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Majority influences have long been a subject of great interest for social psychologists and, more recently, for researchers investigating social influences in nonhuman primates. Although this empirical endeavor has culminated in the conclusion that some ape and monkey species show “conformist” tendencies, the current approach seems to suffer from two fundamental limitations: (a) majority influences have not been operationalized in accord with any of the existing definitions, thereby compromising the validity of cross-species comparisons, and (b) the results have not been systematically scrutinized in light of alternative explanations. In this review, we aim to address these limitations theoretically. First, we will demonstrate how the experimental designs used in nonhuman primate studies cannot test for conformity unambiguously and address alternative explanations and potential confounds for the presented results in the form of primacy effects, frequency exposure, and perception ambiguity. Second, we will show how majority influences have been defined differently across disciplines and, therefore, propose a set of definitions in order to streamline majority influence research, where conformist transmission and conformity will be put forth as operationalizations of the overarching denominator majority influences. Finally, we conclude with suggestions to foster the study of majority influences by clarifying the empirical scope of each proposed definition, exploring compatible research designs and highlighting how majority influences are inherently contingent on situational trade-offs.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism in scorpions: fact or fiction?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Females of several scorpion species are currently deemed to be sexual cannibals, but this reputation is, however, largely built on anecdotal evidence from the older literature. Theoretical models predict that given the low rates of female-male encounter, males should allow themselves to be cannibalized after sperm transfer. The present paper examines the information available for a number of species to determine (a) whether sexual cannibalism is as widespread as previously suggested, and (b) whether it is likely to involve male self-sacrifice. Information on three scorpions currently regarded as sexual cannibals is presented: the bothriurids Bothriurus bonariensis (C.L. Koch) and Urophonius jheringii Pocock, and the buthid Leiurus quinquestriatus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg). No post-mating cannibalism was ever observed in these species, nor in another 19 representatives of four families. In L. quinquestriatus only two cases of cannibalism of the male by the female occurred, both in the beginning of courtship and after long periods of food deprivation. We suggest that if sexual cannibalism occurs in scorpions, it is most likely to be of an 'economic' type, where females perceive males as prey rather than mates, and not a 'self-sacrificial', post-mating cannibalism enhancing the fitness of the offspring of the male.  相似文献   

The cytochemical localization of adenylate cyclase: fact or artifact?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a study of the location of adenylate cyclase activity in rat pancreas with the method of Reik et al. (Science 168:382, 1970), as modified by Howell and Whitfield (J Histochem Cytochem 20:873, 1972) it was found that (a) unspecific staining occurs in rat pancreatic tissue fragments incubated in the Reik-Howell medium in the absence of substrate; (b) addition of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) as substrate, either alone or together with stimulants of rat pancreas adenylate cyclase (secretin. NaF), does not result in increased precipitation; (c) cytochemical incubation of isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells and of rat liver and kidney fragments does not lead to substrate-specific precipitation. In subsequent chemical studies we have found that cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) formation from [alpha32P]AMP-PNP in the presence of rat pancreatic particulate matter is very low in the Reik-Howell medium without lead ions, but is stimulated by addition of lead nitrate (4 mM). Whereas heat-treatment of the particulate matter abolishes all cyclic AMP formation in the absence of lead ions, it actually increases cyclic AMP production in the presence of 4 mM lead nitrate. This indicates that the cyclic AMP formation in the complet Reik-Howell medium occurs by a nonenzymatic mechanism. In addition, this medium shows a tendency to become turbid, particularly when calcium ions are added to the medium, suggesting a possible explanation for the apparently specific cytochemical detection observed by other authors. A revised cytochemical medium, with barium replacing lead and with a pH of 8.9 (optimal for adenylate cyclase with AMP-PNP substrate), leaves rat pancreatic adenylate cyclase activity intact and hormone sensitive, while it is still able to precipitate imidodiphosphate. However, cytochemical incubation of isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells in this revised medium in the presence of AMP-PNP and secretin does not yield an electron-dense precipitate, showing that the enzyme activity is to low to produce sufficient imidodiphosphate. These findings throw further doubt on the validity of the cytochemical detection of adenylate cyclase, reported by other investigators, notwithstanding the alleged positive results.  相似文献   

