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Enzymes of the C4, C3 pathway and photorespiration have beenanalyzed for P. hians and P. milioides, which have chlorenchymatousbundle sheath cells in the leaves. On whole leaf extracts thelevels of PEP carboxylase are relatively low compared to C4species, RuDP carboxylase is typical of C3 species, and enzymesof photorespiratory metabolism appear somewhat intermediatebetween C3 and C4. Substantial levels of PEP carboxylase, RuDPcarboxylase, and photorespiratory enzymes were found in bothmesophyll and bundle sheath cells. Low levels of C4-acid decarboxylatingenzymes may limit the capacity for C4 photosynthesis in P. hiansand P. milioides. The results on enzyme activity and distributionbetween mesophyll and bundle sheath cells are consistent withCO2 fixation via C3 pathway in these two species. 1 This research was supported by the College of Agriculturaland Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison; and bythe University of Wisconsin Research Committee with funds fromthe Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation; and by the NationalScience Foundation Grant BMS 74-09611. (Received September 16, 1975; )  相似文献   

Salsola arbusculiformis is identified as a C3–C4intermediatespecies based on anatomical, biochemical and physiological characteristics.This is the first report of a naturally occurring intermediatespecies in the Chenopodiaceae, the family with the largest numberof C4species amongst the dicots. In the genus Salsola, mostspecies have Salsoloid anatomy with Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C4photosynthesis, while a few species have Sympegmoidanatomy and were found to have non-Kranz type bundle sheathcells and C3photosynthesis. In the cylindrical leaves of C4Salsolawith Salsoloid type anatomy, there is a continuous layer ofdistinct, chlorenchymatous Kranz type bundle sheath cells surroundedby a single layer of mesophyll cells; whereas species with Sympegmoidtype anatomy have an indistinct bundle sheath with few chloroplastsand multiple layers of chlorenchymatous mesophyll cells. However,S. arbusculiformis has intermediate anatomical features. Whileit has two-to-three layers of mesophyll cells, characteristicof Sympegmoid anatomy, it has distinctive, Kranz-like bundlesheath cells with numerous chloroplasts and mitochondria. Measurementsof its CO2compensation point and CO2response of photosynthesisshow S. arbusculiformis functions as an intermediate specieswith reduced levels of photorespiration. The primary means ofreducing photorespiration is suggested to be by refixing photorespiredCO2in bundle sheath cells, since analysis of photosyntheticenzymes (activity and immunolocalization) and14CO2labellingof initial fixation products suggests minimal operation of aC4cycle. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Immunolocalization, photosynthetic enzymes, C3–C4intermediate, C4-plants, leaf anatomy, Chenopodiaceae, Salsola arbusculiformis  相似文献   

Cultivars of cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, were studiedto determine the mechanism of photosynthetic carbon assimilationin this species. The results, contrary to recent reports, indicatethat cassava is a C3 plant based on a number of physiologicaland biochemical photosynthetic characteristics. The CO2 compensationpoints among 10 cassava cultivars ranged from 55 to 62 µlliter–1, which was typical for C3 plants including castorbean, a member of the same family (Euphorbiaceae). The initialproducts of photosynthesis in cassava are C3-like; the activitiesof several key C4 enzymes in cassava are low and similar tothose of C3 plants. Data on the rates of photosynthesis perunit of leaf area and the photosynthetic response of cassavato CO2 is also consistent with C3 photosynthesis. Cassava hasa distinctive chlorenchymatous vascular bundle sheath locatedbelow a single layer of palisade cells. Unlike C3-C4 intermediatesand C4 species, the bundle sheaths of cassava are not surroundedby mesophyll cells. The bundle sheath cells which occur at highfrequency in cassava may function in both photosynthesis andtransport of photosynthates in the leaf. (Received July 31, 1990; Accepted September 25, 1990)  相似文献   

