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Bird communities composed of habitat specialists suffer considerable loss of species following disturbance (Ecol. Monogr. 41 , 1971, 207–233). Participatory forest management (PFM) aims to ensure local ownership and support for forest conservation. This study determined if forest birds and forest quality in places under PFM is significantly higher than areas without PFM in Arabuko‐Sokoke forest. Forest quality data were collected in the PFM and no PFM zones in the Mixed forest (MF) and Cynometra Woodland (CW). Plot‐based approach was used to collect vegetation data along 1 km transects at intervals of 1 km sampling twenty transects and 200 plots in each of the study zones. Birds’ data were collected using 10‐min point‐counts along 88, 1 km long transects placed 1‐km apart sampling in 30 m radius‐plots at intervals of 100 m. Data were collected in 2008 and 2009. The results showed higher measures of forest quality in PFM zones than no PFM zones which showed higher measures of forest disturbance. The results did not show statistical differences in birds’ diversity indexes between PFM and no PFM zones indicating that the human‐induced disturbance has not reached critical ecological thresholds to affect birds’ species diversity. It can be deduced that PFM investment is leading to improved forest management.  相似文献   

Arabuko Sokoke Forest is the largest remaining single block of indigenous dry coastal tropical forest in Eastern Africa. Households within a 5 km buffer zone depend heavily on the forest for their livelihood needs, and the pressure on forest resources is on the increase. In May 2015, 109 households were interviewed on resources they obtain from the forest, in terms of the self‐reported level of monthly income. We found household income and farm size significantly positively correlated with benefits from the forest, highlighting the possible influence of household wealth in exploiting forest resources. A large proportion of households (32%) had limited knowledge of local birds, while human–bird conflict was reported by 44% of the households. While many households were keen to participate in conservation projects that maintain the forest, 44% had no knowledge of the forest management plan, and 60% of those interviewed had no idea of how forest zones were designated for particular activities. Drivers for local community participation in conservation projects appear to be sustainable income and fulfilment of basic household needs.  相似文献   

Using an economic approach to provide a rationale for rainforestconservation has been a popular exercise in recent years. This paper uses suchan approach to assess the net value of the Arabuko Sokoke Forest in Kenya. Theeconomic benefits associated with the forest derived by local and globalpopulations are estimated by combining evidence from existing studies and theresults of a contingent valuation study carried out by the authors. Thesebenefits are set against the cost of preserving the forest to the Kenyan ForestDepartment. Even when the opportunity cost of the forest land is omitted fromthe costs of forest preservation, and when the revenues generated from theGlobal Environment Facility (GEF) funded project are included, the costs offorest conservation outweigh the benefits. It is only when non-use andexistencevalues are included (which are not realised by the Kenyan population) that theforest benefits exceed the costs. The paper concludes by arguing that, althoughsome projects within the Arabuko Sokoke Forest have been successful incapturingsome of the economic value associated with the forest, more needs to be done todesign additional capture mechanisms so that a greater proportion of the globalbenefit of the forest can be realised by local populations and localgovernments.  相似文献   

Mwangi Gathua 《Biotropica》2000,32(1):127-132
I examined the fate of seeds from ten focal trees of Afzelia quanzensis (Leguminosae), a canopy tree in the Arabuko‐Sokoke, Kenya. The study was conducted for one fruiting season, between August 1990 and July 1991. Yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus), Syke's monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis), sun squirrels (Heliosciurus rufobrachium), and bush squirrels (Paraxerus palliatus) were all observed to interact with A. quanzensis seeds at various stages of pod development. Baboons and squirrels consumed high percentages of seeds when they were still immature, but the seeds were still unavailable to Syke's monkeys at this stage. Baboons bit open the hard green pods and squirrels gnawed through the pods to extract the immature seeds (hereafter referred to as seed predation), but monkeys were unable to open the pods. Upon maturity, the pods opened slightly, revealing red arils that were sought by baboons, monkeys, and squirrels. Monkeys removed the highest percentage of mature seeds from these pods. These mammal dispersers ate the arils from the mature seeds and discarded the viable part that germinates (hereafter referred to as seed dispersal). My data indicate that baboons and squirrels are seed predators while monkeys are seed dispersers of A. quanzensis.  相似文献   

