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Cloning and expression of Treponema pallidum antigens in Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A library of Treponema pallidum genomic DNA fragments produced by partial Sau3A digestion was established in Escherichia coli K12 using the plasmid vector pAT153. The library was screened using immune syphilitic rabbit serum and six recombinant phenotypes expressing eight treponemal polypeptides were detected. With two exceptions, all the recombinant gene products were the same size as polypeptides detected on Western immunoblots of T. pallidum. The genes encoding three novel gene products, with molecular masses in SDS-PAGE of 42, 17 and 15.5 kDa, which had not been cloned previously from T. pallidum were also identified. Monoclonal antibodies which reacted with four of the eight recombinant polypeptides were generated.  相似文献   

To determine whether the fip gene of Escherichia coli, which is required for filamentous phage assembly, is required for cell viability, we replaced the chromosomal copy of the gene with an inactive copy introduced on a plasmid. We found that the fip gene is dispensable. The method we devised, which should be generally useful, was also tested with an inactivated rho gene. As expected, the rho gene is essential.  相似文献   

Two hydrogenase genes of Citrobacter freundii complementing different Escherichia coli hyd mutations were cloned on the multicopy-plasmid pBR322. Recombinant plasmids pCBH2 and pCFH1 were obtained. Since hydrogenase activities of E. coli transformant HK-8 (pCBH2) and HK-7 (pCFH1) were much the same as E. coli C600 (wild type cells), the reduction in DNA size of recombinant plasmid pCBH2 (10.7 kb) was investigated. Reduced recombinant plasmids pCBH4 (6.2 kb) and pCBH6 (5.7 kb) were obtained, and a hydrogenase gene was found to be located on the 2.35 kb fragment between AvaI and EcoRI sites. Hydrogenase activity and hydrogen-evolving activity of E. coli HK-8 (pCBH4 or pCBH6) from sodium formate, sodium pyruvate or glucose were approximately 2-fold higher than those of E. coli C600 (wild type cells).On the other hand, a reduced recombinant plasmid pCBH10 (6.0 kb), which contained the adjacent DNA fragment (2.15 kb) to a hydrogenase gene, was obtained. Hydrogenase activity of E. coli C600 harboring pCBH10 was half that of E. coli C600. From these results we estimate that in plasmid pCBH2, the repressor gene suppressing the synthesis of hydrogenase might have been cloned together with a hydrogenase gene.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a DNA gyrase B subunit gene (gyrB) from Treponema pallidum has been determined. Southern blot analysis of T. pallidum chromosomal DNA indicated that this gene is present as a single copy. The organization of genes flanking the gyrB gene is unique in comparison to that of other bacteria. The gyrB gene encodes a 637 amino acid protein whose deduced sequence has a high degree of homology with type-II topoisomerase ATPase subunits (GyrB and ParE). Five type-II topoisomerase motifs, an ATP-binding site (Walker A), and amino acid residues that putatively interact with ATP, are highly conserved in the T. pallidum GyrB protein.  相似文献   

Material extracted from the Nichols nonpathogenic strain of Treponema pallidum by phenol-water was analyzed by employing a recently reported colorimetric test for detection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The fraction isolated from T. pallidum, in combination with the reagent dye, absorbed maximally at a wavelength in the range reported to be positive for LPS. Comparison of this reaction to that of a commercial preparation of Escherichia coli LPS revealed that time and temperature of incubation of the LPS-dye complexes were important variables which had marked but different effects on the LPS of the two sources. However, with careful control of these parameters, concentration-dependent standard curves were established for LPS of both sources. Our results indicate the cell wall of T. pallidum is similar to that of gram-negative organisms.  相似文献   

