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Abstract: Qualitative or semi-quantitative visual assessments are most often used for estimating population size of herbivorous insects. The precision of these estimates, however, is often difficult to establish. A 'simulation game' with the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lep., Gracillariidae) shows that visual, semi-quantitative assessments can provide accurate information. Damaged areas of 411 horse chestnut leaves collected in 100 sites were closely related to mine numbers despite some variability in mine and leaf size ( R 2 = 0.915; n  = 411; P < 0.001). On the basis of this relationship, two methods of population assessment are compared: (i) digital image processing of leaf damage and (ii) visual assessment using a damage key reflecting the relative infested area on each leaf (0, 0%; 1, 0–2%; 2, 2–5%; 3, 5–10%; 4, 10–25%; 5, 25–50%; 6, 50–75%; 7, 75–100%). Both methods used to estimate damage presented a similar, close relationship to the 'real' numbers of mines ( R 2 = 0.858; n  = 777; P < 0.001 for image processing and R 2 = 0.905; n  = 777; P < 0.001 for visual assessment). The potential of using visual assessments as an accurate and fast method in situ at the tree scale is discussed.  相似文献   

Biological invasions usually start with a small number of founder individuals. These founders are likely to represent a small fraction of the total genetic diversity found in the source population. Our study set out to trace genetically the geographical origin of the horse-chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella , an invasive microlepidopteran whose area of origin is still unkown. Since its discovery in Macedonia 25 years ago, this insect has experienced an explosive westward range expansion, progressively colonizing all of Central and Western Europe. We used cytochrome oxidase I sequences (DNA barcode fragment) and a set of six polymorphic microsatellites to assess the genetic variability of C. ohridella populations, and to test the hypothesis that C. ohridella derives from the southern Balkans (Albania, Macedonia and Greece). Analysis of mtDNA of 486 individuals from 88 localities allowed us to identify 25 geographically structured haplotypes. In addition, 480 individuals from 16 populations from Europe and the southern Balkans were genotyped for 6 polymorphic microsatellite loci. High haplotype diversity and low measures of nucleotide diversities including a significantly negative Tajima's D indicate that C. ohridella has experienced rapid population expansion during its dispersal across Europe. Both mtDNA and microsatellites show a reduction in genetic diversity of C. ohridella populations sampled from artificial habitats (e.g. planted trees in public parks, gardens, along roads in urban or sub-urban areas) across Europe compared with C. ohridella sampled in natural stands of horse-chestnuts in the southern Balkans. These findings suggest that European populations of C. ohridella may indeed derive from the southern Balkans.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The control of Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimic (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) by natural enemies in Europe is poor. Thus, in the past 15 years epidemic population densities of the moth regularly caused a continuous pre-mature defoliation of horse chestnut trees, Aesculus hippocastanum L.. Whereas several studies investigated the parasitoid complex of the leafminer and revealed its inefficiency, only little is known about the predators of C. ohridella . The aim of this study was to identify the predator complex in European horse chestnut stands by visual observations and exposure experiments and to assess the impact of different predator guilds on C. ohridella populations by an exclusion experiment. Of all potential predators observed, only blue tits, Parus caeruleus L., great tits, Parus major L., marsh tits, Parus palustris L. and the southern oak bushcricket Meconema meridionale (Costa) were found to prey on the pre-imaginal leafminer stages. Bushcrickets have to our knowledge never before been recorded preying on leafminers; moreover M. meridionale showed a measurable negative impact on the C. ohridella population. However, birds seem to be of greater importance as predators of C. ohridella than arthropods. Predation rates of birds ranged from 2 to 4% of leafminer populations, which is of the same order of magnitude as published parasitism rates. We conclude that the augmentation of tit densities, for example via nesting boxes in chestnut trees, should be considered as a component of an integrated control strategy against the horse chestnut leafminer.  相似文献   

