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Females often mate with several different males, which may promote sperm competition and increase offspring viability. However, the potential benefits of polyandry remain controversial, particularly in birds where recent reviews have suggested that females gain few genetic benefits from extra‐pair mating. In tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females with prior breeding experience had more sires per brood when paired to genetically similar social mates, and, among experienced females, broods with more sires had higher hatching success. Individual females breeding in two consecutive years also produced broods with more sires when they were more genetically similar to their mate. Thus, experienced females were able to avoid the costs of mating with a genetically similar social mate and realize fitness benefits from mating with a relatively large number of males. This is one of the first studies to show that female breeding experience influences polyandry and female fitness in a natural population of vertebrates. Our results suggest that the benefits of polyandry may only be clear when considering both the number of mates females acquire and their ability to modify the outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Parents should vary their level of investment in sons and daughters in response to the fitness costs and benefits accrued through male and female offspring. I investigated brood sex ratio biases and parental provisioning behaviour in the brown thornbill, Acanthiza pusilla, a sexually dimorphic Australian passserine. Parents delivered more food to male-biased than female-biased broods. However, factors determining parental provisioning rates differed between the sexes. Female provisioning rates were related to brood sex ratio in both natural and experimental broods with manipulated sex ratios. In contrast, male provisioning rates were not affected by brood sex ratio in either natural or experimental broods. However, males in established pairs provisioned at a higher rate than males in new pairs. Data on the sex ratio of 109 broods suggest that female brown thornbills adjust their primary sex ratio in response to pair bond duration. Females in new pairs produced broods with significantly fewer sons than females in established pairs. This pattern would be beneficial to females if the costs of rearing sons were higher for females in new than established pairs. This may be the case since females in new pairs provisioned experimental all-male broods at elevated rates. The condition of nestlings also tended to decline more in these all-male broods than in other experimental broods. This will have additional fitness consequences because nestling mass influences recruitment in thornbills. Female thornbills may therefore obtain significant fitness benefits from adjusting their brood sex ratio in response to the status of their pair bond. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Many populations of migratory songbirds are declining or shifting in distribution. This is likely due to environmental changes that alter factors such as food availability that may have an impact on survival and/or breeding success. We tested the impact of experimentally supplemented food on the breeding success over three years of northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), a species in decline over much of Europe. The number of offspring fledged over the season was higher for food-supplemented birds than for control birds. The mechanisms for this effect were that food supplementation advanced breeding date, which, together with increased resources, allowed further breeding attempts. While food supplementation did not increase the clutch size, hatching success or number of chicks fledged per breeding attempt, it did increase chick size in one year of the study. The increased breeding success was greater for males than females; males could attempt to rear simultaneous broods with multiple females as well as attempting second broods, whereas females could only increase their breeding effort via second broods. Multiple brooding is rare in the study population, but this study demonstrates the potential for changes in food availability to affect wheatear breeding productivity, primarily via phenotypic flexibility in the number of breeding attempts. Our results have implications for our understanding of how wheatears may respond to natural changes in food availability due to climate changes or changes in habitat management.  相似文献   

