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The data on cranial measurements performed in silver foxes indicate that there are differences in sizes measured between the farm foxes--bred population and the population selected for domestication. A method of principal components was used to analyse the cranial measurements and their changes under domestication. The first component covers about 50% of cranial diversity, which is interpreted as variation in the total skull size. This component clearly separates the two sexes, but not different populations. The second component presumably reflects the growth rate allometry between the skull length and width. The third and fourth components are measurements of skull width; the fifth one reflects the sizes of brain skull. None of these components clearly separate the foxes from farm--bred and domesticated populations. However, some differences in distribution are observed.  相似文献   

Two groups of silver foxes, selected according their behaviour with respect to man and non-selected ones, were exposed to restriction-induced stress. It was found that changes in the level of brain serotonin and its main metabolite, 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid, and elevation of plasma corticosteroids concentration in domesticated (tame) silver foxes were much less pronounced than in non-domesticated (non-tame) animals. Positive relationship between type of behaviour, brain serotonin metabolism and pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress was observed. It is suggested that such correlative pattern as changed pituitary-adrenal axis responses in domesticated animals may be due to changes in metabolism of controlling this axis brain transmitter serotonin.  相似文献   

Histochemical and cytometric analyses of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS), suprachiasmatic and arcuate nuclei, as well as the pineal gland in mature female silver foxes during oestrus revealed activation of peptidergic and monoaminergic neurosecretory units alongside with activation of the glial and vascular components. The increase of the secretory activity of the HHNS and pineal gland was more evident in domesticated animals. The data obtained show more intense production and excretion of neurohormones which are involved in regulation of reproduction, in domesticated foxes. These peculiarities may account for changes in the oestral cycle in domesticated animals.  相似文献   

The activity of tryptophan hydroxylase, the key enzyme of serotonin biosynthesis, was determined in the brain of silver foxes and wild rats selected, according to domestic or aggressive behavior, in respect to man. Significant increase of enzyme activity in midbrain of both domesticated rats and domesticated foxes was found, in comparison with that of aggressive animals. It was suggested that genetic mechanisms of the selection according to aggressive behavior, involve the changes of genes responsible for the synthesis of serotonin, the brain neurotransmitter which inhibits this type of behavior.  相似文献   

The foxes at Novosibirsk, Russia, are the only population of domesticated foxes in the world. These domesticated foxes originated from farm-bred silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes), whose genetic source is unknown. In this study we examined the origin of the domesticated strain of foxes and two other farm-bred fox populations (aggressive and unselected) maintained in Novosibirsk. To identify the phylogenetic origin of these populations we sequenced two regions of mtDNA, cytochrome b and D-loop, from 24 Novosibirsk foxes (8 foxes from each population) and compared them with corresponding sequences of native red foxes from Europe, Asia, Alaska and Western Canada, Eastern Canada, and the Western Mountains of the USA. We identified seven cytochrome b - D-loop haplotypes in Novosibirsk populations, four of which were previously observed in Eastern North America. The three remaining haplotypes differed by one or two base change from the most common haplotype in Eastern Canada. Φ(ST) analysis showed significant differentiation between Novosibirsk populations and red fox populations from all geographic regions except Eastern Canada. No haplotypes of Eurasian origin were identified in the Novosibirsk populations. These results are consistent with historical records indicating that the original breeding stock of farm-bred foxes originated from Prince Edward Island, Canada. Mitochondrial DNA data together with historical records indicate two stages in the selection of domesticated foxes: the first includes captive breeding for ~50 years with unconscious selection for behaviour; the second corresponds to over 50 further years of intensive selection for tame behaviour.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the reactivity of adrenal cortex to ACTH and of the pituitary-adrenal system to psychic stress in intact and castrated domesticated (tame) and non-domesticated (non-tame) silver foxes of both sexes were studied. It is demonstrated that in tame foxes there are differences among the intact and castrated animal in their reaction to ACTH and psychic stress. These differences are maifested especially in autumn (September, October) which is the period of extra-seasonal sexual activity for domesticated animals. This points to the fact that the sex glands exert a great influence on the condition of central regulating mechanisms of the pituitary-adrenal complex and that the selection of silver foxes for tame behaviour changes the functional state of these mechanisms through the change of the functional state of the sex glands.  相似文献   

The specific radioligand binding of serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors was determined in the frontal cortex and in the hypothalamus of Norway rats and silver foxes. Aggressive wild rats and silver foxes and animals selected for many generations for nonaggressive behavior towards man (domestication) were compared. The binding of the 5-HT1A receptors was found to be significantly higher in domesticated Norway rats and lower in domesticated foxes than in aggressive animals. The specific binding of the 5-HT2 receptors was found to be similar in aggressive and domesticated animals, both in rats and foxes. The data obtained indicate the involvement of 5-HT1A receptors in the hypothalamus into the process of domestication.  相似文献   

