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Two hemoglobin components are recognized in erythrocytes of the adult Tinamou. We determined the amino acid sequences of Tinamou D-, A-, and -globins from intact globin chains and several chemically cleaved fragments. A remarkable feature of Tinamou hemoglobin was a deletion in the D-globin chain. This has not been reported in the literature, except in pigeon embryonic D-globin. The amino acid sequences of Tinamou globin were highly similar to those of Ostrich and Rhea hemoglobin. Comparison between Tinamou, Ostrich, and Rhea that suggested the evolution speed of globin, D = A > , was related with the early appearance birds. The important residues in Tinamou hemoglobin as the heme contact and oxygen binding regions were highly conserved in other species.  相似文献   

We have characterized a deletion in the MC1R gene causing the loss of one amino acid (p.Phe256del), which is perfectly associated with melanism in guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Co‐segregation of the p.Phe256del with melanism was confirmed in 25 offspring born from a cross of two heterozygote birds; therefore we suggest that this mutation is responsible for the black phenotype. Interestingly, this is the first case of recessive melanism linked to MC1R.  相似文献   

We determined the complete amino acid sequences of the Erabu sea snake (Laticaudia semifasciata) hemoglobin by analyzing the intact globin chains, enzymatically digested fragments, and chemical cleavage fragments to clarify the molecular evolution and phylogenetic classification of the sea snake. The Erabu sea snake has two types of hemoglobin components, Hb-I and Hb-II, which contain different alpha- and beta-chains. This is the second report of the complete primary structure for hemoglobin of snakes. The sequences were compared with those of other reptilian hemoglobins. Amino acids at positions critical for the structure and physiological functions of hemoglobin were loosely conserved. The requirements for binding of ATP and of diphosphoglycerate as allosteric effectors of beta-globins seemed to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

We determined the hemoglobin complete amino acid sequences of the Hiroo sea snake (Laticaudia laticuada) from the intact globin chain, enzymatically digested fragments, and chemical cleavage fragments to analyze molecular evolution for classification of the sea snake. The Hiroo sea snake has two hemoglobin components, Hb-I and Hb-II, which contain different - and -chains, respectively. This is the first report of the complete primary structure of a snake hemoglobin. The sequences were compared with those of other reptilian hemoglobins. Amino acid replacements at positions critical for structure and physiological role of hemoglobin were loosely conserved. The requirements for binding of ATP and of diphosphoglycerate as allosteric effectors at -globins seemed to be fullfilled.  相似文献   

Myoglobin was isolated from the radular muscle of the chitonLiolophura japonica, a primitive archigastropodic mollusc.Liolophura contains three monomeric myoglobins (I, II, and III), and the complete amino acid sequence of myoglobin I has been determined. It is composed of 145 amino acid residues, and the molecular mass was calculated to be 16,070 D. The E7 distal histidine, which is replaced by valine or glutamine in several molluscan globins, is conserved inLiolophura myoglobin. The autoxidation rate at physiological conditions indicated thatLiolophura oxymyoglobin is fairly stable when compared with other molluscan myoglobins. The amino acid sequence ofLiolophura myoglobin shows low homology (11–21%) with molluscan dimeric myoglobins and hemoglobins, but shows higher homology (26–29%) with monomeric myoglobins from the gastropodic molluscsAplysia, Dolabella, andBursatella. A phylogenetic tree was constructed from 19 molluscan globin sequences. The tree separated them into two distinct clusters, a cluster for muscle myoglobins and a cluster for erythrocyte or gill hemoglobins. The myoglobin cluster is divided further into two subclusters, corresponding to monomeric and dimeric myoglobins, respectively.Liolophura myoglobin was placed on the branch of monomeric myoglobin lineage, showing that it diverged earlier from other monomeric myoglobins. The hemoglobin cluster is also divided into two subclusters. One cluster contains homodimeric, heterodimeric, tetrameric, and didomain chains of erythrocyte hemoglobins of the blood clamsAnadara, Scapharca, andBarbatia. Of special interest is the other subcluster. It consists of three hemoglobin chains derived from the bacterial symbiont-harboring clamsCalyptogena andLucina, in which hemoglobins are supposed to play an important role in maintaining the symbiosis with sulfide bacteria.  相似文献   

The Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica; JQ) is one of the domesticated fowl species of Japan. To provide DNA sequence information for examination of its phylogenetic position in the order Galliformes, the complete sequence of the JQ mitochondria was determined. Sequence analysis revealed that the JQ mitochondrial genome is a circular DNA of 16 697 basepairs (bp), which is smaller than the chicken mitochondrial DNA of 16 775 bp, but the genomic structure of JQ mitochondria was the same as that of the chicken. The sequence homologies of all mitochondrial genes including those for 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), between Japanese quail and chicken ranged from 78.0 to 89.9%. Because the sequences of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome b genes had been reported in five species [Phasianus colchicus (ring-neck pheasant: RP), Gallus gallus domesticus (chicken: CH), Perdix perdix (grey partridge: GP), Bambusicola thoracia (Chinese bamboo partridge: CP), and Aythya americana (redhead: RH)], the concatenated nucleotide sequences (2184 bp) and amino acid sequences of these two genes were used in a phylogenetic analysis of JQ against these five species using a maximum likelihood (ML) method. Using the first and second bases of the codons, and the third base of the codons indicated a phylogenic tree of [RH, (RP, GP), (JQ, (CH, CP))]. A phylogenic tree of [RH, JQ, (RP, GP), (CH, CP)] was determined using amino acid sequences. Because the local bootstrap values for the JQ branch in these trees are not high, additional sequence is necessary for construction of a reliable tree.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of ferredoxins (Fd A and Fd B) from Japanese taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott) were determined. They consisted of single polypeptide chains of 98 residues, and both Fds had molecular masses of 10700 and 10500, respectively. There was a 92% homology between the sequences of the isoproteins (Fd A and Fd B). These sequences were compared with those of the closely related plant Fds and their phylogenetic tree was constructed. Two ferredoxin isoproteins from Hawaiian taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott) were also isolated and their N-terminal sequences were determined to be identical to those of Japanese taro.  相似文献   

Clusterin is shown to contain putative amphipathic alpha-helices that mediate hydrophobic interactions with numerous types of molecules and may be involved in clearance of cellular debris caused by cell injury or death. To assess this function in vivo, we have cloned the full-length cDNA encoding guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) clusterin and studied its synthesis and expression pattern in specific cell types in pituitary. Quantity of clusterin mRNA expressed in pituitary and endocrine tissues was quantified by real-time PCR. Highest levels were detected in gonads. In situ hybridization showed clusterin mRNA in endocrine cells and folliculostellate cells. Clusterin protein detected by immunohistochemistry was observed in endocrine cells, folliculostellate cells and in colloid. The expression pattern suggests that clusterin is produced by endocrine cells for cytoprotection. Degenerating endocrine cells are phagocytosed by folliculostellate cells and digested by their lysosomal enzymes. In folliculostellate cells clusterin interacts and aggregates with by-products of digestion that subsequently become stored in colloid.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin from the cobra snake, Naja naja naja, was isolated and its chains separated on a CM-cellulose column. The separation profile revealed an and two chains having the molar proportions of []2,[ 1]1,[ 2]1. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the intact chains and of the CNBr peptides were carried out. The 2 chain was found to be heterogeneous comprising a minor component amounting to 11%. This later showed changes at two positions 9 and 14 in the first 30 residues sequenced.  相似文献   

Callipepla californica and C. gambelii are sibling species of quail that hybridize throughout Southern California where their ranges overlap. We developed seven highly polymorphic microsatellite markers that will be used to assess introgression between these species. Numbers of alleles ranged in C. californica from seven to 24 and in C. gambelii from five to 18, with high expected levels of heterozygosity in both species. Alleles exclusive to each species are present at most loci.  相似文献   

