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Mary Jane West-Eberhard has suggested that plasticity may be of primary importance in promoting evolutionary innovation and diversification. Here, we explore the possibility that the diversification of phytophagous insects may have occurred through such a process, using examples from nymphalid butterflies. We discuss the ways in which host plant range is connected to plasticity and present our interpretation of how West-Eberhard’s scenario may result in speciation driven by plasticity in host utilization. We then review some of the evidence that diversity of plant utilization has driven the diversification of phytophagous insects and finally discuss whether this suggests a role for plasticity-driven speciation. We find a close conceptual connection between our theory that the diversification of phytophagous insects has been driven by oscillations in host range, and our personal interpretation of the most efficient way in which West-Eberhard’s theory could account for plasticity-driven speciation. A major unresolved issue is the extent to which a wide host plant range is due to adaptive plasticity with dedicated modules of genetic machinery for utilizing different plants.  相似文献   

Aim This study aimed to identify the ‘centres of endemism’ of the Chinese spermatophyte flora in order to indirectly detect the locations of past glacial refugia. The role of these areas as places for plant survival (‘plant museums’) and/or areas for plant evolution and speciation (‘plant cradles’) was also assessed. Location China. Methods Distribution patterns of 555 plant endemic taxa, taken as a representative sample of the Chinese endemic flora, were mapped on a 1° × 1° latitude/longitude grid. For each grid cell, species richness (total count of species) and weighted richness (down‐weighting each species by the inverse of its range) were calculated. Grid cells within the top 5% of highest values of weighted richness were considered centres of endemism. Based on available information, all plant taxa included in this study were classified into palaeoendemics and neoendemics, and their distributional patterns were represented separately. Results Twenty areas of endemism were identified in central and southern China, roughly corresponding to mountain ranges, including the Hengduan and Daxue Mountains, the Yungui Plateau, central China Mountains, the Nanling Mountains, eastern China Mountains, and Hainan and Taiwan. Although almost all centres of endemism contained both palaeoendemic and neoendemic taxa, considerable differences in their respective numbers were recorded, with the majority of neoendemics on the eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau (Hengduan Mountains sensu lato) but more palaeoendemics towards the east. Main conclusions Owing to their varied topography, the mountainous regions of central and southern China have provided long‐term stable habitats, which allowed palaeoendemics to persist and facilitated the process of speciation. Contrasting patterns between the palaeoendemics and neoendemics within refugia might be attributable to the geological and tectonic history of specific areas. The eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau clearly constitutes the ‘evolutionary front’ of China, probably as a result of the uninterrupted uplift of the plateau since the late Neogene. In contrast, the tectonic stability of central and southern China during the Tertiary may have facilitated the persistence of relict plant lineages.  相似文献   

Populations of the malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, are comprised of at least two reproductively isolated, sympatric populations. In this issue, White et al. (2010) use extensive sampling, high‐density tiling microarrays, and an updated reference genome to clarify and expand our knowledge of genomic differentiation between these populations. It is now clear that DNA near the centromeres of all three chromosomes are in near‐perfect disequilibrium with each other. This is in stark contrast to the remaining 97% of the assembled genome, where fixed differences between populations have not been found, and many polymorphisms are shared. This pattern, coupled with direct evidence of hybridization in nature, supports models of “mosaic” speciation, where ongoing hybridization homogenizes variation in most of the genome while loci under strong selection remain in disequilibrium with each other. However, unambiguously demonstrating that selection maintains the association of these pericentric “speciation islands” in the face of gene flow is difficult. Low recombination at all three loci complicates the issue, and increases the probability that selection unrelated to the speciation process alters patterns of variation in these loci. Here, we discuss these different scenarios in light of this new data.  相似文献   

