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The antibiotic chloramphenicol produces modifications in 23S rRNA when bound to ribosomes from the bacterium Escherichia coli and the archaeon Halobacterium halobium and irradiated with 365 nm light. The modifications map to nucleotides m5U747 and C2611/C2612, in domains II and V, respectively, of E.coli 23S rRNA and G2084 (2058 in E.coli numbering) in domain V of H.halobium 23S rRNA. The modification sites overlap with a portion of the macrolide binding site and cluster at the entrance to the peptide exit tunnel. The data correlate with the recently reported chloramphenicol binding site on an archaeal ribosome and suggest that a similar binding site is present on the E.coli ribosome.  相似文献   

Helicity of membrane proteins can be manifested inside the ribosome tunnel, but the determinants of compact structure formation inside the tunnel are largely unexplored. Using an extended nascent peptide as a molecular tape measure of the ribosomal tunnel, we have previously demonstrated helix formation inside the tunnel. Here, we introduce a series of consecutive polyalanines into different regions of the tape measure to monitor the formation of compact structure in the nascent peptide. We find that the formation of compact structure of the polyalanine sequence depends on its location. Calculation of free energies for the equilibria between folded and unfolded nascent peptides in different regions of the tunnel shows that there are zones of secondary structure formation inside the ribosomal exit tunnel. These zones may have an active role in nascent-chain compaction.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(21):4798-4808
After translation, nascent proteins must escape the ribosomal exit tunnel to attain complete folding to their native states. This escape process also frees up the ribosome tunnel for a new translation job. In this study, we investigate the impacts of energetic interactions between the ribosomal exit tunnel and nascent proteins on the protein escape process by molecular dynamics simulations using partially coarse-grained models that incorporate hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions of the ribosome tunnel of Haloarcula marismortui with nascent proteins. We find that, in general, attractive interactions slow down the protein escape process, whereas repulsive interactions speed it up. For the small globular proteins considered, the median escape time correlates with both the number of hydrophobic residues, Nh, and the net charge, Q, of a nascent protein. A correlation coefficient exceeding 0.96 is found for the relation between the median escape time and a combined quantity of Nh + 5.9Q, suggesting that it is ∼6 times more efficient to modulate the escape time by changing the total charge than the number of hydrophobic residues. The estimated median escape times are found in the submillisecond-to-millisecond range, indicating that the escape does not delay the ribosome recycling. For various types of the tunnel model, with and without hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, the escape time distribution always follows a simple diffusion model that describes the escape process as a downhill drift of a Brownian particle, suggesting that nascent proteins escape along barrier-less pathways at the ribosome tunnel.  相似文献   

The geometry of the polypeptide exit tunnel has been determined using the crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit from Haloarcula marismortui. The tunnel is a component of a much larger, interconnected system of channels accessible to solvent that permeates the subunit and is connected to the exterior at many points. Since water and other small molecules can diffuse into and out of the tunnel along many different trajectories, the large subunit cannot be part of the seal that keeps ions from passing through the ribosome-translocon complex. The structure referred to as the tunnel is the only passage in the solvent channel system that is both large enough to accommodate nascent peptides, and that traverses the particle. For objects of that size, it is effectively an unbranched tube connecting the peptidyl transferase center of the large subunit and the site where nascent peptides emerge. At no point is the tunnel big enough to accommodate folded polypeptides larger than alpha-helices.  相似文献   

Electrostatic potentials influence interactions among proteins and nucleic acids, the orientation of dipoles and quadrupoles, and the distribution of mobile charges. Consequently, electrostatic potentials can modulate macromolecular folding and conformational stability, as well as rates of catalysis and substrate binding. The ribosomal exit tunnel, along with its resident nascent peptide, is no less susceptible to these consequences. Yet, the electrostatics inside the tunnel have never been measured. Here we map both the electrostatic potential and accessibilities along the length of the tunnel and determine the electrostatic consequences of introducing a charged amino acid into the nascent peptide. To do this we developed novel probes and strategies. Our findings provide new insights regarding the dielectric of the tunnel and the dynamics of its local electric fields.  相似文献   