Summary We found two types of hemoglobin, T and R, from the crab-eating macaque and compared those to A and Q previously reported. The 22 animals studied showed six different phenotypes, A, R, QA, QT, QAT, and QAR. Analysis of the complete amino acid sequences for the chains of hemoglobins Q, A, T, and R revealed that amino acids at four positions, 8, 55, 71, and 78 from the N-terminal, are variable. In the A chain, Thr, Val, Gly, and Gln occupy these positions, and in the Q chain the analogous amino acids are Thr, Val, Asp, and Gln, respectively. In the newly found T chain they are Thr, Val, Gly, and His; and in the R chain, they are Ser, Ile, Gly, and His, respectively. Two amino acids (8 Thr and 79 Gln) in A of the crab-eating macaque were found to be different from those in the chain of the Japanese macaque.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated complementary DNA (cDNA) clones for apocytochrome c from the green algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii and shown that they are encoded by a single nuclear gene termedcyc.Cyc mRNA levels are found to depend primarily on the presence of acetate as a reduced carbon source in the culture medium. The deduced amino acid sequence shows that, apart from the probable removal of the initiating methionine,C. reinhardtii apocytochrome c is syntheszed in its mature form. Its structure is generally similar to that of cytochromes c from higher plants. Several punctual deviations from the general pattern of cytochrome c sequences that is found in other organisms have interesting structural and functional implications. These include, in particular, valines 19 and 39, asparagine 78, and alanine 83. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by the matrix method from cytochrome c data for a representative range of species. The results suggest thatC. reinhardtii diverged from higher plants approximately 700–750 million years ago; they also are not easy to reconcile with the current attribution ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii andEnteromorpha intestinalis to a unique phylum, because these two species probably diverged from one another at about the same time as they diverged from the line leading to higher plants.  相似文献   

付亚娟  张剑  刘欢  侯晓强 《广西植物》2019,39(5):633-640
亲环素是一个多基因家族,在植物生命活动中发挥着重要的作用。该研究以大花杓兰(Cypripedium macranthum)为材料,采用RT-PCR技术克隆到1个亲环素基因(CyP),并对其进行生物信息学分析。结果表明:大花杓兰CyP基因的开放阅读框序列为525 bp,命名为CmCyP(GenBank登录号为MH411125),编码174个氨基酸。预测CmCyP蛋白是一个位于细胞质、相对分子量约为18 kD、理论pI为8.73、无信号肽、跨膜结构域的亲水性蛋白质。磷酸化和糖基化位点预测分析发现,CmCyP蛋白存在18个潜在的磷酸化位点和2个潜在的糖基化位点。蛋白保守结构域预测分析发现,CmCyP蛋白包含一个高度保守的肽脯氨酰顺反异构酶结构域,属于单结构域亲环素。对二级结构进行预测分析发现,CmCyP蛋白中存在无规卷曲70个、延伸链56个、α-螺旋23个、β-折叠25个,这4种结构元件在三级结构中也有体现。系统进化树结果显示,大花杓兰CmCyP蛋白与铁皮石斛(Dendrobium catenatum)和万带兰(Vanda hybrid cultivar)的CyP蛋白的亲缘关系较近。该研究首次克隆了大花杓兰亲环素基因(CmCyP),为进一步探讨CmCyP基因的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We have determined the partial amino acid sequences of the 40 kDa protein, one of the three pertussis toxin substrates in porcine brain. Purified 40 kDa protein from porcine brain was completely digested with TPCK-trypsin. Digested peptides were separated by reverse-phase HPLC and subjected to analysis by gas-phase protein sequencing. Several sequences of porcine brain 40 kDa protein completely matched with those which were deduced from the nucleotide sequences of the human Gi2α gene and rat Gi2α cDNA. On the other hand, the previously determined sequences of the rat brain 41 and 39 kDa proteins were in complete agreement with the predicted amino acid sequences of rat Gi1α and Goα cDNAs, respectively.  相似文献   

