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Recent results confirm that long‐term expression of therapeutic transgenes can be achieved by using a transposon‐based system in primary stem cells and in vivo. Transposable elements are natural DNA transfer vehicles that are capable of efficient genomic insertion. The latest generation, Sleeping Beauty transposon‐based hyperactive vector (SB100X), is able to address the basic problem of non‐viral approaches – that is, low efficiency of stable gene transfer. The combination of transposon‐based non‐viral gene transfer with the latest improvements of non‐viral delivery techniques could provide a long‐term therapeutic effect without compromising biosafety. The new challenges of pre‐clinical research will focus on further refinement of the technology in large animal models and improving the safety profile of SB vectors by target‐selected transgene integration into genomic “safe harbors.” The first clinical application of the SB system will help to validate the safety of this approach.  相似文献   

Sleeping Beauty (SB) is the most active Tc1/ mariner-type transposon in vertebrates. SB contains two transposase-binding sites (DRs) at the end of each terminal inverted repeat (IR), a feature termed the IR/DR structure. We investigated the involvement of cellular proteins in the regulation of SB transposition. Here, we establish that the DNA-bending, high-mobility group protein, HMGB1 is a host-encoded cofactor of SB transposition. Transposition was severely reduced in mouse cells deficient in HMGB1. This effect was rescued by transient over-expression of HMGB1, and was partially complemented by HMGB2, but not with the HMGA1 protein. Over-expression of HMGB1 in wild-type mouse cells enhanced transposition, indicating that HMGB1 can be a limiting factor of transposition. SB transposase was found to interact with HMGB1 in vivo, suggesting that the transposase may recruit HMGB1 to transposon DNA. HMGB1 stimulated preferential binding of the transposase to the DR further from the cleavage site, and promoted bending of DNA fragments containing the transposon IR. We propose that the role of HMGB1 is to ensure that transposase–transposon complexes are first formed at the internal DRs, and subsequently to promote juxtaposition of functional sites in transposon DNA, thereby assisting the formation of synaptic complexes.  相似文献   

The use of mutant mice plays a pivotal role in determining the function of genes, and the recently reported germ line transposition of the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon would provide a novel system to facilitate this approach. In this study, we characterized SB transposition in the mouse germ line and assessed its potential for generating mutant mice. Transposition sites not only were clustered within 3 Mb near the donor site but also were widely distributed outside this cluster, indicating that the SB transposon can be utilized for both region-specific and genome-wide mutagenesis. The complexity of transposition sites in the germ line was high enough for large-scale generation of mutant mice. Based on these initial results, we conducted germ line mutagenesis by using a gene trap scheme, and the use of a green fluorescent protein reporter made it possible to select for mutant mice rapidly and noninvasively. Interestingly, mice with mutations in the same gene, each with a different insertion site, were obtained by local transposition events, demonstrating the feasibility of the SB transposon system for region-specific mutagenesis. Our results indicate that the SB transposon system has unique features that complement other mutagenesis approaches.  相似文献   

Herein, we report that the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) regulates the DNA damage introduced during Sleeping Beauty (SB) element excision and reinsertion in mammalian cells. Using both plasmid- and chromosome-based mobility assays, we analyzed the repair of transposase-induced double-stranded DNA breaks in cells deficient in either the DNA-binding subunit of DNA-PK (Ku) or its catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). We found that the free 3' overhangs left after SB element excision were efficiently and accurately processed by the major Ku-dependent nonhomologous-end-joining pathway. Rejoining of broken DNA molecules in the absence of Ku resulted in extensive end degradation at the donor site and greatly increased the frequency of recombination with ectopic templates. Therefore, the major DNA-PK-dependent DNA damage response predominates over more-error-prone repair pathways and thereby facilitates high-fidelity DNA repair during transposon mobilization in mammalian cells. Although transposable elements were not found to be efficiently circularized after transposase-mediated excision, DNA-PK deficiency supported more-frequent transposase-mediated element insertion than was found in wild-type controls. We conclude that, based on its ability to regulate excision site junctional diversity and transposon insertion frequency, DNA-PK serves an important protective role during transpositional recombination in mammals.  相似文献   

The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposase is the most active transposase in vertebrate cells, and the SB transposon system has been used as a tool for insertional mutagenesis and gene delivery. Previous studies have indicated that the frequency of chromosomal transposition is considerably higher in mouse germ cells than in mouse embryonic stem cells, suggesting the existence of unknown mechanisms that regulate SB transposition. Here, we demonstrated that CpG methylation of the transposon region enhances SB transposition. The transposition efficiencies of a methylated transposon and an unmethylated transposon which had been targeted in the same genomic loci by recombination-mediated cassette exchange in mouse erythroleukemia cells were compared, and at least a 100-fold increase was observed in the methylated transposon. CpG methylation also enhanced transposition from plasmids into the genome. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that histone H3 methylated at lysine-9, a hallmark of condensed heterochromatin, was enriched at the methylated transposon, whereas the unmethylated transposon formed a relaxed euchromatin structure, as evidenced by enrichment of acetylated histone H3 and reporter gene expression. Possible roles of heterochromatin formation in the transposition reaction are discussed. Our findings indicate a novel relationship between CpG methylation and transposon mobilization.  相似文献   