The capacity for C4 photosynthesis in Panicum milioides, a specieshaving reduced levels of photorespiration, was investigatedby examining the activity of certain key enzymes of the C4 pathwayand by pulse-chase experiments with 14CO2. The ATP$P1 dependentactivity of pyruvate,P1 dikinase in the species was extremelylow (0.14–0.18 µmol mg chlorophyll–1 min–1).Low activity of the enzyme was also found in Panicum decipiensand Panicum hians (related species with reduced photorespiration)and in Panicum laxum (a C3 species). The antibody to pyruvate,P1dikinase caused about 70% inhibition of the ATP$P1 dependentactivity of the enzyme in P. milioides. The activity of NAD-malicenzyme and NADP-malic enzyme in P. milioides was equally low(approximately 0.1–0.2 µmol mg chlorophyll–1min–1) and similar to the activity in P. decipiens, P.hians and P. laxum. Photosynthetic pulse-chase experiments underatmospheric conditions showed a typical C3-like pattern of carbonassimilation including the labelling of glycine and serine asexpected during photorespiration. During the pulse with 14CO2only about 1% of the labelled products appeared in malate and2–3% in aspartate. During a chase in atmospheric levelsof CO2 for up to 6 min there was a slight increase in labellingin the C4 acids. The amount of label in carbon 4 of aspartatedid not change during the chase, indicating little or no turnoverof the C4 acid via decarboxylation. The results indicate thatunder atmospheric conditions P. milioides assimilates carbondirectly through the C3 pathway. Photorespiration as indicatedby the CO2 compensation point may be repressed in the speciesby a more efficient recycling of photorespired CO2. (Received June 8, 1982; Accepted July 22, 1982)  相似文献   

Panicum hians and Panicum milioides were found to have characteristicsintermediate to those of C3 and C4 species with respect to CO2compensation point, percentage inhibition of photosynthesisby O2 at various O2/CO2 solubility ratios, and water use efficiency.C4 species have a higher carboxylation efficiency than eitherthe intermediate or C3 species. During photosynthesis, evenunder 2.5% O2, C4 species have a higher affinity for intercellularCO2 (Km 1.6 µM) apparently due to the initial carboxylationthrough PEP carboxylase. Under low O2 the intermediate and C3species had a similar affinity for intercellular CO2 duringphotosynthesis (Km 5–7 µM) consistent with carboxylationof atmospheric CO2 through RuDP carboxylase. There were considerablevariation in photosynthesis/unit leaf area at saturating CO2levels in the species examined which in part is due to differencesin RuDP carboxylase /unit leaf area. The highest rates of photosynthesis/unitleaf area under CO2-saturating conditions were with the C3 specieswhich had a correspondingly high level of RuDP carboxylase/unitleaf area. Possibilities for the greater efficiency of P. hiansand P. milioides in comparison to C3 species in utilizing lowlevels of CO2 in the presence of atmospheric O2 are discussed. 1 This research was supported by the College of Agriculturaland Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison; and theUniversity of Wisconsin Research Committee with funds from theWisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. (Received June 25, 1977; )  相似文献   

The initial products of 14CO2 assimilation were determined understeady state illumination of leaves of Flaveria trinervia, aC4 dicot of the NADP-mialic enzyme subgroup. Leaf age influencedthe partitioning of 14CO2 between the C4 cycle and the reductivepentose phosphate (RPP) pathway. An estimated 10 to 12%of theCO2 entered the RPP pathway directly in leaves about 20% fullyexpanded, whereas CO2 was apparently fixed entirely throughthe C4 pathway in leaves 75% or more expanded. This partitioningpattern was attributed to the bundle sheath compartment in youngleaves having a relatively high conductance to CO2 (i.e., beingsomewhat leaky). Of the initially labelled C4 acids, the proportion that wasmalate, relative to aspartate, increased continuously duringleaf expansion (from 60 : 40 to 87 : 13 at full expansion).Concurrently, there was an increase in the whole leaf activityof NADP malate dehydrogenase and a decrease in the activitiesof aspartate and alanine aminotransferases. Low chlorophylla/b values were observed in young leaves, which may coincidewith an enhanced capacity for non-cyclic electron transportin the bundle sheath chloroplasts of such tissue. Both enhancedaspartate metabolism and direct fixation of CO2 in the bundlesheath could provide a greater sink for utilization of photochemicallyderived NADPH in the bundle sheath of young leaves. Such metabolicchanges are discussed in relation to a possible decrease inCO2 conductance of the bundle sheath during leaf development. (Received March 4, 1986; Accepted June 25, 1986)  相似文献   

