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The response of common dormouseMuscardinus avellanarius Linnaeus, 1758 population to availability of nest sites was studied by manipulating the nestbox grid and ring-marking dormice. Abundance of adult dormice more than doubled in the 25 × 25 m nestbox grid in comparison to the 50 × 50 m grid, as a result of increased nestbox density from four to 16 boxes/ha. This effect already became apparent in the first year after additional nestboxes were made available and resulted from dormouse immigration, mostly from adjacent areas without nestboxes. In the second and third years, the number of two-year-old and older resident dormice, which had their home ranges in this plot, increased considerably. The average size of dormouse home range decreased by approximately half both in males and females in the 25 × 25 m grid compared to the 50 × 50 m grid. The proportion of breeding adult females did not differ between the two grids in spite of different adult dormouse density. Shortage of secure nest sites was a limiting factor for the common dormouse population abundance in the forest where natural tree hollows were absent, and high nestbox density increased environmental carrying capacity.  相似文献   

The use of nest boxes by the woodland dormouse, Graphiurus murinus, was investigated over a 13-month period in a riverine forest of the Great Fish River Reserve, South Africa. We predicted that some characteristics of nest box placement would affect nest box use and that the seasonal pattern of nest box use would be linked to the species' life cycle and physiological and socioecological characteristics. Generalized linear models indicated that the time since nest box installation and nest box height above ground positively affected the frequency and intensity of nest box use. Male and female dormice, as well as adults and juveniles, did not differ in the number of nest boxes used and equally occupied individual nest boxes. The percentage of nest boxes used peaked during spring and summer (breeding period) and dropped during winter (hibernation). However, whereas significantly more males were caught during the mating season (spring), the number of females occupying nest boxes was constant during the year. As female dormice successfully bred in the nest boxes, the observed sexual patterns suggest that (artificial) nest sites represent an important resource for females, whereas females seem to constitute the main resource for males, as predicted by the socioecological model.  相似文献   

Since dormice usually use natural tree hollows or artificial nest boxes as nest sites and these nests are reused from 1 year to another, the present study investigated how the parasite loads from old nests affected the behaviour of the forest dormouse Dryomys nitedula Pallas, 1778. Dormice were subjected to three different experiments: 1. They were given the choice of a nest box infected with ectoparasites and a new unused nest box; 2. Dormice were given the choice of a treated (uninfected) previously used nest boxes and previously used nest box that was infected; and 3. Using infrared motion sensor cameras, we tested weather they preferred to avoid nest boxes when only infected nests were available. The results revealed that the females with pups are pickier when choosing the nursery site. These preferred empty nest boxes or nest boxes with treated nests instead of the infested ones. However, non-breeding adults and sub-adults showed indifference to the flea infestation of the nest.  相似文献   

HILARY DOW  SVEN FREDGA 《Ibis》1985,127(1):16-30
Nest site preferences were examined for a population of Goldeneye Ducks breeding in nest boxes in Värmland, central Sweden. Some nest boxes were occupied more often than others even if females returning to the same nest box were excluded from the analysis. Nest boxes located higher up trees were occupied more often than those close to the ground and some spatial 'cluster groups' of boxes were occupied more often than others. Otherwise nest site prefernces were not related to any measured physical attributes of the boxes. Prefernces for nest boxes seemed to be based mainly on a tendency for females to select those that had been occupied by other females in the preceding year, especially if they had bred successfully. As a result of this, the occupancy of nest boxes was not random over years but rather progressed in a series of runs; a period of consecutive years in which a box was occupied was followed by a period of years in which it was empty.
There were reproductive consequences for these prefernces in that females occupying preferred boxes were less likely to lose their clutch to a predator. These females also bred earlier in the year and produced larger clutches and broods than females breeding in other boxes.  相似文献   

  1. Biologists commonly use nest boxes to study small arboreal mammals, including the forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula). Hibernating dormouse species often experience pronounced seasonal variations in body mass, which might lead to sampling biases if it is not taken into account when designing nest boxes. In my study of the forest dormouse, I noticed that the entrance hole of nest boxes had been gnawed. I hypothesized that this behavior was exhibited by the individual dormice of higher body mass, who were unable to pass through the entrance holes.
  2. To test my hypothesis, I categorized the individual dormice present inside nest boxes based on their body mass and then compared the seasonal body mass dynamics with the timing of the gnawing behavior. I also compared nest box occupancy by the forest dormouse before and after the gnawing behavior.
  3. Interestingly, I found that the gnawing behavior was displayed exclusively when part of the dormouse population increased considerably in body mass, which supports my hypothesis. Additionally, nest box occupancy decreased significantly from 20% before to 4.6% after the gnawing behavior.
  4. I suggest that researchers include nest boxes with entrance holes larger than 4 cm in future studies of the forest dormouse to prevent the possible exclusion of the conspecifics that have higher body mass before hibernation. This type of sampling bias might also concern studies of other species, such as the fat dormouse, that similarly show pronounced seasonal variations in body mass. I recommend that biologists consider the seasonal body mass dynamics of the target species when designing nest boxes to minimize bias in ecological data and improve management actions.

