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Many metabolic processes essential for plant viability take place in mitochondria. Therefore, mitochondrial function has to be carefully balanced in accordance with the developmental stage and metabolic requirements of the cell. One way to adapt organellar function is the alteration of protein composition. Since most mitochondrial proteins are nuclear encoded, fine-tuning of mitochondrial protein content could be achieved by the regulation of protein translocation. Here we present evidence that the import of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins into plant mitochondria is influenced by calcium and calmodulin. In pea mitochondria, the calmodulin inhibitor ophiobolin A as well as the calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin inhibit translocation of nuclear-encoded proteins in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect that can be countered by the addition of external calmodulin or calcium, respectively. Inhibition was observed exclusively for proteins translocating into or across the inner membrane but not for proteins residing in the outer membrane or the intermembrane space. Ophiobolin A and the calcium ionophores further inhibit translocation into mitochondria with disrupted outer membranes, but their effect is not mediated via a change in the membrane potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Together, our results suggest that calcium/calmodulin influences the import of a subset of mitochondrial proteins at the inner membrane. Interestingly, we could not observe any influence of ophiobolin A or the calcium ionophores on protein translocation into mitochondria of yeast, indicating that the effect of calcium/calmodulin on mitochondrial protein import might be a plant-specific trait.  相似文献   

Import of nuclear encoded proteins into chloroplast is an essential and well-regulated mechanism. The cytosolic kinases STY8, STY17 and STY46 have been shown to phosphorylate chloroplast preprotein transit peptides advantaging the binding of a 14-3-3 dimer. Analyses of sty8 sty17 sty46 mutant plants revealed a role for the kinases in chloroplast differentiation, possibly due to lack of transit peptide phosphorylation. Moreover we could show that not only phosphorylation but also transit peptide dephosphorylation appears to be required for the fine regulation of the back-transport of nuclear encoded proteins to the chloroplast.  相似文献   

A multisubunit translocon of the inner envelope membrane, termed Tic, mediates the late stages of protein import into chloroplasts. Membrane proteins, Tic110 and Tic40, and a stromal chaperone, Hsp93, have been proposed to function together within the Tic complex. In Arabidopsis, single genes, atTIC110 and atTIC40, encode the Tic proteins, and two homologous genes, atHSP93-V and atHSP93-III, encode Hsp93. These four genes exhibited relatively uniform patterns of expression, suggesting important roles for plastid biogenesis throughout development and in all tissues. To investigate the roles played by these proteins in vivo, we conducted a comparative study of T-DNA knockout mutants for each Tic gene, and for the most abundantly expressed Hsp93 gene, atHSP93-V. In the homozygous state, the tic110 mutation caused embryo lethality, implying an essential role for atTic110 during plastid biogenesis. Homozygous tic110 embryos exhibited retarded growth, developmental arrest at the globular stage and a 'raspberry-like' embryo-proper phenotype. Heterozygous tic110 plants, and plants homozygous for the tic40 and hsp93-V mutations, exhibited chlorosis, aberrant chloroplast biogenesis, and inefficient chloroplast-import of both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic preproteins. Non-additive interactions amongst the mutations occurred in double mutants, suggesting that the three components may cooperate during chloroplast protein import.  相似文献   

Two Arabidopsis Toc34 homologues, atToc34 and atToc33, components of the chloroplast protein import machinery located in the outer envelope membrane, were recently isolated. Both proteins insert into the outer envelope, are supposed to bind GTP and to interact with Toc75 as demonstrated by in vitro import assays. We studied the expression of the two genes by RNA gel blot analysis, promoter-GUS plants and in situ hybridisations as well as immunoblot analysis. The atToc34 and atToc33 genes are expressed in green as well as non-green tissues and are developmentally regulated. Despite these similarities, however, the two Arabidopsis Toc34 homologues are differentially expressed in various plant organs. To gain more insight into the in vivo function of both proteins, antisense plants were created. While antisense plants of atToc33 are characterized by a pale yellowish phenotype, antisense plants of atToc34 show a weaker phenotype. Protein interaction studies using an in vitro translated precursor protein and heterologously expressed atToc34 and atToc33 proteins showed a direct GTP-dependent interaction, but demonstrated different affinities of the two atToc proteins towards the precursor protein. Thus, our results indicate a more specialized function for both atToc34 and atToc33, suggesting specificity for certain imported precursor proteins.  相似文献   

