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Legume shrubs have great potential for rehabilitation of semi-arid degraded soils in Mediterranean ecosystems as they establish mutualistic symbiosis with N-fixing rhizobia. Eighty-eight symbiotic rhizobia were isolated from seven wild legume shrubs native of Sicily (Southern Italy) and grouped in operational taxonomic units (OTU) by analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) polymorphism. Partial sequencing of 16S rRNA gene of representative isolates of each OTU revealed that most Genisteae symbionts are related to Bradyrhizobium canariense, B. japonicum and B. elkanii. Teline monspessulana was the only Genistea nodulated by Mesorhizobium strains, and Anagyris foetida (Thermopsideae) was promiscuosly nodulated by Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Agrobacterium and Bradyrhizobium strains. Analysis of the nodulation gene nodA assigned most Mediterranean Genisteae bradyrhizobia to clade II but also to clades IV, I and III, which included, so far, sequences of (sub)tropical and Australian isolates. The high diversity and low host specificity observed in most wild legumes isolates suggest that preferential associations may establish in the field depending on differences in the benefits conferred to the host and on competition ability. Once identified, these beneficial symbiosis can be exploited for rehabilitation of arid, low productive and human-impacted soils of the Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

Measurements of multiplication in liquid culture indicated that fast-growing Lotus rhizobia (Rhizobium loti) were tolerant of acidity and aluminium (at least 50 μM A1 at pH 4.5). Slow-growing Lotus rhizobia (Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lotus)) were less tolerant of acidity but equally tolerant of A1. Both genera were able to nodulateLotus pedunculatus in an acid soil (pH 4.1 in 0.01M CaCl2) and the slow-growing strains were more effective than the fast-growing strains in this soil over 30 days.  相似文献   

Seventy-six rhizobia were isolated from the nodules ofLeucaena plants of various genotypes growing in a wide range of soil types and climatic regions. The isolates were fast-growing and acid-producing. In establishing a serological grouping for the isolates, the intrinsic antibiotic resistance (IAR) patterns to low concentrations of eight antibiotics was helpful for selecting the strains for immunization purposes. Eight distinct somatic serogroups ofLeucaena rhizobia were identified by using strain-specific fluorescent antibodies. The results indicated that use of serological markers is a more specific technique than IAR pattern for strain identification. Strains from some different serogroups had the same IAR patterns. The immunofluorescence cross-reactions ofLeucaena rhizobia serogroups among themselves and with other species of fast- and slow-growing rhizobia were very low. Sero-grouping is ideal for use in further ecological studies in field inoculation trials.  相似文献   

Fifteen isolates from several nodulated tropical legumes from Puerto Rico (USA) were characterised by their phenotypic, molecular and symbiotic features. The identification of isolates was based on a polyphasic approach, including phenotypic characteristics, 16S rRNA sequencing, Low molecular weight (LMW) RNA profiles, Two Primers-RAPD patterns, and restriction patterns from 16S rDNA molecules. Despite of the variety of hosts included in this study the 15 isolates were separated into only two groups that corresponded to Rhizobium gallicum and Rhizobium tropici. This work shows that R. gallicum and R. tropici nodulate legume plants, such as Sesbania, Caliandra, Poitea, Piptadenia, Neptunia and Mimosa species, that were not previously considered as hosts for these rhizobia. Moreover, some of these host plants can be nodulated by both species. The results confirm the great promiscuity of R. tropici and also support the hypothesis that the species R. gallicum may be native from America or cosmopolitan and worldwide spread.  相似文献   