Tree‐cavity‐dependent wildlife faces future shortages of cavities due to a decline in the abundance of large, old trees in many parts of the world. Nest boxes are proposed as a tool to restore habitat value but evidence of their effectiveness for arboreal mammals remains equivocal. This may arise from a poor understanding of design preferences. We conducted investigations in two landscapes in eastern Australia to determine whether species show a preference for specific designs. We observed a preference by some mammal species for particular designs (33–78% occupied/used), suggesting that design refinement can improve the frequency with which nest boxes are used. Although feral species may out‐compete target species for nest boxes, we did not observe this. We recorded feral honeybees (Apis mellifera) in 6–9% of nest boxes but they did not remain, and many occupied boxes were later used by mammals. The introduced common myna bird (Acridotheres tristis) was prevalent in one landscape, but competition for nest boxes was localized. For nest boxes to be an effective habitat restoration tool, they must be able to be occupied over long periods of time. We investigated this for the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis), an arboreal marsupial threatened through part of its geographic range. Squirrel gliders occupied and bred within nest boxes (100% used) at two locations continuously over a 10‐year period with minimal nest box maintenance. Individuals occupied boxes for up to 7 years. This confirms that targeted nest box programs can be an effective restoration tool for cavity‐dependent arboreal mammals.  相似文献   

Nest boxes are commonly installed to support hollow‐using species where the abundance of hollow‐bearing trees is deficient. Recent studies have provided equivocal evidence about the effectiveness of nest box projects and have highlighted significant management costs associated with some projects. We document the functionality of 303 nest boxes installed across five different community‐led projects in southern Australia for periods of 10–25 years. As expected, we found that nest boxes lost functionality over time. However, 60% remained functional to support the Brush‐tailed Phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) and the Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps) after almost 20 years. Years installed, method of nest box attachment and tree species influenced whether boxes remained functional. Nest box construction material changed over time so could not be assessed specifically. When inspected in a single year, the Brush‐tailed Phascogale occupied 9% of functional boxes and another 48% contained their nests. The Sugar Glider occupied 15% of functional boxes and another 22% contained their nests. These values suggest the nest box installations were highly effective for these species, although more detailed study is needed to understand what contribution these installations have made to support the local populations. Maintenance of most nest boxes occurred twice a year in the first five years after installation, but many received no maintenance for periods of three years, and some 10–15 years, before our census. Our findings suggest that infrequent maintenance by community groups can sustain nest box projects over periods of several decades. Research into employing nest boxes as a management tool in Australia is still in its infancy. Further studies are needed to resolve factors that limit their effectiveness.  相似文献   

Nest box provisioning is a common management tool intended to increase population size or stability of threatened birds, but its effectiveness is rarely assessed. The provisioning of nest boxes may lead to unexpected results if nest type imprinting prevents naïve adult birds from immigrating into the nest box population, or limiting the ability of juveniles reared in nest boxes to emigrate to areas with only natural nesting substrates. We analyzed the population trends from 2008 to 2010 of southeastern American kestrels Falco sparverius paulus associated with a network of nest boxes in north‐central Florida, USA, with Bayesian integrated population models (IPMs) that simultaneously considered mark–recapture data sets, fledgling production, and population surveys. We evaluated the demography of the nest box population by comparing population growth rates, apparent survival probabilities, and recapture probabilities between an IPM that explicitly modeled immigration and one that did not. Overall population growth rates suggested that the population was stable, and that immigration was apparently important in maintaining this stability, with approximately 0.3 and 0.5 female immigrants per resident female kestrel each year. Explicitly modeling immigration resulted in lower estimates of juvenile kestrel apparent survival probability, suggesting that a large proportion of locally produced juveniles emigrated rather than recruited locally. We concluded that neither preference for natural cavities nor imprinting on artificial nest boxes appeared to prevent immigration from maintaining the stability of the local population. Natal habitat preference imprinting on nest sites may occur to some degree, but it did not preclude the adoption of nest boxes by most breeding kestrels. We also found additional indications that many juvenile kestrels fledged from nest boxes emigrated to the surrounding natural areas.  相似文献   