Abstract The chemo‐ecological predispositions were investigated for the development of a complex disease on the basis of an insect–fungus mutualism using the system of horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum and Aesculus x carnea), the horse chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella) and the biotrophic powdery mildew (Erysiphe flexuosa). Both C. ohridella and E. flexuosa can appear on the same horse chestnut leaf tissue simultaneously. The olfactory detection of fungal infection by the insect, its ability to discriminate the potentially mutualistic fungus from other fungi and the impact of fungal infection on insect oviposition were examined. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopic and electroantennographic detection by C. ohridella (GC‐MS/EAD) was used to assess the olfactory detection of fungal‐infected A. hippocastanum and A. x carnea leaves by C. ohridella. Infection‐related compounds, such as benzyl alcohol, dodecane, tridecane and methyl salicylate as well as fungus‐related C8 compounds, are perceived by C. ohridella. The discrimination of E. flexuosa from another phytopathogenic fungus, such as Guignardia aesculi, is based primarily on the differing pattern of C8 compounds of these fungi. Oviposition on fungal‐infected leaves of A. hippocastanum and leaves treated with fungal‐related compounds showed that C. ohridella is able to respond to the modifications in the leaf volatile profiles of horse chestnuts caused by the different fungal infections. Thus, from the perception point of view, the necessary predispositions for the development of a close insect–fungus relation between the biotrophic fungus E. flexuosa and the leaf‐mining insect C. ohridella are fulfilled. However, decreased oviposition on infected leaves does not enhance the selective contact between the species. As a consequence, an important predisposition for forming an insect–fungus mutualism is not fulfilled by these two species and, according to this approach, the risk of forming a complex disease can be assessed as low.  相似文献   

1 The horse‐chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, was discovered during a mass outbreak on planted horse‐chestnut trees, Aesculus hippocastanum, near Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. However, several peculiarities in the leafminer's biology and ecology, such as its inefficient control through natural enemies, indicate that it may be of exotic origin. 2 In this study, the parasitism of C. ohridella was examined in natural and artificial horse‐chestnut stands in South‐eastern Europe. The size and composition of the parasitoid complex of natural stands was comparable with that known from artificial stands. No specialist parasitoid species were detected in any of the samples. The only parasitoid species found exclusively in natural stands during this investigation were the braconid Colastes braconius and the eulophid Chrysocharis phryne. Both are known to be polyphagous on many leafminers in Europe and C. braconius has been often recorded from C. ohridella in artificial stands in previous studies. Parasitism levels varied within the same range (3.6–21.0%) throughout the entire region, in both types of habitats. 3 These results suggest that the parasitoid complex of C. ohridella in natural and planted horse‐chestnut stands in Europe is typically that of an exotic, recently introduced leafminer. Consequently, C. ohridella is probably not indigenous in the Balkans, but has been introduced to the area of its discovery from another continent.  相似文献   

  • 1 The horse‐chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is a moth of unknown origin that has recently invaded Europe and severely defoliates the European horse‐chestnut, an important ornamental tree.
  • 2 Several indigenous parasitoids have colonized this new host, but parasitism remains low. One of the hypotheses suggested to explain the low parasitism is that candidate parasitoids emerge too early in spring to attack the first host generation and, thus, need early‐occurring leaf miners as alternate hosts. This hypothesis was tested by observing the synchronization between the phenology of the moth and that of its main parasitoids, and by comparing parasitism rates and parasitoid richness in different environments with various levels of biological diversity.
  • 3 In spring, the bulk of the parasitoids emerge at least 5 weeks before the occurrence of the first suitable larvae of C. ohridella whereas most parasitoid adults reared outdoors die within 5 weeks after emergence.
  • 4 Parasitism rates and parasitoid richness do not increase with biological diversity, suggesting that most parasitoids attacking the first generation of C. ohridella do not come from alternate hosts. Parasitism does not increase later in the year in the subsequent generations, when host‐parasitoid synchronization becomes less critical.
  • 5 We conclude that, although the spring emergence of parasitoids is not synchronized with the phenology of C. ohridella, the parasitoids attacking the first generation are probably old or late‐emerging adults of the overwintering generation. The lack of synchronization is probably not the only reason for the poor recruitment of native parasitoids by C. ohridella.

