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Nucleic Acids composed of the five natural bases and a phosphate backbone can be designed or evolved to have a wide variety of sequence-dependent functions. Recent in vitro work has addressed some outstanding issues in evolving nucleic acid catalysts, as well as the creation of prescribed shapes and arrays from oligonucleotides and long single-stranded nucleic acids. Nucleic acids have also been engineered in vivo, leading to new modes of gene regulation. It is likely that the improving ability to synthesize long DNA sequences will accelerate the creation of novel functions from nucleic acids.  相似文献   

3,3′-Diindolylmethane (DIM), a major condensation product of indole-3-carbinol, exhibits chemopreventive properties in animal models of cancer. Recent studies have shown that DIM stimulates interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production and potentiates the IFN-γ signaling pathway in human breast cancer cells via a mechanism that includes increased expression of the IFN-γ receptor. The goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that DIM modulates the murine immune function. Specifically, the effects of DIM were evaluated in a panel of murine immune function tests that included splenocyte proliferation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, cytokine production and resistance to viral infection. DIM was found to induce proliferation of splenocytes as well as augment mitogen- and interleukin (IL)-2-induced splenocyte proliferation. DIM also stimulated the production of ROS by murine peritoneal macrophage cultures. Oral administration of DIM, but not intraperitoneal injection, induced elevation of serum cytokines in mice, including IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), IL-12 and IFN-γ. Finally, in a model of enteric virus infection, oral DIM administration to mice enhanced both clearance of reovirus from the GI tract and the subsequent mucosal IgA response. Thus, DIM is a potent stimulator of immune function. This property might contribute to the cancer inhibitory effects of this indole.  相似文献   

Summary Chronic reserpine treatment of animals, an experimental model for cystic fibrosis (CF), results in generalized exocrinopathy, impaired pancreatic secretion, and decreased pancreatic content of amylase. The mechanisms of altered acinar function and decreased amylase content in both CF and the reserpine-treated rat are unknown. To examine this alteration, the rate of [3H]phenylalanine (phe) incorporation into cellular protein was determined in pancreatic acinar cells after reserpine treatment of rats in vivo (7 d) and of cells in vitro (1 to 24 h). Acinar cells isolated from control, chronic reserpine-treated, and pair-fed rats were incubated in vitro with 0, 30, 50, or 100 μM reserpine. Reserpine treatment in vitro for 24 h of acinar cells from control rats significantly decreased amylase activity (20 to 70%), an effect similar to that of reserpine treatment in vivo. In vivo, reserpine treatment decreased [3H]phe incorporation (disintegrations per minute per milligram protein) 56% in freshly isolated cells, but did not alter intracellular specific activity (disintegrations per minute per nanomole phe, SA) of [3H]phe. Reserpine treatment (30 and 50 μM) in vitro for 1 h also decreased [3H]phe incorporation by freshly isolated cells from control (53 to 85%) and pair-fed (40 to 68%) rats. Reserpine treatment for 24 h in vitro significantly decreased [3H]phe incorporation by cells from control (82 and 98%), pair-fed (80 and 95%), and chronic reserpine-treated (90 and 97%) rats as compared with cells from respective in vivo treatments cultured with no reserpine. In vitro reserpine treatment also decreased the intracellular SA of [3H]phe in freshly isolated cells from control (14 and 36%) and pair-fed (35 and 39%) rats and in cultured cells from control (11 and 86%), pair-fed (60 and 88%), and chronic reserpine-treated (49 and 76%) rats. However, these alterations of SA by reserpine did not account for the decreased incorporation of [3H]phe into acinar protein, which remained significantly lower (70 to 88%) when expressed as total phe incorporation. These results suggest (a) that reserpine acts directly on acinar cells to alter function and (b) that the ability of the pancreas to synthesize digestive enzymes may be impaired in this model of cystic fibrosis. This study was supported in part by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Doses of up to 300 Gy of ionizing radiation had little effect on fowl sperm morphology, ATP content and motility when measured in vitro. Fertility of eggs from hens inseminated with spermatozoa receiving 50 Gy, in terms of post-oviducal development, was less than 4%. However, 35% appeared 'fertile' by macroscopic examination of the germinal disc of unincubated eggs. These contained few embryonic cells, although the vitelline membrane contained many trapped spermatozoa. After doses of 100 Gy or more, inseminated spermatozoa were not found in the vitelline membrane and no fertile or apparently fertile eggs were produced; nor did such spermatozoa enter the utero-vaginal sperm-host glands. Genetic transformation using fowl spermatozoa irradiated with doses in excess of 100 Gy appears to be an unlikely prospect.  相似文献   

