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Human studies have suggested that early undernutrition increases the risk of obesity, thereby explaining the increase in overweight among individuals from developing countries who have been undernourished as children. However, this conclusion is controversial, given that other studies do not concur. This study sought to determine whether rehabilitation after undernutrition increases the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders. We employed a published experimental food-restriction model. Wistar female rats subjected to severe food restriction since fetal stage and controls were transferred to a moderately high-fat diet (cafeteria) provided at 70 days of life to 6.5 months. Another group of undernourished rats were rehabilitated with chow. The energy intake of undernourished animals transferred to cafeteria formula exceeded that of the controls under this regime and was probably driven by hypothalamic disorders in insulin and leptin signal transduction. The cafeteria diet resulted in greater relative increases in both fat and lean body mass in the undernourished rats when compared with controls, enabling the former group to completely catch up in length and body mass index. White adipose tissues of undernourished rats transferred to the high-lipid regime developed a browning which, probably, contributed to avoid the obesigenic effect observed in controls. Nevertheless, the restricted group rehabilitated with cafeteria formula had greater accretion of visceral than subcutaneous fat, showed increased signs of macrophage infiltration and inflammation in visceral pad, dyslipidemia, and ectopic fat accumulation. The data indicate that early long-term undernutrition is associated with increased susceptibility to the harmful effects of nutritional rehabilitation, without causing obesity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of early and mid-gestation nutrient restriction on maternal metabolites and foetal growth. Primiparous Angus cows were synchronized and inseminated with semen from one sire. Dietary treatments were: control to gain 1 kg/week (CON) or 0.55% maintenance energy and CP requirements (nutrient restricted; NR). A subset of dams was fed NR (n=8) or CON (n=8) from days 30 to 110 of gestation. Another group was fed CON (n=8), days 30 to 190; NR (n=7), days 30 to 110 followed by CON days 110 to 190; or CON, (n=7) days 30 to 110 followed by NR days 110 to 190. Cows were harvested at days 110 or 190 of gestation, when foetal measurements and samples were collected. Cows that were NR during days 30 to 110 or 110 to 190 of gestation lost significant BW and body condition score (P<0.001), this was associated with reduced plasma glucose during NR (P<0.002). Foetal weights, empty foetal weights, abdominal and thoracic circumferences were all reduced (P<0.03) in day 110 NR animals. Foetal perirenal adipose as a percentage of empty foetal weight was increased (P=0.01) in NR day 110 female foetuses compared with CON foetus. Maternal serum triglycerides at day 110 of gestation were decreased (P<0.05) in NR dams, whereas foetal serum triglycerides were increased (P<0.05) in response to maternal NR. Foetal weights tended to be reduced (P=0.08) in NR/CON and CON/NR v. CON/CON cattle at day 190 of gestation. Empty foetal weights, abdominal and thoracic circumferences were reduced (P⩽0.03) in NR/CON and CON/NR v. CON/CON cattle. Brain weight as a percentage of empty foetal weight was increased (P<0.001) in NR/CON and CON/NR v. CON/CON cattle. Foetal perirenal adipose as a percentage of empty foetal weight was increased (P=0.003) in NR/CON and CON/NR v. CON/CON cattle. Maternal serum triglycerides at day 190 of gestation were decreased (P<0.05) in association with maternal NR. Foetal serum triglycerides at day 190 of gestation were increased (P<0.05) in response to maternal NR during early gestation but decreased by NR in mid gestation compared with CON foetuses. The data show that maternal nutrient restriction during early or mid-gestation cause’s asymmetrical foetal growth restriction, regardless if the restriction is preceded or followed by a period of non-restriction.  相似文献   

This paper examines longitudinal data to assess the effects of the recent transition from pastoralism to sedentary agriculture for Ariaal and Rendille mothers in northern Kenya. Dietary, morbidity, and anthropometric data resulting from bimonthly repeated surveys of the pastoral community of Lewogoso and the sedentary agricultural community of Songa, covering the period from September 1994-July 1995, were used to test two hypotheses: 1) that sedentism is associated with changes in diet, seasonality, morbidity, and socioeconomic differentiation, and 2) that these changes affect maternal body composition. The first hypothesis is partly supported, with starch replacing milk in the sedentary diet. Repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance revealed no seasonal effects for diet in the agricultural sample, while starch consumption was significantly affected by seasonality for the pastoral sample. The agricultural community also featured economic dietary disparities favoring wealthier mothers, while no such effect was found in the pastoral community. However, no seasonal or economic effects were found for morbidity patterns in either sample. The second hypothesis is also partially supported, as a generalized estimating equations analysis revealed differences in the way diet and economic strata influence maternal anthropometric values. Economic status was significantly associated with maternal arm-fat area in Lewogoso. Milk was a significant factor associated with maternal weight and arm-muscle area in Songa. These findings are discussed in light of development policy implications.  相似文献   