Nakatogawa H  Ito K 《Cell》2002,108(5):629-636
Translation of SecM stalls unless its N-terminal part is "pulled" by the protein export machinery. Here we show that the sequence motif FXXXXWIXXXXGIRAGP that includes a specific arrest point (Pro) causes elongation arrest within the ribosome. Mutations that bypass the elongation arrest were isolated in 23S rRNA and L22 r protein. Such suppressor mutations occurred at a few specific residues of these components, which all face the narrowest constriction of the ribosomal exit tunnel. Thus, we suggest that this region of the exit tunnel interacts with nascent translation products and functions as a discriminating gate.  相似文献   

Ribosome-associated protein biogenesis factors (RPBs) act during a short but critical period of protein biogenesis. The action of RPBs starts as soon as a nascent polypeptide becomes accessible from the outside of the ribosome and ends upon termination of translation. In yeast, RPBs include the chaperones Ssb1/2 and ribosome-associated complex, signal recognition particle, nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC), the aminopeptidases Map1 and Map2, and the Nalpha-terminal acetyltransferase NatA. Here, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of RPB binding at the yeast ribosomal tunnel exit as a function of translational status and polypeptide sequence. We measured the ratios of RPBs to ribosomes in yeast cells and determined RPB occupation of translating and non-translating ribosomes. The combined results imply a requirement for dynamic and coordinated interactions at the tunnel exit. Exclusively, NAC was associated with the majority of ribosomes regardless of their translational status. All other RPBs occupied only ribosomal subpopulations, binding with increased apparent affinity to randomly translating ribosomes as compared with non-translating ones. Analysis of RPB interaction with homogenous ribosome populations engaged in the translation of specific nascent polypeptides revealed that the affinities of Ssb1/2, NAC, and, as expected, signal recognition particle, were influenced by the amino acid sequence of the nascent polypeptide. Complementary cross-linking data suggest that not only affinity of RPBs to the ribosome but also positioning can be influenced in a nascent polypeptide-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The ribosomal exit tunnel had recently become the centre of many functional and structural studies. Accumulated evidence indicates that the tunnel is not simply a passive conduit for the nascent chain, but a rather functionally important compartment where nascent peptide sequences can interact with the ribosome to signal translation to slow down or even stop. To explore further this interaction, we have synthesized short peptides attached to the amino group of a chloramphenicol (CAM) base, such that when bound to the ribosome these compounds mimic a nascent peptidyl-tRNA chain bound to the A-site of the peptidyltransferase center (PTC). Here we show that these CAM-peptides interact with the PTC of the ribosome while their effectiveness can be modulated by the sequence of the peptide, suggesting a direct interaction of the peptide with the ribosomal tunnel. Indeed, chemical footprinting in the presence of CAM-P2, one of the tested CAM-peptides, reveals protection of 23S rRNA nucleotides located deep within the tunnel, indicating a potential interaction with specific components of the ribosomal tunnel. Collectively, our findings suggest that the CAM-based peptide derivatives will be useful tools for targeting polypeptide chain mimics to the ribosomal tunnel, allowing their conformation and interaction with the ribosomal tunnel to be explored using further biochemical and structural methods.  相似文献   

