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Abstract Small subunit rDNA sequences were determined for 13 mesophilic, polysaccharolytic, mainly cellulolytic species of the genus Clostridium and one cellulolytic Eubacterium specues. Sequences were compared to those of 36 representatives of mesophilic and thermophilic clostridia, including those of nine thermophilic polysaccharolytic species published previously. The majority of strains group with 23S rRNA clusters I and III, while the others group with the thermophilic polysaccharolytic clostridia, i.e. C. stercorarium, C. thermolacticum and C. thermocellum . Lack of close genetic relationships between the various polysaccharolytic species is unexpected and may indicate that these biotechnologically important organisms differ with respect to the enzymology of polysaccharolytic degradation as well.  相似文献   

We have investigated the evolutionary relationships between two facultatively anaerobic Magnetospirillum strains (AMB-1 and MGT-1) and fastidious, obligately microaerophilic species, such as Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum, using a molecular phylogenetic approach. Genomic DNA from strains MGT-1 and AMB-1 was used as a template for amplification of the genes coding for 16S rRNA (16S rDNA) by the polymerase chain reaction. Amplified DNA fragments were sequenced (1,424 bp) and compared with sequences for M. magnetotacticum MS-1 and Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1. Phylogenetic analysis of the aligned 16S rDNA sequences indicated that the two new magnetic spirilla, AMB-1 and MGT-1, lie within the alpha subdivision (alpha-1) of the eubacterial group Proteobacteria and are closely related to Rhodospirillum fulvum and to several endosymbiotic bacteria. Strains AMB-1, MGT-1, and MS-1 formed a cluster, termed group I, in which they were more closely related to each other than to group II, which contained M. gryphiswaldense MSR-1. Group I strains were also physiologically distinct from strain MSR-1. Sequence alignment studies allowed elucidation of genus-specific regions of the 16S rDNA, and oligonucleotide primers complementary to two of these regions were used to develop a specific polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of magnetic spirilla in natural samples.  相似文献   



The cytoplasmic ribosomal small subunit (SSU, 18S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the most frequently-used gene for molecular phylogenetic studies. However, information regarding its secondary structure is neglected in most phylogenetic analyses. Incorporation of this information is essential in order to apply specific rRNA evolutionary models to overcome the problem of co-evolution of paired sites, which violates the basic assumption of the independent evolution of sites made by most phylogenetic methods. Information about secondary structure also supports the process of aligning rRNA sequences across taxa. Both aspects have been shown to increase the accuracy of phylogenetic reconstructions within various taxa.  相似文献   

Small subunit rRNA sequence data were generated for 27 strains of cyanobacteria and incorporated into a phylogenetic analysis of 1,377 aligned sequence positions from a diverse sampling of 53 cyanobacteria and 10 photosynthetic plastids. Tree inference was carried out using a maximum likelihood method with correction for site-to-site variation in evolutionary rate. Confidence in the inferred phylogenetic relationships was determined by construction of a majority-rule consensus tree based on alternative topologies not considered to be statistically significantly different from the optimal tree. The results are in agreement with earlier studies in the assignment of individual taxa to specific sequence groups. Several relationships not previously noted among sequence groups are indicated, whereas other relationships previously supported are contradicted. All plastids cluster as a strongly supported monophyletic group arising near the root of the cyanobacterial line of descent.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of seven rodent species Microtus atticus, M. thomasi, M. epiroticus (family Arvicolidae) and Mus domesticus, Rattus norvegicus, Apodemus flavicollis and A. mystacinus (family Muridae) have been studied. In order to define these relationships we study the albumin evolution using the micro-complement fixation test (MC'F). No phylogenetic (immunological) distance between M. atticus and M. thomasi was found, a fact which confirms from the biochemical point of view the opinion that the former taxon is a synonym of the latter one. A molecular time scale relating MC'F immunological distances and geological time was established based on the assumption of a rate of 100 amino acid substitutions per–20 million years. The time of divergence between M. epiroticus and M. thomasi was estimated to be 0.5–0.6 million years ago (Pleistocene). Such a recent divergence corroborates the opinion based on morphological and protein electrophoretic criteria according to which Terricola (formerly Pitymys ) must be considered as a subgenus of the genus Microtus and not as a distinct genus Pitymys , as previously had been accepted. Apodemus flavicollis and A. mystacinus were separated about 0.65–0.8 million years ago (Pleistocene). The Rattus norvegicus lineage was separated–12.5 million years ago (end of Miocene), shortly before the Mus and Apodemus divergence. Our data indicate that the common ancestor of Arvicolidae and Muridae lived–25 million years ago (early Miocene). All these results are in agreement with paleontological and some recent DNA-DNA hybridization and electrophoretic data.  相似文献   

