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26个川茶花品种亲缘关系的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用ISSR分子标记,对重庆南山植物园中26个品种的川茶花古树进行了ISSR遗传多样性分析。选用14条扩增带型清晰且重复性好的引物共获得166条谱带,其中140条呈多态性,多态性比例(PPB)为84.34%。根据Nei-Li遗传相似性系数在0.708处,UPGMA结果将26个品种分为5个类群,在0.726处可进一步分为10个亚类群;26个川茶花品种的遗传相似性系数介于0.615和0.913之间,平均值为0.704,表明品种间亲缘关系较近。其中牡丹茶与花牡丹之间遗传相似性系数最大,为0.913,表明牡丹茶可能为花牡丹的芽变品种。川渝地区山茶古树资源丰富,但在古树的保护上也面临诸多问题,建议采取相应的措施加以保护。  相似文献   

利用ISSR标记对9种大戟属植物的亲缘关系进行了分析.结果表明:筛选出的24条ISSR引物共扩增251条带,其中多态性条带248条,多态率为98.8%.9种大戟属材料的遗传相似系数在0.51~0.69之间,平均为0.62.利用UPGMA法将9种大戟属植物分别聚为3个类群,第一类群包含地锦亚属与一品红亚属的5个种及大戟亚属的绿玉树,第二、第三类群分别包含大戟亚属中的3个种.ISSR标记获得的聚类结果与根据形态特征获得的分类结果有很大的差异.  相似文献   

杧果生物技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从杧果组织培养、基因克隆、遗传转化及分子标记等几个方面概述了近年来杧果生物技术研究的进展.  相似文献   

为了探索杧果(Mangifera indica L.)CPP(cysteine-rich polycomb-like protein)基因家族的序列特征与表达特征,通过生物信息学的方法对杧果CPP基因家族进行序列分析,并通过qRT-PCR技术研究杧果细菌性黑斑病菌(Xcm,Xanthomonas campestris ...  相似文献   

福鼎大白茶和云南大叶茶是茶树育种中的骨干亲本,利用这两个亲本选育了许多优良的品种(系).本研究利用ISSR标记技术分析了40个福云(半)同胞系茶树品种(系)的遗传变异水平和亲缘关系.14个ISSR引物在供试品种(系)间共扩增出251条谱带,多态性条带的比率为96.4%.引物的PIC值平均为0.94,Rp值平均为29.35,表明引物扩增位点的高多态性和对品种的强辨别能力.40份供试品种(系)的基因多样性指数(H)为0.35,Shannon信息指数(1)为0.52.按母本来源和育种机构对供试品种(系)进行分组分析,结果表明不同品种(系)组间的遗传多样性水平比较接近,遗传变异主要存在于组内品种(系)的个体之间,不同组间基因交流明显.供试品种(系)间的相似系数介于0.52~0.75,根据相似系数矩阵按UPGMA法对40个供试品种(系)进行聚类分析,构建了不同品种(系)间的亲缘关系树状图.福鼎大白茶在树状图中形成单独的分支,在树状图的根基处,其它品种(系)根据遗传距离聚类成不同的类群.来源于同一育种单位的部分茶树品种(系)聚类在同一类群中,但未发现按母本来源区分的独立类群.总之,通过ISSR标记分析,可在基因组水平上进一步了解福云(半)同胞系茶树品种(系)间的遗传变异水平,并进一步明确其亲缘关系,为今后福云(半)同胞系在茶树育种上的有效利用提供依据.  相似文献   

杧果(Mangifera indica L.)在我国已有1300多年的栽培历史,分布于台湾、闽南、两广、海南、滇南等地。据国外报道,利用杧果种仁油作可可脂代用品。本文报道32个杧果品种种仁油的脂肪酸组成,为其利用提供依据。  相似文献   

广西杧果病虫害调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广西24个市(县)杧果病虫害进行了系统的调查。发现病害有20种,主要为白粉病、炭疽病、细菌性角斑病、蒂腐病等,其中杧果水泡病、杧果畸型病和杧果红点病为国内新发现的杧果病害;发现害虫94种,隶属于8目38科,主要为杧果小齿螟Pseudonoorda minor Munroe、杧果横线尾夜蛾Chlumetia transversa Walker、杧果茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood、桔小实蝇Dacus dorsalis Hendel、杧果扁喙叶蝉Idioscopus incertus Baker等。腹足纲有害生物1种。  相似文献   

杧果采后生理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
适期采收的果.采收时呼吸速率为23.2mgCO2·kg(-1)h(-1)果皮深绿色.果肉硬度>30P/cm2.置室温下(30℃)8d出现呼吸高峰,速率132.9mgCO2·kg(-1)h(-1),果皮的颜色黄绿各半.果肉硬度8—9P/cm2。采后12—14d果实达到完熟,果皮金黄色,硬度<3P/cm2,呼吸速率下降到39—45mgCO2·kg(-1)h(-1)。试验结果还表明.可溶性糖、还原糖、非还原糖、固形物等含量.均在采后第5天明显增高,果皮从深绿转为淡绿色。可溶性糖在采后第14天增至最高.达9.92%,此时可滴定酸度下降至0.14%.PH值升至6.15,此时为果实的最佳供食状态.生产上可据此为制定果贮藏措施提供依据.  相似文献   