This study characterized genetically 30 fast-growing rhizobial strains isolated from nodules of Asian and modern soybean genotypes that had been inoculated with soils from disparate regions of Brazil. Analyses by rep-PCR (ERIC and REP) and RAPD indicated a high level of genetic diversity among the strains. The RFLP-PCR and sequencing analysis of the 16S rRNA genes indicated that none of the strains was related to Sinorhizobium (Ensifer) fredii, whereas most were related to Rhizobium tropici (although they were unable to nodulate Phaseolus vulgaris) and to Rhizobium genomic species Q. One strain was related to Rhizobium sp. OR 191, while two others were closely related to Agrobacterium (Rhizobium) spp.; furthermore, symbiotic effectiveness with soybean was maintained in those strains. Five strains were related to Bradyrhizobium japonicum and B. elkanii, with four of them being similar to strains carried in Brazilian inoculants, therefore modifications in physiological properties, as a shorter doubling time might have resulted from adaptation to local conditions. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PFLA) was less precise in delineating taxonomic relationships. The strains fit into eight Nod-factor profiles that were related to rhizobial species, but not to N2-fixation capacity or competitiveness. The data obtained highlight the diversity and promiscuity of rhizobia in the tropics, being capable of nodulating exotic legumes and might reflect ecological strategies to survive in N-poor soils; in addition, the diversity could also represent an important source of efficient and competitive rhizobial strains for the tropics. Putative new rhizobial species were detected only in undisturbed soils. Three species (R. tropici, B. japonicum and B. elkanii) were found under the more sustainable management system known as no-till, while the only species isolated from soils under conventional till was R. tropici. Those results emphasize that from the moment that agriculture was introduced into undisturbed soils rhizobial diversity has changed, being drastically reduced when a less sustainable soil management system was adopted.  相似文献   

Phosphate solubilization activity of rhizobia native to Iranian soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agricultural soils in Iran are predominantly calcareous with very low plant available phosphorus (P) content. In addition to their beneficial N2-fixing activity with legumes, rhizobia can improve plant P nutrition by mobilizing inorganic and organic P. Isolates from different cross-inoculation groups of rhizobia, obtained from Iranian soils were tested for their ability to dissolve inorganic and organic phosphate. From a total of 446 rhizobial isolates tested for P solubilization by the formation of visible dissolution halos on agar plates, 198 (44%) and 341(76%) of the isolates, solubilized Ca3(PO4)2 (TCP) and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP), respectively. In the liquid Sperber TCP medium, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens) used as positive controls released an average of 268.6 mg L−1 of P after 360 h incubation. This amount was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those observed with all rhizobia tested. The group of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae mobilized in liquid TCP Sperber medium significantly (P < 0.05) more P (197.1 mg L−1 in 360 h) than other rhizobia tested,. This group also showed the highest dissolution halo on the TCP solid Sperber medium. The release of soluble P was significantly correlated with a drop in the pH of the culture filtrates indicating the importance of acid production in the mobilization process. None of the 70 bradyrhizobial isolates tested was able to solubilize TCP. These results indicate that many rhizobia isolated from soils in Iran are able to mobilize P from organic and inorganic sources and this beneficial effect should be tested with crops grown in Iran.  相似文献   

Release of transgenic bacterial inoculants - rhizobia as a case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current debate on the release of genetically modified organisms to the environment must be informed by scientific data obtained from field studies. Many of the microorganisms that have potential applications outside the laboratory, especially in agriculture and horticulture, could be improved by genetic modification. Rhizobia, the bacteria that form N2-fixing symbioses with leguminous plants, have a long history of safe use as seed inoculants, their biology is relatively well known, and they represent a relevant model system. There have been several field releases of genetically modified (GM) rhizobia in the USA and Europe, which provide information on various aspects of their ecology and efficacy. This review summarises the rationale for each release, details of the methods used for monitoring, and the results. Novel properties of rhizobia did not always have the predicted effects. Most studies revealed that rhizobial numbers dropped rapidly after application to soil or seeds but then numbers stabilised for months or years. The monitoring of survival and spread of rhizobia was greatly improved by the presence of novel marker genes. Tagging of rhizobia with marker genes provided more accurate information compared to the use of conventional strains, illustrating an important application of genetic modification, for tracking bacteria in the environment.  相似文献   

