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Nonsurgical recoveries and transfers of embryos were performed at the McKellar Embryo Transplant Center from 122 superovulated Brahman cows. FSH-P (Armour) was used to superovulate all cows at dose levels ranging from 36 to 48 mg total FSH-P. Luteal regression was induced by use of 40 mg PGF(2(alpha)) in all 122 cows. Embryos were transferred into recipients 6, 7 or 8 days after observed estrus. Embryos were successfully collected from 82% of the FSH-P treated cows. The dose level of FSH-P affected numbers of embryos collected (P<.05). Numbers of embryos collected from cows superovulated with 36-38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47-48 mg FSH-P were 2.8 +/- 1.0, 6.8 +/- 1.1, 9.4 +/- 1.4, 10.0 +/- 2.7, 7.1 +/- 1.6, 6.8 +/- 2.0, 5.0 +/- 1.7 and 4.6 +/- 2.0 embryos, respectively. The dose level of FSH-P also affected numbers of embryos transferred (P<.10). Number of embryos transferred from cows superovulated with 36-38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47-48 mg FSH-P were 2.8 +/- 1.9, 5.2 +/- 0.9, 6.9 +/- 1.2, 6.7 +/- 2.1, 4.8 +/- 1.3, 5.1 +/- 1.4, 3.4 +/- 1.2 and 3.2 +/- 2.1 embryos, respectively. The developmental stage (D) of the embryo was also a factor in pregnancy rate of recipients (morula = 13.8%, blastocyst = 22.1% and expanded blastocyst = 29.9%; P<.005). The skill of the technician (T) transferring the embryo had a dramatic effect upon subsequent pregnancy rate of the recipients (T 1 = 46.0% vs T 2 = 22.6% pregnancy rate; P<.005). Pregnancy rate of recipients was also affected by the stage postestrus (S) at which the embryo was transferred (day 6 = 23.5%, day 7 = 25.5% and day 8 = 42.3% pregnancy rate; P<.05). Interactions were found between T x S, T x D, S x D and T x S x D (P<.05). These data indicate that use of 40, 42, or 43 mg total doses of FSH-P were quite effective in superovulating the Brahman cow. Recipients transferred on day 8 postestrus achieved higher pregnancy rates than recipients transferred on days 6 or 7 postestrus. Embryos transferred in the expanded blastocyst stage of development proved to yield the highest pregnancy rates in recipients.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the relative effects of genetic and phenotypic factors on the efficacy and efficiency of superovulation for Holstein-Friesian cows reared in Brazil. A database, established by the Associacao Brasileira de Criadores de Bovinos da Raca Holandesa, consisting of a total of 5387 superovulations of 2941 cows distributed over 473 herds and sired by 690 bulls was used for the analysis. The records were analyzed by MTDFREML (Multiple Trait Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood), using a repeatability animal model. The fixed effects included in the model were contemporaneous group (veterinarian, herd, year and season of the superovulation); number of semen doses; cow age; and superovulation order. The estimated repeatability of the number of the transferable embryos was low (0.13), and the estimated heritability was 0.03. These results indicate that environmental factors play a critical role in the response of a cow to a superovulation treatment. There is little evidence that future responses to superovulation by individual females can be predicted by previous treatment(s) or that superovulation response is an heritable trait.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to examine the effects of estrus synchronization scheme, gonadotropin injection protocol and presence of a large ovarian follicle on response to superstimulation of follicular development and the ensuing superovulation. Estrus was synchronized with either a progestin compound (MGA) or by the use of a luteolytic agent (PGF). Superstimulation was induced with 280 mg equivalents of pFSH administered either by a single subcutaneous injection or by a series of 8 intramuscular injections over 4 d. Follicular development was followed for 5 d with real-time ultrasound, and the heifers were retrospectively classified as to the presence or absence of a large follicle (> or = 8 mm; morphologically dominant follicle) at the start of superstimulation. The 2 trials differed by season of the year and genetic origin of the heifers. In Trial I (20 heifers), the ovulation rate was influenced by the 3-way interaction of the synchronization scheme, injection protocol and morphologically dominant follicle (P = 0.05). The number of large follicles on Day 5 (Day 0 = day of start of superstimulation) and ovarian score (scale 1 to 5 based on extent of follicular development; 1 = least, 5 = most) on Day 5 were significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with ovulation rate. In Trial II (20 heifers), the ovulation rate, number of embryos recovered, number of transferable embryos and ovarian weights were all greater (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01) with the 8-injection protocol than the 1-injection protocol. The number of medium follicles (5 to 7 mm) on Days 2 and 3, number of large follicles (> or = 8 mm) on Days 3, 4 and 5 and ovarian scores on Days 4 and 5 were all significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with ovulation rate. In both trials, differences in follicle populations were not seen until Day 3 of the superstimulation procedure. Collectively, these trials do not provide strong support for a single injection of FSH, as used here, nor does it indicate a clear advantage for either MGA or PGF as a means of enhancing the ovulation rate or embryo quality.  相似文献   