The atToc33 protein is one of several pre‐protein import receptors in the outer envelope of Arabidopsis chloroplasts. It is a GTPase with motifs characteristic of such proteins, and its loss in the plastid protein import 1 (ppi1) mutant interferes with the import of photosynthesis‐related pre‐proteins, causing a chlorotic phenotype in mutant plants. To assess the significance of GTPase cycling by atToc33, we generated several atToc33 point mutants with predicted effects on GTP binding (K49R, S50N and S50N/S51N), GTP hydrolysis (G45R, G45V, Q68A and N101A), both binding and hydrolysis (G45R/K49N/S50R), and dimerization or the functional interaction between dimeric partners (R125A, R130A and R130K). First, a selection of these mutants was assessed in vitro, or in yeast, to confirm that the mutations have the desired effects: in relation to nucleotide binding and dimerization, the mutants behaved as expected. Then, activities of selected mutants were tested in vivo, by assessing for complementation of ppi1 in transgenic plants. Remarkably, all tested mutants mediated high levels of complementation: complemented plants were similar to the wild type in growth rate, chlorophyll accumulation, photosynthetic performance, and chloroplast ultrastructure. Protein import into mutant chloroplasts was also complemented to >50% of the wild‐type level. Overall, the data indicate that neither nucleotide binding nor dimerization at atToc33 is essential for chloroplast import (in plants that continue to express the other TOC receptors in native form), although both processes do increase import efficiency. Absence of atToc33 GTPase activity might somehow be compensated for by that of the Toc159 receptors. However, overexpression of atToc33 (or its close relative, atToc34) in Toc159‐deficient plants did not mediate complementation, indicating that the receptors do not share functional redundancy in the conventional sense.  相似文献   

Methotrexate does not block import of a DHFR fusion protein into chloroplasts   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Protein import into chloroplasts requires the movement of a precursor protein across the envelope membranes. The conformation of a precursor as it passes from the aqueous medium across the hydrophobic membranes is not known in detail. To address this problem we examined precursor conformation during translocation using the chimeric precursor PCDHFR, which contains the plastocyanin (PC) transit peptide in front of mouse cytosolic dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The chimeric protein is targeted to chloroplasts and is competent for import. The conformation of PCDHFR can be stabilized by complexing with methotrexate, an analogue of the substrate of DHFR. Methotrexate strongly inhibits DHFR import into yeast mitochondria (M. Eilers and G. Schatz, Nature 322 (1986) 228–232), presumably because the precursor must unfold to cross the membrane and it cannot do so when complexed with methotrexate. We show here that methotrexate does not block PCDHFR import into chloroplasts. Methotrexate does slow the rate of import, and protects DHFR from degradation once inside chloroplasts. The processed protein is localized in the stroma, indicating that import into thylakoids is impeded. Protease sensitivity assays indicate that the complex of precursor protein with methotrexate changes in conformation during the translocation across the envelope.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic chloroplast is the hallmark organelle of green plants. During the endosymbiotic evolution of chloroplasts, the vast majority of genes from the original cyanobacterial endosymbiont were transferred to the host cell nucleus. Chloroplast biogenesis therefore requires the import of nucleus-encoded proteins from their site of synthesis in the cytosol. The majority of proteins are imported by the activity of Toc and Tic complexes located within the chloroplast envelope. In addition to chloroplasts, plants have evolved additional, non-photosynthetic plastid types that are essential components of all cells. Recent studies indicate that the biogenesis of various plastid types relies on distinct but homologous Toc-Tic import pathways that have specialized in the import of specific classes of substrates. These different import pathways appear to be necessary to balance the essential physiological role of plastids in cellular metabolism with the demands of cellular differentiation and plant development.  相似文献   

