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To assess the effects of lake acidification on large predatoryzooplankton, we monitored population levels of four limnetictaxa for 6 years in a lake with two basins, one of which wasexperimentally acidified (2 years at each of three levels: pH5.6, 5.2 and 4.7). Concentrations of phantom midge (Chaoborusspp.), the most abundant large predator, remained similar inthe treatment and reference basins until the fourth year (pH5.2) when they increased in the treatment basin. In contrast,Epischuru lacustris and Leptodora kindtii disappeared from limneticsamples, and water mites declined to near zero upon acidification.Treatment basin populations of E.Iacustris declined sharplyduring the second year of acidification. The nature of the declinesuggested sensitivity of an early life stage during the firstyear at pH 5.6. Leptodora kindtii showed no population responseat pH 5.6, but declined to essentially zero at pH 5.2. Treatmentbasin populations of water mites fluctuated until decliningin the fifth and sixth years (pH 4.7). These changes indicatea variety of direct and indirect responses to lake acidification.  相似文献   

生态需水是河流与湖泊生态系统健康的重要基础。湖泊流域的河流与湖泊生态系统之间存在密切的水量联系,目前对流域内生态用水的研究多为单一生态系统生态需水简单相加,忽略了河流和湖泊之间复杂的水量联系。基于河湖复合生态系统之间的水量联系构建了河湖生态系统生态用水优化模型,并以滇池为例分析了河湖生态系统生态用水规律。结果表明:湖泊流域中单一河流或湖泊生态需水计算结果不能满足复合生态系统的生态用水要求,需要综合考虑河流和湖泊之间的水量联系;在当前水质状况下,牛栏江每年的调水量不能满足滇池流域的生态用水要求;滇池流域水体污染对流域内生态用水影响较大,随着水体污染程度的下降,流域生态用水量和调水量呈指数下降,河流生态用水呈线性下降。  相似文献   

Freshwater mollusks are highly imperiled, with 70% of the North American species extinct, endangered, or at risk of extinction. Impoundments and other human impacts on the Coosa River of Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee of the southeastern USA alone are believed to have caused 50 mollusk species extinctions, but uncertainty over boundaries among several putatively closely related species makes this number preliminary. Our examination of freshwater mussels collected during an extensive survey of the upper-drainage basin, DNA barcoding and molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm the rediscovery of four morphospecies in the genus Pleurobema (Unionidae) previously thought to be extinct from the upper Coosa basin. A fifth 'extinct' form was found in an adjoining basin. Molecular data show that the Coosa morphologies represent at least three species-level taxa: Pleurobema decisum, P. hanleyianum and P. stabile. Endemism is higher than currently recognized, both at the species level and for multispecies clades. Prompt conservation efforts may preserve some of these taxa and their ecosystem.  相似文献   

Fuente de Piedra saline lake is located in an endorheic basin in the south of Spain. This lake is very shallow (0.5 m max. depth during 1987–88) and relatively large (± 1350 ha). It is a temporary playa lake, showing irregular cycles, with frequent seasonal drought and a high degree of unpredictability. The lake was sampled monthly during a relatively rainy year (1987–88, 10.5 months permanence). The result of combined analyses for environmental variables (salinity, temperature and soluble inorganic forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), variables related to biological activity (chlorophyll a, sediment organic matter and redox potential) and the direct analysis of the planktonic community, shows the existence of two periods of dominance by autotrophs. The first occurs during winter, exhibits a progressively higher surface to volume ratio for phytoplankton and is followed in the spring by high zooplankton densities (Moina salina, Fabrea salina) and very low phytoplankton densities, suggesting the existence of a period with a detritus-based food web. The summer period coincides with a community better adapted to high salinities that is dominated by Dunaliella salina, D. viridis, diatoms and the ciliate Fabrea salina, and associated with high ammonium concentrations. A new period of organic matter accumulation could be facilitated, in the last moments before the lake dries, by a progressive decrease in zooplankton abundance.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the global dynamics of a discrete two-dimensional competition model. We give sufficient conditions on the persistence of one species and the existence of local asymptotically stable interior period-2 orbit for this system. Moreover, we show that for a certain parameter range, there exists a compact interior attractor that attracts all interior points except Lebesgue measure zero set. This result gives a weaker form of coexistence which is referred to as relative permanence. This new concept of coexistence combined with numerical simulations strongly suggests that the basin of attraction of the locally asymptotically stable interior period-2 orbit is an infinite union of connected components. This idea may apply to many other ecological models. Finally, we discuss the generic dynamical structure that gives relative permanence.  相似文献   

