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A new forewing venation pattern of the Tococladidae is proposed and the phylogenetic affinities of this family are discussed, based on Tococladus garrici nov. sp. This fossil comes from the Salagou Formation (Permian, Saxonian Group, Lodève basin, France). The Tococladidae is assigned to the Archaeorthoptera BÉTHOUX and NEL, 2002. The biostratigraphic implications of this discovery are briefly discussed, but it is still not possible to infer any definite conclusion about the age of this formation.  相似文献   

A new mayfly genus and species, Alexandrinia gigantea gen. et sp. nov., is described in the family Protereismatidae from the Upper Permian locality of Isady (Severodvinian Stage, Poldarsa Formation). Protereisma directum Carpenter, 1979, known from the Early Permian of Oklahoma, United States, is transferred to this new genus. Another new species, Misthodotes tshernovae sp. nov., is described in the family Misthodotidae.  相似文献   

Two new species of the family Protereismatidae, Alexandrinia vitta sp. nov. and A. ipsa sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian locality of Isady (Severodvinian Stage, Poldarsa Formation). The third new species Misthodotes dubius sp. nov., belongs to the family Misthodotidae.  相似文献   

New orthopteran Crinoedischia lapeyriei sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) of Lodève Basin in southern France. The new species is separated from the Lower Permian (Artinskian) Crinoedischia species by differences in wing venation pattern such as long ScP with anterior branches, RA with prominent distal branches, and MA ending with three branches. The significance and parallels of entomofaunas between Salagou and Wellington formations (Lodève, Elmo, Midco) are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Based on published data and review of Mecynoptera splendida Handlirsch, 1904, a wing venation ground plan applicable to most taxa of the Palaeozoic superorder Palaeodictyopteroidea is proposed, where each major vein system has a simple anterior sector, and, primitively, a dichotomously branched posterior sector. Lodetiella magnifica nov. gen. and sp. is described, based on an isolated hind wing from the Salagou Formation (Middle to Late Permian; Hérault, France). The venation of Lodetiella magnifica conforms to the predicted ground plan, but differs by its simple posterior cubitus sector. This character is diagnostic of the family Calvertiellidae (Palaeodictyoptera), whose diagnosis is updated. Wing movement in flight is inferred from the peculiar wing vein organization of Lodetiella magnifica. Some ecological preferences might explain the relative rarity of calvertiellids in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Ond?ej Dostál 《Geobios》2009,42(4):495-13629
Two new genera and new species assigned to the family Martynoviidae (Diaphanopterodea), Boskovicia celtai nov. gen., nov. sp. and Moravoptera hladilovae nov. gen., nov. sp. are described and illustrated from the Lower Permian (Artinskian/Sakmarian) locality of Obora, southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Discovery of the species Martynovia insignis Tillyard, originally described from the Lower Permian of Kansas (USA), supports close relationship of both faunas across Euramerica.  相似文献   

New taxa of grylloblattids of the family Mesorthopteridae are described from the Permian of Russia: Parastenaropodites aquilonius sp. nov. from the Soyana locality (Middle Permian); P. circumhumatus sp. nov. from the Kul’chumovo locality; and Tshermyaninus biforis gen. et sp. nov., Permorthopteron foliaceus gen. et sp. nov., Parastenaropodites pannea sp. nov., P. exossis sp. nov., Mesoidelia procera sp. nov., and M. riphaea sp. nov. from the Isady locality (Upper Permian). Two species of the genus Khosaridelia Storozhenko, 1992 (family Permotermopsidae) and one species of the genus Megakhosarina Storozhenko, 1993 (family Megakhosaridae) are transferred to the genus Parastenaropodites Storozhenko, 1996 (family Mesorthopteridae); one species of the genus Parastenaropodites is transferred to the genus Austroidelia Riek, 1954; as a result, four new combinations are established: Khosaridelia rigida Aristov, 2005 =Parastenaropodites rigidus (Aristov, 2005), comb. nov. (Vorkuta locality, Lower Permian of Russia); Khosaridelia vyatica Aristov, 2009 =Parastenaropodites vyaticus (Aristov, 2009), comb. nov. (Karaungir locality, Middle Permian of Kazakhstan); Megakhosarina intricata Aristov, 2008 =Parastenaropodites intricatus (Aristov, 2008), comb. nov. (Soyana locality, Middle Permian of Russia); and Parastenaropodites nervosa Storozhenko, 1996 =Austroidelia nervosa (Storozhenko, 1996), comb. nov. (Madygen locality, Middle Triassic of Kyrgyzstan). An identification key to species of the genus Parastenaropodites is given.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three new genera and four new species of the extinct mantidfly subfamily Mesomantispinae (Insecta: Neuroptera: Mantispidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning and the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia: Archaeodrepanicus nuddsi gen. et sp. nov., A. acutus gen. et sp. nov., Sinomesomantispa microdentata gen. et sp. nov., (Yixian Formation) and Clavifemora rotundata gen. et sp. nov. (Jiulongshan Formation). The specimens described herein represent the first Mesozoic mantidfly compression fossils to have body parts preserved, including the specialized raptorial forelegs articulated to the prothorax anteriorly, an autapomorphy of the family. These new taxa further confirm the placement of the subfamily Mesomantispinae within the family Mantispidae; however, the monophyly of Mesomantispinae has not been confirmed, and it is likely that it will prove to be paraphyletic.  相似文献   

