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天然红松群体遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
夏铭  周晓峰  赵士洞 《生态学报》2001,21(5):730-737
用RAPD技术分析了分布于中国东北的3个红松(Pinus koraiensis Seib.et Zucc.)天然群体的遗传多样性及群体间的遗传分化。38个随机引物共检测到241个可重复的位点,其中多态位点139个,占总位点的57.68%。Shannon信息指数和Nei指数的统计结果都表明,红松种内的遗传变异主要存在于群体内,凉水群体的遗传多样性水平高于黑河、虎林群体。群体内遗传相似度为0.927,群体间为0.845。红松现阶段对偏低的遗传多样性水平与第四纪冰期所遭受的严重打击和人类近期的干扰有较大关系。  相似文献   

Translocations are an increasingly common tool in conservation. The maintenance of genetic diversity through translocation is critical for both the short‐ and long‐term persistence of populations and species. However, the relative spatio‐temporal impacts of translocations on neutral and functional genetic diversity, and how this affects genetic structure among the conserved populations overall, have received little investigation. We compared the impact of translocating different numbers of founders on both microsatellite and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I diversity over a 23‐year period in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). We found low and stable microsatellite and MHC diversity in the source population and evidence for only a limited loss of either type of diversity in the four new populations. However, we found evidence of significant, but low to moderate, genetic differentiation between populations, with those populations established with fewer founders clustering separately. Stochastic genetic capture (as opposed to subsequent drift) was the main determinant of translocated population diversity. Furthermore, a strong correlation between microsatellite and MHC differentiation suggested that neutral processes outweighed selection in shaping MHC diversity in the new populations. These data provide important insights into how to optimize the use of translocation as a conservation tool.  相似文献   

The effective population size (Ne) is a central factor in determining maintenance of genetic variation. The neutral theory predicts that loss of variation depends on Ne, with less genetic drift in larger populations. We monitored genetic drift in 42 Drosophila melanogaster populations of different adult census population sizes (10, 50 or 500) using pooled RAD sequencing. In small populations, variation was lost at a substantially lower rate than expected. This observation was consistent across two ecological relevant thermal regimes, one stable and one with a stressful increase in temperature across generations. Estimated ratios between Ne and adult census size were consistently higher in small than in larger populations. The finding provides evidence for a slower than expected loss of genetic diversity and consequently a higher than expected long‐term evolutionary potential in small fragmented populations. More genetic diversity was retained in areas of low recombination, suggesting that associative overdominance, driven by disfavoured homozygosity of recessive deleterious alleles, is responsible for the maintenance of genetic diversity in smaller populations. Consistent with this hypothesis, the X‐chromosome, which is largely free of recessive deleterious alleles due to hemizygosity in males, fits neutral expectations even in small populations. Our experiments provide experimental answers to a range of unexpected patterns in natural populations, ranging from variable diversity on X‐chromosomes and autosomes to surprisingly high levels of nucleotide diversity in small populations.  相似文献   

Minimization of the average coancestry in a population has been theoretically proven to be the most efficient method to preserve genetic diversity. In the present study, based on a population genetic model, two methods to minimize the average coancestry in populations with overlapping generations were developed. For a given parental coancestry structure, the first method (OG) minimizes the average coancestry in the next generation, and the second method (LT) is designed to minimize the long-term accumulation of coancestry. The efficiencies of the two methods were examined by stochastic simulation. Compared to random choice of parents, the annual effective population sizes under the two proposed methods increased 2–3 folds. The difference among the two methods was small in a population with short generation interval. For populations with long generation intervals, the OG method showed a slightly larger annual effective size in an initial few years. However, in the subsequent years, the LT method gave a 5–15% larger annual effective size than the OG method. From these results, it is suggested that the LT method would be preferred to the OG method in most practical situations.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to clarify the genetic diversity and population structure of Ranunculus japonicus , allozymic analysis was conducted on 60 populations in southwestern Japan. Considerable genetic variati ons were detected among the populations of R. japonicus . The genetic diversities within species ( H es = 0.215) and within populations ( H ep = 0.172) were slightly higher than those of other perennial herbs with widespread distribution and outcrossing plants. Significantly higher values of fixation index were detected in some populations, which might have arisen from restricted mating partners. The majority of genetic variation (approx. 80%) resided within a population and a moderate level of genetic differentiation ( G ST = 0.203) was observed among populations. The F ST value (0.203) suggests the existence of a substantial population structure in this species. The highly significant correlation between geographic distance and F ST values indicates that isolation by distance has played an important role in the construction of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