The contribution of genetic and environmental components in phenotype variety of corticosteroid adrenal function was studied in undomesticated and domesticated silver foxes during postnatal ontogenesis. The variation of basal and stress plasma corticosteroid level in animals aged 2, 4, 6, 8 months and in vitro secretion of the adrenal gland at the age 8 months was analysed. Significant genotype-depended variability was only demonstrated in undomesticated foxes under stress stimulation conditions. This phenomenon is manifested from the fourth month of life. However, significant genotype-depended variability was already revealed under basal conditions in domesticated foxes, on initial steps of postnatal ontogenesis. The peculiarities of genetic variability of adrenocortical function in foxes selected for domestication are discussed.  相似文献   

Influence was studied of the bilateral electric coagulation of the basolateral part of the amygdala on the behaviour in unknown environment and on the attitude to the man of domesticated and aggressive foxes. Increase of exploratory behaviour with enhancing of motor activity was observed in all foxes after amygdala ablation. At the same time a decrease of positive emotional reactions to man was observed in the domesticated animals, while in the aggressive foxes defensive reactions to man and in unknown environment were weakened.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the content of catecholamines (noradrenaline and dopamine) as well as metabolites of dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic and homovanillic acids) in the brain structures of silver foxes which differ in their handling reactions. The level of noradrenaline was found to be significantly higher in the anterior hypothalamus of domesticated animals; no differences in noradrenaline content were found in the frontal cortex, hippocamp, posterior hypothalamus and midbrain in animals from aggressive and domesticated groups. Dopamine content was higher in the tuberculum olfactorium of domesticated animals, being lower in the striatum and n. accumbens. Metabolite level remained unaffected which is presumably due to changes in dopamine synthesis in the investigated structures. It was concluded that domestication of animals favours the specimens with an altered state of catecholaminergic system of the brain.  相似文献   

The physiological boundaries of the sensitive period of primary socialization were studied in the silver fox (Vulpes fulvus Desm). A total of 273 farm-bred foxes from 59 litters were observed from 1976 to 1978; pups were produced by vixens from two populations, one selected for domesticated behaviour and the other unselected. Results indicate that the age when the eyes are fully open, when the response to sound first appears and when exploratory behaviour is first shown in strange surroundings is 3 weeks, on average. The age when the socialization period starts appears to be 20–25 days old. The optimum period of the formation of primary social bonds appears to be 30–35 days, when maximum exploration in a novel situation is shown. The 40–45 days period appears to be the upper boundary of primary socialization in unselected foxes because pups show fear in response to novel stimuli, which prevents exploration. In pups from the population of domesticated foxes, the sensitive period of socialization is prolonged to over 60–65 days old.  相似文献   

Testosterone content was determined by radioimmune assay in the testes of silver foxes between the 31st and 50th days of gestation. Small quantities of testosterone were found in the testes already at the 31st day of prenatal life, gradually increasing up to a maximum value at the 50th day. No significant difference in testosterone content was found between domesticated and undomesticated silver foxes during prenatal life. It is suggested that selection for domesticated behaviour affects rather central control of endocrine functions than steroid biosynthesis in the testes.  相似文献   

Silver foxes selected for domestication behavior were found to have relative hypertrophy of the right heart ventricle, which was 21% as enlarged in males and 18% as enlarged in females as compared with non-domesticated animals. It was established by stereological methods that hypertrophy occurs mainly at the expense of an increase in the absolute and relative content of myofibrils in cardiomyocytes, with the absolute total volume of the mitochondria being equal both in domesticated and non-domesticated animals. It was shown by means of dissociated cell counts that in both animal groups, the absolute number of cardiomyocytes and their nuclei in the right ventricles is approximately similar. It is suggested that there is a relationship between right heart ventricle hypertrophy in domesticated foxes and variation in the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic effects.  相似文献   

In domesticated at the age from 30-th to 60-th days foxes an intensification of orienting-investigating behaviour takes place in unknown situation. Cortisol level is not changed. In foxes, selected for aggressive behaviour towards man, at 30 days age the orienting-investigating behaviour is also observed, and hormone concentration does not differ from that in domesticated fox-cubs. In aggressive cubs of 45 days a defensive behaviour develops and cortisol content in blood significantly increases. Participation is discussed of adrenal cortex hormones in manifestation of defensive reactions and mechanisms of restriction of sensitive period of socialization.  相似文献   

Studies on 7-day-old and 8-month-old female silver foxes indicate that additional photostimulation affects to a various extent morphological and functional condition of the adrenal cortex in animals selected and unselected for the domestication type of behaviour. In relatively wild foxes, additional illumination stimulated the activity of the reticular zone, whereas in domesticated animals the same photoperiod increased the activity in the fascicular zone. It is suggested that selection of silver foxes for the domestication type of behaviour affects the sensitivity of the adrenals to external illumination.  相似文献   