DNA derived from the methanogenic archaebacterium Methanococcus voltae was digested with PstI restriction endonuclease and cloned into the PstI site of pBR322. The recombinant plasmids generated were used to transform a multiply auxotrophic strain of Escherichia coli with selection for tetracycline resistance. Plasmids complementing the argG(pAW1) or hisA(pAW2) mutations were isolated and characterized. Nick-translated pAW1 and pAW2 hybridized to the predicted M. voltae PstI fragments but not to digested E. coli DNA. A novel 55,000-dalton protein was synthesized in UV-irradiated cells by pAW1, whereas pAW2 synthesized a novel 26,000-dalton protein. Derivatives of pAW1 carrying insertion elements no longer complemented the argG mutation and failed to produce the 55,000-dalton protein. When an AccI fragment was deleted from pAW2, complementation of hisA did not occur and no 26,000-dalton protein was synthesized. The effect of orientation of the cloned DNA within the vector on complementation and polypeptide synthesis was examined.  相似文献   

Summary Complementation experiments with cloned DNA fragments encoding either the KS71A, the KS71B or the KS71C fimbriae of the pyelonephritogenic Escherichia coli strain KS71 were used to localise the P-fimbrillin genes and to demonstrate regulatory interactions between the cloned genes. The structural genes of the KS71A and KS71B fimbriae were located within a common 1.1 kilobase pair ClaI-SmaI fragment, and it was shown that the gene clusters for these fimbriae could complement each other in trans. The gene cluster encoding the KS71C fimbriae did not complement for the other KS71 fimbriae. A DNA fragment, located near the KS71A fimbrillin gene, was found to enhance the production of the KS71B fimbriae in trans.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mutant MM52 (secA(ts)) was transformed with a cosmid library from Staphylococcus carnosus, and a recombinant cosmid (pBO23) allowing growth at the non-permissive temperature (42 degrees C) was isolated. pBO23 also restored the growth defects of E. coli mutants IQ85 (secY(ts)) and IT41 (lep(ts)). Nucleotide sequencing revealed that the DNA fragment responsible for the suppression effect codes for a S. carnosus protein highly homologous to the ribosomal protein L13 of E. coli. The staphylococcal L13 protein was efficiently incorporated into E. coli ribosomes. Possible explanations for the effect of this polypeptide on the growth of temperature-sensitive E. coli secretion mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

H Kataoka  J Hall    P Karran 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(12):3195-3200
Dual expression vectors derived from pSV2gpt and encoding all or part of the Escherichia coli ada+ gene have been constructed. Following transformation into an E. coli ada strain or transfection and stable integration into the genome of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, plasmid vectors containing the whole ada+ gene conferred resistance to both killing and mutagenesis by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Thus, the bacterial DNA repair gene was functionally expressed in the mammalian cells. Plasmids containing an N-terminal fragment of the ada+ gene which encoded only one of the two methyltransferase activities of the Ada protein did not significantly protect E. coli or CHO cells against MNNG. These results are consistent with the central role of the intact ada+ gene in controlling the adaptive response to alkylating agents in E. coli. However, the data further suggest that some alkylation lesions in DNA, such as O6-methylguanine, may exert partly different biological effects in E. coli and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Pigments produced by Escherichia coli containing a cloned piece of DNA from Rhodococcus sp. ATCC 21145 were extracted in chloroform and separated into blue and pink components. Evidence from TLC, NMR spectroscopy, absorption spectrum analysis and solubility behaviour suggested that the blue pigment was indigo and the pink pigment was indirubin, a structural isomer of indigo. The proposed pathway for pigment production on LB agar involves the conversion of tryptophan to indole by tryptophanase of E. coli and the oxidation of indole to indigo by the product of the cloned Rhodococcus DNA insert.  相似文献   

Two new tprD alleles have been identified in Treponema pallidum: tprD2 is found in 7 of 12 T. pallidum subsp. pallidum isolates and 7 of 8 non-pallidum isolates, and tprD3 is found in one T. pallidum subsp. pertenue isolate. Antibodies against TprD2 are found in persons with syphilis, demonstrating that tprD2 is expressed during infection.  相似文献   