1 Life tables were constructed for seven generations of the invasive horse‐chestnut leaf miner Cameraria ohridella in Switzerland, to assess the factors allowing the moth to build and maintain outbreak densities and to identify ‘gaps’ among their mortality factors that could be targeted by new control methods. The fecundity of females was calculated and the mortality factors affecting all developmental stages determined. 2 Females contained 106.6 eggs. In captivity, the mean number of eggs laid per female varied between 34 and 82 eggs, with a maximum of 184 eggs. Egg mortality was 18–75% and was mostly due to unknown factors. 3 The main mortality factors affecting larvae and pupae in the leaves were predation by birds and arthropods in all generation and leaf senescence in the autumn generation. Parasitoids killed less than 5% of the population. 4 Nearly 90% of overwintering pupae died in dead leaves, the majority of them being killed by earthworms and other leaf decomposers. As a result, the overwintering generations were the only ones showing a net rate of increase less than one. Non‐overwintering generations had net rates of increase between four and 11, allowing populations to build up from spring to autumn. 5 The persistence of high outbreak densities in Europe is explained by a combination of at least three factors: (i) high fecundity; (ii) multivoltinism; (iii) the unusually low impact of traditional natural enemies of leaf miners and particularly parasitoids. 6 Yearly variations in population densities could be at least partly explained by differences in larval mortality due to leaf senescence and intraspecific competition in the last generation in autumn.  相似文献   

The shell colour and banding polymorphisms in urban populations of Cepaea snails were studied in Sheffield (England) and Wrocław (Poland), which are two cities of similar size. Both Cepaea nemoralis and Cepaea hortensis were found in Sheffield, but only C. nemoralis was found in Wrocław. In neither city was variation with habitat apparent, nor was there evidence of large-scale geographical patterns. Spatial autocorrelation analyses revealed only vaguely defined local clusters. There was a greater degree of among-population variation in Sheffield, and more cases of extreme frequencies and low levels of polymorphism. Wrocław populations were more uniform and highly polymorphic. These differences can be related to the history of these snails in each city. Sheffield has been colonized mainly in the last 20 years, and some parts of the city with apparently suitable habitat remain unoccupied. Leptokurtic dispersal of small propagules followed by local spread appears likely. Values of F ST resemble those seen in districts elsewhere with 'Area Effects'. Although there are ancient woodlands within the city, they have been colonized too recently for selection to achieve a new balance. Wrocław has held Cepaea populations for at least 100 years, and they are denser and more continuous. Shaded habitats are recent and temporary; the overall pattern of variation matches that seen in open habitats in districts elsewhere in which variation with habitat is apparent, and values of F ST also correspond. Population history and the character of dispersal clearly affect the patterns of variation observed.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 27–39.  相似文献   

This study describes the pattern of invertebrate species richness in a river reach with large differences in habitat complexity at two, hierarchically nested, spatial scales. The aim was to determine whether the mass effect was likely to be increasing invertebrate species richness in epilithic microhabitats in this river. The mass effect is the process by which the species richness of a patch is increased when it acts as a ‘sink’ for species generated by ‘source’ patches. Microhabitat patch types in Mountain River, Tasmania, were distinguished on the basis of physical structure and orientation on the river bed. They were nested within two types of riffle with contrasting structural complexity: bedrock and boulder-cobble riffles. It was hypothesized that microhabitats with high species richness would act as source patches, contributing species to other microhabitats (sinks) and thereby increasing their species richness. Microhabitat sampling was carried out in four consecutive seasons and rarefaction was used to estimate riffle-scale species richness. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) was used to compare the identical microhabitats present in the contrasting riffle types, to detect evidence of the mass effect in either riffle type. The more structurally complex boulder-cobble riffles had higher species richness than did bedrock riffles. Amongst the microhabitats, the spaces beneath the cobbles had the most species. Microhabitats accounted for a higher percentage of the variation in species richness than did differences between riffles of the same type. No evidence was found for the operation of the mass effect in either riffle type. The majority of species found only in boulder-cobble riffles were unique to the beneath-cobble microhabitat and appeared to be unable to colonize other microhabitats, even as transients. In Mountain River, small-scale habitat characteristics appeared to be more important than larger-scale effects in determining microhabitat species richness.  相似文献   