为了解芦笋(Asparagus officinalis L.)育种亲本间的遗传关系,采用ISSR方法对19份芦笋育种亲本进行亲缘关系和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,18条引物共扩增出187条谱带,多态性比率达93.6%。UPGMA聚类分析表明,亲本的相似系数为0.56~0.80,在相似系数0.62处可将亲本分成3大类群,第Ⅰ类群为美国芦笋品种?绿龙?;第Ⅱ类群由荷兰品种?金林?人工培育的部分亲本和美国品种?格兰德?组成;第Ⅲ类群为其余亲本组成。同一品种不同个体间也可能存在较大的遗传距离,芦笋经倍性育种培育出的个体表现出丰富的遗传多样性。这为芦笋杂交育种中的亲本筛选提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

不同生态类型龙眼种质亲缘关系的ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用ISSR分子标记技术对不同生态类型的39份龙眼种质进行亲缘关系分析。研究结果表明,从100条ISSR引物中筛选出12条重复性好、条带清晰的引物,对39份龙眼种质基因组DNA进行扩增,得到152个位点,其中多态性位点117个,多态性比例为76.97%。供试龙眼种质间遗传相似系数变幅为0.57~0.92,说明ISSR标记能够揭示材料间较高的遗传多样性。UPGMA聚类结果表明,在0.65相似水平可以将39份龙眼种质分为3个类群,类群Ⅰ均为来自中国的南亚热带生态型龙眼;类群Ⅱ包括石硖和大乌圆2个南亚热带生态型龙眼品种,以及热带生态型龙眼四季蜜类型的品种和单株;类群Ⅲ包括来自越南和泰国的龙眼种质。不同生态类型对龙眼的亲缘关系影响不大,热带生态型和南亚热带生态型龙眼相互聚在一起,说明两种不同生态类型龙眼具有较多相同的遗传背景。本试验结果将有助于进一步开展龙眼的分类、遗传与进化研究。  相似文献   

几个芒果品种的胚性及多胚苗遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过目测,筛选出芒果多胚种子,观察其多胚形态;将多胚种子培育成多胚苗,观察其生长发育状况;取多胚苗和母树叶片进行体细胞染色体数目鉴定及同工酶的分析.结果表明,多胚类群的品种中有单胚现象出现,土芒、吕宋、象牙单胚出现的频率分别为1.04%、3.85%和5.44%;土芒和象牙胚数出现的范围分别为2-6和2-8.多胚种子子叶形态和胚轴的着生位置各异.种子多胚的萌发率、成活率及多胚苗的生长状况均与多胚种子的胚数、子叶发育大小等因素相关.多胚苗体细胞染色体数目是2n=40,未发现染色体的数目变异.POD同工酶分析表明,同一种子的多胚苗间酶谱上存在着差异.  相似文献   

芒果DNA提取方法比较及ISSR反应体系的优化   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
为从芒果幼叶中提取高质量的核总DNA,比较了5种DNA提取方法提取芒果叶片核DNA的效果,结果表明:改良CTAB法1提取的DNA A260/A280值最好,ISSR-PCR扩增效果最佳,是有效提取芒果基因组DNA的方法。为得到最佳的芒果ISSR-PCR反应体系,以(ATG)6为引物,采用单因素实验法,优化了ISSR-PCR反应体系:在总体积25μl的反应体系中,含1×反应缓冲液,0.20mmol.L-1dNTPs,0.20μmol.L-1引物,0.60 UTaqDNA聚合酶,30-50 ng DNA模板,不足体积用无菌超纯水补足。  相似文献   

Summary Mango (Mangifera indica L) is the most popular and the choicest fruit of India. A major portion (nearly 60–70%) of the total quantity produced is locally consumed and a sizable portion is exported to other countries. In the present study, six varieties of mango, which are abundantly available in the region were selected for wine production and the conditions for juice extraction were optimized. It was found that the mango juices were similar to grape juice in terms of sugar and acidity. After fermentation, the ethanol concentration was 7–8.5% w/v, the methanol concentration was slightly higher than that of grape wines and other volatile compounds were present in comparable amounts. From the physicochemical characteristics of the mango wine produced, it was observed that aromatic components were comparable in concentration to those of grape wine.  相似文献   

对40个杧果品种(系)的花瓣和花药颜色进行数字化描述,即采用Photoshop CS3软件对试材图像进行处理,分别提取花瓣和花药颜色典型色域的CMYK模式参数,通过C、M、Y、K的百分比值确定其颜色。结果表明,用C、M、Y、K的百分比值能较准确科学地表现杧果花瓣和花药的色彩,可以反映品种(系)间差异。通过UPGMA聚类分析,将花瓣和花药颜色分别分成7个类群和4个类群。本研究为种质色彩描述与新品种选育指标提供新的数字化方法。  相似文献   