We investigated freshwater gastropod diversity, abundance and distribution in habitats with and without anthropogenic disturbance in two localities, Ndere in the Winam Gulf and Mbita Point, Lake Victoria, Kenya, from May 2002 to January 2004. A total of 133 984 gastropod specimens belonging to 15 species were recorded, 14 from Mbita and 12 from Ndere. Two species, Ferrissia kavirondica and Cleopatra cridlandi, which were recorded only from undisturbed habitats, could be indicators of least disturbed habitats. Water chemistry did differ between fish landing sites and undisturbed habitats at some sampling times, indicating that differences due to human impact do exist, but these are dependent on periods of calm weather. The study shows that anthropogenic disturbances cause ecological changes that can be exploited by some snail species, especially Biomphalaria choanomphala and Melanoides tuberculata, while other species may not tolerate these changes. In order to protect gastropod diversity and avoid dominance of intermediate hosts, such as B. choanomphala, a management plan for the use of these fish landing sites should be developed. This could include rules on how to dispose of fish remnants and other wastes so as to reduce local eutrophication, thereby reducing risks associated with transmission of potential snail-borne diseases.  相似文献   

A botanical inventory and diversity of trees, shrubs (≥5 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]), herbs, climbers and lianas was assessed in plots (154) of 20 × 5 m in Mt. Marsabit forest, northern Kenya. We recorded 52 species of trees and shrubs, twelve species of herbs and six species of climbers and lianas. They belonged to 35 families and 64 genera. Rubiaceae was the richest family with nine species followed by Euphorbiaceae (six), Oleaceae (five), Rutaceae (four), Capparaceae, Labiatae and Leguminosae (three each). The rest of the families were represented by one or two species. Rinorea convallarioides (Bak.f.) Eyles ssp. marsabitensis Grey‐Wilson (Violaceae), an endemic species, and Drypetes gerrardii Hutch. (Euphorbiaceae), were the two most important species, accounting for more than third of the combined importance value. Species diversity indices were 2.735 (Shannon–Wiener), 0.88 (Simpson's) and 0.296 (Evenness). There was a strong evidence of disturbance arising from anthropogenic and wildlife foraging activities. This inventory has affirmed Mt. Marsabit forest as a unique habitat for several endemic, rare, threatened or vulnerable plant species, which should be conserved.  相似文献   

The conversion of natural, or seminatural, habitats to agricultural land and changes in agricultural land use are significant drivers of biodiversity loss. Within the context of land‐sharing versus land‐sparing debates, large‐scale commercial agriculture is known to be detrimental to biodiversity, but the effects of small‐scale subsistence farming on biodiversity are disputed. This poses a problem for sustainable land‐use management in the Global South, where approximately 30% of farmland is small‐scale. Following a rapid land redistribution program in Zimbabwe, we evaluated changes in avian biodiversity by examining richness, abundance, and functional diversity. Rapid land redistribution has, in the near term, resulted in increased avian abundance in newly farmed areas containing miombo woodland and open habitat. Conversion of seminatural ranched land to small‐scale farms had a negative impact on larger‐bodied birds, but species richness increased, and birds in some feeding guilds maintained or increased abundance. We found evidence that land‐use change caused a shift in the functional traits of the communities present. However, functional analyses may not have adequately reflected the trait filtering effect of land redistribution on large species. Whether newly farmed landscapes in Zimbabwe can deliver multiple benefits in terms of food production and habitat for biodiversity in the longer term is an open question. When managing agricultural land transitions, relying on taxonomic measures of diversity, or abundance‐weighted measures of function diversity, may obscure important information. If the value of smallholder‐farmed land for birds is to be maintained or improved, it will be essential to ensure that a wide array of habitat types is retained alongside efforts to reduce hunting and persecution of large bird species.  相似文献   