Morphological indices of changes in the epiphysis activity during pregnancy are analyzed in relatively wild and domesticated silver-black foxes. The diameter of light actively functioning nuclei of pinealocytes increased most significantly and reliably in the end of pregnancy and, at the same time, the area of their surface decreased. These signs witness an enhanced protein synthesis. Unlike other stages of ontogenesis, the degree and dynamics of epiphysis activity during the period of pregnancy were similar in animals of both groups.  相似文献   

The course of changes in secondary sex ratio (proportion of males at birth) in silver foxes bred at the fur farm of this Institute was analyzed. Data collected over several years of breeding of a domesticated (experimental) population selected for amenability to domestication and of a commercial (control) were compared. A tendency to increase in secondary sex ratio was demonstrated in both populations. However, the proportion of males at birth was higher in domestic foxes. This proportion, calculated from the combined data for 1978–1993, was 0.538±0.005 and 0.511±0.007 in the selected and commercial populations, respectively. The minimal departure of the observed sex ratio from 0.5 was demonstrated for litters with five pups, which is close to the average litter size in fox populations. The proportion of males increases with both increasing and decreasing litter size. An analysis of secondary sex ratio with respect to maternal age revealed a minimal departure of sex ratio from the expected in offspring from foxes of optimal reproductive age (2–4 years). An effect of the autosomal semidominant coat color mutation star on male excess at birth was also found: secondary sex ratio was higher (0.583±0.015) in offspring of mothers heterozygous for the star mutation than from standard types of the domesticated population. The increase in secondary sex ratio in the analyzed fox populations is viewed as a correlated response to selection for domestication. The hormonal mechanisms mediating the effects of both this selection and the star mutation on sex ratio at birth are discussed.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs show remarkable communicative abilities in their interaction with people. These skills maybe explained by the interaction between the domestication process and learning experiences during ontogeny. Studies carried out on other species of canids, which have not been domesticated are relevant to this topic. The purpose of this article is to study the effect of instrumental learning on captive Pampas foxes’ (Lycalopex gymnocercus) communicative responses to humans. Seven foxes were tested in a conflict situation involving food within sight but out of their reach. In these situations dogs typically gaze at the human face to ask for food. In Study 1, there was an increase in gaze duration as a consequence of reinforcement and a decrease during extinction, when animals did not receive any more food. In Study 2, all of the four foxes tested successfully followed proximal pointing gesture to find hidden food. When a distal pointing cue was given, three out of four followed it in the first session and one in the second session. These results are consistent with those previously found in dogs, and suggest that learning experiences allow the development of communicative skills, even in not domesticated canid species.  相似文献   

We used pairs of congeneric shrub species from contrasting habitats to test for repeated evolutionary divergence in leaf-stem allometry and shoot hydraulic architecture in response to water availability. Allometric relationships and mean ratios between leaf size (individual and total area and mass per shoot) and stem cross-sectional area were compared between habitats using six species pairs representing three genera (Arctostaphylos, Baccharis, Ceanothus). We measured correlations among evolutionary changes in allometric, morphological, and physiological traits using phylogenetic independent contrasts. Allometric analysis revealed habitat differences: slopes were homogeneous among species (=1.46), but the more mesic-adapted species generally supported more leaf area at a common stem cross-sectional area. Reducing bivariate allometry to a ratio obscured this pattern because ratios varied with stem size, which was unrelated to habitat. Mean individual leaf size also was not correlated with either water availability or leaf-stem allometry. Stem hydraulic conductivity was generally lower in the xeric-adapted species of each pair, and its evolution mirrored changes in shoot allometry. This study provides evidence for repeated evolutionary divergence in shoot allometry and hydraulic architecture associated with water availability and demonstrates the importance of shoot allometry to water relations, independent of leaf size.  相似文献   

Domestication affects behavioral and vocal responses, involved in communication with humans; in particular, those that attract human attention. In this study, we found that silver foxes of Tame strain, experimentally domesticated for a few tenses of generation, displayed bursts of vocal activity during the first minute after appearance of an unfamiliar human, that faded quickly during the remaining time of the test, when the experimenter stayed passively before the cage. Distinctively, foxes of Aggressive strain, artificially selected for tenses of generation for aggressive behavior toward humans, and the control group of Unselected for behavior silver foxes kept steady levels of vocal activity for the duration of the tests. We found also that Aggressive foxes vocalized for a larger proportion of time than Unselected foxes for all 5 min of the test. We discuss the obtained data in relation to proposal effects of domestication on mechanisms directed to involving people into human-animal interactions and structural similarity between human laughter and vocalization of Tame foxes.  相似文献   

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