Chung MY  Nason JD  Chung MG 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(13):2816-2829
Spatial genetic structure within plant populations is influenced by variation in demographic processes through space and time, including a population's successional status. To determine how demographic structure and fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS) change with stages in a population's successional history, we studied Hemerocallis thunbergii (Liliaceae), a nocturnal flowering and hawkmoth-pollinated herbaceous perennial with rapid population turnover dynamics. We examined nine populations assigned to three successive stages of population succession: expansion, maturation, and senescence. We developed stage-specific expectations for within-population demographic and genetic structure, and then for each population quantified the spatial aggregation of individuals and genotypes using spatial autocorrelation methods (nonaccumulative O-ring and kinship statistics, respectively), and at the landscape level measured inbreeding and genetic structure using Wright's F-statistics. Analyses using the O-ring statistic revealed significant aggregation of individuals at short spatial scales in expanding and senescing populations, in particular, which may reflect restricted seed dispersal around maternal individuals combined with relatively low local population densities at these stages. Significant FSGS was found for three of four expanding, no mature, and only one senescing population, a pattern generally consistent with expectations of successional processes. Although allozyme genetic diversity was high within populations (mean %P = 78.9 and H(E) = 0.281), landscape-level differentiation among sites was also high (F(ST) = 0.166) and all populations exhibited a significant deficit of heterozygotes relative to Hardy-Weinberg expectations (range F = 0.201-0.424, mean F(IS) = 0.321). Within populations, F was not correlated with the degree of FSGS, thus suggesting inbreeding due primarily to selfing as opposed to mating among close relatives in spatially structured populations. Our results demonstrate considerable variation in the spatial distribution of individuals and patterns and magnitude of FSGS in H. thunbergii populations across the landscape. This variation is generally consistent with succession-stage-specific differences in ecological processes operating within these populations.  相似文献   

1. We studied the spatial and temporal patterns of change in a suite of twenty‐one chemical and biological variables in a lake district in arctic Alaska, U.S.A. The study included fourteen stream sites and ten lake sites, nine of which were in a direct series of surface drainage. All twenty‐four sites were sampled between one and five times a year from 1991 to 1997. 2. Stream sites tended to have higher values of major anions and cations than the lake sites, while the lake sites had higher values of particulate carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and chlorophyll a. There were consistent and statistically significant differences in concentrations of variables measured at the inlet versus the outlet of lakes, and in variables measured at upstream versus downstream sites in the stream reaches which connect the lakes. In‐lake processing tended to consume alkalinity, conductivity, H+, DIC, Ca2+, Mg2+, CO2, CH4, and NO3, and produce K+ and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In‐stream processing resulted in the opposite trends (e.g. consumption of K+ and DOC), and the magnitudes of change were often similar to those measured in the lakes but with the opposite sign. 3. Observed spatial patterns in the study lakes included mean concentrations of variables which increased, decreased or were constant along the lake chain from high to low altitude in the catchment (stream sites showed no spatial patterns with any variables). The strongest spatial patterns were of increasing conductivity, Ca2+, Mg2+, alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon and pH with lake chain number (high to low altitude in the basin). These patterns were partly determined by the effect of increasing catchment area feeding into lakes further downslope, and partly by the systematic processing of materials in lakes and in the stream segments between lakes. 4. Synchrony (the temporal coherence or correlation of response) of variables across all lakes ranged from 0.18 for particulate phosphorus to 0.90 for Mg2+ the average synchrony for all twenty‐one variables was 0.50. The synchronous behaviour of lake pairs was primarily related to the spatial location or proximity of the lakes for all variables taken together and for many individual variables, and secondarily, to the catchment to lake area ratio and the water residence time. 5. These results illustrate that, over small geographic areas, and somewhat independent of lake or stream morphometry, the consistent and directional (downslope) processing of materials helps produce spatial patterns which are coherent over time for many limnological variables. We combine concepts from stream, lake and landscape ecology, and develop a conceptual view of landscape mass balance. This view highlights that the integration of material processing in both lakes and rivers is critical for understanding the structure and function of surface waters, especially from a landscape perspective.  相似文献   