Home range (HR) size and overlap, movements, and nest site use of fat dormice Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) were studied by live-trapping and radiotracking in the Bialowieza Forest in north-eastern Poland. The study was conducted during a mast year of oak Quercus robur (2001) and hornbeam Carpinus betulus (2002). Average HR size measured by 100% minimum convex polygons varied from 3.6 to 7.0 ha in males and from 0.55 to 0.76 ha in females. HR size in males was significantly larger in the hornbeam mast year than in the oak mast year, which was probably due to the lower energy value of hornbeam mast. Males had significantly larger HRs and used more nest sites than females. In contrast to females, HRs of males overlapped extensively. In the mating season, core areas of males overlapped significantly more and they shared their core areas with more males than in the post-mating season. During the mating season, males were found to share nest sites with other males or with a single female. Additionally, groups of 2–3 males were observed aggregating around a female during the mating season. Our data suggest that fat dormice have a promiscuous mating system where the females are territorial, and the non-territorial males directly compete for access to receptive females during the mating season.  相似文献   

Manipulating resource availability to assess the strength and effects of resource limitation on an animal population is relatively straightforward, and thus, common in the scientific literature. Resource quality, however, is rarely manipulated, as this requires a priori knowledge of a relationship between some measurable variation in the resource and individual preference and/or fitness. Recent research on nest‐site selection was used to inform the design of custom‐built nest‐boxes for an endangered hollow‐nester, the Gouldian finch (Erythrura gouldiae). By provisioning breeding populations with these ‘high quality’ artificial nest sites over 3 years, we experimentally investigated the strength and effects of nest‐site limitation in this species. Breeding pairs using nest‐boxes initiated nesting earlier, produced larger clutches and fledged more offspring per season than those in natural hollows. Total and mean reproductive output also increased in nest‐box provisioned sites over the duration of the study. All of these effects were predominantly driven by pairs initiating clutches earlier, potentially because of the reduced intra‐ and interspecific competition for nest sites at optimal breeding times. Our findings suggest that reproduction in wild Gouldian finch populations may be limited by the availability of high quality nest sites in the landscape, and that nest‐boxes could be used as a tool for enhancing reproduction in recovering populations. Furthermore, we conclude that resource quality is equally, if not more important than quantity when supplementing resource‐limited habitats.  相似文献   

Nest site choice, and its influence on mating and breeding success were studied in a population of individually marked pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) for 7 years. Some nest boxes were used more frequently than expected from random choice of nest site. Flycatchers bred more successfully in such attractive boxes, irrespective of whether the brood was attended by the male or not. Arriving males and females settled at boxes in descending order of attractiveness. Boxes accepted by females were more attractive than alternative boxes advertised simultaneously by males. Secondary nest boxes of polygynous males tended to be more attractive than boxes at which monogamous males displayed, without success, for secondary mates. Returning males with local breeding experience started to sing at nest boxes earlier in spring than first season males, settled at more attractive boxes, and mated polygynously more often. The results indicate that male mating success should be closely dependent on the male's ability to monopolize attractive nest sites.  相似文献   

Out of 1154 marked common dormiceMuscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758), 219 animals (19.0%) had white tail tips at Vilkaraistis forest (Moletai district, east Lithuania) in 1984–1993. The extent of white tail-tip varied from a slight tuft to a notable 22 mm length of white hair in the tail tip. In this population white-tipped individuals represented, on average, 25.7% among juvenile females, 24.9% among adult females, 13.4% among juvenile males, and 15.7% among adult males. White-tipped females were significantly more frequent than males, both in juveniles and in adults. The share of white-tipped dormice fluctuated in different years from 12.5% to 25.6% among adult dormice, and from 9.2% to 28.3% among juveniles. The percentage of white-tipped dormice among juveniles in different years was directly proportional to population density in autumn. There was no clear difference or trend in the mortality rate in white-tipped versus normal dormice. The contribution of white-tipped females to population reproduction was relatively lower than that of normal females: only 18.4% out of all registered breeding cases (n=212) were due to white-tipped females.  相似文献   

