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Experiments were performed to determine whether the restraint stress-induced decrease of the nocturnal prolactin (PRL) surge affected the length of pseudopregnancy (PSP) and/or the outcome of pregnancy in rats. Vaginal cycles were monitored daily and animals were electro-mechanically cervically stimulated on the morning of metestrus to induce PSP. Animals were restraint stressed by tying the hind legs together with plastic coated bell wire beginning on day 1 of PSP from 0100-0700h with reapplication of stress at 0400h for 6-9 days and then blood sampled for PRL and progesterone plasma levels. Restraint stress significantly decreased plasma PRL (P less than 0.001) and progesterone (P less than 0.05) levels. The length of PSP was significantly decreased (P less than 0.01) for restraint animals and for control animals that were blood sampled compared to control animals that were not sampled. In the pregnancy experiment, animals were mated upon arrival into the laboratory and assigned to one of four groups. For the restraint group, stress was initiated on day 1 of pregnancy as indicated by the presence of sperm in the vaginal lavage. Animals were stressed for 6-9 days for 6 hours during the nocturnal PRL surge as described above. One control group had no treatment; a second control group was sampled only, and a third control group was injected daily with pimozide, a dopamine antagonist, and stressed for 6-9 days. The group which received no treatment had significantly greater (P less than 0.05) incidence of successful pregnancy compared to the other 3 groups; there were no differences (P greater than 0.05) between the sampled, restraint and restraint + pimozide groups in the incidence of successful pregnancy. We conclude that restraint stress during the nocturnal PRL surge minimally affects the length of PSP and that the effect of stress on the outcome of pregnancy is not due to the decrease in nocturnal PRL surge.  相似文献   

Naloxone inhibition of stress-induced increase in prolactin secretion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Naloxone, an opiate antagonist that acts by binding to opiate receptors in the brain, was given to rats stressed by immobilization or heat in an attempt to inhibit stress-induced release of prolactin. Both stresses resulted in approximately a 5-fold increase in serum prolactin concentration. Naloxone, at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg b.w. completely or partially inhibited the stress-induced rises in serum prolactin, and reduced serum prolactin concentrations in unstressed rats to below control values. It is concluded that endorphins may be responsible for increased release of PRL during stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Whole cell patch-clamp experiments were performed in clonal rat pituitary cells (GH3/B6 cells) to further analyze an inward-rectifying K current (IK, IR) which is suggested to be involved in the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-induced increase in prolactin secretion from these cells. Using the class III antiarrhythmic agent E-4031 which is known as specific blocker of ether-á-go-go-related gene (ERG) K channels, the inward-rectifying K current could be isolated as the drug-sensitive current. To elucidate in molecular basis of this current, comparative experiments were performed in CHO cells which served as heterologous expression system for RERG, the rat homologue of the human ERG (HERG). It is shown that the inward-rectifying K current has properties identical to those