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Pseudomonas syringae pv. panici is a phytopathogenic bacterium causing brown stripe disease in economically important crops worldwide. Here, we announce the draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. panici LMG2367 to provide further valuable insights for comparison of the pathovars among species Pseudomonas syringae.  相似文献   

Recombination has an impact on genome evolution by maintaining chromosomal integrity, affecting the efficacy of selection, and increasing genetic variability in populations. Recombination rates are a key determinant of the coevolutionary dynamics between hosts and their pathogens. Historic recombination events created devastating new pathogens, but the impact of ongoing recombination in sexual pathogens is poorly understood. Many fungal pathogens of plants undergo regular sexual cycles, and sex is considered to be a major factor contributing to virulence. We generated a recombination map at kilobase-scale resolution for the haploid plant pathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. To account for intraspecific variation in recombination rates, we constructed genetic maps from two independent crosses. We localized a total of 10,287 crossover events in 441 progeny and found that recombination rates were highly heterogeneous within and among chromosomes. Recombination rates on large chromosomes were inversely correlated with chromosome length. Short accessory chromosomes often lacked evidence for crossovers between parental chromosomes. Recombination was concentrated in narrow hotspots that were preferentially located close to telomeres. Hotspots were only partially conserved between the two crosses, suggesting that hotspots are short-lived and may vary according to genomic background. Genes located in hotspot regions were enriched in genes encoding secreted proteins. Population resequencing showed that chromosomal regions with high recombination rates were strongly correlated with regions of low linkage disequilibrium. Hence, genes in pathogen recombination hotspots are likely to evolve faster in natural populations and may represent a greater threat to the host.  相似文献   