Repeatabilities of total numbers of ova (TO) and morphologically normal embryos (MNE) recovered following superovulation of Brangus cows were estimated from records of 210 attempts involving 75 cows. Repeatability of the number of TO recovered was 0.22 +/- 0.08 and the number of MNE recovered was 0.19 +/- 0.08. Overall mean numbers of TO and MNE were 9.0 and 5.0, respectively. The mean numbers of TO recovered were 8.9 from the first treatment, 9.5 from the second treatment, and 8.6 from the third treatment. The mean numbers of MNE recovered were 5.2 from the first treatment, 4.6 from the second treatment, and 5.2 from the third treatment. Regressions of TO or MNE numbers per collection indicated that the superovulatory response did not decline significantly with repeated superovulation.  相似文献   

In the present study, two new short estrus synchronization methods have been developed for lactating dairy cows. The study was completed in three consecutive phases. In experiment (Exp) 1, 32 cows, that were not detected in estrus since calving between the 50th and 84th post-partum days, were treated with PGF2alpha (PGF, d-cloprostenol, 0.150 mg), estradiol propionate (EP, 2mg) and GnRH (lecirelina, 50 microg) at 24h intervals, respectively, and timed artificial insemination (TAI) was performed 48 h after PGF. Different from Exp 1, EP and GnRH were given at 48 and 60 h, respectively after PGF in Exp 2 (n=20), instead of 24 and 48 h. Ovulations were investigated by ultrasound for 7 days starting from the day of PGF treatment, and ovulation rates were compared with the ones obtained in Exp 1. In Exp 3, cows were given the same treatments as Exp 2, but treatments started at certain estrus stages. Cows detected in estrus and with a confirmed ovulation (n=27) after the second PGF given 11 days apart were assigned to three treatment groups. Treatment was initiated at Day 3 (group metestrus, n=9), Day 12 (group diestrus, n=9) and Day 18 (group proestrus, n=9) after ovulation. All cows included in Exp 3 were TAI between 16 and 20 h after GnRH treatment. In Exp 2 and 3, blood samples were obtained once every 2 days, starting from Day 0 to the 10th day after GnRH injection, and once every 4 days between the 10th and the 22nd days after GnRH to examine post-treatment luteal development. During the study, animals exhibiting natural estrus were inseminated and served as controls (n=85). The rate of estrus was found to be significantly higher in cows with an active corpus luteum (CL) at the start of Exp 1 (72.7% vs. 30.0%, P<0.05) and the pregnancy rate tended to be higher than cows without an active CL (40.9% vs. 10.0%, P=0.08). Compared to those in Exp 1, cows in Exp 2 had higher rates of synchronized ovulation (94.1% vs. 59.1%, P=0.013). In Exp 3, estrus (P<0.001) and pregnancy rates (P=0.01) were found to be significantly higher in cows in the proestrus group than in those in the metestrus group. Comparable pregnancy rates were obtained from the first and second inseminations in Exp 1 and 3 with results from those inseminated at natural estrus (P>0.05). It was concluded from the study that the treatment in Exp 1 and 3 could result in comparable pregnancy rates after timed AI of lactating dairy cows at random stages of the estrus cycle relating to those inseminated at natural estrus, but the stage of the estrus cycle can have significant effects on pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