EIICHIRO URANO 《Ibis》1990,132(4):584-594
The male's role in feeding young and his effect on the mortality of eggs and nestlings of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus were studied in Kahokugata, central Japan, during eight breeding seasons. Three potential costs of polygynous breeding for females were examined:(i) a reduction of male parental care per brood, (ii) an attraction of predators due to concentration of nests, and (iii) an increase of unfertilized eggs due to the reduced frequency of copulation per female. Only the first cost was found to occur:polygynous males fed their young, especially of their second broods, less frequently than monogamous ones. The lowered paternal feeding frequency, however, did not increase the mortality by starvation in second-hatched broods. This was because the warm climate emancipated females from brooding and enabled them to compensate for the deficiency of feeding by males. The paper discusses possible roles of the staggering of the time of laying among harem mates and the shift of breeding status of females caused by nesting failure, in reducing potential costs of polygynous breeding for females.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1601-1618
Recent studies of typically monogamous passerine birds have suggested that the fitness benefits males derive by caring for their young may not be as great as was previously thought. This study was conducted to determine whether parental care by male dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, serves to increase either the quantity or quality of young that they produce. Over a 4-year period, males were caught at the time their eggs hatched, and the subsequent growth and survival of the young of unaided females and control pairs were compared. Broods raised by unaided females gained body mass more slowly and fledged at slightly lower mass than those raised by two parents. However, fledging mass was not correlated with survival to independence. There were no differences in tarsus growth between the two treatment groups. Entire brood loss to predators occurred as often among females without male help as it did among those with male help. However, partial brood loss was more common among female-only broods than among controls; this difference was largely attributable to higher rates of starvation and exposure in female-only broods. There appeared to be an interaction between growth and predation. Female-only broods that were below the median mass of combined treatment groups at 5 days of age were more likely than all other broods to experience partial or complete predation. Male impact on offspring survival varied with age of the offspring. When years were combined, males tended to increase survival during the first half of the nestling period, but their impact at the time of nest-leaving was minimal. In all years, from nest-leaving to independence (ca. 2 weeks), broods without male help survived only about half as well as did those with male help. Independent young raised by one parent were as likely to return the following spring as were young raised by two parents. Thus, paternal care benefits males by improving the survivorship of their fledglings, and may also act as a buffer against poor female parental quality and inclement weather. However, the magnitude of these benefits is such that bigamous males might achieve greater reproductive success than monogamous males. Various possible male strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Exclusive paternal care is the rarest form of parental investment in nature and theory predicts that the maintenance of this behavior depends on the balance between costs and benefits to males. Our goal was to assess costs of paternal care in the harvestman Iporangaia pustulosa, for which the benefits of this behavior in terms of egg survival have already been demonstrated. We evaluated energetic costs and mortality risks associated to paternal egg-guarding in the field. We quantified foraging activity of males and estimated how their body condition is influenced by the duration of the caring period. Additionally, we conducted a one-year capture-mark-recapture study and estimated apparent survival probabilities of caring and non-caring males to assess potential survival costs of paternal care. Our results indicate that caring males forage less frequently than non-caring individuals (males and females) and that their body condition deteriorates over the course of the caring period. Thus, males willing to guard eggs may provide to females a fitness-enhancing gift of cost-free care of their offspring. Caring males, however, did not show lower survival probabilities when compared to both non-caring males and females. Reduction in mortality risks as a result of remaining stationary, combined with the benefits of improving egg survival, may have played an important and previously unsuspected role favoring the evolution of paternal care. Moreover, males exhibiting paternal care could also provide an honest signal of their quality as offspring defenders, and thus female preference for caring males could be responsible for maintaining the trait.  相似文献   

In polygynous species with biparental care, the amount of paternal support often varies considerably. In the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), females mated with monogamous males receive more male assistance during the nestling phase than females mated with bigynous males, as the latter have to share their mates with another female. Bigynous males, however, give more support to their primary broods than to their secondary broods. Using a long-term dataset (31 years), the present study revealed that direct reproductive success, i.e. number of fledglings, was lower in females that mated with bigynous males, especially in secondary broods without male assistance, than in females that mated with monogamous males. Secondary broods with male assistance were more affected than primary broods. Female survival was independent of mating status. In primary broods, a delayed compensation for inferior direct reproductive success was found in terms of the number of grandoffspring, a phenomenon that did not occur in secondary broods. Delayed compensation in primary broods refers to indirect effects, i.e. good genes. According to the sexy son hypothesis, genetically superior (i.e. sexy) males may have sons with a higher number of broods belonging to a polygynous breeding status than do sons from broods with a monogamous father. This was indeed the case for sons descending from primary broods, but not for sons descending from secondary broods.  相似文献   

Brood size and other life-history traits of females affect male investment in mating. Female Uca tetragonon, producing relatively small broods, were attracted to the burrows of males for underground mating (UM) while carrying eggs. Most UM females released larvae and ovulated new broods during the pairing, averaging 3.9 days. While a female was incubating one brood, another brood was developing within the ovaries because the females were feeding adequately during incubation. These findings suggest that in U. tetragonon, a small-brood species, females increase the total number of broods produced by breeding continually. In contrast, in large-brood species, feeding by ovigerous females is relatively brief and not enough to prepare the next brood during incubation, inducing temporal separation between incubation and brood production. Unlike females in other ocypodids where females with large broods remain in the breeding burrows of males, most female U. tetragonon left the male after UM. Wandering in female U. tetragonon after the pairs separate may occur because their small broods are adequately protected by an abdominal flap. Relative brood size probably determines the vulnerability of the incubated broods to the females' surface behavior. Hence, male reproductive success in large-brood species may decrease greatly if males expel their mates after ovulation, although this is not necessarily so in small-brood species. Whether the male drives away the female or not may depend on which behavior within either small- or large-brood species yields the greater male reproductive success. In U. tetragonon some females extruded eggs in their own burrows after surface mating as well as in males' burrows after UM. It was unclear whether females chose a male with a larger burrow as an UM mate unlike several large-brood species. Burrows of both UM males and ovigerous females in U. tetragonon were relatively smaller than those in some large-brood species, indicating that incubation of small broods does not require large burrows. Rather than benefits of UM by female choice, wandering resulting from intersexual conflict, and sperm competition may explain why some females mate in males' burrows in this small-brood species.  相似文献   