Death and decay of trees of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) var. Kesar due to fungal infection was studied histologically. Fungal infection in the trees was observed due to various reasons like mechanical injuries in the stem, pruning of the branches, through the inflorescences, attack of Ambrosia beetle and termites. In the initial stage, fungal spores get settled on the flowers due to presence of nectar, followed by their germination and entry of the hypha into peduncle, which gradually spreads into younger branches. The inflorescences were first attacked by Fusarium moniliformis followed by other fungi like Alternaria, Chetomium sp., Aspregillus ellipticus, Aspregillus niger, etc. Fungal mycelia gradually invade the xylem tissues from the top of the branches and spread basipetally ultimately causing death of the infected branches. During monsoon, the crevices on the surface of bark of the healthy plants supported the growth of fungi like Pleurotus, Auricularia, Xyleria, Daldinia sp., and Polyporous sp. The removal of bark from such infected trees revealed minute holes on the surface of the woody cylinder made by Ambrosia beetles. During wet season fungal mycelia makes an easy entry into the xylem through the wounded portion of the stem or pruned branches. Initial entry of the hyphae into xylem was seen through the ray cells. Then the hyphae enter into the lumen of axial elements lining the ray cells through pits and intracellular spaces. The vessel elements located in the xylem (transition zone) between healthy and infected portion were filled with tyloses while axial and ray parenchyma showed heavy accumulation of tannin contents. On the other hand, the infected xylem was also found devoid of reserve metabolites while in normal trees, axial and ray parenchyma showed heavy accumulation of starch grains.  相似文献   

Twelve Indian mango cultivars were fingerprinted using anchored-ISSR primers. Out of total 161 bands amplified, 113 (70.2%) were polymorphic, the polymorphism ranging from 50% to 94.1% depending upon the primer. One primer [5′ HVH(CA)7T 3′] with highest genotype index could uniquely identify each of the cultivars studied. Fingerprints based on polymorphic markers amplified by the 10 primers had a 6.75 x 10-12 probability of identical match by chance, indicating a high degree of uniqueness in the anchored-ISSR based fingerprinting. UPGMA dendrogram based on Jaccard’s similarity showed Himayath as the most diverse of the 12 cultivars and the rest of the cultivars clustered into two groups at 0.69 similarity coefficient.  相似文献   

Mango (>Mangifera indica) belonging to Anacardiaceae family is a fruit that grows in tropical regions. It is considered as the King of fruits. The present work was taken up to identify a tool in identifying the mango species at the molecular level. The chloroplast trnL-F region was amplified from extracted total genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Sequence of the dominant DGGE band revealed that Mangifera indica in tested leaves was Mangifera indica (100% similarity to the ITS sequences of Mangifera indica). This sequence was deposited in NCBI with the accession no. GQ927757. ABBREVIATIONS: AFLP - Amplified fragment length polymorphism , cpDNA - Chloroplast DNA, DDGE - Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DNA - Deoxyribo nucleic acid, EDTA - Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, HCl - Hydrochloric acid, ISSR - Inter simple sequence repeats, ITS - Internal transcribed spacer, MATAB - Methyl Ammonium Bromide, Na(2)SO(3) - Sodium sulphite, NaCl - Sodium chloride, NCBI - National Centre for Biotechnology Information, PCR - Polymerase chain reaction, PEG - Polyethylene glycol, RAPD - Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, trnL-F - Transfer RNA genes start codon- termination codon.  相似文献   

Twenty-five accessions of mango were examined for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) genetic markers with 80 10-mer random primers. Of the 80 primers screened, 33 did not amplify, 19 were monomorphic, and 28 gave reproducible, polymorphic DNA amplification patterns. Eleven primers were selected from the 28 for the study. The number of bands generated was primer- and genotype-dependent, and ranged from 1 to 10. No primer gave unique banding patterns for each of the 25 accessions; however, ten different combinations of 2 primer banding patterns produced unique fingerprints for each accession. A maternal half-sib (MHS) family was included among the 25 accessions to see if genetic relationships could be detected. RAPD data were used to generate simple matching coefficients, which were analyzed phenetically and by means of principal coordinate analysis (PCA). The MHS clustered together in both the phenetic and the PCA while the randomly selected accessions were scattered with no apparent pattern. The uses of RAPD analysis for Mangifera germ plasm classification and clonal identification are discussed.  相似文献   

以77~80份杧果品种(种质)资源为试材,对各品种果实的单果重、外果皮厚度、果核重、可食率、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性总糖含量、可滴定酸舍量和维生素C含量等8项数量性状指标进行测定.结果表明,除了可食率外,其余7个数量性状均存在10%以上的变异系数,外果皮厚度、可食率、可溶性固形物含量和可溶性总糖含量呈正态分布,其余呈偏态分布.根据分析结果,提出了性状分级标准为1~5个等级,每个等级提出2个参照品种:1个国外品种、1个国内品种.该研究为我国杧果种质资源描述系统数量化、规范化的建立或完善奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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