The Palaeacanthocephala is traditionally represented by 2 orders, Echinorhynchida and Polymorphida, with 10 and 3 families, respectively. To test the monophyly of the class, these 2 orders, and certain families, phylogenies were inferred using nuclear small-subunit (SSU) and large-subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA sequences obtained for 29 species representing 10 families, 2 other classes of acanthocephalans, and 3 rotifer outgroups. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred by analyzing combined SSU and LSU sequences using maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. Parsimony and ML trees inferred from combined analysis of these rDNA data strongly supported monophyly of Palaeacanthocephala and provided good resolution among species. Neither Polymorphida nor Echinorhynchida was monophyletic. Gorgorhynchoides bullocki (Echinorhynchida) was nested within the 6 species representing Polymorphida, and this clade was nested within species representing Echinorhynchida. Three of 4 palaeacanthocephalan families that could be evaluated were not monophyletic, and this finding was strongly supported. These results indicate that the family level classification of palaeacanthocephalans, which is mainly based on combinations of shared characters (not shared derived characters), needs to be reevaluated with respect to comprehensively sampled phylogenetic hypotheses.  相似文献   

A study of representatives of the bacterial genus Pseudomonas, analysing a combined data set of four molecular sequences with completely different properties and evolutionary constraints, is reported. The best evolutionary model was obtained with a hierarchical hypothesis testing program to describe each data set and the combined data set is presented and analysed under the likelihood criterion. The resolution among Pseudomonas taxa based on the combined data set analysis of the different lineages increased due to a synergistic effect of the individual data sets. The unresolved fluorescens lineage, as well as other weakly supported lineages in the single data set trees, should be revised in detail at the biochemical and molecular level. The taxonomic status of biovars of P. putida is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the Paramyxoviridae, a broad family of viruses whose members cause devastating diseases of wildlife, livestock, and humans, were examined with both fusion (F) and matrix (M) protein-coding sequences. Neighbor-joining trees of F and M protein sequences showed that the Paramyxoviridae was divided into the two traditionally recognized subfamilies, the Paramyxovirinae and the Pneumovirinae. Within the Paramyxovirinae, the results also showed groups corresponding to three currently recognized genera: Respirovirus, Morbillivirus, and Rubulavirus. The relationships among the three genera of the Paramyxovirinae were resolved with M protein sequences and there was significant bootstrap support (100%) showing that members of the genus Respirovirus and the genus Morbillivirus were more closely related to each other than to members of the genus Rubulavirus. Both F and M phylogenies showed that Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was more closely related to the genus Rubulavirus than to the other two genera but were consistent with the proposal (B. S. Seal et al., 2000, Virus Res. 66, 1-11) that NDV be classified as a separate genus within the Paramyxovirinae. Both F and M phylogenies were also consistent with the proposal (L. Wang et al., 2000, J. Virol 74, 9972-9979) that Hendra virus be classified as a new genus closely related and basal to the genus Morbillivirus. Rinderpest was most closely related to measles and a more derived virus than to canine distemper virus, phocine distemper virus, or dolphin morbillivirus.  相似文献   

Indigenous cattle of India belong to the species, Bos indicus and they possess various adaptability and production traits. However, little is known about the genetic diversity and origin of these breeds. To investigate the status, we sequenced and analyzed the whole mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of seven Indian cattle breeds. In total, 49 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified among the seven breeds analyzed. We observed a common synonymous SNV in the COII gene (m.7583G?>?A) of all the breeds studied. The phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance estimation showed the close genetic relationship among the Indian cattle breeds, whereas distinct genetic differences were observed between Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle. Our results indicate a common ancestor for European Zwergzebu breed and South Indian cattle. The estimated divergence time demonstrated that the Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle lineages diverged 0.92 million years ago. Our study also demonstrates that ancestors of present zebu breeds originated in South and North India separately ~30,000 to 20,000 years ago. In conclusion, the identified genetic variants and results of the phylogenetic analysis may provide baseline information to develop appropriate strategies for management and conservation of Indian cattle breeds.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of partial SSU rDNA sequences from representatives of 36 pezizales associated genera are presented, including new sequences from 28 species: Aleuria aurantiaca, Ascodesmis sphaerospora, Boudiera acanthospora, Caloscypha fulgens, Cheilymenia stercorea, Cookeina sulcipes, Desmazierella acicola, Geopyxis carbonaria, Hydnotrya tulasnei, Iodophanus carneus, Microstoma protracta, Otidea leporina, Paurocotylis pila, Peziza succosa and P vesiculosa (the type species of the family Pezizaceae and the order Pezizales), Pyronema domesticum, Pulvinula archeri, Saccobolus sp., Sarcoscypha austriaca, Sarcosoma globosum, Sarcosphaera coronaria, Scutellinia scutellata and S. torrentis, Sphaerosporella brunnea, Tarzetta catinus, Thelebolus crustaceus, Trichophaea hybrida, Trichophaeopsis bicuspis, and Wilcoxina mikolae. Two taxon and character matrices were subjected to maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining analyses. The first matrix included 28 taxa and a full character set of 1600 bp, and the second matrix 37 taxa and a restricted set of 1053 characters. The analyses using the restricted character set generally yielded the same topology as the full character set but the resolution was reduced. Three main evolutionary lineages were detected within the order: (1) Pezizaceae and Ascobolaceae, (2) Helvellaceae, Morchellaceae, Tuberaceae, and Caloscypha (Otideaceae), and (3) Sarcoscyphaceae, Sarcosomataceae, Ascodes-midaceae, Glaziellaceae, Otideaceae and Pyronemataceae. The inferred subordinal grouping is compared to extant classification schemes of the Pezizales. Sarcosomataceae and Sarcoscyphaceae are recognized as separate monophyletic groups. The analyses did not support recognition of Pyronemataceae, Ascodesmida-ceae, and Glaziellaceae as separate from the Otideaceae. Thelebolus (Thelebolaceae) clusters with extra-pezizalean genera and does not belong to the order.  相似文献   