The main methods for producing genetically engineered cells use viral vectors for which safety issues and manufacturing costs remain a concern. In addition, selection of desired cells typically relies on the use of cytotoxic drugs with long culture times. Here, we introduce an efficient non-viral approach combining the Sleeping Beauty (SB) Transposon System with selective proliferation of engineered cells by chemically induced dimerization (CID) of growth factor receptors. Minicircles carrying a SB transposon cassette containing a reporter transgene and a gene for the F36VFGFR1 fusion protein were delivered to the hematopoietic cell line Ba/F3. Stably-transduced Ba/F3 cell populations with >98% purity were obtained within 1 week using this positive selection strategy. Copy number analysis by quantitative PCR (qPCR) revealed that CID-selected cells contain on average higher copy numbers of transgenes than flow cytometry-selected cells, demonstrating selective advantage for cells with multiple transposon insertions. A diverse population of cells is present both before and after culture in CID media, although site-specific qPCR of transposon junctions show that population diversity is significantly reduced after selection due to preferential expansion of clones with multiple integration events. This non-viral, positive selection approach is an attractive alternative for producing engineered cells.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering can expand the utility of pigs for modeling human diseases, and for developing advanced therapeutic approaches. However, the inefficient production of transgenic pigs represents a technological bottleneck. Here, we assessed the hyperactive Sleeping Beauty (SB100X) transposon system for enzyme-catalyzed transgene integration into the embryonic porcine genome. The components of the transposon vector system were microinjected as circular plasmids into the cytoplasm of porcine zygotes, resulting in high frequencies of transgenic fetuses and piglets. The transgenic animals showed normal development and persistent reporter gene expression for >12 months. Molecular hallmarks of transposition were confirmed by analysis of 25 genomic insertion sites. We demonstrate germ-line transmission, segregation of individual transposons, and continued, copy number-dependent transgene expression in F1-offspring. In addition, we demonstrate target-selected gene insertion into transposon-tagged genomic loci by Cre-loxP-based cassette exchange in somatic cells followed by nuclear transfer. Transposase-catalyzed transgenesis in a large mammalian species expands the arsenal of transgenic technologies for use in domestic animals and will facilitate the development of large animal models for human diseases.  相似文献   

AOBP, a DNA-binding protein in pumpkin, contains a Dof domain that is composed of 52 amino acid residues and is highly conserved in several DNA-binding proteins of higher plants. The Dof domain has a significant resemblance to Cys2/Cys2 zinc finger DNA-binding domains of steroid hormone receptors and GATA1, but has a longer putative loop where an extra Cys residue is conserved. We show that the Dof domain in AOBP functions as a zinc finger DNA-binding domain and suggest that the Cys residue uniquely conserved in the putative loop might negatively regulate the binding to DNA.  相似文献   

"睡美人"转座子的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢飞  高波  宋成义  陈国宏 《遗传》2007,29(7):785-792
“睡美人( Sleeping Beauty, SB) ”转座系统是Tc1/mariner 转座子超家族中的一员,已经失活了一千多万年。1997年,Ivics 等根据积累的系统发生数据,利用生物信息学的方法, 对其进行分子重建, 终于唤醒了其转座活性。近年来对“睡美人”转座系统的转座效率和转座机理进行的研究,已证明SB转座子在基因筛选,转基因及基因治疗等领域具有广阔的应用前景。文章重点论述了SB转座子在结构及其优化、转座机制和应用等方面的进展,同时对其研究中出现的各种问题进行了总结并提出了一些解决方案。  相似文献   

Park CW  Park J  Kren BT  Steer CJ 《Genomics》2006,88(2):204-213
The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon (Tn) system is a nonviral gene delivery tool that has widespread application for transfer of therapeutic genes into the mammalian genome. To determine its utility as a gene delivery system, it was important to assess the epigenetic modifications associated with SB insertion into the genome and potential inactivation of the transgene. This study investigated the DNA methylation pattern of an SB Tn as well as the flanking genomic region at insertion sites in the mouse genome. The ubiquitous ROSA26 promoter and an initial part of the eGFP coding sequence in the SB Tn exhibited high levels of CpG methylation in transgenic mouse lines, irrespective of the chromosomal loci of the insertion sites. In contrast, no detectable CpG methylation in the endogenous mouse ROSA26 counterpart was observed in the same animals. Furthermore, significant hypomethylation was detected in neighboring chromosomal sequences of two unique SB Tn insertions compared to wild-type patterns. Taken together, these results suggest that SB Tn insertions into the mouse genome can be discriminated by DNA methylation machinery from an identical endogenous DNA sequence and can profoundly alter the DNA methylation status of the transgene cargo as well as flanking host genomic regions.  相似文献   