Megalin/the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-2 (LRP-2) is expressed in a variety of epithelia and mediates endocytosis of numerous substances. Megalin is also shown to bind clusterin with high affinity. In the pituitary gland, clusterin is localized in endocrine cells, folliculostellate (FS) cells and colloids. The present study examines the expression pattern of megalin within the gland and assesses its cellular localization to that of clusterin so as to deduce their functional implications in colloidal accumulation as relevant in vivo. Quantity of megalin mRNA expression in pituitary and other endocrine tissues was quantified by real-time PCR using SYBR-green I detective system. High levels were detected in kidneys and pituitary. In situ hybridization showed megalin mRNA in FS cells. Megalin protein detected by immunohistochemistry was also observed in FS cells. Immunoelectron microscopy clearly showed the localization of megalin in peripheral region of colloid-containing follicles and on vesicular structures in FS cells. Immunolabeling was also found to be associated with membranes of vacuoles in apoptotic endocrine cells and cell remnants engulfed by FS cells. Double immunofluorescence labeling was performed to determine whether megalin and clusterin in the anterior pituitary were present within the same cell. Simultaneous localization was detected in almost all FS cells surrounding colloids and in several foci of FS cells surrounding endocrine cells. These findings suggest that megalin may drive ingestion of clusterin complexes with products of digested apoptotic endocrine cells in FS cells, and thereby providing a potential mechanism for a receptor mediated uptake of degenerating endocrine cells and secretion of colloid.  相似文献   

The two families of the order Apiales (Apiaceae and Araliaceae) represent a classic example of the difficulty in understanding evolutionary relationships between tropical-temperate family pairs. In Apiales, this problem is further compounded by phylogenetic confusion at almost every taxonomic level, including ordinal, interfamilial, and infrafamilial, due largely to difficulties in understanding trends in morphological evolution. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences were employed to resolve relationships at the ordinal and familial levels. The results of the ordinal analysis confirm the placement of Apiales in an expanded subclass Asteridae as the sister group to Pittosporaceae, and refute the traditional alliance of Apiales with Cornales and Rosidae. This study has also resolved relationships of a number of enigmatic genera, suggesting, for example, that Melanophylla, Aralidium, Griselinia, and Toricellia are close relatives of Apiales. Clarification of phylogenetic relationships has concomitantly provided insights into trends of morphological evolution, and suggests that the ancestral apialean taxon was probably bicarpellate, simple-leaved, woody, and paleotropical. Phylogenetic analysis at the family level suggests that apiaceous subfamily Hydrocotyloideae, often envisioned as an intermediate group between Apiaceae and Araliaceae, is polyphyletic, with some hydrocotyloids closely allied with Araliaceae rather than Apiaceae. With the exception of some hydrocotyloids, Apiaceae appear to be monophyletic. The relationship between Apiaceae and Araliaceae remains problematic. Although the shortest rbcL trees suggest that Apiaceae are derived from within a paraphyletic Araliaceae, this result is only weakly supported.  相似文献   

Aplysia californica is a species widely used in neurobiology, and specimens are collected from a wide range of places along its distribution range. A. californica is endemic to the coast of California and the Gulf of California. On the west coast, this is an unusual distribution range relative to other benthic species from that region. Four polymorphic nuclear Mendelian markers were identified (three single-copy nuclear DNA loci and one microsatellite) for an initial survey of genetic variation of wild populations. F ST values not significantly different from 0 (overall F ST= 0.0148) suggest there was no geographic genetic population subdivision in 177 individuals examined. Received December 3, 1999; accepted March 3, 2000.  相似文献   