Genome scans have become a common approach to identify genomic signatures of natural selection and reproductive isolation, as well as the genomic bases of ecologically relevant phenotypes, based on patterns of polymorphism and differentiation among populations or species. Here, we review the results of studies taking genome scan approaches in plants, consider the patterns of genomic differentiation documented and their possible causes, discuss the results in light of recent models of genomic differentiation during divergent adaptation and speciation, and consider assumptions and caveats in their interpretation. We find that genomic regions of high divergence generally appear quite small in comparisons of both closely and more distantly related populations, and for the most part, these differentiated regions are spread throughout the genome rather than strongly clustered. Thus, the genome scan approach appears well-suited for identifying genomic regions or even candidate genes that underlie adaptive divergence and/or reproductive barriers. We consider other methodologies that may be used in conjunction with genome scan approaches, and suggest further developments that would be valuable. These include broader use of sequence-based markers of known genomic location, greater attention to sampling strategies to make use of parallel environmental or phenotypic transitions, more integration with approaches such as quantitative trait loci mapping and measures of gene flow across the genome, and additional theoretical and simulation work on processes related to divergent adaptation and speciation.  相似文献   

The importance of omnivores in ecological systems is increasingly being recognized, not least due to their intensified use as biocontrol agents in crop production. We model a simple plant–herbivore–omnivore (predator) system to explore the effects of plant suitability as food for omnivores on the outcome of omnivore–herbivore interactions. The model predicts that increasing plant suitability relative to herbivore suitability for the omnivore will catalyze the extinction of herbivores or omnivores, depending on the relative growth rate of omnivores feeding solely on plants or herbivores. When omnivore growth is higher on plants, either the omnivore or the herbivore goes extinct. When omnivore growth is higher on herbivores, the possible consequences are extinction, stable coexistence, and limit cycles, depending on the combination of species properties. Our results suggest that plants in some situations may evolve towards becoming more suitable to omnivores to escape detrimental herbivores and that breeders could manipulate crop suitability to omnivore species to reach a desired outcome of omnivore–herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds act as vectors of Fusarium moniliforme spores on protandrous flowers of Moussonia deppeana. The resulting interactions between the pathogen and plant-pollinator interactions were investigated in a 4-yr study to determine the pathogen's impact on host flowering phenology, flower longevity, nectar production, and fruit and seed production. We also evaluated hummingbird behavior on healthy and diseased plants and its effectiveness on spore transmission. Individual plants expressed the disease from year to year, and new infected individuals were detected every year. A fraction of the flowers in a plant expressed the disease, and this varied among and within years. Diseased plants produced more inflorescences, buds, and open healthy flowers than did healthy plants. Further, diseased plants bore proportionally fewer pistillate flowers than did healthy plants when considering only healthy flowers. Neither nectar nor fruit production differed between healthy and diseased plants, but healthy plants produced more seeds. Infected flowers were retained longer than uninfected ones, producing an additional 2 mg · μL(-1) · flower(-1) of nectar sugar. Hummingbirds visited more flowers on diseased plants than they did on healthy plants, regardless of number and sexual phase. Most pollen and spores were deposited within plants. These behavioral outcomes may promote geitonogamy and limit fungal spore mixing.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is considered one of the key processes that contribute to the emergence of new species. While the connection between sexual selection and speciation has been supported by comparative studies, the mechanisms that mediate this connection remain unresolved, especially in plants. Similarly, it is not clear how speciation processes within plant populations translate into large-scale speciation dynamics. Here, we review the mechanisms through which sexual selection, pollination, and mate choice unfold and interact, and how they may ultimately produce reproductive isolation in plants. We also overview reproductive strategies that might influence sexual selection in plants and illustrate how functional traits might connect speciation at the population level (population differentiation, evolution of reproductive barriers; i.e. microevolution) with evolution above the species level (macroevolution). We also identify outstanding questions in the field, and suitable data and tools for their resolution. Altogether, this effort motivates further research focused on plants, which might potentially broaden our general understanding of speciation by sexual selection, a major concept in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluated the importance of dispersal for species frequencies and distribution by comparing dispersal properties of vascular plant species with their frequencies along river banks. We assumed that species with long-floating seeds would be more frequent than species with short-floating seeds. We compiled data on frequencies of vascular plants and their dispersal properties from ten rivers in northern Sweden and compared these with boreal forests and grasslands in the same region. In all rivers, but in none of the reference areas, there was a positive relationship between floating capacity and frequency of species. A comparison of floating capacity between species with and without certain dispersal devices showed that seeds of vegetatively dispersed species had higher floating capacities than other seeds. For other dispersal categories (animal and wind dispersal), floating time did not differ from contrast groups. The results indicate that water dispersal has a certain role in structuring the riparian flora, and provide a basis for explaining species distribution patterns from dispersal characteristics. They also suggest that continuous river corridors are important for maintaining regional biodiversity.  相似文献   

