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Analysis of extrachromosomal Ac/Ds transposable elements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gorbunova V  Levy AA 《Genetics》2000,155(1):349-359
The mechanism of transposition of the maize Ac/Ds elements is not well understood. The true transposition intermediates are not known and it has not been possible to distinguish between excision models involving 8-bp staggered cuts or 1-bp staggered cuts followed by hairpin formation. In this work, we have analyzed extrachromosomal excision products to gain insight into the excision mechanism. Plasmid rescue was used to demonstrate that Ds excision is associated with the formation of circular molecules. In addition, we present evidence for the formation of linear extrachromosomal species during Ds excision. Sequences found at the termini of circular and linear elements showed a broad range of nucleotide additions or deletions, suggesting that these species are not true intermediates. Additional nucleotides adjacent to the termini in extrachromosomal elements were compared to the sequence of the original donor site. This analysis showed that: (1) the first nucleotide adjacent to the transposon end was significantly more similar to the first nucleotide flanking the element in the donor site than to a random sequence and (2) the second and farther nucleotides did not resemble the donor site. The implications of these findings for excision models are discussed.  相似文献   

Ac/Ds标签系统与水稻功能基因组学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自2002年水稻基因组测序完成后,水稻功能基因组学研究正在成为水稻研究的重要内容.构建突变体库是研究功能基因组学的一条重要而有效的途径.利用外源的Ac/Ds (Activator/Dissociation)标签系统是构建插入突变体库较为理想的方法,经过多年发展完善,其在水稻中已有广泛的应用,但仍面临着一些需要解决的实际问题.文章对Ac/Ds标签系统的转座行为及其构建突变体库的问题和优点进行了综述,总结了近年来Ac/Ds标签系统在水稻中的研究进展,分析了利用Ac/Ds标签系统进行功能基因组学研究所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

In rice, limited efforts have been made to identify genes by the use of insertional mutagens, especially heterologous transposons such as the maize Ac/Ds. We constructed Ac and gene trap Ds vectors and introduced them into the rice genome by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In this report, rice plants that contained single and simple insertions of T-DNA were analysed in order to evaluate the gene-tagging efficiency. The 3' end of Ds was examined for putative splicing donor sites. As observed in maize, three splice donor sites were identified at the 3' end of the Ds in rice. Nearly 80% of Ds elements were excised from the original T-DNA sites, when Ac cDNA was expressed under a CaMV 35S promoter. Repetitive ratoon culturing was performed to induce new transpositions of Ds in new plants derived from cuttings. About 30% of the plants carried at least one Ds which underwent secondary transposition in the later cultures. Eight per cent of transposed Ds elements expressed GUS in various tissues of rice panicles. With cloned DNA adjacent to Ds, the genomic complexities of the insertion sites were examined by Southern hybridization. Half of the Ds insertion sites showed simple hybridization patterns which could be easily utilized to locate the Ds. Our data demonstrate that the Ac/Ds-mediated gene trap system could prove an excellent tool for the analysis of functions of genes in rice. We discuss genetic strategies that could be employed in a large scale mutagenesis using a heterologous Ac/Ds family in rice.  相似文献   

利用本实验室构建的转Ac(Ac TPase)及Ds(Dissociation)的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转化群体,配置了Ae×Ds的杂交组合354个。检测了转基因植株的T-DNA插入位点右侧旁邻序列,研究了Ac/Ds转座系统在水稻转化群体中的转座活性。结果表明,有些转化植株T-DNA插入位点相同或相距很近,插入位点互不相同的占65.4%。检测到T-DNA可插入到编码蛋白的基因中。在Ac×Ds的F2代中,Ds因子的转座频率为22.7%。对Ac×Ds杂交子代中Ds因子旁侧序列的分析,进一步表明了Ds因子在水稻基因组中的转座活性,除了从原插入位点解离并转座到新的位点之外,还有复制——转座和小完全切离等现象。获得的旁侧序列中,有些序列与GenBank中的数据没有同源性,目前有2个DNA片段在GenBank登录。探讨了构建转座子水稻突变体库进行水稻功能基因组学研究的策略。  相似文献   