Spectrin, the major constituent protein of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, exhibits chaperone activity by preventing the irreversible aggregation of insulin at 25 degrees C and that of alcohol dehydrogenase at 50 degrees C. The dimeric spectrin and the two subunits, alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrin prevent such aggregation appreciably better, 70% in presence of dimeric spectrin at an insulin:spectrin ratio of 1:1, than that in presence of the tetramer of 25%. Our results also show that spectrin binds to denatured enzymes alpha-glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase during refolding and the reactivation yields are increased in the presence of the spectrin derivatives when compared with those refolded in their absence. The unique hydrophobic binding site on spectrin for the fluorescence probe, 6-propionyl-2-(dimethylamino)naphthalene (Prodan) has been established to localize at the self-associating domain with the binding stoichiometry of one Prodan/both dimeric and tetrameric spectrin. The other fluorescence probe, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid, does not show such specificity for spectrin, and the binding stoichiometry is between 3 and 5 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid/dimeric and tetrameric spectrin, respectively. Regions in alpha- and beta-spectrins have been found to have sequence homology with known chaperone proteins. More than 50% similarities in alpha-spectrin near the N terminus with human Hsp90 and in beta-spectrin near the C terminus with human Hsp90 and Escherichia coli DnaJ have been found, indicating a potential chaperone-like sequence to be present near the self-associating domain that is formed by portions of alpha-spectrin near the N terminus and the beta-spectrin near the C terminus. There are other patches of sequences also in both the spectrin polypeptides, at the other termini as well as in the middle of the rod domain having significant homology with well known chaperone proteins.  相似文献   

Novel fluorescent derivatives of macrolide antibiotics related to tylosin bearing rhodamine, fluorescein, Alexa Fluor 488, BODIPY FL, and nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD) residues were synthesized. The formation of complexes of these compounds with 70S E. coli ribosomes was studied by measuring the fluorescence polarization depending on the ribosome amount at constant concentration of the fluorescent substance. With the synthesized fluorescent tylosin derivatives, the dissociation constants for ribosome complexes with several known antibiotics and macrolide analogs previously obtained were determined. It was found that the fluorescent tylosin derivatives containing BODIPY FL and NBD groups could be used to screen the binding of novel antibiotics to bacterial ribosomes in the macrolide-binding site.  相似文献   

Destabilization of codon-anticodon interaction in the ribosomal exit site   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The affinities of the exit (E) site of poly(U) or poly(A)-programmed Escherichia coli ribosomes for the respective cognate tRNA and a number of non-cognate tRNAs were determined by equilibrium titrations. Among the non-cognate tRNAs, the binding constants vary up to about tenfold (10(6) to 10(7) M-1 at 20 mM-Mg2+) or 50-fold (10 mM-Mg2+), indicating that codon-independent binding is modulated to a considerable extent by structural elements of the tRNA molecules other than the anticodon. Codon-anticodon interaction stabilizes tRNA binding in the E site approximately fourfold (20 mM-Mg2+) or 20-fold (10 mM-Mg2+), corresponding to delta G degree values of -3 and -7 kJ/mol (0.7 and 1.7 kcal/mol), respectively. Thus, the energetic contribution of codon-anticodon interaction to tRNA binding in the E site appears rather small, particularly in comparison to the large effects on the binding in A and P sites and to the binding of complementary oligonucleotides or of tRNAs with complementary anticodons. This result argues against a role of the E site-bound tRNA in the fixation of the mRNA on the ribosome. In contrast, we propose that the role of the E site is to facilitate the release of the discharged tRNA during translocation by providing an intermediate, labile binding site for the tRNA leaving the P site. The lowering of both affinity and stability of tRNA binding accompanying the transfer of the tRNA from the P site to the E site is predominantly due to the labilization of the codon-anticodon interaction.  相似文献   

As nascent proteins are synthesized by the ribosome, they depart via an exit tunnel running through the center of the large subunit. The exit tunnel likely plays an important part in various aspects of translation. Although water plays a key role in many bio-molecular processes, the nature of water confined to the exit tunnel has remained unknown. Furthermore, solvent in biological cavities has traditionally been characterized as either a continuous dielectric fluid, or a discrete tightly bound molecule. Using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we predict that the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of water confined within the ribosome exit tunnel are quite different from this simple two-state model. We find that the tunnel creates a complex microenvironment for the solvent resulting in perturbed rotational dynamics and heterogenous dielectric behavior. This gives rise to a very rugged solvation landscape and significantly retarded solvent diffusion. We discuss how this non-bulk-like solvent is likely to affect important biophysical processes such as sequence dependent stalling, co-translational folding, and antibiotic binding. We conclude with a discussion of the general applicability of these results to other biological cavities.  相似文献   