Light microscopic observation of leaf blades of Panicum dichotomiflorumshowed that a mestome sheath was present and chloroplasts inbundle sheath cells were in the centrifugal position. However,a sharp pattern of post-illumination CO2 burst was observedin less than 30 sec after the extinction of light. Among threeC4-acid decarboxylating enzymes, only the activity of NAD-malicenzyme was high. These results indicate that P. dichotomiflorumis a NAD-malic enzyme type species having centrifugal chloroplastsin bundle sheath cells and the sharp pattern of post-illuminationCO2 burst is closely correlated with the C4-acid decarboxylationsystem through NAD-malic enzyme 1This research was supported by a grant from the Ministry ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fishery (GEP55-II-1-7). (Received August 18, 1980; )  相似文献   

Light microscopic observation of leaf blades of Panicum dichotomiflorumshowed that a mestome sheath was present and chloroplasts inbundle sheath cells were in the centrifugal position. However,a sharp pattern of post-illumination CO2 burst was observedin less than 30 sec after the extinction of light. Among threeC4-acid decarboxylating enzymes, only the activity of NAD-malicenzyme was high. These results indicate that P. dichotomiflorumis a NAD-malic enzyme type species having centrifugal chloroplastsin bundle sheath cells and the sharp pattern of post-illuminationCO2 burst is closely correlated with the C4-acid decarboxylationsystem through NAD-malic enzyme 1This research was supported by a grant from the Ministry ofAgriculture, Forestry and Fishery (GEP55-II-1-7). (Received August 18, 1980; )  相似文献   

Seeni  S.; Gnanam  A. 《Plant & cell physiology》1983,24(6):1033-1041
Photomixotrophic cell suspension culture was established fromthe leaf derived callus cells of Gisekia pharnaceoides L., aC4 dicotyledonous weed. The late log phase cells possessed shade-typecharacters such as low chlorophyll a/b ratio, less pronouncedO2 evolution and CO2 fixation, saturation of photosyntheticCO2 fixation at low intensity. The chloroplasts from these cellscontained granal stacking with high degree of a very few granawhich are characterized by their wide and high degree of stackings. The predominant labelling of 3-phosphoglyceric acid and sugarphosphates (40% of the total 14C incorporated) during 5 s exposureto 14CO2 in light and subsequent decrease in percentage of 14Cin these compounds with increase in exposure time indicatedthe operation of the C3 pathway in these cells. The simultaneoussynthesis of malate (23% of the total 14C incorporated) is relatedto the much pronounced glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycleactivities in these cells. The initial proliferation of callimainly from the zones of vascular supplies in the leaf, highstarch content of the cells, presence of large starch grainsin all the chloroplasts, activities of Calvin cycle enzymes,heavy labelling of C3 type intermediates and less labellingof aspartate as early photosynthates and rapid accumulationof radioactivity into starch during 14CO2 assimilation indicatedthat most of the cells in photomixotrophic culture were derivedfrom bundle sheath cells or the leaf cells of Gisekia changetheir function under culture conditions. 1Present address: Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute,Navaranga Road, Trivandrum 695 011, India. (Received January 29, 1982; Accepted June 4, 1983)  相似文献   

The influence of varying light intensity and quality on thecarbon labelling patterns in Rumex vesicarius (a C3 plant),Setaria italica (a malate-formingC4 plant), and Amaranthus paniculatus(an aspartate-forming C4 plant) was studied. In A. paniculatusand B. vesicarius blue light decreased the transfer of radioactivityto sugars and starch but in S. italica only slightly decreasedradioactivity in sugar phosphates, sucrose, and insolubles.Negligible transfer was observed from the C4 acids to sugarphosphates, sucrose, and starch under dim blue-green and blue-yellowlights in S. italica and A. paniculatus. Blue light favouredthe formation of malate, aspartate, and alanine in all threeplants. The differential effect of blue and red light suggesteda variation in the mechanisms of C4-photosynthesis in Setariaand Amaranthus. Leaves of S. italica and A. paniculatus were allowed to photosynthesizein 14CO2 for 5 s and then the distribution of the labelled productsbetween the mesophyll and the bundle sheath cells was determinedduring subsequent photosynthesis in 12CO2. Malate and aspartatewhich appeared initially in the mesophyll layer moved rapidlyinto the bundle sheath cells. Phosphoglyceric acid originatingin the bundle sheath moved swiftly to the mesophyll layer. Sugarphosphates were recovered from both the mesophyll and the bundlesheath cells. Most of the starch was found in the bundle sheathcells while sucrose and alanine were localized in the mesophyllcells.  相似文献   