Aim Using New Zealand land snails as a case study, we evaluated recent spatial modelling approaches for the analysis of diversity in species‐rich invertebrate groups. Applications and prospects for improved conservation assessment were investigated. Location New Zealand. Methods The study used a spatially extensive and taxonomically comprehensive, plot‐based dataset on community structure in New Zealand land snails. Generalized regression analysis and spatial prediction (GRASP) was used to model and predict species richness as a function of environmental variables (including aspects of climate, soils and vegetation). Generalized dissimilarity modelling (GDM) was used to model turnover in species composition in relation to environmental and geographical distances, and to assess community similarity and the representativeness of the reserve network. Results Observed land snail richness in 20 × 20 m plots ranged from 1 to 74 (mean 17.5). The GRASP model explained a modest 27% of the variation in richness. The GDM model explained 57% of the variation in species turnover and indicated approximately equal amounts related to environmental (Cody’s beta diversity) and geographical distance (Cody’s gamma diversity). Temperature and moisture were the most important environmental variables. Results indicate that snail distributions are not only sorted by environment but are also strongly influenced by historical effects consistent with those expected of poorly dispersing taxa that have persisted in refugia during past climatic change. The GDM model enabled spatial classifications of snail communities, highlighting diverse communities in heterogeneous regions, such as the South Island mountains, and also enabled continuous depictions of community similarity and adequacy of New Zealand’s protected natural areas network. Main conclusions The GRASP and GDM analyses allowed us to model and depict spatial patterns of diversity in land snail communities involving 845 species, and produce community classifications and estimates of community similarity. These tools advance conservation assessment in species‐rich groups, but require further conceptual and methodological development.  相似文献   

Invasive terrestrial plants often substantially reshape environments, yet how such invasions affect terrestrial snail assemblages remains understudied. We investigated how snail assemblages in deciduous forest soils with dense Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry), an invasive shrub in eastern North America, differ from forest areas lacking the shrub. Leaf litter and soil samples were collected from forest patches with dense B. thunbergii understories and adjacent control areas within two exurban forest tracts in western Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Snails were identified to species and quantified by standard diversity metrics. Contrary to our expectations, snails were significantly more abundant and diverse in B. thunbergii-invaded areas. Despite differences in abundance, the snail community composition did not differ between invaded and control habitats. The terrestrial snail assemblage we observed, which was composed entirely of native species, appears to respond favorably to B. thunbergii invasion and therefore may not be negatively impacted by physicochemical changes to soils typically observed in association with the plant. Such findings could reflect the fact that B. thunbergii likely creates more favorable habitat for snails by creating cooler, more humid, and more alkaline soil environments. However, the snail assemblages we retrieved may consist mostly of species with high tolerance to environmental degradation due to a legacy of land use change and acid deposition in the region.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the geographical distributions of both shell polymorphisms and mitochondrial haplotypes in Cepaea land snails have suggested varying contributions of natural selection, random genetic drift and population history to the origin and persistence of variation. We combine previous studies of polymorphism within two species of Cepaea , with new molecular data from two mitochondrial genes. The distributions of mitochondrial variants suggest that elements of population history may have been influential in creating patterns of diversity. However, some patterns of amino acid substitution that are found in a protein coding gene are also consistent with the action of diversifying selection. This suggests the possibility that in addition to stochastic processes such as repeated founder events, local extinctions and random genetic drift within a structured population, adaptive molecular change may have affected mitochondrial diversity.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 167–184.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of amphibians were investigated in Meru National Park, Kenya, using transect sampling, drift‐fence and pitfall trapping and opportunistic collecting. A total of 430 individuals under seven genera (Amietophrynus, Hemisus, Hyperolius, Phrynobatrachus, Phrynomantis, Ptychadena, Xenopus) comprising eleven species were sampled in three different habitats (apart from this, two additional species are known from Meru National Park): Acacia‐wooded grassland; Combretum‐wooded grassland; AcaciaCommiphora bushland. The sex ratio for almost all species was balanced (chi‐square, χ2; P > 0.5) and was not affected by habitat type (ANOVA: F = 8.3026, P = 0.6914). Shannon–Weaver Index (2.227) and Simpson's Index (8.244) were relatively high, and most of the eleven species sampled appeared to have a relatively even distribution (Shannon's Evenness Index, E = 0.927). However, Hemisus marmoratus and Phrynomantis bifasciatus were exclusively recorded in Acacia‐wooded grassland and in low abundances. There was a positive linear relationship of body weight against snout–vent length for two randomly selected anurans (Hyperolius glandicolor, Phrynobatrachus natalensis) among all three vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Little of Brazil's remaining Atlantic forest is protected, so it is important to assess how well the region's wildlife can persist in areas/habitats outside reserves. We studied bird diversity and abundance during 546 point counts in the Sooretama/Linhares reserve, 200 point counts in 31 forest fragments (10–150 h), and 50 point counts in <30-year-old Eucalyptus plantations, within 7 km of the reserve. Only eight bird species were recorded in Eucalyptus, and this impoverishment, as compared to some Eucalyptus plantations elsewhere in Brazil may be a result of intensive clearance of understory vegetation. Species diversity in forest fragments was significantly lower than in the reserve. Twelve, mostly non-forest or edge species, were significantly commoner in the fragments, but nineteen species were frequent in the reserve but rare or absent in forest fragments. These included two Pyrrhura parakeets, a Brotogeris parakeet, a trogon Trogon, a jacamar Galbula, woodpeckers Piculus and Campephilus, Myrmotherula antwrens, and Hemithraupus and Tachyphonus tanagers. Bird species richness at points in forest fragments did not decline with fragment size, distance from the reserve, or forest quality. However, forest in fragments was more heavily degraded than forest within the reserve and poor forest quality may be the cause of declines in some species. Whilst protection of forest within reserves is a priority, management of forest fragments may aid conservation of some threatened species.  相似文献   