陕西实生板栗居群遗传多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用超薄平板聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦技术对陕西板栗4个实生居群,8个酶系统的20个位点进行了遗传多样性及遗传结构分析,结果表明:4个居群中以宝鸡居群遗传多样性最高,其P为80.0%,Ho,He分别为0.478和0.343,4个居群的居群遗传分化度Gst为6.2%,平均总遗传多样性为0.3372,总遗传多样性的93.8%属于居群内的遗传变异,聚类分析结果表明,以秦岭为界可以分为秦岭以南与秦岭以北2个略有差异的板栗自然亚分布区。  相似文献   

多叶重楼遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用RAPD技术检测了多叶重楼(Paris polyphyfzo)2个变种4个居群的遗传多样性,并与1个凌云重楼(P.cronquistii)居群进行了比较。选择的16个随机引物在5个居群中共检测到246个多态位点。在居群水平上,滇重楼2个居群的多态位点百分比(PP鳓分别为57.43%和54.67%,Shannon指数分别为0.3080和0.2830;七叶一枝花2个居群的PPB分别为56.33%和57.75%,Shannon指数分别为0、3080和0.3293。在变种水平上,滇重楼的PPB为75.14%,Shannon指数为0.3922,遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.3085;七叶一枝花的PPB为80.31%,Shannon指数为0.3992,遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.3726;在种的水平PPB达92.05%,遗传分化系数Gst达0.5151。聚类分析显示滇重楼和七叶一枝花有较近的亲缘关系,而与凌云重楼遗传距离较远。此结果从分子水平上支持了过去将滇重楼和七叶一枝花划分为1个种下2个变种的形态分类观点。  相似文献   

陈小勇 《生态学报》2000,20(5):884-892
生境片断化是指大而连续的生境变成空间隔离的小种群的现象。生境片断化对植物种群遗传效应包括生境片断化过程中的取样效应及其后的小种群效应(遗传漂变、近交等)。理论研究表明,生境片断化后,植物种群的遗传变异程度将降低,而残留的小种群间的遗传分化程度将升高。然而对一些植物的研究表明,生境片断化对植物种群的遗传效应要受其他一些因素的影响,如世代长度、片断化时间、片断种群的大小、基因流的改变等。最后,针对生境  相似文献   

利用30个微卫星标记分析长江中下游鲢群体的遗传多样性   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
朱晓东  耿波  李娇  孙效文 《遗传》2007,29(6):705-713
摘要: 利用30对微卫星分子标记对长江中下游5个鲢群体进行了遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 在30个基因座中, 共检测到144个等位基因, 每个座位检测到的等位基因数为1~10个, 其中有25个座位具有多态性, 多态位点百分率为83.33,5个群体的平均等位基因数A为4.0/4.1, 平均有效等位基因数Ne为2.4445~2.6332, 平均观察杂合度Ho为0.3233~0.3511, 平均期望杂合度He为0.4421~0.4704, 平均多态信息含量PIC为0.4068~0.4286。对数据进行F-检验, Fst值表明群体间的遗传分化程度中等, 并对基因型进行了基于Hardy-Weinberg平衡的卡方检验, 所得P值说明5个群体均一定程度上偏离了平衡。5个群体间的遗传相似系数为0.8466~0.9146,遗传距离为0.0893~0.1665, 并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离用UPGMA方法对5个鲢群体进行亲缘关系聚类。  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that contribute to loss of genetic diversity in fragmented populations is crucial for conservation measurements. Land‐bridge archipelagoes offer ideal model systems for identifying the long‐term effects of these factors on genetic variations in wild populations. In this study, we used nine microsatellite markers to quantify genetic diversity and differentiation of 810 pond frogs (Pelophylax nigromaculatus) from 24 islands of the Zhoushan Archipelago and three sites on nearby mainland China and estimated the effects of the island area, population size, time since island isolation, distance to the mainland and distance to the nearest larger island on reduced genetic diversity of insular populations. The mainland populations displayed higher genetic diversity than insular populations. Genetic differentiations and no obvious gene flow were detected among the frog populations on the islands. Hierarchical partitioning analysis showed that only time since island isolation (square‐root‐transformed) and population size (log‐transformed) significantly contributed to insular genetic diversity. These results suggest that decreased genetic diversity and genetic differentiations among insular populations may have been caused by random genetic drift following isolation by rising sea levels during the Holocene. The results provide strong evidence for a relationship between retained genetic diversity and population size and time since island isolation for pond frogs on the islands, consistent with the prediction of the neutral theory for finite populations. Our study highlights the importance of the size and estimated isolation time of populations in understanding the mechanisms of genetic diversity loss and differentiation in fragmented wild populations.  相似文献   