The lytD1 mutant of Escherichia coli exhibits temperature-sensitive growth which is attributed to cellular autolysis at the restrictive temperature. Either of two cloned phage lambda genes, identified as cI and cro, suppressed the lytD1(Ts) lysis phenotype, suggesting that lytD encodes a DNA-binding protein with a DNA-binding specificity similar to that of CI and Cro. LytD may be a repressor of a gene(s) involved in cellular autolysis.  相似文献   

C Li  H D Peck  Jr    A E Przybyla 《Journal of bacteriology》1986,165(2):644-646
A PyrF- mutant of Escherichia coli (SK1108, pyrF::Tn5 Kanr) was complemented with the Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) structural gene for orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase (EC Either orientation of a 1.6-kilobase-pair D. vulgaris DNA fragment (pLP3B or pLP3A) complemented the PyrF- strain suggesting that the D. vulgaris pyrF promoter was functional. The apparent product of the D. vulgaris pyrF gene was a single 26-kilodalton polypeptide. These results demonstrate the utility of E. coli cloning systems in studying metabolic and energetic pathways in sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

A gene library of Bordetella pertussis DNA was constructed in Escherichia coli using the broad-host-range cosmid vector pLAFR1. The average insert size was 24.9 kb. From 500 members of the gene library, clones were identified which complemented trpE, glnA and Thr- mutations in E. coli but none which complemented trpD, trpC, trpB, trpA, proA or Leu- mutations. Four clones were identified which complemented trpE in E. coli. Anthranilate synthase activity was detected in a trpE strain only when it harboured a plasmid from one of these clones; activity was repressed when tryptophan was included in the growth medium. Two clones were identified which complemented glnA of E. coli. A recombinant plasmid from one of these clones also restored some of the nitrogen acquisition functions of glnG and glnL in E. coli. Expression of several B. pertussis virulence-associated products (haemolysin, heat-labile toxin, adenylate cyclase, filamentous haemagglutinin, and the cell-envelope polypeptide of Mr 30,000) was not detected in 500 independent clones. However, by transferring the recombinant plasmids to a mutant of B. pertussis deficient in haemolysin and adenylate cyclase, a plasmid was identified which restored both these activities.  相似文献   

The gene encoding a glucosyltransferase which synthesized water-insoluble glucan, gtfI, previously cloned from Streptococcus sobrinus strain MFe28 (mutans serotype h) into a bacteriophage lambda vector, was subcloned into the plasmid pBR322. The recombinant plasmid was stable in Escherichia coli and gtfI was efficiently expressed. The GTF-I expressed in E. coli was compared to the corresponding enzymes in S. sobrinus strains MFe28 (serotype h), B13 (serotype d) and 6715 (serotype g) and shown to resemble them closely in molecular mass and isoelectric point. The insoluble glucan produced by GTF-I from recombinant E. coli consisted of 1,3-alpha-D-glycosyl residues (approximately 90%). An internal fragment of the gtfI gene was used as a probe in hybridization experiments to demonstrate the presence of homologous sequences in chromosomal DNA of other streptococci of the mutans group.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a DNA adenine methyltransferase gene (dam) from Treponema pallidum has been determined. Southern blot analysis of T. pallidum chromosomal DNA indicated that this gene is present as a single copy. The dam gene encodes a 303 amino acid protein whose deduced sequence has significant homology with DNA (N6-adenine) methyltransferases. T. pallidum Dam can be assigned to group α DNA amino methyltransferases based on the order of nine conserved motifs that are present in the protein. Digests of T. pallidum chromosomal DNA performed with isoschizomer restriction endonucleases (Sau3AI, DpnI, and MboI) confirmed the presence of methylated adenine residues in GATC sequences (Dam+ phenotype).  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1989,13(2):196-198
TheCoprinus cinereus acu-7 gene, encoding isocitrate lyase, has been cotransformed into strains ofAspergillus nidulans carrying anacuD mutation in the corresponding structural gene. Transformants with high copy numbers of integratedacu-7 sequences were able to grow on acetate as the sole carbon source, indicating complementation of theacuD mutation. Northern blot analysis showed that theC. cinereus gene was transcribed constitutively and not regulated normally by acetate.  相似文献   

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