A new chonetid genus and species, Kitakamichonetes multicapillatus gen. et sp. nov. (subfamily Chalimochonetinae, family Rugosochonetidae), from the Middle Permian (Wordian-Capitanian, Kanokura Formation) of the southern Kitakami Mountains (northeast Japan) is described.  相似文献   

New material attributed to the species Iasvia reticulata ZALESSKY, 1934 and to a new species in this genus is described from the Salagou Formation (Saxonian Group, Lodève basin). Preamble to the taxonomic section, the wing venation pattern of Orthoptera is discussed. The numerous described specimens yield decisive information about variability of wing venation within the genus, previously based on a single specimen from the Russian Permian. I. reticulata is the first species from the Lodève basin that is already known from another site. The biostratigraphic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the first Chinese Caloneurodea, Sinaspidoneura magnifica nov. gen., nov. sp., from the middle Permian Yinping Formation. This new genus and species belongs to the small family Aspidoneuridae, previously known from two genera and species, one from the latest Carboniferous of France and another from the late early Permian of North America. This discovery shows that this order was more widespread during the middle Permian than previously supposed, under a great variety of palaeoclimates. This clade is still unknown in the late Permian, and possibly became extinct because of the crisis of biodiversity that happened at the end of the middle Permian.  相似文献   

Locustoblattina segmentata gen. et sp. nov. and L. marginata gen. et sp. nov., new members of the family Mesorthopteridae (Eoblattida) are described from the Middle Triassic of the Madygen locality (Ladinian Stage of the Kyrgyzstan). New members of the Alexarasniidae (Embiida), Alexarasnia limbata Aristov, sp. nov. and Nestorembia shcherbakovi sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian Isady locality in the Vologda Region and the Madygen locality, respectively. Parastenaropodites fluxa Storozhenko, 1996 (Mesorthopteridae) is redescribed from Madygen. The origin of webspinners from within the Permian eoblattids and the composition of the superorder Blattidea are discussed.  相似文献   

New chonetid genera and species Subtilichonetes pamiricus gen. et sp. nov. (subfamily Undulellinae, family Rugosochonetidae) and Parvichonetes igrimiusensis gen. et sp. nov. (subfamily Tornquistiinae, family Anopliidae) are described from the Takhtabulak Formation, Changhsingian Stage of the Upper Permian of Southeastern Pamir.  相似文献   

Microfacies analyses performed on the latest Permian Wujiaping Formation at Laren (Guangxi Province, South China) show that the bioclastic-rich limestones of Late Permian age contain a rich and well-diversified foraminiferal fauna. This fauna is here revised in order to be compared with time-equivalent levels of southern Iran and southern Turkey. Some new and unexpected phylogenetic trends are highlighted among the biseriamminoids. The new or poorly known genera Retroseptellina, Septoglobivalvulina, Paraglobivalvulinoides, Dagmarita?, Bidagmarita nov. gen., Louisettita, Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen. and Paradagmarita? are concerned. Nevertheless, these newly appeared biseriamminoids are subordinate to abundant Tetrataxis and Climacammina, ultimate survivors of the families Palaeotextulariidae and Tetrataxidae, appeared as old as the Early Carboniferous (“Mississippian”). Algae, miliolids, and nodosarioids are poorly represented. Two genera and four species are here newly described: Globivalvulina curiosa nov. sp., Louisettita ultima nov. sp., Bidagmarita nov. gen., Bidagmarita sinica nov. gen. nov. sp., Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen., Paradagmaritopsis kobayashii nov. gen. nov. sp. The palaeogeographic distribution of these foraminifers is interpreted to be typically of Neo-Tethyan regions, ranging from southern Turkey (Hazro) to South China (Laren) and up to Japan for some species (i.e., Paradagmaritopsis). At Laren, Late Permian strata are generally characterized by Reichelina ex gr. simplex Sheng. Isolated samples of packstones, collected in Tsoteng region (Guangxi Province, South China), contain Sphaerulina sp. together with various smaller foraminifers and numerous representatives of the new species G. curiosa nov. sp. In this study we demonstrate that the regions of Zagros (Iran), Taurus (Turkey), South China and even Japan shared similar foraminiferal assemblages and represented intermittently connected palaeobiogeographic provinces during Late Permian times.  相似文献   

A new brachiopod species, Leurosina katasumiensis sp. nov. (order Chonetida, family Rugosochonetidae, subfamily Rugosochonetinae), is described from the Kungurian Stage (Lower Permian, Nabeyama Formation) of central Japan.  相似文献   