Conservation of species should be based on knowledge of effective population sizes and understanding of how breeding tactics and selection of recruitment habitats lead to genetic structuring. In the stream‐spawning and genetically diverse brown trout, spawning and rearing areas may be restricted source habitats. Spatio–temporal genetic variability patterns were studied in brown trout occupying three lakes characterized by restricted stream habitat but high recruitment levels. This suggested non‐typical lake‐spawning, potentially representing additional spatio–temporal genetic variation in continuous habitats. Three years of sampling documented presence of young‐of‐the‐year cohorts in littoral lake areas with groundwater inflow, confirming lake‐spawning trout in all three lakes. Nine microsatellite markers assayed across 901 young‐of‐the‐year individuals indicated overall substantial genetic differentiation in space and time. Nested gene diversity analyses revealed highly significant (≤P = 0.002) differentiation on all hierarchical levels, represented by regional lakes (FLT = 0.281), stream vs. lake habitat within regional lakes (FHL = 0.045), sample site within habitats (FSH = 0.010), and cohorts within sample sites (FCS = 0.016). Genetic structuring was, however, different among lakes. It was more pronounced in a natural lake, which exhibited temporally stable structuring both between two lake‐spawning populations and between lake‐ and stream spawners. Hence, it is demonstrated that lake‐spawning brown trout form genetically distinct populations and may significantly contribute to genetic diversity. In another lake, differentiation was substantial between stream‐ and lake‐spawning populations but not within habitat. In the third lake, there was less apparent spatial or temporal genetic structuring. Calculation of effective population sizes suggested small spawning populations in general, both within streams and lakes, and indicates that the presence of lake‐spawning populations tended to reduce genetic drift in the total (meta‐) population of the lake.  相似文献   

Pinus laricio Poiret is the most widespread conifer occurring in Calabria (Sila and Aspromonte Massifs), Sicily (Mount Etna) and Corsica. Particularly, Calabrian laricio pine forests are strongly related to complex geological history, lithological and climatic characteristics and long human exploitation of the Sila territory, of which they are the most emblematic element. As far as we know, the P. laricio populations from their main range areas have never been thoroughly studied at the molecular level. This article reports on the first deep analysis of the genetic variability and structure of individuals from populations located in Calabria, Sicily and Corsica using both chloroplast and nuclear microsatellite markers. Significant variation within populations and low differentiation among populations were found by means of molecular variance estimates for the both types of markers. Bayesian clustering analyses revealed an unexpected grouping of P. laricio populations with individuals from Sila and, particularly, those from the Natural Reserve of Fallistro, have been identified as genetically distinct. Temporal genetic analysis in three large P. laricio populations also showed that there were no differences in genetic diversity levels over time; however, it allowed to recognize populations that deserve to be considered as a high priority for suitable preservation and management.  相似文献   