In order to determine the bacterial diversity and the identity of rhizobia nodulating lentil in Bangladesh, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of housekeeping genes (16S rRNA, recA, atpD and glnII) and nodulation genes (nodC, nodD and nodA) of 36 bacterial isolates from 25 localities across the country. Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analyses based on 16S rRNA sequences showed that most of the isolates (30 out of 36) were related to Rhizobium etli and Rhizobium leguminosarum. Only these thirty isolates were able to re-nodulate lentil under laboratory conditions. The protein-coding housekeeping genes of the lentil nodulating isolates showed 89.1-94.8% genetic similarity to the corresponding genes of R. etli and R. leguminosarum. The same analyses showed that they split into three distinct phylogenetic clades. The distinctness of these clades from closely related species was also supported by high resolution ERIC-PCR fingerprinting and phenotypic characteristics such as temperature tolerance, growth on acid-alkaline media (pH 5.5-10.0) and antibiotic sensitivity. Our phylogenetic analyses based on three nodulation genes (nodA, nodC and nodD) and cross-inoculation assays confirmed that the nodulation genes are related to those of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae, but clustered in a distinct group supported by high bootstrap values. Thus, our multi-locus phylogenetic analysis, DNA fingerprinting and phenotypic characterizations suggest that at least three different clades are responsible for lentil nodulation in Bangladesh. These clades differ from the R. etli-R. leguminosarum group and may correspond to novel species in the genus Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Iron uptake and metabolism in the rhizobia/legume symbioses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
M. L. Guerinot 《Plant and Soil》1991,130(1-2):199-209
Iron-containing proteins figure prominently in the nitrogen-fixing symbioses between bacteria of the genera Azorhizovium, Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium and their respective plant hosts. Although iron is abundant in the soil, the acquisition of iron is problematic due to its low solubility at biological pH under aerobic conditions. The study of iron acquisition as it pertains to these economically important symbioses is directed at answering three questions: 1) how do rhizobial cells acquire iron as free-living microorganisms where they must compete for this nutrient with other soil inhabitants 2) how do the plant hosts acquire enough iron for the symbiosis and 3) how do rhizobia acquire iron as symbionts? Production and/or utilization of ferric-specific ligands (siderophores) has now been documented in the laboratory for a number of rhizobial species, but there is limited information on whether production and/or untilization occurs either in the soil or in planta. Studies with rhizobial mutants which can no longer produce and/or utilize siderophores should address whether siderophores contribute to functional symbioses. In addition, the ability to produce and/or utilize siderophores may affect the outcome of both interstrain and interspecific competition in the rhizosphere and in bulk soil. Some progress has been made at documenting the effects of iron deficiency on nodule development. Studies are also underway to determine whether, in addition to its central structural role, iron may also play a regulatory role in the symbioses. This review is an attempt to give an overview of the field, and hopefully will stimulate further research on the iron nutrition of these symbioses which account for such a significant proportion of the world's biologically fixed nitrogen.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen (N2) fixation in legumes may give the host plant a distinct competitive advantage; at the same time it is mainly responsible for introducing N into terrestrial ecosystems which may ultimately benefit all organisms. Depending on environmental conditions, symbiotic N2 fixation may be tuned to the plant's N demand or specifically inhibited (a disadvantage for plants which depend mainly on symbiotic N2 fixation), or even prevented. Thus, the ecological range for symbiotic N2 fixation can be narrower than that of the host plants. A shortage of mineral N is the only case in which adverse environmental conditions clearly favour symbiotic N2 fixation. Variations in number or mass of nodules or nodule morphology are persistent features, that may represent one kind of regulation of N2 fixation. In addition, varying O2 permeability of nodules functions as a rapid and reversible control of N2 fixation which may compensate partially or fully for poor nodulation. The plant's demand for symbiotically fixed N is thought to play a central role in modulating both nodulation and N2 fixation activity; an N feedback mechanism is assumed. The control of symbiotic N2 fixation operates through a series of ecophysiological triggers which are also influenced by complex interactions between legume plants and other organisms in the ecosystem. The proportion of legume biomass and the performance of symbiotic N2 fixation in each individual legume are the main parameters which determine the amount of symbiotically fixed N introduced into a terrestrial ecosystem. The various triggers and N feedback mechanisms from the whole ecosystem to the gene expression level which regulate symbiotic N2 fixation in terrestrial ecosystems are reviewed and discussed in terms of a conceptual model. Although the presented model is based primarily on our knowledge about the physiology of a few leguminous crop species and of ecosystem processes in managed, perennial grassland in temperate climatic conditions, it may stimulate thinking about functional relationships between symbiotic N2 fixation and terrestrial ecosystems at various system levels.  相似文献   

In this work, we analysed the core and symbiotic genes of rhizobial strains isolated from Vicia sativa in three soils from the Northwest of Spain, and compared them with other Vicia endosymbionts isolated in other geographical locations. The analysis of rrs, recA and atpD genes and 16S–23S rRNA intergenic spacer showed that the Spanish strains nodulating V. sativa are phylogenetically close to those isolated from V. sativa and V. faba in different European, American and Asian countries forming a group related to Rhizobium leguminosarum. The analysis of the nodC gene of strains nodulating V. sativa and V. faba in different continents showed they belong to a phylogenetically compact group indicating that these legumes are restrictive hosts. The results of the nodC gene analysis allow the delineation of the biovar viciae showing a common phylogenetic origin of V. sativa and V. faba endosymbionts in several continents. Since these two legume species are indigenous from Europe, our results suggest a world distribution of strains from R. leguminosarum together with the V. sativa and V. faba seeds and a close coevolution among chromosome, symbiotic genes and legume host in this RhizobiumVicia symbiosis.  相似文献   