A remarkable shift in our understanding of plant‐pathogenic bacteria is underway. Until recently, nearly all research on phytopathogenic bacteria was focused on a small number of model strains, which provided a deep, but narrow, perspective on plant–microbe interactions. Advances in genome sequencing technologies have changed this by enabling the incorporation of much greater diversity into comparative and functional research. We are now moving beyond a typological understanding of a select collection of strains to a more generalized appreciation of the breadth and scope of plant–microbe interactions. The study of natural populations and evolution has particularly benefited from the expansion of genomic data. We are beginning to have a much deeper understanding of the natural genetic diversity, niche breadth, ecological constraints and defining characteristics of phytopathogenic species. Given this expanding genomic and ecological knowledge, we believe the time is ripe to evaluate what we know about the evolutionary dynamics of plant pathogens.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae is the major cause of bacterial canker and is a severe threat to kiwifruit production worldwide. Many aspects of the disease caused by P. syringae pv. actinidiae, such as the pathogenicity-relevant formation of a biofilm composed of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs), are still unknown. Here, a highly virulent strain of P. syringae pv. actinidiae, NZ V-13, was studied with respect to biofilm formation and architecture using a flow cell system combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The biofilm formed by P. syringae pv. actinidiae NZ V-13 was heterogeneous, consisting of a thin cellular base layer 5 μm thick and microcolonies with irregular structures. The major component of the EPSs produced by P. syringae pv. actinidiae NZ V-13 bacteria was isolated and identified to be an exopolysaccharide. Extensive compositional and structural analysis showed that rhamnose, fucose, and glucose were the major constituents, present at a ratio of 5:1.5:2. Experimental evidence that P. syringae pv. actinidiae NZ V-13 produces two polysaccharides, a branched α-d-rhamnan with side chains of terminal α-d-Fucf and an α-d-1,4-linked glucan, was obtained. The susceptibility of the cells in biofilms to kasugamycin and chlorine dioxide was assessed. About 64 and 73% of P. syringae pv. actinidiae NZ V-13 cells in biofilms were killed when kasugamycin and chlorine dioxide were used at 5 and 10 ppm, respectively. Kasugamycin inhibited the attachment of P. syringae pv. actinidiae NZ V-13 to solid surfaces at concentrations of 80 and 100 ppm. Kasugamycin was bacteriostatic against P. syringae pv. actinidiae NZ V-13 growth in the planktonic mode, with the MIC being 40 to 60 ppm and a bactericidal effect being found at 100 ppm. Here we studied the formation, architecture, and composition of P. syringae pv. actinidiae biofilms as well as used the biofilm as a model to assess the efficacies of bactericidal compounds.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of more than 100 Pseudomonas syringae strains has been sequenced to date; however only few of them have been fully assembled, including P. syringae pv. syringae B728a. Different strains of pv. syringae cause different diseases and have different host specificities; so, UMAF0158 is a P. syringae pv. syringae strain related to B728a but instead of being a bean pathogen it causes apical necrosis of mango trees, and the two strains belong to different phylotypes of pv.syringae and clades of P. syringae. In this study we report the complete sequence and annotation of P. syringae pv. syringae UMAF0158 chromosome and plasmid pPSS158. A comparative analysis with the available sequenced genomes of other 25 P. syringae strains, both closed (the reference genomes DC3000, 1448A and B728a) and draft genomes was performed. The 5.8 Mb UMAF0158 chromosome has 59.3% GC content and comprises 5017 predicted protein-coding genes. Bioinformatics analysis revealed the presence of genes potentially implicated in the virulence and epiphytic fitness of this strain. We identified several genetic features, which are absent in B728a, that may explain the ability of UMAF0158 to colonize and infect mango trees: the mangotoxin biosynthetic operon mbo, a gene cluster for cellulose production, two different type III and two type VI secretion systems, and a particular T3SS effector repertoire. A mutant strain defective in the rhizobial-like T3SS Rhc showed no differences compared to wild-type during its interaction with host and non-host plants and worms. Here we report the first complete sequence of the chromosome of a pv. syringae strain pathogenic to a woody plant host. Our data also shed light on the genetic factors that possibly determine the pathogenic and epiphytic lifestyle of UMAF0158. This work provides the basis for further analysis on specific mechanisms that enable this strain to infect woody plants and for the functional analysis of host specificity in the P. syringae complex.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is a common foliar bacterium responsible for many important plant diseases. We studied the population structure and dynamics of the core genome of P. syringae via multilocus sequencing typing (MLST) of 60 strains, representing 21 pathovars and 2 nonpathogens, isolated from a variety of plant hosts. Seven housekeeping genes, dispersed around the P. syringae genome, were sequenced to obtain 400 to 500 nucleotides per gene. Forty unique sequence types were identified, with most strains falling into one of four major clades. Phylogenetic and maximum-likelihood analyses revealed a remarkable degree of congruence among the seven genes, indicating a common evolutionary history for the seven loci. MLST and population genetic analyses also found a very low level of recombination. Overall, mutation was found to be approximately four times more likely than recombination to change any single nucleotide. A skyline plot was used to study the demographic history of P. syringae. The species was found to have maintained a constant population size over time. Strains were also found to remain genetically homogeneous over many years, and when isolated from sites as widespread as the United States and Japan. An analysis of molecular variance found that host association explains only a small proportion of the total genetic variation in the sample. These analyses reveal that with respect to the core genome, P. syringae is a highly clonal and stable species that is endemic within plant populations, yet the genetic variation seen in these genes only weakly predicts host association.  相似文献   

G Xie  Z Cui  Z Tao  H Qiu  H Liu  M Ibrahim  B Zhu  G Jin  G Sun  A Almoneafy  B Li 《Journal of bacteriology》2012,194(19):5479-5480
Pseudomonas fuscovaginae is a phytopathogenic bacterium causing bacterial sheath brown rot of cereal crops. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of P. fuscovaginae CB98818, originally isolated from a diseased rice plant in China. The draft genome will aid in epidemiological studies, comparative genomics, and quarantine of this broad-host-range pathogen.  相似文献   