mediated by channels encoded by RERG. In external 5 mM K+ solution, the ERG-like current IK, IR was an outward current in the physiological potential range, and this outward current could be strongly reduced by TRH. A specific block of IK, IR was able to mimick the second phase of the TRH-response which is characterized by a depolarization and/or by an increase in the frequency of Ca action potentials. These data show, that the ERG-like current in GH3/B6 cells contributes to the maintainance of the resting membrane potential and that it plays an important part in the mechanisms of the effects of TRH leading to an increase in prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) concentrations were measured in young (3-4 month old) and middle-aged (10-12 month old) intact female rats on proestrus, in ovariectomized rats after two estrogen injections (estradiol benzoate; EB, 10 micrograms/100 g body weight, s.c.) or after preoptic stimulation in EB-primed ovariectomized rats. Only animals showing regular 4-day estrous cycles were selected for the experiment. The magnitude of proestrous LH surge was significantly smaller in middle-aged than in young rats. Two BE injections, at noon on Days 0 and 3, in ovariectomized middle-aged rats failed to induce surges in LH secretion on Day 4 whereas the same treatment produced LH surges in ovariectomized young rats. The preoptic electrochemical stimulation (50 microA for 60 sec) produced a prompt rise in serum LH levels in ovariectomized EB-primed young but not in middle aged rats. The preoptic stimulation with a larger current (200 microA) induced LH secretin in middle-aged rats. In none of these situations serum PRL concentrations were different between young and middle-age rats. These results suggest differential aging rates in the preoptic mechanisms governing LH and PRL secretion in the rat. The function of the preoptic ovulatory center in responding to the estrogen positive feedback action and inducing LH secretion may become impaired and independent of the PRL control mechanism, even before the regular estrous cycle terminates.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that oxytocin (OT) is released during certain stresses and that OT can potentiate the activity of CRF in vitro. To better define the role of OT during stress, the effect of injections of anti-OT antiserum on stress-induced corticotropin (ACTH) secretion was studied in vivo. A dose of antiserum which completely neutralized the increase in plasma OT levels during tail-hang stress caused a 59% decrease in plasma ACTH concentrations (P less than 0.005). The data support a physiologic role for OT in the regulation of ACTH secretion.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of the thiol agent cysteamine on physiological prolactin secretion in the female rat. Administration of cysteamine completely abolishes suckling-induced prolactin secretion in a dose-dependent manner. Cysteamine treatment does not alter nursing behavior of the mothers. Further, we have found that the prolactin-depleting ability of cysteamine is not altered by a prior suckling stimulus. These results indicate that cysteamine administration inhibits physiologically-induced prolactin secretion with similar potency and efficacy as previously reported for cysteamine effects on basal and pharmacologically-induced prolactin secretion. Furthermore, the effect of cysteamine is not compromised by a previous suckling stimulus, suggesting that "depletion-transformation" of pituitary prolactin stores does not protect against the effect of cysteamine.  相似文献   