During the past ~50 years, the number and area of lakes have declined in several regions in boreal forests. However, there has been substantial finer‐scale heterogeneity; some lakes decreased in area, some showed no trend, and others increased. The objective of this study was to identify the primary mechanisms underlying heterogeneous trends in closed‐basin lake area. Eight lake characteristics (δ18O, electrical conductivity, surface : volume index, bank slope, floating mat width, peat depth, thaw depth at shoreline, and thaw depth at the forest boundary) were compared for 15 lake pairs in Alaskan boreal forest where one lake had decreased in area since ~1950, and the other had not. Mean differences in characteristics between paired lakes were used to identify the most likely of nine mechanistic scenarios that combined three potential mechanisms for decreasing lake area (talik drainage, surface water evaporation, and terrestrialization) with three potential mechanisms for nondecreasing lake area (subpermafrost groundwater recharge through an open talik, stable permafrost, and thermokarst). A priori expectations of the direction of mean differences between decreasing and nondecreasing paired lakes were generated for each scenario. Decreasing lakes had significantly greater electrical conductivity, greater surface : volume indices, shallower bank slopes, wider floating mats, greater peat depths, and shallower thaw depths at the forest boundary. These results indicated that the most likely scenario was terrestrialization as the mechanism for lake area reduction combined with thermokarst as the mechanism for nondecreasing lake area. Terrestrialization and thermokarst may have been enhanced by recent warming which has both accelerated permafrost thawing and lengthened the growing season, thereby increasing plant growth, floating mat encroachment, transpiration rates, and the accumulation of organic matter in lake basins. The transition to peatlands associated with terrestrialization may provide a transient increase in carbon storage enhancing the role of northern ecosystems as major stores of global carbon.  相似文献   

1. Flow permanence (the proportion of time that flowing water is present) strongly influences benthic invertebrate assemblages in ephemeral and intermittent river reaches. Effects of varying flow permanence on hyporheic invertebrate assemblages are not well understood, and have not previously been studied at large spatial scales. 2. We used a 52‐km long flow‐permanence gradient in the alluvial Selwyn River, New Zealand to assess hyporheic assemblage responses to variation in flow permanence and surface–subsurface exchange. The Selwyn mainstem consists of perennial and temporary reaches embedded in longer downwelling (losing) and upwelling (gaining) sections. 3. We predicted that hyporheic invertebrate diversity, density and assemblage stability would increase with increasing flow permanence. We further predicted that assemblage structure would be influenced by the relative contribution of downwelling and upwelling water at the reach‐scale. 4. Hyporheic invertebrates were collected at 15 river cross‐sections over a 13‐month period. As predicted, hyporheic taxon richness, density and assemblage stability varied directly with flow permanence. The distribution of taxa along the flow permanence gradient appeared to be related to desiccation resistance. However, it is possible that proximity to colonist sources also contributed to distribution patterns. 5. Taxon richness was significantly higher at sites in the gaining section compared with the losing section. Sites with high flow permanence in the gaining and losing sections supported distinct hyporheic assemblages, characterised by amphipods and isopods in the gaining section, and ostracods, Hydra sp. and the mayfly Deleatidium spp. in the losing section. 6. Results of the study suggest an expansion of the scope of the Hyporheic Corridor Concept to include large hyporheic flowpaths associated with unbounded alluvial plains rivers. Hyporheic assemblages in alluvial rivers are strongly influenced by large‐scale flow permanence gradients, large‐scale surface water–groundwater exchange, and their interactions.  相似文献   