Tree species diversity was measured in a network of very small galleryforests within the Mountain Pine Ridge savanna in Belize. Research focussed onforest patches smaller than 1 ha in size (micro-forests) and linearstrips of trees along creeks lacking interior core zones with low understoreylight levels (tree thickets). Twenty-five micro-forests and 51 tree thicketsites were sampled throughout the savanna. A total of 144 morphospecies 5cm dbh (106 in micro-forests and 117 in tree thickets) werefound, which represents 1/5 of the approximately 700 native tree species in Belize.Most (85.3%) of the species encountered are typically found in tropical rainforests and few are restricted to savanna or riparian environments. Speciesaccumulated at a much faster rate in micro-forests than in tree thickets. Onlyone species, the palm Acoelorraphe wrightii, was extremelyabundant, accounting for almost 30% of all stems. Many of the species werepresent in very low densities: 19% of all species found in micro-forests and 42%of those found in tree thickets had on average one or fewer stems per hectare. Alarge proportion of species were also found infrequently across the landscape,being present in only 36% of micro-forests and at 52% of tree thicket sites. Theresults indicate that networks of very small forest patches can contain highnumbers of species and could therefore contribute to the maintenance of regionalbiodiversity.  相似文献   

Plantation forests generally support lower bird diversity than natural forests. However, in some instances the plantations have been found to provide suitable habitat for a number of bird species. In the Eastern Arc Mountains, there is limited knowledge how understorey birds, some of which make seasonal altitudinal movements, use plantations. Using mist netting we assessed seasonal use of the plantation forest by the understorey bird community in Bunduki Forest Reserve in the Uluguru Mountains. Species diversity and capture rates were significantly higher during the cold season than during the hot season possibly due to seasonal altitudinal migration by some species. The use of plantations by those species that make seasonal altitudinal movements shows that plantation forests can enhance indigenous biodiversity by enabling connectivity between two or more natural forest patches. Our findings suggest that in a situation where there is no natural forest, an exotic plantation with suitable indigenous understorey cover can help in protection of birds, including endemic and near-endemic species.  相似文献   

