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Improvements in technology have made it possible to conduct genome-wide association mapping at costs within reach of academic investigators, and experiments are currently being conducted with a variety of high-throughput platforms. To provide an appropriate context for interpreting results of such studies, we summarize here results of an investigation of one of the first of these technologies to be publicly available, the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping 100K set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In a systematic analysis of the pattern and distribution of SNPs in the Mapping 100K set, we find that SNPs in this set are undersampled from coding regions (both nonsynonymous and synonymous) and oversampled from regions outside genes, relative to SNPs in the overall HapMap database. In addition, we utilize a novel multilocus linkage disequilibrium (LD) coefficient based on information content (analogous to the information content scores commonly used for linkage mapping) that is equivalent to the familiar measure r2 in the special case of two loci. Using this approach, we are able to summarize for any subset of markers, such as the Affymetrix Mapping 100K set, the information available for association mapping in that subset, relative to the information available in the full set of markers included in the HapMap, and highlight circumstances in which this multilocus measure of LD provides substantial additional insight about the haplotype structure in a region over pairwise measures of LD.  相似文献   

On the basis of correlations between pairwise individual genealogical kinship coefficients and allele sharing distances computed from genotyping data, we propose an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) approach to assess pedigree file reliability through gene-dropping simulations. We explore the features of the method using simulated data sets and show precision increases with the number of markers. An application is further made with five dog breeds, four sheep breeds and one cattle breed raised in France and displaying various characteristics and population sizes, using microsatellite or SNP markers. Depending on the breeds, pedigree error estimations range between 1% and 9% in dog breeds, 1% and 10% in sheep breeds and 4% in cattle breeds.  相似文献   



Cystic fibrosis (CF) mice, created with a genetically engineered mutation in the Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (Cftr) gene, may develop intestinal plugs which limit their survival past weaning. In a studied population of genetically mixed CF mice differences in allelic ratios at particular loci, between surviving CF mice and mice with the lethal intestinal defect, were used to map cystic fibrosis modifier gene one, Cfm1. Using this approach, we previously identified an X chromosome locus which may influence the survival to weaning of C57BL/6J × BALB/cJ F2 CF mice. We also detected two regions of transmission ratio distortion, independent of Cftr genotype, in a limited dataset. To investigate these findings, in this study we have genotyped 1208 three-week old F2 mice, and 186 day E15.5 embryos, derived from a congenic (C57BL/6J × BALB/cJ) F1 Cftr +/- intercross, for the putative distortion regions.


An excess of homozygous BALB genotypes, compared to Mendelian expectations, was detected on chromosomes 5 (p = 5.7 × 10-15) and X (p = 3.0 × 10-35) in three-week old female mice but transmission ratio distortion was not evident in the tested region of chromosome 3 (p = 0.39). Significant pre-weaning lethality of CF mice occurred as 11.3% (137/1208) of the three-week old offspring were identified as CF mice. X chromosome genotypes were not, however, distorted in the female CF mice (p = 0.62), thus the significant non-Mendelian inheritance of this locus was dependent on CF status. The survival of CF embryos to day E15.5 was consistent with Mendelian expectations (42/186 = 23%), demonstrating the loss of CF mice to have occurred between E15.5 and three weeks of age. The excess of X chromosome homozygous BALB genotypes was recorded in female embryos (p = 0.0048), including CF embryos, indicating the distortion to be evident at this age.


Two of three previously suggested loci of transmission ratio distortion were replicated as distorted in this mouse cross. The non-Mendelian inheritance of X chromosome genotypes implicates this region in the survival to weaning of non-CF mice.  相似文献   



With the rapid development of high-throughput genotyping technologies, efficient methods for identifying linked regions using high-density SNP genotype data have become more and more important. Recently, a deterministic method that works very well on SNP genotyping data has been developed (Lin et al. Bioinformatics 2008, 24(1): 86–93). However, that program can only work on a limited number of family structures. In particular, the results (if any) will be poor when the genotype data for the whole chromosome of one of the parents in a nuclear family is missing.  相似文献   