Soluble gamma-globin chains were expressed in bacteria and purified to assess the mechanism of gamma- and alpha-chain assembly to form Hb F. Formation of Hb F in vitro following incubation of equimolar mixtures of gamma and alpha chains was about 4 x 10(5)-fold slower than assembly of alpha and beta chains to form Hb A in vitro. Results of assembly for gamma(116Ile-->His) and gamma(112Thr-->Asp) chains with alpha chains were similar to that of beta chains, whereas assembly of gamma(112Thr-->Cys) and alpha chains was similar to wild type gamma chains, indicating that amino acid differences at alpha1beta1 and alpha1gamma1 interaction sites between gamma116 Ile and beta116 His are responsible for the different assembly rates in vitro in the formation of Hb F and Hb A. Homoassembly in vitro of individual gamma chains as assessed by size-exclusion chromatography shows that gamma and gamma(112Thr-->Cys) chains form stable dimers like alphabeta and alphagamma that do not dissociate readily into monomers like beta chains. In contrast, gamma(116Ile-->His) chains form monomers and dimers upon dilution. These results are consistent with the slower assembly rate in vitro of gamma and gamma(112Thr-->Cys) with alpha chains, whereas the faster rate of assembly of gamma(116Ile-->His) and gamma(112Thr-->Asp) chains with alpha chains, like beta chains, may be caused by dissociation to monomers. These results suggest that dissociation of gamma(2) dimers to monomers limits formation of Hb F in vitro. However, yields of soluble Hb F expressed in bacteria were similar to Hb A, and no unassembled alpha and gamma chains were detected. These results indicate that gamma chains assemble in vivo with alpha chains prior to forming stable gamma(2) dimers, possibly binding to alpha chains as partially folded nascent gamma-globin chains prior to release from polyribosomes.  相似文献   

RuvA plays an essential role in branch migration of the Holliday junction by RuvAB as part of the RuvABC pathway for processing Holliday junctions in Escherichia coli. Two types of RuvA-Holliday junction complexes have been characterized: 1) complex I containing a single RuvA tetramer and 2) complex II in which the junction is sandwiched between two RuvA tetramers. The functional differences between the two forms are still not clear. To investigate the role of RuvA octamerization, we introduced three amino acid substitutions designed to disrupt the E. coli RuvA tetramer-tetramer interface as identified by structural studies. The mutant RuvA was tetrameric and interacted with both RuvB and junction DNA but, as predicted, formed complex I only at protein concentrations up to 500 nm. We present biochemical and surface plasmon resonance evidence for functional and physical interactions of the mutant RuvA with RuvB and RuvC on synthetic junctions. The mutant RuvA with RuvB showed DNA helicase activity and could support branch migration of synthetic four-way and three-way junctions. However, junction binding and the efficiency of branch migration of four-way junctions were affected. The activity of the RuvA mutant was consistent with a RuvAB complex driven by one RuvB hexamer only and lead us to propose that one RuvA tetramer can only support the activity of one RuvB hexamer. Significantly, the mutant failed to complement the UV sensitivity of E. coli DeltaruvA cells. These results indicate strongly that RuvA octamerization is essential for the full biological activity of RuvABC.  相似文献   

Arf, Hdm2, and p53 regulate the tumor-suppressor pathway that is most frequently disrupted in human cancer. In the absence of tumorigenic stress, Hdm2 actively attenuates p53-dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by mediating ubiquitination-dependent degradation of p53. Mitogenic stress activates Arf, which indirectly activates p53 by binding to and nullifying the anti-p53 activities of Hdm2. Small conserved domains within Arf and Hdm2 mediate their direct interaction. Individually, these domains are intrinsically unstructured and, when combined in vitro, cofold into bimolecular oligomeric structures that resemble amyloid fibrils in some features. Detailed structural characterization of Hdm2/Arf complexes has previously been hampered by their heterogeneity and large size. Here, we report that a nine-residue fragment of the N-terminus of mouse Arf (termed "A1-mini") cofolds specifically with the Arf-binding domain of Hdm2 to form bimolecular oligomers. We characterized these unprecedented structures using analytical ultracentrifugation and NMR spectroscopy, providing insights into their structural organization. The A1-mini peptide not only binds specifically to Hdm2 in vitro but also recapitulates the nucleolar localization features of full-length Arf in cells. Furthermore, larger fragments of Arf that contain the A1-mini segment have previously been shown to activate p53 in mouse and human cells. Our studies provide the first insights into the molecular basis through which Arf nullifies the p53-inhibiting activity of Hdm2, indirectly activating the tumor-suppressor function of p53 in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells that produce only plasmid-encoded wild-type or mutant GroEL were generated by bacteriophage P1 transduction. Effects of mutations that affect the allosteric properties of GroEL were characterized in vivo. Cells containing only GroEL(R197A), which has reduced intra-ring positive cooperativity and inter-ring negative cooperativity in ATP binding, grow poorly upon a temperature shift from 25 to 42 degrees C. This strain supports the growth of phages T4 and T5 but not phage lambda and produces light at 28 degrees C when transformed with a second plasmid containing the lux operon. In contrast, cells containing only GroEL(R13G, A126V) which lacks negative cooperativity between rings but has intact intra-ring positive cooperativity grow normally and support phage growth but do not produce light at 28 degrees C. In vitro refolding of luciferase in the presence of this mutant is found to be less efficient compared with wild-type GroEL or other mutants tested. Our results show that allostery in GroEL is important in vivo in a manner that depends on the physiological conditions and is protein substrate specific.  相似文献   