In the past decade, much progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms that govern sorting of proteins to the peroxisomal lumen. This article summarizes the principal features of how peroxisomal matrix enzymes are thought to reach the peroxisome. In addition, it describes recent data that indicate that, in specific pex mutants of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, defects in matrix protein import can be (partly) rescued by overproduction of the receptor essential for import of these proteins. The implication of these results on the mechanisms of matrix protein import is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein targeting to plant mitochondria and chloroplasts is usually very specific and involves targeting sequences located at the amino terminus of the precursor. We challenged the system by using combinations of mitochondrial and chloroplast targeting sequences attached to reporter genes. The sequences coding for the presequence of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase -subunit and the transit peptide of the chloroplast chlorophyll a/b-binding protein, both from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, were fused together in both combinations, then linked to the reporter genes, chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) and -glucuronidase (GUS), and introduced into tobacco. Analysis of CAT and GUS activities and proteins in the subcellular fractions revealed that the chloroplast transit peptide alone was not sufficient to target the reporter proteins to chloroplasts. However, when the mitochondrial -presequence was inserted downstream of the chloroplast sequence, import of CAT and GUS into chloroplasts was observed. Using the reciprocal system, the mitochondrial presequence alone was able to direct transport of CAT and, to a lesser extent, GUS to mitochondria; the GUS targeting to mitochondria was increased when the chloroplast targeting sequence was linked downstream of the mitochondrial presequence. Immuno-detection experiments using subcellular fractions confirmed the results observed by enzymatic assays. These results indicate the importance of the amino-terminal position of the targeting sequence in determining protein import specificity and are considered within the hypothesis of a co-translational protein import.  相似文献   

T ranslocon at the o uter envelope membrane of c hloroplasts, 34  kDa (Toc34) is a GTP-binding component of the protein import apparatus within the outer envelope membrane of plastids. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two homologues of Toc34, designated atToc33 and atToc34. In this report, we describe the identification and characterization of two atToc34 knockout mutants, plastid protein import 3-1 ( ppi3-1 ) and ppi3-2 . Aerial tissues of the ppi3 mutants appeared similar to the wild type throughout development, and contained structurally normal chloroplasts that were able to efficiently import the Rubisco small subunit precursor (prSS) in vitro . The absence of an obvious ppi3 phenotype in green tissues presumably reflects the ability of atToc33 to substitute for atToc34 in the mutant, and the relatively high level of expression of the atTOC33 gene in these tissues. In the roots, where atTOC33 is expressed at a much lower level, significant growth defects were observed in both mutants: ppi3 roots were approximately 20–30% shorter than wild-type roots. Attempts to identify a double homozygote lacking atToc34 and atToc33 (by crossing the ppi3 mutants with ppi1 , an atToc33 knockout mutant) were unsuccessful, indicating that the function provided by atToc33/atToc34 is essential during early development. Plants that were homozygous for ppi1 and heterozygous for ppi3 displayed a chlorotic phenotype much more severe than that of the ppi1 single mutant. Furthermore, the siliques of these plants contained approximately 25% aborted seeds, indicating that the double homozygous mutation is embryo lethal. The data demonstrate that atToc33/atToc34 performs a central and essential role during plastid protein import, and indicate that the atToc34 isoform is relatively more important for plastid biogenesis in roots.  相似文献   

A bacterial thermostable cellulase, the endo-1,4--D-glucanase E1 from Acidothermus cellulolyticus, was imported into chloroplasts, and an active enzyme was recovered both in vitro and in vivo. Precursor fusion proteins were synthesized with E1 or its catalytic domain, CD, fused to the transit peptide of ferredoxin or ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase activase for stromal targeting. A spacer region of 1, 5 or 15 amino acids was included carboxy to the transit peptide. The efficiency of import and processing by the stromal processing peptidase depended on the nature of the transit peptide and the passenger protein, and increased with the length of the spacer between them. Besides finding E1 or CD in the stroma, protein was arrested in the envelope during import showing that structural features of E1 and CD, along with their proximity to the transit peptide, influence translocation. The cellulose binding domain and/or serine/proline/threoline-rich linker of E1 may impede efficient import. Significantly, most precursors for E1 and CD synthesized by in vitro translation possessed endoglucanse activity that was temperature-dependent, and required the residues AGGGY at the N-terminus of E1 and CD. Furthermore, activity was detected upon import into chloroplasts. Based on the in vitro analyses, five precursor fusion proteins were selected to determine if E1 and CD would be successfully targeted to chloroplasts in vivo. In transgenic tobacco plants, E1 and CD accumulated in both the stromal and membrane fractions and, importantly, chloroplast extracts showed endoglucanase activity.  相似文献   