The origins of crop diseases are linked to domestication of plants. Most crops were domesticated centuries – even millennia – ago, thus limiting opportunity to understand the concomitant emergence of disease. Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) is an exception: domestication began in the 1930s with outbreaks of canker disease caused by P. syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) first recorded in the 1980s. Based on SNP analyses of two circularized and 34 draft genomes, we show that Psa is comprised of distinct clades exhibiting negligible within-clade diversity, consistent with disease arising by independent samplings from a source population. Three clades correspond to their geographical source of isolation; a fourth, encompassing the Psa-V lineage responsible for the 2008 outbreak, is now globally distributed. Psa has an overall clonal population structure, however, genomes carry a marked signature of within-pathovar recombination. SNP analysis of Psa-V reveals hundreds of polymorphisms; however, most reside within PPHGI-1-like conjugative elements whose evolution is unlinked to the core genome. Removal of SNPs due to recombination yields an uninformative (star-like) phylogeny consistent with diversification of Psa-V from a single clone within the last ten years. Growth assays provide evidence of cultivar specificity, with rapid systemic movement of Psa-V in Actinidia chinensis. Genomic comparisons show a dynamic genome with evidence of positive selection on type III effectors and other candidate virulence genes. Each clade has highly varied complements of accessory genes encoding effectors and toxins with evidence of gain and loss via multiple genetic routes. Genes with orthologs in vascular pathogens were found exclusively within Psa-V. Our analyses capture a pathogen in the early stages of emergence from a predicted source population associated with wild Actinidia species. In addition to candidate genes as targets for resistance breeding programs, our findings highlight the importance of the source population as a reservoir of new disease.  相似文献   

The relationships among strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, Ps. syr. antirrhini, Ps. syr. maculicola, Ps. syr. apii and a strain isolated from squash were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns, nutritional characteristics, host of origin and host ranges. All strains tested except for Ps. syr. maculicola 4326 isolated from radish ( Raphanus sativus L.) constitute a closely related group. No polymorphism was seen among strains probed with the 5.7 and 2.3 kb Eco RI fragments which lie adjacent to the hrp cluster of Ps. syr. tomato and the 8.6 kb Eco RI insert of pBG2, a plasmid carrying the β-glucosidase gene(s). All strains tested had overlapping host ranges. In contrast to this, comparison of strains by RFLP patterns of sequences homologous to the 4.5 kb Hind III fragment of pRut2 and nutritional properties distinguished four groups. Group 1, consisting of strains of pathovars maculicola, tomato and apii , had similar RFLP patterns and used homoserine but not sorbitol as carbon sources. Group 2, consisting of strains of pathovars maculicola and tomato , differed from Group 1 in RFLP patterns and did not use either homoserine or sorbitol. Group 3 was similar to Group 2 in RFLP patterns but utilized homoserine and sorbitol. This group included strains of the pathovars tomato and antirrhini , and a strain isolated from squash. Group 4, a single strain of Ps. syr. maculicola isolated from radish, had unique RFLP patterns and resembled Group 3 nutritionally. The evolutionary relationships of these strains are discussed.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are phylogenetically disparate α- and β-proteobacteria that have achieved the environmentally essential function of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in symbiosis with legumes. Ample evidence indicates that horizontal transfer of symbiotic plasmids/islands has played a crucial role in rhizobia evolution. However, adaptive mechanisms that allow the recipient genomes to express symbiotic traits are unknown. Here, we report on the experimental evolution of a pathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum chimera carrying the symbiotic plasmid of the rhizobium Cupriavidus taiwanensis into Mimosa nodulating and infecting symbionts. Two types of adaptive mutations in the hrpG-controlled virulence pathway of R. solanacearum were identified that are crucial for the transition from pathogenicity towards mutualism. Inactivation of the hrcV structural gene of the type III secretion system allowed nodulation and early infection to take place, whereas inactivation of the master virulence regulator hrpG allowed intracellular infection of nodule cells. Our findings predict that natural selection of adaptive changes in the legume environment following horizontal transfer has been a major driving force in rhizobia evolution and diversification and show the potential of experimental evolution to decipher the mechanisms leading to symbiosis.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas stutzeri T13 is a highly efficient aerobic denitrifying bacterium. Information about the genome of this aerobic denitrifying bacterium has been limited until now. We present the draft genome of P. stutzeri T13. The results could provide further insight into the aerobic denitrification mechanism in strain T13.  相似文献   

