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The International Society for Chronobiology has as its aims, furthering the study of temporal changes in living matter, including biological rhythms in development and ageing in individuals and populations; studying and defining the mechanisms of temporal changes; fostering practical applications for chronobiological findings to mankind in basic and applied biology, physiology, work hygiene and the medical sciences; promoting education in and wide understanding of chronobiology; and furthering contact between scientists in the field and providing a forum for practitioners of chronobiology.  相似文献   

孙杰  贾玉红  姜妙娜  张彩华 《生物磁学》2009,(11):2194-2196
时间生物学是一门研究生命活动节律的科学。在西方医学中,研究时间生物学是利用分子生物学实验来阐释其机制,以西医的思维方法解释时间生物学的生理及病理过程;中医对时间生物学的记载有两千多年的历史,阴阳理论、子午流注学说以及五运六气学说一直以来都在指导中医的诊断和治疗。中西医观的不同对时间生物学的研究提供了新的研究思路,同时时间生物学也为研究中西医结合提供了广阔的前景。  相似文献   

The International Society for Chronobiology has as its aims, furthering the study of temporal changes in living matter, including biological rhythms in development and ageing in individuals and populations; studying and defining the mechanisms of temporal changes; fostering practical applications for chronobiological findings to mankind in basic and applied biology, physiology, work hygiene and the medical sciences; promoting education in and wide understanding of chronobiology; and furthering contact between scientists in the field and providing a forum for practitioners of chronobiology.  相似文献   

袁力  李艺柔  徐小冬 《遗传》2018,40(1):1-11
时间生物学主要研究生物节律的产生及生物钟的运行机制,2017年诺贝尔生理或医学奖的颁布再次引发人们对该领域诸多科学问题的高度关注。生物钟与日月运行引起的环境信号周期性保持同步,有利于生物节律的相位和组织稳态的精确维持。本文介绍了生物节律现象的早期研究及随后生物钟理论体系建立的发展简史,并结合2017年诺贝尔生理或医学奖的解读阐述了果蝇生物钟基因的发现与分子调控机理,进而简单归纳当前时间生物学领域的前沿科学问题,阐明生物钟研究的意义。  相似文献   

In the not too distant past, it was common belief that rhythms in the physical environment were the driving force, to which organisms responded passively, for the observed daily rhythms in measurable physiological and behavioral variables. The demonstration that this was not the case, but that both plants and animals possess accurate endogenous time-measuring machinery (i.e., circadian clocks) contributed to heightening interest in the study of circadian biological rhythms. In the last few decades, flourishing studies have demonstrated that most organisms have at least one internal circadian timekeeping device that oscillates with a period close to that of the astronomical day (i.e., 24h). To date, many of the physiological mechanisms underlying the control of circadian rhythmicity have been described, while the improvement of molecular biology techniques has permitted extraordinary advancements in our knowledge of the molecular components involved in the machinery underlying the functioning of circadian clocks in many different organisms, man included. In this review, we attempt to summarize our current understanding of the genetic and molecular biology of circadian clocks in cyanobacteria, fungi, insects, and mammals. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 433–451, 2000)  相似文献   

Book Review     
Bodyrhythras - Chronobiology and Peak Performance by Lynne Lamberg. New York: William Morrow, 1994  相似文献   

Just as synthetic organic chemistry once revolutionized the ability of chemists to build molecules (including those that did not exist in nature) following a basic set of design rules, cell-free synthetic biology is beginning to provide an improved toolbox and faster process for not only harnessing but also expanding the chemistry of life. At the interface between chemistry and biology, research in cell-free synthetic systems is proceeding in two different directions: using synthetic biology for synthetic chemistry and using synthetic chemistry to reprogram or mimic biology. In the coming years, the impact of advances inspired by these approaches will make possible the synthesis of nonbiological polymers having new backbone compositions, new chemical properties, new structures, and new functions.  相似文献   

Sex, Symbiosis and Coral Reef Communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. Questions about how today's corals and coral reefswill fare in a future that holds not only increasing directanthropogenic impacts, but also global change, cannot be satisfactorilyanswered if we do not understand the relations of corals andreef systems to today's environmental conditions. This paperdiscusses four aspects of modern reef biology: coral reproduction,coral population biology, the coral-zooxanthella symbiosis,and reef community ecology. Conclusions of this survey of currentknowledge are that complexities of cnidarian reproductive biology,and our rudimentary knowledge of reproductive patterns in reefcnidarians, make forecasting based on current knowledge uncertainat best; new discoveries about the coral algal symbiotic systemsuggest a possible mode of adjustment to environmental changethat warrants a strong research effort; coral communities ofthe future may well be unlike what we are familiar with today;and these new assemblages will be shaped by the interactionof novel environmental conditions and the characteristics ofindividual reef species.  相似文献   