Expression of the Arabidopsis CGS1 gene, encoding the first committed enzyme of methionine biosynthesis, is feedback-regulated in response to S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) at the mRNA level. This regulation is first preceded by temporal arrest of CGS1 translation elongation at the Ser-94 codon. AdoMet is specifically required for this translation arrest, although the mechanism by which AdoMet acts with the CGS1 nascent peptide remained elusive. We report here that the nascent peptide of CGS1 is induced to form a compact conformation within the exit tunnel of the arrested ribosome in an AdoMet-dependent manner. Cysteine residues introduced into CGS1 nascent peptide showed reduced ability to react with polyethyleneglycol maleimide in the presence of AdoMet, consistent with a shift into the ribosomal exit tunnel. Methylation protection and UV cross-link assays of 28 S rRNA revealed that induced compaction of nascent peptide is associated with specific changes in methylation protection and UV cross-link patterns in the exit tunnel wall. A 14-residue stretch of amino acid sequence, termed the MTO1 region, has been shown to act in cis for CGS1 translation arrest and mRNA degradation. This regulation is lost in the presence of mto1 mutations, which cause single amino acid alterations within MTO1. In this study, both the induced peptide compaction and exit tunnel change were found to be disrupted by mto1 mutations. These results suggest that the MTO1 region participates in the AdoMet-induced arrest of CGS1 translation by mediating changes of the nascent peptide and the exit tunnel wall.  相似文献   

Tenson T  Ehrenberg M 《Cell》2002,108(5):591-594
Accumulating evidence for nascent-peptide-mediated regulation of translation suggests that all nascent peptides do not necessarily interact with the ribosome in a similar manner. Recent studies have helped to elucidate the exit route of the nascent chain and its interactions with the ribosome.  相似文献   

Wilson DN 《Molecular cell》2011,41(3):247-248
In this issue of Molecular Cell, Ramu et?al. demonstrate that nascent peptides located within the ribosomal tunnel can talk back to the peptidyl transferase center to induce translational stalling by restricting the species of aminoacyl-tRNAs that can bind there.  相似文献   

Proteostasis needs to be tightly controlled to meet the cellular demand for correctly de novo folded proteins and to avoid protein aggregation. While a coupling between translation rate and co-translational folding, likely involving an interplay between the ribosome and its associated chaperones, clearly appears to exist, the underlying mechanisms and the contribution of ribosomal proteins remain to be explored. The ribosomal protein uL3 contains a long internal loop whose tip region is in close proximity to the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center. Intriguingly, the rpl3[W255C] allele, in which the residue making the closest contact to this catalytic site is mutated, affects diverse aspects of ribosome biogenesis and function. Here, we have uncovered, by performing a synthetic lethal screen with this allele, an unexpected link between translation and the folding of nascent proteins by the ribosome-associated Ssb-RAC chaperone system. Our results reveal that uL3 and Ssb-RAC cooperate to prevent 80S ribosomes from piling up within the 5′ region of mRNAs early on during translation elongation. Together, our study provides compelling in vivo evidence for a functional connection between peptide bond formation at the peptidyl transferase center and chaperone-assisted de novo folding of nascent polypeptides at the solvent-side of the peptide exit tunnel.  相似文献   

Electrostatic potentials along the ribosomal exit tunnel are nonuniform and negative. The significance of electrostatics in the tunnel remains relatively uninvestigated, yet they are likely to play a role in translation and secondary folding of nascent peptides. To probe the role of nascent peptide charges in ribosome function, we used a molecular tape measure that was engineered to contain different numbers of charged amino acids localized to known regions of the tunnel and measured chain elongation rates. Positively charged arginine or lysine sequences produce transient arrest (pausing) before the nascent peptide is fully elongated. The rate of conversion from transiently arrested to full-length nascent peptide is faster for peptides containing neutral or negatively charged residues than for those containing positively charged residues. We provide experimental evidence that extraribosomal mechanisms do not account for this charge-specific pausing. We conclude that pausing is due to charge-specific interactions between the tunnel and the nascent peptide.  相似文献   

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