Liu PP  Chen YC  Li C  Hsieh YH  Chen SW  Chen SH  Jeng WY  Chuang WJ 《Proteins》2002,49(4):543-553
Interleukin enhancer binding factor (ILF) binds to the interleukin-2 (IL-2) promoter and regulates IL-2 gene expression. In this study, the 3D structure of the DNA-binding domain of ILF was determined by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. NMR structure analysis revealed that the DNA-binding domain of ILF is a new member of the winged helix/forkhead family, and that its wing 2 contains an extra alpha-helix. This is the first study to report the presence of a C-terminal alpha-helix in place of a typical wing 2 in a member of this family. This structural difference may be responsible for the different DNA-binding specificity of ILF compared to other winged helix/forkhead proteins. Our deletion studies of the fragments of ILF also suggest that the C-terminal region plays a regulatory role in DNA binding.  相似文献   

The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system provides the first random insertional mutagen available for germline genetic screens in mice. In preparation for a large scale project to create, map and manage up to 5000 SB insertions, we have developed the Mouse Transposon Insertion Database (MTID; http://mouse.ccgb.umn.edu/transposon/). Each insertion's genomic position, as well as the distance between the insertion and the nearest annotated gene, are determined by a sequence analysis pipeline. Users can search the database using a specified nucleotide or genetic map position to identify the nearest insertion. Mouse reports describe insertions carried, strain, genotype and dates of birth and death. Insertion reports describes chromosome, nucleotide and genetic map positions, as well as nearest gene data from Ensembl, NCBI and Celera. The flanking sequence used to map the insertion is also provided. Researchers will be able to identify insertions of interest and request mice or frozen sperm that carry the insertion.  相似文献   

A lysyl-lysine bifunctional derivative of 9-aminoacridine has been synthesized and its DNA-binding capacity established by electron-paramagnetic-resonance study. For this purpose the binding parameters of a spin-labelled aminoacridine probe were estimated and the affinities of the lysylacridinyl-lysyldiamino-octane dimer and of 9-amino-acridine could be evaluated by competitive assays. The competition study provided quantitative results concerning the dissociation constant (KD) of the dimer. The obtained value was closely similar to the KD of 9-aminoacridine determined by the same method and to the KD previously reported for the anti-tumour and antibiotic bifunctional intercalator quinomycins.  相似文献   

DNA转座子作为一种遗传学工具对脊椎动物的转基因、突变体产生、癌基因发现和基因治疗方面都有巨大的贡献. 目前,哺乳动物中应用最为广泛、活性最高的DNA转座子为重构于鲑鱼的Sleeping Beauty (SB)转座子和来源于甘蓝蠖度尺蛾 (cabbage looper moth Trichoplusia ni)的PiggyBac (PB)转座子. 本研究中,我们成功构建了包含PB和SB两种转座子的杂合转座载体,命名为PBSBD. 在杂合转座载体中融入了基因捕获框及loxp/Frt元件,用以实现转座过程中的基因捕获和条件性敲除. 在HepG2细胞中通过检测报告基因的表达情况及阳性克隆的定位,对构建的杂合转座载体PBSBD进行了活性的初步验证. 结果表明,PBSBD能够有效被2种转座酶识别,并能检测到报告基因的表达. 本研究所构建的杂合转座载体PBSBD结合2种转座酶,可以应用于大规模筛选突变基因和研究基因功能. 并且该杂合转座载体还可以利用SB转座酶的邻近转座特性,结合载体内所包含的loxp/Frt元件用以邻近区域DNA片段的条件性敲除,研究大片段DNA在生物体中的作用.  相似文献   

转座子在脊椎动物中的应用远落后于在其他生物系统中的应用。“睡美人”转座子(sleeping beauty transposon)是Tc1/mariner转座因子超家族中的一员,是存在于鲑鱼基因组中的1个已经失活的转座子。1997年,Ivics等将这个转座子进行重建并恢复了它的活性。短短几年内的有关研究表明,“睡美人”转座子是目前在脊椎动物中转座活性最高的转座子。结合该转座子系统逐步显示出的广阔应用前景,本文重点论述了其结构、转座机制及应用,并提出了应用“睡美人”转座子系统须注意的问题。  相似文献   

Members of the Tc1/mariner superfamily of transposable elements isolated from vertebrate species are inactive due to the accumulation of mutations. A representative of a subfamily of fish elements estimated to be last active > 10 million years ago has been reconstructed, and named Sleeping Beauty(SB). This element opened up new avenues for studies on DNA transposition in vertebrates, and for the development of transposon tools for genetic manipulation in important model species and in humans. Multiple transposase binding sites within the terminal inverted repeats, a transpositional enhancer sequence, unequal affinity of the transposase to the binding sites and the activity of the cellular HMGB1 protein all contribute to a highly regulated assembly of SB synaptic complexes, which is likely a requirement for the subsequent catalytic steps. Host proteins involved in double-strand DNA break repair are limiting factors of SB transposition in mammalian cells, underscoring evolutionary, structural and functional links between DNA transposition, retroviral integration and V(D)J recombination. SB catalyzes efficient cut-and-paste transposition in a wide range of vertebrate cells in tissue culture, and in somatic tissues as well as the germline of the mouse and zebrafish in vivo, indicating its usefulness as a vector for transgenesis and insertional mutagenesis.  相似文献   

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