One of the most important algal groups in Finnish lakes are the Cryptophyceae. Changes in the community structure of Cryptophyceae in a total of 22 lakes belonging to the Vuoksi river basin in eastern Finland were studied. The existence of lakes with water qualities varying from oligotrophic to eutrophic, often loaded by human activities, provides a good opportunity to study the effects of environmental variables on the occurrence and size variation of Cryptophyceae. In the Vuoksi river basin, the main soil type is moraine. Twelve of the lakes were large or moderately large and with clear, i.e. oligo-humic water, and one lake could be described as a small clear water lake. Eight large or moderately large lakes were humic, with a water colour number of 40–70 mg l?1 Pt, including three lakes impacted by nutrient loads. One lake was naturally eutrophic, with a high water colour number of 100 mg l?1 Pt, and was also impacted by municipal and pulping effluents. CCA-ordination analysis grouped the studied lakes into: (1) clear water lakes, (2) humic lakes and (3) the naturally eutrophic brown water lake. In the CCA-ordination analysis based on cell numbers small Cryptophyceae (Cryptomonadales), Rhodomonas lacustris and the katablepharid Katablepharis ovalis were grouped into the first axis, which was positively correlated with Secchi depth (r=0.58) and NO3N - nitrogen (r=0.24) and negatively with Ptot (r=-0.69), PO4P (r=-0.69) and water colour number (r=-0.66). In humic lakes, medium-sized Cryptophyceae were abundant. The naturally eutrophic lake was grouped into first axis, which is positively correlated with Ptot (r=0.69), PO4P (r=0.69) and water colour number (r=0.66). The lake formed a distinct group with large Cryptophyceae. Only in this lake was the heterotrophic Katablepharis ovalis rather abundant. However, large-sized taxa dominated the biomass of the Cryptophyceae assemblage in all lake types excluding large clear water lakes, where Rhodomonas lacustris dominated and large Cryptophyceae co-dominated.  相似文献   

The presence of Atlantic sturgeon ( Acipenser sturio) and ship sturgeon ( Acipenser nudiventris ) in the Danube has been known through only occasional, chance sightings; significant uncertainty remains as to whether these species are already extinct or still present in the Danube River basin. In this study, five different statistical methods were applied for assessment of their extinction probability. All methods provided a significant probability that the Atlantic sturgeon is extinct, with extinction having occurred somewhere between 1966 and 1970. Although the applied methods provided different results, all indicated that the ship sturgeon is probably still present, but that extinction may occur within a few decades. Sensitivity analyses of these statistical methods projected that new sightings of ship sturgeon in the coming years would not extend the length of extinction by more than a few years. The best management approach for these two species, given the lack of knowledge on their presence in the Danube River basin, could be to apply all feasible protection measures for the other four Danube sturgeon species. These measures could at the same time provide protection for these two species, presuming they are not already extinct or beyond recovery.  相似文献   

Chaohu Lake, a large (770 km2) shallow lake in the Yangtze River basin, has experienced serious eutrophication over the past three decades. To track its nutrient history and the causes, multi-proxies (diatom, geochemical indicators, magnetic susceptibility, and grain size) were analyzed on a 120-cm long core from the lake. Nutrient dynamics of the past 500 years were reconstructed using sedimentary diatom assemblages and an established diatom-inferred total phosphorus (DI-TP) transfer function. Between about 1500 and 1740 AD, the lake remained in an upper-mesotrophic state with the DI-TP oscillating around 60 ??g l?1. Together with enhanced agricultural activities, a drier and warmer climate led to a decrease in water level and water exchange volume with the Yangtze River, thus triggering the first phase of eutrophication (ca. 1740?C1820 AD). After this eutrophic episode, the lake had exhibited a recovery in nutrient status until the 1960s. However, the lake became susceptible to nutrient input due to a sharp decrease in water exchange volume after its impoundment in 1962. A large amount of anthropogenic nutrient input has exacerbated eutrophication in the lake since the late 1970s. Redundancy analysis using a range of sedimentary proxies indicated that the two eutrophication phases were mainly attributed to anthropogenic nutrient loading and altered hydrological conditions. The hydraulic connection with the Yangtze River should be the primary self-adjustment mechanism of the lake against anthropogenic nutrient input.  相似文献   