The covalent structure of syringotoxin, a bioactive metabolite of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae isolates, pathogenic on various species of citrus trees, has been deduced from 1D and 2D 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra combined with extensive FAB-MS data and results of some chemical reactions. Similarly to syringomicins and syringostatins, produced by other plant pathogenic strains of P. syringae pv. syringae, syringotoxin is a lipodepsinonapeptide. Its peptide moiety corresponds to Ser-Dab-Gly-Hse-Orn-aThr-Dhb-(3-OH)Asp-(4-Cl)Thr with the terminal carboxy group closing a macrocyclic ring on the OH group of the N-terminal Ser, which in turn is N-acetylated by 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acid.  相似文献   

A recently emerging bleeding canker disease, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pathovar aesculi (Pae), is threatening European horse chestnut in northwest Europe. Very little is known about the origin and biology of this new disease. We used the nucleotide sequences of seven commonly used marker genes to investigate the phylogeny of three strains isolated recently from bleeding stem cankers on European horse chestnut in Britain (E-Pae). On the basis of these sequences alone, the E-Pae strains were identical to the Pae type-strain (I-Pae), isolated from leaf spots on Indian horse chestnut in India in 1969. The phylogenetic analyses also showed that Pae belongs to a distinct clade of P. syringae pathovars adapted to woody hosts. We generated genome-wide Illumina sequence data from the three E-Pae strains and one strain of I-Pae. Comparative genomic analyses revealed pathovar-specific genomic regions in Pae potentially implicated in virulence on a tree host, including genes for the catabolism of plant-derived aromatic compounds and enterobactin synthesis. Several gene clusters displayed intra-pathovar variation, including those encoding type IV secretion, a novel fatty acid biosynthesis pathway and a sucrose uptake pathway. Rates of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the four Pae genomes indicate that the three E-Pae strains diverged from each other much more recently than they diverged from I-Pae. The very low genetic diversity among the three geographically distinct E-Pae strains suggests that they originate from a single, recent introduction into Britain, thus highlighting the serious environmental risks posed by the spread of an exotic plant pathogenic bacterium to a new geographic location. The genomic regions in Pae that are absent from other P. syringae pathovars that infect herbaceous hosts may represent candidate genetic adaptations to infection of the woody parts of the tree.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Its Rôle as a Plant Pathogen   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