Despite an increasing awareness of the importance of innate immunity, the roles of natural killer (NK) cells in transplant rejection and antiviral and cancer immunity during immunosuppression have not been clearly defined.


To address this issue we have developed a quantitative assay of NK cell function that can be used on clinical samples and have studied the influence of immunosuppression on NK cell function. NK cell degranulation and intracellular interferon (IFN)-γ production were determined by flow cytometry of peripheral blood samples.


Overnight ex vivo treatment of peripheral blood cells from healthy controls with ciclosporin or tacrolimus inhibited NK cell degranulation and IFN-γ production in a dose-dependent manner. A similar impairment of function was seen in NK cells from patients treated in vivo with calcineurin inhibitors. In the early post-transplant period, there was a variable reduction of NK cell counts after treatment with alemtuzumab and basiliximab.


The functional inhibition of NK cells in early transplant patients coincides with the period of maximum susceptibility to viral infections. The ability to assay NK cell function in clinical samples allows assessment of the impact of immunosuppression on these effector cells. This information may be helpful in guiding the titration of immunosuppression in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence suggests that renal endothelial function may be altered in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Acute kidney injury is sexually dimorphic, and estrogen protects renal tubular function after experimental ischemic injury. This study tested the hypothesis that during ischemia-reperfusion, estrogen alters glomerular endothelial function to prevent hyperpermeability. Glomerular endothelial cells were exposed to 8-h oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) followed by 4- and 8-h reoxygenation-glucose repletion. After 4-h reoxygenation-glucose repletion, transendothelial permeability to Ficoll-70 was reduced, and transendothelial resistance increased, by 17β-estradiol vs. vehicle treatment during OGD (OGD-vehicle: 91.0 ± 11.8%, OGD-estrogen: 102.6 ± 10.8%, P < 0.05). This effect was reversed by coadministration of G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) antagonist G15 with 17β-estradiol (OGD-estrogen-G15: 89.5 ± 6.9, P < 0.05 compared with 17β-estradiol). To provide preliminary confirmation of this result in vivo, Ficoll-70 was administered to mice 24 h after cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CA/CPR). Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine (SCr) in these mice were elevated within 12 h following CA/CPR and reduced at 24 h by pretreatment with 17β-estradiol (BUN/SCr 17β-estradiol: 34 ± 19/0.2 ± 0.1 vehicle: 92 ± 49/0.5 ± 0.3, n = 8-12, P < 0.05). Glomerular sieving of Ficoll 70 was increased by CA/CPR within 2 h of injury and 17β-estradiol treatment (θ; 17β-estradiol: 0.74 ± 0.26 vs. vehicle: 1.05 ± 0.53, n = 14-15, P < 0.05). These results suggest that estrogen reduces postischemic glomerular endothelial hyperpermeability at least in part through GPR30 and that estrogen may regulate post CA/CPR glomerular permeability in a similar fashion in vivo.  相似文献   