Sebacinales are basal Hymenomycetes with diverse mycorrhizal abilities, ranging from ectomycorrhizae to ericoid and orchid mycorrhizae. Several previous PCR or isolation works raised the possibility that Sebacinales are endophytes in plant roots. We tested this hypothesis in an isolation-independent approach by using specific PCR primers for ribosomal DNA of Sebacinales on AM mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal roots. Thirty-nine plant species were sampled on a Caribbean and two European sites (3 repetition per species and site), covering 25 families in monocots and eudicots. PCR signals were obtained from 40 samples (28.9 %) from 27 species (69.2 %) and all sites. Whenever sequencing was successful, a sequence belonging to Sebacinales was recovered. A phylogenetic approach revealed that 13 of them belonged to clade B (encompassing ericoid and orchid mycorrhizal species) and 4 to clade A (usually encompassing only ectomycorrhizal species). These data suggest that Sebacinales may be endophytic in many angiosperm roots, and that this condition is plesiomorphic in Sebacinales. They bridge the gap between physiological studies, inoculating Sebacinales (Piriformospora indica or Sebacina vermifera) on diverse plants and molecular ecology, hitherto restricting Sebacinales to mycorrhizal interactions. Structural and functional aspects of the interaction deserve further studies.  相似文献   

I considered the possibility that changes in fruit photosynthesis obscure the occurrence of the climacteric rise in respiration in tomato fruits attached to the plant. Internal CO2 and ethylene concentrations in tomatoes ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. OH 7814) were analyzed after direct sampling through polyethylene tubes implanted in the external pericarp. Fruits which were shaded with aluminium foil contained up to 60 ml 1−1 CO2, until the internal ethylene concentration exceeded 1 μl l−1, when CO2 concentration declined to below 40 ml l−1; the CO2 concentration in fruits exposed to light only occasionally exceeded 40 ml 1−1. The internal CO2 concentration of detached fruits first declined and then increased along with ethylene concentration, as expected for the climacteric. Detached green fruits under continuous low photosynthetic photon flux density (100 μmol m−2 s−1) contained almost no internal CO2 and produced no CO2. Changes in photosynthesis and an associated CO2-generating system in green fruits are thought to obscure the climacteric rise in tomato fruits developing on the plant.  相似文献   

Invasive species are widely accepted as one of the leading direct causes of biodiversity loss. However, much of the evidence for this contention is based on simple correlations between exotic dominance and native species decline in degraded systems. Although appealing, direct causality is not the only possible interpretation. A plausible alternative hypothesis is that exotic dominance could be the indirect consequence of habitat modification driving native species loss. In a new paper, MacDougall and Turkington now provide the first direct test of whether invasive species are the drivers of community change, or merely 'passengers' along for the environmental ride.  相似文献   

The biogeography of speciation remains a controversial issue and the process of allopatric speciation reigns. Sympatric speciation differs from allopatric speciation in terms of geographic setting and the role of selection in bringing about reproductive isolating mechanisms, making it a particularly fascinating and controversial subject for evolutionary biologists. Mayr (1947) explained the difference eloquently: for allopatric speciation, populations spatially diverge and then become reproductively isolated; for sympatric speciation, populations first become reproductively isolated and then diverge. Because of this, sympatric speciation is difficult to show empirically and most evolutionary biologists agree that strict ecological, evolutionary, and geographic criteria must be met ( Coyne & Orr 2004 ). In this issue, Crow et al. (2010) challenge us to expand the definition of sympatric speciation by studying species of marine fishes that they propose have arisen by sympatric speciation in a setting that does not appear to conform to the usual geographical criteria.  相似文献   

