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Two new species of Nippostrongylinae, Hassalstrongylus puntanus n. sp., and Stilestrongylus franciscanus n. sp. are described from the intestine of the grey leaf-eared mouse Graomys griseoflavus (Waterhouse, 1837) (Sigmodontinae) from the Province of San Luis, Argentina. Hassalstrongylus puntanus n. sp. is distinguished from the most closely related species H. dollfusi (Díaz-Ungría, 1963), a parasite of Mus musculus from Venezuela by longer rays 2, shorter rays 4, proximal half of the dorsal ray non-enlarged and a non-retractile female tail. Stilestrongylus franciscanus n. sp. is distinguished from the most closely related species S. flavescens Sutton & Durette-Desset, 1991, a parasite of Oryzomys flavescens from Argentina, by rays 2 and 3 diverging separately from common trunk of rays 2 to 6, and by right ray 3 arising from this trunk more distally than ray 6. Stilestrongylus azarai Durette-Desset & Sutton, 1985, a parasite of Akodon azarae from Buenos Aires, Argentina, was also found parasitizing G. griseoflavus, representing new host and locality records. Some additional morphological data for this species are also provided.  相似文献   

Sciurodendrium bravohollisae n. sp. (Heligmonellidae) is described as an intestinal parasite of 2 squirrels, Sciurus aureogaster Cuvier, 1829, collected from Los Robles, Municipio de Tlalnepantla, Morelos State, Mexico. The new species differs from all other congeners in possessing a very well-developed and sacciform genital cone. This is the seventh species described for the genus and the first one recorded in Mexico.  相似文献   

Two new species of Heligmonellidae, Heligmonina wrightae n.sp. (Nippostrongylinae) and Nesomystrongylus fissicauda n.gen., n. sp. (Brevistriatinae) are described from Madagascar in Nesomys rufus and N. audeberti (Muridae). In Nesomys audeberti, the species are coparasites. Heligmonina wrightae is differentiated from all the other species of the genus, except H. malacomysi Sakka & Durette-Desset, 1988, by the ratio of the length of the spicules on the length of the body (25-27.8% versus 9.5-7%). It differs from H. malacomysi by the pattern of the caudal bursa and by the angle of the axis of orientation of the cuticular ridges on the sagittal axis. Nesomystrongylus fissicauda is related to the genus Fissicauda Durette-Desset & Krishnasamy, 1976, by the absence of the carene, by the ridges discontinuous on all the sides of the body and by the deeply divided dorsal ray. It differs from this genus by a different structure of the ridges, by the pattern of the caudal bursa, (very tiny rays 2 and strongly developed rays 3, rays 8 arising from common trunk of rays 2 to 6) and by the presence of a caudal tip in the female.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Bisastrongylus multiovorum gen. nov., sp. nov. (Nematoda: Heligmonellidae: Nippostrongylinae) is described from a murid, Melomys obiensis, from the Moluccas, Indonesia....  相似文献   

Stilestrongylus peromysci n. sp. collected from Peromyscus difficilis (Hidalgo state, México), differs from other species in the genus in number of the spines (30) in the synlophe (both sexes) and because the eighth ray arises from the root of the ninth ray; S. hidalguensis n. sp. parasitised Peromyscus sp. and differs from all other congeneric species in the presence of 24 spines in the male synlophe and in the arrangement of the bursal rays (2-2-1 in the right lobe and 2-3 in the left lobe). A key to the species of Stilestrongylus is provided.  相似文献   

Summary Two new species of Xiphinema are described from Colombia. X. colombiense n.sp. is characterized by a continuous lip region, a median vulva with both genital tracts fully developed and without Z-differentiation, a total stylet length of 197–233 m and a short, rounded tail bearing two pairs of pores and with refractive lines leading through the cuticle to a terminal depression in the protoplasm; it is differentiated from X. clavatum Heyns, 1965, X. guirani Luc & Williams, 1978, X. pyrenaicum Dalmasso, 1969, X. silvaticum Luc & Williams, 1978 and X. yapoense Luc, 1958. X. riocaquetae n.sp. is distinguished from X. macrostylum Esser, 1966. ac]19810707  相似文献   

Heligmonoides variabilis n. sp. (Heligmosomoidea, Nippostrongylinae) a parasite of Mus musculus from Madagascar is related to H. afghanus (Tenora, 1969), H. ikeharai Hasegawa, 1990 and H. josephi (Wertheim & Durette-Desset, 1976), all having the dorsal ray divided anterior to the arising of rays 8. H. ikeharai a parasite of Tokudaia muenninki (Muridae) from Japan is the most closely related species with rays 8 arising at mid-length along the dorsal ray. It is differentiated from the new species by very long spicules (almost half of body length) and by the length of the vestibule (almost one millimeter). A new definition of the genus Heligmonoides Baylis, 1928 is proposed with a dichotomic key of the species. The biogeographic distribution and the host spectrum of the genus are described.  相似文献   

Pseudochristionella elegantissima sp. nov. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) is described from the spiral valves of the rays Dasyatis brevis (Garman, 1880) and D. longus (Garman, 1880), from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Also described is P. nudisculo sp. nov. from rays Rhinobatos productus Ayres, 1854, D. longus, Myliobatis longirostris Applegate & Fitch, 1964 and Zapteryx exasperat (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880) from the same location. The species are distinguished from one another and from the only existing species within the genus, P. southwelli Campbel & Beveridge, 1990, by differences in the arrangement of bill-hooks on the external surface of the basal swelling of the tentacle and by the number of hooks in each row of the metabasasl armature.  相似文献   