Using a two-component Ac/Ds system consisting of a stabilized Ac element (Acc1) and a non-autonomous element (DsA), 650 families of plants carrying independent germinal DsA excisions/transpositions were isolated. Progenies of 559 of these Acc1/DsA families, together with 43 families of plants selected for excision/transposition of wild-type (wt)Ac, were subjected to a broad screening program for mutants exhibiting visible alterations. This resulted in the identification of 48 mutants showing a wide variety of mutant phenotypes, including embryo lethality (24 mutants), chlorophyll defects (5 mutants), defective seedlings (2 mutants), reduced fertility (5 mutants), reduced size (3 mutants), altered leaf morphology (2 mutants), dark green, unexpanded rosette leaves (3 mutants), and aberrant flower or shoot morphology (4 mutants). To test whether these mutants were due to transposon insertions, a series of Southern blot experiments was performed on 28 families, comparing in each case several mutant plants with others showing the wild-type phenotype. A preliminary analysis revealed in 4 of the 28 families analyzed a common, novel DsA fragment in all mutant plants, which was present only in heterozygous plants with wt phenotype, as expected for DsA insertion mutations. These four mutants included two showing embryo lethality, one with dark green, unexpanded rosette leaves and stunted inflorescences, and one with curly growth of stems, leaves and siliques. Further evidence for DsA insertion mutations was obtained for one embryo lethal mutant and for the stunted mutant, while in case of the second embryo lethal mutant, the DsA insertion could be separated from the mutant locus by genetic recombination.  相似文献   

利用本实验室构建的转Ac(AcTPase)及Ds(Dissociation)的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转化群体,配置了Ac×Ds的杂交组合354个.检测了转基因植株的T-DNA插入位点右侧旁邻序列,研究了Ac/Ds转座系统在水稻转化群体中的转座活性.结果表明,有些转化植株T-DNA插入位点相同或相距很近,插入位点互不相同的占65.4%.检测到T-DNA可插入到编码蛋白的基因中.在Ac×Ds的F2代中,Ds因子的转座频率为22.7%.对Ac×Ds杂交子代中Ds因子旁侧序列的分析,进一步表明了Ds因子在水稻基因组中的转座活性,除了从原插入位点解离并转座到新的位点之外,还有复制--转座和不完全切离等现象.获得的旁侧序列中,有些序列与GenBank中的数据没有同源性,目前有2个DNA片段在GenBank登录.探讨了构建转座子水稻突变体库进行水稻功能基因组学研究的策略.  相似文献   

V. Gorbunova  A. A. Levy 《Genetics》1997,145(4):1161-1169
The maize Ac/Ds transposable elements are thought to transpose via a cut-and-paste mechanism, but the intermediates formed during transposition are still unknown. In this work we present evidence that circular Ac molecules are formed in plants containing actively transposing elements. In these circles, transposon ends are joined head-to-head. The sequence at the ends' junction is variable, containing small deletions or insertions. Circles containing deleted Ac ends are probably unable to successfully reintegrate. To test the ability of circles with intact transposon ends to integrate into the genome, an artificial Ds circle was constructed by cloning the joined ends of Ac into a plasmid carrying a plant selectable marker. When such a circular Ds was introduced into tobacco protoplasts in the presence of Ac-transposase, no efficient transposase-mediated integration was observed. Although a circular transposition intermediate cannot be ruled out, the findings of circles with deleted transposon ends and the absence of transposase-mediated integration of the circular Ds suggest that some of the joined-ends-carrying elements are not transposition intermediates, but rather abortive excision products. The formation of Ac circles might account for the previously described phenomenon of Ac-loss. The origin of Ac circles and the implications for models of Ac transposition are discussed.  相似文献   

A two-element Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds) gene trap system was successfully established in rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. Nipponbare) to generate a collection of stable, unlinked and single-copy Ds transposants. The germinal transposition frequency of Ds was estimated as an average of 51% by analyzing 4413 families. Study of Ds transposition pattern in siblings revealed that 79% had at least two different insertions, suggesting late transposition during rice development. Analysis of 2057 Ds flanking sequences showed that 88% of them were unique, whereas the rest within T-DNA. The insertions were distributed randomly throughout the genome; however, there was a bias toward chromosomes 4 and 7, which had two times as many insertions as that expected. A hot spot for Ds insertions was identified on chromosome 7 within a 40-kbp region. One-third of Ds flanking sequences was homologous to either proteins or rice expressed sequence tags (ESTs), confirming a preference for Ds transposition into coding regions. Analysis of 200 Ds lines on chromosome 1 revealed that 72% insertions were found in genic region. Anchoring of more than 800 insertions to yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)-based EST map showed that Ds transposes preferentially into regions rich in expressed sequences. High germinal transposition frequency and independent transpositions among siblings show that the efficiency of this system is suitable for large-scale transposon mutagenesis in rice.  相似文献   

We studied the products of alternative transposition reactions that utilize reverse-oriented Ds termini as substrates. In this configuration, Ds transposition can generate genome rearrangements including deletions, inversions, and reciprocal translocations. In approximately half of the transposition products recovered in Arabidopsis, the termini of the reversed ends Ds element were ligated together. The sequences at these fused-end junctions suggest that the excised transposon termini form covalently closed hairpin structures. These results shed new light on the mechanism of Ac/Ds transposition.  相似文献   