Female rats rendered "pseudopregnant" by treatment with PMS and hCG and ovariectomized rats injected with estradiol and progesterone (OVX-E2-P) were subjected to cortical spreading depression (SD). Within 7-10 min under ether anesthesia in a stereotaxic instrument a frontal craniotomy was performed and a cotton ball saturated with physiological saline (control) or 25% KCl was applied to the exposed dura, covered with dental cement and skin sutured. The animals were then placed in separate containers in an isolated room and decapitated for collection of trunk blood at 0, 15, 30, or 60 min after surgery. In PMS-hCH saline-treated control animals, prolactin levels had dropped by 15 and 30 min when compared with the zero-time values but by 60 min had increased significantly above the 30-min level. At that time (60 min), prolactin values in the KCl group were significantly lower than in the controls. Corticosterone levels were high at both 15 and 60 min in control and KCl groups. In OVX-E2-P control animals, plasma prolactin levels also rose at 60 min compared with 15- and 30-min samples and at 60 min were significantly higher than in the KCl group. In control animals, LH levels were lower at 15 and 60 min than at zero time, but they remained unchanged in the KCl group. The dato are interpreted as indicating that cortical SD suppresses the stress responses observed in saline-treated control animals.  相似文献   

K P Briski  P W Sylvester 《Life sciences》1987,41(10):1249-1255
The present study was carried out to determine the effects of repetitive acute stress exposure on pituitary secretion of both luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL). Adult male rats were exposed to sequential episodes of acute novel environment stress separated by intervals of either 60 or 120 minutes. Serial blood samples were obtained from animals before, during and after each stress episode via indwelling intra-cardiac cannulas. The imposition of 10 minute episodes of novel environment stress on an hourly basis eventually rendered the hypothalamic-hypophyseal LH axis refractory to the stimulatory effect of stress. If sequential stress was imposed at 120 minute intervals, LH release was significantly enhanced during each exposure. A different pattern of PRL release was observed during the same sequential stress schedule. After an initial increase in hormone release in response to the first hourly stress episode, PRL levels were unaltered during the second and third hourly stress exposures. Thereafter, plasma PRL levels showed a trend toward a progressive increase in release during each successive episode, and were significantly elevated above preceding baseline levels during the fourth and fifth hourly stress exposures. In rats exposed to stress every two hours, a significant increase in PRL levels occurred following the first, but not the second stress episode. Hormone release was again enhanced in response to the third exposure to novel environment. The present results demonstrate that the repetitive exposure to acute novel environment stress results in differential alterations in pituitary LH and PRL secretion over time, and that the timing of repeated episodes is an important determinant of continued responsiveness to stress, particularly with regard to LH release. These findings suggest that the LH and PRL hormonal responses to at least this specific stressor are mediated by independent neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

M H Morehead  R R Gala 《Life sciences》1987,41(21):2355-2362
Experiments were performed to determine whether the restraint stress-induced decrease in the proestrous prolactin (PRL) surge blocked luteolysis of the corpora lutea (CL), affected ovulation, or prevented the induction of pregnancy/pseudopregnancy in the next cycle. In all experiments rats were either stressed on proestrus and estrus, administered daily sc injections of 1 mg/day of 2-Br-alpha-ergocryptine (CB-154) for 4 days starting on diestrus II or not treated. In one experiment animals were sampled on the afternoon of proestrus to determine the effect of restraint stress on plasma PRL values and sacrificed on the morning of proestrus in the next cycle. Ovaries were removed, weighed, fixed and examined for number of CL. Restraint stress resulted in a significant increase in ovarian weight when compared to controls; CB-154 resulted in significant increases in ovarian weight when compared to stress and control animals. However, only CB-154-treated animals had a significant increase in the number of CL when compared to controls. In another experiment, animals were sacrificed on estrus of the next cycle and the oviducts examined for the number of ova. There were no differences among groups. In the final experiment, animals were placed with males of proven fertility on proestrus of the next cycle and examined for evidence of sperm in the vaginal lavage and/or vaginal plugs. CB-154 prevented the induction of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy due to a carry over effect of the drug on PRL surges. Restraint stress had no significant effect on the induction of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. We conclude that there is no physiological significance to the stress-induced decrease of the proestrous PRL surge with respect to ovarian function or fertility.  相似文献   

Somatostatin inhibits not only growth hormone secretion, but also the secretion of several other hormones. The role of somatostatin in prolactin (PRL) secretion has not been clearly demonstrated. The present study was undertaken to examine the effects of somatostatin on rat PRL secretion in several different circumstances where the circulating PRL level is elevated: (1) the estradiol primed intact male rat, (2) normal and (3) estradiol primed rats pretreated with pimozide, (4) normal and (5) estradiol primed hypophysectomized male rats with adenohypophyses grafted under the kidney capsule (HAG rat). Blood samples (70 microL) were taken every 2 min via an indwelling atrial cannula from conscious, unrestrained animals. In the estradiol primed intact rats, a bolus injection of somatostatin (10, 100, and 1000 micrograms/kg) lowered PRL levels in a dose-dependent manner. When the PRL concentration was elevated by the administration of pimozide (3 mg/kg), a dopaminergic receptor blocking agent, somatostatin was ineffective in decreasing plasma PRL concentration but the PRL concentration was lowered by somatostatin when the rat had been primed with estradiol. Somatostatin had no effect on the normal HAG rats, but lowered the plasma PRL concentration in the estradiol primed HAG rats. Since somatostatin inhibits PRL secretion only in the estradiol primed rats, it is suggested that estradiol priming creates a new environment, presumably via new or altered receptors, which can be inhibited by somatostatin.  相似文献   