Yeates  G.W.  Boag  B.  Brown  D.J.F. 《Systematic parasitology》1997,38(1):33-43
Xiphinema waimungui n. sp. from native forest in the North Island, New Zealand, is distinguished from many Xiphinema spp. by having two equal female genital branches, Z differentiation absent and tail short, convex-conoid. Females are 2.71–3.19 mm long, odontostyle 117–130 µm and odontophore 65–75 µm. Four juvenile stages are distinguished; tail shape does not vary markedly. Males were not found. Longidorus waikouaitii n. sp. from a native forest remnant in the South Island, New Zealand, has a rather posteriorly positioned guide-ring, large female body size (>6 mm), a bluntly conoid lip region which is continuous with the body contour and a bluntly rounded tail less than an anal body width long. No males and few juveniles were found. A dichotomous key is provided to the seven species of longidorids currently known from New Zealand.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Two new species of Wallabinema Beveridge, 1983 are described from the sacculated fore-stomachs of macropodid marsupials in Australia. Wallabinema petrogale n. sp. from the...  相似文献   

Two new species of Heligmonellidae from Madagascar are described, Heligmonina madagascariensis n. sp. in Nesomys rufus and Heligmonina tanala n. sp. in Eliurus tanala. Both species belong to the Heligmonina species with a pattern of type 1-3-1 for the right lobe of the caudal bursa and 1-4 for the left lobe. In H. madagascariensis, H. dupuisi (Desset, 1964) and H. praomyos Baylis, 1928, left ray 6 arises before ray 3 from the common trunk to rays 3 to 6 while in H. tanala and the other species, it arises at the same level. H. madagascariensis is differentiated from H. dupuisi and H. praomyos by the symmetry of the branches of the dorsal ray. H. tanala is differentiated from H. malacomys Sakka & Durette-Desset, 1988, the closely related species by a different pattern of the cuticular ridges at mid-body, by the sharpness of the tips of the spicules and by the ratio of the length of the spicules on the length of the body (6.9, 8.8% versus 25-27.8%). Heligmonina chippauxi (Desset, 1964) a parasite of Oenomys hypoxanthus from the Republic of Central Africa is considered a valid species.  相似文献   

Two species, Heligmoptera giraudouxi n. sp. and H. querei n. sp., are described. These are co-parasites of the small intestine of Myospalax fontanierii in China (Gansu). H. giraudouxi is closely related to the only existing species of the genus, H. myospalaxi (Nadtochiy, 1970), a parasite of Myospalax psilurus in the Primor'e Region of Russia. It is distinguished by the pattern of the left lateral lobe. H. querei differs from the two other species by possessing a long dorsal ray and from H. giraudouxi by the length of the left ala. From a phylogenetic point of view, these three species may form a small clade, adapted to Myospalax spp., derived from related forms in Insectivora, this capture resulting in the appearance of monodelphy.  相似文献   

Summary Two new species of Cephalobellus, C. annulobellus and C. spicatus, collected from unidentified coleopteran larvae in Aligarh, India, are described and figured. Both species have characteristic closely set annules in the cervical region of their females and five pairs of caudal papillae and lateral alae in the males. C. annulobellus possesses a labial disc, has a smaller body and different shape and arrangement of caudal papillae than in C. spicatus. A key to the species of Cephalobellus is given. ac]19830610  相似文献   

In this study, we describe 2 new species of Ascarophis van Beneden, 1871 (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae), found in fishes from southern Chile. Ascarophis carvajali n. sp. was found in Austrolycus depressiceps and Patagonotothen cornucola, whereas Ascarophis draconi n. sp. was taken from Champsocephalus gunnari. These new Ascarophis species differ from other species in a combination of several morphometric and morphological characteristics. Although A. carvajali n. sp. was morphologically close to Ascarophis minuta, the new species has a larger ratio between glandular and muscular esophagus, filaments on both egg poles, and a shorter right spicule than A. minuta. Ascarophis draconi n. sp. was morphologically similar to Ascarophis adioryx and Ascarophisfiliformis. However, A. adioryx has eggs without filaments, a smaller ratio between glandular and muscular esophagus length, and a smaller ratio between left and right spicule lengths in contrast to A. draconi n. sp., whereas A. filiformis has a shorter glandular esophagus and left spicule length than A. draconi n. sp. Only 1 Ascarophis species has been recorded in a single fish from Chile (i.e., Ascarophis sebastodis in Sebastes capensis). Consequently, this study constitutes not only new species and records of Ascarophis in fishes from Chile, but also new records for the Pacific coast of South America.  相似文献   

N. Smol  J. Sharma 《Hydrobiologia》1984,114(2):123-147
Viscosia coomansi sp. nov. and Viscosia heterolaina sp. nov. are described from Lake Grevelingen and Eastern Scheldt (The Netherlands). Viscosia glabra (Bastian, 1865) de Man 1890, Viscosia franzii Boucher 1977, and Viscosia viscosa (Bastian 1865) de Man 1890 are redescribed, taking into account new important characters. Juvenile specimens are depicted for V. viscosa. Viscosia carnleyensis Ditlevsen, 1921 is synonymized with Viscosia glabra (Bastian, 1865). Mononcholaimus viscosus Allgén, 1930 and Mononcholaimus elegans sensu Schuurmans-Stekhoven, 1942, 1950 (nec. Kreis, 1924) are synonymized with Viscosia viscosa (Bastian, 1865).  相似文献   

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