l-canavanine, the toxic guanidinooxy analogue of l-arginine, is the product of plant secondary metabolism. The need for a detoxifying mechanism for the producer plant is self-evident but the larvae of the bruchid beetle Caryedes brasiliensis, that is itself a non-producer, have specialized in feeding on the l-canavanine-containing seeds of Dioclea megacarpa. The evolution of a seed predator that can imitate the enzymatic abilities of the host permits us to address the question of whether the same problem of amino acid recognition in two different kingdoms has been solved by the same mechanism. A discriminating arginyl-tRNA synthetase, detected in a crude C. brasiliensis larval extract, was proposed to be responsible for insect's ability to survive the diet of l-canavanine (Rosenthal, G. A., Dahlman, D. L., and Janzen, D. H. (1976) A novel means for dealing with L-canavanine, a toxic metabolite. Science 192, 256258). Since the arginyl-tRNA synthetase of at least three genetic compartments (insect cytoplasmic, insect mitochondrial and insect gut microflora) may participate in conferring l-canavanine resistance, we investigated whether the nuclear-encoded C. brasiliensis mitochondrial arginyl-tRNA synthetase plays a role in this discrimination. Steady state kinetics of the cloned, recombinant enzyme have revealed and quantified an amino acid discriminating potential of the mitochondrial enzyme that is sufficient to account for the overall l-canavanine misincorporation rate observed in vivo. As in the cytoplasmic enzyme of the l-canavanine producer plant, the mitochondrial arginyl-tRNA synthetases from a specialist seed predator relies on a kinetic discrimination that prevents l-canavanine misincorporation into proteins.  相似文献   

Purple acid phosphatases belong to metallo-phosphatase family. Intracellular phosphatases are crucial for phosphorus (P) distribution in the cell and are highly induced in phosphorus-deprived conditions in the soil. Disparate PAP isoforms exist within discrete subcellular compartments in Setaria italica and their expression in P deprived conditions fosters phosphorus amelioration. We isolated the SiPAP18 gene and developed the homology SiPAP18 protein model based on the crystal structure of the Kidney bean PvPAP (PDB ID: 2QFP) as template (sequence similarity 42.7%) using Modeller 9.12 with adequate validation. Structure model analysis shows the significance of five conserved signatures with seven metal-paired amino acid residues during P-deprivation induced phosphorus amelioration.  相似文献   

Higher-level relationships among catfishes were investigated by parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of two nuclear genes across 110 catfish species representing 36 of 37 families and Conorhynchos (family incertae sedis). Analysis of 3660 aligned base pairs from the rag1 and rag2 genes confirms monophyly of Siluriformes, of most siluriform families and of a number of multifamily groups, some recognized, some novel. South American Loricarioidei are recovered as the sistergroup to other catfishes which are divided into Diplomystidae and Siluroidei. This result contrasts with the prevailing hypothesis that Diplomystidae is the sister to all other catfishes. Monophyly of Siluroidei is supported by rag data including a unique three-codon deletion from rag1. Deep within Siluroidei are 12 large, strongly supported groups with poorly resolved interrelationships. Five are single families: Cetopsidae, Plotosidae, Chacidae, Siluridae and Pangasiidae. Four others are monophyletic taxa ranked here as superfamilies: Clarioidea (Clariidae, Heteropneustidae), Arioidea (Ariidae, Anchariidae), Pimelodoidea (Pimelodidae, Pseudopimelodidae, Heptapteridae, Conorhynchos), Ictaluroidea (Ictaluridae, Cranoglanididae). South American Doradoidea (Doradidae, Auchenipteridae) and Aspredinidae are a sistergroup pair. Sisoroidea (without Aspredinidae), Ailia+Laides, Horabagridae, and Bagridae (without Rita) form a large, predominantly Asian clade, "Big Asia." Mochokidae, Malapteruridae, Amphiliidae, Claroteidae, and African schilbids are united as a species-rich African clade, "Big Africa." The three large continental clades, "Big Asia," "Big Africa" and Neotropical Loricarioidei suggest a prevalence of intracontinental diversification of catfishes. South America is the home of the Gymnotiformes, putative sistergroup of catfishes, plus two of the deepest siluriform clades, Loricarioidei and Diplomystidae, thus suggesting an ancient siluriform presence if not origin there. The rag phylogeny does not identify any African-South American catfish clade. The well-known African-Asian relationships within families Clariidae and Bagridae are confirmed, as is the recently found North American-Asian relationship between Ictaluridae and Cranoglanididae.  相似文献   

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