The effects of bromocriptine induced hypoprolactinemia on the testicular function were studied in adult rats. Bromocriptine treatment (1500 micrograms/day for 24 days) reduced serum and pituitary Prolactin levels, indicating a decrease in prolactin secretion and synthesis. No change in reproductive organ weights was seen in treated animals. Hypoprolactinemia had no effect on plasma testosterone or androstenedione levels and testicular androstenedione content, but decreased significantly testicular testosterone content. These findings indicated that experimental hypoprolactinemia induced a decrease in testicular testosterone content without affecting androgens levels.  相似文献   

The secretory profile of prolactin and oxytocin in response to suckling stimuli by litters was studied in unanesthetized and urethane-anesthetized lactating rats. Serum prolactin levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Oxytocin released at milk-ejection reflex was monitored by the changes in the intramammary pressure and/or the characteristic pup's reaction associated with the milk ejection. Serum prolactin concentrations began to rise earlier than the first milk ejection in unanesthetized rats, but they were never elevated without the appearance of milk ejections in urethane-anesthetized rats. Pulsatile fluctuation in serum prolactin levels at 6-15 min intervals was observed in the nursing period when 10 pups were suckling continually. The intermittent milk-ejection reflex occurred not always but preponderantly (64-91%) when the serum prolactin levels were at the nadir of the fluctuation. Injection of an estimated dose of oxytocin released at each milk ejection (1 mU) did not change the serum prolactin levels. These results indicate that the mechanism for prolactin release may be more susceptible to the effects of anesthesia than that for oxytocin release in response to the suckling stimuli and that the release of both the hormones is pulsatile in nature and be influenced by a common biological clock during the nursing period.  相似文献   

Intravenous (iv) injection of FK33-824 [( D-Ala2, MePhe4, Met-(O)5-ol]-enkephalin, 8 and 16 nmole/100 g body wt), a potent Met5-enkephalin analog, and domperidone (1.2, 2.4, and 24 nmole/100 g body wt), a dopamine antagonist, resulted in a dose-related increase in plasma prolactin (PRL) levels in urethane-anesthetized male rats. PRL release induced by FK33-824 (16 nmole/100 g body wt, iv) was inhibited by intraventricular (icv) injection of TRH (0.6 nmole/rat). DN-1417 (gamma-butyrolactone-gamma-carbonyl-histidyl-prolinamide citrate, 0.6 nmole/rat, icv), a TRH analog, also blunted PRL release induced by FK33-824. PRL release induced by a smaller dose of domperidone (1.2 nmole/100 g body wt, iv) was blunted by TRH and DN-1417, whereas both peptides failed to suppress elevated PRL levels induced by larger doses of domperidone. These results suggest that TRH not only stimulates PRL secretion by acting directly at the pituitary, but has an inhibitory action on PRL release through activation of the central dopaminergic mechanism.  相似文献   

Since cholecystokinin produced important effects on prolactin secretion following its intraventricular injection in ovariectomized rats, we have evaluated the effects of the cholecystokinin antagonist, proglumide, to assess the physiologic significance of CCK in the control of prolactin release. Conscious rats of either sex were used following implantation of third ventricular and/or intravenous cannulae for the administration of proglumide. Blood samples were drawn from conscious animals at various times after injection of the compound. Intraventricular injection of 1 or 10 micrograms of proglumide produced a dramatic decline in plasma prolactin levels in either castrate or intact male rats. Similar results were found following the intravenous injection of 10 or 100 micrograms of the drug. These results contrasted sharply with the findings in ovariectomized females in which the intraventricular injection of the same two doses of proglumide used in males produced a dose-related elevation of prolactin which was opposite to the delayed lowering of prolactin following the intravenous injection of the same doses of the compound used in males. These results indicate that proglumide can lower prolactin in male rats and suggests a physiologically significant role of CCK in the control of prolactin secretion in the male. There appears to be a sex difference in the response since the results contrasted sharply in ovariectomized female rats. The results in the females are puzzling and it is apparent that further studies are needed to determine whether or not CCK has a physiologically significant role to play in prolactin secretion in the female. Since previous results have shown that CCK has no effect on the release of prolactin by the pituitary directly these interactions are presumably taking place in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Intravenously administered bombesin lowered basal PRL levels in conscious male rats and prevented the morphine, bremazocine and stress-induced PRL secretion. The same dose of bombesin had no effect on PRL levels in alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine pretreated rats and did not affect haloperidol-stimulated PRL release. These results show that bombesin given intravenously acts as an inhibitor of PRL secretion and suggests that it does not act on the lactotrope itself but rather by an increase of the inhibitory dopaminergic tone.  相似文献   