Two experimental replicates were conducted to test whether strains of Beauveria brongniartii (BIPESCO2 and 2843) and Metarhizium brunneum (BIPESCO5) can endophytically colonise Vicia faba plants and improve their growth by comparing them with an endophytic strain of B. bassiana (NATURALIS®). The plants were inoculated through foliar spray and the effect of inoculation on plant height, leaf pair number, fresh root and shoot weights was measured at 7 and 14 days post inoculation (dpi). Endophytic colonisation of different plant parts with the tested fungal strains were confirmed 7 and 14?dpi through re-isolation of inoculated fungi onto selective media and subsequent Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marker-based genetic identification. All tested strains were able to endophytically colonise leaves, stems, and even roots of inoculated plants 7 and 14?dpi, but per cent colonisation varied significantly among strains and plant parts within each sampling date. Foliar inoculation of plants with the tested strains increased plant height, leaf pair number, fresh shoot and root weights; however the increase was not always consistent across sampling dates in both experimental replicates. This study provides the first evidence for the endophytic colonisation of plants with two strains of B. brongniartii, an important biocontrol agent of Melolontha melolontha and other scarab beetles in several European countries, and thus extends previous reports on the ability of entomopathogenic fungi to act as endophytes. It also presents possible explanations for the lack of consistency in the plant growth promotion obtained by the foliar inoculation of entomopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the vocalization frequencies of mammals have suggested that it is either body mass or environment that drives these frequencies. Using 193 species across the globe from the terrestrial and aquatic environments and a model selection approach, we identified that the best‐supported model for minimum and maximum frequencies for vocalization included both body mass and environment. The minimum frequencies of vocalizations of species from all environments retained the influence of body mass. For maximum frequency however, aquatic species are released from such a trend with body mass having little constraint on frequencies. Surprisingly, phylogeny did not have a strong impact on the evolution of the maximum frequency of mammal vocalizations, largely due to the pinniped species divergence of frequency from their carnivoran relatives. We demonstrate that the divergence of signal frequencies in mammals has arisen from the need to adapt to their environment.  相似文献   

Theory shows that speciation in the presence of gene flow occurs only under narrow conditions. One of the most favourable scenarios for speciation with gene flow is established when a single trait is both under disruptive natural selection and used to cue assortative mating. Here, we demonstrate the potential for a single trait, colour pattern, to drive incipient speciation in the genus Hypoplectrus (Serranidae), coral reef fishes known for their striking colour polymorphism. We provide data demonstrating that sympatric Hypoplectrus colour morphs mate assortatively and are genetically distinct. Furthermore, we identify ecological conditions conducive to disruptive selection on colour pattern by presenting behavioural evidence of aggressive mimicry, whereby predatory Hypoplectrus colour morphs mimic the colour patterns of non-predatory reef fish species to increase their success approaching and attacking prey. We propose that colour-based assortative mating, combined with disruptive selection on colour pattern, is driving speciation in Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

UV-screening by terrestrial plants is a crucial trait since colonization of terrestrial environments has started. In general, it is enabled by phenolic substances. Especially for grasses it remains unclear why plants grown under the absence of UV-B-radiation exhibit nonetheless a high UV-B-screening potential. But this may be explained by the UV-screening effect of the silicon double layer. It was shown for seedlings of soybeans (Glycine max L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that enhanced silicon supply reduces stress induced by UV-radiation. Even more important is a direct correlation between silicon content in the epidermis near area (intercellular spaces) and the absorption of UV-radiation in this area shown in other papers. The silicon double layer may act like a glass layer and decreases the transmission of UV-radiation at the epidermis near area. In summary, the absorbance/reflection of ultraviolet radiation is dependent on the characteristics of the epidermis near area of leaves, particularly the occurrence (qualitatively and quantitatively) of phenolic substances and/or a silicon double layer in this area. Consequently, UV-screening by plant silicon double layer should get more attention in future research with emphasis on effects of UV-radiation on plant physiology.  相似文献   

Eick M  Stöhr C 《Protoplasma》2012,249(4):909-918
A specific form of plasma membrane-bound nitrate reductase in plants is restricted to roots. Two peptides originated from plasma membrane integral proteins isolated from Hordeum vulgare have been assigned as homologues to the subunit NarH of respiratory nitrate reductase of Escherichia coli. Corresponding sequences have been detected for predicted proteins of Populus trichocarpa with high degree of identities for the subunits NarH (75%) and NarG (65%), however, with less accordance for the subunit NarI. These findings coincide with biochemical properties, particularly in regard to the electron donors menadione and succinate. Together with the root-specific and plasma membrane-bound nitrite/NO reductase, nitric oxide is produced under hypoxic conditions in the presence of nitrate. In this context, a possible function in nitrate respiration of plant roots and an involvement of plants in denitrification processes are discussed.  相似文献   

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