Key message

Explicit pedigree reconstruction by simulated annealing gave reliable estimates of genealogical coancestry in plant species, especially when selfing rate was lower than 0.6, using a realistic number of markers. Genealogical coancestry information is crucial in plant breeding to estimate genetic parameters and breeding values. The approach of Fernández and Toro (Mol Ecol 15:1657–1667, 2006) to estimate genealogical coancestries from molecular data through pedigree reconstruction was limited to species with separate sexes. In this study it was extended to plants, allowing hermaphroditism and monoecy, with possible selfing. Moreover, some improvements were made to take previous knowledge on the population demographic history into account. The new method was validated using simulated and real datasets. Simulations showed that accuracy of estimates was high with 30 microsatellites, with the best results obtained for selfing rates below 0.6. In these conditions, the root mean square error (RMSE) between the true and estimated genealogical coancestry was small (<0.07), although the number of ancestors was overestimated and the selfing rate could be biased. Simulations also showed that linkage disequilibrium between markers and departure from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the founder population did not affect the efficiency of the method. Real oil palm data confirmed the simulation results, with a high correlation between the true and estimated genealogical coancestry (>0.9) and a low RMSE (<0.08) using 38 markers. The method was applied to the Deli oil palm population for which pedigree data were scarce. The estimated genealogical coancestries were highly correlated (>0.9) with the molecular coancestries using 100 markers. Reconstructed pedigrees were used to estimate effective population sizes. In conclusion, this method gave reliable genealogical coancestry estimates. The strategy was implemented in the software MOLCOANC 3.0.  相似文献   

The genes controlling synthesis of the Escherichia coli acidic polysaccharide capsular antigens K10 and K54 were transferred by conjugation to E. coli strains of other serotypes. The genes concerned with these K antigen determinants showed genetic linkage with the serA locus. We propose to name the K antigen-controlling gene kpsA. The genetic determinants of the two K antigens could also be transferred to enteropathogenic serotypes, even though such strains have never been found in nature with special acidic polysaccharide K antigens. A noncapsulated derivative, K(-), of the K10 strain can transfer the genetic determinant of the K antigen, demonstrating the probable existence of another chromosomal locus involved in the production of such acidic polysaccharide K antigens.  相似文献   

Calculation of the exact prediction error variance covariance matrix is often computationally too demanding, which limits its application in REML algorithms, the calculation of accuracies of estimated breeding values and the control of variance of response to selection. Alternatively Monte Carlo sampling can be used to calculate approximations of the prediction error variance, which converge to the true values if enough samples are used. However, in practical situations the number of samples, which are computationally feasible, is limited. The objective of this study was to compare the convergence rate of different formulations of the prediction error variance calculated using Monte Carlo sampling. Four of these formulations were published, four were corresponding alternative versions, and two were derived as part of this study. The different formulations had different convergence rates and these were shown to depend on the number of samples and on the level of prediction error variance. Four formulations were competitive and these made use of information on either the variance of the estimated breeding value and on the variance of the true breeding value minus the estimated breeding value or on the covariance between the true and estimated breeding values.  相似文献   

Pedigree data can be evaluated, and subsequently corrected, by analysis of the distribution of genetic markers, taking account of the possibility of mistyping . Using a model of pedigree error developed previously, we obtained the maximum likelihood estimates of error parameters in pedigree data from Tokelau. Posterior probabilities for the possible true relationships in each family are conditional on the putative relationships and the marker data are calculated using the parameter estimates. These probabilities are used as a basis for discriminating between pedigree error and genetic marker errors in families where inconsistencies have been observed. When applied to the Tokelau data and compared with the results of retyping inconsistent families, these statistical procedures are able to discriminate between pedigree and marker error, with approximately 90% accuracy, for families with two or more offspring. The large proportion of inconsistencies inferred to be due to marker error (61%) indicates the importance of discriminating between error sources when judging the reliability of putative relationship data. Application of our model of pedigree error has proved to be an efficient way of determining and subsequently correcting sources of error in extensive pedigree data collected in large surveys.  相似文献   

The intrinsic rate of natural increase or Malthusian parameterplays a key role fields as diverse as ecology, genetics, demographyand evolution. It characterizes the growth of a population ina determinate environment. Since its rigorous statistical estimationrequires of intensive calculation, the use of a computer becomesessential. The two main approaches to the calculation of theMalthusian parameter, its error and confidence intervals havebeen implemented in a program and have been compared by meansof an example.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In affected sib pair studies without genotyped parents the effect of genotyping error is generally to reduce the type I error rate and power of tests for linkage. The effect of genotyping error when parents have been genotyped is unknown. We investigated the type I error rate of the single-point Mean test for studies in which genotypes of both parents are available. METHODS: Datasets were simulated assuming no linkage and one of five models for genotyping error. In each dataset, Mendelian-inconsistent families were either excluded or regenotyped, and then the Mean test applied. RESULTS: We found that genotyping errors lead to an inflated type I error rate when inconsistent families are excluded. Depending on the genotyping-error model assumed, regenotyping inconsistent families has one of several effects. It may produce the same type I error rate as if inconsistent families are excluded; it may reduce the type I error, but still leave an anti-conservative test; or it may give a conservative test. Departures of the type I error rate from its nominal level increase with both the genotyping error rate and sample size. CONCLUSION: We recommend that markers with high error rates either be excluded from the analysis or be regenotyped in all families.  相似文献   