Contrasting hypotheses exist about the relationship between plant species diversity and genetic diversity. However, experimental data of species diversity effects on genetic differentiation among populations are lacking. To address this, Lolium perenne was sown with an equal number of seeds in 78 experimental grasslands (Jena Experiment) varying in species richness (1, 2, 4, 8 to 16) and functional group richness and composition (1-4; grasses, legumes, small herbs, tall herbs). Population sizes were determined 4years after sowing, and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA markers based on bulk samples of up to 100 individuals per population were applied. Genetic distances between the field populations and the initially sown seed population increased with sown species richness. The degree of genetic differentiation from the original seed population was largely explained by actual population sizes, which suggests that genetic drift was the main driver of differentiation. Weak relationships among relative allele frequencies and species diversity or actual population sizes, and a positive correlation between actual population sizes and expected heterozygosity also supported the role of genetic drift. Functional composition had additional effects on genetic differentiation of L. perenne populations, indicating a selection because of genotype-specific interactions with other species. Our study supports that genetic diversity is likely to be lower in plant communities with a higher number of interspecific competitors. Negative effects of species richness on population sizes may increase the probability of genetic drift, and selection because of genotype-specific interactions depending on species and genotypic community composition may modulate this relationship.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota, was studied by an analysis of five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Eight locations were sampled in the French Alps, one from Les Ecrins valley (n = 160), another from La Sassière valley (n = 289) and the six others from the Maurienne valley (n = 139). Information on social group structure was available for both Les Ecrins and La Sassière but not for the other samples. The high levels of genetic diversity observed are at odds with the results obtained using microsatellites, minisatellites and allozymes on Alpine marmots from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Strong deficits in heterozygotes were found in Les Ecrins and La Sassière. They are caused by a Wahlund effect due to the family structure (i.e. differentiation between the family groups). The family groups exhibit excess of heterozygotes rather than deficits. This may be caused by outbreeding and this is compatible with recent results from the genetics of related social species when information on the social structure is taken into account. The observed outbreeding could be the result of females mating with transient males or males coming from neighbouring colonies. Both indicate that the species may not be as monogamous as is usually believed. The results are also compatible with a male-biased dispersal but do not allow us to exclude some female migration. We also found a significant correlation between geographical and genetic distance indicating that isolation by distance could be an issue in marmots. This study is the first that analysed populations of marmots taking into account the social structure within populations and assessing inbreeding at different levels (region, valley, population, and family groups). Our study clearly demonstrated that the sampling strategy and behavioural information can have dramatic effects on both the results and interpretation of the genetic data.  相似文献   

青藏高原东侧山区是生物多样性热点地区,也是许多植物冰期时的避难所,其独特地形使得地理隔离在塑造种群遗传格局中发挥了重要作用。位于青藏高原东侧的白桦(Betula platyphylla)种群被峡谷、山脉或河流所隔离,呈片段化分布,遗传格局尚不清晰。该研究利用11对核微卫星标记,对采自青藏高原东侧山区13个地点、412个白桦样本进行分析。共检测到114个等位基因,整体遗传多样性水平较高(期望杂合度(HE)=0.579;观察杂合度(HO)=0.555),遗传分化水平中等(遗传分化系数(Fst)=0.127),两两种群间遗传距离差异较大(Fst=0.017–0.319),且遗传距离与地理距离呈显著正相关关系。聚类分析将所有个体分为2组,以雅砻江峡谷为界,西侧种群相比于东侧种群遗传多样性较低而且遗传分化较大。表明青藏高原东侧独特地形造成的地理隔离深刻地影响了白桦的遗传多样性和遗传结构,位于云南地区的边缘种群已面临遗传多样性降低的风险,应给予重点保护。  相似文献   

The critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle ( Haliaeetus vociferoides ) is considered to be one of the rarest birds of prey globally and at significant risk of extinction. In the most recent census, only 222 adult individuals were recorded with an estimated total breeding population of no more than 100–120 pairs. Here, levels of Madagascar fish-eagle population genetic diversity based on 47 microsatellite loci were compared with its sister species, the African fish-eagle ( Haliaeetus vocifer ), and 16 of these loci were also characterized in the white-tailed eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) and the bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ). Overall, extremely low genetic diversity was observed in the Madagascar fish-eagle compared to other surveyed Haliaeetus species. Determining whether this low diversity is the result of a recent bottleneck or a more historic event has important implications for their conservation. Using a Bayesian coalescent-based method, we show that Madagascar fish-eagles have maintained a small effective population size for hundreds to thousands of years and that its low level of neutral genetic diversity is not the result of a recent bottleneck. Therefore, efforts made to prevent Madagascar fish-eagle extinction should place high priority on maintenance of habitat requirements and reducing direct and indirect human persecution. Given the current rate of deforestation in Madagascar, we further recommend that the population be expanded to occupy a larger geographical distribution. This will help the population persist when exposed to stochastic factors (e.g. climate and disease) that may threaten a species consisting of only 200 adult individuals while inhabiting a rapidly changing landscape.  相似文献   