The receptor tyrosine kinase ARK (also called AXL or UFO) is the murine prototype of a small family of receptors with an extracellular domain resembling cell adhesion molecules and a conserved tyrosine kinase domain. ARK is capable of homophilic binding, as well as of binding to GAS6, a secreted member of the class of vitamin K dependent proteins whose expression is up-regulated in growth-arrested cells. To gain understanding of the physiological role of ARK signaling, we have investigated the ARK forms which are expressed by cells in culture as well as by mouse organs. We found that ARK is not only expressed as a transmembrane protein, but is also cleaved in the extracellular domain to generate a soluble ARK form of about 65 kDa, which is easily detected in conditioned media of ARK expressing cells, in serum and plasma and in mouse organs. Soluble ARK is also produced by tumor cells in vivo. The function of these molecules could be that of binding GAS6, thereby inhibiting the interaction of this ligand with its cell-associated receptor, or they could be involved in binding to ARK itself. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis and genetic screens for impaired Raf function in Caenorhabditis elegans were used to identify six loss-of-function alleles of lin-45 raf that result in a substitution of a single amino acid. The mutations were classified as weak, intermediate, and strong based on phenotypic severity. We engineered these mutations into the homologous residues of vertebrate Raf-1 and analyzed the mutant proteins for their underlying biochemical defects. Surprisingly, phenotype strength did not correlate with the catalytic activity of the mutant proteins. Amino acid substitutions Val-589 and Ser-619 severely compromised Raf kinase activity, yet these mutants displayed weak phenotypes in the genetic screen. Interestingly, this is because these mutant Raf proteins efficiently activate the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascade in living cells, a result that may inform the analysis of knockout mice. Equally intriguing was the observation that mutant proteins with non-functional Ras-binding domains, and thereby deficient in Ras-mediated membrane recruitment, displayed only intermediate strength phenotypes. This confirms that secondary mechanisms exist to couple Ras to Raf in vivo. The strongest phenotype in the genetic screens was displayed by a S508N mutation that again did not correlate with a significant loss of kinase activity or membrane recruitment by oncogenic Ras in biochemical assays. Ser-508 lies within the Raf-1 activation loop, and mutation of this residue in Raf-1 and the equivalent Ser-615 in B-Raf revealed that this residue regulates Raf binding to MEK. Further characterization revealed that in response to activation by epidermal growth factor, the Raf-S508N mutant protein displayed both reduced catalytic activity and aberrant activation kinetics: characteristics that may explain the C. elegans phenotype.  相似文献   

The functionality of DNA, RNA and proteins is altered dynamically in response to physiological and pathological cues, partly achieved by their modification. While the modification of proteins with ADP-ribose has been well studied, nucleic acids were only recently identified as substrates for ADP-ribosylation by mammalian enzymes. RNA and DNA can be ADP-ribosylated by specific ADP-ribosyltransferases such as PARP1–3, PARP10 and tRNA 2′-phosphotransferase (TRPT1). Evidence suggests that these enzymes display different preferences towards different oligonucleotides. These reactions are reversed by ADP-ribosylhydrolases of the macrodomain and ARH families, such as MACROD1, TARG1, PARG, ARH1 and ARH3. Most findings derive from in vitro experiments using recombinant components, leaving the relevance of this modification in cells unclear. In this Survey and Summary, we provide an overview of the enzymes that ADP-ribosylate nucleic acids, the reversing hydrolases, and the substrates’ requirements. Drawing on data available for other organisms, such as pierisin1 from cabbage butterflies and the bacterial toxin–antitoxin system DarT–DarG, we discuss possible functions for nucleic acid ADP-ribosylation in mammals. Hypothesized roles for nucleic acid ADP-ribosylation include functions in DNA damage repair, in antiviral immunity or as non-conventional RNA cap. Lastly, we assess various methods potentially suitable for future studies of nucleic acid ADP-ribosylation.  相似文献   

Uterine bacterial infection after parturition causes endometritis, perturbs ovarian function and leads to infertility in cattle. Although endometritis is caused by mixed infections, endometrial pathology is associated with the presence of Arcanobacterium pyogenes. The aims of the present study were to determine the effects of A. pyogenes on endometrial function in vitro, and on uterine and ovarian function in vivo. Heat-killed A. pyogenes did not affect the production of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) or prostaglandin E(2) (PGE) from endometrial explants, or purified populations of endometrial epithelial or stromal cells. However, the explants produced more PGF and PGE than controls when treated with a bacteria-free filtrate (BFF) cultured from A. pyogenes. Similarly, BFF stimulated PGF and PGE production by epithelial and stromal cells, respectively. So, BFF or control PBS was infused into the uterus of heifers (n=7 per group) for 8 days, starting the day after estrus. Emergence of the follicle wave, dominant follicle or corpus luteum diameter, and peripheral plasma FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, PGFM, or acute phase protein concentrations were unaffected by the BFF infusion. In the live animal it is likely that the intact uterine mucosa limits the exposure of the endometrial cells to the exotoxin of A. pyogenes, whereas the cells are readily exposed to the toxin in vitro.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect on mitochondrial respiration and permeability of in vivo and in vitro aluminium (Al) exposure. Rats were treated intraperitoneally with AlCl3 to achieve serum and liver Al concentrations comparable to those seen in Al-related disorders. Mitochondria isolated from Al-treated rats had higher (p<0.01) Al concentration, lower (p<0.05) state 3 respiration, respiratory control (RCR), and ADP/O ratio (succinate substrate), and greater passive swelling in 100 mM KCl or 200 mM NH4NO3 than controls. The in vitro addition of Al (0–180 μM) to mitochondria from normal rats also decreased (p<0.01) state 3 respiration, RCR, and ADP/O and stimulated passive swelling in KCl and NH4NO3 at 42–180 μM Al. These studies show that Al depresses mitochondrial energy metabolism and increases membrane permeability. The toxicity associated with Al may be related to its effect on mitochondria.  相似文献   

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