从水稻Ac/Ds插入突变体扩增Ds侧翼序列的最适TAIL-PCR引物   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
温度非对称交互PCR(TAIL-PCR)技术已广泛应用于从多种生物体系克隆侧翼于已知序列的DNA片段的分子操作中,并极大地促进了反向遗传学研究。但是,可能由于不同物种间基因组大小和序列存在显差异,在采用该技术进行转座元件Ds水稻插入突变体鉴定过程中,常因TAIL-PCR反应的稳定性差而影响突变体筛选效率。有鉴于此,根据Ds核苷酸序列设计了分别对应或互补于Ds插入元件两端长度不同的12个特异引物组成32个组合,在大量预试验基础上与6个不同简并性(32~256)的随机简并引物分别组合进行TAIL-PCR反应,较系统地研究了引物特性对以水稻基因组DNA为模板的TAIL-PCR反应效率的影响。结果发现,第一反应采用长序列特异引物(36~40mer)可显提高扩增特异性,随机简并引物的简并度对反应的影响显。还选择出两个适于从水稻Ds插入突变体基因组高效扩增出Ds插入侧翼片段的最优特异引物组合和最适简并引物。应用本研究结果可显地提高TAIL-PCR技术筛选水稻插入突变体的效率。  相似文献   

Isolation of the transposable maize controlling elements Ac and Ds   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
N Fedoroff  S Wessler  M Shure 《Cell》1983,35(1):235-242

Molecular Evolution of the Myeloperoxidase Family   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Animal myeloperoxidase and its relatives constitute a diverse protein family, which includes myeloperoxidase, eosinophil peroxidase, thyroid peroxidase, salivary peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, ovoperoxidase, peroxidasin, peroxinectin, cyclooxygenase, and others. The members of this protein family share a catalytic domain of about 500 amino acid residues in length, although some members have distinctive mosaic structures. To investigate the evolution of the protein family, we performed a comparative analysis of its members, using the amino acid sequences and the coordinate data available today. The results obtained in this study are as follows: (1) 60 amino acid sequences belonging to this family were collected by database searching. We found a new member of the myeloperoxidase family derived from a bacterium. This is the first report of a bacterial member of this family. (2) An unrooted phylogenetic tree of the family was constructed according to the alignment. Considering the branching pattern in the obtained phylogenetic tree, together with the mosaic features in the primary structures, 60 members of the myeloperoxidase family were classified into 16 subfamilies. (3) We found two molecular features that distinguish cyclooxygenase from the other members of the protein family. (4) Several structurally deviated segments were identified by a structural comparison between cyclooxygenase and myeloperoxidase. Some of the segments seemed to be associated with the functional and/or structural differences between the enzymes. Received: 25 January 2000 / Accepted: 19 July 2000  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor family is represented by at least seven different homologous proteins in primates. Transferrin receptor (TfR1) is a type II membrane glycoprotein that, as a cell surface homodimer, binds iron-loaded transferrin as part of the process of iron transfer and uptake. Other family members include transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2), glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCP2 or PSMA), N-acetylated α-linked acidic dipeptidase-like protein (NLDL), N-acetylated α-linked acidic dipeptidase 2 (NAALAD2), and prostate-specific membrane antigen-like protein (PMSAL/GCPIII). We compared 86 different sequences from 24 different species, from mammals to fungi. Through this comparison, we have identified several highly conserved residues specific to each family not previously associated with clinical mutations. The evolutionary history of the TfR/GCP2 family shows repeated episodes of duplications consistent with recent theories that nondispensable, slowly evolving genes are more likely to form multiple gene families. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Gail Simmons]  相似文献   

The Sulfur gene of tobacco is nuclearly encoded. A Su allele at this locus acts as a dominant semilethal mutation and causes reduced accumulation of chlorophyll, resulting in a yellow color in the plant. An engineered transposon tagging system, based upon the maize element Ac/Ds, was used to mutate the gene. High frequency of transposon excision from the Su locus produced variegated sectors. Plants regenerated from the variegated sector exhibited a similar variegated phenotype. Genetic analyses showed that the variegation was always associated with the transposase construct and the transposon was linked to the Su locus. Sequences surrounding the transposon were isolated, and five revertant sectors possessed typical direct repeats following Ds excisions. These genetic and molecular data are consistent with the tagging of the Su allele by the transposon.  相似文献   

cry1Ac编码的杀虫晶体蛋白是苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)产生的多种杀虫晶体蛋白中对鳞翅目昆虫有很高毒性的蛋白.第一个Cry1Ac杀虫晶体蛋白最早在库斯塔克亚种HD73中以伴胞晶体形式分离获得,其编码区为3 534 bp,编码蛋白分子量为133 kD,含1 178个氨基酸,等电点为4.84.自此以来,Cry1Ac杀虫晶体蛋白结构、功能以及应用研究一直是Bt杀虫晶体蛋白研究的重要方向.本文介绍了苏云金芽孢杆菌中应用最广泛的Cry1Ac杀虫晶体蛋白家族的结构、功能及其基因分类,并进一步就基于苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Ac杀虫晶体蛋白的基因工程研究做了分析,提出了持续利用BtCry1Ac杀虫晶体蛋白的一些见解.  相似文献   