New insects are described from the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) of Salagou Formation in the Lodève Basin (Languedoc region, France). Palaeopterans are represented by new odonatopterans viz. Huangiopterum lodevense n. gen., n. sp. and Huangiopterum species B, attributed to clade Panodonata (Huangiopteridae n. fam.), already recorded through the family Saxonagrionidae in the same formation, and a diaphanopterodean Martynovia cf. halli Beckemeyer 2004 (Martynoviidae) known from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma. Archaeorthopterans are supplemented by Bethouxia ariegensis n. gen., n. sp., Paralongzhua elongata n. gen., n. sp., Lodevolongzhua incompleta n. gen., n. sp., the caloneurodean Jarmiloptera mouralensis n. gen., n. sp., and a cnemidolestodean cf. Tococladus sp. (Tococladidae). Permophyllum rotundatum n. sp. (?Tettigoniidae) demonstrates the first presence of Orthoptera with wings probably mimicking Peltaspermales reproductive organs in Late Palaeozoic possibly analogous to the known crypsis of roachoid tegmina with pteridosperm pinnules. Frequent occurrence of hardly identifiable grylloblattid wing fragments support their significant role in term of abundance and diversity of the Permian faunas. New taxa based on wing venation pattern as Genera and species undetermined A, B (Liomopteridae), Permobaharellus salagousensis n. gen., n. sp. (family uncertain), Lodevophlebia reticulata n. gen., n. sp. (Sylvaphlebiidae), Oborella lodevensis n. sp. (Euryptilonidae), and Genus and species undetermined C, were described. Paoliida is represented by a paoliid gen. et sp. indet. and three anthracoptilids Strephocladus gandi n. sp., Strephocladus mouralensis n. sp., Lodevocladus subtilis n. gen., n. sp. The first record of miomopteran Palaeomantis sp. (Paleomanteidae) from Salagou Formation is presented. Acercarian insects are represented by the first record of Thripida and diverse new hemipterans, namely Euroscytina lutevanorum n. gen., n. sp. (Cicadomorpha: Scytinopteridae), Prosbole dio n. sp., Prosbole garrici n. sp., Pervestigia cf. veteris Becker-Migdisova 1961 (Prosbolidae), Archescytina species A (Paleorrhyncha: Archescytinidae) and Permopsyllidium lesclansis n. sp. (Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea: Protopsyllidiidae). Entomofauna from the Salagou Formation demonstrate highly diverse insect communities with some taxa linked to early and late Permian ones known from assemblages in Euramerica and Russia, such as Obora (Czech Republic), Wellington Formation (Kansas and Oklahoma, USA), and Tshekarda (Ural, Russia).  相似文献   

The first Mesozoic representative of the extinct archostematan beetle family Permocupedidae, Frankencupes ultimus, gen. et sp. nov., is described based on two isolated elytra from the Lower Anisian (Middle Triassic) Röt Formation of Lower Franconia, Germany. The new fossil occurrence extends the range of the family from the Lower Wuchiapingian (Upper Permian) up to the Anisian, and represents a fine example of a Lazarus taxon in the fossil record of beetles.  相似文献   

New taxa of the order Eoblattida are described from the Lower Permian of the United States and Russia. Pryg absurdus gen. et sp. nov. of the family Prygidae fam. nov. is described from the Leonardian of Elmo (Kansas, United States). Parapryg alogus gen. et sp. nov. of the same family is described from the Vyatkian of Nedubrovo (Vologda Region, Russia). Kamamica promota gen. et sp. nov. of the family Tillyardembiidae is described from the Ufimian of Tyul’kino (Perm Region, Russia). The similarity of the new family with Tillyardembiidae and with basal earwigs, especially Bardacoleidae, is discussed. A hypothesis is proposed about the monophyletic origin of all three groups from spanioderids or other eoblattids close to them.  相似文献   

A Late Permian fauna of grylloblattid insects (Insecta; Grylloblattida) from the KwaZulu-Natal Province (South Africa) is considered. New taxa, Liomopterites ulterior sp. nov. and L. meridionalis sp. nov. (family Liomopteridae); Normandienoptera serotina gen. et sp. nov. and Afrogrylloblattus disputabilis gen. et sp. nov. (Skaliciidae), are described. Mioloptera stuckenbergi Riek, 1973 and Mioloptoides andrei Riek, 1976 of the family Liomopteridae are redescribed.  相似文献   

The insect fauna of the Lower Permian Tyulkino locality in the Perm Region of Russia is considered. New members of the orders Trichoptera and Eoblattida are described. Members of the primitive family Microptysmatidae (suborder Protomeropina) are typical of the Lower and Middle Permian deposits of Eurasia and are represented by the two genera: Microptysmella Kukalová-Peck et Willmann, 1990 and Kamopanorpa Martynov, 1928. Kamopanorpa tyulkiana sp. nov. and K. tamarae sp. nov. (Trichoptera, Microptysmatidae) and Parakhosara kamica sp. nov. (Eoblattida, Megakhosaridae) are described.  相似文献   

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