Among monitor lizards of the family Varanidae, Indian desert monitor lizard Varanus griseus koniecznyi Mertens 1954 is one of the lesser-known species globally and due to lack of data on this species it is so far not evaluated by IUCN and excluded from the latest assessment of monitor lizards of Southeast Asia and Indo-Australian Archipelago. The present study was undertaken from January 2013 to June 2017 to fill this gap during which taxonomic evaluation along with an assessment of population and ecology of this species was carried out in the Thar desert of Rajasthan (TDR). The study brought into knowledge many morphological variations along with intraspecific variations of scale microstructure of this lizard. The population density was found to be highest in the Jaisalmer (0.102/ha) district of western Rajasthan, followed by Bikaner (0.08/ha) and Sikar (0.077/ha) districts. The overall population was quite low (0.068/ha) in the area. The study further revealed the species is habitat specialist and lives in a narrow range of habitats and microhabitats, and hence, the species may not adapt to the rapidly changing environment in the TDR. Their activity was found to be highest between 9ndash;12 hrs followed by 12–15 hrs and foraging was found to be their predominant activity followed by resting and feeding. In the absence of any detailed study on this species, the study points towards immediate conservation efforts for the species in its current distribution. Baseline data generated through this study will no doubt help to safeguard the species in the TDR and further research on this species in the future.  相似文献   

Mothers and fetuses are expected to be in some degree of conflict over the allocation of maternal resources to fetal growth in the intrauterine environment. Variation in placental structure and function may be one way a fetus can communicate need and quality to its mother, potentially manipulating maternal investment in its favor. Whereas common marmosets typically produce twin litters, they regularly give birth to triplet litters in captivity. The addition of another fetus is a potential drain on maternal resource availability and thus a source of elevated conflict over resource allocation. Marmoset littermates share a single placental mass, so that differences in the ratio of fetal to placental weight across litter categories suggest the presence of differential intrauterine strategies of resource allocation. The fetal/placental weight ratio was calculated for 26 marmoset pregnancies, representing both twin and triplet litters, to test the hypothesis that triplet fetuses respond to intrauterine conflict by soliciting placental overgrowth as a means of accessing maternal resources. In fact, relative to fetal mass, the triplet marmoset placenta is significantly undergrown, with individual triplets associated with less placental mass than their twin counterparts, suggesting that the triplet placenta is relatively more efficient in its support of fetal growth. There still may be an important role for maternal-fetal conflict in the programming of placental structure and function. Placental adaptations that solicit potential increases of maternal investment may occur at the microscopic or metabolic level, and thus may not be reflected in the size of the placenta as a whole.  相似文献   

Anthropometric measurements were made on 4,952 mothers and their neonates from a Peruvian urban population. Based on age-specific percentiles, the mothers were separated into categories of short and tall stature, high and low fat, and high and low muscle. The study indicates that: (1) tall and short mothers characterized by similar subcutaneous fat and upper arm muscle area (whether high or low) had newborns with similar birth weight and recumbent length; (2) mothers characterized by high subcutaneous fat had heavier and fatter, but not longer, newborns than mothers with low subcutaneous fat; (3) mothers characterized by high upper arm muscle area had heavier, leaner and longer newborns than mothers with low upper arm muscle area; (4) mothers characterized by high muscle and high fat had heavier and longer newborns than mothers with high muscle and low fat; but (5) mothers characterized by high muscle and low fat had heavier and longer newborns than mothers with low muscle and high fat. Considering that subcutaneous fat and arm muscle area reflect calorie and protein reserves respectively, it is concluded that an increase in maternal calorie reserves results in increased infant fatness, but a lesser increase in linear growth. In contrast, an increase in maternal protein reserves does enhance both birth weight and prenatal linear growth.  相似文献   