Until the 1930s Germany had been the international leader in biochemistry, chemistry, and areas of biology. After WWII, however, molecular biology as a new interdisciplinary scientific enterprise was scarcely represented in Germany for almost 20 years. Three major reasons for the low performance of molecular biology are discussed: first, the forced emigration of Jewish scientists after 1933, which not only led to the expulsion of future distinguished molecular biologists, but also to a strong decline of “dynamic biochemistry”, a field which contributed greatly to molecular biology. Second, German university structures that strongly impeded interdisciplinary research. Third, the international isolation and self-isolation of German scientists that was a major obstacle to the implementation of new fields of research developed elsewhere. Despite the fact that there was no official boycott against Germany as there had been after WWI and despite the Cold War policy of integrating Germans into the West, as a consequence of National Socialism and WWI for many years only very few German scientists gained access to the international community of molecular biologists. Max Delbrück played an important role in helping the Germans establish modern, mostly molecular, biology because he retained strong connections to Germany. Most importantly, it required a new generation of young scientists who had received part of their training in the US to establish modern molecular biology at German universities and Max Planck Institutes.  相似文献   

Light influences mammalian circadian rhythms in two different ways: (1) It entrains endogenous oscillators (clocks), which regulate physiology and behavior; and (2) it affects directly and often immediately physiology and behavior (these effects are also referred to as masking). Masking effects of light on pineal melatonin, locomotor activity, and the sleep-wake cycle in mammals and man are reviewed. They seem to represent a universal response in this group. The review reveals that the mechanism of photic inhibition of melatonin is fairly well understood, whereas only little is known about the influence of light on other circadian rhythm outputs, such as locomotor activity. (Chronobiology International, 18(5), 737–758, 2001)  相似文献   

合成生物学是一门21世纪生物学的新兴学科,它着眼生物科学与工程科学的结合,把生物系统当作工程系统"从下往上"进行处理,由"单元"(unit)到"部件"(device)再到"系统"(system)来设计,修改和组装细胞构件及生物系统.合成生物学是分子和细胞生物学、进化系统学、生物化学、信息学、数学、计算机和工程等多学科交叉的产物.目前研究应用包括两个主要方面:一是通过对现有的、天然存在的生物系统进行重新设计和改造,修改已存在的生物系统,使该系统增添新的功能.二是通过设计和构建新的生物零件、组件和系统,创造自然界中尚不存在的人工生命系统.合成生物学作为一门建立在基因组方法之上的学科,主要强调对创造人工生命形态的计算生物学与实验生物学的协同整合.必须强调的是,用来构建生命系统新结构、产生新功能所使用的组件单元既可以是基因、核酸等生物组件,也可以是化学的、机械的和物理的元件.本文跟踪合成生物学研究及应用,对其在DNA水平编程、分子修饰、代谢途径、调控网络和工业生物技术等方面的进展进行综述.  相似文献   

Current advances in the emerging field of synthetic biology and the improvements in key technologies promise great impacts, not only on future scientific development, but also on the economy. In this paper we will adopt the triple helix concept for analyzing the early stages of a new field of science and innovation, namely synthetic biology. Synthetic biology is based on the creation and assembly of parts in order to create new and more complex structures and functions. These features of synthetic biology raise questions related to standardization and intellectual property, but also to security and public perception issues that go beyond the classical biotechnology discussions. These issues concern all involved actors in the synthetic biology field and affect the interrelationship between science, industry and policy. Based on the results of the recently finished EU FP-6 funded project TESSY (http://www.tessy-europe.de), the article analyzes these issues. Additionally, it illustrates the setting of clear framework conditions for synthetic biology research and development and the identification and definition of common goals for the future development of the field which will be needed for efficient science–industry–policy interaction. It was shown that it will be crucial to develop approaches that consider the needs of science and industry, on the one hand, and comply with the expectations of society, on the other hand. As synthetic biology is a global activity, the involvement of national decision-makers in international initiatives will further stimulate the development of the field.  相似文献   

Welch (Biol Philos 32(2):263–279, 2017) has recently proposed two possible explanations for why the field of evolutionary biology is plagued by a steady stream of claims that it needs urgent reform. It is either seriously deficient and incapable of incorporating ideas that are new, relevant and plausible or it is not seriously deficient at all but is prone to attracting discontent and to the championing of ideas that are not very relevant, plausible and/or not really new. He argues for the second explanation. This paper presents a twofold critique of his analysis: firstly, the main calls for reform do not concern the field of evolutionary biology in general but rather, or more specifically, the modern evolutionary synthesis. Secondly, and most importantly, these calls are not only inspired by the factors, enumerated by Welch, but are also, and even primarily, motivated by four problematic characteristics of the modern synthesis. This point is illustrated through a short analysis of the latest reform challenge to the modern synthesis, the so-called extended evolutionary synthesis. We conclude with the suggestion that the modern synthesis should be amended, rather than replaced.  相似文献   

Despite the multidisciplinary dimension of the kinds of research conducted under the umbrella of synthetic biology, the US-based founders of this new research area adopted a disciplinary profile to shape its institutional identity. In so doing they took inspiration from two already established fields with very different disciplinary patterns. The analogy with synthetic chemistry suggested by the term ‘synthetic biology’ is not the only model. Information technology is clearly another source of inspiration. The purpose of the paper, with its focus on the US context, is to emphasize the diversity of views and agendas coexisting under the disciplinary label synthetic biology, as the two models analysed are only presented as two extreme postures in the community. The paper discusses the question: in which directions the two models shape this emerging field? Do they chart two divergent futures for synthetic biology?  相似文献   

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