Long-lived lakes are often sites of spectacular endemic radiations. During the Oligocene to recent history of the Paratethys, large, long-lived (more than a million years) lakes with endemic faunas formed three times, in three different basins: the first in the Pannonian basin, the second in the Euxinian (Black Sea) basin, and the third in the Caspian basin. Because the Euxinian lake inherited much of the fauna of Lake Pannon, the three lakes together hosted two endemic radiations of molluscs. The most long-lived lake in the region was Lake Pannon, which persisted approximately seven million years from the late Middle Miocene to the Early Pliocene. Lake Pannon was formed by isolation from the sea. Changes in hydrological regime and/or water chemistry in addition to the relative lowstand which accompanied (or caused) the isolation almost completely exterminated the restricted marine fauna of the basin. A few highly euryhaline and marginal marine cardiids, dreissenids, and hydrobiids survived this environmental change. As in other fossil and extant long-lived lakes, the originally low-diversity fauna radiated into a high number of related endemic species (‘species flocks’) and genera in the expanding and ecologically vacated lake. Many originally freshwater taxa (unionids, sphaeriids, viviparids, valvatids, melanopsids, lymnaeids, planorbids) entered the lake as well, and some of them also gave rise to endemic clades. Evolution in both relict and freshwater immigrant groups led to the appearance of highly unusual shell shapes. Many lineages exhibit gradual morphological changes over one to several million years. More than 900 endemic mollusc species have been described from Lake Pannon, although this number includes junior synonyms, invalid species names, and highly similar chronospecies. Applying a conservative taxonomy, all these species belong to four bivalve and eight gastropod families. The high degree of endemism, however, is reflected by proposals of some authors to establish as many as five new families based on Lake Pannon endemics.  相似文献   

At two ephemeral saline lakes in Saskatchewan, changes in the physical and chemical features of water and sediments at various basin positions were monitored during a wet-dry cycle in 1978 and 1979. Water salinity fluctuated widely in response to changes in water volume and mass of solute in the water. When basins were dry, the soluble salt content of sediments 0–10 cm deep was higher than sediments 50–60 cm deep and sediments in the lake centre were more saline than at the shoreline. Upon reflooding, there was a large immediate decrease in sediment salinity at the 0–10 cm depth, such that this layer was less saline than sediments 50–60 cm deep. Sediments in the lake centre remained more saline than at the shoreline.Classification of lake salinity is necessary to assess the potential of a lake for emergent production. The large variances in ephemeral lake salinity due to water volume changes indicate that classification should be based upon the water volume-salinity cycle of these lakes rather than the salinity of any single water or sediment sample. Water management efforts to lower salinities, to improve these wetlands for emergent growth, should be aimed at reducing the salinity regime of the littoral zone. Flushing, dilution and drying and reflooding techniques are discussed as methods to decrease salinity.  相似文献   

The Miocene Steinheim Basin in SW Germany is an ancient (long-lived) palaeo-lake that has existed over some hundreds of thousands of years. It is an iconic fossil site, because the historically oldest phylogenetic tree of extinct organisms was based on specimens described from this locality. Today the basin contains 30–40 m thickness of lake sediments with planorbid snails of the genus Gyraulus occurring in rock-forming quantities. The shells are morphologically highly disparate with forms ranging from the tiny, planispiral founder species Gyraulus kleini, to fragile corkscrew-like uncoiled forms and to large trochiform morphs with thick shells. In total, this presumably monophyletic species flock contains 17 species distributed in time and space, all of which are endemic, except for the founder species. Up to nine of them occur in a single sedimentary level and are inferred to have lived together. Such an extreme rate of endemism makes fossil Lake Steinheim special among extant and fossil lakes. This review article summarises and discusses the species concept(s), indications for endemism, speciation processes, the phylogenetic concept(s) and factors controlling evolution. It also provides directions for future research.  相似文献   

Pleistocene extinctions affected mainly large‐bodied animals, determining the loss or changes in numerous ecological functions. Evidence points to a central role of many extinct megafauna herbivores as seed dispersers. An important step in understanding the legacy of extinct mutualistic interactions is to evaluate the roles and effectiveness of megafauna herbivores in seed dispersal. Here we use morphological and ecophysiological allometries to estimate both quantitative and qualitative aspects of seed‐dispersal services likely provided by extinct megafauna. We developed a mechanistic model that encompasses four stages of seed dispersal – seed ingestion, gut retention, animal movement, and seed deposition. We estimate seed‐dispersal kernels through simulations to infer the role of Pleistocene megafauna in promoting long‐distance dispersal and examine how seed dispersal was affected by extinctions. Simulations suggest extinct large‐bodied frugivores would frequently disperse large seeds over a thousand meters, whereas smaller‐bodied frugivores are more likely to deposit the seeds over a few hundred meters. Moreover, events of long‐distance seed dispersal by the extinct megafauna would be up to ten times longer than long‐distance dispersal by smaller‐sized extant mammals. By estimating the combined distribution of seed dispersal distances considering all large‐bodied mammalian frugivores in specific South American Pleistocene assemblages we found that long‐distance dispersal contracted by at least two thirds after the megafauna died out. The disruption of long‐distance dispersal is expected to have consequences for recruitment, spatial and genetic structure of plant populations, population persistence and community composition. Promoting long‐distance seed dispersal was one among other salient features of extinct Pleistocene megafauna that reveal their influence on natural ecosystems. Modeling the consequences of megafaunal extinctions can offer quantitative predictions on the consequences of ongoing defaunation to plant populations and ecological communities.  相似文献   