Since nutritional requirements are increased at the end of gestation to meet the demands of the pregnant uterus, pregnant beef cows are susceptible to mobilization of body reserves (mainly fat and amino acids (AAs)) and to alter the metabolism of nutrients in the liver and muscle to support such demands. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of CP supplementation on maternal nutrient metabolism in the late gestation of beef cows grazing a low-quality pasture. Forty-three pregnant Nellore cows gestating male fetuses (average age = 6 years; average weight = 544 kg) at 193 ± 30 (mean ± SD) days (d) of gestation were divided into eight groups (experimental units, with four to five cows each). Treatments were (1) control (CON, n = 4): pasture-based (PB) diet without CP supplementation and (2) supplemented (SUP, n = 4): PB diet daily supplemented with 2 g/kg of BW of a 43.5% CP supplement. Liver and skeletal muscle biopsies were performed at 265 days of gestation and samples were collected for mRNA expression. On day 280 of gestation, blood samples were collected to assess plasma levels of AA. The CON-fed cows tended to have greater (P = 0.057) total circulating AA than SUP-fed cows. The circulating glycogenic AA was greater (P = 0.035) in CON than in SUP cows. CON cows was greater for histidine (P = 0.015), methionine (P = 0.007) and alanine (P = 0.036) than SUP cows. The CON- and SUP-fed showed no differences for gluconeogenesis, fatty acid transport and signaling axis markers in the liver. The mRNA expression of markers for skeletal muscle synthesis, p7056k (P = 0.060) and GSK3B (P = 0.096), tended to be greater in cows from CON than SUP group. No differences were found for mRNA expression of markers for skeletal muscle degradation. We conclude that CP supplementation to CP-restricted late-pregnant beef cows reduces the maternal tissue mobilization and changes the profile of plasma circulating AA and the mRNA expression of markers for the synthesis of skeletal muscle tissue.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that density‐dependent competition influences the evolution of offspring size. We studied two populations of the least killifish (Heterandria formosa) that differ dramatically in population density; these populations are genetically differentiated for offspring size, and females from both populations produce larger offspring when they experience higher social densities. To look at the influences of population of origin and relative body size on competitive ability, we held females from the high‐density population at two different densities to create large and small offspring with the same genetic background. We measured the competitive ability of those offspring in mesocosms that contained either pure or mixed population treatments at either high or low density. High density increased competition, which was most evident in greatly reduced individual growth rates. Larger offspring from the high‐density population significantly delayed the onset of maturity of fish from the low‐density population. From our results, we infer that competitive conditions in nature have contributed to the evolution of genetically based interpopulation differences in offspring size as well as plasticity in offspring size in response to conspecific density.  相似文献   

Anthropometric and household data (size, composition, economic activity) were collected from a population of Ribeirinhos living in a rural setting in the eastern Amazon. Data are compared to international reference standards and to other Amazonian populations with the goals of increasing our understanding of the Amazon's largest ethnic group and identifying the relationship between changes in subsistence strategies and nutritional status. Data on height, weight, skinfolds, and circumferences were collected from 471 adults and subadults. The population showed a high degree of stunting with an average HAZ below -2.0 for all age groups over 3 years, and 60% of adult men and 70% of adult women were stunted. Wasting was rare. Average skinfold thicknesses and upper-arm muscle area were near or below average but within the normal range compared to the reference standard, indicating adequate energy and protein stores. Thirty-one percent of males and 29% of females were overweight/obese, and the highest average BMIs were found among men and women in their 40s. Adult males who participated in wage labor had higher weights, BMIs, and UMA values, and were more likely to be overweight and obese compared with those who did not work in wage-labor jobs. Children of fathers who worked in wage labor had higher BMI and UMA values, but there was no significant effect on the nutritional status of other adults in these same households. Signs of the nutrition transition were most noticeable among adult males involved in wage labor because of changes in their diet and activity patterns.  相似文献   

Dang YH  Yan CX  Chen T 《遗传》2011,33(9):919-924
生命早期社会环境会对人类个体身心健康产生持久的影响已久为人知,然而要了解生命早期经历(包括来自母亲的关爱行为)与一生的认知和情绪健康之间的因果关系却只能借助于动物模型。文章综述了大鼠母爱行为对子代成年后应对应激的行为和繁育行为的影响及其表观遗传机制,并就这一模型对于环境因素影响人类身心健康的研究所具有的意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

In 2001 a new national research was begun in Italy in order to identify the health, nutritional status and quality of life in the immigrant population. In Bologna area an evident process of demographic decrease in the resident population, coupled with a contemporaneous increase in the number of in-coming immigrants coming especially from Asiatic and African developing countries, has been taking place since 1970. The present program was carried, out in this context, starting with an analysis of the actual bio-diversity in this new multi-ethnic society, with the purpose of giving the same sanitary assistance and surveillance that the Italian population enjoys to the immigrant population as well. The present report analyzes the main anthropological aspects of the program concerning the assessment of anthropometric and psychosocial characteristics of the immigrant population, as well as this group's nutritional habits.  相似文献   