Positive relationships between species richness and sampling area are perhaps the most pervasive patterns in nature. However, the shape of species–area relationships is often highly variable, for reasons that are poorly understood. One such source of variability is the "small-island effect", which refers to a decrease in the capacity of sampling area to predict species richness on small islands. Small-island effects have been attributed to a variety of processes, including spatial subsidies, habitat characteristics and ocean-born disturbances. Here, we show that small-island effects can be generated by logarithmic data transformations, which are commonly applied to both axes of species–area relationships. To overcome this problem, we derive several null models to test for non-random variability in the capacity of island area to predict species richness and apply them to data sets on island plant communities in Canada and New Zealand. Both archipelagos showed evidence for small-island effects using traditional breakpoint regression techniques on log-log axes. However, null model analyses revealed different results. The capacity of sampling area to predict species richness in the Canadian archipelago was actually lowest at intermediate island size classes. In the New Zealand archipelago, island area was similarly capable of predicting species richness across the full range of island sizes, indicating the small-island effect detected by breakpoint regression is an artifact of logarithm data transformation. Overall results show that commonly used regression techniques can generate spurious small-island effects and that alternative analytic procedures are needed to detect non-random patterns in species richness on small islands.  相似文献   

The process by which eukaryotic cells decide when and where to initiate DNA replication has been illuminated in yeast, where specific DNA sequences (replication origins) bind a unique group of proteins (origin recognition complex) next to an easily unwound DNA sequence at which replication can begin. The origin recognition complex provides a platform on which additional proteins assemble to form a pre-replication complex that can be activated at S-phase by specific protein kinases. Remarkably, multicellular eukaryotes, such as frogs, flies, and mammals (metazoa), have counterparts to these yeast proteins that are required for DNA replication. Therefore, one might expect metazoan chromosomes to contain specific replication origins as well, a hypothesis that has long been controversial. In fact, recent results strongly support the view that DNA replication origins in metazoan chromosomes consist of one or more high frequency initiation sites and perhaps several low frequency ones that together can appear as a nonspecific initiation zone. Specific replication origins are established during G1-phase of each cell cycle by multiple parameters that include nuclear structure, chromatin structure, DNA sequence, and perhaps DNA modification. Such complexity endows metazoa with the flexibility to change both the number and locations of replication origins in response to the demands of animal development.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease: myth or fact?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Oxidative stress is a mechanism with a central role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, cancer, and other chronic diseases. It also plays a major role in the aging process. Ischemic heart disease is perhaps the human condition in which the role of oxidative stress has been investigated in more detail: reactive oxygen species and consequent expression of oxidative damage have been demonstrated during post-ischemic reperfusion in humans and the protective role of antioxidants has been validated in several experimental studies addressing the pathophysiology of acute ischemia. Although an impressive bulk of experimental studies substantiate the role of oxidative stress in the progression of the damage induced by acute ischemia, not a single pathophysiologic achievement has had a significant impact on the treatment of patients and randomized, controlled clinical trials, both in primary and secondary prevention, have failed to prove the efficacy of antioxidants in the treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disease. This dichotomy, between the experimental data and the lack of impact in the clinical setting, needs to be deeply investigated: certainly, the pathophysiologic grounds of oxidative stress do maintain their validity but the concepts of the determinants of oxidative damage should be critically revised. In this regard, the role of intermediate metabolism during myocardial ischemia together with the cellular redox state might represent a promising interpretative key.  相似文献   

Auxin signaling in algal lineages: fact or myth?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Glucose intolerance in teleost fish: fact or fiction?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Teleost fish are generally considered to be glucose intolerant. This mini-review examines some of the background and the possible mechanistic bases for this statement. Glucose intolerance is a clinical mammalian term meaning that a glucose load results in persistent hyperglycemia. Teleost fish show persistent hyperglycemia that is generally coincident with transient hyperinsulinemia. The fact that teleost generally have high plasma insulin compared with mammals implies insulin-deficiency is not a suitable explanation for this persistent hyperglycemia. Instead, peripheral utilization of glucose is probably the principle cause of hyperglycemia. Recent evidence for muscle insulin receptors, glucose transporters and hexokinase/glucokinase is reviewed and future experimental directions are suggested. If by altering peripheral glucose utilization fish could become more glucose tolerant, costs to the aquaculture industry may be substantially reduced.  相似文献   