Maize seedlings were grown in pots either with or without preconditionedseeds of the parasitic weed, Striga hermonthica. After between4 and 8 weeks, net photosynthesis in the leaves of maize plantsinfected with Striga decreased compared to leaves of uninfectedcontrol plants. The activities of four enzymes of photosyntheticmetabolism were, however, little affected by infection. A pulse-chaseexperiment using 14CO2 showed that C4 acids were the main earlyproducts of assimilation even when the rate of photosynthesiswas much decreased by infection, but more radio-activity appearedin glycine and serine than in leaves of healthy maize plants.Leaves of infected maize required longer to reach a steady rateof photosynthesis upon enclosure in a leaf chamber than leavesof uninfected plants after similar treatment. Electron microscopy of transverse sections of the leaves ofinfected maize indicated that the cell walls in the bundle sheathand vascular tissue were less robust than in leaves of healthyplants. The results suggest that infection with Striga causesan increase in the permeability of cell walls in the bundlesheath, leakage of CO2 from the bundle sheath cells and decreasedeffectiveness of C4 photosynthesis in host leaves. Key words: Zea mays, Striga hermonthica, photosynthesis, photorespiration, enzyme activity  相似文献   

Both malate and aspartate were decarboxylated at the 4-carbonposition by isolated bundle sheath strands of C4 plants butto different extents depending upon the species. In Digitariasanguinalis, an NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) species, 100 µMoxalic acid blocked malate decarboxylation through NADP-ME withoutaffecting aspartate decarboxylation which apparently occursthrough NAD-ME. In several phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase(PEP-CK) type C4 species, 200 µM 3-mercaptopicolinic acid(3-MPA), an inhibitor of PEP-CK, specifically inhibited themalate decarboxylation and partially inhibited aspartate decarboxylation.The aspartate decarboxylation insensitive to 3-MPA may occurthrough NAD-ME. Neither inhibitor prevented C4 acid decarboxylationin bundle sheath cells of NAD-ME species. The inhibitors thusserved to differentiate between the decarboxylation of C4 acidsin PEP-CK and NADP-ME type C4 species through their major decarboxylasefrom that of their less active decarboxylation through NAD-ME. 1 Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology,Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, U. S. A. (Received January 28, 1977; )  相似文献   

The quantum yields of photosynthetic O2 evolution were measuredin 15 species of C4 plants belonging to three different decarboxylationtypes (NADP-ME type, NAD-ME type and PEP-CK type) and 5 speciesof C3 plants and evaluated relative to the maximum theoreticalvalue of 0.125 mol oxygen quanta-1. At 25°C and 1% CO2,the quantum yield in C4 plants averaged 0.079 (differences betweensubgroups not significant) which was significantly lower thanthe quantum yield in C3 plants (average of 0.105 for 5 species).This lower quantum yield in C4 plants is thought to reflectthe requirement of energy in the C4 cycle. For the C4 NADP-MEtype plant Z. mays and NAD-ME type plant P. miliaceum, quantumyields were also measured over a range of CO2 levels between1 and 20%. In both species maximum quantum yields were obtainedunder 10% CO2 (0.105 O2 quanta-1 in Z. mays and 0.097 O2 quanta-1in P. miliaceum) indicating that at this CO2 concentration thequantum yields are similar to those obtained in C3 plants underCO2 saturation. The high quantum yield values in C4 plants undervery high CO2 may be accomplished by direct diffusion of atmosphericCO2 to bundle sheath cells, its fixation in the C3 pathway,and feedback inhibition of the C4 cycle by inorganic carbon. (Received June 6, 1995; Accepted August 15, 1995)  相似文献   

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are structurally associated inthe bundle sheath cells of Portulaca oleracea L., an NAD malicenzyme type C4 plant. These associations occur in some restrictedregions where the mitochondrial cristae extend inwards. Exposureof plants to 1.0 µ11–1 SO2 for 3 h induced shrinkageof mitochondria of the bundle sheath cells, which further visualizedthe structural association between the organelles. C4 plant, chloroplast, mitochondrion, Portulaca oleracea, sulphur dioxide  相似文献   