The effects of energy supplementation (flushing) on LH and estradiol secretion, follicular growth and the response to estrus synchronization treatment (Norgestomet + PMSG initiated 41.9 +/- 3.4 d after calving) were investigated in 16 suckled beef cows fed either 70% (Group C, n = 8) of energy requirements from calving to 3 wk after AI or fed the same restricted diet until 11 d before synchronization and then were supplemented with 2 kg concentrate until 3 wk after AI (Group S, n = 8). Concentrations of LH and estradiol 17 beta were measured from 3 sampling periods: 25 and 39 d after calving and between 29 and 49 h after implant removal. Ovaries were examined by ultrasonography 11 d before treatment to implant withdrawal (IR). The effects of energy level, day (or hour) of observation and corresponding interactions were tested on repeated measurements by split-plot ANOVA. No positive effect of flushing was observed on characteristics of LH secretion on Day 39. However, the size of the largest follicle and the number of large follicles were higher in Group S than in Group C cows, respectively, 7 and 9 d after the beginning of flushing to 2 d after the start of treatment. After IR, the estradiol secretion tended to be higher in Group S than in Group C cows (9.8 +/- 0.4 pg/mL vs 7.2 +/- 0.2 pg/mL; P = 0.06), but no effect on LH secretion was observed. After implant removal 12 cows ovulated (Group S: 7/8 vs Group C: 5/8; P > 0.05), 7 were pregnant at 21 d after AI (Group S: 6/8 vs Group C: 1/8; P < 0.05) and 4 at 45 d after AI (Group S: 4/8 vs Group C 0/8; P > 0.05). To conclude, flushing had a positive effect on follicular growth, which does not seem to be mediated by LH. In cows fed a restricted diet, flushing enhanced follicular growth, increased the fertilization rate and/or reduced early embryonic death.  相似文献   

Six Barbari goats each were assigned randomly to treatments 1,2 or 3, comprising im injections of FSH (folltropin) at 12, 14 or 16 mg dose level respectively. Estrus was synchronized with intravaginal sponge impregnated with flugestone acetate (30 mg; chronogest) inserted for 12 days and cloprostenol (125 micrograms) im at the insertion as well as at removal of sponge. FSH treatment started 48 hr before the sponge removal as 4-day declining dose scheme. Estrus could be effectively synchronized in all goats under the study, with significant difference (P less than 0.05) in the onset of estrus between the treatment groups. All goats were administered with 750 IU hCG i.v. at estrus. Recording of ovarian response and embryo recovery was done 45 hr after the onset of estrus. The prime aim of superovulation was effectively achieved in Barbari goats with the use of chronogest implants and folltropin. There was no difference (P greater than 0.05) between the treatment groups in recovery of transferable embryos, however, 14 mg folltropin appeared to be near optimal dose. There was no adverse effect on the quality of recovered embryos with high doses of folltropin.  相似文献   

Postimplantation stage rat embryos (6-10 somites) undergo abnormal development after exposure to a temperature of 43 degrees C for 30 min. A heat shock of 43 degrees C for 30 min also induces the synthesis of a set of eight heat shock proteins (hsps) with molecular masses ranging from 28,000 to 82,000 Da. The synthesis of these hsps is rapidly induced after the heat shock is applied and rapidly decays after embryos are returned to 37 degrees C. A heat shock of 42 degrees C for 30 min has no effect on rat embryo growth and development, but does induce the synthesis of three hsps. The most prominent of these three is believed to be the typical mammalian 70 kDa hsp. Furthermore, a 42 degrees C, 30-min heat shock followed by a 43 degrees C 30-min heat shock leads to partial protection from the embryotoxic effects of a single exposure at 43 degrees C, i.e., thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicular dynamics and steroid secretion patterns were monitored in postpartum beef cows that were synchronized for estrus with melengestrol acetate (MGA) or prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) prior to superovulation. Twenty-four muhiparous Angus cows were stratified by number of days postpartum to an MGA or PGF treatment prior to superovulation. Cows in the MGA group were fed 0.5 mg MGA/d for 14 d in a grain carrier. Superstitnulatory treatments began 14 d after withdrawal of MGA from feed or 11 d after administering a single injection of 500 microg cloprostenol (PGF). Supersthnulatory treatments (FSH) were administered twice daily in decreasing doses (7.5, 5, 5, 2.5 mg) over 4 d. Sixty and 72 h after initiating the superstimulatory treatments, all cows were treated with 750 microg and 500 microg PGF, respectively Cows were inseminated at 0, 12, and 24 h from the onset of standing estrus with semen from 2 proven sires. Cows within treatment were inseminated with 1, 2 and 1 (single) or 2, 4 and 2 units (double) of semen at the designated insemination times. Blood sampling and transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries were performed daily beginning 2 d prior to the initiation of FSH treatment and were continued through embryo recovery. Ovaries were examined daily to determine the number and size of follicles. Plasma samples were analyzed for progesterone and estradiol. Follicles were counted and categorized based on a 5 to 9 mm range or >/= 10 mm. At the end of superovulatory treatment there were more (P /= 10 mm among cows that were estrus synchronized with MGA (75 +/- 1.2) than with PGF (3.9 +/- 1.2) These differences were reflected in higher (P 相似文献   