Mate choice studies routinely assume female preferences for indicators of high quality in males but rarely consider developmental causes of within-population variation in mating preferences. By contrast, recent mate choice models assume that costs and benefits of searching or competing for high-quality males depend on females'' phenotypic quality. A prediction following from these models is that manipulation of female quality should alter her choosiness or even the direction of her mating preferences. We here provide (to our knowledge) the first example where an experimental manipulation of female quality induced a mating preference for low-quality males. Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) reared in small or large experimental broods became high- or low-quality adults, respectively. Only high-quality females preferred high-quality males'' mate-advertising songs, while all low-quality females preferred low-quality males'' song. Subsequent breeding trials confirmed this pattern: latency until egg laying was shortest in quality-matched pairs, indicating that quality-matched birds were accepted faster as partners. Females produced larger eggs when mated with high-quality males, regardless of their own quality, indicating consensus regarding male quality despite the expression of different choices. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering the development of mating preferences to understand their within-population variation and environmentally induced change.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that female expression of competitive traits can be advantageous, providing greater access to limited reproductive resources. In males increased competitive trait expression often comes at a cost, e.g. trading off with parental effort. However, it is currently unclear whether, and to what extent, females also face such tradeoffs, whether the costs associated with that tradeoff overwhelm the potential benefits of resource acquisition, and how environmental factors might alter those relationships. To address this gap, we examine the relationships between aggression, maternal effort, offspring quality and reproductive success in a common songbird, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), over two breeding seasons. We found that compared to less aggressive females, more aggressive females spent less time brooding nestlings, but fed nestlings more frequently. In the year with better breeding conditions, more aggressive females produced smaller eggs and lighter hatchlings, but in the year with poorer breeding conditions they produced larger eggs and achieved greater nest success. There was no relationship between aggression and nestling mass after hatch day in either year. These findings suggest that though females appear to tradeoff competitive ability with some forms of maternal care, the costs may be less than previously thought. Further, the observed year effects suggest that costs and benefits vary according to environmental variables, which may help to account for variation in the level of trait expression.  相似文献   

In the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus one of the adults, typically the female, deserts the brood when the chicks are a few days old. Once parental care is terminated, adults may initiate a second nesting attempt if sufficient time remains within the season. For these nests, individuals pair with different mates from those of the first nesting attempt, thus becoming sequentially polygamous. In a small population of Kentish Plovers in Fuente de Piedra lake (southern Spain), the duration of biparental care of broods was longer than in other localities. It also showed considerable variation between years that was evidently related to Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica predation pressure on the chicks. There was year-to-year variation in the number of polygamous matings. Both the duration of the breeding season and nesting success in the first half of the season limited the occurrence of polygamy. Despite females deserting broods earlier than males, the interval between the first and second nesting of polyandrous females and polygynous males was similar. The interval was not affected by the body condition of females after the first nesting attempt, nor by problems related to egg formation ability, but was probably due to the availability of potential mates. More females than males initiated second nests, suggesting that polygamous opportunities were more limited for males than for females. In terms of delayed breeding, reduced survivorship or reduced breeding opportunities in years following polygamous breeding, polygamous individuals did not have greater costs than non-polygamous ones. Females with second nests did not seem to be selective in mate choice, mating with any available male. Mates for second nests may therefore be of lower quality than those for first nests, as judged by male plumage characteristics. Clutch sizes and egg characteristics of polyandrous females were similar in first and second nests. Nest success of second nests was only 40% of that of first ones, with nest desertion accounting for 60% of the losses. As the costs of polygamy are apparently low and as breeding success is very variable among years, polygamous breeding of the long-lived Kentish Plover may be an important breeding strategy with which to increase individual lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Filial cannibalism (eating one's own offspring) may enhance a parent's lifetime reproductive success if the costs associated with this behaviour are outweighed by its benefits. An organism might limit its parental care to relatively high quality offspring and eat the others. Or, an organism capable of repeated breeding in the same season might eat the survivors of a brood that was reduced by predators, and breed again. In this study, we manipulated brood size of convict cichlids by removing 0 % (control), 33 % (ER 33) or 66 % (ER 66) of the eggs spawned. The results show that smaller broods are more likely to be cannibalized by their parent(s) than are larger broods. Furthermore, pairs with reduced broods were preparing to respawn; female gonad weights were significantly higher in the brood-reduction groups than in the control group. In a second experiment, we show that the behaviour of the parents differed significantly between experimental groups; the ER 66 group performed less parental care than the control group. Moreover, females invested more parental effort than males. The results suggest that filial cannibalism may be a tactic used by parental convict cichlids to enhance their lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