Tumor-targeted fluorescence imaging for cancer diagnosis and treatment is an evolving field of research that is on the verge of clinical implementation. As each tumor has its unique biologic profile, selection of the most promising targets is essential. In this review, we focus on target finding in ovarian cancer, a disease in which fluorescence imaging may be of value in both adequate staging and in improving cytoreductive efforts, and as such may have a beneficial effect on prognosis. Thus far, tumor-targeted imaging for ovarian cancer has been applied only in animal models. For clinical implementation, the five most prominent targets were identified: folate receptor α, vascular endothelial growth factor, epidermal growth factor receptor, chemokine receptor 4, and matrix metalloproteinase. These targets were selected based on expression rates in ovarian cancer, availability of an antibody or substrate aimed at the target approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and the likelihood of translation to human use. The purpose of this review is to present requirements for intraoperative imaging and to discuss possible tumor-specific targets for ovarian cancer, prioritizing for targets with substrates ready for introduction into the clinic.  相似文献   

Cancer development relies on a variety of mechanisms that facilitate tumor growth despite the presence of a functioning immune system. Understanding these mechanisms may foster novel therapeutic approaches for oncology and organ transplantation. By expression of the apoptosis-inducing protein CD95L (FasL, APO-1L, CD178), tumors may eliminate tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and suppress anti-tumor immune responses, a phenomenon called tumor counterattack. On the one hand, preliminary evidence of tumor counterattack in human tumors exists, and CD95L expression can prevent T-cell responses in vitro. On the other hand, CD95L-expressing tumors are rapidly rejected and induce inflammation in mice. Here, we summarize and discuss the consequences of CD95L expression of tumor cells and its contribution to immune escape.This article is a symposium paper from the conference Tumor Escape and Its Determinants, held in Salzburg, Austria, on 10–13 October 2004.  相似文献   

It was recently proposed that anaerobic microorganisms contain a new pathway for detoxification of reactive oxygen species. This is centered around a novel mononuclear iron-containing enzyme, superoxide reductase (SOR), which catalyzes the reduction, rather than the dismutation, of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. A surprisingly large amount of relevant data has accumulated in the two years or so since the proposal was made. Herein we address the questions: to what extent has the pathway been validated, and what fundamental issues have yet to be answered in considering the response of anaerobes to reactive oxygen species? The evidence for superoxide reduction by SOR is now overwhelming and comes from a variety of anaerobic and microaerophilic species. Moreover, the available spectroscopic and structural information provide a convincing case that the catalytic Fe site of SOR is structurally and electronically tuned to mediate superoxide reduction rather than oxidation. Kinetic analyses also support the original proposal of NAD(P)H, via rubredoxin and NAD(P)H:rubredoxin oxidoreductase, as the source of reductant. What is still to be determined is the fate of the peroxide generated by the SOR reaction. In particular, the role of otherwise well-characterized proteins like rubrerythrin, NADH peroxidase, and rubredoxin:oxygen oxidoreductase in "anaerobic" oxygen metabolism has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal is a toxic electrophile. In Escherichia coli cells, the principal route of methylglyoxal production is from dihydroxyacetone phosphate by the action of methylglyoxal synthase. The toxicity of methylglyoxal is believed to be due to its ability to interact with the nucleophilic centres of macromolecules such as DNA. Bacteria possess an array of detoxification pathways for methylglyoxal. In E. coli, glutathione-based detoxification is central to survival of exposure to methylglyoxal. The glutathione-dependent glyoxalase I-II pathway is the primary route of methylglyoxal detoxification, and the glutathione conjugates formed can activate the KefB and KefC potassium channels. The activation of these channels leads to a lowering of the intracellular pH of the bacterial cell, which protects against the toxic effects of electrophiles. In addition to the KefB and KefC systems, E. coli cells are equipped with a number of independent protective mechanisms whose purpose appears to be directed at ensuring the integrity of the DNA. A model of how these protective mechanisms function will be presented. The production of methylglyoxal by cells is a paradox that can be resolved by assigning an important role in adaptation to conditions of nutrient imbalance. Analysis of a methylglyoxal synthase-deficient mutant provides evidence that methylglyoxal production is required to allow growth under certain environmental conditions. The production of methylglyoxal may represent a high-risk strategy that facilitates adaptation, but which on failure leads to cell death. New strategies for antibacterial therapy may be based on undermining the detoxification and defence mechanisms coupled with deregulation of methylglyoxal synthesis. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 22 June 1998  相似文献   