The photosynthetic characteristics of Eleocharis baldwinii (Torr.)Chapman, an amphibious leafless plant in the Cyperaceae, wereinvestigated in both the terrestrial form and the submergedform of the plant. Anatomical observation of the culm, whichis the photosynthetic organ in this plant, revealed that theterrestrial form has the Kranz type of anatomy, whereas thesubmerged form has an inner structure that is similar to thatof submerged aquatic plants, with a reduction in both the numberand the size of bundle sheath cells and vascular bundles andrelatively well developed mesophyll cells. In 14C-pulse 12C-chaseexperiments with the terrestrial form, 80% of the total fixed14C was incorporated into C4 dicarboxylic acids after a 10-spulse. The radioactivity in the C4 acids decreased rapidly,while that in sucrose increased to 36% during a 120-s chase.In the submerged form, 64% and 30% of the total fixed 14C wasincorporated into C4 acids and phosphate esters, respectively,after a 10-s pulse. The radioactivity of these compounds decreasedrelatively slowly during a 120-s chase. The specific activitieson a chlorophyll basis of C4 photosynthetic enzymes that areinvolved in the NAD-ME subtype were high in the terrestrialform, while they were intermediate between those of C3 and C4plants in the submerged form. The activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase was 1.5 times higher in the submerged form thanin the terrestrial form. By contrast, the activity of carbonicanhydrase exhibited the reverse tendency. Western blot analysisof soluble proteins extracted from the mesophyll cells and thebundle sheath strands of the terrestrial form demonstrated thatribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase protein waspresent in the mesophyll cells as well as in the bundle sheathcells, with a higher level in the latter, although phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase and pyruvate, Pi dikinase proteins were restrictedto the mesophyll cells. In the submerged form, diurnal fluctuationsin levels of malate were observed with significant fixationof CO2 at night. However, the diurnal changes of malate weresmaller than those reported for CAM plants. These data indicatethat the terrestrial form of Eleocharis baldwinii fixes atmosphericCO2 essentially via the C4 pathway, while the submerged formfixes inorganic carbon via a complex metabolic system that resemblesan intermediate between C3 and C4 metabolism in associationwith a CAM-like profile. (Received September 12, 1994; Accepted November 21, 1994)  相似文献   

The activities of Hill reaction and photosynthetic 14CO2 fixationin bundle sheath strands enzymatically isolated from millet(Panicum miliaceum) were 3–15 times as high as those observedin corn (Zea mays). In both preparations, 3-phosphoglyceratewas the initial 14CO2 fixation product and the radioactivitywas incorporated into sucrose and insoluble compounds (glucose-polymers)during the later period. After 20 sec of photosynthetic 14CO2fixation, the percent of 14C incorporated into sugar phosphatesin millet was about 3 times as high as that in corn, while incorn, the percent of 14C in 3-phosphoglycerate was higher thanthat observed in millet throughout the experimental period.When 14C-phosphoglycerate was added to the isolated bundle sheathstrands, the rates of transfer of the radioactivity to dihydroxyacetonephosphate and sugar diphosphates in millet were significantlyhigher than those in corn. These results indicate that in thebundle sheath strands isolated from corn in which photosystemII activity is deficient, the reductive pentose cycle is impairedat the reduction step of 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehydephosphate due to the limited supply of NADPH through the photoelectrontransport system. In contrast, the bundle sheath strands isolatedfrom millet which have adequate photosystem II activity cancarry out normal photosynthetic CO2 fixation. (Received January 23, 1975; )  相似文献   

The relationship between leaf anatomy, ultrastructure and carbondiscrimination was investigated in leaves of two F1hybrids (F1-1and F1-2) between two different types of the grassPanicum [anNAD-malic enzyme (ME) C4species], which differ in bundle sheathultrastructure. The female parent was Kabulabula grass, whichhas centrifugal chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells and is designatedan NAD-ME(F) species, while the male parent was Makarikari grass,which has centripetal chloroplasts in the bundle sheath cellsand is designated an NAD-ME(P) species. Suberin lamellae arepresent in Kabulabula grass but are lacking in Makarikari grass.Both F1hybrids had the same chromosome number (2n =36) as theparents but exhibited both univalent (about 45%) and bivalent(about 55%) chromosome pairing which was the major basis forthe identification of F1hybrids. In F1-1, elongated bundle sheathcell chloroplasts are arranged mainly in a centripetal position,similar to those in the male parent, Makarikari grass. In contrast,most of the bundle sheath cells in F1-2 are packed with starch-containingchloroplasts, although in some cells chloroplasts tended tobe centripetally arranged. In both F1hybrids, suberin lamellaewere found in the bundle sheath cell walls, similar to the femaleparent, Kabulabula grass. The 13C values of both F1hybrids were-11.4 to -11.7, almost the same as those of Kabulabula grass(-11.4), but significantly higher than those of Makarikari grass(-12.7). These results indicate that the chloroplast orientationin the bundle sheath cells and the presence of suberin lamellaeare not obligatorily linked in their expression and suggestthat suberin lamellae may play an important role in discriminationagainst13C. Panicum ; NAD-malic enzyme species; hybrid; chloroplast position; 13C discrimination; suberin lamellae  相似文献   