In the present study both MR 2034 (kappa-agonist) and DAMME (mu-agonist) decreased thyrotropin (TSH) secretion stimulated by cold in the rat when infused into the 3rd ventricle. After infusion into the posterior hypothalamus (PH), a small dose of MR 2034 increased the TSH response to cold whereas other doses did not. The stimulatory (at PH) but not the inhibitory (at 3rd ventricle) effect of MR 2034 was antagonized by naloxone. DAMME had no statistically significant effect at this location. Both the mu- and kappa-agonist stimulated prolactin secretion when infused into the 3rd ventricle, but DAMME was more effective than MR 2034. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect of DAMME, but not that of MR 2034, on prolactin secretion was antagonized by naloxone.  相似文献   

alpha-MSH and beta-endorphin, both synthesized from a common precursor, have opposite behavioral actions. In order to determine if these peptides have opposite effects on pituitary function, basal LH secretion and basal and stress-induced prolactin release were studied in adult male rats after intraventricular injection of alpha-MSH. Each rat also received intraventricular saline in order to serve as its own control. 18 micrograms alpha-MSH stimulated plasma LH from 16.5 +/- 2.5 (SEM) ng/ml to a peak of 27.2 +/- 4.0 and 26.0 +/- 4.9 ng/ml at 5 and 10 min, and suppressed prolactin from 3.5 +/- 0.7 ng/ml to 1.3 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1 ng/ml at 15 and 30 min. Intraventricular alpha-MSH also significantly blunted the prolactin rise associated with the stress of swimming. 10 and 20 min after the onset of swimming, prolactin levels in rats pretreated with alpha-MSH were significantly diminished: 7.4 +/- 1.5 and 6.5 +/- 2.0 ng/ml vs 23.8 +/- 3.6 and 15.2 +/- 2.8 after normal saline. Similarly, des-acetyl alpha-MSH which is the predominant form of alpha-MSH in the hypothalamus, diminished the stress-induced prolactin rise from 18.4 +/- 5.3 and 11.2 +/- 3.4 ng/ml at 10 and 20 min to 10.0 +/- 2.4 and 5.5 +/- 1.6 ng/ml. We conclude that centrally administered alpha-MSH stimulates LH and suppresses basal and stress-induced prolactin release in male rats. These actions are opposite to those previously shown for beta-endorphin and suggest that alpha-MSH may antagonize the effects of beta-endorphin on pituitary function.  相似文献   

Intraventricular injections of α-neo-endorphin, β-neo-endorphin and dynorphins (dynorphin[1–13], dynorphin[1–17], dynorphin[1–8]) resulted in an increase in plasma prolactin levels in urethane-anesthetized rats. Dynorphin [1–13] was the most potent to stimulate prolactin release among these opioid peptides. Plasma prolactin responses to these stimuli were blunted by naloxone, an opiate antagonist. In invitro studies, prolactin release from perfused pituitary cells was stimulated by α-neo-endorphin, and the effect was blunted by naloxone, whereas neither β-neo-endorphin nor dynorphin[1–13] affected prolactin release. These results suggest that newly identified “big” Leu-enkephalins in the brain stimulate prolactin secretion in the rat and that α-neo-endorphin has a possible direct action on the pituitary.  相似文献   

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