Reproductive performance in cows following synchronization of estrus with intravaginal progesterone releasing devices (IVD) has varied with the length of treatment, cyclic status and prolonged return to estrus intervals in some cows following first AI. The objective of this study was to compare two methods of synchronizing and resynchronizing estrus on the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. Cows were treated with an IVD (Day 0) for 7 days (n = 350) or 8 days (n = 350), cloprostenol (0.5 mg i.m.) at the time of device removal and estradiol benzoate (EB) at the time of device insertion (1.5mg i.m.), and again 9 days later (1.0 mg i.m.). Cows were also resynchronized starting on Days 23 and 46 by reinsertion of IVDs for either 7 or 8 days and treatment with EB (1mg i.m.) at the time of device insertion and again 9 days later. Cows were inseminated on detection of estrus for 4 days after removal of devices at each of the synchronized estrous cycles. No significant differences in reproductive performance were detected between each treatment throughout the study period. Synchrony of estrus was more precise at the first and second estrus after treatment with an IVD for 8 days compared to 7 days. Cows classified as anestrous had lower reproductive performance than cows classified as cycling and had longer intervals to estrus at the second (P < 0.001) and third estrus (P < 0.06), but not at the first estrus (P = 0.09). Mean time to onset of estrus after IVD removal was less in cows treated with an IVD for 8 days compared to 7 days at each synchronized estrus (P < 0.01). More Holstein-Friesian cows were classified as non-pregnant and not detected in estrus than crossbreed cows (15.7%, 54/343 versus 9.0%, 24/266; [P < 0.05). The results of the study suggested that the main effects of the treatments that were used to synchronize and resynchronize estrus were to alter the timing and synchrony of estrus without affecting fertility.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this investigation to study the combined effect of superovulation and non-surgical recovery on the fertility of the donor animals. Injection of a prostaglandin analogue at the day of collection (days 6–8 after standing heat), significantly shortened the super-ovulatory estrus cycle (21.3 ± 10.0 days), when compared with untreated donor animals (38.7 ± 15.1 days). The prostaglandin treatment, however, also led to more irregular estrous cycles, resulting in a lower pregnancy rate after first insemination (47%) and a need for more inseminations per conception (2.00 ± 1.00), than in animals not treated with prostaglandin analogue (92.3% and 1.06 ± 0.29 AI/conception). For all animals these parameters were 66.6% and 1.60 ± 0.99 AI/conception). The average time from calving to pregnancy was 143.1 ± 34.3 days, slightly longer for prostaglandin treated (148.2 ± 39.4 days) than for untreated animals (137.3 ± 22.8 days). One animal developed endometritis and one had adhesions in the bursa ovarii. It was found that most donors attained normal fertility, and that superovulation was more likely to affect the fertility (abnormal cyclicity, early embryonic mortality e.g.) than the flushing of the uterus. Treatment with a prostaglandin analogue at the day of collection did not improve the subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

