methylbut-2-en-1, 4-olide to 4-carboxymethyl-3-methylbut-2-en-1, 4-olide by a new enzyme is described.  相似文献   

Abstract A Monilia sp. produced an inducible intracellular β- d -glucosidase (IG-2) which is the nascent form of the extracellular enzyme (EG-1) prior to its secretion into the extracellular medium. The other intracellular β- d -glucosidase (IG-1) produced was a constitutive enzyme. Highest yields of the inducible β- d -glucosidase resulted when Monilia sp. was grown on insoluble cellulose. Cellobiose and d -glucose appeared to repress β- d -glucosidase formation at high substrate levels and synthesis occurred only once the levels of these sugars in the medium were nearly depleted.  相似文献   

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