Most chloroplastic proteins are synthesized as precursors in the cytosol prior to their transport into chloroplasts. These precursors are generally synthesized in a form that is larger than the mature form found inside chloroplasts. The extra amino acids, called transit peptides, are present at the amino terminus. The transit peptide is necessary and sufficient to recognize the chloroplast and induce movement of the attached protein across the envelope membranes. In this review, we discuss the primary and secondary structure of transit peptides, describe what is known about the import process, and present some hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of the import mechanism.Abbreviations DHFR dihydrofolate reductase - EPSP synthase 5-enolpyrovylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase; hsp heat-shock protein - LHCP II light-harvesting chlorophylla/b binding protein - OEE 16, 23, and 33 the 16-, 23-, and 33-kDa proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex - pr precursor - rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SS rubisco small subunit  相似文献   

The import of protein into chloroplasts is mediated by translocon components located in the chloroplast outer (the Toc proteins) and inner (the Tic proteins) envelope membranes. To identify intermediate steps during active import, we used sucrose density gradient centrifugation and blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) to identify complexes of translocon components associated with precursor proteins under active import conditions instead of arrested binding conditions. Importing precursor proteins in solubilized chloroplast membranes formed a two-peak distribution in the sucrose density gradient. The heavier peak was in a similar position as the previously reported Tic/Toc supercomplex and was too large to be analyzed by BN-PAGE. The BN-PAGE analyses of the lighter peak revealed that precursors accumulated in at least two complexes. The first complex migrated at a position close to the ferritin dimer (approximately 880 kDa) and contained only the Toc components. Kinetic analyses suggested that this Toc complex represented an earlier step in the import process than the Tic/Toc supercomplex. The second complex in the lighter peak migrated at the position of the ferritin trimer (approximately 1320 kDa). It contained, in addition to the Toc components, Tic110, Hsp93, and an hsp70 homolog, but not Tic40. Two different precursor proteins were shown to associate with the same complexes. Processed mature proteins first appeared in the membranes at the same fractions as the Tic/Toc supercomplex, suggesting that processing of transit peptides occurs while precursors are still associated with the supercomplex.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein import   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most polypeptides of mitochondria are imported from the cytosol. Precursor proteins contain targeting and sorting information, often in the form of amino-terminal presequences. Precursors first bind to receptors in the outer membrane. Two putative import receptors have been identified: a 19-kilodalton protein (MOM19) inNeurospora mitochondria, and a 70-kilodalton protein (MAS70) in yeast. Some precursors integrate directly into the outer membrane, but the majority are translocated through one or both membranes. This process requires an electrochemical potential across the inner membrane. Import appears to occur through a hydrophilic pore, although the inner and outer membranes may contain functionally separate translocation machineries. In yeast, a 42-kilodalton protein (ISP42) probably forms part of the outer membrane channel. After import, precursors interact with chaperonin ATPases in the matrix. Presequences then are removed by the matrix protease. Finally, some proteins are retranslocated across the inner membrane to the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, Hsp93 is encoded by two genes, atHSP93-V and atHSP93-III. We identified two T-DNA mutants for atHSP93-III: one being a partial 'knockdown' (hsp93-III-1) and the other a complete 'knockout' (hsp93-III-2). Homozygotes for both mutants were indistinguishable from wild type. We crossed each mutant to an atHSP93-V knockout, and identified double mutants with strongly chlorotic phenotypes. This implied redundancy, which was confirmed by the complementation of mildly chlorotic hsp93-V plants by atHSP93-III over-expression. While the hsp93-V hsp93-III-1 mutant was doubly homozygous, the second double mutant was heterozygous for hsp93-III-2 (genotype: hsp93-V/hsp93-V; +/hsp93-III-2). Attempts to identify an hsp93-V hsp93-III-2 double homozygote