The Bohr Principle via continuous indirect calorimetry was used to estimate human fetal-placental unit metabolic rate in 12 normal women undergoing elective caesarean section under continuous lumbar epidural anaesthesia. Maternal oxygen consumption decreased after umbilical cord clamping and after placental removal. Fetal-placental unit oxygen consumption was 10.7 +/- 1.3 ml/min per kg (mean +/- SEM). Fetal oxygen consumption was 6.8 +/- 1.4 ml/min per kg. Placental oxygen consumption was 37 +/- 12 ml/min per kg. Fetal-placental unit carbon dioxide production was 9.2 +/- 1.2 ml/min per kg. These mean values agree favourably with measurements of uterine and fetal metabolism from other mammalian species. Maternal minute ventilation decreased with removal of the fetal-placental unit, and this decrease was found to be linearly related to the fetal-placental unit carbon dioxide production.  相似文献   



A systematic comparison is made of attributional and consequential results for the same products using the same unit process database, thus isolating the effect of the two system models. An analysis of this nature has only recently been made possible due to the ecoinvent database version 3 providing an access to both unallocated and unlinked unit process datasets as well as both attributional and consequential models based on these datasets. The analysis is therefore limited to the system models provided by ecoinvent.


For both system models, the analysis was made on the life cycle inventory analysis (LCIA) results as published by ecoinvent (692 impact categories from different methods, for 11,650 product/activity combinations). The comparison was made on the absolute difference relative to the smallest absolute value.

Results and discussion

The comparison provides quantified results showing that the consequential modelling provides large differences in results when the unconstrained (marginal) suppliers have much more/less impact than the average, when analysing the by-products, and when analysing determining products from activities with important amounts of other coproducts.


The analysis confirms that for consequential studies, attributional background datasets are not appropriate as a substitute for consequential background. The overall error will of course depend on the extent to which attributional modelling is used as part of the overall system model. While the identified causes of differences between the attributional and consequential models are of general nature, the identified sizes of the errors are specific to the way the two models are implemented in ecoinvent.

An alternative method based on linear systems analysis is presented for the analysis of concentration-time data for the enantiomers of the 2-arylpropionic acids. This approach uses deconvolution to estimate the rate and extent of chiral inversion with respect to time, assuming linear pharmacokinetics and time invariance, without the need for complicated modelling procedures. Application to data for the chiral inversion of ibuprofen in the rat indicates that this approach provides a valid alternative to previous procedures for the analysis of chiral inversion data. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recombination is crucial for crop breeding because it can break linkage drag and generate novel allele combinations. However, the high-resolution recombination landscape and its driving forces in soybean are largely unknown. Here, we constructed eight recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations and genotyped individual lines using the high-density 600K SoySNP array, which yielded a high-resolution recombination map with 5636 recombination sites at a resolution of 1.37 kb. The recombination rate was negatively correlated with transposable element density and GC content but positively correlated with gene density. Interestingly, we found that meiotic recombination was enriched at the promoters of active genes. Further investigations revealed that chromatin accessibility and active epigenetic modifications promoted recombination. Our findings provide important insights into the control of homologous recombination and thus will increase our ability to accelerate soybean breeding by manipulating meiotic recombination rate.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) which is essential for viral replication. NS5B expression in bacteria generated 20- to 50-fold lower yield and 100-fold less product per mol of enzyme for gentoype 1a RdRp than type 1b. Further, unlike type 1b RdRp, type 1a enzyme failed to exhibit cooperative properties in the assays described herein. Differences in thermal stability may partially account for the inability to efficiently oligomerize. Superose gel filtration analyses confirm differences between these RdRp preparations, although affinity for the column rather than size may account for the differences in migration. To further address this complexity, a panel of RdRp type 1a-type 1b chimeras were evaluated and implicate a role for the thumb subdomain of genotype 1b RdRp as critical for cooperative function.  相似文献   

Array-based comparative genome hybridization is a powerful tool for detecting chromosomal imbalances at high resolution. However, the design and setup of such arrays are time consuming and expensive and thus worthwhile only when large numbers of arrays will be processed. To provide a feasible solution, we have developed an algorithm that renders the publicly available Affymetrix 10K SNP genotyping chip useful for high-resolution analysis of chromosomal imbalances. We have used our newly developed algorithm to analyze data from Affymetrix 10K chips that were hybridized with DNA probes from a variety of different sources, such as primary tumors, cell lines, and blood from patients with unbalanced translocations. In summary, we were able to (i) demonstrate the capability of our method by reproduction of published and unpublished data obtained with alternative methods and (ii) identify novel imbalances that were not shown before.  相似文献   

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