Recent studies in the literature have appliedphylogenetic methods based on genetic distancesto set priorities for conservation of domesticanimal breeds. While these methods may beappropriate for between-species conservation,they are clearly inappropriate forwithin-species breed conservation, because theyignore within-breed variation. In this paper weshow the basic tools to analyse geneticdiversity in subdivided populations withinspecies, and illustrate the errors incurred byapplying methods based exclusively on geneticdistances. We also show that maximisation ofgenetic diversity (minimisation of coancestryor kinship) is equivalent to maximisation ofeffective population size, as in undividedpopulations, and derive a generalisation ofprevious equations for the prediction ofeffective size. Finally, we discuss thestrategies for conservation in the light of thetheory.  相似文献   

Kusch  Jürgen  Welter  Harald  Stremmel  Martin  Schmidt  Helmut J. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):185-192
RAPD fingerprinting with nine different primers revealed that all of 18 E. aediculatus isolates from nine ponds and streams in western Germany, France and the U.S.A. were genetically different. The extent of genetic similarity between genotypes from different waters did not show a significant relationship with the geographical distance among habitats, although genotypes isolated from the same habitat showed a higher genetic similarity than genotypes isolated from different habitats. Phylogenetic analyses of RAPD patterns indicate a separation of E. aediculatus strains into subgroups within one species, but all strains were genetically more similar to one another than to strains from two other Euplotes species. Crossings of the different E. aediculatus strains revealed they belonged to seven mating types of one gene pool. The high genetic diversity observed is explained by a frequent occurrence of conjugation in the studied populations.  相似文献   

不同种群海南粗榧(Cephalotaxus mannii)遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用垂直板型凝胶电泳技术 ,对海南粗榧 5个种群的遗传多样性进行了研究 ,结果表明 :海南粗榧遗传多样性水平低 ,多态位点比率 P=0 .3 3 ,等位基因平均数 A=1 .3 3 ,平均期望杂合度为 He=0 .1 3 5 ,观察杂合度 Ho=0 .1 3 9,黎母山种群所具有的相对丰富的遗传多样性使其成为保护和科研的重点  相似文献   

Identification of units within species worthy of separate management consideration is an important area within conservation. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) surveys can potentially contribute to this by identifying phylogenetic and population structure below the species level. The American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is broadly distributed throughout the Neotropics. Its numbers have been reduced severely with the species threatened throughout much of its distribution. In Colombia, the release of individuals from commercial captive populations has emerged as a possible conservation strategy that could contribute to species recovery. However, no studies have addressed levels of genetic differentiation or diversity within C. acutus in Colombia, thus complicating conservation and management decisions. Here, sequence variation was studied in mtDNA cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase I gene sequences in three Colombian captive populations of C. acutus. Two distinct lineages were identified: C. acutus‐I, corresponding to haplotypes from Colombia and closely related Central American haplotypes; and C. acutus‐II, corresponding to all remaining haplotypes from Colombia. Comparison with findings from other studies indicates the presence of a single “northern” lineage (corresponding to C. acutus‐I) distributed from North America (southern Florida), through Central America and into northern South America. The absence of C. acutus‐II haplotypes from North and Central America indicates that the C. acutus‐II lineage probably represents a separate South American lineage. There appears to be sufficient divergence between lineages to suggest that they could represent two distinct evolutionary units. We suggest that this differentiation needs to be recognized for conservation purposes because it clearly contributes to the overall genetic diversity of the species. All Colombian captive populations included in this study contained a mixture of representatives of both lineages. As such, we recommend against the use of captive‐bred individuals for conservation strategies until further genetic information is available.  相似文献   

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