长江中下游四大淡水湖生态系统完整性评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
长江中下游地区是我国淡水湖泊集中分布区域,研究该区域湖泊生态系统完整性对于湖泊生态系统保护和恢复具有重要意义。物理、化学和生物完整性指标已经广泛应用于河湖生态系统健康评价,但是缺少物理、化学和生物完整性的综合评价方法。以历史调查状况为主要参照系统,构建了基于物理、化学和生物完整性的多参数湖泊完整性综合评价指标体系,结合近年来长江中下游四大淡水湖(洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、巢湖、太湖)生态系统调查数据,对四大淡水湖生态系统完整性进行了评价。结果表明,洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、巢湖和太湖的综合得分分别为66、71、57和57。根据评价等级划分标准,洞庭湖和鄱阳湖生态系统完整性状况都达到"好"的等级,而巢湖和太湖则处于"一般"等级;结果显示,该指标能够表征人类活动对于湖泊生态系统完整性不同方面的干扰,且能够反映四大淡水湖生态系统完整性历史变化状况。因此,该方法可以作为长江中下游淡水湖泊生态系统完整性综合评价的工具并能够为湖泊生态系统的保护和恢复提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

Bighead (Hypothalmichthys nobilis) and Silver carp (Hypothalmichthys molitrix) have established populations in the Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri and Maumee rivers, and because of the hydrological connections, there is now a risk that these species may establish in the Great Lake basins. It has been suggested this risk is minimal because of the small number of fish that breach containment measures, and possible mating-finding difficulties as a consequence. Using literature data, we parameterize a stage- and river-structured population model and examine the probability of a small number of fish establishing a population in one of the Great Lakes. We find that for sexual maturity earlier than age 5, there can be a significant risk of establishment with a very small number of fish (<20) in a lake basin with 10 or fewer spawning rivers. If all fish locate spawning rivers, mating is quite probable for very few spawning rivers. The subdivision of a few spawning adults across a large number rivers does reduce the probability of successful mating, but once a threshold number of fish is reached (dependent on the number of spawning rivers and the probability of fish locating a river), then mating success is very likely. Environmental stochasticity that reduces spawning success and juvenile survival predictably reduces establishment probability, but if spawning rivers have environmental conditions that fluctuate out of phase, this impact is much reduced. As expected, the most hazardous containment breach scenario is if barriers are continually leaky, and a small number of fish are introduced into the lake basin each year. In contrast, a single introduction represents a lower risk of establishment. Overall, the model suggests that establishment is quite likely (>75 % probability) for a large number of scenarios involving a small number of founding individuals (<20 fish). We conclude that while propagule pressure does increase risk in this system, it is not the most important consideration. Instead, probable age at first maturity in a given Great Lake basin may be critical to determining risk.  相似文献   

A large number of sterile burbot ( Lota lota ) have been recorded on the northern coast of the Bothnian Bay (29–93%) and in Lake Kemijärvi in northern Finland (44%). A suggested hypothesis is that the burbot needs one or more rest years between spawning seasons to restore the fat reserves in its liver. A comparison made here between the three burbot populations (brackish water, lake and river), did not confirm this hypothesis. The somatic condition index, liver index and intestine index of the normally-spawning river burbot, in which the percentage of non-spawning fish was 14%, were considerably lower than those in spawned or sterile coastal or lake burbot, so that poor nutrition state did not result in sterility or rest years.  相似文献   