Length polymorphisms within the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) have been described as stable genetic markers for studying bacterial phylogenetics. In this study, we used these genetic markers to investigate phylogenetic relationships in Burkholderia pseudomallei and its near-relative species. B. pseudomallei is known as one of the most genetically recombined bacterial species. In silico analysis of multiple B. pseudomallei genomes revealed approximately four homologous rRNA operons and ITS length polymorphisms therein. We characterized ITS distribution using PCR and analyzed via a high-throughput capillary electrophoresis in 1,191 B. pseudomallei strains. Three major ITS types were identified, two of which were commonly found in most B. pseudomallei strains from the endemic areas, whereas the third one was significantly correlated with worldwide sporadic strains. Interestingly, mixtures of the two common ITS types were observed within the same strains, and at a greater incidence in Thailand than Australia suggesting that genetic recombination causes the ITS variation within species, with greater recombination frequency in Thailand. In addition, the B. mallei ITS type was common to B. pseudomallei, providing further support that B. mallei is a clone of B. pseudomallei. Other B. pseudomallei near-neighbors possessed unique and monomorphic ITS types. Our data shed light on evolutionary patterns of B. pseudomallei and its near relative species.  相似文献   

Many species of the paleotropical pioneer tree genus Macaranga Thou. (Euphorbiaceae) live in association with ants. Various types of mutualistic interactions exist, ranging from the attraction of unspecific ant visitors to obligate myrmecophytism. In the latter, nesting space and food bodies are exchanged for protection by highly specific ant partners (mainly species of the myrmicine genus Crematogaster). As a first step toward elucidating the coevolution of ant-plant interactions in the Macaranga-Crematogaster system, we have initiated a molecular investigation of the plant partners' phylogeny. Nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were analyzed for 73 accessions from 47 Macaranga species, representing 17 sections or informally described species groups. Three accessions from the putative sister taxon Mallotus Lour, were included as outgroups. Cladograms of the ITS data revealed Macaranga to be nested within Mallotus. ITS sequences are highly similar within section Pachystemon s.str., suggesting a relatively recent and rapid radiation of obligate myrmecophytes within this section. Forty-three accessions, mainly of ant-inhabited species, were additionally investigated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite-primed PCR (MP-PCR) techniques. Phenetic analysis of RAPD and MP-PCR banding profiles generally confirmed the ITS results. Best resolutions for individual clades were obtained when ITS and RAPD/MP-PCR data were combined into a single matrix and analyzed phenetically. The combined analysis suggests multiple (four) rather than a single evolutionary origin of myrmecophytism, at least one reversal from obligate myrmecophytism to nonmyrmecophytism, and one loss of mutualistic specifity.  相似文献   

Strongyloides spp., parasitic nematodes of humans and many other terrestrial vertebrates, display an unusual heterogonic lifecycle involving alternating parasitic and free-living adult reproductive stages. A number of other genera have similar lifecycles, but their relationships to Strongyloides have not been clarified. We have inferred a phylogeny of 12 species of Strongyloides, Parastrongyloides, Rhabdias and Rhabditophanes using small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) sequences. The lineage leading to Strongyloides appears to have arisen within parasites of terrestrial invertebrates. Inferred lifecycle evolution was particularly dynamic within these nematodes. Importantly, the free-living Rhabditophanes sp. KR3021 is placed within a clade of parasitic taxa, suggesting that this species may represent a reversion to a non-parasitic lifecycle. Species within the genus Strongyloides are very closely related, despite the disparity of host species parasitised. The highly pathogenic human parasite Strongyloides fuelleborni kelleyi is not supported as a subspecies of the primate parasite S. fuelleborni fuelleborni, but is most likely derived from a local zoonotic source.  相似文献   

Sequences of mitochondrial SSU rDNA were obtained from six species of Antrodia and related fungal taxa to reveal their phylogenetic relationships. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the species of Antrodia did not cluster into a single clade. Brown rot fungi were separated into two main groups through which Antrodia was dispersed. Antrodia sinuosa, A. serialis, A. heteromorpha and A. malicola clustered with Perenniporia, Fomitopsis, Piptoporus, Daedalea and Melanoporia within one group of brown rot fungi, while A. carbonica and A. vaillantii clustered with Oligoporus, Gloeophyllum and Auriporia within the other group of brown rot fungi, indicating that Antrodia is a heterogeneous genus and that brown rot fungi have evolved convergently. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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