We have isolated 48 strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli from nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivated on 32 different soils at 22 various locations in Rwanda, Central Africa. The symbiotic effectiveness of the strains was appraised in the greenhouse by measuring shoots dry matter and total plant nitrogen content after six weeks of growth. Of the strains tested 19%, 58% and 23% were rated very effective, effective and ineffective, respectively. A very significant correlation (r=0.96, P<0.01) was observed between shoots dry matter and total N content. By using the total nitrogen balance method, it was estimated that in the presence of a very effective strain, up to 86% of the N present in the shoots comes from N2 fixation. No significant correlations were observed between the symbiotic effectiveness of the strains and the pH of the soils from which they originated, the tolerance of the strains to acidity or their ability to produce organic acids. The nine very effective strains selected were highly competitive against two ineffective strains with the two P. vulgaris cultivars Rubona-5 and Kiryumukwe.Contribution no 367, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada.Contribution no 367, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the genetic diversity and phylogeny of rhizobia nodulating Lotus species in northern temperate regions. We have therefore studied the genetic diversity among a total of 61 root nodule bacteria isolated from Lotus corniculatus and Anthyllis vulneraria from different geographic sites and habitats in Sweden by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the internal transcribed spacer between their 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA (IGS) region. A high diversity consisting of 26 IGS types from 54 L. corniculatus isolates and five IGS types from seven A. vulneraria isolates was found. The 16S rRNA sequences and phylogeny of representatives of the different IGS types showed four interesting exceptions from the majority of the isolates belonging to the genus Mesorhizobium: Two isolates were both found to be closely related to Rhodococcus spp., and two other isolates showed close relationship with Geobacillus spp. and Paenibacillus spp., respectively. The nodA sequences and phylogeny showed that all the isolates, including those not belonging to the traditional rhizobia genera, harbored nodA sequences which were typical of Mesorhizobium loti. Generally, the 16S rRNA and nodA phylogenetic trees were not congruent in that isolates with similar 16S rRNA sequences were associated with isolates harboring different nodA sequences. All the isolates were confirmed to nodulate L. corniculatus in an inoculation test. This is the first report of members of these non-rhizobia genera being able to nodulate legumes, and we suggest that they may have acquired their nodulating properties through lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are bacteria that form nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots, or occasionally the shoots, of legumes. There are currently more than a dozen validly named species, but the true number of species is probably orders of magnitude higher. The named species are listed and briefly discussed. Sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU or 16S rRNA) support the well-established subdivision of rhizobia into three genera: Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Azorhizobium. These all lie within the alpha subdivision of the Proteobacteria, but on quite distinct branches, each of which also includes many bacterial species that are not rhizobia. It has been clear for several years that Rhizobium, on this definition, is still too broad and is polyphyletic: there are many non-rhizobia within this radiation. Recently, therefore, it has been suggested that this genus should be split into four genera, namely Rhizobium (R. leguminosarum, R. tropici, R. etli), Sinorhizobium (S. fredii, S. meliloti, S. teranga, S. saheli), Mesorhizobium (M. loti, M. huakuii, M ciceri, M. tianshanense, M. mediterraneum), and a fourth, unnamed, genus for the current R. galegae. The evidence and pros and cons are reviewed.  相似文献   

ELISA and antibody adsorption tests were applied to determine the minimal somatic antigen constitution of 243 strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Arachis) using 12 antisera. The 243 indigenous bradyrhizobial isolates were from 15 sites in four regions of Thailand. A total of 29 serogroups were identified. Most (80%) of the isolates tested had at least one heat-stable antigen in common with strain 280A, forming a so-called 280A serocluster. At 11 of 15 sites tested, 53 to 100% of the isolates fell into one or two predominant serogroups. The serological properties of the indigenous bradyrhizobia were not related to the cropping history of the cultivated fields from which they were isolated.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel; No. 3608-E, 1992 series.  相似文献   