Pascopyrum smithii (C3) andBouteloua gracilis (C4) are importantforage grasses native to the Colorado shortgrass steppe. Thisstudy investigated photosynthetic responses of these grassesto long-term CO2enrichment and temperature in relation to leafnonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) and [N]. Glasshouse-grown seedlingswere transferred to growth chambers and grown for 49 d at twoCO2concentrations (380 and 750 µmol mol-1) at 20 and 35°C, and two additional temperatures (25 and 30 °C) at750 µmol mol-1CO2. Leaf CO2exchange rate (CER) was measuredat a plant's respective growth temperature and at two CO2concentrationsof approx. 380 and 700 µmol mol-1. Long-term CO2enrichmentstimulated CER in both species, although the response was greaterin the C3,P. smithii . Doubling the [CO2] from 380 to 750 µmolmol-1stimulated CER ofP. smithii slightly more in plants grownand measured at 30 °C compared to plants grown at 20, 25or 35 °C. CO2-enriched plants sometimes exhibited lowerCER when compared to ambient-grown controls measured at thesame [CO2], indicating photosynthetic acclimation to CO2growthregime. InP. smithii , such reductions in CER were associatedwith increases in TNC and specific leaf mass, reductions inleaf [N] and, in one instance, a reduction in leaf conductancecompared to controls. InB. gracilis , photosynthetic acclimationwas observed more often, but significant changes in leaf metabolitelevels from growth at different [CO2] were generally less evident.Temperatures considered optimal for growth (C3: 20 °C; C4:35 °C) sometimes led to CO2-induced accumulations of TNCin both species, with starch accumulating in the leaves of bothspecies, and fructans accumulating only inP. smithii. Photosynthesisof both species is likely to be enhanced in future CO2-enrichedand warmer environments, although responses will sometimes beattenuated by acclimation. Acclimation; blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag ex Steud.); leaf nitrogen concentration; nonstructural carbohydrates; photosynthesis; western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Love)  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from mesophyll protoplasts and bundlesheath protoplasts or strands which were obtained by enzymaticdigestion of six C4 species: Zea mays, Sorghum bicolor, Panicummiliaceum, Panicum capillare, Panicum maximum and Chloris gayana,representative of three C4 types. Photorespiratory glycine oxidationand related enzyme activities of mesophyll and bundle sheathmitochondria were compared. Mesophyll mitochondria showed good P/O ratios with malate andsuccinate as substrate but lacked the ability to oxidize glycine.On the other hand, mitochondria isolated from bundle sheathprotoplasts of P. miliaceum and bundle sheath strands of Z.mays possessed glycine oxidation activity similar to that ofmitochondria from C3 plant leaves. The two enzymes involvedin glycine metabolism in mitochondria, serine hydroxymethyltransferaseand glycine decarboxylase, were also assayed in the mitochondriaof the two cell types. The activities of the two enzymes inbundle sheath mitochondria were in the range found in C3 mitochondria.In contrast, the activities in mesophyll mitochondria were eithernot detectable or far lower than those in bundle sheath mitochondriaand ascribed to contaminating bundle sheath mitochondria. The present results indicate the deficiency of a complete glycineoxidation system in mesophyll mitochondria and also a differentiationbetween mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of C4 plants withrespect to the photorespiratory activities of the mitochondria. (Received June 8, 1983; Accepted August 29, 1983)  相似文献   

Activities of photosynthetic and photorespiratory enzymes viz.,ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylaseand glycolate oxidase from jute (Corchorus olitorius L.; cv.JRO 632) leaves were compared with those from maize (C4) andsunflower (C3) leaves. The photosynthetic CO2 fixation products,the release of 14CO2 in light and dark following photosynthesisin 14CO2, chlorophyll a: b ratio, gross leaf photosyntheticrate and dry matter production rate were also studied. The resultsshow that jute is a C3 plant. Key words: Jute, Corchorus olitorius, C3 photosynthesis  相似文献   

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