An alternative hypothesis for the origin of Amazonian bird diversity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim To determine the origin of the high diversity of birds and other animals and plants in Amazonia. Previous hypotheses are: palaeogeography hypothesis, river hypothesis, river-refuge hypothesis, refuge hypothesis, disturbance-vicariance hypothesis, gradient hypothesis, pest-pressure hypothesis, intermediate disturbance hypothesis, riverine disturbance hypothesis, models of fine-scale habitat heterogeneity, lake hypothesis, and museum hypothesis. Methods At present there is agreement between areas of high species diversity and sites located over 100 m. As these sites would have been islands during a sea-level rise of this value, it was important to determine the probable distribution of these islands in Amazonia during a marine transgression. For that purpose, I traced the 100 m contour line from topographic maps. Results Two broad marine transgressions would have been produced from the Atlantic Ocean via the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. Two very large islands would have been formed to the north of the Amazon River, and other islands and archipelagos would have been formed along the coastal lowlands of Guiana, and at the periphery of the Amazon basin. The area located between the Solimoýes and Negro rivers and in the lower Branco would have been completely covered by the sea. Main conclusions A substantial part of the high diversity of forest and nonforest birds in lowland Amazonia can be hypothetysed to have originated during sea-level rises of about 100 m in the Quaternary and late Tertiary. These transgressions would have fragmented the Amazonian lowland into a large number of true islands and archipelagos, thus favouring active allopatric speciation. Values appreciably higher than 100 m above the present sea-level during previous periods of the Tertiary would have produced segregation of the biota earlier than the Tertiary–Quaternary boundary. Sea-level rises and vegetational changes (by aridity or cooling) would thus have driven the speciation pump, and local disturbances and other processes, would maintain the diversity.  相似文献   

基于GIS的鄱阳湖流域生态系统服务价值结构变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘海  殷杰  林苗  陈晓玲 《生态学报》2017,37(8):2575-2587
鄱阳湖作为中国最大的淡水湖,国际重要湿地,其生态环境保护与可持续发展意义重大。基于生态系统服务价值分析方法,以鄱阳湖全流域为研究区,利用1990年、2000年、2008年3个时期数据,分别从全流域与子区域两个层次,计算了生态系统服务价值。并且基于威弗(Weaver)组合指数,求出了鄱阳湖各子流域的生态系统服务价值结构与坡度结构类型。分析表明,鄱阳湖流域在3个时期生态系统服务价值量持续增大,全流域的可持续性向有利的方向发展。在各子区域中,大部分区域生态系统服务价值较高,可持续发展水平较好,且呈现良性发展趋势,但是在鄱阳湖流域的中部地区生态系统服务价值较低,可持续发展水平较差,且呈现不良发展趋势。鄱阳湖流域的生态系统服务价值组合结构以林地、农用地、水体3类为主,且单重结构类型所占比例最大,双重结构类型与三重结构类型次之;坡度类型以小于15°的组合类型为主,结构类型除三重结构类型外,其它类型分布均较多。促进流域可持续发展向更高水平发展,在全流域角度,应该继续执行退耕还林、还湖工程,严格控制建设用地的增加;从子区域的角度,对鄱阳湖流域的中部地区应该控制建设用地与农用地对林地、草地的占用,严格执行退耕还林、还草工程。从生态系统服务价值结构角度,对于山地丘陵区,应该加大对生态环境的维护,并且合理的发展林业经济以促进经济发展;对于环鄱阳湖平原区,应该推进资源消耗少,污染排放小,高科技产业,促进湖区生态环境保护与社会经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

Walling  D. E.  Qingping  He 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):219-230
The caesium-137 profiles obtained in many investigations which have attempted to use caesium-137 measurements as a means of assessing the rate of accumulation of recent lake sediments, have not conformed to the classic shape expected from the record of fallout input. Such deviations have been accounted for in terms of post-depositional mobility of the caesium-137 input (e.g. bioturbation) and delayed inputs from the drainage basin. There have, however, been few attempts to determine the likely character of the drainage basin input and to analyse the role of such inputs in influencing the precise form of the caesium-137 profile. This paper presents the results of an attempt to employ existing knowledge concerning the behaviour of caesium-137 in soils and the processes of sediment mobilization to predict the likely form of the record of caesium-137 input to a lake or river floodplain from its drainage basin. The influence of this input on the profile shape will depend on the relative importance of the atmospheric fallout to the lake or floodplain surface and the drainage basin input to the total caesium-137 inventory in the sediment core, and on the land use and sediment sources in the drainage basin. By incorporating the drainage basin input into a simple model of caesium-137 accumulation in lake and floodplain sediments, it was possible to account for the profile shapes measured in four cores investigated by the authors and therefore to verify their utility for assessing rates of sediment accumulation.  相似文献   

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