获得无选择标记转基因植株是进行重复转基因及消除转基因植株中标记基因潜在危害性的关键。实验采用了Ac/Ds转座子系统在水稻(Oryza sativa,L.)中进行无hpt选择标记的转基因。将含有目的基因bar的Ds元件和hpt标记基因置于同一个T-DNA中,通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)EHAl05介导将Ac-T-DNA及Ds-T-DNA分别转入到不同的水稻植株,再将单拷贝的Ac-T-DNA植株与单拷贝的Ds-T-DNA植株杂交得到同时含有Ac和Ds元件的F1植株,Fl自交产生F2后代,F2植株中转座后的Ds元件与T-DNA独立分离,在总共100株F2水稻植株中筛选得到2株只含有Ds元件插入而无hpt标记基因的转基因水稻植株。结果表明,利用Ac/Ds转座子系统在水稻中获得无选择标记的转基因植株是可行的。  相似文献   

使用电激法将分别含玉米转座因子AC或Ds因子的质粒DNA同时导入水稻花药悬浮系细胞团,得到转化抗性意伤组织,并分化成可育植株。对一些植株的DNA进行了Southern分析和PC且扩增,发现导入的外源DNA已整合到了水稻染色体上而且Ds因子已发生了转座。抗性测定表明转化植株F1代和F2代种子中的大多数仍有Ds因子存在。  相似文献   

李英  张亚平 《遗传学报》2006,33(7):590-597
在大鼠基因组数据库中搜索得到两个泌乳刺激素基因家族的新成员。进一步分析显示该基因家族起源于啮齿目和其他哺乳动物分歧之后,而且大部分基因座位的重排在大、小鼠分歧之前已经完成。但PL-Ⅰ和PL-Ⅱ基因簇却是例外,它们在基因树上以物种特异的方式聚类。结合基因转换的检验、染色体上相对位置比较和基因重复时间估计的结果,认为啮齿目PL-Ⅰ和PL-Ⅱ基因是物种特异的,它们由一系列在大、小鼠分歧之后发生的基因重复事件形成。结果还揭示了在啮齿目泌乳刺激素基因家族进化过程中持续不断的发生了基因重复和基因分化事件。  相似文献   

In this study, we identified two novel members of prolactin gene family in rat by blast searches against the published genomic database. A further analysis showed that gene duplications leading to PRL gene family in rodents occurred after rodents diverged from other mammals. Major reorganization of the gene loci in rodents was largely completed before the split of rat and mouse. But PL-I and PL-II genes are the exceptions, which have clustered in a species-specific manner in the phylogenetic tree. By combining results from gene conversion testing, relative chromosomal location comparison and estimated time for gene duplication, we believe that rodent PL-I and PL-II genes are species-specific and are the results of serial duplications which occurred after the divergence of mouse and rat. Our analysis also reveals that continual gene duplication and divergence occurred during the evolution of rodent PRL gene family.  相似文献   

The development of a barley ( Hordeurn vulgare L.) transformation system made it possible to consider the use of maize Activator/Dissociation ( Ac/Ds ) transposable elements for gene tagging in transgenic barley plants. However, barley transformation is time-consuming, and therefore a simple transient assay for Ac/Ds activity in intact barley tissues was developed to test the components of a proposed gene tagging system, prior to their stable introduction into plants. In this assay, barley scutellar tissue is co-transformed with constructs containing the maize Ac transposase gene and an Escherichia coli uid A reporter gene ( Gus ), the expression of which is interrupted by a maize Ds element. In transformed barley scutellar cells, Ac transposase-mediated excision of the Ds element generates a functional Gus gene, leading to histochemically detectable GUS activity. Characterization of the excision products showed that they had a pattern of nucleotide deletions and/or transversions similar to that found in maize and other heterologous plant systems. In addition, although contrary to the situation observed in heterologous dicot systems, efficient Ds excision in barley, a heterologous monocot system, appears to be inversely associated with Ac copy number, a finding similar to the Ac dosage effects observed in maize. The transient assay was used to demonstrate functional transposase activity in barley callus lines stably transformed with an Ac transposase gene.  相似文献   

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