Genetic stability in rhizobia in the field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic instability within strains of rhizobia maintained on laboratory media is well recognized, although rarely has the mutation been characterized. Variability within a strain introduced into the field is very difficult to recognise due to poor understanding of naturally-occurring populations of rhizobia. We have examined populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii from both laboratory cultures and field populations and found significant variation in symbiotic effectiveness within both. In Australia, the only significant introduction of Bradyrhizobium japonicum has been strain CB1809 (=USDA136b). Symbiotic tests on field reisolates obtained by plant entrapment indicate little or no change in symbiotic effectiveness up to nine years after introduction. The RFLP pattern, using the RS probe (Hahn and Hennecke, 1987a) was unchanged but marked differences in serological characters were observed.  相似文献   

Indigenous rhizobial population is among the factors which influence increased crop yield through inoculation with elite strains. In this study, we compared in greenhouse conditions the competitiveness of Rhizobium strain ISRA 355 for nodulation of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivated in different unsterile Senegal soils in terms of pH, N and C contents. The strain ISRA 355 produced a stable GUS+ transconjugant which was used for competition with indigenous soil rhizobia in six localities. At Bayakh, the transconjugant ISRA 355gusA was less competitive than the indigenous rhizobial strains, whereas in the other localities, it was more competitive since it occupied more than 90% of the nodules. Thus the Rhizobium strain ISRA 355 should be used for successfully inoculating the common bean in Senegal soils.  相似文献   

Strains of Bradyrhizobium formed nodule-like structures on Arabidopsis and species of Brassica in pots with sandvermiculite and in glass tubes on a nitrogen-free mineral salts agar. Broad-host-range Rhizobium strains NGR234 from Lablab purpureus and NGR76 from Phaseolus vulgaris formed similar nodule-like structures on Brassica spp. The size of these structures on plants in pots were large, often reaching 10 mm in diameter.The frequency of inoculated Brassica plants in pots with nodule-like structures was 25–50%, depending on the inoculum strain. The inheritable nature of factors involved in the formation of the nodule-like structures was demonstrated when the structures occurred on 100% of inoculated B. napus seedlings derived from plants with the nodule-like structures.Nodule-like structures occurred without, but not with, the application of a cellulase-pectolyase-PEG treatment to the roots. Attempts to isolate Bradyrhizobium or Rhizobium from the nodule-like structures failed. Internal infection of these structures could not be detected using either the light or electron microscope. The inoculum strains of root-nodule bacteria were detected in high numbers in the rhizosphere of plants 5 months after inoculation. On agar plates bacterial colonies could be seen, with undiminished growth, over the surface of the agar extending to the root surface. However, ground root tissue of Brassica was toxic to Bradyrhizobium strains. This suggested that Bradyrhizobium strains would not survive after infecting the roots of Brassica spp. Nitrogen fixation was associated with high rhizosphere populations of Azospirillum and not with Bradyrhizobium induced nodule structures of Brassica spp.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the DNA sequence of aRhizobium meliloti gene that encodes glutamine synthetase II (GSII). The deduced amino acid sequence was compared to that ofBradyrhizobium japonicum GSII and those of various plant and mammalian glutamine synthetases (GS) in order to evaluate a proposal that the gene for this enzyme was recently transferred from plants to their symbiotic bacteria. There is 83.6% identity between theR. meliloti andB. japonicum proteins. The bacterial GSII proteins average 42.5% identity with the plant GS proteins and 41.8% identity with their mammalian counterparts. The plant proteins average 53.7% identity with the mammalian proteins. Thus, the GS proteins are highly conserved and the divergence of these proteins is proportional to the phylogenetic divergence of the organisms from which the sequences were determined. No transfer of genes across large taxonomic gaps is needed to explain the presence of GSII in these bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Most soybean varieties fail to nodulate effectively in tropical soils unless inoculated with a competitive strain ofRhizobium japonicum. Developing countries in the tropics, with few exceptions, lack inoculant industries to produce and distribute viable inoculants to small farmers and extension programs to teach them to use inoculant. Several soybean genotypes have been identified that nodulate effectively with many strains of the cowpea inoculation group which is ubiquitous in tropical soils of Africa. Soybean genotypes that nodulate and grow well without inoculant application are called promiscuous. Methodologies for incorporation of the promiscuity character into high-yielding backgrounds are discussed.Supported in part by grant 05-0560 from United Nations Development Program to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture.  相似文献   

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