Aim Using a large database that has been created over the past 5 years with the RECORDER package, presence/absence data for 829 species of vascular plants in the 103 1-km2 squares that cover the city of Plymouth (pop. 243,373) have been analysed by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN ) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to establish the major species assemblages and to examine their spatial distribution across the city in relation to variation in land use. Location The City of Plymouth. Methods Nine groupings of squares emerged and their distribution was mapped across the city. Interpretation of those groups and their variation in relation to the land use ordination axes showed that TWINSPAN groups lying along the first axis of variation correlated floristic variation with the process of urban development and the historical evolution of urban structure. The second axis appeared to be related to particular remnant semi-natural habitats within the city that could be regarded as ‘hot-spots’ for survival of many plant species. Species were categorized into four types on the basis of their recency and mode of arrival in the city and by using the historical flora of Plymouth produced by T. R. Archer-Briggs in 1880. Variations in the sources of species in relation to the TWINSPAN classification groups were then examined. A second ordination was also computed; this time with geological, altitudinal and distance variables. TWINSPAN groups were then superimposed on the ordinations using polygons to assist with biogeographical interpretation. Results and conclusions The results of both the multivariate analyses and distribution of species by source are then discussed in the context of previous research into urban plant ecology, particularly in Central Europe. The problems of inferring process from pattern in this meso-scale study are reviewed and suggestions are made for further research into urban ecology and biogeography in the city.  相似文献   

During early August to late September 1998 we examined seed dispersal in the tree species Jatropha standleyi (widespread) and J. chamelensis (endemic; Euphorbiaceae) at the Estacion de Biologia Chamela, Jalisco, Mexico. Using general linear models, we found that seed removal from beneath the parental canopy did not differ between the two species and that seed removal was correlated with both seed availability on the ground and rodent predation. We inferred that seed removal was largely mediated by rodents and determined that if a seed was not removed within 4d (approx. 16% chance), it was highly unlikely to be removed at all (approx. 3.5% chance) for both species. We note that although differences in patterns of seed removal may not explain the observed differences in range size, differences between the two species in seed crop size arc similar to patterns found in other endemic/widespread species pairs.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):343-353
Background: Studies in temperate mountains suggest that plant–plant interactions modulate tree establishment above the forest line. In tropical mountains worldwide this issue remains largely unexplored.

Aims: To analyse the population structure and local spatial relationships of a dominant tree at a species-rich tropical Andean forest line.

Methods: We determined changes in the population structure of Diplostephium venezuelense along an elevation gradient between continuous forest and open páramo and analysed plant community structure and superficial rock cover in the neighbourhood of saplings and adults at the upper forest line.

Results: Sapling and adult densities were highest in low-altitude páramos adjacent to the forest line and at the borders of small forest islands. Saplings showed local spatial aggregation, were positively associated with small boulders and low shrubs, and negatively associated with mosses and lichens. However, no spatial association was found between scattered adults in the páramo and saplings of other forest trees.

Conclusions: Complex species-specific local spatial interactions, suggesting both facilitative and antagonistic effects, seem to modulate the establishment of the dominant tree D. venezuelense at and above the upper forest line. Nevertheless, the establishment of other tree species above continuous forests does not appear to be facilitated by the canopy cover offered by the isolated D. venezuelense individuals established in open páramo environments.  相似文献   

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