The present experiment aimed to compare the efficiency of supplementation (+17.5 MJ Net Energy/d starting 47 +/- 4 days after calving) with concentrate (CS, maize grain, n = 10) or with forage (FS, maize silage, n = 10) in estrus-synchronized (Norgestomet implant 10 days inserted 60 +/- 4 days postpartum + PMSG at implant removal) beef cows previously restricted (47 MJ Net Energy/d, 785 g CP/d, 70% of requirements). The type of diet had no significant effect on basal LH concentrations (CS: 0.18 +/- 0.12 vs FS: 0.11+/- 0.02 ng/mL), LH pulse frequency (CS : 0.7 +/- 0.3 vs FS: 0.8 +/- 0.2 pulse/10 h), LH pulse amplitude (CS: 0.55 +/- 0.50 vs FS : 0.62 +/- 0.50 ng/mL) or estradiol (E2) concentrations (CS: 3.3 +/- 0.8 vs FS: 4.6+ /- 0.8 pg/mL) 13 days after the beginning of energy supplementation. No differences between CS and FS cows were observed for the number of small, medium and large follicles nor on the size of the largest follicle from 11 days before implant insertion to implant removal (IR). After IR, an LH surge was observed in 2 of the CS and 4 of the FS cows. The type of energy supplementation had no significant effect on LH (CS: 0.16 +/- 0.06 ng/mL vs FS 0.48 +/- 0.06 ng/mL; P > 0.05) or on estradiol concentrations (CS : 7.8 +/- 0.2 vs FS : 8.9 +/- 0.2 pg/mL, P > 0.10) measured hourly from 29 to 49 h after IR. Cows that ovulated after IR tended to have higher E2 concentrations than cows that did not ovulate (9.4 +/- 0.2 vs 6.3 +/- 0.2 pg/mL, P = 0.08). Similar ovulation and pregnancy rates were observed in CS and FS cows (CS: 6/10 vs FS: 7/10 and CS: 6/10 vs FS: 5/10 respectively, P > 0.05). To conclude, energy supplementation with forage was as effective as energy supplementation with concentrate to influence follicular growth, ovulation and pregnancy percentage after estrus synchronization treatment in diet-restricted beef cows.  相似文献   

The use of tailhead paste and chin-ball markers for estrus detection in beef cows following estrus synchronization was evaluated. The estrous cycles of 85 cows were synchronized with a prostaglandin analogue in a two-injection program. At the time of the second injection, each cow's tailhead was painted with an estrus detection paste and the cows were placed in pastures with four intact bulls with chin-ball markers. Blood samples for plasma progesterone assays were obtained at the time of each injection and daily for five days following the second injection. Based on progesterone values, tailhead paste was incorrect 27% of the time in indicating estrus and chin-ball markers were incorrect 24% of the time. Detecting particular cows in estrus in groups of synchronized cows is difficult even with estrus detection aids.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the heat shock response of Xenopus laevis embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have further characterized the heat shock response of Xenopus laevis embryos. Xenopus embryos respond to heat shock by consistently synthesizing four major heat shock proteins (hsps) of 62, 70, 76, and 87 kilodaltons. In addition to these hsps, heat-shocked embryos also exhibit the synthesis of several minor hsps. The synthesis of these hsps is often variable. We have monitored the effects of different temperatures and lengths of heat shock on the pattern and intensity of hsp synthesis. In general, the four major hsps are induced more strongly at higher temperatures and during increasing intervals of heat shock. The temperature and duration of heat shock can affect the synthesis of the minor hsps, however. Some hsps are synthesized at lower temperatures only (i.e., below 37 degrees C), whereas others are synthesized only at higher temperatures (i.e., above 37 degrees C). We have extensively examined the characteristics of hsp 35 synthesis, one of the most variably synthesized hsps. This hsp is characteristically synthesized at temperatures above 35 degrees C and usually during the first 40 min of heat shock, after which it becomes undetectable. In some experiments, its synthesis is restimulated during later intervals of heat shock. Hsp 35 is also under developmental regulation. It is not synthesized by heat-shocked embryos until the late blastula to early gastrula stage. After this brief period of inducibility, its synthesis is dramatically reduced in mid- to late gastrulae, but reappears in heat-shocked neurulae. We have previously demonstrated that hsp 35 is related to the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). The induction of hsp 35 synthesis is inversely correlated with the constitutive levels of GAPDH specific activity. In this paper we document further correlations between the synthesis of hsp 35 and GAPDH specific activity during early Xenopus development.  相似文献   

Nubian doelings (n = 21, 7 of which were repeats) were synchronized and superovulated with Norgestomet ear implants and follicle stimulating hormone-pituitary (FSH-p) and were then mated during early and late periods of their breeding season in the southeastern United States. A 100% response rate to estrus synchronization treatment was found in doelings (n = 15, 2 of which were repeats) treated early in the breeding season, and the superovulation regimen resulted in the surgical collection of an average of 15.1 viable embryos per doeling. But only a 66.7% response rate to estrus synchronization treatment was observed in doelings (n = 6, 5 of which were repeats) treated late in the season; only 50% of these doelings (or 33.3% of the initial doelings treated) responded to superovulatory treatment, resulting in an average of 3.33 viable embryos collected surgically per doeling. Thus, a significantly higher number of viable embryos can be obtained from Nubian doelings when treated for estrus synchronization and superovulation early in the breeding season.  相似文献   