Finding a high quality territory is essential for many animals to reproduce successfully. Despite its importance for fitness, we know little about the process of territory prospecting in wild birds, and whether individual traits and behaviours, such as personality, co‐vary with territory prospecting. Here, we use long‐term data from a wild, insular house sparrow Passer domesticus population to test three hypotheses about territory fidelity and prospecting: 1) house sparrows show high territory fidelity between years and also during winter. 2) Individuals will prospect for a breeding territory during their first winter whereas older, more experienced individuals will keep a territory from previous years and will, therefore, show no or reduced winter territory prospecting. 3) More active behavioural types will prospect more than less active behavioural types. We use data from four winters from automatically, daily recorded nest‐box visits of 188 birds of known age. The number of nest‐boxes that each individual visited within each winter was used as a proxy of winter territory prospecting. We show that house sparrows visit multiple nest‐boxes during their first winter, whereas older individuals keep territories year‐round and, potentially because of this, indeed show reduced winter territory prospecting. Activity was not associated with the number of nest‐boxes visited. Further research is needed to investigate whether time of territory and mate acquisition differs among individuals and the possible effect on lifetime fitness.  相似文献   

In many bird species, only females incubate the eggs, but both sexes feed nestlings. The means by which males of such species discover hatching and transition to feeding their offspring remains almost completely unexplored. Of particular interest are species with nests whose contents are concealed from view. During June and early July 2015 in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming, we used continuous video‐recording of nests of cavity‐nesting Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) to document the transition to feeding young by males. We saw no evidence that females used distinct vocal or visual displays to signal hatching to males. Observing mates carrying eggshells away from, or food into, nest boxes did not appear to trigger provisioning by males. Rather, at all 24 nests observed, males did not begin feeding until they had come to nest boxes and presumably sensed the presence of hatchings directly. Individual males varied, however, in both the manner in which they inspected nest contents and the number of times they did so before starting to feed young. Although most males fully entered nest boxes where they could see, touch, hear, and possibly smell hatchlings (or eggshell parts), other males may have detected hatchlings only by sound or possibly smell while perched at a nest‐box entrance. Based on past studies of mice and doves, we suggest that, for provisioning behavior to begin, some kind of direct sensation of offspring may be necessary to activate relevant neurons in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus of males, an area of the brain important in parental care. Additional research is necessary to test this, and to examine the effects of factors such as hormone levels and breeding experience on the means and rapidity by which males discover hatching and transition to nestling provisioning.  相似文献   

Nest boxes have grown in popularity as a habitat management tool in Australia during the last decade. This management use remains contentious because some studies suggest nest boxes are ineffective. There are three recent contentions: (i) nest boxes mostly benefit common species, (ii) exotic species may be dominant users of nest boxes, and (iii) species of conservation concern use nest boxes infrequently. We address these contentions using data from 1865 nest boxes involving eight nest box designs. These nest boxes were installed predominantly <200 m from a road in association with highway duplication and re‐alignment across 16 projects in New South Wales. The Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the species of most relevance to contention 1. It used 9% of boxes overall including 26% of ‘possum’ designated boxes. The most frequent nest box users were small petaurid gliders (mostly Sugar Gliders, Petaurus breviceps) which used 63% of ‘small glider’ designated boxes. This nest box and another suited to the Sugar Glider comprised 40% of all boxes installed, so it is not surprising that this species might be a common user. Exotic species were uncommon users of the nest boxes enabling contention 2 to be rejected. Active hives of Feral Honeybees (Apis mellifera) occupied just 1% of boxes, and another 1% of boxes were used by introduced rodents and birds. The Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) is the species most relevant to contention 3. It was seen in 80 boxes across 11 projects, representing 7% of the three types most frequently used. These observations are not consistent with the third contention. Nest boxes can provide many important insights about the requirements and interactions of hollow‐dependent fauna. However, they are not intended as an alternative to retaining hollow‐bearing trees.  相似文献   

Feral European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) has been identified as a potential nest competitor for Australian hollow nesting species, but few studies have investigated the impact of feral honey bee competition on Threatened species. Our study used data from Glossy Black‐cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) nests on Kangaroo Island, monitored and managed over an 11‐year period, and found 12% of nests became occupied by feral honey bees during that period. Our results indicate that feral honey bees were less likely to occupy nest boxes made of PVC (5%) compared with wooden nest boxes (24%) or natural hollows in Eucalyptus trees (14%). The removal of feral honey bee hives from nests is a priority for long‐term conservation of glossy black‐cockatoos on Kangaroo Island. We recommend that PVC nest boxes are chosen for future nesting habitat restoration, due to the more frequent use of wooden nest boxes by feral honey bees.  相似文献   