were unsuccessful, indicating that the Hsp93 pool is essential for viability. Consistently, siliques of the second double mutant contained aborted seeds (because of a block in the zygote-embryo transition) and failed ovules (because of a moderate defect in female gametophytes). Double-mutant plants were chlorophyll-deficient, contained under-developed chloroplasts, and exhibited stunted growth. In import assays using a chimeric pre-protein (plastocyanin transit peptide fused to dihydrofolate reductase; PC-DHFR), a clear defect was observed in hsp93-V hsp93-III-1 chloroplasts. Interestingly, while denaturation or stabilization of the DHFR moiety had a strong effect on import efficiency in the wild type, no such effects were observed with double-mutant (or tic40) chloroplasts. This indicated that pre-protein unfolding is not rate-limiting for import into mutant chloroplasts, and suggested that (unlike the situation in mitochondria) the inner membrane import machinery does not contribute to pre-protein unfolding at the organellar surface.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were isolated from Arabidopsis plants grown under different conditions, and using different protocols, to determine a method that would yield chloroplasts capable of binding and importing precursor proteins. Chloroplasts isolated from protoplasts and purified on a Percoll gradient were highly import-competent, with little non-specific binding of the precursor, and a high yield of intact chloroplasts (0.1 mg chlorophyll/g FW). Chloroplasts from plants grown on agar plates had a much higher rate of import than those from plants grown on soil. Protein import remained high at all of the ages tested for chloroplasts from plate-grown plants, whereas it declined during the development of soil-grown plants. Arabidopsis chloroplasts imported a range of precursor proteins and had nucleotide requirements for binding and import similar to those reported for pea chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Protein import into chloroplasts requires a transit peptide, which interacts with the chloroplast transport apparatus and leads to translocation of the protein across the chloroplast envelope. While the amino acid sequences of many transit peptides are known, functional domains have been difficult to identify. Previous studies suggest that the carboxyl terminus of the transit peptide for ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit is important for both translocation across the chloroplast envelope and proper processing of the precursor protein. We dissected this region using in vitro mutagenesis, creating a set of mutants with small changes in primary structure predicted to cause alterations in secondary structure. The import behavior of the mutant proteins was assessed using isolated chloroplasts. Our results show that removal of a conserved arginine residue in this region results in impaired processing, but does not necessarily affect import rates. In contrast, substituting amino acids with low reverse turn or amphiphilic potential for other original residues affected import rate but not processing.  相似文献   

Liu  Zhihua  Xia  Mian  Poovaiah  B.W. 《Plant molecular biology》1998,38(5):889-897
cDNA clones of chimeric Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CCaMK) from tobacco (TCCaMK-1 and TCCaMK-2) were isolated and characterized. The polypeptides encoded by TCCaMK-1 and TCCaMK-2 have 15 different amino acid substitutions, yet they both contain a total of 517 amino acids. Northern analysis revealed that CCaMK is expressed in a stage-specific manner during anther development. Messenger RNA was detected when tobacco bud sizes were between 0.5 cm and 1.0 cm. The appearance of mRNA coincided with meiosis and became undetectable at later stages of anther development. The reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification assay using isoform-specific primers showed that both of the CCaMK mRNAs were expressed in anther with similar expression patterns. The CCaMK protein expressed in Escherichia coli showed Ca2+-dependent autophosphorylation and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent substrate phosphorylation. Calmodulin isoforms (PCM1 and PCM6) had differential effects on the regulation of autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation of tobacco CCaMK, but not lily CCaMK. The evolutionary tree of plant serine/threonine protein kinases revealed that calmodulin-dependent kinases form one subgroup that is distinctly different from Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) and other serine/threonine kinases in plants.  相似文献   

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