为了获得印度北部赣达(Ganga)盆地河流中野生卡特拉鲃种群的年龄结构和重要生长参数,对该鱼的年龄和生长进行了研究。鳞片取自商业捕捞和实验室饲养的样品。根据研究分析,该鱼最大年龄可达8龄;巴吉拉蒂河(Bhagirathi R.)的种群平均体长为521.51 mm,退算体长为288.9 -1132.3 mm;旁遮普邦(Punjab)Satluj河种群平均体长为641.6 mm,退算体长为335.4 -1096.08 mm。2龄时,种群线性生长率(Cl)和体重增加率(Cw)表现出迅速下降的趋势。其它生长参数值(Clt)也呈现快速下降。退算体长差异(ANOVA)分析显示,生活在赣达盆地不同流域中的种群, 1^+-4^+龄组的长度差异较明显(P〈0.05) ,高龄组(5^+-8^+)差异不显著。根据本项研究结果,提出了对印度北部赣达盆地相关河流中生活的野生卡特拉鲃种群资源持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

The review of the present status of limnological studies in India is based on Indian publications in Hydrobiologia since the inception of the Journal. About 325 Indian papers have appeared up to 1979; nearly two-third appeared in the last one decade. Ponds occupy first place among the freshwater bodies studied. There are only a few papers on the rivers and streams. The emphasis of studies on flora is generally on taxonomical and morphological aspects. Among the studies on fauna, several relate to different aspects of Crustacea, and taxonomy of rotifers. Fish studies published in Hydrobiologia do not reflect the trends of progress in India. Work on production, energy flow and functioning of ecosystems is limited. About thirty papers relate to estuarine and marine environments. Suggestions for future work are made in the light of present studies and the gaps.  相似文献   

为了获得印度北部赣达(Ganga)盆地河流中野生卡特拉(鱾)种群的年龄结构和重要生长参数,对该鱼的年龄和生长进行了研究.鳞片取自商业捕捞和实验室饲养的样品.根据研究分析,该鱼最大年龄可达8龄;巴吉拉蒂河(Bhagirathi R.)的种群平均体长为521.51 mm,退算体长为288.9-1132.3 mm;旁遮普邦(Punjab)Satluj河种群平均体长为641.6 mm,退算体长为335.4-1096.08 mm.2龄时,种群线性生长率(Cl)和体重增加率(Cw)表现出迅速下降的趋势.其它生长参数值(Clt)也呈现快速下降.退算体长差异(ANOVA)分析显示,生活在赣达盆地不同流域中的种群,1 -4 龄组的长度差异较明显(P<0.05),高龄组(5 -8 )差异不显著.根据本项研究结果,提出了对印度北部赣达盆地相关河流中生活的野生卡特拉(鱾)种群资源持续利用的对策.  相似文献   

The role of selenium (Se) in human health and diseases has been discussed in detail in several recent reviews, with the main conclusion being that selenium deficiency is recognised as a global problem which urgently needs resolution. Since selenium content in plant-based food depends on its availability from soil, the level of this element in food and feeds varies among regions. In general, eggs and meat are considered to be good sources of selenium in human diet. When considering ways to improve human selenium intake, there are several potential options. These include direct supplementation, soil fertilisation and supplementation of food staples such as flour, and production of functional foods. Analysing recent publications related to functional food production, it is evident that selenium-enriched eggs can be used as an important delivery system of this trace mineral for humans. In particular, developments and commercialisation of organic forms of selenium have initiated a new era in the availability of selenium-enriched products. It has been shown that egg selenium content can easily be manipulated to give increased levels, especially when organic selenium is included in hen’s diet at levels that provide 0.3–0.5 mg/kg selenium in the feed. As a result, technology for the production of eggs delivering ≈50% (30–35 μg) of the human selenium RDA have been developed and successfully tested. Currently companies all over the world market selenium-enriched eggs including the UK, Ireland, Mexico, Columbia, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Turkey, Russia and the Ukraine. Prices for enriched eggs vary from country to country, typically being similar to free-range eggs. Selenium-enriched chicken, pork and beef can also be produced when using organic selenium in the diet of poultry and farm animals. The scientific, technological and other advantages and limitations of producing designer/modified eggs as functional foods are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