In fish that exhibit paternal care, the females often choose their mates on the basis of male traits that are indicative of the parental ability of the males. In a marine goby, Eviota prasina, males tend their eggs within their nests until hatching, and females prefer males that have longer dorsal fins and exhibit courtship behavior with a higher frequency as their mates. In order to clarify the relationship between these sexually selected traits and the parental ability of males of E. prasina, the factors affecting the hatching success of eggs within male nests and the male parental care behavior were examined in an aquarium experiment. Females spawned their eggs in male nests and the clutch size of females showed a high individual variation (range = 88-833 eggs). The hatching success of eggs within male nests showed a positive correlation with the time spent by males in fanning eggs and the clutch size. In contrast to the prediction, however, the hatching success did not show a significant correlation with the sexually selected traits, i.e., the male dorsal fin length and the frequency of courtship displays. Moreover, multiple regression analysis indicated that the time spent by the males in fanning was the most important factor affecting the survival rate of the eggs. The time spent by males in fanning behavior was influenced by the clutch size within their nests; the fanning behavior of males occurred with a higher frequency when they tended larger clutches. Males are required to invest a greater effort in egg-tending behavior to achieve a higher hatching success when they receive larger clutches, probably due to the greater reward for their parental behavior. Based on their mate choice, females may obtain other benefits such as high quality offspring.  相似文献   

In many species, females produce fewer offspring than they are capable of rearing, possibly because increases in current reproductive effort come at the expense of a female's own survival and future reproduction. To test this, we induced female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to lay more eggs than they normally would and assessed the potential costs of increasing cumulative investment in the three main components of the avian breeding cycle – egg laying, incubation and nestling provisioning. Females with increased clutch sizes reared more offspring in the first brood than controls, but fledged a lower proportion of nestlings. Moreover, nestlings of experimental females were lighter than those of control females as brood size and prefledging mass were negatively correlated. In second broods of the season, when females were not manipulated, experimental females laid the same number of eggs as controls, but experienced an intraseasonal cost through reduced hatchling survival and a lower number of young fledged. Offspring of control and experimental females were equally likely to recruit to the breeding population, although control females produced more recruits per egg laid. The reproductive success of recruits from broods of experimental and control females did not differ. The manipulation also induced interseasonal costs to future reproduction, as experimental females had lower fecundity than controls when breeding at least 2 years after having their reproductive effort experimentally increased. Finally, females producing the modal clutch size of seven eggs in their first broods had the highest lifetime number of fledglings.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, sexual conflict occurs because the benefit of care depends on the total amount of care provided by the two parents while the cost of care depends on each parent's own contribution. Asynchronous hatching may play a role in mediating the resolution of this conflict over parental care. The sexual conflict hypothesis for the evolution of asynchronous hatching suggests that females adjust hatching patterns in order to increase male parental effort relative to female effort. We tested this hypothesis in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides by setting up experimental broods with three different hatching patterns: synchronous, asynchronous and highly asynchronous broods. As predicted, we found that males provided care for longer in asynchronous broods whereas the opposite was true of females. However, we did not find any benefit to females of reducing their duration of care in terms of increased lifespan or reduced mass loss during breeding. We found substantial negative effects of hatching asynchrony on offspring fitness as larval mass was lower and fewer larvae survived to dispersal in highly asynchronous broods compared to synchronous or asynchronous broods. Our results suggest that, even though females can increase male parental effort by hatching their broods more asynchronously, females pay a substantial cost from doing so in terms of reducing offspring growth and survival. Thus, females should be under selection to produce a hatching pattern that provides the best possible trade‐off between the benefits of increased male parental effort and the costs due to reduced offspring fitness.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine differences in paternal and maternal care in a double-brooded, monogamous species, the Treecreeper Certhia familiaris, in relation to food availability. As a measure of parental care, we recorded the hourly feeding activity of parents when the nestlings from their first and second breeding attempts were 7 and 12 days old. Feeding frequency of the first brood increased with the age of the nestlings and also with the brood size when 12 days old. While the feeding activities of the females were similar with respect to the first and second broods, the males were less active and failed to provide any food to their nestlings in 15 cases out of 28 second broods. In spite of this, the fledglings from the second broods were heavier than those in the first. Such a pattern of male behaviour was possible without being a disadvantage to the chicks because the food supply increased during the breeding season and the female could provide food for the young alone. Thus paternal care was particularly important in times of poor food supply, i.e. during the first brood, where the extent of these males' activity in feeding the 7-day-old nestlings was positively correlated with the average mass of the nestlings. Our results support the idea that the male of monogamous, altricial bird species often makes important contributions to raising the young, especially during periods when it is difficult for the female to do so alone. Males show flexibility in their pattern of parental care, and male Treecreepers change their contribution to the first and second broods within the same season.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Conspicuousness to mates can bring benefits to both males (increased mating success) and females (reduced search costs), but also brings costs (e.g. increased predation and parasitism). Assassin bugs, Rhinocoris tristis, lay egg clutches either on exposed stems or hidden under leaves. Males guard eggs against parasitoids. Guarding males are attractive to females who add subsequent clutches to the brood. This is an excellent opportunity to study the effects of conspicuousness on the fitness of males and females. 2. Using viable eggs in a multi‐clutch brood as a correlate of fitness, the present study examined whether laying eggs on stems affected (1) female fitness, through exposure to parasitism and cannibalism, and (2) male fitness, through attracting further females. 3. Stem broods were more parasitised. However, males on stems accumulated more mates and more eggs, a net benefit even accounting for parasitism. The eggs gained from being on a stem were cannibalised. By contrast, higher mortality on stems suggests that females should gain by ovipositing on leaves. To the extent that egg viability represents fitness, male and female interests may therefore differ. This suggests a potential for sexual conflict that may affect other species with male care. 4. Despite higher costs, females actually initiated more broods, and subsequently added bigger clutches to broods, on stems than under leaves. This suggests either that viable eggs do not reflect fitness, or that females laid in unfavourable locations. The key is now to address lifetime fitness, since unmeasured factors may affect offspring viability post‐hatching, and to investigate who controls the location of oviposition in R. tristis.  相似文献   