Diversity and distribution of bats was determined in four vegetation types in and around Meru National Park, Kenya between September 2000 and February 2001. Bat‐habitat studies were based on plant species dominance, cover and farming activities. Bats were captured using standard mist nets (18 m long × 2 m high) erected on poles averaging 3 m. Vegetation was broadly grouped as Acacia or Combretum wooded grassland, or Acacia–Commiphora bushland and studied using the Braun‐Blanquet method. Analysis of floristic similarity showed five vegetation species assemblages in the three broad categories. Four hundred and ninety‐five bats representing eleven genera in seven families were recorded. These were Epomophorus labiatus, E. wahlbergi, Cardioderma cor, Lavia frons, Myotis welwitschii, Scotoecus hirundo, S. leucogaster, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Mops condylurus, Chaerephon bemmeleni, Mormopterus sp., Hipposideros caffer, H. commersoni, Nycteris arge and Rhinolophus landeri. This was the first record of N. arge, M. welwitschii, C. bemmeleni and a Mormopterus species in eastern Kenya. The Combretum community was most equitable (E = 0.51) with nine bat species records, while farming areas had only four. The low species richness and increased dominance of a few generalist species on farms may be indicative of different levels of disturbance.  相似文献   

多孔菌是木材腐朽菌中最关键的真菌类群, 是森林生态系统的重要组成部分。为了明确植物园对植物上真菌资源的保护状况, 在2010-2021年间, 作者对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的31个代表性植物园中木本植物上的多孔菌进行了系统调查、标本采集和种类鉴定, 记录多孔菌164种, 隶属于担子菌门伞菌纲6目23科79属。其中, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园、儋州热带植物园和广西药用植物园多孔菌种类最多, 分别有90种、46种和37种; 兰州植物园、西宁植物园和乌鲁木齐植物园物种数量最少, 分别有4种、3种和2种。在植物园中, 分布最多的物种是云芝栓孔菌(Trametes versicolor)、白囊耙齿菌(Irpex lacteus)和黑管孔菌(Bjerkandera adusta), 分别生长在24、18和18个植物园中, 而软多孢孔菌(Abundisporus mollissimus)等32种多孔菌只发现于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园中。在164种多孔菌中, 常见种、偶见种和稀有种分别有114、40和10种。生长在植物园中的多孔菌仅占全国所有森林生态系统多孔菌总数的16%, 而植物园中发现的稀有种仅占全国稀有种总数的3.1%。在10种稀有多孔菌中, 有6种发现于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的天然林中, 其中4种稀有多孔菌发现于植物园内的人工林中, 占植物园所有多孔菌的2.4%, 占全国稀有多孔菌的1.3%。所调查植物园多孔菌包括了热带、亚热带、温带、北半球广布和寒温带成分, 分别包括50、45、38、20和11种, 占本研究多孔菌总数的30.5%、27.4%、23.2%、12.2%和6.7%。目前中国植物园保存了我国60%的植物种类, 包括85%的珍稀濒危植物, 但对生长在植物园中的多孔菌资源保护作用有限。因此, 对稀有多孔菌的保育仍需聚焦在森林生态系统的保护上。  相似文献   

山西省蝶类多样性与地带分布   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
结合自然地理与植被条件对山西蝶类多样性分布的现状进行研究,结果表明,其特点是:不同林区差异性大,呈南北递减趋势,受小气候环境影响较大,资源呈片段化分布,耕作区种类多样性丧失严重。根据已知的216种蝶类在山西15个林区的分布情况,采用聚类平均法(UPGMA)对这15个林区的蝶类多样性进行聚类分析,在相似性系数为0.85时,可将山西林区划分为5个蝶类分布地带。按照地理位置和自然景观的不同,分别称之为:Ⅰ.南端山地蝴蝶区;Ⅱ.南部盆地蝴蝶区;Ⅲ.中南部山地丘陵蝴蝶区;Ⅳ.中部高山蝴蝶区;Ⅴ.西北部丘陵蝴蝶区。在关键区系分析中,得知南端山地蝴蝶区和中部高山蝴蝶区是山西蝶类多样性分布的重要地区,对这两个区系加以保护,即可保护山西已知蝴蝶种类的97.7%。  相似文献   

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