It is still unclear whether the paradoxical arteriovenous carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) difference found in critical illness is due to increased COHb production by the lung, or whether this gradient is caused by technical artifacts using spectrophotometry. In healthy and matched endotoxemic sheep, blood gases were analyzed with a standard ABL 625 and the updated version, an ABL 725. The latter one was accurately calibrated for COHb wavelengths (SAT 100) to eliminate the FCOHb dependency on oxygen tension. All endotoxemic sheep exhibited a hypotensive-hyperdynamic circulation and a pulmonary hypertension. Interestingly, arteriovenous COHb difference occurred in both healthy and endotoxemic sheep (P<0.001 each). Arterial and central venous COHb concentrations determined with the ABL 625 were significantly lower than those measured with the ABL 725 (P<0.001 each). We conclude that (a) arteriovenous COHb difference per se does not reflect critical illness and (b) measurements with an ABL 625 underestimate COHb concentrations.  相似文献   

The widespread assumption that sutural complexity in ammonites is mainly proportional to water depth is revisited. Fractal analysis has been used for the precise morphometric evaluation of sutural complexity in 131 Upper Jurassic ammonites. Suture lines belonging to twelve families have been analyzed, account being taken of shell structure (coiling, shape of whorl section), sculpture and paleoenvironments. Fractal dimensions obtained in epicontinental and epioceanic ammonites show the unlikelihood of precise relationships between suture complexity and depth, and/or the absence of major differences in habitat depth if bathymetry played any significant role in the configuration of intricate septa. Suture complexity appears to be better related to shell structural types. □ Fractal analysis, ammonite sutures, Upper Jurassic.  相似文献   

Studies continue to report ancient DNA sequences and viable microbial cells that are many millions of years old. In this paper we evaluate some of the most extravagant claims of geologically ancient DNA. We conclude that although exciting, the reports suffer from inadequate experimental setup and insufficient authentication of results. Consequently, it remains doubtful whether amplifiable DNA sequences and viable bacteria can survive over geological timescales. To enhance the credibility of future studies and assist in discarding false-positive results, we propose a rigorous set of authentication criteria for work with geologically ancient DNA.  相似文献   

Many publications state that nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) produces biofilms. Here, we review many of the publications that have led to acceptance by some that NTHi expresses a biofilm-specific phenotype as a distinct part of its life cycle. Biofilm formation was originally invoked to explain the failure to culture NTHi from middle-ear effusions, recalcitrance to antibiotics and its pathogenic behaviour. We argue that the current evidence for NTHi biofilm formation in vitro and in vivo is inconclusive. We consider that NTHi biofilm is hypothesis not fact, and although it might yet prove to be correct, there has been little or no consideration of alternative interpretations for the in vitro and in vivo observations. Uncritical acceptance of a distinctive NTHi biofilm phenotype has the potential to mislead and could confuse and compromise research efforts aimed at improving management and prevention of NTHi diseases of the human respiratory tract.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess whether, on the basis of one blood test, penicillin allergy might be excluded sufficiently for general practitioners to give oral penicillin to patients claiming a history of penicillin allergy. DESIGN--Prospective study of patients referred by general practitioners. SETTING--Outpatient allergy clinic in a district general hospital. PATIENTS--175 referred patients who gave a history of immediate type reaction to penicillin, of whom 144 attended as requested and 132 completed the investigations. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--History and examination, serum radioallergosorbent test to phenoxymethylpenicillin and benzylpenicillin, and oral challenge with penicillin. RESULTS--Of 132 patients, four were confirmed to have penicillin allergy by the radioallergosorbent test and 128 had an oral penicillin challenge without ill effect. CONCLUSIONS--Most patients who gave a history of penicillin allergy are not so allergic, and their actual allergic state should be substantiated whenever feasible. For patients reporting minor or vague reactions negative findings with a radioallergosorbent test to phenoxymethylpenicillin and benzylpenicillin provide sufficient evidence to give oral penicillin safely.  相似文献   

Depression in the elderly is often thought to have a different clinical presentation in many patients. This so-called atypical depression is characterised by less sadness and feelings of guilt and more somatic symptoms, impaired cognition and behavioural symptoms. Studies that compare depressive signs and symptoms in elderly and younger patients are reviewed. Published studies do not support the suggestion that major depression in the elderly often have a different clinical presentation. Vascular depression and depression in patients with severe dementia may be exceptions. Conceptual and methodological issues that play an important role are discussed.  相似文献   

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