  • 1 The importance of nutrients consumed by adults differs among lepidopteran species. Knowledge of adult nutritional requirements is particularly useful when adopting biological control strategies that involve the use of flowering plants to improve the effectiveness of natural enemies. This is because nectar may also serve as a carbohydrate source for the pest.
  • 2 We evaluated the effect of different sources and concentrations of carbohydrate consumed by adults on the performance and fitness of the wheat armyworm Pseudaletia sequax Franclemont, which is an important pest of cereal crops.
  • 3 The consumption of carbohydrates by the adults significantly increased the length of the oviposition period, fecundity, fertility and longevity of P. sequax. Adult nutrition also affected the daily oviposition pattern of the females.
  • 4 The demographic parameters estimated for each diet regime (i.e. intrinsic rate of increase, finite rate of increase and net reproductive rate) were influenced by adult nutrition. These parameters also varied according to the source and concentration of carbohydrates.
  • 5 The results obtained in the present study suggest that the use of perennial flowering plants to provide a food source for natural enemies can also favour the pest.



It has been debated whether treatment should be started early in subjects with mild to moderate COPD. An impaired health status score was associated with a higher probability of being diagnosed with COPD as compared with undiagnosed COPD.


To investigate the health status in a healthy working population, to determine reference scores for healthy non-smoking subjects, and to investigate the relationship between their health status and airflow limitation.


A total of 1333 healthy industrial workers aged ≥40 years performed spirometry and completed the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the COPD Assessment Test (CAT).


The prevalence of COPD defined by the fixed ratio of the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) was 10.9%, and the prevalence defined by the Lower Limit of Normal was 5.0%. All SGRQ and CAT scores were skewed to the milder end. In 512 non-smoking subjects with normal spirometry, the mean SGRQ score was 5.7, and the mean CAT score was 5.8. In 145 people with COPD defined by the fixed ratio, the mean SGRQ score was 7.9, with a zero score in 6.9% of the subjects. Using the CAT, the mean score was 7.3, with 7.6% of the scores being zero. The scores in patients identified using the Lower Limit of Normal approach were: SGRQ 8.4 (13.4% had a score of zero) and CAT 7.4 (13.4% had a score of zero). Although the 95th percentiles of the Total, Symptoms, Activity, and Impact scores of the SGRQ and CAT sores were 13.8, 34.0, 23.4, 7.2 and 13.6 in the 512 healthy non-smoking subjects, respectively, they were also distributed under their upper limits in over 80% of the COPD subjects.


The COPD-specific health status scores in a working population were good, even in those with spirometrically diagnosed COPD. All scores were widely distributed in both healthy non-smoking subjects and in subjects with COPD, and the score distribution overlapped remarkably between these two groups. This suggests that symptom-based methods are not suitable screening tools in a healthy general population.  相似文献   

Previous studies in animal populations have shown that stunted neural and thymolymphatic growth early in development may result in permanently impaired neural and immune function, decreased body growth, vertebral wedging, and decreased life-span. In the human adult, small vertebral neural canal (VNC) diameters may reflect early stunted neural and immune development and impaired function that leads to decreased health (inferred by greater vertebral wedging) and life-span in the adult. VNC, which complete their growth by early childhood (age 4), are markers of early development in adults. On the other hand, features following general body growth, such as height, weight (represented here by vertebral body height) continues to grow until young adulthood. They are less reliable, because they readily experience catch-up growth (even in chronically stressed populations) and, unlike VNC, may mask poor early growth. To test associations between early growth and adult health and life-span in humans, we measured 2,060 VNC, vertebral heights, vertebral wedging, nerve-root tunnel lengths, severity of vertebral osteophytosis, and ages at death in 90 adult (aged 15-55 years) prehistoric skeletons (950-1300 A.D.). Tibial lengths were also measured in a subsample (n = 30). Multivariate, bivariate, and nonparametric analyses showed that small VNC are significantly associated with greater vertebral wedging and decreased life-span (P less than 0.05-0.00001). VNC are independent of vertebral body heights and tibial lengths (general body growth). VNC, but not statural components, are useful in predicting adult health, presumably because they reflect neural and immune development and do not readily experience catch-up growth. Thus, longitudinal retrospective measures of early growth and adult health were systematically linked within individuals regardless of confounding factors operating over the 350-year time period. Since this research was completed, this model has repeatedly been independently confirmed in four living urban industrial populations. Longitudinal retrospective analysis was employed together with direct measures of VNC, neural and immune function. Together these results suggested that it may be essential to improve growth prior to early childhood in order to maximize adult health and life-span.  相似文献   

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