Daily plasma progesterone (P(4)) was determined during one estrous cycle of 19 cows and 18 heifers of four different breeds: Holstein (H), Brahman (B), Carora-type (C) and crossbred (CB) females. Estrus detection was made by visual observation and using a teaser bull with a chin-ball marker. The P(4) profiles showed no differences among groups. In Group 1 (H), P(4) levels ranged from 0.5 ng/ml plasma on the day of estrus (Day 0) to 5.1 ng/ml at the luteal phase peak (Day 13). In Group 2 (B), P(4) levels ranged from 0.5 ng/ml on Day 0 to 9.2 ng/ml on Day 13. In Groups 3 (C) and 4 (CB), P(4) levels ranged from 0.5 ng/ml, on Day 0, to 13.7 ng/ml on Day 12 and 8.8 ng/ml on Day 13. These last two groups were moved to the same location and then compared. It was found that P(4) concentrations were significantly higher (P < 0.025) in Group 3 between Days 7 and 14 of the estrous cycle. In all groups, P(4) levels were lower than 1 ng/ml one day before the next estrus, and levels of 0.4, 0.5, 0.4 and 0.4 ng/ml were obtained the day of estrus in Groups 1 to 4, respectively. Results indicated that the pattern of P(4) for each one of the groups was similar to those reported by other investigators.  相似文献   

In buffaloes estrus synchronization provides an opportunity for enhanced use of AI; however, changes in hormone secretion during synchronization are poorly understood. The aim of this investigation was to determine if the concentration of progesterone metabolites in feces would correlate with the concentration of progesterone in blood and thus, could be used for noninvasive monitoring of the reproductive status in buffalo cows. Additionally, the influence of a norgestomet-estradiol treatment (CRESTAR-ear implant) was investigated. According to the clinical examination and the progesterone profile in blood samples during the three wks before the treatment, the 17 animals were allotted to 3 groups: 1) CL = presence of corpus luteum throughout the period of 3 wks before the treatment (n = 8); 2) CY = cyclic, corpus luteum present for less than 3 wks (n = 6); and 3) AE = anestrous, with inactive ovaries (n = 3). In the first group, 4 animals started an estrous cycle after implant withdrawal and conceived after natural mating. In the second group one of the cyclic cows showed estrus two d after implant withdrawal, the other 3 had a delayed estrus (12 to 16 d). The two cows which had had inactive ovaries at the beginning but were cyclic before the treatment started, remained cyclic after implant withdrawal but did not become pregnant. The 3 anestrous cows of the third group remained anestrous after the treatment. The progesterone concentration in blood clearly correlated with the concentration of the metabolites in feces. Therefore, this noninvasive method is a valuable tool for determining the luteal status, and such information may be useful for developing estrus synchronization regimens in buffalo cows.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster embryos reared at 22 degrees C were subjected to a mild heat shock (40 min at 37 degrees C) at various ages in order to determine whether there are changes in the heat shock response during embryogenesis. The effects of the heat shock were measured by assaying (1), subsequent developmental abnormalities (2), developmental time (3), hatchability, and (4), the ability to synthesize the heat shock proteins as assayed by 35S-methionine pulse labeling followed by protein separations using both one-and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our data show that, first, proteins with molecular weights similar to those of six of the seven major heat shock proteins are normally found in the embryo at control temperatures (22 degrees C); second, that the pregastrula embryo (stages 2-6) is not capable of displaying any aspect of the heat shock response upon treatment, although it may possess all of the so-called heat shock proteins; third, that the complete heat shock response is acquired very rapidly by early gastrula embryos; and fourth, that the heat shock treatment brings about developmental delays and/or abnormalities, depending on the developmental stage of the embryo at the time of the treatment. These developmental abnormalities appear to stem from the failure of early embryos to completely inhibit their synthesis of non-heat-shock proteins. In the light of these findings, it becomes important not to base conclusions about the putative presence of a heat shock response in a particular tissue or developmental stage solely on the presence or absence of the heat shock proteins.  相似文献   

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