Synopsis Parental care in the brown bullhead is characterized by variation in the participation of each sex. Most broods are attended by both sexes, but some are attended by a male alone, or rarely, a female alone. Two care-givers were more successful than one alone in fostering offspring survival. However, there was no significant difference between two care-givers and one alone in the proportion of time that broods were unattended. Potential brood predators were chased less frequently by one adult alone than by adults aided by their mate. This difference may be unimportant since two adults simultaneously attended their brood only 19% of the time. Males alone attended their broods a significantly greater proportion of time than did either males or females aided by their mates. This difference suggests that males alone sustain a greater cost of care-giving (starvation and therefore reduced future reproduction) than do males aided by their mates. Thus, males alone may more often leave broods (and not return) than males that are aided in care-giving. The differential success observed may be due to a difference in the likelihood that the male (the principal care-giver) leaves the brood permanently, rather than differences in the quality of care one or two adults provide. I suggest that two care-givers are more successful than one because the net benefits of care-giving exceed the net benefits of leaving for males when aided by their mates.  相似文献   

Whether nonhuman primates avoid copulating with close kin living in their social group is controversial. If sexual aversion to relatives occurs, it should be stronger in females than in males because of females' greater investment in each offspring and hence greater costs resulting from less viable offspring. Data presented here show that adult male rhesus macaques breeding in their natal groups at Cayo Santiago experienced high copulatory success, but copulated less with females of their own matrilineages than with females of other matrilineages. Adult females were never observed to copulate with males of their own matrilineage during their fertile periods. Although natal males sometimes courted their relatives, examination of two measures of female mate choice showed that females chose unrelated natal males over male kin. Female aversion to male kin was specific to the sexual context; during the birth season, females did not discriminate against their male relatives in distributing grooming. Evolved inbreeding avoidance mechanisms probably produce different outcomes at Cayo Santiago than in wild rhesus macaque populations. Gender differences in sexual aversion to relatives may be partly responsible for differences between studies in reported frequency of copulations by related pairs. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Female preference for males successful in male-male competition is generally assumed to result in mating with high quality males. Here I report results from an experiment disentangling the effects of intra- and intersexual selection in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a marine fish that exhibits paternal care. I show that large males are successful in male–male competition, but contrary to what one would expect, dominants are not preferred by females and are not better at taking care of the eggs. Female preference, however, correlated with the subsequent hatching success of the eggs. Thus, female choice selects for good parenting. Hence, direct benefits in the form of superior paternal care can explain female choice in this species, supporting a good parent process of sexual selection. However, choosing on the outcome of male–male competition does not enable females to mate with the ''best'' males.  相似文献   

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