Erwinia amylovora causes the economically important disease fire blight that affects rosaceous plants, especially pear and apple. Here we report the complete genome sequence and annotation of strain ATCC 49946. The analysis of the sequence and its comparison with sequenced genomes of closely related enterobacteria revealed signs of pathoadaptation to rosaceous hosts.Erwinia amylovora, a plant-associated member of the Enterobacteriaceae, causes fire blight, a devastating disease of rosaceous plants, especially pear and apple (6). The complete genome of Ea273 (ATCC 49946), a virulent strain isolated from an infected apple tree in New York State, was sequenced. Total DNA was extracted and prepared in pMAQ1 shotgun libraries. The complete shotgun sequence was obtained by using dye terminator chemistry in ABI 3730 automated sequencers and contains 88,457 reads (11.12-fold coverage), yielding a theoretical coverage of the genome of 99.99%. The sequence was assembled, finished, and annotated as described previously (1, 5), using Artemis (4) to collate data and facilitate annotation.The genome of E. amylovora consists of a circular chromosome of 3,805,874 bp and two plasmids, AMYP1 (28,243 bp) and AMYP2 (71,487 bp). Coding regions in the chromosome account for 85.1% of the total sequence, with 3,483 identified coding sequences (CDS). Two hundred fifty-four (7%) of the CDSs do not have any matches in current NCBI databases; 114 (3.3%) correspond to conserved hypothetical proteins. Forty-nine CDSs (1.4%) are similar to genes from mobile elements such as integrases, transposases, and bacteriophages, and 110 CDSs (3.2%) were classified as pseudogenes due to interruptions or truncations of the CDSs. The remaining 2,956 annotated CDSs include among other categories genes involved in biosynthesis of the cellular envelope and modifications of surface proteins (299 CDSs [11%]) and genes involved in signal transduction and regulation (228 CDSs [8%]). Seven rRNA operons and 78 tRNA sequences were identified in the chromosome; two new clusters were identified (AMY1550-1575 and AMY2648-2676) that resemble the T3SS-encoding SSR-1 island of Sodalis glossinidius (2), and four clusters that contain genes for biosynthesis of flagella, which based on their location might be regulated independently.The smaller plasmid, AMYP1, had been reported as pEA29 (3); its sequence is nearly identical to the one reported here. The larger plasmid, AMYP2, renamed pEA72 for consistency in nomenclature, contains 87 predicted CDSs, with two predicted mobile-element-related CDSs and one pseudogene. Among the CDSs with annotated functions are a cluster of genes (AMYP2_49 to AMYP2_62) that encode a putative type IV fimbrial system (pil genes).The genome of E. amylovora is only 3.8 Mb long, whereas most free-living enterobacteria, including plant pathogens, have genomes of 4.5 Mb to 5.5 Mb. Comparison of the genome of Ea273 with the sequenced genomes of 15 closely related enterobacteria identified 21 lineage-specific regions, which might be considered genomic islands. E. amylovora has many more predicted pseudogenes, relative to other enterobacteria with similar lifestyles. Given its size and the preponderance of pseudogenes, genome reduction may have occurred via mutational inactivation and subsequent deletion with the following consequences: E. amylovora has fewer genes involved in anaerobic respiration and fermentation than are found in typical related enterobacteria; this likely result in a reduced capacity to live in anaerobic environments.The genome sequence of E. amylovora has revealed clear signs of pathoadaptation to the rosaceous plant environment. For example, T3SS-related proteins are present that are more similar to proteins of other plant pathogens than to proteins of closely related enterobacteria. These include type III effectors, homologous to those of plant-pathogenic pseudomonads, which confer virulence to E. amylovora in plants, and a sorbitol-metabolizing cluster that may confer a competitive advantage for survival in rosaceous plants. The reduced genome size and erosion or loss of genes involved in anaerobic respiration and nitrate assimilation are remarkable, relative to other plant- and animal-pathogenic members of the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (T3SS) is required for virulence in the gram-negative plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. The alternative sigma factor HrpL directly regulates expression of T3SS genes via a promoter sequence, often designated as the “hrp promoter.” Although the HrpL regulon has been extensively investigated in DC3000, it is not known whether additional regulon members remain to be found. To systematically search for HrpL-regulated genes, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) and bulk mRNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to identify HrpL-binding sites and likely hrp promoters. The analysis recovered 73 sites of interest, including 20 sites that represent new hrp promoters. The new promoters lie upstream of a diverse set of genes encoding potential regulators, enzymes and hypothetical proteins. PSPTO_5633 is the only new HrpL regulon member that is potentially an effector and is now designated HopBM1. Deletions in several other new regulon members, including PSPTO_5633, PSPTO_0371, PSPTO_2130, PSPTO_2691, PSPTO_2696, PSPTO_3331, and PSPTO_5240, in either DC3000 or ΔhopQ1-1 backgrounds, do not affect the hypersensitive response or in planta growth of the resulting strains. Many new HrpL regulon members appear to be unrelated to the T3SS, and orthologs for some of these can be identified in numerous non-pathogenic bacteria. With the identification of 20 new hrp promoters, the list of HrpL regulon members is approaching saturation and most likely includes all DC3000 effectors.  相似文献   

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