The effects of competition and risk of predation on secondary cavity breeders were examined between the 2008 and 2009 breeding seasons using an experimental design manipulating two nest entrance sizes (large entrances allowed Barn Owls (Tyto alba) to enter, while the small entrances excluded them). During the 2009 breeding season, the entrance sizes of nest boxes were exchanged, so that if during one year a nest box in a particular location had a small entrance, the second year it had a large entrance and vice versa. Barn Owls and Eurasian Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) occupied 67.3 and 17.3%, respectively, of large entrance nest boxes. Significantly more Jackdaws (Corvus monedula), House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Scops Owls (Otus scops) bred in nest boxes with small than with large entrances. After nest box entrance sizes were exchanged, Barn Owls and smaller species did not breed in the same nest boxes with the new entrance size. Jackdaws probably did not breed in large entrance nest boxes due both to exploitation competition (Barn Owls and Eurasian Kestrels occupied the majority of large entrance nest boxes), and may also have avoided empty nest boxes because of the risk of interference competition; whereas smaller species may have also avoided large entrance nest boxes due to risk of predation.  相似文献   

Environmental factors, and particularly climate, play an important role in influencing behaviour in many insects. In social species, climate is known to have a strong influence on social traits, but how this manifests itself in tropical ecosystems is poorly understood. In Peninsular Malaysia, the climate is characterised by relatively consistent annual temperatures with wet/dry cycles, and the tropical hover-wasp Liostenogaster flavolineata Cameron is active year-round. Newly emerged females can choose to remain at the natal nest and help, or disperse and found their own nest depending on a balance of ecological and demographic factors. We collated long-term adult and brood census data for populations of L. flavolineata in Peninsular Malaysia in three different years to investigate temporal variation in demographics (brood and adult numbers) and how this might be related to climatic factors. Our data indicate that there are multiple, temporally distinct peaks of brood production in this population. The number of newly eclosing females and number of mature brood were positively associated with temperature and negatively associated with the number of rain-days during the observation period. Furthermore, larger females were produced during the peaks of brood production. We speculate how these patterns may influence the staying or leaving decisions of newly emerged females in a primitively eusocial species such as L. flavolineata.  相似文献   

In temperate climates, female paper wasps typically initiate new colonies in the spring. Several nest-founding tactics have been documented in Polistes species, including solitary nest initiation, joining a cooperative association, usurping an existing nest, or adopting an abandoned nest. Occasionally, exceptionally large groups of females have also been found reusing nests from the previous season. Here we report this phenomenon in introduced populations of the Eurasian species Polistes dominulus. We describe in detail the demographic and genetic characteristics of one such spring colony from Los Angeles, California, USA, which was collected with 84 associated adults and all stages of developing brood in its 613 cells. Genetic and morphological data indicate the presence of multiple reproductively active females of varying relatedness, as well as many nonbreeding females, including probable early-produced offspring. Despite some evidence of chaotic social conditions, the colony appeared to have been highly productive. Additional observations of similar colonies are needed to determine how control is maintained within such a large breeding aggregation.  相似文献   

Nest re‐use in birds has the potential cost of infection by parasites and pathogens but may also be a source of beneficial symbiotic bacteria transmitted horizontally. Eurasian hoopoes Upupa epops host antibiotic‐producing bacteria in their uropygial gland but only while breeding, which suggests that the nest‐hole may be a source of those symbionts. Interestingly, hoopoes do not build nests, thus might prefer for reproduction nest holes with soft materials from previous reproductions. Here, we tested experimentally this preference by installing in the field new nest boxes that were left empty or filled with either sawdust or a mixture of sawdust and hoopoe's nest material from the previous year. We explored the experimental effect on the composition of the uropygial secretion bacterial community, on eggshell bacterial loads, and on several proxies of reproductive success. Hoopoes bred significantly more often in nest boxes with nest material than in empty ones, but the type of nest material did not affect nest box occupancy. Eggs in nest boxes with old‐soft material harbored higher bacterial density on their shells, and the microbiota of the uropygial secretion of nestlings and females in these nest boxes differed from those in nest boxes without old‐soft material. Moreover, although the experiment did not affect breeding success or related proxies, several operational taxonomic units from female uropygial secretions were positively associated with hatching success. This is the first experimental evidence showing that re‐used nest material affects the bacterial community of the uropygial secretions of hoopoe females. This suggests that the nest material can be a source of strains for their incorporation to both the uropygial gland and eggshell communities, highlighting a possible advantage of nest re‐use previously unconsidered.  相似文献   

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